Newspaper Page Text
nil '''I III 1 Site nitett Stattiarii 0m,mm mk It WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31, 1920 W' YJ HI II For SubGcrlptiqn and Advertising 1 Department, Call Phone No. 56. I RANDOM REFERENCES I Easter Shoes at right prices. Chris- tenson's "Cut Kate Shoe Store." Bct B ter Shoes for Less Money. 4099 H J New Society Formed. The constttu- Hon of the newly formed Altriart so- ' ciety will be read by its trainers, Rob- I ert Manning. Lester IlinchcllCre and Bob Major, at a meeting to be e d In H ! the Ogden Conservators' of Music ' Thursdav night at 7. An active nro H grain for the ensuing 12 mouths will j be outlined. I A square dear for everybody. Low. est prices; latest styles. Fashion Shop , Women's Wearing Apparel. Coats M suits, dresses, waists and skirts. 2470 H ; Washington avenue. I ! Uxrri Upaper and calamine cleaners. Lowe and Grcenwell. Phone HI Clean rags wanted at The Standard H I office. , H Violates City Ordinance. D. K. ' Walker paid a fine 6f $5 in city court A Yesterday for leaving his auto parked H t with the engine running. Traflic Oi H i cicer'WHliam Dick made the arrest. : Limo and Sulphur. Ars. of Lead. Leaf "40" for sale at Grouts I , Gr4au Store, 332 24th .St. o0o 'i f pica for Division of Estate Martha Ellen Williams, an heir of .Willard U. y Cragun, has filed a petition in (he pro- bate division of the district court ask- i ing for the distribution of ihe estate, which is valued at ?i2,y90. There are ! ?ight heirs in the estate, j Ogden Products Supper You know, It will be good. Presbyterian church,! Thursdav night. One dollar. Bazaar j 1 ! Thursday 2:30 to 9. Fine and practi-! al needlework and homo made cany Files Application For Water. Dr. H. H: Row'e has filed an application with the state euglncer for water from two Hjj tributaries of the Cisco Wash in Grand ! H1 county. Mr. Uowc expects to utilize Hfl a pumping station ditch and equaliz- ing reservoir about two acres in extent to cover fG0 acres of land. I - For Sale by Owner G-room modern brick house on bench, price 5509. Phone 21C2-J. "2059 Models of Ships on Display. Models of three camouflage ships, as usedj during the war, will be put on show in the windows of the Mclntyre drugj store. No. 2. by Recruiting Officer G. a. Pugh, who "has just received them I rrom Washington, where they were designed and executed by artists of the navy department, ! Flowers telegraphed anywhere in the United States or Canada. Dumke floral. Phone 250. , 3913 Eastern States Kcunlon All saints, friends, and mlsinonaries are cordiai ly invited to attend the Eastern States Missionary society reunion, whloi will bo held in the Wasatch ward, 1 I tcenth East and Emerson ayenuo, Salt I-ake City, Saturday, April 3, at J P- m- 1 Greincr's Chiii is the Best 2619 Plumber License Granted A plumb er's license was granted thi3 morn ing to T. H. Ballantyre and Thomas Ballantyne, who furnished bend for 52000 to the city commissioners, to gether with their application this morning. Clean rago'wantec. at The Standard ifflcu Ordered to Pay J, J. Brummitt is TILLiI D. ilSl DECIDES CASES ST FEDERAL SIDING Several cases were disposed of by Federal Judgo Tillman D. Johnson at the session of the federal court, held at the Federal building yesterday. In the case of Hazel and Udell Wil son, minors, against the Globe Grain and Milling company, a case resulting from the death of their father, Samuel Orson Wilson, settlement was effected bv the payment of ?4,650. The suit of Elisha Williams, injured eight years ago when a dog ran in front of the motor "speeder," against the Southern Pacific company, was dismissed. The damage suit of Harbison and Dunn against the Southorn Pacific company. for alleged damage to live stock, was dismissed. The" case of the Ogden Packing and Provision company against the Poca tello Cold Storage company was dis missed upon motion of the plaintiff. The suit of Charles Johnson against T. D. Rvan over mining stock was con tinued for the term by stipulation. The suit of the J. B. "Rice Com pany of Massachusetts against the Ooddard Packing company for the al leged purchase price of seed peas ap proximating $10,000 was also con- Judge Johnson is scheduled to be here again next Tuesday to hear a suit against the city of Garland regarding j i he water supply. 'ordered by Judge A. W. Agcc in an ! order issued in the probate court ilus morning to pay Lulu Brummitt ?200 as the costs of the divorce case now j pending, j BdlCK, cement and plaster jobbing, ! chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. , llu2 j O'd papers br sate. Ogden Stand. J a'rd. ' j j Elik Visitor Davo Mills, past exalt- ed' ruler of the Eureka lodge of Elks, was an Ogden visitor last night. ! I i For Sale My fine phonograph, large j sk'e. $65.00; must be sold today. Call, Mr. Sorensen. room 202, Healy Hotel. ! Coal M. L. ."ones Coal &. Ice Co.; I irurapt delivery. 413 24Th St. 2173 i .1- 1 Mortgage The mortgage of the Standard-Examiner Publishing com pany to Evelyn V. Glasmann for 110, 000 was filed for record with the coun ty recorder today. Real ice cream, $2.25 delivered, j Grcenwell Confcctioncr. 3030 i Water and Care for 1920 1 Mountain View Cemetery Lot owners please confer with, sec retary at 2-182 Washington avenue without delay. ALBERT F. RICHEY, Sec. 4133 00 j 'THE WHIP," a big special ! with a thrill, at the Lyceum j today. Also a comedy and latest News Weekly. 00 HARRY CAREY in "The Gun Fighting Gentlemen" at the Cozy today and tomorrow. H I ( Lat Time Today " j From 1:45 to 11 p. m. j H jj Carl Lacmmle offers I Also "Mutt and Jeff" Comedy H . Ogden Theatre I Tomorrow-Elaine Hammerstein in "THE WQMAN GAME" !A I "H A lyf Tk T) A The Feature Picture 10c 20c 30c I H il M-J JTl 1. ITX JLJ JV A Palace , 1EKXCLCLT.MSIC MM A 2:15, 4, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15 1 BBBS Chas. Ray in Coming Tomorrow 3 Days jflllfe H "A1" New York's Dazzling WIiMe Way fRf : ' p ujrkiuref And thcPrice Exacted to Become a Star I jpi Heralded as the Most Beautiful Human of Today l1 I 1 Jfl T2le lFroessionM Called Him Her 4AogeF j jjlfl j ks ss Marion Davics Bnt now this csciec(?icss rich man, ho : - $Jk ) 'M ! h Iflrwfe? ll Thriiiinp Romano by K. phil- had helped her to win on the stage, was show- ' ' ' ' lkfflaTOr . Mm f ffl rffiOVv 1 Opponheim In the Cosmo- . ,'(. u.wiKiir-jiii- 5i Ctjm i llL-r' ffcreTii 1ula,np wmi 'nf' on 11ir his cloven Jioof and demanding his "pay." ;; 4 5 N fE ! F0 ijW !.HIoS Now she was' to learn that the ', cinema nmr- tery andfilled with absorbing episodes in Bug- J Wm j$ " Mf WBaimnwM Jcrn she once had played, was linked with an- on the sea, and on the "Great White I r l - '"sffSc of Si beautiful ffiri o othei' crimo far more real far more fateful to Way" of New York. I ) MM i i v ptt win as Jin HCtioss and the price iC,. rvliK' LaSt I'MeS 8tKto0Vat.o'-of . om ? P1,11,1P? Oppcnheim's stirring novel MM 1 f, Z l0' picu,red rrom u,e A vivid, intimate story of life and love be- " t'je Cosmopohlan-a romance that has g B TtiAw Conflict. Intrigue, nnd a lfIl , n rp -n P1. . , thrilled COUlltlCSS lilJUSIUUls, and Will thrill ' . it IlslidV smashinsr end timt win send you iinicl Hie scenes. J ense with conflict and mvs- vou MMSi I w J I home wlih a thrill. I r " COroi"MD--THE MYSTERY OF THE KFEGTin OF DA'RY HERDS DISCLOSES "The Inspection of dairy herds la going on apace in Ogden city precincts and Weber county," Dairy Inspector John Felt of the city board of health said today, "The district here is most remark ably free from tubercular trouble and we are finding hearty cooperation on the part of all the fanners we have vis ited :.o far in our effort to provide Og den city with a pure milk supply. Dr. V. L. Carlson of the federal board of agriculture has bean detailed to Og den and' will give all his time to co operation with, this office in the" mat ter of herd inspection," said Mr. Felt. nn Barbers' Notice Ou and after Saturday, April 3rd, 1920, union barber shops will close at 8 o'clock p. m. on Saturdays, and chil dren's haircutting will be fifty cents on Saturdays. Other prices and hours will remain the same as at present. Adv. nil ; lOIMEi OF IF . lie ! Large attendance requested Thurs day evening. April 1st. Election of delegates to the District Convention. M. A. QALT, C. C; WM. MULLER, Clerk. Ad". 1135 nn mm on hoover I HO li SEIIE I I WASHINGTON, March 31. Hor !bert Hoover's declaration that under .certain circumstances he might ic 'cept the Republican presidential nomination was discussed briefly to day in ihe senate. Senator McKeliar, Pemocrat of Tennessee, criticised Mr. , Hoover's statement on economic prob lems, and Senator' Ashurst, Democrat, ' of Arizona, defended the former ood 'administrator. j .Republicans generally refrained from joining In the discussion, but j Senator Gronna of North Dakota said Mr, Hoover's statements during- the war had fo "charniPd" congress that 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE ; HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcvclc "in per- . feet condition. Call 2012 Qulhcy avenue i fH8 i FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. ' THREE room apartment, 2G20 Jofferson. ' Phono 2IH-R. iuz ! SALESMAN WANTED. ; IF YOU aro ambitious and have the abll , lty to floll Roods, fco Mr. Holland at Glen Bro3.-Robcrts Plnno Co. Only a man with automobile need apply. This Is ah I bolutoly the beat opportunity any young , man ever had for advancement. Salary , nnd comml.sfllon and steady positions to right party. -IH5 LOST. IjADY'S pockctbook. Orpheum theater. TilllR and silver Return to Twcnty fourth atrcet. Reward. 4H6 DRESSMAKING. RELIABLE drefsmaklng'. young- ladloa i work a apeclalt. Call Plaza Apts.. 320, Phone 220S. ' 4117 i the American wheat farmers had lort ?2. 000, 000. 000. Senator Mclvellar said Hoover was ' eliminated" as a Democratic possi bility, but Senator Ashurst declared ho still might be nominated by :hc Democrats, and warned Senator Mc Kellnr against criticism which ho might later wish to withdraw. Referring to Hoover as "once th-i j active candidate of 'two parties, now ct only one," Senator McKellar rcxd from Hoover's suggestion to remccy labor problems, and said ho wa3 "ui icrly unable" to comprehend tho for mer food administrator's language. Senator Thomas, Democrat, wr Colorado, suggested that use of in comprehensible language qualified c candidate for both party nomina tions. Senator Ashurst closed the disciu sion by declaring that Mr. Hoovo used "plain words," and that lie wa.i not surprised that politicians weiei unable to understand them, j "The people of the United SL.Uus iwlll understand them," lie said. j MARGARET C. WRIGHT OIES li FULLERTOI CALIFORNIA ! Mrs. Margaret C. Wright, wife of C. W. Wright, died at the home of her oon, W. Rae Hobson, in Fullerton, Cali fornia, at 1:30 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Wright had been ill for some time. Mrs. Wright was born in Logan, Utah, and had resided in Ogden for a number of years. Surviving her are her husband and the following sons , and daughters: W. Rae Hobson of Ful ! lerton; California; S. Vern Hobson, 'Mrs. Dot Wright of Ogden; Mrs. J. E. Sorensen and Dewey Hobson of Brig ham City. The body will be brought to Ogdpn and taken in charge b' the Lindquist ! Undertaking company. Mr. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. W. Rae Hobson will ac j company the body to this city and fu t neral announcements will be made j later. oo ! Two Wire Companies Not to Submit Bids Hccent advices at the local forest service offices state that neither the American Steel & Wire company nor Joho Roeblins & Sons will suunli'. bids on wire for the fiscal year 1921. It was announced that the bids of the company, which concern telephono wire chiefly, will not be missed to any oNtent, the Kahn bill, recently passed by congress, providing for enough telephone wire and equip ment to serve the forest districts foi a "number of years. DM Company t. Station Roadway Superintendent H. Li. Bell of the Ogden Union Railwny & Depot com pany announced today that repairs on tho roadway which serves as an ap proach to the depot would be inado in the near future. Because of automobile traffic over the roadway this winter, a number of deep holes have been made on tne road's surface. Tiiefeo will bo filled with gravel and l'ollod, he stated. Hearts are about the ,, only ihinss that burning words will " melt, a cor respondent of our3 states. STROHEI WCll . . BREAKS RECORDS AT IE OH THEATRE The Stroheim picture, "Blind Hus bands," declared by those who have seen it at the Ogden theatre as the big wonder picture of the year, con tinues to attract much attention and create much comment among the mo-i tion picture patrons of the city. The theme of the story handles a great problem in an excellent manner, Stro heim wrote the play, directed its pro duction and played the leading role himself. He is a great actor and termed the "best hated man in the world" because of his interpretation of "The Unbeliever." He also was the crown prince in some of the kaiser pictures presented during tho war. "Blind Husbands" closes its success ful four-day engagement at the Ogden tonight. Tomorrow Elaine Hammer stein in "The Wonderful Game" be gins a three days' euaggement. uu MEN TO STRIKE. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 31. The 826 members of the city fire department have voted unanimously to strike May 1 unless their wages arc increased. J Margaret Wilson Adopts (B Two Serbian Orphans ;H NEW YORK. March 31 Miss Mar- jMfM gnret Wilson, eldest daughter of the Waffi president, has "adopted" two Serbian lifiSs war orphans, a boy and a girl whose ''ilSp father was killed in battle in 1914, ac- !;' SXf cording to Mine. Slavlco Grouitch, wife Mfipy of the Jugo-Slav minister at Washing- v. IKnfl ton, and director of tho Serbian aid 4iEg fund. The'chlldren will continue how ?i5nS ever, Jt was said, to live with their ;HB! mother at Negotin, Serbia, which is rEfd)( near the Rumanian border. ' fyFiM Mm p. Grouitch is now seeking other ' Wm godmothers and aid for Serbian chil- ; dren in a tour of Texas and Oklahoma. j SPl j Western Market Company ljj 2448 Washington Avenue 366 24th Street fl Highest Quality Foods at Lowest Prices in Town FARMERS AND STOCKMEN TAKE NOTICE I We pay the highest cash prices for Dressed Hogs, Dressed Veal, Dressed Poultry, !HP B Dressed Lamb, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs and Cheese. CORN FED STEER BEEF FRUIT SPECIALS ImM I Prime Rib Roast, lb 25 T 0 . a. ?faK Steer Rib Steak, lb 25t Luscious Grapuefnut, 2oc size 15 rJrtfj j Steer Sirloin, lb : 30 Luscious Grapefruit, 20c size, 2 for 25 JBi llamberger Steak, lb 18 I Choice Lemons, 50c size, dozen 35 BARGAINS , SOAP Ii Raw Leaf Lard, lb.. 24- Swift's Yellow Soap, --Wll 3.20 bars S5.45 fckW ; Calf Tongues, lb 10(i SPECIAL Lc Soap, 120 EM Beef Hearts, lb... .... 25 in 1 Swl AYhiie' SoVp20 klflw x- , -p, i 0 . neon b 650 Ifin Neck Ribs, Jb Sac n, n r i ,TT , . , , ft cT QL-inttiaJ f officii E- C. Wasliing Tablets f JM Veal Hearts lb 25d UlUlUHCU bdlliM! 25c-paekares, 3 for 50 . fWH ' JL iort , BARGAINS A Wm Ranch Eggs 40 & D. iOC Kits Herring .... .$1.50 I ' iwffl rn oo Kits While Fish... ?1.50 9 ' JBl Full Cream Cheese. . .29? Slollwerck Chocolate, IK Fresh Home Dairv Butter 66? J9 ilTl v L. C. Corn Flakes, 3 for 25? W Wm I Troco Nut Butter 34c Ungraded Prunes, per lb 155 I 9 'j EASTERN HAMS AND BACON FLOUR HIGH PATENT i ,Wm 0 ' Tlie best flour made. It is inilled right here m J Ma in Ogden. Tncreasc the value of vour homes M Mild Sugar Cured Hams, lb 36d help build the payrolls in Ogden by buying M A ijR hoinc products'. A trial will convince you of 9 Mild Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 37 its superiority, ,rl Vfwm Ogden Best and Flavo. Mild Sugar Cured Picnics, lb 23 -iS lb. bags S2.90 MH 2 -JS-lb. bags $5.75 M Pickled Pork, lb 26c- In 3(iMb. lots, per 10(1 lbs ,5.65