Hi I And the Younger Foys in Their Rollicking Song, Dance and Chatter H
J SDecial Added Attraction You Have Been Waiting For This I
' I The local talent Motion Picture Filmed on the Orpheum Stage Three I
H' I Weeks Ago & I
In a Novelty Variety Surprise Pianologue and Comedian j
jh "Just An American Girl" Presenting an Artistic Dance j '
H! m Creation I
H; 'j PRICES Matinee, 20c, 30c. NIGHTS, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c"
I I Monday, March Sth
I Pi If 8
f 1 111
I P n f ff
I l (ill
I I Pout i
j Positively your Last
0 Chance to See the Best
U Musical Comedy Pro- Q
Ii (B duction in Ogden.
i n! $
I 65 PEOPLE 65
l J Direction
I I J 11 A. M. TODAY
j A person often does more good than
l ho realizes when he tells a suffering
1 friend how to get well. J. N. Tohill,
clerk Lottie Hotel, Evansvillo, Ind.,
writes: "For weeks I suffered con
I slantly with pains in the muscles of
my thigh. I was treated by the doctor
for rheumatism but found no relief
1 Upon recommendation of a friend, I
tried Foley Kidney Pills and began to
get relief almost Immediately." Good
for backache, rheumatic pains, stirf
jolnts.-i-A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Ad
vertisement, i oo
II j We haven't much hope that the Mex-
j, leans will take the recent earthquake
that have rocked her cities, for Amerl-
can notes.
J! The question now Is: What is more
rasclnallng to a commuter than a seed j
catalogue. Answer: A poultry jour
II nal.
South American Cables
Broken hy Earthquake
WASHINGTON, March 3. Two
earthquakes occurred in the South Pa
cific ocean last Saturday, resulting
in tho breaking of both South Ameri
can cables, according to information
received here today. Further details
aro lacking.
Sersrnogrnphic records at George
town university disclosed that both
shocks were recorded there, the first,
which -wa6 of considerable intensity,
at 1:50 p. m., Saturday, and the sec
ond at 6:48 p. m. The first continued
until 2:25 p. m.
The centers of the disturbances
were estimated at about 3800 miles
from Washington.
If you know of some one who is
troubled with Catarrhal Deafness, head
noises or ordinary catarrh cut out this
formula and hand it to them and you
may have been the means of saving
some poor sufferer perhaps from to
tal deafness. In England scientists
for a long time past have recognized
that catarrh is a constitutional disease
and necessarily requires constitutional
Sprays, Inhalers and nose douches
are liable to. irritate the delica'.e air
passages and force the disease into
tho middle ear which frequently means
total deafness, or else the disease may
j be drhen down the air passages to-1
'warns the lungs which is equally as
j dangerous. The following formula
iwhich is used extensively in the dampi
English climate Is a constitutional!
treatment and should prove especially
efficacious to sufferers here who live
under more favorable climate condi
tions: Secure from your druggist 1 ounce
of Parmint, (Double strength). Take
this home and add to it 4 pint of
hot water and a little granulated su
gar; stir until dissolved. Take one
teaspoonful four times a day. This will
often bring quick relief from distress
ing head noises. Clogged nostrils
should open, breathing become easy
and hearing improve as the inflamma
tion in the eustachian tubes is reduc
ed. Parmint used In this way acts di
rectly upon the blood and mucous sur-j
faces of the system .and has a tonic
action that helps to obtain the desired I
results. The preparation is easy ,-tof
make, costs little and is pleasant, to
take. Every person who .hascatarrh !
or "head noises or Is hard of hearing!
should give "this, treatment a trial Ad
vertisement. s
uu i
Government Assures
Gold Star Fathers
WASHINGTON, March -I Assur j
ance that the government will pay all!
expenses, incident to "the return ofl
American soldier dead from Europe, j
was given by Secretary Baker today I
tc a committee of Gold Sinr Fathers.
The war department bears all ex
penses of transportation from Europe
to the home of next of kin, Mr. Baker
explained, and tho war riBk bureau is
authorized to pay funeral expenses up,
to $lui) in each case. Purchase of
cemeleuy lots is included In the tuner
cl expenses.
jf Before the Public Utilities Commission ) '
HI of Utah
H , In the matter of the Application j
Hf of the UTAH POWER & l
-mission to incrense its power j'
Hlli rates. 1 1
HI ' ihihiS'Sfc'0" tlmt H,e application oC l
3 thc L 1 AI1 p0WUR & LIGHT COMPANY for the ' I
jl permissioi: of the Public Utilities Commission of i
'laJl "".-rensc its power rates, will be heaivl be- 5 !
9 ;!th.? 1Vommission at ils office. 303 State Capi- B
Hi !i mllJin5'J Lake ('il-V' on Thursday '
Hf lhe "Uh da-vof Marcl,i 1920, at ten o'clock a. m. " B
8 !-' order. ol the Commissioif; ' I
I aUHl Snlt rke City Utah, this 19th day of '
o rchruary, 1920.' I
H I q n - T. K. BANNING. j
! (Scal) - f''V. .'Secretary. j
oh coiPiic?
Six Witnesses Brought Into
' Court but Judge Decides
Evidence Not Admissable
-MONTESANO, Wash., March
Counsel for ten Industrial Workers of
(he World on trial here on a charge
of murder in connection with the Ar
mistice Day shooting at Centnilin.
Wash., called six witnesses to the
stand in an effort to prove a conspir
acy to run the I. W. W. out of On
iralia but none vraa permitted to testi
fy. The court ruled that before such
evidence would be admissable defense
must prove that Warren O. Grimm,
with whose murder tho defendants are
specifically charged, was a parly to
the alleged conspiracy. This, " the
court held, had not yet been'-established
George F. Vandeveer of counsel for
the defense was permitted, however,
in the absence of the jury, to slate for
the record that he expected to prove
by these witnesses that at a meeting
of Ccntruiia business men held on Oc
tober, 20, last, plans to drive the I.
W. W. out of Centraliu were discussed.
Ho said also that he expected to prove
that a contemplated raid on the I. W.
v. hall was discussed at other meet
ings in Cenlralia. In conclusion he
said ho made the offer to show that
the men marching in tho Armistice
day parade which was fired upon were
the aggressors "and to show the frame
or mind of these defendants."
In sustaining objection of the prose
cution counsel to this line of testimony
Judge Wilson said he was of the opin
ion ' that the evidence falls far short
of being sufficient to show an overt
act on the part of the deceased
Medical Graduates Not
Taught Preventives
CHICAGO, March i The sanitarv
engineer is better fitted in the stud
of disease preventive than are grad
uates of medical college's, Dr. Victor
E. Vaughan, dean of medicine in the
University of Michigan, declared be
fore the congress on medical educa
tion. "Graduates of our medical schools
today are not in any way fitted to do
public health work," Dr. Vaughan sala.
"The science of preventive medicine
is not tnught in our universities. The
whole trend of the leaching is toward
curative methods."
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
. Suspect It
" y
Applicants for Insurance Of
ten Rejected
Judging from reports from drug
gists who are constantly in direct
touch with the public, there is one
preparation that has been verv suc
cessful in overcoming these conditions.
The mild and healing Influence of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its remark
able record of success.
An examining physician for one of
the prominent Life Insurance Com
panies, in an interview of the subject,
made the astonishing statement that
one reason why so many applicants for
insurance are rejected is because kid
ney trouble is so common to the Am
erican people, and the large majority
of those whose applications are de
clined do not even suspect that they
have the disease. Dr. KILmer's
Swamp-Root is on sale at all dmg
stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.
V., for a sample bottle. When writ
ing be sure and mention the Ogden
Salary Increases for i
Teachers are Proposed
ALBANY, N. Y., March A bill de
signed to give salary increases to tha
school teachers of the state was in
troduced in the legislature providing
an appropriation of $25,000,000.
Ic a statement, the introducers savj
the "bill marks a new epoch in edu
cational .policy by providing that Uih
state- pay half the salaries of tho mem
bers of the teaching and supei vising i
staffs." i
For Colds, Grip or Influenza
and as a Preventative, take LAXA
for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the
b6x. 30c Advertisement.
tin .
Belgians Vote in Favor 1
of Woman Suffrage
LONDON, March 4. The Belgian
clumber has voted in favor or votes;
for women, 21 years of age as fell '
as men In communal elections, savr
the Brussels correspondent of the Lon
don Times. All the Catholic members1
voted for the measure and all lhe lib
eral.? except Paul Hymans. minister of
foreign affairs, and Burgomaster Ma
againsl it. while the socialists -were
divided between their general nrincl
pie ol equality and fear of religious in
fluence. The liberals considered thai
women are not yet ready for. the vote.
An amendment offered by Burgo
master Mai, excluding women of "no
torious misconduct" was adopted.
In view of the fact that voting at
elections is compulsory, the presence
of only one woman In the public gal
lery during tho debate would seem to
indicate how little interest the womci?
taks in the question.
And if we don't watch out, some
3enalor la going to prove the constltu-'
lion unconstitutional.
Gray hair Is a lattlc-lnle. Don't cn-Idui-tt
It until you aro icallv old. If at
; forty you still fool younjr ihon tnko il'p
1 trouble to look young:. For to look nun
fool young Is to bo young. It is just ns
on ay to Itcop your lia:r .ounpr ailrl hcau
tlful as to retain your youthful (nlcroM
In life and peoplo Tim the prav fa
od, .streaked strands with '13rori"atoiio,
as thousands of Women have done.
"Drownntone Is My Bost Friend."
This wonderful preparation does not
nil) or wash off. If you want h dulij;ni
ful surprise, Jvixt bnmli or comi a little
Urownalone" through your hnv. streak
ed, or hloathed hulr and .see it chanxo
like magic to golden, soft or deep rirni
brown, or black any .shade desirod
the exact color to set off your complet
ion. Absolutely Harmless.
"Brownatono" is odorless, groaselers.
and positively non-Injurious. Guaran
teed to contain no lead, sulphur, silver,
mercury- zlcc. aniline, or coal tar pro
ducts Used for switches aa well a. j
growing hair. Two colors: "Light io
Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to i
Black." Two sizes, 35c and SI. 15, at all
leading druggists.
Special Free Trial Offer I
Send only lie with thi.s coupon for !
Free trial package and helpful booklet
on the care of tho hair.
. i
Mall This Coupon Now. ,
The Kenton Pharmacai Co., j
IRii Coppin Bldg., Covington. Kv...
Enclosed find 11 cents (to cover
postage, packing and war tax) for
Trial Package of Brownatono.
....Light to Medium Brown or
!..Dark Browu to Black.
Mark with X shade wanted and
mail with your full name and address, j
jCfearges Against Wilson
Nominee to Be Probed
WASHINGTON, March 3. Invest J
gation will be made by the senate for-1
, eign relations committee of charges I
(that George XV. P. Hunt, of Arizona,!
nominated by President Wilson for;
minister to Siam, had publicly declar
ed his sympnthy with the I." XV. XV., I
before action is taken on the appoint-1
nient. The committee so decided to-1
day but deferred until Friday any do- j
cision on detailed plans for hearing
tho case. " j
. Name "Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say"Bayer
Insist on "Bayer Tablels of A.spirin"
in a "Bayer package," containing pro
per directions for Headache, Colds,
Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheu
matism. Name "Bayer" means genu
ine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes
of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin
is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid
Bread Prices to be
Increased Two Cents
. i
NEW YORK. March -1. A two cent'
a leaf increase in bread prices was an
nounced by thc Master Bakers of Man-1
hatLin, an organization controlling!
about 100 shops. Doughnuts and fan '
cy cakes prices will be increased ac
cordingly. '
I'hts price increase is due to the de- i
maud of bakers and their helpers for a
raise in pay of $1 a day. it was s'.aled.
Thi; will bring lhe bakers' pay to
a day and give the helpers a minimum
schedule of 32 weekly, j
Why Pyramid P
Ask Any Druprclut Uovr Repented.
Sntes Ifave .Mnrtp Pyramid the
Recojmlzcd Treatment,
Mailed free. In plain wrapper. It
gives you relief. Get a 60-cent box
Tou Hnve No Idea Hon- Wonderfnl
Pyrnmld 1 Until You Try It.
of Pyramid Pile Treatment of any I
drujjelar- Bo relieved of Itching,
protruding piles, hemorrhoids and
such, rectal troubles. A single box
has often been sufficient in ono I
nlpht. gend coupon for free- trial. 1
Take no"1 substitute.
-S3 Pyramid BIdjr.. MarahalL UJcb.
Kindly send me a Froo sample of '
Pyramid PHo Trtatrrftnt, in plain wrapper. ;
City State
People Want Choice and High
er Priced Cuts of Beef,
Pork and Mutton i
CHICAGO March 4 Southern labor
ers who are "eating too high .up on tw
j hog" and American housewives who
"eat too far back on the beef" are (o
j blame for the continued high cost of
; living, the American Institute of Meat
, Packers announced. With the oxpoi
market for menl shattered hy adverse!
j foreign exchange and wholesale prices
jback to where they wore a yenr and;
I two years ago. the American consuin.j
is chiefly responsible, the Institute'?
bulletin on February conditions says.
! "Ai home there was a good volum
of pork trade during the month," the
bulletin says, "but consumers seenW
to want the choice and higher priced
cuts. High wages In lhe south have
led to the purchase of choicer cuts of
I pork than in former years and the re
sult is a lack of sale for lhe hcav r
cuLs of salt pork."
j Hog prices during the early part of
the month were at lhe highest level
jof thc winter, the receipts at tho
, yards fifteen to twenly per cent brb,
' normal, despite the fact that govern
jmenl reports show that there is prob
ably a larger surplus on the farms.
In the beef market a "factor whicn
jhas had great influence upon the beef
trade has been the relatively strong
demand for hind quarter beef and thc 1
poor demand for fore quarter beef,"
j the packers state, 1
I The mutton situation Is similar.
There is a shortage of lnmbs. due to 1
the failure of many Colorado stocking 1
' to buy at prices prevailing last fall !
and as a result practically the entire!'
! market supply from now until the first '
of June must come from lhe Scotts j
Bluff territory in Nebraska and Colo- 5
rado. i
Death oniy a matter of 3hort time.
Don't wait until pains ano aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking1
Thp world's stendnrd romedy for kidnoy, '
liver, bladder and uric add troubloa tho '
Nctional Remedy ol Holland since J696. I
Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists, j
Look for tho name- Gold Medal oc ererj bos !
ocd Accept no imitation
Leader in Iron Trade
Dies ac Advanced Age
READING, Pa.. March 3. Frank C.
Smlnk, a leader in the iron trade -of
the country, died here today. He suc
ceeded the late. George I Baer as
president, of the Reading Iron coin
pany, when the latter became presi
dent of the Reading railway in 1902.
Recently he had been serving as chair
man of the iron company's board, suc
ceeding E. T. Stotesbury
' Mr. Smink began his career as a
bank clerk and was later identified
.with the Reading railway until he en
tered the iron trade. He was 71 vears
liliV HERB
For ihirt-tvo jear.s hns been a prov-j
en herb rcmctl for CONSTIPATION
ARE a great aid In restoring a genera j
healthy condition, bringing bnclc that
healthy glow ot youth to the complex
ion. They act gently but firmly, thej
tone ip the system. create appetite,
regulate the bowels, and assist the kid
neys. Each box contains a GUARAN
TEE coupon, and Is sealed with a blm
seal bearing signature of AI.ONZO O.
BLTSS- For sale by nil lending drug
gists In boxes containing 200 doses foi
$1.00 and n smaller size for $.50 Made:
D. C Advertisement. , 10 :(
"Making Movie." Local Tal-J
I . ent Picture Will Also j
be Seen
What is thc first sign of spring''
Why Eddie Foy and that jolly buncl.
of Foy children who have so muc'i
verve and variety to their act that it
put? tho most jaded man of affairs
i into a happy and humming frame of
Imind. Eddie and his family, usually
I happen along on a vaudeville visit to
j Ogden a little advance of spring, and
thin season they will stage their act
at Pant ages, opening nt today's mat
inee. .
The Foy vehicle of entertainment,
'will be a skit entitled "Slumwhere, "j
which abound in clever lines, oright !
sinking, talking and dancing. Eddio
has some special songs and dances of.
his own inimitable brand, while the
youngsters will be afforded a big op
portunity to display their versatility.
Supporting Eddie Foy on today's
new bill wil be the three Petrowas In
I an act embracing singing, feats ot
I strength, posing and dancing, with a
setting of unusual beauty.
Iloso Archer and Blanche Bel for J
havrt one or the big screaming com
edies of the season. "The New Jani
tor.'' Bozo as a tramp enters a lady's
drawing room and Is mistaken for
the how Janitor. The complications
thai ensue provide laughter In abund
ant. Ray Lawrence Ih "juat an American j
," who smiles and sings her way'
Rev. Dudley B. Ashford, i
Noted Preacher and Lec
turer, Well Known on Three
Continents, Was Ordered to j
! Give Up Work j
Reverend Dudley B. Ashford hi an
extraordinary man. Although slill on
lhe sunny side of forty, he has crowd
ed more service to humanity Into :t
feV years than most men accomplish
in a life time.
Soon after his graduation from
Hn'-ley College, London, England, be
wac ordained minister at tho famous
New Court Congregational Church.
London. A short time theicafter he
was selected to present thc cnuse of
Conge Reform and African Missions
before the people or Norway, ana
totiied that land with such stif.ces?
thai he was greeted by enormous
crowds at every meeting.
la 190S. under the auspices of the
Colonial Missionary Society, he wju?
sent to New Zealand and Vor :hree
years labored as a missionary Lionel
line iuaons, where his experiences
i were novel and thrilling. t '
r ?n .101G he returned to England and
r served tor three years nt Wood bircc
: Congregational cnurch, Cardiff, South
Wales, the biggest Congregational
chi'.'-ch in the British Empire, .t was'
. wh.lo here that he fell one .1 th. J
, early victims of thc great 1918 flu i
, epidemic, an attack from which ho!
I had not fully recovorcd when ho nc
copied a call to the Queen's Road Con-1
gregailonal church, St. John's, New-!
i foundland, where his forceful preach
ing soon attracted record congrega
tions. Tho strain of this work upon his
undermincd constitution proved too
severe and he suffered a nervous
breakdown, from which now, how
over, he has complotely recovered.
Moed by a desire to serve his fellow
men he has recently written a letter
that tells how he was restored lo
health and strength.
Moved EJy Gratitude.
This letter, addressed (o The Tan
lac Co.. Atlanta, Ca., is an eloquent
expiession of gratitude and is as fol
lows: 'Gentlemen: Your medicine, known
as 'Tanlac.' has been such an inesti-mar-le
blessing to me, that I feel con
strahied to write and tell vou so In
October. . 191S, while a minister of th"
oud Street Congregational churcn,
Cardiff, South Wales, I had a sever
al lack of the Spanish influenza, from
the effects of which I never fully re
covered. I lost twenty-eight pcuncU
in wtight and was unable to ecovc
i my usual energy.
I "Then, in February, 1919. I becanir
thy minister of the Queen's Road Con
gressatlonnl church at St. Johns. New
foundland. My ministry was attend-1
ed with great success, but the strain'
proved too great for me and I h?d a
serious breakdown. My nerves seem- i
ed to go all to pieces and mv liges
tion became so deranged that I coul
Into the heart of any audience. George
f and May Le Fevre bring a novelty
la-.ieing act that includes In its cvcIp
s overj thing from the classical to "the
cake walk. They feature gorgeous
" no.elty head wear and their costumes
are valued at an enormous figure. IIv
- mar. Myer does a pianologue all of
his own. while Albert Erlckson will,
bo i here with some of the season's
i gayest musical hits. There will also
1 be ; photo comedy to add interest to
- the now bill.
s And to top off the entire card, Man
ager J F. Goss is presenting
"Making Movies," the motion picture
iwnk-h aro filmed with local talent on
the Orph im stage three weeks ago.
The San Carlo Grand Opera Com
panv which left In its trail recollec-j
tions of fondest musical pleasures upon
its trans-continental tour last season
.and which still remains the onlv per-'
imanenl touring organization of its
; character in America, sends word on!
jnhor.d (hat its forces will visit thiol
i community again Having established,
records for attendance and receipts!
-UU; 'js;
Rev. Dudley B. Ashford, Noted ' 1
Preacher, Lecturer and ) 1
Missionary. I
oat scarcely anything. My heart gavi '
me i lot of trouble; it was an -ffor:
lo walk upstairs and at night I used
lo lie awake in continual dread lest '
my heart should stop beating alto !.
I "Then, as a result of exposuie one :
winter's night In a small boat, vvlill '
In ihe execution of my duties, I wai
se:a-d with violent pains in thc right
shoulder and arm, which nearly drove ;'
mu lo distraction. I consulted dec-
Ioj and specialists and underwent I
massage and electrical trealinen. V:
without getting much relief. ! wan
ordered to give up all preaching and ; j
public work for at least three months, ; j
and I began to fear that my iiealtll ' S
was permanently affected. S
He Had Been Skeptical.
"I had always been rather skeptical 1
of tho testimonials concerning lhe
merits of any medicine, but one day f
I read the statemenl of a man v-hos- f
symptoms seemed to be Identical wiin a
my own, and his praise of fmla'1 n
rang so true I decided to give it a a
trial myself. I bought a bottla an-1
its effect was almost immediate. M
nervous condition began to disappear
and I began to get sleep at night. Mv g
appetite so increased that I could I
scarcely satisfy it. and I founl my $
self putting on weight rapldh. By
th? time I had taken the fourth bo'
tie, the pains in my arm and shoulder H
disappeared and I am feeling better B
today than for a long time past .
"I feel" that I should be guilty of
base ingratitude If I did not write ;i
and tell you what a boon Tanlac has sv
been to me, and I give you hls un ;
solicited testimonial to use as you
mav ihing bost, in the hopo that oth 1
Di-s may find in your wonderful medi- I
cine the means to restored health and 5
strangth "
Tnlac is sold In Ogden by the A.
R. Mclntyre Drug Co. ;
The millionaire who dresses as v.e'l ill ,
as his clerk is more or less eccentnt 11 .
1 1
; W Little Ones jji
To Keep Their Digestion Perfect Nothing is so j f
i Safe and Pleasant as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ' !
An experienced observer in charse inr nr n hnv iar thvmP. earlic, MBe f , J i
j An experienced observer in charge
jof a large office said It was a waste
jof words to tell most people to eat
'plain food. They prefer the food
that delights the eye. Checking up
on the after effects the usual dls
tresses of gasslness. sour risings
water brash, loginess and so on
may be avoided by following the
meal with one or two Stuart's Dvs
pepsla Tablets. These supply the 1
istomnch with an alkaline effect thus!
promoting normal conditions as in
hc",lh- , This puls the O. K. on so
called rich fooa. Men and women are
but children or a larger growth, when
comes to eating the foods that sat
isfy, even, though they mav cauao in
digestion. Indigestion is not necessarllv con
fined to those who live high "it mav
follow so simple a process as the fla"-
J 1
in all places visited and practlcallr i
revolutionized Grand Opera In this
country as a practical diversion, Im !
preoario Fortune Gallo this 3sason ;
acquired several new and famous sinp-
ers whose presence in his finely-bal- j j
anced company cannot fall to add to j
the popularity and high esteem it en '
joys in the world of musical advance- i "c
merit. "Tales of Hoffman" wlll.be ip
sung Thursday, March 11, matine ann (
"Cpimen" in the evening.
! The San Carlo has won enduring '
fame, and it must be borne in mind (
that no other touring Grand pcra i
organization has been able to wc-athej t
the ill conditions resulting from high
coat of production with anything like , t
an equal amount of artistic and finan ,
cia! achievement. Seats on snle Fri- , , t
day Ad v iff ,
oc XA !
I In keeping your bowels regular do not ;
become addletcd to wenkcnlnp pursa- ! ,
tives or ininoml laxatives; just try ' ; t
KOUOLAX; safe, gentle, wholesome. t 1
Bost and goes farthest. Obtainable at '
busy druggists, everywhere. Korolnx : j
la relief for many ailments. Including : ;
constipation, headaehes. dlzsy spelw, i i ' I
belching, tras heartburn, tropld liver. j I j
bad breath. nervousness, dyspepsia.
Indigestion. obcslt. mental and ph)'S- t J
leal dullnoas. y 1
' or of a bay leaf, thyme, garlic, MB j tf ,
ior any of the other savory flavoring .
so universally used in soups roasif. . ,
dressings, etc. As a rule if the s om :
ach balks at such things, It will j ir( i
disturbed by cheese, milk, coffee. P - ,
and almost anything that most pcW' j ;
like so well. Such conditions aa isc j , . t
are met quite adequately by fJIoW' I I
the meal with one or two Siunn t I
Dyspepsia Tablets. They digest ro t f
and at thc same time supply te,sl' i i
ach with an alkaline effect that nn j I
vents gasslness. heartburn, .sour i l il
inga, drowsiness after eating and s ; ; t
distresses so familiar t othose sct 1 1 J
tible to Indigetlon or dyspepsia. j , y ,
a box of these tablets nt any Wc
store In the United States or Can"'' W
price 50 cents, and then note now cu w t
fortable the stomach feclf. 'our,!u0ni HI ?
excellent cook may use garlic wim -a
protest. Advertisement.
1 1!