Newspaper Page Text
1 THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1920 9 j 11 1 r FOR SALE I ; FIVE ROOM MODERN h H On the bench. sleeping porch, H ccnicnl basement, garage. KOiith front, larpj lot. 54000 I , Term 5. H FIVE ROOM MODERN 5 : just off Washington iivpiiuc. Si ;. near 2Sth street, cement base IB menl. large lot nnd fine loca- IM ton 53350. Tonus . '. 52100. TERMS I ; Five rooms, large lot, ."Ux225 I i fect, on Washington avenue. I : Terms. BARGAIN IN LOTS ; Three lots for the price of one. ; 150x150 feet, in Rood location. ', $750. Half cash. I ' GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO.. I ' 16 Twenl -fourth Phone 115 I GEM REALTY" CO. I 1 : -373 Hudson Ave Phone 1037 ! soven room brick, modern, brick bam I ,' ,nd carafe, Inrgv lot with fruit: chicken I ' fins; close to car line. Price $4200. I ' Five acres first class farming: land, good al ' M-ter right; close to town. $1200. I Four room house, good basement, Iari:c r ; oU $2400. Terms. 2S54 , S m" owner, one furnished sjx room brick fm - house, modern except heal, lot G6xl65. i $ with right of -way; shade trees: largo barn E suHal)Ic tar ParaEc- Address b5'J Twcnty- 35 I gixth street. 225 IS ' FIVE room modern brick., good location, -fell j acres best land and orchard. Good N'i iniproveincnts. Two acres orchard, small house. I S)J Ahonc I5H-W. C. D. McDonald. 2020 I !Jjj ; , j "5! ' ' IF YOl arc looking for h four room , S modern house on the bench, cast front, , He ' very desirable location, you can t aiionl ' i0 iiss this up. e nave n sjK-eial price . I on this place for a few days only. Thos. M vuld under First National Bank. Phone w -j ! FOUR rooms ami bath, full basement; M frame house; 5:500. No. 350 Kershaw; a ? tvenue. Inquire olkcr Lumber Co. '2'JQ'J ' SEVEN room modern brick with barn and ' I ' enrage, Inrgv; elm-ken house. 06 feet iront. " Flue large lawn; tannly orchard with 5S r nntor rlKiit lor garden; house ban a south 1 front; It i a fine home; will sell for $1200. : 1 which is $1000 IC3S than the house alone Si i would cost to build. $251)0 cash. Good I ' Tins on balance. Owner. 550 Fourth Si. rS Phone 25S2-M. 2896 iS TWO room houso and five lots, 3170 Jack- I son. also chickens, turkeys and a cow. S . ' 2871 ii I Q I F1M3 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, a I Inquire 2270 Ogdcn avenue. 2S73 I p-iVE room strictly modern brick house. I I hot water heat. hardwood floors, mil mS bacracnt; on paved street. Phone 282S-R. J f J -2 I BY OWNER Nifty four room house, ;5 ' clos" n on bench and Just off pnved P , street, has fine sleeping porch and full 1 cement basement and conveniently ar- JJ ranged throughout. Plione 23CS-W. 2$'J3 Jf Ut'SINESS lot on Hudson avenue for sale V- ny owner. Phone 2D20-W. 2S47 tl ; J .5 ." GOOD lot on Pingree avenue, near the M ' I'lngrce school, cuiy 5o.'j0. Terms if de- I . sired. J.J. Urunimitt, Plione 50. 2'23 :2 FOUR room nearly modern house, on ; paved street. 275u. ogg6 I KELLY & HERR1CK. 5 . . zl i LISTEN Seven loom house on the 51 bench, strictly modem, ideal location. This beautiful home is offered at a. bar i :am price lor a few days. Thomas Auld, I ; under First National bank. Phone 301. I 2SCS I li EIGHT room brick house. 2Vj acres cholco - land, will sell all or part; good location li and improver-ents. East Twelilh street. ;' rhone 2230 2832 j i FOUR room frame, only $1100. ' Two four room frame houses. $2000 I ' fllan oilier good bargains. Inquire 302 Si Thirty fifth street. II. Van Braak. 2S37 ! ;' LOT on Twenty-third street, Just north ' oi the lnteruroa,n terniinal, Joining the i tfrmlnai grounds. 20 toot alley on the 3 ' side; all special tuxes paia. including tlio 6 i pavement. Only $lu per loot. Terms. J. I : J. Brummltt. -M17 Hudson Avenue. 2S23 FOR SALE by owner, five room modern 1 !; bungalow. Phono SUo '-. THREE acros of land, nice 4-room house. barn, large iluc-ken coop. z? blocks lrom U street car lint. CJ2 .Fourth bueet. ibll ! .; BURLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS WE have a largo list of h rivaled farms for sale or tmue. me or tee WOAici 1 GKISWOLD 1N. Co., liuncy. luaho. I : 2 IS if ' ONE of the greatest investments in the '. citv, 2U0 lect iront on the uonch on 'iwen- ty-srxth street, near where about twenty . ' new homes arc being built coauny irom , ! 53000 to $10,000. Orjy 5ti j)er noni loot, jj ', J, J. Brummitt. Plione 5U. -- J I elegant lot on Thirtieth street, near ) 1 Lincoln aenue. Jiio 512 per nont loot, ill 1 Terms if desirtd. J J Uruiiimili. 241 'i '. Hudson avenue. -' ' rOUR-room brick liouso, furnished, $3600. M P. O. Box 3Jj MM M TEN-room house, 170 21st SL. and 4-room 4 ' house, lcciuwc C. Jumej. west 12:h ; SL, or 170 21st Sc. -K-1 i ; GOOD tv.'o room house with large lot, lo- ; catcd near Grant uvemiu. omy '&iJ. J . H ; J. lirummilt, Phono &'J. 2Szj '4 ': '.hi TW O 5-room modern cement block Houses $3,000 cacn. Terms. Call 23-J-0. 2oj 7-ROOiL mouem framo residence, snap, ; terms $3,500. lCciJy oi HerncK. 25pj ' SEVEN and one-lial acres improved ; larin; uocki water nglit; neur north city ! limns, $3Ci00. KJSLLY & 1-LERRICK 2501 , , tilX-ioom bnrk house. 2 1-2 blocks front 1 vVatb, on oeneh. witr. chicken lun aim ' harcec. Siilp ut $2ioi. j. cru.B ut Ao. , i iih Street. -M i (i FIvE-iOom liouso for solo. 1965 licclen. ; ? Inquuo 2251 uuaoa V. 2J3a j ; TWO city lou on 9tii and. Granu Pliono j f 2U7-W. 'Hl ' ' ; FIE-ioo:n modern cu Ecnch. Apply -154 j ' ; 26tn St. 2jio j I YVE BUT, SL'LLl and exchange farms, i ranches, houses and city propurty. tieo 1 ' us before ou sell or Duy. smith &. il3' Fiuidera Co., up stains, Commercial banx. m j ; ijEVEN-room brick house; good location, j ; J2S00. j i 5 TEN-room brick with hot water heat, j i $5ooo. i TWO acre uorchard, small house. C. D, McDONALL Plione 1514-W I ! 5 i , 156 ACRES of farm land near Promoa- l . tory, fully cqulppod vilh stock and tools. I Residence. staDie, spring for domestic use i , end early water i6r Irrinatlon. Thin i : "ould make a choice grain fann. Can i 1, take a home in Ogdon as part payment. . $4760. W. li. w'eclell. -'4CS NVaah Ave : i r 183,'J i 1T Wli-L pay you to sec us about good -. 9 lamif loans, city residences and oti. i s I'none laitj. Porter Realty Co., 23i4 i Washington Ave., basement. List with J us. 10J1 GOOD five room house, with six lots, lo catcd on Thirtieth street near Wall avc- IH ntie. Only $2600. Terms if desired. Low Wm raif, of interest. J. J. Brummltt, 2117 jM: Iludgon avenue. 2S23 II 1I.VRGA1N Seven room house In good Eg location. For Information apply to Mrs, II ' R. Lee. 100D Twenty-third. 2707 E BARGAIN ?5,000. 1C0 acre farm, cultivated, house, granary. KM tift, UB' ulc- flno voll.. .at Grace. Idaho, fj fuOI)0 i-ftsh. the rest on "good terms, or will KB Hade for city properli . Appl 3240 Stev- n ens avenue 27C1 IB I Continued i J'ODERN home, seven rooms, with bath. ,b.aa-rnent. CS feet by 215 feot. at M3 un8hlngton avenue. Apply at Har j rla Sz Jensen. Hudson Rldg. 279S TWO acres land, 3 room house, fruit trees. ; chicken coops. Glonwood Acres. Inquire 2010 .Monroe. 2003 j ACRE and quarter lot and four room house. Twentieth and Spencer avenue; water right; price $2200: first payment $500 and monthly payments at 7 per cent. J. A. Kenmxly. basement Utah National Uldg.- Phone 913. 2011 GOOD woven room modem licmo located I close in on iha bench, with large lot, J gnrngf. elegant grounds, great snap at J3500. Terms. J . J. Brummill, Pnone 59. 2S23 THREE room frame and large bam, good lot, Williams avenue. Price $1C30. Cash payment $500 and monthly payments at 7 per cent; must be sold this week. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah Natltonul. Phono U13; will consider Ford car. 2910 12 room apartment house, close In, $5000. 10 acres improved farm, fruit oad water right, $475u. 5 room house and acre of land, on Sev enth street. $1250. KELLY ic HERR1CK 2791 ROOMING house, well located. $950. O. A. Kennedy, basement Utah National Uldg. 2771 THREE rooms, frame, on bench. -wood lot. $-uuo. O A. Kennedy, basement Ctah .-s.iuonal Bank LClUg. 2770 WANTED j WE pay highest lrices for old clothes. New York Clothing Store, 259 Twenty lil'th street. 2yC j LADIES will come to your home, wash your linest rugs or your floors for $2 each. Kill the germs; niake them like new or no pay; live years' experience in tills line; will beg.n Monday luth. Ad- dress at once. Mrs. Paul, Box C-J Stand ard. 2795 IF YOU have a 4 or 5 room house for saic, list it with me I can sell it for you. 'lhos. Auid, under first National i .it. ;; WE have cash customers for desirable rvaideuuo una larm lanus. ilsi your prop erty uh reliable pupule. ivt-llty it lier ncK. 2UC4 WANTED Your vacuum cleaner to re pair, prices icasonauic; woi:k guurantojJ. Pttoiie LU'J7. UTS LIST your property with mo 1 can ili It. Nepln DaiuaUoni, -111 14th St. 25Si I lo tfuy WAN'T1-;d to buy, 100 feot iron fence. I Pnone is-.T-i . 292s I : ! WANTED to buy. a house on the bench ion reaaunauie terms. I'lionc 195U-M I 2922 WILL pay cash lor a modern six or eight ! room house. For a bargain will go as liign ns iJUUO. Phone Iu3i. 2S55 1 ! FROM owner, five or. six room nome. ; liviiun pre. erred. Call 224-J. 2SUt SlCOND-HAND galvaniztd city water pipus. i'Iikh-j il. JjuiKway. !3-i.;-L I WANTED For Sj.ot Cash, stock .of gen t.i in-n-iiuiiujic," aiuu exclusive niun' Cioillillt; iU n.4 slltK; &iuiii, in 1 itinOUlll up 10 lwu.Owu. o go anywiitiv. Al. cor iespoiiucii.u Mrie.iy cuuiiucuiial. .M. J. sii eioiuui, 2'juo -iaiDb Ave. wb'deu, Lit. 2MG HIGHEST cash market prlco paid for veal I cull, urcsseu nous, aiiccp una uccf. v o I pay tup pi ic-e iui liiuvt., pens una furs. I ciil 'us "uy"uiiu tjca ynves or write Great I csturii iitue i-jkeiiocic ju. Pnonu liui. 01O x nni -tuuriii oi. 1314 I I . . . 1 I HIGHEST prfces paid for old clothes. 1 I v c uo leaniiib. picoaing uUu repairing. 1 I at rcubonaum . icca. iewxoiK ioJiiny j a lure, jj muio-mui at. 132 ! ACCRUED interest Plus market price lor 'ui'cuy Lienuo iiu.u uy j. si. i logic- il: c"o. 1 2s 4a LIBERTY Locos houfertU J. J Brummill. j i'lionc bv. ztii CLEi.N raj,. wiiiited ut the dlamiaia uuice. TAXI SERVICE UP-TO-DATE iaxi seivice, call for Han aen's Tuxl at Manon Hotel. Phono 211W. j 24li7 PE.VXUT-popoorn roaster and C5 egG in cubalor Phone 333 737 SMALL truck for sale, or will trade for city propoi ty. Phono 26G9-K. 2687 ONE-HALF acre In peaches, nearly 100 trees. $b5u, cash or lerma, or will trad'j lor good automobile. 411 2lth St, 23S3 TO EXCHANGE City property, well sit uated tor car in good cndiuou. Roadster prelerrea. Adarc&s Box 1, Standard. lSy-i ! Miscellfeneouo GOOD work horse- C95 Third street. 2918 GARAGE lor lent. 2033 Adams. 2261 f forretI J Farm TWENTY acres of good tomato and vege table land lor rent- has 10 sharos of Davis and Weber County Canal Co. Call at 142 West Patt. 2926 THE Oak poultry yard; consists of 7',i acres; ground suitable for trucking; gar rage for two cars; 5 room house, modern. The "Walker Co., G23 Eccles Bldg. Phone 1130. 27S9 j CALL at 52S West Court for plain sew I Ing, reasonable prices. 2G45 DRESSMAKING 'ind remodeling. 350 31?:. 2S92 PLEATING, Buttons, hemstitching plcot at 10c per yard; third floor W. ii. Wright & Sons, &01 DRESSMAKING. Phono 1912-J. 207 foFrei j Unfurnisd ' GARAGE for two machines. Inquire 212S 1 Lincoln 2SG9 i THREE rooms, upstairs, not modem. I Phone 27(I8-J. 2307 I THREE room apartment, private bath, j heat; close In. Phone 100S-J. 2801 ! FOUR room' house in rear 2138 Jeffer- son. Modern. 2917 THREE or four modern rooms. Call 4R7 Twentv-fllxth street. 2919 I " WANTED j I Salesmen WEv.-ant some real llvo salesmen to hcM Simplex Windshield Wings In every town in I'lah. Nevada, -Montana and Ida ho. Call or write Ogdcn Auto Supply, j -582 Washington AVo.. Osden, Utah. 21a'J . WANTED j j Femal e H elp J ! WANTED Middle aged lady to keep house for widower and small family. Good I modern home. Phone 2S9S-M. 2941 GIRL wanted; general housework. Phon! 1S93. "04S j EXPERIENCED office girl, one who can figure; McCaskey account work prjncl- ' pallvi Jeavc name, address or prone num ber luT Box P. Standard. 2932 GOOD woman to clean house. Call 56 or 2550 after G:30 p. 111. 2920 HOUSEMAID; two In family: $10. Ivy Apartments. 2SS99 WANTED Piano player: clrl preferred. The Song Shop. 10$ Twenty-fifth street. 2845 WANTED Housekeeper for sma:: ramlly Phono 1S93, 2S17 GIRLS wanted in nl' departments. Ogden Steam. Laundry, 437 25th St. 2123 GIRL for general housework. Phone 2394. I 1SDG j CHAMBERMAID at Healy Hotel. pgly ! in person. 1. r- l WANTED Chambermaid. Reed Hotel. , UHH I DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing 1 to apply themselves. See Madam Capl.iu. 'Third iloor. Wrights' Store. 9212 1 I GIRLS wanted lo sew on overalls. We pay while you learn. Only thoue who 1 want steady Jobs need apply. Scow- croit Manutactunns Cn. 501-i Information Bureau $1,00 PER LINE PER MONTH , V . I YTmlxij New or Ola ANYTHING A to Z nuw or old boutiiu, oum or UHuol x'uoiiu 333. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bitimwell Jiook anu tta.tionery. 2362 Sui'iLn;iuu Au. Puuiiu 3uu. -jji BANKING- ' - Utah Nationul Bank, southeast corner Tweiuy-iourin una ashmgion. Phono til. T. IL o'Conucllj, Oguen, Utah. Leai aavicu uy muii. Wuie .iu ttiu lac (.a. X'UOIIU '-I'- CARPET CLEANING iiL Van Klampen lor upholstering, car P'u cicuneo, aiteivu una tuia. ReinuKins OI lilUkUcdaed, X'llOUu Z'ibZ-J. j Expert carpet eleuniug, matress reno vacmg, upuuiateruig, uud apiuigs ic streteucd. Outl xu. J. xiajupiou Co., rc-uuicr xtcnovunng. x-nono jjoo-vv', Chi I RO PR ACTOR 'jw eu . trxixis eron, D. C. Res. phoni lua-. iui-u: ivccici xiuiluing. j COOPER SHOP ail Kiiius of barrels, tubs, etc I Cm tot c-uaic-u, jgUD AuHiiii. Pnonu vsu. i I I DENTISTS ' The Now Method Dentists arc op'cciai- ists in an tnuncnes 01 Dentistry, -ios I aalllllgiun Ave. 1 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE I Luiurmouiiuiln Concieio Co. Twenlie n anu i-nicoiu ac, ctiucii, utali. Pnoue j yjiiH uuu -la. 31U I ENGRAVING Oguen Lugravin Service Co., maKero ol nuo cuts hi una or ruore eoioid. 4 lb xwcuiy-iourin suc-el. Puouo -loJ. FIRE INSURANCE Charles Eisenuer. Phone 1859-J. Cat enuouiun ana Aucnigun Commercial Stan xnsuiunco. 1573 FOOT SPECIALIST L. J. BaiKor, room 320 Hudson Bldg1., arcn supports, currccteu treatment. 2427 HAY AND GRAIN1 Hay, grain an poultry feed. Boll Bios. 31 x'weuty-third street. Phono 2slo. ivJy HIDES, WOOLS, FURS O. M. Hutiytui, 24oj Wall Ave., pays top prices, l-uone (al-W. Ibzx JOBBING Jobbing, brick, cement and plastering Pnone iu. ibou ubiiiugton. 1213 JUNK AND HIDES Ueateru Hiue 6c Junk Co., 2323 Waan ingvuu .-.vo, x'uouu 6til. j Ogdvn Junk llouu, 2059 A'ashington Ave Pnonu 21U. JUNK If you have Junk 0: any klud or burlap bags, pnonu 22-M. 2121 KEY FITTING Key littinff and lock repairing. Hud- j son xtepuir isiiop, ib'J Huusou. i.'U. 7o--J. J79 PHOTOGRAPHERS Photos ure not iiigh priced at tho Fast foto otudio. 2-i Nvaanington Ave. Cabi net ioiueid i doen. x'ony cabinet $2. rost euiuj $1. x.ui'Bu one n ee 2b'Jl PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fernlund, oulec houra 10 to l p. in. .Now Pecry Blug. xiuacon Ave. AM- Pnone no. Oineu phono i j00- v. RADIATORS REPAIRED raotory equiiiieut lor repairing wreck ed, uciu, ic.iftj or iwiated rauiaiors. Og ucii -vuiu iv.u.iaior co., jj9 xiuuson Ave. F.EFINISHING Brass iKua, cuandollers, olflco fixturcj reiinibiieu 'x. imriiixi yj Neil. Got x Mvuuviu street. i2'jj REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Wlliura ii-uy, real estutu and .'oar.u. 24H jnliic". ju au. xnono iuv. IbH SCAVENGER Garbage xuu rubbish hauled, ccsspoou aim toilet, cieuuuu. Jonn Chlpp & Co. I l'nunu o-r, .--is x-iudson Ave. J7"JJ I SANITARY WORK buni'ary Guroagu Co., all kinds of run bisn iiuiea. 1'iioau 20. SEWING MACHINES o runt, lx-pair, carry needles .md parts lor all uuius ot inuchinort. White Serving Miichiuu Co. 277 sushlngio.i AVe. xJhonC -6!4. TREE PRUNING K. in . Rasmusben LeRoy Marsh lUEE xJuuiUG -We aro experts in orchard and ornamental pruning. Correct 'piuiung is a science u u unuerstand it. Contract work our specialty. Phono 937- . lvt-s. lai Twenty-ilrst St. 2813 TAXI SERVICE xnxi service. Phono 81 for taxi. Closod cars Only. 2743 TrlANSFEP. WORK Gall S. M. .Moore for all kinds of trmidier worn, l'uone 2373-W. 132U I TENTS AND AWNINGS I OEueu Tent & Awning Co. Manufac turers oi uign ynide store, ofllco ana resident awuingo. Wuterproor covrj, oaga etc. Anything lh canvas. 220S Waaiilngton Ave. Phono 2GH. 1521 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk cjid bag repairing, round cor ner irom standard. Culluchor's, 123 Hudson. , 2115 WALL PAPER CLEANING Phono 2443-M. Warner and Thomas. 245 WINDOWS CLEANED Export window and wall paper cleaning anywhere, Amerlcun Window Cleaning. Phoue 503. 230 Washington Ave. CARD and character reading. 449 2Gth SL 2492 EXPERT piano tuning. Call Wood, 30C7 2814 PIANO lessons. 50c. Beginners preferred. . Rear 451 Twenty-sixth 2857 j FOR SALE j I Miscellaneous COMBINATION coal and gas range: ban! never been set up; leaving town and will ! sacrifice for $85. 2122 Qulncy avenue. 2913 GAME ixiostcrs for sale Fortieth and ' aslllngton , 2938 SINGLE bugg- nnd hariiiess. $15. SS0 1 Second street. 2927 ' HORSE, wagon and harness. 1781 Wnfli-; Ington. 2030 I OLD Trusty incubator, bed. white Shet-. land. Rear 7 IS Twenty-third street . . 2931 STEINWAY square grand piano; $C5. 1009 Capitol avenue. Must sell. 291 1 j FUMED onk dining room furniture. Snap. 1 Address 2335 Qulncy avenue. 2915 FOR SALE 10 foot Walrus soda foun tain; all marble construction; in excel lent condition. The Wright Co., Evans ton, Wyo. 2905 DINING table, chairs, stoves, bed, piano. 2S31 Hudson. Phone S6S-W. 2901 CORN j Oats whole or rolled. I Barley, whole or rolled. Sunripe molasses stock feed. ALBERS BROS. MILLING CO. Twenty-ninth St. and U. P. Tracks. 2591 Phone 106 j BICYCLE, good as -new, $25; Call at 28fi6 Monroe. 2S9S DANDY little short order and candy store at a sacrifice: owner selling on ac count of sickness. Inquire 223 Twcnly firth street. 2S97 PHONOGRAPH, large size, cabinet style, fume finish, at a bargain; also have a number of second hand ranges. Miller Furniture Store, 2532 Washington. 2872 I LINOLEUM J THE best felt base printed floor covering $1.50 a running- yard. Phone 24C4. The Furniture Exchange. 253 Twenty-fifth streot. 2C51 GOOD new stove; has been in use one month. $75. Call at 331 Twenty-second., 2S5S7 PARROT and Incubator for sale. Phone 1190-J. 2821 GIJRLTE trnnsll. nn urn r frl- pod. Price $150. Perfects condition. Ad dress Box 8S, Standard. 2831 NEW Willard battery for sale; a bargain. F. W. Frakcr. care Mclntyre Drug Co. 2834 WAGON and harness, practically new. Phone 17-J-4. 2S3S ALMOST new phonograph, plays all rec ords; must sell nt once witli all records lor $50. Box A-l. Standard. 2800 THREE plow tractor. Will take good autc as part payment. Phone 3177-J.0 2C7S STANDARD make mahogany piano for cash. Phone 889. Pollard. 2S15 NEW chicken house, wire for run. etc. Phone 15C1-R. 2785 NATIONAL cash legistcr. Borthana Con fectionery in Berthana Bldg. Twenty j fourth street. . 27S2 KINDLING WOOD at Globe Mills. $1 per load. $2.50 delivered, by W. II. Hales, j Phono 9-J-l. 2773 PLAYER piano, scarf, bench and three dozen rolls, cheap for cash. 2940 Chllds Avenue. 27SS : l H1GH patent flour $5.90 per hundred, de livered. Farley Grocery, 2C02 Washlng I ton avenue. Plione 1G26. 27CC BARN or garage for sale. Call 2S7G-J. 27C5 TWO Goodyear cord tlrca and tubes. 33x4. $40. 2270 Ogvlcn avonuc. 27CS FOUR year old-Jorsoy cow and calf, cheap. 129 Twenty-third street. 2763 FOR SALE ELEVATORS. Wc furnish and Install high grade electric of hand elevators, any capacity. Write Wm. Watrous. 248 Edison St., Salt Lns City. Wo buy second hand ones 2lb6 SECOND-hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Ivorson. 1640 Wash. Phono 49. ud WICKER baby push cart, good as now. 4C0 29th strcoL 2103 i L. NEWMAN Furniture store, 234X Washington Ave. wo have a largo stock ot slightly used furni:ur; and stoves to select from at liuif price ot new. 2527 DROP-HEAD Singer Sewing Machln?. Room 8. 32C 1-2 25lh SL 2105 SCRAP lumber for sale. $2.00 per loa-J. $3.50 delivered. Globo Mills. Phone S-J-l. ONE-ton truck for sale, or trade for lighter truck. Huntavillc Cheese Fac tory. 23bi ONE-ton truck tor sale, or trade Mr lighter truck. Iluntevillo Cheese Fac tory. 4 2382 ALL Chandlor extras for sale, at P. W. Jackson, 242 Hudson. 2351 FINE violins sold on terms at pre-war prices. Pantoue, 29th end Hudoon. 23.(1 PUPPIES that kiddies lovo for sale at 856 Canyon Road. 2.HU FEMALES and guaranteed singers. Come hear them sing. 22-0 Lincoln. 2242 GRAIN, hay. potatoes. We can sa.vo you money. Giout'u Grain Store, 332 Twenty-fourth St. 1473 O. I. C. boar for service. 3170 Jackson Avcnuo. ' 131U SECOND hand goods bought, sold :tnd exchanged. 1800 Washington Ave. 686-J. H. B. Stowe. 1211 PIGS for sale. Stato Industrial School 9480 New and second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for second hand furniture. Trunks and suit cases a specialty. SInor Trunk & Fur niture Store. 241 Twenty-fifth Street. Phono 1321. . 59J J. A. HOGLE & CO. pay highost prices In Ogdcn for Liberty bonds. 2i50 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's. 211-25 Twenty-fifth St. Phono 119. 2157 l,..-,.,.,...,.,.,.T.-.-."t i WANTED to rent, .1 five room house, on bench preferred, by responsible party. Phono 1956-M. 2923 THREE or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Box L, care of Standard 2870 WANTED lo rent, a business building1, nny part of tho city, within thirty dnyn. Phone 1356-M. 2924 THREE or four room modern houso fur nished. Phone 1217-M. 2824 FIVE or six room unfurnished moderr. house. Phono 1293. 275f WANTED to rent, 4 or 5-room housu, modern or partly modern. Phono 1650 J. 2613 TO RENT a garage near 2ith nnd Mon roe Ave. Address Box 2343 caro Standard. 257b FOR baby chicks, phono Astill 669. 2C4i CHOICE mating pens, all varieties, also splendid mules. Let us know your wants. Also supply setting most varieties. West frn prnln Si Feed Co.t 2354 Washington Ave. Phone 1243. Ogdeu, Utah, 2CUJ GOOD Red pullets. Phone 3252-M. 2695 WANTEET j Male Help COOK for country hotel. Apply at room 3. Broom hotel, before 20th. 2942 WANTED A short order cook, $75 perl month, room and board. Address Louis I Oldcsdore. Box 24. Malad, Idaho. 2907 ( BOY wanted at W. W. Browning & Co. 1 2910 j RAILWAY mall clerks. $110 month: ase j IS-3o: experience unnecessary. For free particulars, examinations, write J. Leon- ! aid (former government examiner) 897 Equitable Bldg.. Washington. 2S90 "WANTED SHOE SAl.ES:LVN Youuj? man with some "pep" and ambitious to advance, rather than be an ordinary shot) salesman. Salary depends upon your abll- ; ity- Cheap help need not apply. Walk- Over Boot Shop. 2790 1 BOY about IS years. Auto Salvage Co.. 1 2318 Grant. 2812 EXPERIENCED auto salesman and me chanic. References. Box 50 care Stand ard. 2776 WANTED Experienced gnrdenrr for coming season. Apply room 425 Eccles Bldg. 2769 YOUNG man stenographer. Ogdon-Porl-land Cement Co.. 021 Eccles Bldg. 26n:-. BOY with horso for Standard routo on Hurrlsvillu Road. Apply circulation Mgr. Standard. 2469 EXPERIENCED nrunners. W.B. Wo dell, 2463 Washington. 2314 BEFORE selling Liberty bonds, got prices irom J. A. Hogie 4fc Co. 2451 CARS WILL BE SCARCE AND HIGHER uN account of. 3teel strike, car shortage etc.. nianuiaciurcrs are unable to secure material and tliereioi e cannot make tiohv ! cries. But heie is an opportunity to buy la nc-w Eicar luliy equipped at $5uu less I than present market price. Sec this car bciore buying; its an opportunity you cannot atiora to miss. liAXi'tirtl SERVICE CO. 2166 Grant Ave. Prest-o-llte Batteries 2936 OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2347 Hudson Ave. Phone 400 Hudson "Super-Six" Chevrolet, "rniir-ninolv" uodge Bros. Roadster. 1917 Ford touring1 car. Maxwell touring car. 2SS1 BU1CK 4 cylinder. 191S model, .first class condition, real burgam; must be sold at once; party is leaving lor New York. 23S Twenty-third street. 2921 FORD roadstc'r cheap if taken at once. 1413 Twenty-third street. 2912 : ; I FORD road3tor in good condition; $390. I Phone 1991. 2S78 ! FORD louring car, fine condition; new engine; nut soil at once lor $JYo. Box -2, Standard. vlO'J CHUMMY roadster, newly painted and overhauled, cheap lor caah. 2U40 Childs avenue. 27S7 FOR SALE Good Ford touring car. D. M. Dodson, 2i21 Grant, or 9il union Live Stock Com. Co. 2772 1915 4 cylinder Bulck 37 touring, cord llrc-a, ncwiy painted. li17 liuicii, v, new lop, cord tires, runs like new. 1UI8 vord touring. All in nrst cinbrt mechanical condition. PAuii'lC ,AbH woi'UK CO. 22uu Washington Avenue 2333 Huason A uiiue. Phone 143 2u7i DOES your cngino pump oil and foul sparK plugs? uoes it leak compression and thai out oil In crnnKcasoV. Wo can usuuhy remedy .. without reooring. wc can suvo you money 11 robormg 1.1 nee casary. Bui low xtios., 24oti Grunt avenue. 2nl HA R LEY motorcycle Vnd sidecar. 1919 modci; like new. Excelsior single cylin der motorcycle, $75. rord touring cur. iyi7 model, A-l engine and in goou con aition; ."Maxwell touring cur; Ford speed ster. See circulation manager, Uguen standara. Why not nn exchange car? Now is tho time to buy 1 Maxwells, '14. '15, '17, 'IS 1 Ford louring 1 Chnlmers b-od 1 Buick roadster WEBEK-l'Ax LOR AUTO CO. 267S 2333 Hudson Avenue. Phono 143 4-90 MODEL G-passengcr Overland, run less than 5,000 miles; good as new. Fully equipped, ail new urea. A bargain for $bu0. Call at 616 22nd SL, alter 6 p.m. Phono 1752-W. 2399 j Situations EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po ffillon. Phono 34-J-2. 2856 CARE of llttlo children by reliable party. Phono 50-J -3. 2846 WIDOW wishes housekeeping for widow er with ono or two children. Small fain, lly. Phone 1520-J. 2793 2LATERNITY nurse. 2313 Madison 2477 IRONING. 2236 Madison. 2442 EXPEr.T bookkeeper would like extra Bet of books to work on cvcnlng-s. Box "G" Caro Standard. 1787 I I I Board and Room. PRIVATE homo on bench; will take two gentlemen with rcforonces, to board and room. Phono 2298-W. 2S52 BOARD and room. Call 2S76-J. 2767 WANTED j j I Agents $ LvGENTS WANTED To handle stock of 1 high grade $6,000,000 oil company with I Delaware charter. Ha3 100,000 acres in ! Texas and production. Pays dividends. Exceptional inducements to investors. I Best of co-operation. Leo F. Reardon, 1 Virginia. Company, inc. 4 Dundee Block. 'Fort Worth. Texas. 2906 1 AT ONCE, real salesmen needed to han dle latest liv3 wire household specialty; luige commislons; hustlers only need ap ply. Ask for Mr. Worth, 2540 Washing ion avenue. 9200 WANTED: Agents for Ogdcn and vi cinity. Good proposition. Previous ex perience unnecessary . Free School ot Instruction- Address Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Acci dont and Health "Department, Saginaw, Michigan. Capital $1,500,000. 22SS BETWEEN Salt Lake and Ogdcn, 30x3 white Wlro wheel with Goodrich 30.3i nonsUid cord caning. Finder kindly notify Blnford-Kimball Motor Company, Ogdnn, and receive reward. 2859 STRING of yellow fancy beads. Finder coil 2518. 2S39 GENTLEMAN'S cameo tlo pin: sot In gold, squaro mounting; finder return to Reed Hotel offico; got big roward. 2007 MOUSE colored muff; red satin lining. Lost oomo whero In business district. Finder call ll-J-4. Roward. 1653 BROWN, rollod brim hat. on Twenty-second nnd Hudson. Telophono 2.'il9. 12J2 JERSEY cow. branded H. C. on rirAt hip. Phone 1S93. 2933 32x4 tube and crsing. Reward. Return lo Utah-Oregon Lumber Co 2031 tBlsiBroRHirl) III ik ill LONDON "W. E." "Pussyfoot" ; Johnson, American dryadvo- fk cato, recently returned to public life In London, after being laid "Up v , through tho loss of an eye, tho result of a hazing by wet college boys, jJ was given a reception ot wolcome at Central Hall. The deraonstra- . tlon "was also to congratulate America on her "Dry forever" sue- - ' IH I FOR RENT I I Furnished . SLEEPING roomr 343 Twenty-eighth. Phone 1302 -W. 2902 FOUR rooms modern. 1017 Twenty-first street 91S Twenty-first. 2875 FURNISHED housekeeping room. Phone 1597. 2377 GATES HOTEL 2J46 Grant Avenue. Phone 3050 Modern furnished rooms. Weekly rates. 2S20 THREE clean rooms, nicely furnished. 2717 Wall avcnuo. . 2S4S NICE comfortable sleeping room. 443 Twenty-ninth streot. 2S53 FURNISHED room sultabUj for one or two gentlemen, modern conveniences. 2363 Jefferson. 2792 ELEGANTLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. COO Twenty-fourth street. 2791 : ONE room for light housekeeping. 2245 j Washington. 2804 j 1 : 1 NICELY' furnished room for one or two ( gentlemen, on bench. Five minute walk; from business center. Call 981-J. 27S4 . ONE housekeeping1 room, suitable for two. $20 a month. 2563 Grant. 2777 SLEEPING room. 343 Twenty-eighth Phono 1302-W. 2721 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Phono 1597. 2706 MODERN furnished sleeping rooms. Gil Twenty-fourth street. 270S TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 2252 1-2 Washington. 2676 ONE front room for llgnt housekeeping, 1642 Wash. Phono 2551-NM. 2501 STEAM-HEATED rocms. hot oath. Block from W'ashintrton car. 294t Grant. 1821 ONE or two rooms with or without board. Phone 2095-NJ, 1400 FURNISHED apartments. 2571 Lincoln Ave. 13'ld" ACCRUED interest plus market prico for liberty bond paid by J. A. Hoglu dc Co. T "VANTED j Board and Room , BOARD and room in privato family where two children can be cared lor. Phone 1086-J. 2937 MONEY to loan by privato party, phone 215S-W. 250J MONEY advanced to salaried peoplo with out security. Others on furniture and pianos. Easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Dlx, 227 Colonel Hudson Build ing. Phone 284. S7S7 ON Diamonds. Phono S9S-W. 2538 I RALPH P. HUNTER, established 1S82. Mortgage loans, real cstato, Insurance, I Utah, Iaaho lands; farms and city prop erty. Persons desiring to loan money ' 011 good first mortgage security will Jo well o consult me. Good applications always on hand. 431 Twenty-fourth St. Ogdcn. Utah. 2310 MONEY' to loan on improved real estate. Kelly & Herrlck. 7J9 MONEY to loan on real estate securities. J. J. rrummitt. 6-21-19 GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES ' H PROBATE AND 1 H ' Il Consult County Clerk or the Respcc- tive Signers for Further I 'll Information. ;i ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , i vln the Second Judicial District Court of the $tatc of Utah, in and for tlnj . I IH County of Weber. I In tho matter of the Estate of John j A. Hutcheiio. Deceased. t Creditors will present claims.' with l .vouchers, to the undersigned, at the oi- flee of W. H. Rccdcr. Jr. suite 629 Ecci2 i Bullaing. Ogdeh, Utah, on or beforo trn ( 20th day of March, 1920 . i LOlSE HUTCHENS. Admlnlstratri-J, m W. H. REEDER, Jr.. Attorney for Ad- ' ministralrlx. il Date of First Publication Jan. 19. 1921. ) j Date of Last Publication Feb. 1C, 1920 i 2W BUSINESS 1 I Opportunities i j FOR SAL13 A good paying restaurant, ( fine location for transient trade Thom.u i ll Auld, under First National bank. Phono ' 301. 2SC7 ' j EXCEPTIONALLY" good paying business IH for sale. Splendid opportunity for man , or woman with stenographic or office ox- 1,0 pcriencc. $2500 required. Don't answer t unless you main business. C. S. care i , Standard office. 2S50 FOR SALE Up to date maricct and re- j tan rant In connection in a good live town. , ; Both doing A-l business. This is a sna 1 for right party Will sell separately or to- , gcthcr for $5000. Write or call Hagcn it Casli Market, Salmon City. Idaho; or will 1 bo at Hotel Cullcn, Salt Luke City, until , i Monday ovening. . 282( J SMALL business for sale; doing good .,! Box 88, Standard. 2S16 : i H WE taku your old range as first payment on anv new range, or will buy your old range outright. Home Furniture Co. 1672 ' Wood Found in Well . i I Is 25,000 Years Old ;l A piece of wood, removed froia .a ,i well on the Chenev ranch, north of j Centerville at the depth of 412 feet, j H has a probable age of 25,000 years, 1 1 according to Dr. F. J. Pack, head of , H tho geology 'department at the llql versity of Utah. Splinters from the ' ! wood burned with an intense whitb flame, indicating that the wood was probably a pine knot. v Dr. Pack, who examined the wood, ' declared that it has been washed from , the hills when Lake Bonneville exist- , cd. It sank to the bottom of the lake and was covered with silt carried to the lake by mountain torrents. Judging from tho age of the glacial 1 period in the eastern United States", which parallel the existence of fh'6 ',H western lake, the-ago of the wood wa's estimated at 25,000 years. 1 oo ' The Literary Digest claims a man ; can see without looking. That's what Smith told, his wife when she found - out he had gone to a burlesque show. ' 1 MACHINE GUN SQUAD GUARDS JAIL I 1 1 LEXINGTON, Kv. A machln nun, manned by overseas vot- t Kg erans of tho First DiviElon. wus placed on the steps of the Fayette & H county courthouse to hold back tho mob that attempted to lynch W H 1 Will Lockett. It had to bo used boforo tho riot could bo quelled. M H US