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aHniisMMgMliaaaaaaaHaaaaaalaBa THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1920 5 I f' American Legion Meeting I ; At University Club 8 o'clock tonight I if pOVE aid MARRIED IIFEl I kj. the noted author 1 J Idah MSdlone Gibson 1 I, WHO PAYS? ; ''yes." I answered Helen, "that is mmi1 what I said: 'if love were only all!' "And Anthony Hope made his hero ic ; jae'understand that lovo is not all. A ' few months ago I thouglit he was mls H ' i talcen, but I know now that he was H : rlght While love has boen calie-i the H ' greatest thing In the world," continued SI '; Helen, "there are many other things ' of Ufc that bulk almost as large." "Helen, dear," 1 interrupted, "aren't I . you happy? Have you found out that 'ri; - you have made a mistake? Is -Bobby " ft Helen held up her hand, ft . "P.obby Is everything I could wish," SS;i she said loyally, "but no two people, g ho matter how much they love eacli 3 ' othtr, can absolutely defy the conven- llft lions of society and not pay the price. Mojj$F Neither can two people live in a world Itl(j populated by other human boing3 and PTS I be outside of certain rules to which so- !wgj I ciety subscribes. $wts'.! "You know, Katherjne, dear, that irTj ; Bobby is the most gregarious of men. GfJt He is" not happy unless he Is returning 5Tj": the warm handshake of a friend, or ,J.1 raising his hat chivalrously while he fl smiles at a pretty woman acquaint- Si ance. Why, Katherlne, that is one of ltt 1 the reasons his love for Ruth cooled. ft ! she didn't go with him among his jvi ' friends and he felt that ho must often LM i sW7 at home with hor when ho would I . have been happier among a gay crowd. . "I would go anywhere with him, but , pociety won't lot me come within Its : doors. I'm Bobby's wife, legally, but A ! for some capricious reason I am sent Jm' to conventry." B ' Broke One of the Laws. R ; "Not a capricious reason, my dear," WS I said, "You simply broke ono of those ST I ; law that you have just been descrlb- 9 ' "And the woman pays," said Helen 1 1 bitterly. H ' , Yes, oven yet the woman pays," I answered. H ' I have persuaded Bobby to take a B'k long trip," said Helen with an effort, I; ! 'and he is leaving tomorrow xnorn- "Oh, I am so sorry!" "'- "Don't worry about' me, Katherine, B if you will only let me see you occa-j B , sionally I shall not be lonely, and I B ; think that Bob and I have got to the B i ; point where we must be separated a 1 : little while. We have been too much 1 ; together." R "Oh, aren't you going with him?" 3 J "No " fit "Oh, I am so glad! It clears up everything for me!" I exclaimed. j "What do you mean. Katherine?" "Why, my dear, I came over hero with the more or less undefined idea. In my mind of persuading you to take" a trip with me, but I wasn't sure how I was going to get Bob to lot you go. And here I find that eberythlng Is all ready to my hand!" Helen's face lighted up. "That'll be glorious. Where shall we go? 1 was just settling myself down to long and lonely weeks. I guess it's going to come out all right, after all, isn't it?" "I hope so," A"as my rather despon dent, comment. "Oh, Katherine, here I have been talking about my troubles and I knew by your face when you came in that you had yours. And besides I saw the morning papers, dear. I' met that Mr. Shopard when we first camo here and I liked him immensely, and I havo sen that Miss Morelancl flashing about in her car. Isn't she beautiful?" "Yes." I said with an effort. "I didn't mean to pry," said Helen quickly. "Tell me whatever you want to, Jvatherlne, and I will be most in terested as you know, but do not feel that you have to tell mo' anythtlng that you would rather keep to yourself." Fear Storm Near. "Let's talk about going away," I said, not because I did not know that in time I should confide in Helen, but because I knew that if I said anything more I should burst into tears. j Very opportunely, at this moment, Bobby Gaylord walked in. I could see' that lie was delighted to find me there. "I am more glad to see you than you can possibly know," he said. "John has been tolling me ever since wo came to town that you were too ill to seo anyone, and I have known all the time that Helen was longing to come and see you. I tried to mako her go I drop in and see you, but some of this clap-trap idea cm the subject of first j calls and so forth seemed to havo got ten into her head." Unlen looked at me significantly. - Just; JWj?H Bobby." she said.V'Kath erlne nas come to ask mo if I would go with her to some quiet place where she can reouperate further. She was rather afraid to come, as she thought you would not wish to be left alone, but when I told her you were going away and I could accompany her as i well as not, shewas simply delighted." j "You can go better than not, honey," said Bob as he stooped to kiss her Tomorrow Planning Our Trip. f- Dorothy Dix Talks J 1 THE BUSINESS WOMAN AS A WIFE ! : By DOROTHY DIX, the World's Highest Paid Woman Writer ! "Do you think that going into busi I nesd unfits a woman for domesticity? I Do jou think a business woman makes I u good wife?" asks a young man. i f 1 flunk that the business woman Is f tho preferred risk in matrimony. I think that there is no other training l for wifehood equal to that which a girl tf get3 in a business office, and that it is n Pity that every woman has not had the experience of actually earning ' her own living for a year or Ivo be-. f fore she marries. I i ' There are many reasons why the! . business girl makes a belter wife, all i I things considered, than the domestic : ; sirl The first is. of course, the ob f vioiis one that she is apt to be more! tbri'ty and economical, and knows j more about handling money, and get i; ting the value out of It. I Zo woman who has ever earned a ; dollar looks upon It with the same . I Mlii kjrriiiiii i miiumimap eyes as does the woman who has never worked for money, but has always had j it given to her. To the one the dollar mark is the symbol of toll, wearlnoss, I strain and anxiety. To the other it! simply stands for pleasure and the gratification of desire. Therefore the i wff who kuows from experience bowj hard her husband makes his money is ' more careful of It than the wife who I has u vague general idea that green-; backs grow on trees, and all that a man has to do is to go out and pluck them off and bring them to her to 1 throw away. J Business Girl More Reasonable. The second reason why the business I girln makes a good wife is that she is mor? reasonable than the domestic girl because she understands tho dc- mands of business. She knows that j the ver fact that a man is prospering in business often causes him to be j II Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases 1 That Burn Like Flames of Fire iHare Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results. , Eczema and similar skin troubles coxnc from a disordered, impure condition of the blood, and they can only be cured by giving th" I blood a thorough cleansing, and i removing from it all traces of im ; ;, parity. , : This is why S. S. S. has been i used so successfully in hundreds or t 1 Advertisement. I r cases of Eczema and other skin eruptions. This wonderful remedy is one of the oldest and most re liable medicines on the market It has been sold by druggi3 .3 for fifty 3'ears. Get a bottle loda and be gin treatment that will get results. You arc invited 'to write to-day for complete and full advice as to I the treatment of your own case. Address. Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. 52, At lanta, Ga, K Any advaiice in freight rate will automatically increase Eg. the price of coal to the consumer. You will be money m ahead by filling your bins now. I OGDEN SEWER PIPE AD CLAY COMPANY R Phone 141 W. B. Porterfield, Manager. - - i hard up for ready money so that he cannot afford the new car or the fur coat that his wife has sot her heart j upon, and that she thinks he is mean, not to give her because he admits that , business is good. Therefore when a man explains to ibis business wife how they must econ omize in tho present, in order to be rich in the future, she understands, and is glad to cut expenses to the bone to help realize his ambitions Instead of weeping, and fretting, and com plaining as the domestic wife so of ten does under such circumstances. Knows Exigencies of Business. Also, knowing the exigencies of business, she knows that a man can not always break up an important con ference Just because his wife Is sot on having meals on the strike of the clock, and that there are times and seasons when he must stay downtown to entertain out-of-town customers, and so fcho does not havo hysterics, or get green eyed with jealousy, every time her husband does not punch the time clock at the appointed hour. The third reason why the business woman is a preferred risk in matri mony is because she has moro sympa thy tor hor husband than tho domestic woman ha3. There- is nothing that teaches us pity like having suffered ourselves. The woman who has toiled in the commercial treadmill hnows that when the day's work is done men and women, alike, are exhausted in body, mind, and soul. They have been through struggles, and fret, and worry untd their nerves are raw and quiver ing. and they havo reached the place wii"rc one additional burden is the straw that breaks the camel's hack. The business woman remembers that when she stumbled across her threshhold of an evening, all she want ed on earth was a hot bath, and some good food, and for nobody to speak to j her until she had time to rest and pull j herself together. Therefore she greets j her husband with a smile, and cod dles him silently, and feeds him swift, ly, and lets him do as he pleases. Omits Recital of Woes. She does not moot him at the front door with a recital of everything that I has gone wrong during the day, nor get peeved and think he is grouchy be cause ho doesn't feel like talking, nor dooj she quarrel with him because he won't put on his evening clothes and go out to a party with her. I The dpmestic woman doesn't see what on earth there is to tire a man out in sitting at a mahogany desk in an artistically decorated office all day. She thinks he should be glad to go out and dance until ono o'clock to get some exercise. The business woman has been there, and she knows that a battle is fought over that mahogany desk, and in that artistic office every day, that takes the last ounce of vi tality out of a man, and she wants to pity him, and mother him just as much as she would any wounded soldier thai was brought to her off of the battle flold Knows Discipline. The fourth reason why the business woman makes a good wife is becauso' sho has boen disciplined. and has learned to can hor precious feelings, and not to leave them lying about all over the place for an unwary foot to step on. Likewise she has learned ho.v to control hor temper and her tongue. The first requisite of holding down a job it. to learn to take criticism im personally, and when your faults are pointed out to you to correct them in stead of getting angry and feeling that you are insulted. The second requi site of holding down a job is the abil ity tc get along with people, and not to bo in an eternal wrangle with those i about you. ; This art tho business woman has ac 'quued, and she does not burst into a lpa3Sion of tears every time hor hus Jband says the coffee is mean and the egs loo hard. Sho gots busy and sees that they are right next morning. Nor does she pull the temperamental stuff and make scenes over every little j thine, that goos wrong as does the i girl who has never had to suppress her emotions, or get fired from her , situation. i Learns Masculine Psychology. Finally tho business woman makes a belter wife than the domestic woman , because in working with men she has I learned a lot about the masculine psy chnlogj. She has found out how to jolly men along and how to dodge tho i angles In their disposition, and when to ask favors and when to keep silent, and a lot more useful information that it takes the domestic woman about . thirty years of matrimony to find out. 1 For any business office is an inten sive course in the study of mankind that turns her out a post graduate in the gentle art of managing a husband. Against these advantages of the business woman may be set down the j fact that she starts out with little prac tical knowledge of housework, but that does not count. Any girl who has had I sense enough to make her own living, (can learn how to cook in a month. j oo 'hm Throat; Colds Quickly Rolldvod By Hamlln'c Wizard 0 Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a simple and eflcctivc treatment for sore throat and chest colds. Used as a gargle for soro throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one night. How often sprains, bruiseSj cuts and burns occur in every family, as well as little troubles like earache, toothache," cold sores, canker sores, stiff ncclc, and tired aching feet. Soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al ways bring quick relief. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. It not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 ccnt3. Guaranteed. Advertisement. WEIGH GRAPE FRUIT The economical way to buy grape fruit Is by weight, as the heavier the fruit the more juicy it is, and there is a knack of telling which is the most juicy, by pressure with tho humb, which will differentiate the pulpy from the librous kind. CHICHESTER S PiUM THE DIAMOND BttAKD. A V7?w5v Ijdlel AUyar Empiric: for A f ilia la Ucd aid U.ld mmlllcVVV T-v !'d l(Vi Blue Ribbon. 11 Vi5 Tnfco no other. Tiny of Tour l ia "'Ai"' JMtAND 1'II.I.N, for Ett vN-t SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEEi 1 W-.J.IPUTF01: PMS HOMED; i Summarizes Beliefs and Opin- ions as Result of Study of Po litical Pulse of Country CLEVELAND, Feb. 16. The Plain Dealer tomorrow will publish an in terview with William Jennings Bryan, obtained by its staff correspondent at Miami, Fla., in which tho former Dem ocratic candidate for president names tho principal plnnk he hopes to seo in corporated in the Democratic national platform at tho San Francisco conven tion. Mr Bryan says he does not attempt to dictate, but merely summarizes his beliefs and opinions as a result of his. study of the political pulse. He places tho more important planks in the fol lowing order; Indorsement of the administration of President Wilson. National prohibition. Woman suffrage. Opposition to enforced military training. Opposition to profiteering. Taxation. Labor problems. Pubic ownership. , . Mr. By ran practically predicted the elimination of Governor Edwards of New Jersey, and soldier candidates on both sides for the presidential nomination. oo FOR SKHJORIUES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle for SLOO. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is'easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Ro:c Co., Cleveland, 0. Advertisement. uu j TO CLEAN FILES Glazed tiles in a fireplace are best cleaned with a dampened flannel. Tiled bath floors are best cleaned with soft soap dissolved in tepid water. Sand 'and soap rubbed on briskly will some times remove stains or mildew. A sto:.e mantolpiece should be rubbed with sand (beach is good). If it is very smutty or stained, soap and soda raav be used in addition to the sand and water. oo A CLEAR C WLEXiON Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Wcll-Known Ohio Physician Dr.F.M.Edwards for 17 years treated ccorcs of women for liver and bowel ail ments. Dunns these years he gave to l;is patients a Drescnption made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know th m by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-worlccrs on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonouc matter in one's system. If you have a Dale face, sallow look, dull eves, pimpled, coated tongue, head ache, l listless, no-good feeling, all out c sorts, inactive bowels, you akc one of Dt Edwru-ds' Olive Tablets nightly ior c dmo and 'rote the pleasing results. Thousands of r,omen and men tnke Dr Sdvr.rdo DUv Tabletsthe sue rcssfu! cubstit ute for ralomel now and hn iniv -r Uc-dO 2hem fit 10c ?jid 25c Advertisement. nn POTASH IN FRANCE The potash monopoly of the world will bo hold by France instead of Ger many in tho future because of the ces sion of Alsace-Lorraine to France. The potash deposits extend sixteen kilo I meters (9.91 miles) to the north of ' Mulhousc, over a surface of more than ISO square kilometers (69.2 square miles.) They are unusually rich in potash salts, much richer In fact than the beds In the interior of Germany. The are. moreover, easier to exploit. Thfi'r thickness ranges from 3.7 to 5.4 metres (12.1 to 17.1 feet) The thickness of the smaller beds in the upper layers varies from O.S to 1.5 metres (2.6 foot to 4.9 feet.) Tho first workings were begun in 11909; In 1913 there wore ewolve in op eration. In a period of only threo years the production rose from 12,420 to 287,000 metric tons, so that the 'production of potash in Alsace in 1913 was already one-fifth of the entire Gor- A RAW, SORE THROAT Eases Quickly When You. Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won't blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white oint ment made with oil of mustard. It i3 fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back oi joints.sprains.soremuscles.bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds on the chest. Nothing like Musterole for croupy chil dren. Keep it handy for instant use. COc and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. Advertiaement. WSM gives better bakings'that H II pT3&i go further It strikes straight at MM H 19 ffl the root of extravagance waste and re- BS W H Ira""" ""jfa duces living cost in a sane, sensible.worth while way. Bi 11 fcTl Calumet Baking Powder never WM I B W ?2k faik to' properly raise all bakings. It never t H lliy&SSlLs failS t0 produce the besl; of results. It always J ,m Makes Most Palatable l ' I Pll and Sweetest of Foods Ip B Calumet bakings do go further, B I because they are deliriously good, are WM v- ''-K4Tm never thrown away. Ipillf) f 1 miB''M&m Andt bef they have .ffSpg WM . a'fejt Pt f keeping qual- WM WlSm lit WW m i Wm0i Calumetmakes iMl ig 1 iftw , your baking pow- ifl ' - ' der money and your baking material money go L H Wh h furfcher stretches it to the extreme of economy. p f ; H W'Wk You save when you buy it moderate Ifffl 1 1 H llfOT in cost You save when you use it has m$. .:Jb3!n3 pcwqi) more than the ordinary leavening strength Wfl$ fmm iW-'SM' therefore you use less. You save materials it is m, mm iWy-n Tf use(i with there is never a bake-day failure. m&& W"" fill II?'S' Generations of good cooks have used wMk Vmm WS l IMm JP W I Calumet because it positively proves its mm -', H W$hmP I superiority and economy. Is unfailingly depend- K( 0frA V -ZZM, ale' comes t0 vou rom the largest, finest, most sanitary Mt'fy&fe i, B S'fa? VSSKvTl "2; Baking Powder Factory in the world absolutely pure and wfafkk MM H aJ as Perf m leavening power as the day it left the big tmm ffiy tjw Calumet Plant ' ! Contains only such ingredients as jl "iiSvyll 4nave been officially approved by United m ' I ''lflWilflP States Food Authorities. Sold by your grocer pi .. IH 'frfy-l HlVlfilM)'? i!ftr9 under a' definite money-back guarantee, if it doesn't prove ffiS'-Vk ' i ll V$I Mltitf- OS ttar Ic ,rbest by test" in your own kitchen, in any baking. si5' ' HI iJIemember when you buy Calufimet, yoia get a' M full pound9 if you warat it. 1 not 12 ouraces, H man output. The total capital invest ed in the potash -works oC Alsace amounted to 31,100,000 marks 38.187, 200 of normal exchange. Efiha Root Celebrates Birfeday Anniversary NEW YOKK. Feb. 1G Klihu Rooi riritM1 secretary of stale, celebrated ."llV S'-'rtav n h home here Sunday. Mr. Root vas the gaest .. v. .o.w.. ai an informal dinner en in hi. lionor by Nichols. s Murraj ,t . ..,-.(.!-., nr univer- ity. At the dinner telegrams of con gratulations -were read from prominent men and women in every section of tho country. "BAYER" CROSS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Safe, Proper Directions in each "Bayer" Package BS The "Bayer Cross" stamped on -tablets means you are getting truo "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" proved safe by mil lions of people tho genuine Aspirin proscribed by physicians for over eighteen years. In every handy "Bnyor" package are proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuritis and for Pain generally. Tin boxes of 32 tablets, cost only a few cents Druggists also soil larger "Bayer" pnekages. Aspirin is the trade mark oi Bayer Manufacture of Mono acetlcacidestor of Salicylicacld. Adv. uu Military Train Held Up Outside Dublin DUBLIN. i.b. 1G A train convey ng a military guard and arms was old i'n nntr'de of Dublin Friday nlghi bv a largo band of armed men, who shot and seriously wounded a signal man and threw bombs into the train, a uorponu and doing mucli damage. Tho guard did not roply to the fire, owing to the darkness. In- wlln m fanner at I'allngo "'mvi .,-ei armed sol diera and was shot dead. on Blackheads, pimples Whew! Isn't she a sight don't worry she Is going to take Ilollister's Rocky Mountain j Tea then watch her. A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Adv. j Virtue of People Seesa by Honor for Its Dead WASHINGTON, Feb. 1G Senator Poindexter of Washington, speaking at the Maine memorial exercises held Sunday at Fort Meyer, near Arlington cemetery, where many of the Maine's dear are burled, declared the virture of a people is attested by the degree nf honor which it bestows upon its dead. "As for universal peace," the sena tor paid, "human nature cannot be changed and mankind cannot raiso it self above mankind. The present struggle of humanity must continue." j Have Paisis? ; Achca and pains seem to be the lot j of the ordinary mortal. However, these , ihould bo foken simply at noture't warning signals that some part of the ; human machine is out of order. It is a mistake to resign one's self to physical torture when the cause can be removed. pieydneypiE. tone up weak, inactive, sluggish kid neys and help rid the blood of poiion nets waste matter that causes aches and j pains in arms and legs, backache, rheu matie pains, sore muscles, stiff or ; swollen joints. It sac B. Turotnan. Atbury Prk. N. J.."mteii i "My back caused mo a dreit deal of trouble (or tome time I experienced htn, shooting pains rrbicb Tvcro duo (o Iho condition of ay kidneys. Ono bottlo of Foley Kidney Pilli conipletaly wlioved me. Tho pains left my back. I rooost mend F0I07 Eldnoy Pilb to my Woods. A. K. MclNUrtt UrvUG CO. rtn Great Britain Baying From Needy Countries LONDON, Friday, Feb. 13. Trade returns for January show that Great) Britain Is buying mainly from coun tries which have suffered relatively from the war and Is selling most to j countries least able to meet their ob- Bw waa NATIVE HERB nJ&kJKJ TABLETS You nro troubled with SICK HEAD ACHE. What you cat makes you sick. Your food Hes In your stomach and feels like a rock. Gaa forms. You hnvo pains around tho heart That is INDIGESTION. It has reached ono of Its most dant;crou3 staKvs. and fs always accompanied with CONSTIPATION. Take each nisht a BLISS NATIVE HE KB TABLET K. T. Lowcnbcrpr. Doncllson, Iowa, writes: "I havo used BLISS NATIVE HEK13S TABLETS for INDIGESTION. and they have given me good results. My wlfo has used them for several years for CON STIPATION, and they have proved of great value. Each box contains a GUAR ANTEE coupon, and is scaled with a blua ncnl bearing signature of ALONZO O. BLISS. For sale at all leading druggista and a smaller patloni. . (Dsll eta e ta oi In boxes containing 00 dosos for $1,011 and a silinllor size for COc. Mado by A. O. BLISS CO.. WASHINGTON. D V ctao eta ctaol cttioi cahmfrd cmf cmf f Advertisement. 6 ligations immediately. Imports from the United States aro 543,000,000 pounds and exports 33.000,- 1 000 pounds; Australia imports 11,000.- 000 pounds and exports 26,000,000 H pounds; Now ealand imports 52.000,- 'i 000 pounds and exports 9,000,000 j pounds, and Canada imports 150,000,- 000 pounds and exports 16,000,000 H pounds. i ( On the other hand Imports from f.; France are 4S.000.000 pounds and ex- ports 147,000,000;' Italy imports 14,000.- 'i H 000 pounds and exports 27,000,000; I H Belgium imports 9,000.000 pounds and ' l exports 4S, 000,000 pounds; Germany Imports 993,000, and exports 14,000,000. J and Rumania imports 2,000 and ex- ij ports 5,000,000. A rri . lx mmm Call on J. J. Brummitt c. " IH 2417 Hudson avenue, if you I want to sell your Liberty I H bonds. Phgne 59. 'j IH READY' FOR RACE. II SEWARD, Alaska. Feb. 1G. Word j IH that President Wilson has signed the ' VM oil land leasing bill throwing govern- VW ment reserves open to locators will mm bo tiie starting signal for a race 1c , vm southwestern Alaska counto' supposed yM , to contain oil. ' At once! Relief with ' II "Pape's Cold Compound-" f The first doso eases your coldl l Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blowing . IH and snuffling! A doso of 'Tape's Cold J j IH Compound" taken every two hours hn- H til three doses are taken usually y' IH breaks up a severe cold and endslall IH grippe misery. u IH Relief awaits you! Open your ctog- U. IH ged-up nostrils and the air passages; of K IH your head; stop nose running; religve IH the headache, dullness, feverishnqss, l H sneezing, soreness and stiffness. !j IH 'Tape's Cold Compound" is jhc ?Jj IH quickest, surest relief known and costs IH only a few cents at drug stores. It ! IH acls without assistance. Tastes nice. IH Contains no quinine. Insist on Papons! H Advertisement. j". IH Slade has moved to 432 Twonty.flfth H 'f Urn 5 H