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-W' THE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. 1920 ,11 , HI SURE RELIEF FROM ifl ITCHING SKIN DISEASES I "Will Never Come From Salves, Ointments, or Other Local Treatment. A million gallons of lotions, oint ments, salves or other forms of lo cal treatment will not give any real permanent relief from 'skin diseases. Get this fact firmly in your mind, and there is hone for If you have ever been afflicted with ecrema, tetter, boils, erup tions, or other similar skin irrita tions you can appreciate the real terrifying discomfort that comes from these disorders. And what you are looking for is not merely i temporary-, palliative relief that may cause the terrible burning and itching to abate for awhile, but real genuine relief that shakes off the shackles of the disease, and re stores the skin to jts former healthy condition. Follow the teachings of science, and you will learn that the skin is fed by the blood, and naturally, then, the condition of your skin will depend upon the condition of your blood. If the blood becomes BUTTER AND EGGS. Hr CHICAGO. March 31. Butter lower; m B creamery extras 63c. 9b Kess lower: receipts 35.340 cases; fw, Ml firsts tic; ordinary fir&is 3TnZ$c, ;u WS mark cases included, 3SI0M;c infested with millions of tiny dis casc germs that attack the skin, then the fiery irritation and in tense itching will remain with you until these germs are attacked at their source and removed from the blood. Genuine relief, therefore,, can only be expected from a treatment tnat goes right to the seat of the trouble, and strikes at its cause buch a rcmc(jy is S.S.S., the reli able old blood, purifier that kills the germs of disease, and sends a. new supply of rich red blood cours ing through the veins. S;S. S. has been used successful ly in some of the worst cases of eczema and other skin disorders, and it can be relied upon to cleanse , the blood thoroughly of the germs !c eCo .causc t,,csc complaints. S. S. S. is also a splendid tonic and system-builder, and it builds up and adds new vigor to the whole system. Go to your drug store and get bottle of S. S. S. today, and begin the right treatment for skin dis eases. Then if you feel that your case requires special medical ad vice, you can obtain same without cost, by writing to Chief Medical Adviser, 13 Swift Laboratory. Att lanta, Ga. AdwrlLsviiK'ni Poultry alive lower; springs ;',.S.; fowls 39 Vlrc. Potatoes weak; receipts 12 cars; northern round -white sacked $5rS57(' G. 00; bulk So.Oo'S'C.OS. T. f Cathartic Advertisement, j I 1 Girls ! Your hair needs a little "Danderinc"- that's all ! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-ccnt bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and see! BIG UK GQNTRAGT GWEDIOIBI PHI COMPMT City Engineer Joseph M. Tracy this morning submitted the bids for pave- ' ment district number 130 and recom mended that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, the Moran Pftv- , ing company, usjng bitulilhlc pave ment In the entire district at the fig- ; ure of $322,010.53 His recommenda tion was granted. , The other bids -were: '.Gibbons and Reed, ?3-IG,S13.4G; the Wheelwright ! Construction company, $337,210.30: I the Campbell Building company, ?350.- 1 S7G.51. The Moran Paving company con tracts to finish the work in ISO days , from the date of commencement; rhe jolliers asked for 250, 100, and 200 days j respectively. The district numbered 130 includes Jefferson avenue between Twentieth and Twenty-fifth streets; Hudson ave nue between Twenty-second and Twen-ty-third streets; Grant avenue between Twe'nty:fifth and Thirtieth' streets; Thirtieth street between Washington and Pacific nvennes; Van Duren stivel Tvcnly si-th and Twenty-seven h ! streets; Tvent? -sixth street between 1 Madison and Monroe avenues.; andj Monroe avenue- between Twenty-fifth j and Twenty-sixth1 streets. IWKIZZUSG. ' - mm "The Cinema Murder" comes to the Alhambra tomorrow. The Cosmopoli tan Paramount production In seven reels. A sonsation of adventures by an actress. The luring white lights of New York and the price exacted to become a movie star, with Marlon Pavies, heradled as the mo9t beauti ful woman of the present day. Marion Davis first attracted the at tention of New York theatregoers by her exquisite beauty and her striking success in dancing and dramatic roles in "Chin Chin." "Miss 11)19,"' and the Zicgreld Follies. It was seen at that Uiuo by astute motion picture produc ers that her talents only needed the freedom which the screen offers In order to realize their splendid promise. After appearing in several pictures, Miss Davios was chosen to be featured In the elaborate pholodrama made by Cosmopolitan Productions from the most popular magazine stories of the i day. Her first starring vehicle under i this arrangement was Koherl W. Chambers' story, "The Dark Star," In which she has scored heavily through ou the country. "The Cinema Murder" presents . her as a vivacious, high-spirited actress, a role In which she Is. of course, thor oughly at home. Her dancing skill i and her graceful appearance in lavish i, costumes in the latest mode are pleas- ing features. I( nn !l i HOOVER WILLING ! IB BE CANDIDATE I i SAN FRANCISCO. March 3'J. Her-! bert Hoover has expiessed a willing-1 'ness to accept the Republican noinlna- ' ' A R MclNTi''i DRUG CO iik 1 "If ya want to feel nifty ' ' sys Mr- Br Thrifty 1 J B I "Be saving your dollars and dimes; j HI Jl So start in a harry to guard against worry I III II And troublesome days of hard times. III' If B. Thrifty' s Budget Thrift Book will H II help yoa save. Atk far a copy. II v;1 Ogden Savings Bank y'- ItW 111 2384 Washington Ave. 1 For ugly, badly neglected nails -f : ? H SPECIALISTS say that in caring for the powder, stick or liquid form gives you just the IH 1 ' C."' rirrlls, your v. hole effort should be to keep quick water-proof finish you want. - 4jjt. - jH z v the cuticle unbroken. When the cuticle r. r 4 '" 'If ' iv-s . . . ' , . , , . Alter one Cutcx manicure examine your . witi 1S trimmed or cut away, the skin about the base m v mm , , , NNNN .Tivsv r . ... -r , " ' hails. You will be amazed at the improvement! .NNNN ' , ol the nail becomes dry and ragged. It con- i -. . T stantly roughs up, forms hangnails and makes Cutcx Cuticle Remover, Nail White, Nail . ' ' ' ' "'"tHc hands hideously unattractive. Polish and Cold Cream arc each 35 cents. The ; ' , 'jf t ,j Cuticle Remover comes also in 65 cent bottle. "-' ' ' J " . jH --v "r t .n';. It was to meet this need for a iflrwiw. cuticle You can get Cutex in any drug or department . ;. - remover that the Cutcx formula vas prepared, store in the United States, Canada and in aqy . . In the Cutcx package you will 'find' orange demist shop in England.. . C' , V 'r.l.'.,;'41'. stick and cotton. Wrap a Httle cotton around A manicure set for 20 cents the end of the stick and dip it into the Cutcx t, -hit-. '! - -NNH i -it? i .i I j i i r i I'or twenty cents wc will send you the Lutcx I . bottle. Work the stick around the base of the T . J . , 0 J . 5 ; NNpl hlu ! -i . . u i i i -i , , Introductory Manicure bet, not as large as our NNNI if -v nails, gently pushing back the cuticle. Wash , , i r i ;NNn1 e. tit i i i i t ' i standard set but containing enough ot the the hands, pushing back the cuticle with . . ,fa . b . , NNJ 'i'i' . i a ivt n l. tvt i TT7i ,. , Cutcx preparations tor at least six complete t ?., r NJ 'Jri . a towel. A little Cute." Nail White applied 1 1 Tf , , , ,7 lr -v ixv.f' PATJ .. ' j j i manicures. Use the coupon below. Your hrst --NNN1 under the nails removes any .... , .. . 1 r , . -' , j i - manicure will be a dclighttul surprise NpH ) discoloration. . , . ... v far? ' I tp yoU. Address Northam Warren, , NNI " n Catcx Nail Polish In cake' pa,stc' ii'nvcsti7thstrc:ct,isTcwYorkcicy z:'' - ' paSS NIAIL THIS COUPON2WITH TWO DIMES TODAY , rtt IH ! 1-; ' : " ' ' l- K w. j otiu y j p nion Tor president.' His announcement. i tcon(ained In a telegram to iho Hoover Republican Club of Calilornlu, was con-1 ditioned upon a feeling in the Repub lican party that the Issues demand his candidacy. I The former food administrator, tel rrraphlnp from Now York, said he 'was 'naturally affiliated" with "the inde pendent element" of the Republican party and declared that If that party adopted a "forward looking" platform ho would support it. He reiterated former declarations that he would not I peek the nomination, j Concerning the peace treaty, with Its league of nations' covenant. Mr. j Hoover expressed himself as diifciiiiK 'With equal wideness from extremists 'who opposed "any league at all" and ' the "position taken by the president." Recent developments In the treaty ltuaiion, Mr. Hoover said, were one n ason for hU announcing his willing ness to accept the nomination. Oiheiv were 'stagnation In economic adjust mem" and urgent representations eon , opening' ,il)o situation in California; hlB home state. These factors, he said, j caused him "to confirm the action my Republican friends there have already taken without consulting mo." HOOVER WILL ACCEPT. NEW YORK. March 30. With re-' celpt here tonight of word from Cali- j forum thai Herbert Hoover wouut ac- cept the Republican presidential nom ination If it wUre "demanded" of him. H. Fulton Cutting, chairman of the re cently oniunir.ed Hoover Republican committee of Urtmter New York, an- nounced appointment of an executive committee of 100, including namos or prominent men in industry, commerce and the profesrdons. At ihe same lime Herbert Parsons. Republican national committeeman, I sent a telegram to .Mr. Cutting refusing : to join the committee, and adding: "I believe in party government as - An Exceptional Investment Opportunity ; UKIVEk-. SPOT WELDER- -AX OGDEN rHv- . . i" I Will toon b urd In rrrr state In llip I nion. F.rcry machine shop in Ihc I country nrnU it ortr nrr jiilinj: In every day ' I LIMITED OrFEIlIlJO OF STOCK ! With h tunetlon o( th I'tnh Srcurities Cornmicilon v ofrr 20.000 rorth I I of stock. Th purpnno is in onlar our jlnnt lo meet thu il inland or vhi nichinef. Wf re pUnninio o mrkt tho UnlTenl Spot AVoIder In erry tte l In the Union. A wonderful opportunity to lnrrt In pylnic company, llon't I hfltt Art NOW. Uo Thli Oonpon TODAY . , i Block llaUd vith Abbott A Co. , , . , Oomarcll KoaU Bak Bldg. AutomaUo OonlroMcr t Mfe. Oo. I yhono 80 Oedoa, Utih , , Oedon, Utb j l'lnn No. 1. Enclosed find ..dollars Automatic Controller & layment In full on .... iborai I Hr i. n nt Ctltal itoek of tho Auiomatlc 1 Manufactunlng Co. controller & iue. cv... $1.25 ! Phone 2554-W Ogden, Utah chftr''' V 1 ) Warning to Mothers Mothers should see that the whole family takes a thorough, purifying sys tem cleansing Flz-lk this spring. NOW IS THE TIME. The family will bo healthier, happier, aud get along better if tho blood 1b given a thorough purirylng, tho stomach nnd bowels cleaned out, and tho gonna of winter accumulated in the aystom driven jiwny. HOLLISTER'S ROCKY MOUK TAIN TEA la ono of tho very best and surest spring medlelucB lo take. Got' It and see tho difference In tho wholo family. Their color will bo bettor, they'll feel tine and be well and haimy. Mclntyro Drug Co. Advertisement, I Theodore Roosevelt did; that Repub licans should nominate Republicans, and that the. man who, in 1918, advo cated the eleclon of n Democratic con sres3 and who in September, 1S10. Mated that he belonged to no party both of which elioover did is political ly incompetent lo be an effective Re publican president, no matter how sue (cespful he was in the autocratic posl-! I tion of food control during the sire HOOVER CLUBS ORGANIZING. DES MOINES. Ia.. March 31. Ot sanitation of clubs in all parts of Iov: lo support Herbert Hoover for presl dent will be started tonight at a meet. jH i ing of persons interested in his can. The After Effects . I of Pneumonia . I This is No. 2 of a series of advertisements, prepared by a com , potent physician, explaining how certain diseases which attack ihc air passages such as Pneumonia, Influenza, Whooping H JM Cough, Measles or even a long continued Cold often leave these organs in an inflamed, congested state, thus affording a favorable foothold for invading germs. And how Vick's Vapo Rub may be of value in this condition. ! : . H Pneumonia attacks the air cells I of the lungs. An inflammation is set up .and matter is thrown off which causes the air cells to solidify, thus preventing the natural flow of blood thru the 1 lungs. This "backing up" of the blood causes the heart to pump harder, just as stepping on a hose increases the water pres sure, which is the reason why, during this disease, the physician watches the overburdened heart so carefully. After recovery the lungs are ' filled with a mass of wreckage the debris of the battle which must be gotten rid of by a process known as resolution. Frequently, inflamed spots remain, congestion persists, cough hangs on, and the least exposure brings on a cold that is hard to get rid of. If neglected , such dainaged air pas sages may easily develop serious disease of the lungs. Such cases should always con I tinue under a physician's care and frequent examinations should be made to see that nature is properly continuing the rebuild ing process. Nightly applications of Vick's VapoRub will aid nature in this work. Because Vicks acts locally by stimulation thru the skin to draw out the inflammation, at tract the blood away from tho congested spots and relieve the jH cough. In addition, the medici- jH nal ingredients of Vicks are vaporized by the body heat. These vapors are breathed in all night long, thus bringing the medication to bear directly upon the inflamed areas Vicks should be nibbed m over the throat and chest until jH the skin is red then spread on thickly and covered with hot flannel cloths. Leave the cloth ing loose around the neck and . v the bed clothes arranged in the form of a funnel so the, vapors arising may be freely inhaled. If the cough is annoying, swallow a small bit of Vicks the size of a pea. Samples to new users will be sent free on request to the Vick Chemical Company, 232 Broad Street, Greensboro, N. C. 60 TOltC Bruard Jjl 51.20 ifYapoRufoteSl A8aitCoId3 ( I More Than 17 Million Jars Used Yearly a H PAINLESS PERNELL I Foot Specialist I Phone 260 Rooms 2-3 Stevens BIdg., over Western Union H