Newspaper Page Text
j Anteobile Mechanics j ; PROUTY AUTO HOSPITAL j j Hudson Avenue jj Ml) Margaret Anrjlin, America's fore- il; m0ct emotional actress in her sen- m : jational success j -i "THE WOMAN CF BRONZE" ' j at the Orpheum Tuesday evening, pBETKLIIIT IPBiTQlfOW Howard Hull will present here on 111 Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the Orpheum the ' I 'sure, the splendid emotional actress. '-Hargaret Anglin, in her newest and j greatest piay, "The Woman of ? Bronze," by Henry Kjstemaecker and , 'Eugene Delnrd.' This play lias proved ' , to be the greatest success of its kind : produced in years. ; 1 A cast far above the average ha? I fbcen assembled for this production Not a little of the charm and the sue- rcess of the play is directly traceable : . to Hie excellence of the company rep ' k resenting it Theatre-goers wll) do , ; ivell to note carefully the date of Miss Anglin's engagement here, It is cer tain to be one of the events of the the ; i ntrical season Seats nov.r on sale. I Jack joksen Musi Gq to Leavenworth CHICAGO, Feb. 1-1. If Jack John son wishes to return to tho United States and surrender to federal auth orities to serve a sentence of a year and a day in Leavenworth ponlten tiary, it must be unconditionally and on the same terms accorded any other fugitive from justice, Charles H. Clyne riiclrlnt illnvnnr innnnnvivl tnrlnr ' Mr. Cl no said he would pay no at-' , j tention to Johnson's plea in a letter , I ' from Mexico City that he be allowed thirty-six hours' grace to arrange bnii :' If ho returned. Johnson fled the coun-; ; ' try after being found guilty and sen-; -. tenccd for violation of the Mann act. i,A little "Danderine" checks; ugly dandruff and stops I hah falling. I 1 Wfi HI Get a small bottle of 'Dandarino" at H jnv drug storo lor a few cents, pour a 1$ httlo Into your band and rub well Into H tho scalp with the finger tips. By K morning most, if not all, of chls awful n scurf will have disappeared. Two or BT three applications often remove every m bit of drandruff and stops falling hur. m kvery hair on scalp shortly shews m more life, vigor, brightness, thickness M and color. Advertisement. !ity and County May Take Over Hospital The building erected north of the Dee hospital Uuring the influenza epi demic of 1518, may be removed and used by the city and county as a joint emergency hospital, according to Com missioner J. Ray Ward. A light coat of stucco would make the present building servlcable. it is said. The matter will be taken up by tho city and county commissioners during the present week. I oo W FEU TIED I KITS Hudson Says "It is Simply Wonderful What Tanlac Did For Me." "If anybody had told me that Tanlac could do for me what it has done I would not have believed them." said C. H. Hudson, of Knoxvllle, 111. "It I freed me from rheumatism after ; twelve years of awful suffering," he continued, ''and my stomach trouble is i also gone. I "I was in such bad shape that I 'could scarcely digest' a thing, and my 'solids would glo nic such cramps in my stomach that I could hardly stand 'them. Gas would form and affect my j heart so bad I would get faint and (have to lio down. The rheumatism made my legs swell all out of shape and the muscles felt like they were tied in knots. I couldn't straighten my right leg at all and It pained mo so I could find no rest. At night it was especially bad and I simply rolled I from one side of the bed to the other unable to get any sleep. Kot being I able to work any more I rented my I fnrm and moved to town. I tried 'about every sort of medicine I ever j heard of but got worse all the time. ' "One day I heard some people lalk i ing about how much good Tanlac had jdone thorn and I decided to try it, and . the way it took hold was simply won iderful. I can now eat anything I want my rheumatism is all gone and I sleep lliko a log every night. I feel as strong and well as I over did and 1 am going back to the farm able to do as much work as I did years ago. If anyone wants to know about Tanlac send them to me." Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. I oo I CHINESE RESIGN. ! WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 Lou Tfer.g-Tslang, Chinese minister of for i cign affairs, and Chen Lee- vice min ister, have resigned, according to a dispatch to the state department to ;day from Peking. No particulars were I given. 9 j oo : I If General Pershing really w'ent af i ter Baker and March, as Washington j dispatches lead us to beliove. then they know more about it than we do. oo jj Advises "Core Silk" , extract in. Treatment of Kidney, and Bladder Ailments Allays Inflammation and Restores Normal Acticu Jur,t a simple extract of green corn ' silk compounded with other simple, well-known drugs, seems to bring re-1 sult3 in tho treatment of Kidney and i Bladder disorders that might almost I be classed as miraculous. Congestion and inflammation of tho kidneys and bladder cause untold distress. Pains in back and hips, pain and pressure ' 1 in bladder region, frequent de3iro to eliminate, causing restless sleep soon ! wears out tho patient's vitality and more serious results follow neglect. Tho soothing, balmy effect of Balm wort Tablets aro noticed quickbly ns the imflammation is allayed and the organs nre toned up to act as nature intended. Alexander T. Matyn, 30 Elm street, Passaic, N. J., writes: "I have been taking Balmwort Tab lets for Kidney and Bladder trouble and find they give me the most bene . ficial results." J Stop your suffering and nightly dis tress by asking your leading druggist for a tube of Bnlmwort Tablets. Price $1.00. Adv. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Big Pine Mining company will be held at 8 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, March 2. 1920, at the company's office, 2-1-19 Washington avenue, for the purpose of electing board of directors and the transaction of such other business ns mav come before the meeting. FRED J. VICKS, Secretary. 2913 preside IS WEBER CLUB GUEST Tells Business Men Freight Rates Will Be Increased March 1st President Carl It. Gray of the Union Pacific Railroad system, was (ho prin cipal speaker at the banquet in honor of the railroad men at the Weber club Saturday night, and in his address he declared that freight rates would be 'incrcasr-d after March 1, the day the roads will be returned to private own ership. President Gray will soon take over complete control of the Union Pacific system, the Oregon Short Lino and the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Nav zation company. He discussed the railroad problem frankly with the bus iness men and assured tnem that Og den would get a "square deal." Warren L. Wattis, president of the Chamber of Commerce, presided as toastmaster. A. P. Bigelow was intro duced by President Wattis and gave iihe welcome address on the part of I Ogden citizens. Vice President Adams discussed what he contended was the general need for increased rates. President Gray is completing a tour of the Union Pacific system, and is accompanied by the following railroad men: H. M. Adams, vico president In charge of traffic; J. L. Haugh, assist ant to the president; E. E. Calvin, vice president In charge of operation and federal manager for western roads; E. E. Adams, consulting engl fneer of the Union Pacific system; Guy '.Adams, mail traffic manager; R. L. Huntley, chief engineer of the Union Pacific system; W. M. Jcffers, general I manager of the Union Pacific In I addition, a number of the western I railroad men accompanied him to Og jden, among these being PI. V. Piatt, ! general manager of the Oregon Short Line; D. S. Spencer, general passenger agent; J. A. Jteeves, general freight agent; D. R. Gray, assistant general ! agent, and Georgo A. Smith, general 'attorney of the Oregon Short Line. .CHEST CLOGGED UP I WITH HEAVY COLD? Don't Give it a Chance to ! "set in" use Dr. King's j New Discovery THAT dangerous stage where a cold or cough or case of grippe l might get the better of you may :be nearer than you think. Prompt action with Dr. King's New Discovery will avert a long seige. For fifty years it has loosened con gested chests, dissipated tight-packed phlegm, broken vicious colds and coughs. Give it to the youngsters take it yourself There will be no dis agreeable after effects. COc and $1.20 a bottle. At your drug gists. Adv. . Boveb Become Normal 1 liver livens up, bile flows freely i headache, biliousness. tongue-fur, j stomach-sourness, disappear when Dr iving's New Life Pills getin their 'natural, comfortable action. Purgatives, never pleasantly correc tive, sometimes habit-forming, should not be taken to rack the system vio lently. Nature's way is the way of Dr. i King's Now Life Pills gently but firmly functioning the bowels, elimin ating tho intestine-clogging waste, and promoting the most gratifying results. Cleanse the system with them and know the boon of regular bowels. 25c at all druggists. Advertisement. DEATH CALLS PiOIEEl i BF III! iT S1TELIE ; mm i i ' The body of Henry T. Snjder, a res ident of Salt Lake and Ogden since !lS70, who took part in the construction Ol me union nicaic niiiiuuu mm wus present at the driving of the golden i spike at Promontory Polnnt, whose j death occurred Thursday at the Sol-j dicr's home in Sawtelle, Cal.. is being, brought to Ogden for funeral services, and interment. I Mr. Snyder was 71 years of age audi was a veteran of tho civil war, enlist-1 ing July 6, 1861, and being mustered ! out July 21, 1SC5. He was on alder-1 man ol the Fourth ward of Ogden from; 18S9 until 1890 and was desk-sergeant j in the city jail at Ogden from 1S92 until 1907. He was a member of the I Weber Lodge, No. G. F. and A. M., of Ogden; past master of Ogden chapter; N. 2. II. A. M El Monte Commandery No. 2, K. T., and a member of El Kalah I temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S.. of Salt Lake. I Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Phoebe i j Adelaide Snyder; three daughters, Mrs. E. 13. Van Norman of Salt Lake, Mrs. William Tobler of Kc::burg, Ida ho, and Mrs. William Guincy of Ocean Park, Cal., and three sons, Frank H. Snyder, Blaine and Orson Snyder of Sail Lake. Interment will take place Thursday in Ogden, with the Masonic order In charge. oo- ! Four Ogden Girls to Be Sent East to Study For tho purpose of assisting In the financing of tho musical education of .four Ogden girls who will go oast to 1 study soon, a musicale will bo given uuder the auspices of the Salt Lake Federation of Women's clubs at the Ladles' Literary club tomorrow eve ning at 8:15 o'clock. Tho Ogden young women for whose benefit the entertainment Is given will furnish the program, Miss Mary ,F ish or, violinist; Miss Helen Hunter, cel list; Mi3S Gladys Klch, pianist, and Miss Dorothy Wright, contralto. oo The question is now what would the ten knights in the bar room do today? i Orpheum TODAY and WEDNESDAY !; Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m.i 20c and 6c. I Evenings: 7 and 9 p. m., 25c and 10c Anita Stewarl j Charming, Dainty, Petite "Human Desire" j i The story of a girl who loved ba. j J bics andawifcwho didn't. jj AN!TA STEWART T ! The adorr.ble star In her latest pic- tj A ture, a drama of motlier-lovc. jj : J I W. W. Agitators M to Stir Up Paii City SALT LAKE. Feb. 1G. An effort of I. W. W. agitators to precipitate a sympathetic strike of the miners- at Park City, Utah, failed at a nitoting held in the camp when by an over whelming vote the men denied the re quest of the I. W. W. leaders. Albert Wills, agitator and leaaer of tho 1. W. V. strike at Bingham, Utah, made a plea for support. He wut de nounced by A. J. Berg, secretary of tho local of the International Mine. Mill and Smelter Workers, a branch of tho Amerlcail . Federation of Labor. One thousand men aro employed in Park City at the silver and lead mines of the camp. oo Bad breath, colorless lips,,, sallow cheeks give a girlllttle chance for "a man" Dont give up, try llollis , tor's Rocky Mountain Tea and see how ! popular you get, A. Ii. Mclntyic Drug ! Co. Adv. I nn j Ogden Policemen to Give AffliuaS Dance Policemen and their friends will ' danc at the Derlhana on March 1C, ac ' cording to word given out today. The I annual dance is being planned by the i members of the Police Benefit associa tion and some surprises are in store for the dancers, it is announced. co ' AIRPLANE IN SUDAN. LONDON, Feb. 16 The air minis ! try was advised today of the arrival at iMongnla, southern Egyptian Sudan, of I the Times airplane, competing in the j flight from Cairo to Capetown. I uu I Air Service to be j -Established at feo ! RENO, Nov.. Feb. 1G. Within a few weeks, tho airplane service which is to be established between ROao and various points will be an accomplished fact, according to the promoters. W. A. Kcddie, M. R. Penrose and asso ciates. Airplane parts are now being assem bled at. Yerlnglon and Battle Mountain and after flights to those points have boon made successfully, tho service will be extended to the larger cities, including Salt Lake and Ogden. Two army officers, who saw serv ice in France with the air corps, have been engaged to open a school of in struction and to superintend tho as sembling and tuning up of the machines. To Fotrfnfy The tern jftgaaaasti Golds, TsBke ti$BBVBGB ' Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c lie urn of CARS TO BE URGED Oil LOCALSHiPPERS Through Ogden officials of the rail- road administration, Walker D. Hines, director general of railroads, appeals' for co-operation of shippers in solving the problems that arise by reason of the limited equipment and the heavy movement of freight. Attention is called to the fact that the railroad adlnistration has not been in a position to obtain the additional equipment which is needed because such equipment is chargeable to cap ital account and must be paid for by tho railroads. . To make the inadequate amount of ; equipment go as far as possible, the administration has pooled equipment to meet emergencies and give shippers The best service, Mr. Ilines points out. But there are many obstacles to be jvercome, he says, and ho goes on to say: "The problem has been intensified by the falling off in loading per car from 191 S when under pressure of the war very heavy loading was secured. The loading per loaded freight car fell from an average of 29.2 t ns in the first eleven months of 191S to 27.8 tons ifor the same period 01 1919, or a de-j crease of 4.S9 per cent, this lepresent ing a loss of more than 1705,000 cars' available for loading, 'xhis falling off J has occurred in spite of continued ef forts of the railroad administration, I (assisted by the co-operation of manyi j shippers. I "Nevertheless the railroad adminis tration proposes to continue to utilise I to tho end of the federal operation ! all the advantages given by unified control; it wishes to give shippers this assuranco and to ask their con I linucd co-operation." 1 oo i Ogden Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Masons ! The postponed regular meeting of this month will be held Tuesday, Feb ruary 17th, at S p. m. There will also bo work In the M. M. and P. M. de crees. By order E. H. P. F. 12. NICHOLS, Secretary. 2939 oo Real Eslate Transfers i Ida Deru to Katherino Myers, part of lot G, block 9, Plat B. ?2500. I John R'zzI and wife to Thomas Kin- ( kadc, part of the northwestern quarter of section 21. township G north, range 1 west. 54500. Maren H. Bosen to James F. Burton, part of the southwest quarter, section 9, township 6 north, range 1 west. $2900. L. H. Beccraft and wife to W. H. i Van Nov, part of lot 1, block 41, plat A. $6500. J. Y. Rokefeller to Richard D. Brown part of the southeast quarter section 21, township G north, range 1 west. C-GOO. oo 1 TELLS IMPOVERISHED j MEN AND WOMEN How To Become Healthy, Strong, s Energetic, Magnetic and Vigorous. Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets I Advised for Their Wonder- ful Tonic Properties t j Don't envy the man or woman wilh 'abundant energy, vitality and the ever i present smile of cordial magnetic per sonality. Resolve to banish your lan- guor, your tired, worn-out feeling, your i aches and pains, your mental worry land distress, by supplying your sys ,tem with plenty of iron, phosphorous 'and vegetable tonics so that every or gan of your body can perform its nor mal functions from the vigorous blood supply that courses through your ar teries. Tone up the liver, stomach, Ikidiiovs. and bowels, dicest your food ! better and supply your nerves with the j vital elements In Cadomene Tablets 'and you won't need to envy anyone. ;just get your body and nerves work j ing right and nature will help you do 'the rest. Cadomene Tablets are sold iin sealed tubes by all good druggists, land are guaranteed to please you or I money back. Adv. - oo Service for Relieving Smoke Nuisasice Found H. Reddin and 0. P. Mills of this city have Invented a device for ridding the cltv of the smoke nuisance The apparatus has been demonstrated to a number of prominent Ulahns, among whom was Governor Bamberger. A sieve like device- near the end of a chimney, from which water is allow ed 10 percolate, is tho basic idea of the invention. The dripping water pu rifies the caibon-laden gasos, -which muk'i up smoke, and the material re moved from the smoke by the action of the water, drops into a catch basin and is then conducted to the sower. The plan has proved satisfactory when tried on a small scale, it is stated. oo Bolivia Claims Port in Arica Province BUENOS AIRES. Friday, Feb. 13. Bolivia has formally laid claim to a Pacific port in the province of Arica, according to dispatches from La Paz, which say the Bolivian chamber of deputies has passod a resolution de claring: "The time has now come to incorporate in tho dominion of the re public a port in Arica over which the bordering nations of Chilean and Peru will have no defined rights." This declaration is interpreted by La Epoca, organ of tho Argentlnla gov ernment as giving tho Tacna-Arica fxwV'oMhBe the Palelce jj ALHAMBRA i IB J MON., TUES., WED., THURS., "POLLY ANNA" 5 li 9 Children under tvelve 10c ',, I Students, all grades, (tell the cashier) 20c fl Jij I Adults, all shows 30c I ; I This is the Highest Priced Production ever shown at this h I theatre. g l I MP.RY VICKFORD, x-n "Pol lynn' I i problem as "appearance of rigorouf actuality." What is known as tho "province ol Arica" is really a part of the province of Tacna in northern Chile, dominion over which has been In dispute be tween Chile, Peru nnd Bolivia" for the past 37 years. Why.. Stay Fat? You Caa Reduce The answer of most fat people is that it is too hard, too troublesome and too dangerous to force the weight down. However, in Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets, all these difficulties are overcome. They are absolutely harm ! less, entail no dieting or exercise, and I have the added advantage of cheap I ness. A large case Is sold by drug j gists at 51. Or if preferable, they can bo obtained by sending price direct j to the Marmola Co., SW Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Mich. Now that you know this you have no excuse for be ing loo fat, but can reduce two, three or four pounds a week without fear of badafter-effects. Advertisement. Charles McVeagh Jr. Dies is a Blizzard DUBLIN, X. II.. Feb. 1C Charles MacVcagh, Jr., of New York, a gi adu late itudent at Princeton, and son of 'the counsel for the United States 'Stet'l corporation, died of exposure on I Mount Monadnock, early Sunday, dur ing an attempted snow shoe trip to tip summit in company with Charlton JReynders, of New York, .a senior at : Harvard. j The young men started on their trip i in excellent weather but soon a blind i hg snow storm and high winds de jvelopod, making it impossible tor them , to reach the summit. When a half imllo irom the top they abandoned the inttompt and started the return At thit timc it was dusk and soon they i lost their way in the growing darknesa . and driving storm. Moreover, deceived i by the mild, clear weather when hey .j started, they were thinly clad, without overcoats, hats or gloves. MacVcagh soon showed signs of ex- JM baustion, falling several times and tj about 9 o'clock dropped unconscious. 1 j Reynders, who was also suffering lrom -j exhaustion, protected his companion '- as best he could, but MacVeagh died I at about -1 o'clock tills morning. no I I oo 4 . IH Young Man Fails in 1 1 Attempted Blackmail jj I ! HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 16. Harley ' . Coba, a young man well known in this ' I community i3 under arrest here on the ( charge of attempt at blackmail and to ); extort money from L. L. Brandt, a re- t- tired banker of Hastings. Mr. Brandt ,!! cn Friday last received a letter threat- ; : enir.g the kidnapping of his little : ; daughter unless the sum of $5,000 was j deposited at place designated. He- r I ( turned the letter over to Mayor Stinec 1 i 'and Postmaster Wahlqulst, and a plan j , was made with the aid of the police ; to capture the writer. A dummy pack , jage was deposited at the place desig- '- i nated and when Coba appeared police- i j men arrested him without resistance ' (Mayor Stiner. who gave publicity to t . the affair, said Coba had made a com- t , jH ' plctc confession. v jH I 00 J There's nothing that will wither as ''' rapidly as a flowery speech. i 1 Doctor Telh How to Detect I Harmful Effects of Tobacco "M Try these SIMPLE TESTS I New York: Doctor Connor, formerly of Johns Hopkins hospital, says: Many men who smoke, chow or snuff incessant ly and who arc seemingly healthy are Miffcrlne from progressive organic ul!- ! ments. Thousands of them would never have been afflicted had It not been for the i use of tobacco, anil thousands would soon i koI well if they would only stop the use of tobacco. Tho chief habit forming prin ciple of tobacco is nicotine, a deadly poi son which, when absorbed by tho system slowly affects the nerves, membranes, tis sues and vital organs of tho body. Tho harmful effect of tobacco Varies and de- ponds on circumstancos One will imj afflicted with general debility, others wi'.h . catarrh of tho thioat, indigestion, con stipation extreme nervousness, sleepless, ness, loss of memory, lack of will power, mental confusion, etc. ' Others may sufier from heart disease, bronchial trouble, hardening of the arteries, tuberculosis, blindness or even cancer or the common 'affliction known as tobacco heart. If you, use tobacco in any form you can easily detect the harmful effects by making tho following simple tests. Read aloud oni full page from a book. If, in the coury of reading, your voice becomes muffled, hoarse, and Indistinct, and you must fre quently clear your throat, the chances ar that your throat is affected by catarrh and it may bo tno beginning of moro se rious trouble. Next, In tho morning bo foro taking your usual smoke, walk up three flights of stair at a regular pace. HOW ANY GIRL CAN . . ! HAVE PRETTY EYES j No girl or woman is pretty If. .her eyes are red, strained or have dark 1 rings. Simple witchhazel, camphor, IH hydrastis. etc., as mixed in Lavoptlk ' i eye wash, will brighten tho eyes and 'M ' a week's use will surprise you with ; its QUICK results. liegular use of Lavoptlk keeps tho eyes healthy, t IH sparkling and vivacious. The quick J change will please you. Dainty ! aluminum eye cup FREE. A. H. Mc- J Intyre Drug Co., "and all leading drug- gists. Adv. ' then slop. If you find that you arc out of breath, your heart beat Is forcel. iA trembling or Irregular, you may be -i iS victim of functional or organic heart K,; trouble. If you feel that you must V: smoke, chew or snuff to ciulet your ncrwd , you are a slave to the tobacco habit, on l " ' are positively poisoning yourself with i!H ; - deadly drug, nicotine. In cither case you ji.y have Just two alternatives keep on with , the self-polsonlng process Irrespective ot the dangers and suffer tho consequences, i , or give up the habit and oscape the dan- . i ger. You can overcome the craving anrJ ' ! stop the habit in a very short time b ' JM using the following inexpensive formulx. n i Go to any drug store and ask for Nlcotol -i tablets, lake one tablet after each meal, .4. and in a comparatively short time vou will havo no desire for tobacco, tho cm- ? Ing will havo left you. Willi tho nlcotbm : poison out of your system your gcnei ir , health will quickly improve, - i NOTE When asked about Nlcotol tar i. ; lets one of our leading druggists said;- t'U "It is truly a wonderful remedy for th'JJ Ni, tobacco habit: away ahead of anything ;:t have over sold before. Wo aro author; "' lzed by the manufacturers to refund this money to every dissatisfied customvir and wo would not permit mo uso of our., u" name unless tho remedy possessed un- , usual merit." Nicotol tablets are sold IT I l 1 this cltv undor an iron-clad money-back. guarantee by all up-to-date drugfe'lsui i;rl Including the A. It. Mclntyre Drug CoS j Advertisement. N. I GIRLS! WOMEN! GIRLS! j l I Come and learn a trade in our Overall factory. Not only will 1I you have a steady position, but it is a lasting experience. A m H i4-hour week and good pay to the capable. Are you one? Ap. H I ply John Scowcroft & Sons Company, Department "M." J t H