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Efff El H HI l 'lO . .. THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH '5 1 , 192o' J g ORPHEUM SUNDAY apd MONDAY I April 4 and 5 I I smmmis V mnrfESTCHORus)jr H With I Kenneth Ciiristy See "The Famous Vamp Chorus of 1 Little Vampires" SPECIAL ORCHESTRA 1 PRICES: 50c to $2.00. HI SEAT SALE THURSDAY ORPHEUM I COMING APRIL 11 nnd 12 l TWO NIGHTS ONLY Hf Sunday nnd Monday V MAIL ORDERS NOW Hf The New York Winter Garden's n Stupendous Revue Ml "THE PASSING SHOW" j 15 Scenes 1200 Costumes 150 People 1 With Willie and Eugene Howard ' ffl PRICES: Nights, $1.00 to $3.00 I ISPORT SHDBTS i Three representatives from as many, towns prevented the organization oil a baseball league -which will Include six towns of northern Utah. A meet-' ins "was called at the Eagles' hall andi representatives from Ggden, i-ounUIul, Layton, Honeyville and Brigham Avero present. Iu the absence of the others i I Catarrh Will Go Help Comes in Two Minutes Complete Relief in a Few Weeks Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; it's cruel, it's harmful and it's unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomei, the wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile ca tarrh, you can have your money back. No stomach dosing just take the little hard rubber pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit, and vour into it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe it according to directions. In two min utes it will relievo you of that stuffed Up feeling. Use It daily and in a few weeks you should be entirely free from catarrh. ' Breathing Hyomei Is a very pleasant 5 and certain way to kill catarrh germs. Get a Hyomei outfit today. It's sold by druggists everywhero with guaran tee to quickly and safely end catarrh croup, colds, sore throat and bronchi tis or money back; it's inexpensive Culley Drug Co. can supply you. Ends indigestion it re .eves atomach misery, sour atom ftch, belching and all stomach diseaso or Jley ack' .LarG of tablets CO cedb. Druggists in all towns. definite arrangements of the league could not bo decided upon. Executive G. A. Goates has an nounced that a riflo club composed en tirely of boy scouts, may be organizod in thiB city in the near future. The Winchester Junior Rifle corps at New Haven, Conn., desires a team from Og den in competition with other riflo clubs of the country. Frank Scott, representing the Arm strong Sporting Goods Store, says that Ogdon bids fair to have a fast, snappy .team representing her in the new league. BOSTON, March 31. Miks O'Dowd, of St. Paul, middleweight champion, successfully defended the title hero last night when ho knocked out Joe Eagan of Boston, in the fifth round of a scheduled 12-round bout. A right hook to the chin ended Eagan's aspi rations, t SPENCER. N. C., March 30 Boston Nationals 7 Detroit Americans G GREENVILLE, Miss., March CO. R. H, E. New York Nationals S 14 1 Boston Americans 2 5 1 Batteries: Hubbell, Winters and McCarty, Snyder; Holbrow, Leasure nnd Walters, Livingston. R. IT. E. St. Louis Americans 7 0 u I Wichita Western League . . 5 7 3 I Batteries: L. Everett and Severeld; Norman, Markley and O'Brien, Yar- yan CHARLESTON, S. C, March 30. Washington Americans ... 3 G 2' Cincinnati Nationals 6 5 1 : Batteries: Courtney, Schacht and Gharrity; SaTco, Gerner and Rarideiu , AUSTIN, .Texas, March 30. Chicago Americans 2 G 1 Texas University . . . l 4 3 Batteries: Faber, Payne and Schalk, Lynn; Barry, Gillett and Hart. SAN FRANCISCO. March 30. Chicago Nationals 0 4 G San Francisco 15 11 1 Batteries: Carder. Newklrk and u raiicii, Olllllil IUU .'lUUllSUU. - PEORIA, 111., March SI. Jimniy Smith of Milwaukee rolled into first place in the all-events with a score of 1915 at the American Bowling con gress here last night. He shot 575 in the team events, 700 in the doubles anJ G40 In the singles. He roplaces J. Hradek of Chicago. Other scores were low today. ; NEW YORK, March 30. Eight sur vivors in the national indoor tennis championship singles won places to day in the round before the semi finals. Vincent Richards, the young title holder, won easily by the speed of his volleys from W. Rowe, of Bos ton, G l, 6-L All of the other stars', William T. Tilden, II, S. Howard Vosh oll and Samuel H'rdy, former Califor nian. won. The light was good and the play fast. In the start of the doubles Tilden and Richards, champions, eas ily outplayed the former title holders, F. B. Alexander and Dr. William Ros enbaum, 6-3, 6-3. uu . liCii RELIEF FROM rail GetDr, Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry ol thousands since Dr, Edwards produced Olive Tabjets,the substitute for calomel. No griping results from these pleasant little tablets. They cause the liver and bowels to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets are a . soothing healing, vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. If you have a bad taste, bad breath, feel did, tired, are constipated or bilious, you'll find quick and sure re sults from Dr Edwards' little Olive Tablets at bedtime. 10c and 25c a box " - Advertisement. on Sales Manager Leayes to Take Mew Position V Roy H. Cordray, general sales man ager of tho Ogden Packing and Provi sion company for the past several months, has resigned his position and is leaving today for Pocatello, Idaho, where he will accept a position with a packing concern In that city. Mr. Cordray will be vice-president and gen eral manager of the new concern. uu Advice to all critics our own recipe don't .pick to pieces what vou can never put together again. I Tobacco Hardens the Arteries, Overtaxes the Heart and Shortens Life Says Dr. Connor Who Sugges ts a Simple Test to Find If It Is Hurting You. Can You Stand It? of thousands of men who anX nnd chew and who believe themselves hcaU sH ?oon Lt w,n un(iumosL of thcm wo'd iTJVLohcy u,d on,y atop ht ,bfai knv-n habit forming prin iH SiPaJ, oC tobacco 1b nicotine, but the mos" E0a.h yr n,d deworallzlnff Is furfural: LLH thc sy3,-eni slowly, but surelv affect the nerves, membranes, tissues sH V l 0r6QOVnd vitality of the bod" ?'iW"L P?Vcr cowardice and fear-; ri3 throat fi MCiS.,lancc3 nre that your pre takinp your usual smoke, walk u- three Aldus of stairs at a regular pact? fwi ' if ?'our heart beat Is forced trembling or Irregular, vow may K victim of a functional or organic hcVrt trouble. If you feel that you S smoke tL?' , qulct -vour nen-es. you arc Steninthe tolcco habfl and arc slowly Mfh drff?1- n'tino and furfural. lr ? var ifase' you havc Just- two alternatives-keep on with your sctf-nolgonlnr .process regardless of thc danircra nili suffer the consequences, or r"d yourseU of the habit and escape the dancer on can overcome the cravlnc and stoo 1 tobacco habit In a very short t"mo b? lisme the rollowlnp InexpeiwIvJ formula' Go to any dniff store and ask for Xloctol Take one tablet after each meal and In p , nnTi1?15',0" tlm yU Will have' no desire for tobacco. The cravlntr wl'i MnJcft. yo,u- With thc nlcotlno Do i ohing -out of your system your general hcnlth will quickly Improve. Ecnciai Note: "JVhen asked about Xlcotol nn.. of our lcadlnsr druggists sa d: xicoto Is truly a wonderful remedy for the to - 11 18 wny ahead of an? thing we have ever sold before. A'e nro authorized by tho manufacturers to re fund the money to every dissatisfied cut tomcr and we would no perm It the u-e of our name unlcssVtho remedy asB' cd unusual meriL" ' NIcSK? is in this city under an Iron-clad monev-back guarantee by all up-to-date drurriat udlng Mdntyre'urus CoSrtlSl J THIS OF CIIFOIIII FRUIT ARE P1SSI1 THROUGH CiTIT California citrus crops are moving through Ogden at the average rale or GO carloads per day, with indications that the average will be increased to SO carloads per day after tomorrow, according to Information from thc of fices of tho Pacific Fruit conipany. The fruit is arriving over the Salt Lake and Los Angeles lines and the Southern Pacific lines for eastern mar kers. Announcements of heavier ship ments April 1 have been received at the Pacific' Fruit Express offices and preparations for handling thc addi tional numbers of cars have been made. The heater season is over and in stead of being shipped In cars which are equipped with small charcoal burn ers, tho trains will arrive in Ogden with the Ice chests completely filled, it is said. nrt Will Take Off All Excess Fatj Do you know that there Is a simple, harmless effective remedy for overfat ness that may be used safely and se cretly by any man or woman who Is losing the slimness of youth? The rise; and it is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Marmola Prescription, known as Mar mola Prescription Tablets. You can well expect n reduction of from two to four pounds a week without diet ing, or exercising. Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets are sold by all druggists at $1 for a large case, or if you prefer you can order direct from the Marmola Co., 8C4'' Wodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Advertisement. 1LLII J, BRY! IS! HUE HERE IRIS ran AVilliam Jennings Bryan was sched uled to arrive in Ogden this afternoon on Union Pacific Train No. 7, accord ing to word from depot offices. He is traveling from Denver to Los An geles. It is reported that he will speak before the convention of the League of Southwestern States, to be held in Los Angeles next week. oo How Is Your Weight? I While It Is true that too much weight is not to be desired yet the fact remains that many men ftnd women arc thin to tho point of danger. This danger lies in their having no reserve force or nei-ve power to combat deadly diseases. A little extra flesh is needed by all to feel well and to look well, and this calls up the question of how best to increase the weight. Physicians and chemists by ex periments have solved the problem of in creasing the white and red corpuscles of the blood bj tho administration of 3 grain hypo-nuclane tablets, and this is usually followed by an Increase of weight. Ob tain In scaled packages, and take for a period of several months, according to di rections with package. Advertisement. nn JOHNSON OPENS N. Y. CAMPAIGN. NEW YORK, March 31. United States Senator Hiram W. Johnson of California, who yesterday opened his Greater New York campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in two speeches in Brooklyn, reiterated his assertion (hat largo sums of money, "beyond the wildest dreams of thc most practical politician," are being expended in tho primary campaigns. oo Grip, influenza Hamlin's Wizard Oil a ReWablo, Antiseptic Preventive? During influenza epidemics' s'pray' the nose and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. If you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose, This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defense against "Flu" germs. Chest colds and 'sore throat lead to grip. Stop them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30c at drug gists. Guaranteed. Advertisement. oo WILSON'S NAME FILED. I ATLANTA, Ga March 31. The Inamo of President Wilson has been filed -with the state committee as a candidate for tho Democratic nomina tion for president In the primary to be held April 20. oo Every man has his price, we belie w, but there are doggone few that ever get it. oo ! 1 S SEE SHABBY, FADED j GARMENTS TURN NEW j ? i i i t "Diamond Dyes" Make Old Ap- 1 j parel Fresh and Stylish j --------. .-- ljuu i worry about perfect results. Use Diamond Dyes, guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fab ric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cot tiou or mixed goods dresses, blouees, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. Tho Direction Book with each pack age tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can no' make a mLstaka. 1 j CHANDLER S IX j j j Famous For Its Marvelous Moior ; j . . Two Great Chandlers 1 iff I Right Out In. Front j-J "SLJEREare two Chandler Six models which the big and constantly j ' jr Ai expanding Chandler factory production has never been able to I ; build in volume that could supply the demand of discriminating motor m car purchasers. They are the Chandler Six Touring Car and Dispatch Car, 6 ' the former a big, handsome, roomy, comfortable, real seven-passenger I jl car; and the latter a trim, smaller car, suggestive in its appearance of all the I J good things of outdoor life. The Dispatch Car has a touch of snappy fe style in its clean lines, and is strikingly finished in the beautiful Chandler j $ P- p Rainbow Blue. It seats four persons in restful comfort. J f Both the Chandler Six Touring and Dispatch Cars are mounted on f M I the same standard Chandler chassis, developed, through seven years of ' p manufacture, to a surpassing point of excellence and famous for its ( j fly i really marvelous motor. The Chandler Car is priced much lower than a , ! I other cars which may, perhaps, compare with it. 1 m, I If you wamt your new Chandler 1 ; r this Spring place your order now E! "f. 1 SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES I ., Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1895 Four-Passenger Roadster, $1895 Si n vr, ,. rour-rassenger uispatcn uar, tllJS i s'i I ... Seven-Passenger Sedan, $2895 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2795 Limousine; $3395 . 1 i$ j (All prices f.o.b. Cleveland, Ohio) V- ;.. j Wilfong-Glasmaiin Co, j 2254 Wash. Ave. ' Phone 776 j ! :'.. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, O. jf::; 1 r -v ' w . J ,h . j mH1-" 1 " "" '"" "" " ,mm" ' NEW LIBW BOOKS New books now ready for circula tion at the Carnegie Free library ire the following: Fiction. Ayres Richard Chatterton, V. C. Bosher His Friend Miss McFar lane. Frederick The Blue Lights. Johnston The Apartment Next Door. Kerr The See-Saw. DRIVE AMHEADACHE , Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples ! A headache remedy without the dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and docs not blister. Used only externally, 'and in no way can it affectstomach and heart, cs some internal medicines do. Excellent for sere throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all pains and aches of thc back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of thc chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size 52.50. knil AdvertlaemtJuL oo FOR ITCH!NGTORTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can "supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, 31.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W Rose Co , Cleveland, O. Advertisement. w rF hi 'LhrM,i Lnwi-Mi1 i iuitf ,,'H'jjjr..u.ara77q m Black Lewis Free Air. Lincoln The Three Strings. McConnell Many. Mansions. Packard The Night Operator. Norris Sisters. Pcrtweo The Old Card. Seltzer "Fireband" Trevison. Snaith -The Undefeated. Tarkington Ramsey Milholland. "Williams The Sea "Bride. Berridge The Wonders of Animal Life. Bryant Famous Pictures of Real Animals. Camp Athletes All. , Comstock Thc Pet Book. Eliot Little Theatre Classics; j Aged People J j Suffer j And Weaken Their Vitality by Consti pation, Liver, Kidney and Other Irregularities. Sulpherb Tablets, a Mild, Efficient Formula, Gains Wide Popu larity in Recent Years. A "young" woman, seventy-seven years old, writes: "I am taking Sul pherb Tablets and I think they are a cplendid remedy for constipation. I am seventy-seven years old and have tried .many remedies but have found none as effective as this. I am recom mending them to all my friends suf fering from the effects of constipation. They are not only laxative, but a fine tonic also, I feel much better and stronger since I began to take them. Sincerely and gratefully yours." ("Mrs.) Ellen A.' Bennick, Cambridge, Mass. Sulpherb Tablets not sulphur tab lets) arc composed of sulphur, cream of tartar and the fine extracts of rootn and herbs, and are surely suited for children or adults to overcome the ills that follow a dormant liver, consti pated bowels and Inactive kidneys. Headaches,' backaches,, dizzy spells, pimples, rash, boils, nervousness, all fellow the train of Irregular elimina tion of impurities. A week's treat ment will please and gratify the most skeptical. Sold by leading druggists everywhere at GOc per tube. Advertisement. Cuticura Soap! IS IDEAL For the Hands I Sop,0!atBamt.T1eTsn.Xe.rrmr"'hrf. h oritniplu i Elsom Social Games and Group Dances. Foley Friendly Rhymes. Geister Ico Breakers. I Grey Tales of Fishes. Hansen Adventures of the Fourteen Points. Harvard Dramatic Club Plays . Jaconib Boxing for Beginners. Kipling Rudyard Kipling's Verse Inclusivo Edition.) 1 Koch Books In the War. Lewis Splendors of the Sky. Lutz Field Book of Insects McKready A Beginners' Star Book. Manners Happiness and Other Plays. ' Mills Tho Grizzly. O'Brien Best Short Stories of 1910 Peace Proposals and War Alms. Rittenhouse Second Book of Mod ern Verse. Roberts The Secret Trails. Shaw Heartbreak House, Great I WOMEi; EVERYWHERE fc3 JL aro demanding this bottcr Id flour. Perhaps you. too. j W harj -wished for a flour E Pa Olh th -wheat' native K Y sweetness the uniform and 69 dependable flcur a flour r ijiot "killed" in tho mill- i SUCH A FLOUR Is Eg TliWO and you can now H set It at home. We aro M the makers of FLaro for M this community. Go to your H tryocer or ask us and wo "pH d" 7U r 8UP' t h OUR AMERICAN flJIDG- A M ET) MARVEL mill i. th 5 modern scientific mill for H 1 U superior flour-maklnj:. It H Imparts to FLaro an In- If R comparable flavor so nut- if R VH? ,aPPtir.E and so Y tS dehchtfully pleaslnx to the Kl palate to place it beroud I' C UQ rach of comparuoa. M Try It once and thereaftor MI when tou think of flour 14 M you will think of FLavo t M Order your sack today and fc t3 snjoy this treat. Catherine. Playlets. ' Smith The Strategy of Minerals. II: ' Stephenson The Land of Tomor- f 'c Turrell Contemporary Spanish ?-" I Dramatists. Walker Mere Porlmaneau Plavs. j jj Cheerful People h I Live in Cheerful Homes I You enn't help enjoy Ufo In a Lome (lint radiates cheerfulness. j? Brightness Is contagious, Just tho R same- as laughter. Brighten Up Your Home With New j Wallpaper i ! Xow's tlio timo to do It. Como I I nnd telect now from Griffin's, j Ian;e and varied slock. Prices 4 f aro reasonable. Griffin faint Co. J 2510 AVaahincton Avenue 1