Newspaper Page Text
m wp H WW lHt, OGDEN STANDARD ; OGDN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 19Z0 5 . WLM ymm for sale j v ! RealJEatate ' -JUk iVp roPm modern brick, cornar, close In iflHp , on w?nch and car line. V, basement and vlr! garago. All window shades and electric 'MmW fixtures. A positive snap at SiSOO. UHr , Eight room modern frame, clono in on bench nnd cur lino. Lot 60x132; will re- 'K ' a"rQo S10, cash; pood terms, on balance.1 FIvo room fully modern brick buna-I " HB low. liardwood floors and borders: tiled I. bath room, brick . nd glazed In slctplngi Mv j porch, ull built-in features, shades and MM electric fixtures, full baxement. furnaco I beat, comcnted driveway. cIopc to car ) jK. lino and school: one of the neatest nnd 1 K best homes in Ogdcn, y2 eaGh, terms on I K balance $7000, mMr Six room bouse, raft front on Wash- I MM Inuton nvonuo: water and lights; street .'iB paved. Vi each; assume balance on pav- ?1UL n(r 90- ;! 14 acr01' 'a"l. S room bouse, chicken ''M'kf house, hot house. 2 flowing wells. 2i r-Hv lucres pasture. 1 acres alfalfa, some H Hp: small fruit, balance best tomato and beet WI B land, within 3 miles of city. J, cash, H terms on balance. 51.500. '-li B 30 acres land, 60 a eras under cnltlva- -illB "on sma11 house and collar, spring ' K water. 12 acres wheat. 5 acrc. alfalfa, bal- 'bl V anccg rain nnd pasture land. Close to Ifl'H Ogden on main road; 4 cash, terms on i n.-. balance. Only $7500. XUiMTr Call at office, I tii K J. a. Mcculloch MtK fndcr First Natl. 3ank 3824 j 3S PARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE. , This property Is bringing in S7 per dav ( H" rental. Sundays and stormy days Includ- i -IIB1' cd. Tho price Is 1 1,500 and $6000 cash i 'tHfc- Will handle it. I am pretty good at fig- i MmK "ures but I can't for the life of me figure ' ljBjr m,t now anyono can bo satisfied to draw ,:IJB? ' Pcx cont on 'l10'1 nionoy and pass up 1 -B? n opportunity like this, for if mv f I cures ''B1 'rn correct this amounts to about 20 per :'BBi cnt Come In .ami let us do a little fig' nHvt urlntr I might be mistaken. All MIs- u"BL Founans arc Invlliul to call on Thou. Auld, under First National Bank. Phone J01.,,' HANDSOME NEW MODERN HOME, ft of six rooms: all hardwood floors, cum 17Br "nfl na":l Hniph: buffet kitchen, break ill nst alcove; mantel and book cases; fur iftj urco heat: ccmciu basement, all parti Mmm tloncd off: tho classiest home of Its size Wt- m city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth. ;IK 3895 'flflf SWANER I I IRRIGATED LaN WILL sell all or any part of SO acres choice land about five miles from Ogdon, : upde.r Wavls-Weber counties canal coin pnnv One 40 acre tract has some Im provements. This Is a genuine bargain nt $150 an acre; terms to suit. Will sell i Silt shares of water with this at market i E. W. CANNADY j 2-127 Hudson Avenue Alhambf-a Theatre is . ; next door. 1022 I HAVE several very desirable modem J ' homes for sale at reasonable prices. Would like to have yoif Call and see i 1 themt . , I Also one of the best farms in obcr county, suitablo for growing1 any kind ot 1 j crops. , ' ' Large orchard, good house, barn and garage, good water rights, purest spring' water on promises. Room 502 Eccles Phone 42ol; 4140 , FOR SALE By owner A great snap if taken at once, 5 room frame with balls. clothes prepsee. cnbjnot porches, largo, sh-d and garage. Fine fence, 'rult nnd I , shade trees, lawn and flowers. Corner . , lot. 55x132 feet. Paving to sidewalk paid. ( Immediate poc6csslon. Terms. Lnqulro i , 1051 or 220S Washington. Phor.e lOSu-.I I ( 1016 i MODERN four room frame bungalow with J glass In sleeping porch. 32S1 Lincoln, avenue. ""''I FOl'R room framo house, largo lot i i on bench 53600 , Six room frame, on bench . . ....?-5Q"i Five room modern brick on oench. j f'nC KBl.b''' fc HER RICK '388 j SIXTEEN acres on Twelfth wtroet wlth, good five room house. Six acres In fruit. ( water right for half of the land. $5000. Terms to suit. Will consider a trado for ! rcPjdonce. J. J. Brummllt. 2H7 Hudson h ftvenuc. 3541 ! ' CHOICE building lota on North Washing- j ton: newly paved street; we furnish mon vfl to build. Also choice cheap lots, close to paved streets; easy terms, no paving tax' "W. B. Wcdell. 24CS AVashlngton. j AN clesunt lot on Trior avenue, near '. Twenty-fourth ftrcct. This lot Is oSsloO , to allev. This is near the exclusive reel- , dence section and Is worth twice what 1 1 tho owner, who Is a non-resident, asks for , ii It. which is $300. J. J. Brummltt, 2417 , j Hudson avenue. dBA1 I I NIFTY our room i.iodorn brick home on ! ' the bench, at a bargain. Thos. Auld. un- der FlraL National Bank. Phone 301. 3.53 , ' TWO farms in Morgan county; -12 acres, i ' choice fcandy loam, rood beet, pea or cab bage land; house barn and W bouse: I best Irrigated place In counti-. . 24'4 acrss on good road; bouse, nam. . 1 granary, sheds; first class beet and pea : I land, with H4 acres range land Could , ; r bo bought together or separate. George J.. Littlo. Morgan. Vtah. 33L- . FIVE room modern homo on Dcncn. Soo Owner. 623 Twenty-second. "33S , : FOUR room nearly modern house, on j paved, street. $2750. 2gcc , t f KELLY & HERRICK. j ur I. Mm 'f B'JRLEV IDAHO FARM LANDS i IB WE have a largo list of Irrigated farms IB or pale or trado. Wrjlo or 300 WONLS nm GRISWOLD INV. CO., Burloy, Idaho.. llB 166 ACRES Ot tarm land near I'lonioii- B lory, fully equipped Vlth stock and too!?, i B Residence, stable, spring for domestic use i MB and early water for Irrigation. TUis . B would make a choice grain farm. an IB toko a home- la Ogden an part payment. fM $750. W. B. Wecfcll. 268 Wash Ave l Sm FOl'R room framo house, largo lot. onr' B paved Etrcot. 33750. 1 1 SB Seven room frame house. larg lot. up- , , JiW per Twenty-fourth. Wo00. 1M KELLY &. HERRICK. ' FARM of 160 acres for sale; 154 acres ln(. mm Turkey Red wheat, coming up fine: two , MM room 'frame house, not finished Inside: i , "tnblo nnd good well; located be twoen 1M Stone and Holbrook. Price $6000. Ad-,, jgM drca Jesse Bradshaw. Stone. Idaho. 3353 , SM EIGHT beautiful building lots, roar of i flim '. 650 Twcnty-.tccond street. Call J1-;"- : 1 fM Residences 2658 Monroe. 3(589 : W BT 0NER-Five-room brick home; ; modern except heat; excellent location. , call at 2811 Adams Ave. Phone ""gj MM' WE BUY, SbLLl uid exchango raniu. ! Stmt ranches. hoifdCB and city property, oco . ns boforo vou soil or buy. Smith & Wff' Fliadcro Co up stairs, Commercial bnn. mm. JT WILL pay you to hco tis uDout good Hi-'- farms, loana. city reflldcnces and lotfl. 51 Phono 1876. Porter Realty Co. 2374 Um t Washington Ave, Basement. List w Ith Mm J un, ' B ( OOOD modem live room Dungaiov. steam j WM t heal, modern In every respect. Close in 'f. on the bench. A great snap at $5500. .T. r J. Brummltt. 2U7 Hudson aVcnuo. 3S41 B f 2 ACRES of lund on tho fland ridge. i' About ten acres In orchnrd: near electric f Htntlon, two churches, school, Only 51000. I Terni3 to suit. Groat snnp. J. J. Brum-, I mitt. Phone 53. ' B I TWO acres fruit nnd berries, throo-room j house. Phono 3139-J, 912 B r S'.x-rooni nr:ck nou-. 'I 1- oiocks from I t Wash, pi) brach. with chlckon run unci garage, Snap nt S2id0. Terms at No. 11 It SIX room modern Irlck, with two and half acre?, and. north city liinlta. Snap Kelly & Hcrrick ; 33 B ONE aero with wator right, located near IB I- ''"st Tweelfth Htrcct. A good tilace to B I build a homo; city wafer. Only 51000, J. , WLmf' J Bmmmltt. Phone CP. 3811 FOURTEEN room double brick hOUHO, mmmm nearly modern, well located, largo lot. i TcrmB. $9000. Xclly & Hcrrick. '' ftBl BY OWNER 'Four room house, can make I R two more rooms upstair. Part cash, neo S Mr. Fox. Unln Depot Baggago Room f BY OWNER-r-Finost building eltc In city, 88 feet south front, on 25lh atreot. Ik- tween Harrison and T;ler lako lil mm-, while ou can. Phonf 1 0 - B TWO modern houseR brlr-k and frnni mMf ot 3 by 10 rods. 555 20lh SL 0u J 'fliV e?ANTV MORTGAGE CO. '4 pn" rhonc 115 i,inn,0sc ,,'Son,nB Povch, cement batc- el..,mnnUe- I't'lU-in feature, bam. n lrJ coops, lot 50 frontage. In south i PnLofR,JWn- 52500.00; tenia. -"Room Modern Brick inml I- Poetically new. fireplnco. ""r i ", hookcaxca. lot 40x132 fet, in C r?L location. $360n.00; nn.y lerm.s. 5,oom Modern Brick T hnli,1"' on south Washington Ave.. ooniP dmi- baspmenl. has gas eiiii,,p alnJra nnd t,own eood lot and VlJ, House has cast front- ago $1500.000; terms. One Acre Peach Orchard. -oty of other fnilLi and fivc- r,V ,?der prcsscd-hrick bungalow. c ""O.OO: torms. a-Room New Bungalow. Located on tho bench, has enclosed Keeping porch, furnace hardwood floors gum-wood finish, built-in features, ga rage lot 47x125 feet. $6800.00; tonne. ,1C "ARANTY MORTGAGE CO ' 416 24th St. Phonc 115 4002 , E. W. CANNADY Real Eslato . inamancc Jsew six room strictly modern bunga low siuiHtcd on east front lot. 50x140 feet. House has hot water heart, fireplace, tued bathroom, hardwood floors and elec tric fixtures: separate coal, fruit and veg etable rooms finished In basement. For JGS0nrCt'U G liirpc nomc' nddltlonal Practically now five room strictly mod ern bungalow situated on couth front lo closo In House has (urnncc heat, flre r.larc. hardwood floors and numerous V"nn"In fcatl""cs- A genuine bargain ot Hi acres of land with good water 'right. In good location, near Washington ave n"f.: -V? ,T00(1 flK Voonl h"ick house and outbuildings. Price $3500 Four loom modern brick'cottago in good location on bench, closo In. The honso could not bo built today for the price $3150 U,C '0t 'S worth 51500. Price , E. W. CANNADY -4i2 Hudson Avenue Alhambra Theatre Is next door. 023 FOl'R room brick houso and 50 foot lot in easy roach of and railroad dis trict. $2600: terms $1000 cash balance on :imfi-. 9- A- Kennedy, basement Utah Na Honal bank. Phone 013, 4120 LEVEL' 1300 ACRES I; OR WHEAT. ALFALFA. LIVESTOCK nna hou.-ie.. sheds, stablo?. springs, granar ies, running water nnd tine meadow, In cluding tractor machinery, somo live stock. Pav $15,000 down, balance 12 year ly payment. Get map and facts. Wo might rent if you have enough means for seed, feed and equipment. Wm. H. Brown Sons. Hobpon. Judith Basin, Fergus County. Montana. 33Q8 LOT 40x132. bargain; owner leaving: must fell. Box 83. care Standard. 39flh BY OWNER Five room brick bungalow, 1 Strictly modern. Phone 1751-R. 4131 A REAL BARGAIN ' GOOD five room house, modern except furnace, located on paved street, close In. i Dandy lot 40x275 fget. For on desiring to i-also garden truck or keep chickens, this is ideal. Price 52850. E. W CANNADY. 2427 Hudson 3077 THESE ARE REAL 3ARGAINS j 22 ACRE beet, bay and general fnrm; 1 nniM b sold quickly and ono of the hest finall farms in county. 12 arres best land. 10 acres pasture; excellent Improvcmenta; ; 100 shares water. Price $5000. 1 Eight acres of fruit and berries. 11 j sharex water, four room houso. barn, . nhed. etc.; best buy in Ogdon. Will sub-j divide into 10 large lots. Price for quick sale. $3000. Ono-nalf cash, balance 7 per CJllt. Five worn modern hvlek bungalow on bench, close in. cement bnsomcnt. large; rlosets. sleeping iwrch, kitchen cabinet, nil Improvements paid, choice location Price $4650, $2000 cash. 525 por month. I R. G. Agee. or Alfred E. Stratford, base ment Broom hotel. Phone C0-2304-J. I 3S33 ONE of tho best farms In northern Utah, consisting of 150 acres- plonty of water tor 60 acres- water can ho developed for balance; good five room house, barn and outbuildings. On electric road, naved street, This 'Is a great snap at 515.000. Some terms given If doplrcd. J, J. Brum mltt. 2417 Hudson avonuo. 3841 FARM FOR SALE j IS ACRES farm land, largo brick bouse md basement, bi.rn, chicken houpe and I ivork shopt ten acres In orchard, 10 ncroa llfnlfa. som" giain; team, wagon and lm- J foments; 2S .shares water; good domestic ivatcr. close to city, car line and pavod oad: will require one-third cash; has onc thlrdjn farm loan ut por cont; time on balance ut 7 per cent. See in quick for Lhls best buy In Utah. Only $13.0i0. J. A. McCulloeh, under First National bank. 2036 i . I MODERN home; canaries, rabbits. Phone ;SS0-W. 3076 STOCK RANCH I3S acres grain and alfalfa land in north aatern Utah: 100 aero now in alfalfa, jtato highway passes door. Small house, jomostlc water; Ht) head of catiio, lorsea. All kinds of machinery to run Lhc placo Included. The owner of this magnificent much Is in this city under Lhe caro of n physician and is obllgvd to soil. Price 530.O00.U0. une-naii casn. o: i inc'e 7 per cent will take somo clear Og len property in trade, Thos. AUld, under i-'lrat National Bank. Phone 301. 4042 BY OWNER 5 room modorn home, good ocatlon large lot. Telcphono 1619-M. . 4056 p ROOMS house close in, 53000. Can makj terms. I ROOM apartment house. $Su0. II ROOM appartment house on the bench lot 72x150. $6500. 5 ROOM modern brick bungalow and 5 room frame Jn roar. Lot 57x250. ,Sa200. 2mi mako terms. FOR RENT 13 acres good sugar beet land with 4 room house and barn, for one vent; A mile from city. Immediate pos session. W. P. Long, 2779 Washington Phone 4?1-M.j 031 ' svaKtebT"' j I To Buy rwjwJ SECOND-HAND wicker baby buggy In good condition. Phono 3184, 410i FRESH milk cow; hoga. veal and poultry. Will como to your yard to buy. Phono "597-R Peart Bros., 3421 Adams avonuo Ogdcn.' Utah. 3867 WANTED To buy or icnt an Invalid chair. Phone 1029-R. 0G5 S ETTING hens. Call Bramwcll'a, " WE BUY nil cars. rcganllcBa or condl tlon. Auto Salvage -o., 234S Grant Ave. ACCRUED Interest plua market prlco lor Ii1erty bonds paid by J. A- Hoglo &Co. iM48 LIBERTY bouaa bought J. J Brummilt. Phone 59. 'J53J CLEAN rabB wanted ut tho 6tndara office. ' ATTENTION IF YOL" have one cow or car load of cat tle or stock pigs for sale. I will drive out. try and buy thorn. Call 2100 oveninga or 704 day tlmo. C. A Lundatiint. 3663 WANTED j Salesmen 1 THE Utah-Idaho branch of the Chemical Coolor Co., of San Franclnco. with head quarters at Salt Lake, offer an opportun ity for sd'oanlent to earn from $15.00 to $25 00 por day In Utah, Idaho -and Mon tana Will arrange stale rlwhts for Mon tnnn For particulars address P. O. Box 1257. Salt Lake City. Utah. 4010 MARRY If lonely, many wealthy anxious for early marriage. Photos of beautiful lnrtloH and gents list mailed free. Box 3356. Jackconvlllo. Tin. 3975 FORMER Montana woman. Fount Hag er, looking for husband. Box 384 1. Port lund, Oregon. 4077 An Idle rumor is the most Indus tnous thing wc know of. j ' WANTED I? Male Help I v. ANTED Two neat appearing young men between 17 and 20 to travel, good chance to se tho world, and good money. Apply at Clair Hotel, Lincoln Ave,, Room 16. ask for Pottiraon. 4124 BOY WANTED Over 16 years of ago; ono having experience In printing offlco preferred Ogdcn Printing Co.. 2434 Washington Ave. 4100 VOUNG man with high sehpol education I for genera I office work. No bookkeeping. Excellent opportunity for advancement. ' Prefer ono who can operate or learn to .oppcratc a typewriter. Roply Box 22 Care Standard. 4068 I HOY wanted. Hudson Repair1 Shop, 24P0 j Hudson. 3Q6X 'EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell phono I graphs on commission basis; good propo sition to right parties. Apply 411 Twenty I third street bctwonn 10 and 11 a, m. 3942 CAPABLE and experienced mnn to han dle salesmen selling on commission; good rropositlon for right man. Address P. O; Box 08. . 3013 FARM band who understands care of or chard nnd handling of fmlt. W, B, We dell. 246.S Washington Avenue. 3S20 BEFORE selling Llboi ty noada, get prices from J. A. Hoglo & Co. 2451 j Torrent j r Unfurnished 'TWO room cottage, closet, pantry and I basement. Inquire 221 Twenty-third Phone 1096, 4127 I THREE-ROOM house, good location n car tea r. Phone 29-J-4 4105 ! 3 or i ROOM apartments, vacant from 1 1-10. Phono 2360-M. j030 ' TWO room apartment. $25; three room apartment. $3o; hot water, private bath, steam. Phono lOuS-J. 3591 GOOD houso for rent. J. J. Brummltt. Phone 50. 3840 ! FOR SALE j 'l00 Whito Leghorn Hens; good stock and in good laying condition. 544 Wash Ave. Phono 2695-M. 4072 RHODE Island Reds and Shcpard's strain Anconi eggs, $150 setting. Phono 357-M 3934 1 REDS and Whlto Leghorn eggs for hatch , mg: also breeding stock. Call Bramwell. , H1G-J. 3023 I HATCHING eggs from heaw laying White Leghorns. 51.50 per 15; $9.00 por 100. Phono 21S4-R. 3010 EGGS R. I. Reds. B. and W. Rocks, Blk Mln , W, B. and Buff Leghorns. Anconasi Light Brahmas. Cornish Gaines. W and Silver Lnccd Wyandottcs. turkev, "duck and goose eggs, See us for baby chicks and live poultry. Ask us about It. WESTERN GRAIN & FEED CO 3G27 H. E, Palmer. FOR No. l baby cnlcks; al6o Wlnford uifccinc hovers. Phono Astlll, 669-1545-:' j 3484 WANTED j I Situtioris j HOUSEKEEPING by elderly lady for l widower Best of references given. Ap jply E, T 43S HciTlck Ave. 4114 1 WASHING, also blankets and curtains Phone 20-R-4. 17 WIDOW wtlh two small children, wants to cook for men or keep lioupe for wid ower. Address 101 Thirty-third. 3807 BY experienced lookkeeper to handle a small set of books evenings, after 5 p. m ."1r,roronros burnished. Address Box 11. Caro Standard, 4061 WIDOW with ono child wishes position as housekeeper Box 14. Standard, 4076 foFrejnt 1 $ Furnished j MODERN eight room. wei furnished home. Address P. O. Box 694. with ref orenco. 35 NICELY furnished front room, light, heat, bath and phone. 573 Twenty-fourth St 4136 1 I9-PRRN room for gentleman, closo In 53 50 per week. References, 2311 Adams j Avti 102 ; MODERN furnished rooms; moderate I prices, two minutes from postofflce, 2146 Grant Ave, 4104 FURNISHED sleeping room In private family on cox line. 041 23rd street. 4111 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 2818 Wash. 4116 I LARGE front room at 612 24th street. 4115 1 ELEGANTLY furnished room. Call 2520 I Joff. 41 IS I THREE-ROOM furnished house, modern. I bath, pantry, cellar, sleeping porch, sleop I lug tent, garage, chicken coops and runs 1 Chickens for sale. Call 1174 24th street ; Phone 31S5-J. 4119 MODERN front room for gentlemen. 240 ' 26th St. 4088 NICELY furnished room, one or two gon llcmen. 2241 Adama Ave. 4074 CLEAN, comfortable fiont room for ono I or two gentlemen In prlvato borne; bath, I heat phone. Reforcnco required. 42S Merrick Ave. 4071 THREE 100ms for housekeeping at 2146 Lincoln. 4078 FURNITURE and stoves for sale. 317 30th St. 4057 (NICELY furnished front sleeping room lor one or to gentlemen. 2122 Washln I ton. 1055 MODERN slcoplng rooms. 333 24 St. 4029 FOR RENT Furnished largo front room. Call at 2330 Adams Ave. 4036 TWO light house koeplno rooms, mod orn: references required. No children. Phone 1646-J. 4060 THREE rooms for light housckooplng up stairs; suitable for couple. Phono 1141 -J. 4005 TWO light housekeeping apartments 2252' Washington avenue. 4003 MODERN furnished sleeping rooms for I rent. C14 Twenty-fourth. 3982 MODERN furnished rooms a block from j postofflce. 214G Grant avenue. 3970 SLEEPING room for gentleman. Thone 000-W. 165 Twenty-third. 3795 FURNISHED front room. G30 Twenty thlrd strcot. Phone 2180-.M. 3900 I GATES HOTEL 2146 Grant Avenue Phone 3050 Modern furnished rooms. Weekly ratOB, 3718 ROOMS for gontlemen. Phono 1880. 3716 ACCRUED Interest plua markot prico or liberty bond paid by J, A Hoglo Co. 2143 NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. 2431 AdaniH Avo. 4036 foiHrent j I Miscellaneous i STORAGE room for rent Call Aabesto jato Products Co.. Phono 1416-W. 3673 waKted ,i To Rent J I WANTED to rent a three room unfur nished house by couple, with ono child. ,Box 910. caro Standard. 4001 CONDSDSTOySj 1 WE tako your old range an first payment on any new range, or will buy your old rango outright. Homo Furnlturo Co. 4672 With production In offool, we sup pose government bonds will bo consid ered watered. If you over go to sleep nt the switch, you will surely awako to find your foot caught in the frog. Evening gowns are expensive, hut they show very little financial backing. f FORSALE ' j jacellancoug j 5 Singer Sewing Machine j: JUST ARRIVED Latest models, can be.,1 purchased or rented for $3 00 a month, ! eodcs oil and repalrq for all makes. Slngor Sowing Machine Co., 233S Wanh-j lngton A p.. Phone 24. 4113V Yi?'11 bab' carriage. Phone 327-.I. I 1--1 Grant. 4137" CHICKEN and duck eggs for setting. Call i after j p. m. 2150 Pacific avenue. 4130 n?inftk S!llc' 5 1 75.00 Phonograph. 550;, 202 Healy Hotel. 41221 iSTiFDfl?AK,iR.,,Gt snrI"E wagon. hn"if price, 56n Guitar and case. $6; piano1 stool $1.50 a70 7th ntrcot. 4108 j; BUFFET, table, chalr.i, carpet, llbrnir tabic and a, piano. Thono 901-.7, 2313 Ad- tna- 4110 FURNITURE for sole. 206 Jefferson 4123 HOUSEHOLD furniture. Phono 357-R or 4090 NEW manure spreader nnd grain drill. Hnvo sold farm. Phono 3177-J. 4084 LARGE rug somo emnll rugs, a sanltarv couch and other furniture. Call 675 27lh Street. Phone 2317-M 4075 TWO freah milch cows, 225 33rd street. Phono 1473-W. iiqi THREE nearly now child's beds and high chair. Corey Apts., No. 10. 40 WASHER and motor and gas wator heat er, cheap. Inquire 2885 Lincoln. Phone 1926-W. 4079 NEARLY now Universal Combination qus ,and coal range, nt a bargain. 2510 Wash Ave.. Ogdcn. Utah. 4005 FIVE Rooms of furnlturo. Call 217 2Sth street or phone 2000. 4054 A PARLOR set cheap, call rear 2127 Grant. 4060 , SANITARY couch, folding baby buggy, j rocking chair. 2461 Qulncy Ave. 4037 1 ALMOST new Dayton bicycle. $35. Coll 1041 21at St- 4066 GOOD surrey and single harness. En- ' I quire Pacific Coffoc Store. 2357 Washjn--I ton Ave. 4019 I ONE 6 foot plate glass top marble baso ' floor case. One 6 foot plato American 1 Beauty marble baso floor case. Apply 352 Twenty-fifth. 3089 J ,35 CHOICE White Leghorn ccokcrels for; j breeding purposes. State Industrial school. 3909 WICKER baby buggy for sale. Only beMi ( used two months Phon-" 1342-J. 4000 J BOAT and rabbits for salo cheap. 156 West Twelfth, 4006 FOR SALIC My fine phonograph, largo slzo, $65; must be sold today. Call Mr Sorcnscn. Room 203 Healy Hotel. 3973 WAGON and double names.. Also baby's' 'iron cradle. Phono 2061-W or call at 31711 Washington, 3971 SODA fountain, marble latest style wal rus, 10 foot, first class shape. $1050. Two tn foot show cases. Three flvo foot show coH08. Two tables, 8 chair3. The Wright Drug Co.. Evanston. Wyo. 3967 FOR SALE My flno phonograph, large size. 565; must be sold today. Call Mr Sorcnaen. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3372 FOR SALE My fine phonograph. Iargi size, $65; must bo sold today. Call Mr. Sorcnaen. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3973 GOOD concrete steam mlxor, cheap. 433 j Cross street. 3S69 (FINE rrrocery stock and lease well locat I ed on Washington avenue, Kelly & Her ; rick. 3778 LATE 1919 twin Harloy Davidson motor cycle with eldo car. In perfect condition. Also twin Excelsior for $100. Sco clrcula tlon manager. Ogden Standard. 3776 NEW 5-ply 3-4 rubber hose, whllo it lasts. 15c. Buy quick. Phono 333. 3407 j ONE-HALF PRICE. John Deero double disc suikcy plow, used only ono season. One Solid Comfort slnglo plow suikcy, Ono Jump seat surrey. Ono umbrella top buggy. One top grocery delivery wagon. Ono light road cart, all in good con dition and newly painted. Also other Accond hand gondii. IVERSON'S SECONDHAND STORE, 1640 Washington Avo. 35S5 SECOND hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Ivcrson, 1640 Washington avenun Phone 49. 3C3S FEMALES and guaranteed slngera. Como hoar them sing. 2220 Lincoln. 2242 1 SEVERAL aula of new work harness. Og j den Horse Sale & Commission Co 3103 1000 shares of Capital Petroleum at 23c; a dividend paying stock. Phone 3076 3037 I SINER'S TrunK ana Furniture Stores. j Now and second hand gocxia bought and sold and exchanged- highest prices paid for second hand furniture; high grado trunks and suitcases our specialty. 241 255 Twenty-fifth. Phono 1321. 2076 J. A. HOGLE & CO. pay highest prices in Ogdon for Liberty bonds. 2450 UNCALLED for sulut. tailor mado; hlg reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth St. Phono 419. 2157 BLACK leather bill-book containing lodge and identification cards. Return to 403 Hudson Bldg. 4035 BUNCH of keys, Friday ovcnlng, March 26 Jackeon ave. hot, 25th and 13th ward. Call 3269-W, Reward. 4082 THURSDAY morning on 7th St., Ladles purne containing Goncalogy and monc Return to C21 7th St., or phono 2135-W. Reward. 4021 LARGE black lenthor purso containing small change, small diamond ring nnd ro celpta. Phone 375-.T. Reward. 3337 FOR SALE or exchange, sowing machine for gun. washing mnchlno, chickens or what have you? Mrs. Meads. 563 23rd atrcot. 4103 PIANO, organ, plow. Phono 333. 3166 ONE-HALF aero In peacllca. nearly 10U trees, 5650, cash or terms, or will trado for good nutomobllo. 411 24th St. 2333 fFORALE Autos Chandler 191S louring. Chandler 1917 touring. Elcnr 1917 touring. W1LFONG-GLASMANN CO. 2251 Washington Phone 776 4132 FORD tractor. Inquire I. Murn. 165 Twenty-fifth ytreet. I12S NEW 1920 Oakland touring car at ro duccd price, or will trade, 070 22 atreot 4112 Ford light delivery truck. Ford 1 ton Form-a-Truck. Ford bug. Studobnkcr 1 ton truck. Modol N Hup. touring. Modol 57. Bulck touring, 1917 Studebakor touring. All In first class mechanical condition. PACIFIC NASH MOTOR CO. . 2200 Washington Avo. 4027 HORO runabout body, extra good condi tion. Phono 2165-R. 4038 TWO light Ford u (express bodies); Mox well louring $225: Hayncn Chummy. Sav age Motor Co.. 2.154 Hudson avenue. 1012 OAKLAND Six. Call after 0 o'clock. 2045 Adams. 30,7 9 WONDERFUL car for sale, cheap, 2348 Grant 3333 WHY not buy an exchange car? Now Is tho tlmo to buy. Two Fords. '14 and '16, Two Maxwolls, '16 and '17. One Cbalmurs. 6-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO. 2333 Hudson Phono 143 3055 DOES your cnglno pump oil and foul opnrk plugs? Does It leak compression and thin out oil In crankoaso? Wo can usually remedy 5; without reborlng. Wo ' can savo you money If roborlng 1b nec essary. Barlow Bros., 2466 Grant avontui. 2741 If you wore born with a silver spoon In your mouth, don't tako It out. You can't got any more 3Ugar anyway. It Ih a good thing that Venus Isn't signalling ue, or our wife would accuse her of flirting. PUHSSMa::inG. remodelling 0r plain 1 sowing 2213 Rcod Avo. 4036 ; PLEATING. Buttons, nqmstltching plcol ( t, it lQc per yard.; third floor W. H.Wright ( " S- Sons. 501 , - LEGAL NOTICES 1 i NOTICE. ij Ogdcn Petroleum Co,, principal place ol i bunlnosa Ogdon. Utah. t Thoro aru delinquent on the following. described stocks on account of as-ioss- ment No. 10 levied on lio "th day of February. 1920. the several amounts f et 1 1 opposite iho' names of tho rospcctlvoL sharo holdors. as follows; . h Cert, No. Shares ftmt.!( Allen, E. J , 440 1000 5 B 00 , , Brupdop. M. H. ,665 711 3.56 i Bybee. Emma 551 1400 7.00 1 1 Bundy. Elnlly R 106 1000 5.00. Brophy. LcO 351 300 1.50 1 Clark, Isaac 132 500 2 oO , Child, Mrs. C. C.....637 6000 3 0.0Ci. Child. C. C 462 2000 10.00 Cady, E 463 1000 5.00 Dyo. 8. G ..178 2000 10.00 Dc Mlk, W. G 226 1500 7.50 Dodson. Margaret ...107 1779 8,89 Doyle. A. B 750 750 3.7o " Egglcstop. Harry ....170 500 3.60 : Francis. Frank 20 4000 20.00 ; Fcnn, Homer E.. .... 40 1000 5.00 , Foulgor. Joseph 382 1000 5.00 Farr. Ralph 472 1000 5.00 Fnrr. C, L 354 500 2.60 Furr. C L 631 400 2.00 Grant. 6 606 1000 5.00 ; Hess. G. R 234 1000 5.00 Hess, G. R 311 500 2.a0 Hunter. G. F 244 500 2.50 Halvorson. Geo 324 1000 G.00 Halvcrson. Geo. 366 1000 5,00 Hnlvcrson. Geo 367 600 3.00 Halvorson, Geo. 377 1000 u.Oo Halvorson, Geo 515 500 2.o0 Halvorson. Geo 530 200 1.00 Hcncr, Arthur 664 500 2.50 lvlna, L. H 215 100 .50 Ivlns, L. H. 21S 100 .o0 Jensen. David ... 47 1000 5.00, Jensen. David 325 3000 15,00 1 Johnson, Elmer ......570 250 1.25 Jones, M. E 201 200 1.00 Miller, V. 3 264 4000 20.00 Margarson. F. R, 417 500 2.50 McCormlck. J. L, 394 1000 5.00 Potorson. Ezra M. ... 65 3000 15.00 Picrson. C. A 303 100 .50 Plerson, C. A 420 30M 15.00 . Pierce. 1. N 185 500 2.50 Pldcock. J. XV. 550 1500 7.50 Pructt, L 643 12500 62.50 Pruett. L 568 500 2.50 Perkins, XV. A 522 Iu00 10.00 Perkins. XV. A 553 500 2.50 Pructt. Ed 468 2000 10.00 Pructt, Ed 647 500 2.50 Piers, Ebcr F. 643 500 2.50 Richards. I . L 212 333 1.66 Richards, I. L 213 333 1.66 Roylo. A. II. 386 2500 12.50 Royle, A, H 3S9 2500 12.50 Roylc. A. ii 290 2500 12.50 Sorcnson, Ncls C 67 2000 10 00 Swanson, E. P 321 500 2,50 Sullivan. M. 207 20 .10 Smith. Robt 211 334 1.69 Say lor, XV. B 301 178 .59 Thomas, Bculah 189 250 1.25 Thomas. Bculah ....20G 250 1.25 Toombs, J. M. 404 2500 12.50 Thomas, E. H, 627 2000 10,00 Wheelwright, J. L ...168 500 2,50 Walker. Mary L. 174 500 2.50 Wilson. W. B 626 317 . 1.53 And In accordance with law so many of each parcel of such stock as may bo nec essary will bo sold at the offlco of tho said company, No. 360 Twenty-fourth street. Ogden, Utah, on the 3rd day of April, 1920, at tho "our of noon to pay the delinquent assessments, together with the cost of advertising' and oxpenao of sale. A. L. GLASMANN. Secrcta ry-Trcasurer. P. S. The a novo delinquents aro pay able to the assistant secretary-treasurer. J. R. Hlnchcllff. at tho PIngrco National Bank, on or boforo tho above mentioned dato. 3602 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids will be received by the Board of Education of Ogden City. Utah, nt Room 308. Colonel Hudson building. Ogden, Utah, until 8 o'clock p. m.. Mon day. April 12. 1920. for labor and nmtorlala In connection with excavations and con crete foundations required for a part of the "Washing-ton school which tho said board proposes to erect In Ogden. Utah. Bidders may obtain drawings and specl flcntlonn as required to prepare bids for this work at tho office of Leslie S. Hodg son and Myrl A. McClennban, Architects, Room"820"EccIcs bullcjing. Ogden. Utah. All labor must bo performed and all ma terials furnished and placed as required to complete tho work undor the contract in strict nccordanco to tho drawings and specifications and to the entlro satisfac tion of tho architects. ... , . The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ... , , A certified check mado payable to said board for a sum of nionoy not less than five per cent of tho amount of the bid must accompany each bid. and the check of any successful bidder shall bo forfeit ed In case he falls or refuses to enter Into the necessary contract and furnish a bond required by the board. The contract shall contain, among oth er things, a stipulation that at least twen tv per cent of tho contract prlco may bo withhold until tho work In tho contract is completed and accopted by tho board. By order of tho Board of Education of Ogden. Utah. EDWARD I. RICH. President; VIOLA M. CLANCY, Clork. Published in tho Ogdon Standard from March 31st. 1320. to April 12th, 1920. Inclusive. LITTLE: BENNY'S Note Book j By LEE PAPE Yestidday I started to ask pop for a dirae for the movies, and pop sed, look hoer. young fello, how would you like to practice a littlo economy? I aim got enylhlng to practice It with, I sed. I was jest coming to that, sed pop. do vou think If 1 gave you 25 Bents you could spred it over candy and the movies and everything cits for tho bal lents of tho week without bothorlng mo agon? G, ves sir, 25 sents, yes sir, I sed. "VVich ho gave it to mo saying, Are you sure you know the mecnlng ot" economy? and I sed, Yes sir, and pop sed,. Wots it meen? and I sed, It moens not spending ovorything in one place as soon as you get It. Well, you seem to havo a shadowy idoer of tho mooning, sed pop. And toniie after suppir he sed to me, Well, young folio, hows the budglt coming along, how mutch of that 25 sentu havo you got left? Sir? 3 sents, 1 oed. Yee gods, sed pop, 19 that wat you call economy? and 1 sed, Well, I loaned some of it, so of corsO 111 get that back. I dont know about the of corso part of Jt, how mutch did you lend? sed pop. A sent, I sed. O, sed pop, with a unsatisfied ex prOBSlon, and I sed, Well, I lost a lot of it, I lo'st 7 sents, If I hadont of lost 7 sents, G, jest think, Id have a dime left. Wat enn you ixpect wen you go or round with holes In your pockitB? sod pop. and I sod, No sir, that nint the way I lost thorn, pop, I lost thorn put ting them In chowlng gum slots that wouldent work. Yeo gods, sed pop. and I Bod, Do you wunt to heer wat hnppcnod to the rest, pop? Id drathor not, I dont think my hart Is an strong as U used to be sed pop, So 1 didont toll him. nn But at that, tho sedition bill oughl to carry a rider with roferenco to poll tlclans, nt least. STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS WANTED Femaje Help J 'EMALE help wanted In the housekeep ing department. Dec Hospital. Phono 614. 4121 lN experienced girl for houaowork, 432 7th ttrccL Phono 39Q 4098 'WO or Three fitcnographers for about 10 lays' work Apply at Standard. 4106 IOUSEMAID wanted. Call 777. 4109 EXPERIENCED salosladles to soil phono rrapha, good eastern line, good commls ilon. Call 411 Twenty-third street, bo wocn 10 and 12 a. m. 3941 "OMPETENT girl or woman to help with vousework and two children; good wages; ;asy work ono who can go homo nights ireferred. Call 2550. ' 3872 AMILY washing wanted. Phone 2015 )U 3704 DRESSMAKING taught to anyone wnilni; to apply themselves. See Madam Cai Imi, rhu-d floor. Wright's Store. 0342 GIRLS wanted to sow on ovcrallu. iVo pay whllo you learn. Only those vho want steady Jobs neod apply. Saw :.roft Manufacturing Co. 5014 MONEY LOANED, on gilt edged securi ties.. Thoo. Auld. under First National Hank. . 4Q24 MONEY advanced to naJarlcd ptoplg vitq out security. Others on furniture and pianos. Easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Dlx, '227 Colonel Hudson Bulld lng. Phono 284. 8787 RALPH P. HUNTER, ustabllshed 1882. Mortgago loan3, real cctato, insurance, Utah, Idaho lands; forms and city prop erty. Persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgago acurlty will Jo well t consult inc. Good applications always on hand. 431 Twenty-fourth SL Ogden Utah. 310 MONEY to loan on hnpioved .-col ostai;. Kully & Horrlck. 773 MONEY to loan on real estate securities. J. J. Brummltt. S-21-1 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES ; Consult County Clerk or me Respo tiye Signers for Further Information. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of Weber County, State of Utah. In tho Matter of the Etate of Isaac Belt- , man. Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law offices of Henderson & Johnson, Suite 215 First National bank building. Ogdcn City, Weber County, Stato of Utah, on or before the 19th day of July. 1920. Dated, this tho 17th day of March. 1920. BENJAMIN QPPiLVN. Administrator of the Estato of Isaa,c Beltman. Deceased. Henderson &. Johnson, Attorneys for Ad ministrator. Dato of first publication March 17. 1320. Dato of last publication April 14. 1920. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of Weber County. Utah. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Charles Amasa Bybee. Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at the office of Joseph E. Evans, suite -518 David Ec cles building, Ogden. Utah, on or before Juno 1, 1920. Dated Ogdcn. Utah, March 31, 1920. JOHN T. BYBEE. Administrator Joseph E. Evans, Attorney for Adminis trator. First publication March 31, 1920. Last publication April 2S. 1920. NOTICE. Estate of William MeHenry. Deceased. The petition of Catherine MeHenry for letters of administration, in the above en titled matter, haa been set for hearing before Hon. A. XV. Agce. Judge, on Mon day, tho 12th day of April. 1920. at two (2) o'clock p. m.. at the county court house, In the court room of said court. In Ogdcn City. Wobor County. Utah. Witness, the clork of said court with the seal thereof affL-ccd, this 31st day of March, 1920. WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Doputy Clerk. Henderson & Johnson, Attorneys for Pe titioner. (Seal) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the second Judicial district court of tho Stato of Utah, in and for the County of Weber. In the matter of the estate of Gilbert Torgorson, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchors, to tho undorslgncd. at the of fice of Hyrum A. Belnap, suite 713 Eccles Bldg, Ogdcn, Utah, on or before Iho ISth day of May. 1920. CARL ELifER TORGERSON. Administrator. Date of first publication, March 17. 1920. Dato of last publication April 14, 1920. Hyrum A. Belnap, Attorney for Administrator. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, Neb.. March 31. Hogs Receipts 17,000; market 25 to 50c higher, closing easier; bulk 511 .00g 15.00; heavy ?13.501-1.75; medium ?14. 5015. 25; lights $14.0015.40; pigo $11. 50 Q14. 25. Cattle Receipts C500; market steadv to strong; -choice heavy steers $13.5014.60; medium $11.5013. 50; common $9.75311.50; medium 1 $11.5013.50; common $9.7511.50; choice lights $12.00(S14.O0; common $9.5012.00: butcher heifers $7.00 12.25; cows $6.50(??12.00r canners $1. 506.50; calves $14.50(0)16.00; feed ers $S.50S12.00; stockers $7.0011. 25. Sheep Receipts 8500; lambs steadv to 25c lower: sheep and feed ers steadv; lambs $1S.2520.25; culls $15.00(S17.50; springs $22.00(25.00; yearling wethers $15.5018.00; choice owes $12.5014.50; culls $5. 0011.00. Maybe that earthquake In Mexico was caused by somo American wets in the Mexican cellars, Information Bureau 11.00 PER LINE PER MONTH H I IH ANYTHING New or Old H ANYTHING A to Z new or old IH bought, sold or traded. Phono 333. H BOOKS AND STATIONERY H Bramwell Book and Stationer. 23 SJ H Washington Ave Phono 360. 205S H BANKING. Utah Natltonal Bank, southeast comer IH Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phono 611 H COUNSELOR. AT-LAW T. R O'ConnolIy. Ogdcn. Utah. Legat H advico by mall. Wrlto mo tho facts. . Phono 393. H CARPET CLEANING K. Van Kampnn for upholstering. cax IH pots cleaned, altered and laid. Remaking H of mattresses. Phone 2752-J. H Expert carpot cleaning, mattress rch'6- IH Voting, upholstering, and springs ro- H stretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co.. Feather renovating Phone 25SG-W. IH CHIROPRACTOR jH , Owc" W. Halverron. D. C. Rea. phon J0SC-W. 701-702 Ecclea Building. IH DENTISTS IH The Nov Method Dentists are special ista In all branches or Dentistry. 2469 Washington Avo. 2203 H DRAIN TILE FOR SALE H tcrmountaln Concroto Co. Twentieth IH 2nd L'nco'n Avo., Ogdcn. Utah. Phono3 H 20CS and 487. 230 ENGRAVING '! Ogdcn Engraving Service Co . maker or lino cuts In ono or moro colors. 416 IH Twenty-fourth street. Phono 4C3. IH .FIRE INSURANCE Charles Elsonbcrg. Phone 1859-J. Cal- cdonian r.nd Michigan Commercial Stand- ard Irurjranco. 1575 B FOOT SPECIALIST IH !L-J Barker, 320 Colonel flifdson Bldg. IH ; Featherweight arch supporters. Correc- IH jtlve treatment. 3343 -JH j HAY AND GRaTn Brain, and poultry feed. Bell Bros. 3il Twenty-third street. Phono 2545. 2mo rnmm HIDES, WOOLS. FURS H , O. M. RunyarC 2269 Wall Ave., payis jH lop prices. Phono 7S1-W. 1523 IH JUNK AND HIDES ' , Westom Hide Junk Co., 2323 Wash- lngton Avo, Phono S61. 'i Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington jH Ave. Phono 210. LAWN MOWER Lawn moworn sharpened and over- IH hauled. Hudson Repair Shop. 2469 Hud son avenue. Phone 73 4 -J. -KEY FITTING Key fitting and lock repairing, safe opening and combinations set. Hudson ll Repair Shop. 2169 Hudson. Phono 734-J. 3949 -jl PAINTING Mmmm Sco Brig. All kinds of houso -tainting-, jH 31-4 Twenty-fifth street Phono 973, North Ogden Phono 41-W. 33S7 IH PAPER CLEANERS KALSOMINE or paper cleaning. Phono 29-R-ll. 4097 PRINTING O The Ncutcboom Printing Co., successors to Dcc-Neuteboom PrL Co.. 2370 Wash. IH Ave. Phone 2"5 jH PRINTING When In need of printing como and sec H Doc Prlntcry, 2123 Hudson avenuo. Phono mmM 792-M. 1591 jH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fcrnlund, offlco hours 10 to, ,4 p. m Now Pccry Bldg.. Hudson Avo. Rea. Phono CIO. Offlco phone 1900-W. RADIATORS REPAIRED Factory oqulpmc-nt for repairing wreck- 1 cd, bent, leaky or twisted radiators. Og- ll den Auto Radiator Co., 2329 Hudson Ave-. 2083 MWl REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Hl Willard Kay, real estato and loans. mkm 2474 Washington Ave. Phono 109. 1S74 mLm SCAVENGER mmM 1 Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspool: and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp CO. Phono 822. 2318 Hudson Avo. 973i Lmmm SANITARY WORK mmm Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinda ot ruh- blsh hauled. Phono 620. MmM STEAMSHIPS TO EUROPE FOR steamship reservation to European points. For lnformarlon phono 1166 pt IH :094-w. mmW STENOGRAPHY Good public stenographer. Federal Iuid Co.. 116 Twenty-fourth. 3641 MmM TAXI SERVICE Taxi service Phone 81 for taxi. Closed cars only. 2743 TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogdcn Tent & Awning Co. Manufac- IH turers of high grado store, offlco and IH resident awnings. Waterproof covers. 'mmmm bags, etc Any tiling In canvas. 2263 IH Washington Avo Phono 26S. 1324 IB TRUNKS AND BAGS IH Trunk and bag repairing, round cor- nor from Standard. Galluchcr's. '373 Hud- jmM son. 2118 IH VETERINARIAN mmM Dr. Bundy, Veterinarian. Fliono 823 'MmM C79-M. 3838 MM WINDOWS CLEANED fmtmM Expert window and wall paper cleaning anywhero. American Window Cleaning Phono 563. 2370 Washington Ave. ALIAS SUMMONS No. 500 WM In the City Court of Ogden City, County 'mmmM of Weber. State of Utah mmM Buchmiller-Kaplan Company, a corpor- jH atlon. Plaintiff, vs. Charles Harper, Dc- M Tho state of Utah to tho said defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within ten days after service of this Sum- moos upon you, if served within the mM County in which thin action Is brought'; mmmJ otherwise, wltliln twenty days after thla mM service, and defend the above entitled ac- IH tion; and In caso of your falluro so to do, IH the plaintiff In this action vlll apply to mMm the Court for tho relief demanded In thi Complaint of which a copy is hereto at- fBM taclied and herowith served upon you tlis MmM action Is brought to obtain a Judgment MMM for $3500 with Interest from tho 30th day MMm of Julv, 1919. costs of court and writ of MMM Garnishment. ROYAL J. DOUGLAS, Piaiutlff's Attorney mmM P. O Address, 629 Eccles Bldg.. Ogdcn, MMt Dated. Ogdcn -Ity. Weber County, J Utah, this 24th day of February, 1920. MmM Wo never heard of a president, with jH one exception, walking into office. jH The day of graco is short enough even for a Bolshevist. IH !