Newspaper Page Text
H'i 1 'I Hj ' : Copyright, 1919, by The Wheeler Syndicato, Inc. r I ,, MANY OF THE MAJOR OPERATIONS OF THE WORLD WAR HAVE NEVER BEEN WRITTEN MANY OF THEM j HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN HINTED AT FOR THE REASON THAT THEY WERE UNDERTAKEN BY THE SECRET OP- ' ERATIVES OF THE DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. j,. ' FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS A FORCE INCLUDING HUNDREDS OF MEN AND WOMEN HAS BEEN WORKING DAY I'M AND NIGHT, ROUNDING UP THE ENEMIES WITHIN JUST AS THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENTS ARE ALWAYS KEPT ji BUSY BY THE FORCES OF THE UNDERWORLD WHO CONSIDER UNCLE SAM FAIR PREY. SMUGGLERS, COUNTER- Ij FEITERS, MAIL THIEVES AND MOONSHINERS NEVER APPEAR TO TIRE OF TRYING TO GET MONEY WITHOUT WORK- ING FOR IT. I ' XL "Lost $ 1 00,000 ! " It' (" mmj STOPPED on my way hero to ll 1 night and laid in ' a supply of ji A something that I don't often use Ei chewing gum," said Bill Qulnn, for . mcrly of the Secret Service, as he , settled back comfortably to enjoy an i 1 evening's chat. "There are some pro- 'cssional reformers who maintain that ; the great American habit of silently t working the jaws over a. wad of chew er ing gum is harmful in the extreme, but r," i f you'lT look into, the matter you'll ,1nd that agitators' of that type want 1 ou to cut out nil habits except those !j ahleh tlicy arc addicted to. "Personally, I'm not a habitual wor I shipper at the shrine of. the great god ,' 'loom, but there's no uas denying the ! fac t that it dot soothe one's nerves j J I occasionally. Incidentally. It has other J i I , lises as Elmer Allison discovered not V cry long ago." . , 'Yes?" T inquired, sensing the fact !j that Qulnn had a story up liis sleeve , ' and was only awaiting the opportunity! to spring it. "Didn't you mention a Post Office ciise in which a wad of gum j , 1' "play?d a prominent role?" f, t 'Tliat's the one," said the former ; j Government operative, casing his ; wounded ley "Into a less cramped por,l- ; "tibn. "Here, have si' couple of sticks f , just to get the. proper atmosphere and , I'll see if I" can recall the details." j j For some reason Jat's hurd to de- 11 fine Qulnn went on, aucr ne nau ; ' peeled two of the dtm-cniored sticks , i and commenced work on" thorn crooks ' In general and "amateur crooks in par- J titular seem to regard the United ' States mails as particularly easy prey. Possibly they figure that, as millions of j dollars are handled bjr the Post Office M department every year, a little here 1 1 and there won't b? missed. Hut if thpy knew the high qirrcoiitnae of mail rob- 1 1 borics that are solved they" wouldn't b? M so keen to tackle the gamy. !; , Lifting valuables, once t'y have Jj j t 'passed into the han5? L" -, t postman, is a comparatively easy urlnv- , 1 to-commit. There are dozens of ways l of doing it methods which range all . I thc way' from limbing; letters out of a ,(' -post-box with a piece of string and a l'J I -hair-pin, to holding up the mail-car in i ,a deserted portion of a railroad track. ' i "But getting away with It Is. as our ! j Yiddish friends say, something else 1 ' again. j , j The annals of the Postal Inspection j Service are filled with Incidents which ' J ! , indicate that the High Cost of Living ; ' is down around zero compared to the I High Cost of. Crime, when said crime I is aimed at the mails. There arc scores . . I of men in Atlanta, Leavenworth and 1 other Federal prisons whose advice ' would be to' try murder, forgery or i arson rather than attempt to earn a j ' dishonest living, by stealing valuable J I letters. I -'The majbrity of persons realize that ' ' It- pays to register their money and insure their' packages because, once this precaution has been attended to. ; the Government exercises, special care I in the handling of these ami makes it I extremely dlilicult for crooks to got 1 anywhere near them. If a registered I : JoJ-tcr disappears there is a efean-cut I ' 1 -tj-jill of signed receipts to follow and I ! "somebody has to bear the burden of the I ' loss. But oven with those precautions, I j the Registered Section is looted every I How and then. I ..One of the'b'.ggest cases of this kind ; on record was that which occurred in I 1 i Columbus when letters with an aggre- l;! I grite value of $100,000 .just vanished I j into thin air.' Of course, they didn't I 1 all disnppsar at one time, but that made II j ' It all the more mysterious because the y Wefts were "spread out over- a period V i of some five or -six weeks and they I' yont on Jusl 3l4 regularly as clock- 1 work, in srpitc of the precautions to the lii contrary. I ' - Bin Sum Vanishes. I The first of the losses, as I recall it, It was a shlpmenfof JIO.UOO in large bills j. sent, by Chicago bank to a financial I i concern in Columbus. When working I': on that single cjisc. of course, the I officials of the Department were moro I or less in the dork as to the precise l i!ut that the disappearance had taken IPjace. In -p!te of the fact that there I were the ujfliaUslgned slips .indicating ( that the packagehad been received at the Columbus Post Office. But clerks ! who are lit a hurry sometimes sign . receipts without being any too careful ; to check up the letters or packages to i '' whiri they refer a highly roprehen- 2 Sible practice, hut one which Is the outgrowth of the shortage of help on j th pnrt of the Department. It Is quite j (, within the bounds of possibility, for j example, for, the package to have been abPtracted from the Chicago ofTioe with out the lods being discovered until r, Columbus ' checked up on the mail , ' whlcli was duo there. ; But, a. week or ten days later, came u tho second of the mysterious disap- r pcarances another envelope containing bills of large denomination, this time ! 1 enroule from Pittsburgh to Columbus, t Whep a third lo&s occurred tho follow- J i ing fortnight, the headquarters of the jj Postal Ipfipectlon Pervlce In "Washlng- I j ton became distinctly excited and every I man who could be spared w;ns turned I lwise in an effort to solve the problem. I f Orders were" given to sliadow all the I employees who had access to the rcgls- I , lered mall with a view to discovering Ij j whether they had made any. change In I j their personal habits, whether they I l had displayed an unusual amount of I i money wlthlti the past month or I) i whether their family had shown signs i nf exceptional prosperity. It was while the Chief was waiting for these reports that Elmer Allison blew into "Washington unexpectedly and strolled into the room in the big grey-stone tower of what was then the Post Office Department Building with ' the news that ho had solved the "poison pen case" in Kansas City and was ready to tackle something else. Allison's Little Joke. The Chief, to put it mildly, was sur prised and inquired why in the name of the seven hinges of Hades Allison hadn't made his report directly to tho office by mall. "That was a p-etty important case. Chief." IClmer replied, "and I didn't want to take any chancijs of the findings I being lost in the registered mail." I Then, grinning, he. continued: "Uudor- stand you've been having a bit of trouble out in Columbus?" ! "Wlio told you about that?" growled j the Chief. ! ""Oh, you can't keep things like that i under vour hat even' if you do succeed I in keeping them out of the pnp?rs." retorted Allison. little bird tipped me off to it three weeks ago and " "And you determined to leap back here as soon as you could so that you would be assigned to the orfse, eh?" "You guessed It. Chief. I wanted a try at the Columbus affair and I was afraid I wouldn't get it unless I put the matter personally up to you. How "bout it?" "As it hnppins, you lost rbnut two days of valuable lime in coming here, instead of wiring f-r further instruc tions from Kansas CItv," the Chief told h:tr. "I hadt intended taking you off that anonymous letter casn bv noon tomorrow, whether you'd finished it up r not, for tins i a far more important detail. Somebodv's gotten away with M0.000 so far and there's no " Tho Porr F.t-c j "Pirdon me. sir. lvit here's a wire wheh has Jut arrived from Rogers, in Columbus. Thought you'd like to see it , at once." and th? Chief's secretary laid ' a yellow slip face upward on his desk. Allison, .who was watching closely, saw ' a demonstration of the reason why official Washington maintained that the Chief of the Postal Inspection Service ' had the best "poker face" in the cap ftnl. Not a muscle In ' hiiTeountenanee changed as he read the telegram and then glanced up at Allison, continuing his sentence precisely where he had ; been interrupted: j "Itcason to suppose that the thief is ! croing to stop there. This wire from ! Rogers, the postmaster at Columbus, i announces the loss of a fourth package j of bills. Fifty thousand this timo. That's the biggest yet and it' brines the totjil deficit up to 5100.000. Rogers ! says that the banks are demanding" in stant action and threatening to take tho case to headquarters, which means that it'll be rpread all over "the papers. Congrers wll) start an investlgaton, some of us will lose our official "heads and. in tht mix-up, tho man who's re sponsible for the losses will probably make a clean get-away." Then, with a glance at the clock which faced his desk, "There's a train for Columbus In twenty minutes, Alli son. Can you make it?" "It's less than ten minutes to the station," replied the operative. "That gives me plenty of leeway." "Well, move and move fast," snapped the Chief. 'I'll wire Columbus that, you've been given complete charge of the case: but try to keep it away from the papers as long as you can. The Department lias come in for enough criticism lately without complicating the issue from Ihe inside. Good luck." And Allison was out of the door almost before he had finished .peaking. Allison Roaches Columbus. Allison reached Columbus that flight, but purposely delayed reporting for work Mntil the following morning. In the first place there was no telling how long the case would run and he roll that it was the part of wisdom to get all the rest he could in order to start fresh. The "poison pen" puzzle hadn't been exactly easy to solve and his vWt to Washington, though brief. had been sutllciently Ions; for him to ab sorb some of the nervous excitement which permeated the Department Then, too, he figured that Postmaster Rogers would be worn out by another day of worry and that both' of them would be;the Ivnter for a night's undisturbed-sloop. Xlne o'clock the next morning, how- i ever, saw him sealed in one of tho ' comfortable clnilrs which adorned the I Postmaster's private office. Rogers, who j did not put in an appearance until ten. I rhowed plainly the results of tho strain 1 under which he was laboring, for ho was a political appointee who had been in olllce only a comparatively short time, a man vwhose temperament re sented the attacks launched by the op position and who felt that publication of tho facts connected with the lost i $100,000 would spell ruin, both to his own hopes and those of the local or ganization. " Allison found that tho Chief had wired an announcement of his coming the day I before and that Rogers was almost pitifully relieved to know that the case was- in the hands of the man who had solved nearly a score of tho problems which had arisen In the Service during th(v pngt few years. "How much Co you know about tho ' case?" Inquired the postmaster. i "Only what I learned indirectly and from what the Chief told me," was I Allison's reply. "I understand that ap proximately 5100,000 is missing from I this post office" (here Rogers lnstinc j lively winced as he thought o the criticism which this announcement would cause if it were made outside the office), "but I havent't any of the de tails." V No Clues in Sight. "Xolther have we. unfortunately," was the answer. "If we had a few more we might have been able to prevent the last theft. You know about that, of course?" "The S50.000? Vcs. The Chief told me that you had wired." "Well, that incident is typical or the other three.' Banks in various parts of the country been sending rather large sums of money through the mails to their correspondents here. There's nothing unusual in that at this time of the j'ear. But within the past five or six weeks there have been four packages or. author. ,lnrg envelopes of money which have failed to be ac counted for. They ranged all tho way from ?10.000. the first loss, to the $50, 000 which dlrappearod within the past few days. I purposely delayed wiring Washington until wo could make a tin -rough search of tho whole place, going over the Registry Room with , a tine tooth comb " "Thus warning every man in it that he w-f nir,,- suspicion," muttered I BUT UNCLE SAM'S ARM IS LONG AND HIS MEMORY RETENTIVE. SOONER OR LATER HE NAILS THE MAN WHO BREAKS HIS LAWS, THOUGH IT OFTEN ENTAIi-S MONTHS OF WORK AND FEATS OF DETECTIVE GENIU3 ( WHICH FAR OUTSTRIP THOSE OF FICTION. THOUGH WRITTEN IN NARRATIVE FORM, THE ARTICLES IN THIS SERIES ARE ALL BASED ON FACT FACTS, IN MANY CASES, AVAILABLE ONLY SINCE THE CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES. NAMES AND LOCATIONS HAVE HAD TO BE ALTERED, BUT A FULL REPORT OF EACH CASE WOULD BE FOUND IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE DIFFERENT DE. PARTMENTS IF THEY WERE THROWN OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION. FOR THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE IN. STANCES IN WHICH THE LONG ARM OF UNCLE SAM HAS REACHED TO SEIZE THE MEN WHO BREAK HIS LAWS. Few Results Shown. "So, only one or two of the highest personal friends of mine whom I could trust to keep silent. I didn't care to swear out search warrants foe the resi dences of all the people who work here arid that's what it would have meant, if they had raised any objection. In their cases the Investigation was con fined to inquiries concerning their ex penditures in the neighborhood, unex pected prosperity and the like." "With what result?" j "None at all. From all appearances j there isn't a soul in this building who ; had hud tqn cents moro during tho past six weeks than ho possessed in ! j any like period for two years back." j "Did Boyd or any of the other De- partment operatives ask to see tho plans of tho post office?" inquired Alli son, taking another tack. "The what?" "The plana of the post office the blueprint prepared at tho timo that tho building was erected." "Xo why should they?" f "1 thought they might have been in terested in it, that's nil." was Allison's answer, but anyone who know him i would have noted thut his tone was just a trifle too nonchalant to, be en tirely truthful. ' "By tho way." added tho operative, 'might i See it?" ' "The blueprint?" - "Yos. You will probably find it in the ' safe. If you'll have someone look it up, I'll be back in half an hour to examine There, spread upon the desk, was the missing blueprint, creased and dusty from disuse. "First timo you over saw this, ch?" Allison inquired of the postmaster. "The first lime I even knew It was there," admitted that official. "How'd you know where to find it?" 'T didn't but there's an ironclad rule of the Department that plans of this nature are to be kept under lock and key for Just such emergencies as this. But I guess your predecessor was too busy to worry you with details.". Rogers grunted- It was aji open Kccrot that the postmaster who had preceded him had not been any too friendly to his successor. Allison did not pursue the subject but sprend. tho plan upon an unoccu pied table so that he could examine it With care. "If you'll be good enough to lock that door, Postmaster," ho directed, "I'll show you something else about your building that you didn't know. But I don't want anybody ejso coming in while we're discussing it." The Government's Precaution. Puzzled, but feeling that the Govern ment detective oujrht to be allowed to handle things In his own way, Rogers turned the key. in tho lock and came over to tho table where Allison stood. "Do you see that little square marked with a white star and tho letter 'J"?" asked Rimer. "Yes, what is it?" "What is ths largo room next to it?" countered the operative. help us in the sllsntest. How did the thief get the mail containing tho money out of the building? You know the system that maintains in tho Registry Room? It's practically impossible for a shoot of paper to be. taken out of there, particularly when we arc on guard, as wc arc now." A Lonq Wait. "That's true," Allison admitted, "but it's been my experience that problems which appear the most puzzling arc, after all, the simplest of explanation. You remember the Philadelphia mint robbery tho one that Drummond solved in less than .six11 hours? This may prove to bo just ns easy." N There Allison was wrong, dead wrong as lie had to admit some ton tdays later when, worn with tho strain of citting for hours at a time witli his eyes glued to the ventilator which masked tho opening totlio lookout, he finally eama. to tho conclusion that something would have to be done to speed things up.' It was true that no new robberies had occurred In the meantime, but neither had any of tho old ones been punished. The lost $100,000 was still lost: though the De partment, with tho aid of the Treasury officials, had scon that the banks were reimbursed. ' "The decoy letter," thought Allison, "Is probably the oldest dodge in the world. But, who knows, it may work again In this case provided wo stage manage it sufficiently carefully." With the assistance of the cashier of of the local banks, Elmer arranged "He Clasped the Handcuffs on tho Clerk's AYrists." Allison. "What was that?" Rogers inquired. "Nothing nothing at all. Just talk ing to myself. Far from a good habit, but don't mind it. I've got sonic queer ones. You didn't find anythinsr, of course?" ' " "In tho building? Xo, not a tiling. But I thought it best to make a thor ough cloan-up here before I bothered Washington with a report." "What about the men who've been working on the :asc up to this time?" ! "Xot one of them has been able to turn up anything that could be digni- fied by tho term clue, as 1 believe you detectives call It." j "Yes, that's the right word," agreed the operative. "At least all members of the Detective-Story-Writers' Union ! omploy it frequently enough to make it fit the case. What lines have Boyd and the other men here been follow ing?" "At my suggestion they made a care ful examination into the private lives ' of all employees of the Post Office, In- j eluding myself," Rogers answered, a bit pompqusly. "I did not intend to evade the slightest responsibility in the matter, so I turned over my bank book, tho key to my safe-deposit vault and even allowed them to search my house from cellar to garrot.-" "Was this procedure followed with respect to all the other employees in the buildings?" it," said Allison. "Meanwhile, I'll talk to Boyd and the other men already on the ground and soo if I can dig any thing'out of what they've discovered." . Othor Operatives Helpless. But Boyd and his associates were just jus relieved as Rogers had been to find that the case had been placed in Alli son's hands. Four weeks and more of steady work had left thenr precisely where they had commenced "several miles back of that point," as one of them admitted. "for three more stunts have been pulled oiT right under our eyes." The personal as well ns the official record of every man and woman ip the Columbus post office hud been gone over with a microscope, without tho slightest result. If the germ of dis honesty was present, it was certain well hidden. 'We'll try another and more powerful lens." Allison stated, as he turned back to the Postmaster's private office- "By the way. Boyd, have you or any of your men boen in tho Service more than four years?" "Xo. I don't think any of us has. What has that go to do with it?" "Xot a thing in tho world, as far a3 your ability is concerned, but thoro Is one point that cveryono of you over looked because you never heard of it. I'm going to try It out myself now and I'll let you know what develops." With that Allison turned and saun tered back into Rogers' office. ' "That's the why. that's the Registry Room'. " "Precisely. And, concealed in tho wall in a spot known only to persons familiar with this blueprint, is a tiny closet, or 'look-out'. That's what the 1 means and that's the reason, that there's a strict rule about guarding plans of this nature very carefully." "You mcaji to say that a place has been provided for supervision of the Registry Division a room from which the clerks can be watched without their knowledge?" "Exactly and such a precaution has ben taken in practically every post office of any size in the country. Only the older men in the Service know about it, which is the reason that neither Boyd or any of Ills men asked to see this set of plans. The next step is to find the key to tho lookout and start in on a very monotonous spell of watchful waiting. You have the bunch of master keys, of courso?" "Yes, they're in the safe where the plans was kept. Just a moment and I'll get them." When Rogers produced the collection of keys, Allison ran hurriedly over them and selected one which bore, on the handle, a small six-pointed star corre sponding to, tho mark on the blueprint. "Want to go up with me and Investi gate the secret chamber?" ho Inquired, j "I certainly do," agreed Pogers. "But j thero's one point whero tills room won't ' to have a dummy package of money forwarded by mail from Xew York. Jt was supposed to contain $35,000 in cash and all the formalities were complied with precisely as if thirty-five thousand-dollar bills were really inside the envelope, instead of as many sheets of j blank paper, carefully arranged. On the morning of the day the en velope was due to reach Columbus, Al lison look up his position close to the grill In the lookout, his eyes strained to catch tho slightest suspicious move I ment below. Hour after hour passed uneventfully until, almost immediately below him, he saw a man drop some thing on tho floor. Two envelopes had slipped from his hands and ho stooped to pick them up that was all. The First Clue. , But what carried a thrill to the oper ative in the lookout was the fact that J one of the envelopes was tho dummy sent from Xew York and that, when the man straightened up, ho had only i ono of the two In his hands. The dummy had disappeared! Allison rubbed his eyes and looked again. Xo, ho was right The postal clerk had, In some manner, disposed of the on velopo supposed to contain $35,000 and he was going about his work in precisely tho same way as before "Walt a minute," Allison argued to himself. -There's something missing besides tho envelope! What is It?"' A moment later ho had tho clue to :a t tho whole affair tho jaws of the CIV f which Allison had previously and tnZ '5 consciously noted were always hard at V work- on n wad of gum now wcro nt T rest lor the first time since the opr ative had entered the lookout! Th chewing gum and the dummy 'packtt had disappeared at the same lime' It didn't take Elmer more than thlrti seconds to reach Rogers' office and hi entered with the startling annonnrC. ment that "an envelope containing $3-,. 000 had just disappeared from tht Registry Room." "What?" demanded the Postmaster "How do you know? I haven't rccclvcl any report of It." "Xo, and you probably wouldn't f0, some time," Elmer retorted. 'But u happen."? that I saw it dlsappar," "Then you know where It is?" "I can lay my hands on it and pro!,. ably the rest of the missing moncy 'Insido of one minute. Let's pay a -visit to the Registry Room." Before entering the section, however Allison took the precaution of po-stir? men at both of the doors. "After J'm'lnslde." he directed, "don't allow anyone to leave on any prclest whatever. And stand ready for troub'i in case it develops. Come in, Mr. Rogers." 9 Tho Showdown. " Once In the room devoted to thi handling of registered mail. Allison made directly for the desk under thi lookout. Tho occupant regarded thtfr j approach with interest but, apparently, without a trace of anxiety. "I'd like In ll'IVA thnt Inttn,. ....! ! fc contain $35,000 which you droppd on the floor a few moments ago." Elmer remarked in a quiet, almost conversa tional, tone. Except for a sudden start, the clerk appeared the picture of innocence. "What letter?'' he parried. "You know what one!" snapped Al lison. dropping his suave manner and moving his hand significantly toward his coat poeket. "Will you produce II- or shall I?" "I I don't know whnt you arc talk ing about," stammered the clerk "Xo?" Well, I'll show you!" and th operative's hands Hashed forward anJ there was a slight click as a pair ct handcuffs snapped into place. 'Now, j Mr. Rogers) you'll be good. enough to watch me carefully as your evidene will probably be needed in court. Ill f show you asvsimple and clever a scheni -v as I've over run across." I With that, Allison dropped to thfl 1 floor, wbrmed his' Way YiniW the tab W l desk, tugged at something for a moment and then rose, holding fivo large enve lopes in his hands! There's your lost 5100,000," he ox plained, "and a dummy packet of ?33, ; 000 to boot. Thought you could get away with it Indefinitely, eh?" lie in quired of the handcuffed clerk, "it you'd stopped with the $100,000 as you'd probably intended to do, you might j have. But that extra letter turned tin trick. Too bad it contained only blank paper" and ho ripped the envelop! open to prove his assertion. j "But but I don't understand," fal- ; tered Rogers. "How did this man flcrk it right under our eyes?" The Explanation. "He didn't," declared Allison "il9 tried to work it right under mine, but 1 ho couldn't get away with IL The plan was simplicity itself. He'd slip an envelope, which ho knew containtd a largo sum of money out of the pfie -as it passed him ho hadn't signed for , them, so ho wasn't taking any sped1 1 risk drpp it on the floor, stoop over T ajjd, If he wasn't being watched, attach it to the bottom of his desk with a wad of chewing gum. You boasted that you went over tho room with a fin tooth comb, but who would think 0. looking on the under side of thl3 table The Idea, of course, was that he'd waK for the storm to blow over becaoft tho letters could remain in their Iildins ; places for months, if necessary an then start on a lifo-Iong vacat! with his spoils sis capital. But ho road the error of over-capitalization and I very much fear that ho'll put in at ka-t ten years at Leavenworth or MorF-m- ; town. But I'd like to bet Jic nevtf chews another piece of gum!" ( c I . ..hi I "That." contalnucd guinn, - tossed another pink wrapper into in i waste-basket, "I consider the filnipi"1 t and cleverest schomo to heat the Go F ernment that I ever heard of bctt even than Cochrane's plan in cona tion with the robbery of tho PluUo" j phla mint because it didn't neccss. any outside preparation at all 1 j 1 xlght job. a piece of guui and there y are. But you may be sure that wB' ri ever an important letter dlsappw nowadays ono of the first F searched by the Postal Inspection opr atives is the lower side of the af and tobies. You can't get away w 1 trick twice in the same place, as UK two. precious scoundrels, Yon Pj and Boy-Ed, discovered when w . ( tried to worK the 'double code once often." n'h'l "The double coda?" I sked. DA one was that?" - trii t ' "I doubt Jf you ever heard of K jj Qulnn'a reply, as he arose and slrCkiX)i himself, preparatory t0 MJ',nsJVn ' night. "It was one of the inst?n, ,j which the Germans thought tho an infallible secret and a cort'3,"fr' f 1 scholarly man in tho Xavy Depart 1 shot it full of holes, Just aUttW 1 chanced to have read some 01 , . Vorno's romances, I'll toll J'oi C It somotime." t. "Tho Double Code" tho Twf'a ' L "The Long Arm of Uuclo Sam , Will be Published Next SunW- k Ij ' F