Newspaper Page Text
flB l r""' ' " THE 0GI5EN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH. 'FRIDAY, APRIL 2 , 1920 ' H T Hi Wl TOR SALE ?p ' eatl Egta te ,J , jm FIVE room modern hrlck. eornT. cloe in I M 0r' bnch and car llnw bment and fC. AH window shndes and electric 'ft J n".- A POtl snap at $450. j 'I , 'slclit room modern frame. cloe In on Jt'l 'nrli and enr line. Ix)t C0xl32: will re- IV I l'roo ,lW'' cnan: truu on balance. Ifj; I Flva room fully modern brick Ikjua - T ow. hardwood floor and border: t Jled 1lf- I alJl roo. brick . nd glnxl In slo pin IT porch, all bullt-ln feature, shades and ' M f metric fixture, full basement, furnace T.11, Cemented drlvoway. ck)e to car lino nnd school; ono of th neatwat and br?l homes In Ogden. Vi cah. ttrms on ;, halanco. $7000. N, . H nerea land. 5 room bouse, chlckon iB house, hot house. 2 'lowing well. IVfc acrea pasture. 1 arras alfalfn. eom H ' fmnll fruit, balane bst tomato and bet within 3 mile of city. U cah. terms on balance. J4.B00. 90 acre land. 60 acre nndnr ettltlva- "on. 5 ran II homo nnd cellar. sprtrtf walcr. 12 acres M'heat. S acrea alfalfa, bal- mm rain nnd pasturt land. C1os to Ocdcn on main road; ? cash, term on H balance. Only $7500. IH Call at office. J. A. McCULLOCH L Under First Natl. 3-nk 3Stt B " STOCK RANCH f 1 ncrca grain nnd alfalfa Innd In north- -, Mt ? "tern Utah; 100 acre now In alfalfa. I , i ."tat highway paasea door Small house. I K "omcatic water: 1.0 head of cattle. I horses. All klnda of machinery to run I WJg the pl.c Included. The owner of till? I HI manilflccnt ranch la In thla city undr th enro of phvslclan and la obllpxl to) MW. ' rll. Prlco W0.000.00. Ori-hnlf cash, b: I- i iVm 7 per cent will take aome clear Oc- ABB d"n property In trnde. Thoa. Atild. under; I ';M. 'rat National Bank. Phone am. 1042 1 , T'OUJK room brick houst and 50 foot lot In ; H ' ' i-aay reach of warehouse nnd railroad dls- . !';'. lrirt. $5C00; lrms $1000 cuih. balance on j ! K t'ma O. A. Knned. Iwacmcnt ITUh Na il i. lionxl bank. I)ioni' 913. B&. JIANDSOirR nrw modern ho.ur. jH or ix room; all hardwood floor, cum t nl cnr.mel finish: buffet kitchen. brek- F 'aat nlcovo; mantel ami look ca?e: fur- ( ins hc hent; cement batcment. all pnrtl-1 SjU I'oned of: tho cUaelcat home of It sizti Ml i city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth. K. SWANER S Four room frurne liouo on bench ft well located ..3500 IBk : 'veil room frame house on '""C"',,-,.. K upiier Twenty-fourth 13500 s W. Six room modem lirlck rusldene on , I bench 5000 2 fif , Twelvo room doublu brick houo on ffl.Ti bench 500 Hit Tln room double brick house, trlct- mU ' modern ' $0000 j Wjk j ICKL.LA Sc HCRR1CK j If r:KALTIFlL lot with larsc raspberry j ff I ( r-ttch and yoimfi: bearlnrr fruit ti cea. tst j fhtigtcr. ; ij fJ f J 1 IIAVK aeveral ver' doalrable modem , ' 1 J homea foi anle at reaaonablo prices, j V I Mould like to have you mil and mc, : I them. , , ! J; Also one of the beat farms In Vebur. .", mi founty. suit.iblo for growing" ny kind oi ., mi UftrKC orchard, good hous barn and I - 1 ml pnrAK. good water right. purot sprlns . "t ! water on premises. W ml I. N. PIERCE tjj It Uoom R02 Ecclea 0 uo " r IVE room Riodurn nvw oul'1P'"i ! .; 1 ir city, on paved 8lreel. J3800. Phone - I 225-W or 2212. 1 l F. I FOR SALE By owner A tfeat snap If j j i 1 taken at once. 5 loom frame with halls. i( clothes presse. cabinet porchu. large Pi ' alted nnd garage. Fine fence, null and , V shade trceK. lawn and flowers, .forner , lot, 5nxl32 feet. Pnvlnjr to aldcwallt pnid. , A A Immediate posHesslon. Terms. Enquire , , J)i 1 i51 or 2208 Washington Phone lO-'o-J. - lit , MODERN four room frame bunpnlow with jllteJfr ftla."8 In rleeplng porch. 32SI Wncoln JflM R-vcnuc. 1-5t fc 111 J' ACRES land with water right: four t I ooni frame honae in ood condition or T MM r.ulck snlo will sacrifice $200. lD2V,eat ;., xml Twentieth after B p. m. : 2 'WMl SIXTEEN acrea on Twelfth utrcct. with 11' good five room house. Six acres n fruit 1(1' water right for half of tho land. $5000. -llIl Terms to suit. Will consider a trnde for lilil residence. J. J. Brummltt, 211 Hudson i ,.TjH avenue. MM FOR CASH, large corner lot close in on - SPH 1 ench Two large frame houses on lot: r fffl ?1700. Phono 27IC-R. 5 f HOICE building lots on North Y ash In g- ton; newly paved street: we furnish mon- i M ve to build. AIfo choice cheap lots, ctoco B to paved streets; easy terms: no paving im. " tax W. B. Wodell, 2-IGS Washington. 'ifiR' ' 3715 U AN elcKunt lot on Tyler avenue near 4k3 Twenty-fourth pticet. This lot is 5.)XlGu f to alley. This l. nenr the exclusive rsi- 1 3 ' I dencc section and Is worth twice what 4ft the owner, who Is a non-resident, asks lor jjf it. which Is $300. J. J- Brutmnitt, 211. jm i 1 Hudson avenue. 38 ' i MFTV rour room niodem lrlck homo on : the bench, at a bargain. Tho. Auld. un- M' I (cr First National Bank. Phono 301 3753 v s BURLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS ? 1 WE have a '.argo list of Irrigated farms T V for faIo or trade. Wrlto or see A ONEb GRLSWOLD JNV. CO.. Burloy. Idaho. 'l 27-13 ," w u 156 ACltES of farm land near Promoc- L tory, fullv equipped with suck and tools, f Reflldonco, stable, spring for domestic uso ; nnd early water for irrigation. Thla P would nuik. a choice grain farm. Can J take a homo In Ogden as part payment. 5476U. w. D. Wcdell. 26S Wash Avo ' 1333 FOUR room frame house, largo lot. on paved street. $3750. i I Seven room frame house, large lot. up- i nor Twenty-fourth. $3500. Ir if KELLY & UEP.RICK. m m FARM of 1G0 acres for .ale; 151 acres in Turkey Red wheat, coming up fine: two V room frame house, not finished Inside: 1 stable nnd good well; located between I Stone nnd Holhrook.. Price $6000. Ad d r?s Jesse UradPhaw. Stone. Idaho. 3359 EIGHT beautiful building lots, rear of C50 Twenty-second street. Call 3123-R Residences 265$ Monroe. 30S9 BY uwNER Fivo-room brick home; modern except heat: excellent location: call at 2S11 Adams Ave, Phone -2J0-M. 3oC2 WE BUJT, SLLLl and cschangti farma. 1 I ranches, hourics and city property. See us boforo ou soil or buy. ? t Flinders Co.. up stairs, Commercial un,nj5 IT WILL pay you to seo us about good farma. loans, city residences and lots. Phone 1876. Porter Renlty Co. 2374 Washington Ave. Basement. List with Y UB. , GOOD modern rive room Dungmow. steam heat, modern In every respect. Closo In on the bench. A great snap at $5500. J. J. Brummltt. 2417 Hudson avenue. 3S41 21 ACRES of lHnd on the sand ridge. About ten acres In orchard; near electric station, two churches, school. Only $4000, Terms to suit. Great snap J. J. Brum niltt. Phone 59. 3S41 TWO acres fruit nnd berries," three-room house. Phon 3139-J. 406 .s'jv-room m-ick iiona-. - !' oiocks from Wash on hrach. with chicken run and garat'e. Sntt at 52Jyi0. Terms at No. 411 "Ath Street. 23 S 4 ONE aero with water right, located near cast Tweelfth street, A good placa to build a home; city water. Only $1000. J. J Brummltt. Phono 59. 3641 BY OWNER Four room house, can mnke two more rooms upstairs. Part cash. sec Mr. Fox, Union Depot Baggage Room. BY OWNER Finest building site in city. SS feet nouth front, on 25tli street, be tween Harrison nnd Tyler. TaKe this while you can. Phone 1073. -1063 TWO modern houses, brick and frame, lots 3 by 10 rods. C55 20th St, 4020 ONE of tho bent larms In northern Utah, consisting of ICO acres: plenty of water for CQ acres: ivatcr can he developed for if, balance; good five room house, barn and i outbuildings. On electric road, paved S di street. This Is a great snap at 516.000. I ' 'r Some terms given If desired. J. J. Brum ' 'H ; mitt, 2-117 Hudson avonuci. 3S41 U? MODERN homo; cunarlcs, rabbits. Phone ja oqxQ-W. . 20T ' ; BY OWNER 5 room modern liome, good location, largo lot. Telephone 1G19-M. '105C i'j FOR SALE Real Estate j ; 1 Continued 1 'i IT. M. REALTY :.7i HilfOll AV-nue It'on 1037 Ca acie far.-. S5 acrea Mialir. T acrea cood land. Ur from th tm la-Weber canal. H0 arrea In Liberty. Owm valley 0 acrea undr eultlration. caah nd term. to acre farm about tn mlla from e!ty. W700: rt cash ami the balance on itrmf. JO arre pasture. StSOO; mall pam.Tt i donn. balance st Jow rat o' mterrat i 7 acres In town, n Hod up to date mod , em house, chicken run for S000 thicken, all kind of fruit. A modern i room brick hou. 2 blocks from Washington on th baneh. $l0O. Cah and tarma. . . 100 acre farm- In Idaho. Inifted lanT 1 100 altaraa of water rigtiU VlT.OOO. S30O0 , caah and the balance at S por cent. Time flv aar. T have many other good haroilns In city property and farms. Call nd e. MRU. NETTIE ECCU3S G. EL M. RILTY 237S Hudaon Avenue Phone 1017 I GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. f 24th fit. . Phone 115 Room Modern. Enclosed leplng porch, cement base ment, mantle, bullt-ln feature, barn. I chicken coop, lot 50 frontane. !n souui I part of lown. S25OO.O0: terms. 4-Room Modern Drlck , I Bungalow, practically new. fireplace. ' bullt-ln bookcases, lot 40x132 feet. In Kood location. $3000.00; easy term. 6-Room Modern Drlck Close In on south Washington Ave.. ! 3 bedroom, den. full basement, hns gas -lp-d up stairs and down, good lot and hicken coops. House has east front age. $4500.000; terma. One Acre Peach Orchard. Has variety of other fruit and five- j room modern prwaaed -brick bungalow, pood water syrtem. 1-2 mllo from the, city. $4500.00: terms. 6-Room New Bungalow. Located on the bench, hns enclosed j aleeplng porch, furnace, hardwood floor, gum-wood finish, bullt-ln features, gu- rage, lot 47x125 feet. JrtSOO.OO: terms. GUARANTY MORTCAGE CO. 410 24th St. Phone 115 ' 4002 , LEVEL :aoo ACRES FOR WHEAT. ALFALFA. LIVESTOCK, haa nouse. aheds. slablef. springs, granar ies, running water and fine meadow. In- j eluding tractor, machinery, some live- stock. Pay $15,000 down, balance 12 year- ly payments. Get map and facts. We might rent If you have enough means for r fceed. feed nnd equipment. Wm. H. Brown & Sons, Hobson. Judith Baaln. Fermi? , .County, Montana. 390i , BY OAVNER Five room Mick bungalow. Strictly iffodcrn. Phono 1754-R. THESE ARE REAL 3ARGAINS 22 ACRE beet, hay and general form: , must he sold quickly and ono of the best small farms In county. 12 acres beat lnnd, 10 acres pasture: excellent Improvements;! 100 thares water. Price $8000. Eight acres or fruit and berries. 11, shares water; four room house, barn, i sheds, etc.; best buy In Ogden. Will sub divide Into 40 largo lot. Price for quick sale. $9000. One-half cah, balance per; cent.' ' Five room modern hrlck bungalow on i bench, close In. cement basement, large ; closets, sleeping porch, kitchen cabinet. , all Improvements paid, choice location, j Price .?4650 52000 cash. S25 per month. R. G. Agee. or Alfred E. Stratford, baso- mont Broom hotel. Phone G9-2304-J. 3S93 , r ROOMS house close In. $3000. Can make tenna. r ROOM apartment house. $850. 14 ROOM apparlmcnt house on the bench lot 72x150. JOoOO, , . i ROOM mcdurn brick bungalow and o loom frame in rear. Lot 57x250, $5200 -n make term. 1 FOR RENT 13 ncres good flugar b'.et, land with 4 room house and bam. for oiiC tear. xh mile from city. Immediate pos- , icssion. W. P. Long. 2779 Washington. ; Phone 431 -M. 1031 i'j WANTED 1 1 To Buy j 'SECOND-HAND wicker bnby buggy in good condition. Phone 31S4. 4107 , FRESH milk cow; hogs, veal and poultry, i 'Will come to your yard to buy. Phono 2597-R Peart Bros.. 3421 Adams avenue Ogden. Utah. 3S67 WANTED To buy or rent an .Invalid chair. Phone 1029-R. 4065 ! I WE BUY all cars, regardless of condi-i tlon. Auto Salvage .o.. 23-IS Grant Ave.' i 3197 ! i ACCRUED Interest plua market price lor ! liberty bends paid by J. A, Hogle : Co. , I frMS I LIBERTY uocas bought J. J Brummltt. Phono t.9. 2639 J CLKaK rat,s wunted ui the office. j ATTENTION IF YOU have one cow or car load of cat- , tie or stock plga for sale, I will drive out. 1 trv and buy them. Call 2100 evenings or 704 dny time. C. A. Lundoulst. 3603 j i Salesmen ) i .IF YOU are ambitious and have the abil-! Iltv to sell goods, see Mr. Holland at j Glen Brox.-Roberts Piano Co. Only a man with automobile need apply. This Is ab solutely the best opportunity any young j man ever had for advancement. Salary I nnd commission and steady positions to j i ight party. 4145 j THE Utah-Idaho branch of tho Chemlcnl Cooler Co., of Snn Francisco, with head quarters at Salt Lake, offer an opportun I Itv for sa'csment to earn from $15.00 to $25.00 per day in Utah, Idaho and Mon- ! tana. Will nrrnnre state rights for Mon i tan:i. For particulars address P, O. Box 1257. Salt L-ike .'lt. Utah. 4040 ' FORMER Montana woman Fount Hog-! I Icr. looklnfi for husband. Box 3311. Port ! lnnd. Oregon. 4077 ' ji i Situations i i EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po- 1 sltlon. Phone 2392-N-.I. 50 j HOUSEKEEPING b elderlv lady for. widower. Best of references given. Ap- 1 ply E. T.. 438 Herrlck Ave. 4114 WASHING, also blankets and curtains. I Phono 29-R-4. -1117 I BY experienced bookkeeper to handle a ' j small set of books evenings, after 5 p. m. A-l references furnished. Address Box , 11, Care Standard -1QG1 : WIDOW with one child wishes position as housekeeper. Box 14. Standard. 4076 FOlTRErrT 11 j J Miscellaneous ( j OHIO vacuum cleaner, $1 per day. Phone 314S. 12 STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbcsto- i late Products Co.. Phone 1416-W. 3673 fSECOHANDjj WE tnko your old range os first payment on any new range, or will buy your old , rango outright. Home Furniture Co. 4673 BUSINESS Opportunities i GROCERY nlore with four room modern ' residence. On bench. Phone 945-W. 52 1 I , ! DRESSMAKING and romodeUng. 330 Tlilrty-flrst. 43 l HEMSTITCHING And picot edge; buttons and pinking nnd pleat'ng. Second floor I Wright's store. Mrs. H. Laymnn. IS i DRESSMAKING, remodelling or plain sewing. 2218 Rccd Ave. 4Q3C RELIABLE dressmaking, young Indies work a specialty. Call Plnza Apts., 320. I Phone 220&. 4M7 STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS I STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS T WANTED Female Help $ ' KKPKRtCNCED c-n4v gUI wanted. W SALESLADY A. R. Melntyre Drug Co. CHA MBERMAID wntd at Hcaly hotel. Apply In pf-r'tou. 9 AN xperloncd irlrl for housework. 32 t7tU tr. Phone 90. 4058 EXPERIENCED snlesladles to sell phono graphs: pood eartcrn lln. good commis sion. Call 411 Twent -third street, be iwrn 10 nnd 12 n. m. 3911 FAMILY washing wanted. Phone 2015 . M. 37Qj DRESSSLViaKG taught to nn.vonc wftilnvf to applv themselves. Seo Miidam Cai lau. Third floor. Wright's Store. 9212 GIRLS wnncd to sew on o'eralN. Ve vny while you learn. Only those vho want steady Jobs need apply. ScV?J croft Manufacturing Co. 504 wamt5 I Male Help J 'DELn"ERY boy wanted, Apply Wash- Inglon Market, 46 I YOUNG nmn wanted at bnkery depnrt j mont. Or.-cmvell Confectionery' . 41 DELIVERY hoy wanted. Farlift' Grocery. I Phone 1626. 2602 Washington. 14 ' YOUNG man experienced on soda foun j tnln. Kerns Co.. 2459 Washington. 11 ' BOY WANTED Over 16 years of nge; one having experience in printing office .preferred. Ocden Printing Co., 2431 Washington Ave. 4100 YOUNG man with high school education I for general office work. No bookkeeping. Excellent opportunity for ndvancoment. I Prefer one who can operate or lenrn to 1 opperale a typewriter. Reply Box 22. I Care Standard. 406S EXPERIENCED salesmen to cell phono grnphs on commission basis; good propo sition to right parties. Apply 411 Twenty I third street between 10 and 11 a. m. 3942 CAPABLE and experienced man to han dle salesmen selling on commission, cood proposition for right man. Addrcas P. O. Box 9S. 3943 FARM hand who understonds caro of or chard and handling of fruit. W. B. Wc dcll. 246S Washington Avenue. 3S20 BEKultL selling Liberty Do.ida. got prices from J. A. Hog4o A Co. 2451 i Furnished FOUR rooms and bath: no children; no dogs. Call at 739 Twenty-fourth street, west side. Plense give refencc. 51 MODERN furnished three rbom apart ment. Inquire No. 19, Corey apartment.". 23 FURNISHED apartment. 2571 Lincoln. 8 NICE front sleeping room for one or two gentlemen. 204a Adams. 13 TWO rooms for light housekeeping at 2054 Washington avenue. 10 MODERN eight room, we'l furnished home. Address P. O. Box C94, with ref crencc. 4133 NICELY furnished front room, light, heat, bath and phone. 573 Twenty-fourth St. 4136 MODERN loom for gentleman, close in $3.50 per week. References. 2311 Adams Ave. 4102 MODERN furnished rooms; moderate prices, two minutes from postofflce, 2446 Grant Ave. 4104 FURNISHED sleeping room In private family on car line. 941 2Srd streot. 4111 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 2S1S Wash. 4116 LARGE front room at 612 24th street. 4115 MODERN front room for gentlemen. 240 oi, voo NICELY furnished room, one or two gen tlcmen. 2241 Adams Ave. 4074 FURNITURE and stoves for sale. 317 30th St -1057 NICELY furnished front sleeping room loi one or two gentlemen. 2122 Washing ton 4055 MODERN sleeping rooms. 333 24 St. 4039 FOR RENT Furnished large front room. Call at 2330 Adams Ave. 4026 TWO light house keeping1 rooms, mod-! orn; references required. No children. I Phone 1646-J. 4069 SLEEPING room for gentleman. Phone 909-W 165 Twenty-third. 3795 FURNISHED front room. 530 Twcnty tlilrd street. Phone 21S0-.M. 3900 GATES HOTEL 2446 Grant Avenuo Phone 3050 Modern furnished rooms. Weekly rates. CHS ROOMS for gentlemen. Phone 1SS0. 3716 ACCRUED Interest plus market prlco for liberty bond paid by J. A Hoglo & Co 2149 NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. 2431 Adams Ave 4086 Unfurnished FOUR rooms, furnace heated, with bath. 2C85 Wall. o-i THREE-ROOM house, good location, near car. Phone 20-.I--1 4105 3 or 4 ROOM apartments,, vacant from 1-10. Phone 2360-M ' 4039 TWO room apartment, $25; three room apartment, $35; hot water, private bath, steam. Phone 100S-J. f 3591 GOOD house for rent. J J. Brummitt. Phone 59. 3S40 uJ2S!iJ3L Eggs EGGS for hatching. Pure bred Black Mi norca nnd Rhode Island Red 639 Sev onth street. Phone 2135-M. 7 RHODE Island Reds and Shepard's strain Anconx cfe-gs. $1.50 setting. Phono 357-M REDS and White Leghorn eggs for hatch lng; also breoding stock. Call Bramwell. 1416-J, 3922 HATCHING eggs from heavy laying While Leghorns, $1.50 per 15; $9.00 per 100. Phono 2124-R. 3310 GS7TrRJ' Rc,ds' B- and W. Rocks. Blk. Min . W B. and Buff Leghorns, Anconas. Light Brahmas. Cornish Games, W and Silver Laced Wyandottcs. turkey, 'duck and goose eggs. See us for baby chicks and live poultry. Ask us about It WESTERN GRAIN & FEED CO 327 H. E. Palmer. FOR No. 1 baby clilcks; also Winford eiectric hovers. Phone Astill, C69-1545-;: 3484 'MONEY LOANED on gilt edged securi ties Phos. Auld. under First National Bank. 4Q2t MONEY advanced to salaried people with out security. Others on furniture and pianos. Easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Dls. 227 Colonel Hudson Bull lng. Phone 2S4. 8737 RALPH P. HUNTER, established 1SS2. Mortgage loans, real estate. Insurance, Utah, Idaho lands; farms and city prop- ' erty. Persons desiring to loan money on good first mortgage security will .lo well u consult mc. Good applications , always on hand. 431 Twenty-fourth St. Ogden. Utah. S310 1 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. Kelly Sz Herrlck. 77D MONEY to loan on real estate sccurltlu-. J. J. PrummltU 6-21-m ' LADY'S pocketbook, Orphcum theater 1 Bills and silver. Return to 36S Twcnly fourlh street. Reward. 4145 ! BLACK leather blJl-book containing lodge and Identification cards. Return to 403 I Hudson Bldg. 40S5 THURSDAY morning on 7th St.. Ladies7 I purse, containing Genealogy and monov. ! Return to C21 7th St., or phono 2135-W. I Reward. 4021 NDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS I STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS UcUi'JJ.iAW.M - . . liTWii'iaiMr-' acO'"' i I FOR SALE I Miscellaneous ' Singer Sewing Machine j 'JUST i: RIVED Latest models can be purchased or rented for $3.00 n month . Needles, oil and repairs for nil makesl 1 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 233S Wah 1 Inglon Ave. Phone 24. 41 1 3 j WHILE thev last. ' Horrors of War," 75c 1 .New 5-ply rubber hose, 15c. Phone 233' 1 I 47 I MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcvclo In per-! jfect condition. Call 2012 Qulncy avenue. I 414X hyi?1 bab' carriage. Phone 327-J. I 1S24 Grant. 4137 . SEED potatoes for sale. Farley's Gro-1 cory Store. 2602 Washington. Phone 1626- 22 HOUSEHOLD furniture, cheap. 2S3D Chllds. Phono 1220-R. 2 CHICKEN and durk eppS foi setting. Call 1 after 4 p. m. 2156 Pacific avenue. 4130 ! STUDEBAKER l;ht spring wagon, half price, $65. Guitar and case. $6: piano stool $1.50. 570 7th street 410S BUFFET, table, chairs, carpet, library table and a piano. Phone 901-J, 2S43 Ad ams. 4110 FURNITURE for sale. 2064 Jefferson, j 4123 NEW manure spreader nnd grain drill. Have sold form. Phone 3177-J. 40S4 LARGE rug, some small rugs, a sanitary couch and other furniture. Call 675 27th Street. Phone 2347-M 4075 THREE nearly new child's beds and high chair. Corey Apts., No. 19, 4096 NEARLY new Universal Combination gas nnd coal range, at a bargain, 2540 Wash. Ave.. Ogden. Utah. 4095 FIVE Rooms of furniture. Call 247 28th streel or phone 2090. 4054 A PARLOR sot cheap. call rear 2127 Grant. 4060 SANITARY couch, -folding baby buggy, j rocking chair. 2461 Quincy Ave. 4037 ALMOST new Dayton bicycle. $35. CaII 1 1011 21st SL 4066 GOOD surrev and single harness. En , quire Pacific Coffee Store, 2357 Wnshln--ton Ave. 4019 I FOR SALE My fine phonograph, large nlze. $65; must bo sold today. Call Mr Sorensen. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3972 FOR SALE My fine phonograph, larg size. $65; must be sold today. Call Mr. I Sorensen. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 307 (GOOD concrete ttum mixer, cheap. 433 1 Cross street. 3SC9 I FINE gTocory stock and lease, well Iocat 1 ed on Waslhngton avenuo. Kelly & Her ' rick. 377S ILATE 1919 twin Harley Davidson motor Icyclo with ldo car. In perfect condition. I Also twin Excelsior for 5100. See clrcula I tlon manager. Ogden Standard. 3776 I ONE-HA LP PRICE John Doero double disc sulkey plow. j used only ono season. One Solid Comfort singlo plow sulkey. One Jump seat surrey. I One umbrella top buggy. Ono top grocery delivery wagon. Ono light road cart, all in good con dition and newly painted. Also other second hand goods. lVERSON'S SECONDHAND STORE, 1640 AVashington Ave. 35S5 SECOND hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Iverson, 1640 Washington avenim Phono 49. 353S I FEMALES nnd guaranteed singers. Comii hear them sing. 2220 Lincoln. 2242 SEVERAL sets of new work hamcus. Og den Horao Sale &. Commission Co. 3103 jlOUO shares of Capital Petroleum at 23c; a dividend paying stock. Phono 3076 f 3037 I SlNER'S TruiiK and Kurniturc Stores Now and second hand goods bought and sold and exchanged, highest prices paid for second hand furniture; high grade 1 uuniis uiiu suncases our specialty. j 255 Twenty-fifth. Phono 1321. 2976 ! J. A. HOGLE & CO. pay highest prices I In Ogden for Liberty bonds. 2450 i UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; blg 1 reduction. Gordon's. 211-25 Twenty-fifth St, Phone 419. 21S7 PLOW, seeder, new hose. Phone 333, , 4S ONE-PI ALP acre In peacjioa. nearly 100 trees, $050. cash or terms, or will trad'i for good automobile. 411 24th SL 2335 191$ model 5 passenger Overland, best of condition, 4500 mileage. A bargain for cash. 11 Pccry apartments. Phone 316S 42 191S Studebaker touring car in first class condition, for sale cheap. Sec owner at 2767 Grant. 21 BUICK roadster. 1917, four cylinder, in fine shape. $650 cash, or will take good Ford in trade. Phone 2001-.T. 17 Chandler 1918 touring-. Chandler 1917 touring. Elcar 1917 touring. WILFONG-GLAJSMAXN CO 2254 Washington Phone 776 4132 FORD tractor. Inqulro 1. Mura 165 Twenty-fifth street. 412S NEW 1920 Oakland touring car at rc duced price, or will trade. 670 22 street 4112 Ford light delivery truck. Ford 1 ton Form-a-Truck. Ford bug. Studebaker 1 ton truck. Model N Hup. louring. Model 57, Buick touring. 1917 Studebaker touring. All in first class mechanica'l condition PACIFIC NASH MOTOR CO 2200 Washington Ave. -1Q27 FORD runabout body, extra good condl tion. Phono 2165-R. 403S TWO light Fords (express bodies); Max well touring $225; Hnynes Chummy. Snv ngo Motor Co., 2354 Pludson avenue. 4012 WONDERFUL car lor sale, cheap. 234 $ ! Grant 3333 WHY not buy an exchange car? Now Is the time to buy. Two Fords, '14 and '16. Two Maxwells, '16 and '17. One Chalmers, 6-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO. 2333 Hudson Phono 143 306C P""'""'w"oirwi5T iBoarr ' BOARD and room. 2021 Washington ave nue. 3 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bo received bv the Board of Education of Ogden City, 'Utah, at Room 30S. Colonel Hudson building, Ogden. Utah, until S o'clock p. m.. Mon day. April 12, 1920. for labor and matorials in connection with excavations and con crete foundations required for a part of the Washington school which the said board proposes to erect in Ogden. Utah. Bidders may obtain drawings and speci fications ns required to prepare bids for this work at the office of Leslie S. Hodg son and Myrl A MeClennhan. Architects. Room S29 Eccles building. Ogden, Utah. All labor must be performed and all ma terials furnished and placed as required to complete the work under the contract In strict accordance to tho drawings nnd specifications and to the entire satisfac tion of tho architects, Tho bonrd reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. A certified check made payabJo to said board for a sum 6f money not less than five per cent of the amount of tho bid must accompany each bid. and tho check of any su.cccsnful blddor shall be forfeit ed In case he falls or refuses to enter into the necessary contract and furnlih a bond required by the board. The contract shall contain, among oth er things, a stipulation that at least twen ty per cent of the contract price inny bo withheld until the work In the contract Is completed and accepted by the board. By order of the Board of Education of Ogden, Utah. By EDWARD 7. RICH. President; VIOLA M. CLANCY. Clerk.' Puhlifhcd- In the Ogden Standard from March 31st. 1920. to April 12th. 1320. In clusive. l LEGAL NOTICES ! NOTICE, ' , Ogden Petroleum Co., principal place of business Ogden. Utah. Thero are delinquent on tho following described stocks on account of assosa ,mont No. 10 levied on the 7th day of February. 1920. the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective alia re holders, as follows: Cert, No. Shares Amt. i Allen. E. J 440 1000 $ 5.ft0 Brandon. M. H C65 71! 3.56 Bybcc. Emma 551 1400 7.00 Bundy. Emily R 106 1000 5.0i Brophy. Loo 351 300 1 50 Clark. Inane 132 500 2.501 Child. Mrs, C. C 637 G000 30,00 Child. C. C 402 2000 10.00 Cady. IS 465 1000 5.00 Dyo. S. G 17S 2000 1.00 ,De Mil;, W. G 226 1500 7.50 Dodson, Margarot ...107 1779 S.S9 I Doyle. A. B ....750 750 3.75 Eggleston. Harry V...170 500 2.50 Francis. Prank 20 4000 20.00 Fcnn, Homer E 40 1000 5.00 Foulger. Joseph 3S2 1000 5.0o Farr. Ralph 472 1000 5.00 Farr. C. L 354 500 2,50 1 Farr, C. L 631 400 2.00, Grant, C 606 1000 5.00 Hess. G. R 234 1000 5.00 I Uces. G. R 311 500 2.50' Plunter, G. F. 244 600 2.50 HalverKon. Geo 321 1000 5.00 Halverson, Geo 366 1000 5.00 Halvcrson. Geo 367 600 3.001 llfilverson. Geo 377 1000 6.00 I Halvcrson, Geo 515 500 2.50 Halvoraon. Geo. .....530 200 1.00 1 Honor, Arthur 664 59 2.501 lvlns. D. II 213 100 .50 1 Ivlns. L. H 218 100 .50 1 Jensen, David 47 1000 6.00 Jensen, David . 325 3000 15.00 1 Johnson, Elmer 570 250 1.25 1 Jones. M. E 201 200 1.00 Miller. F. S 261 4000 20.00 Margarson. F. R 417 500 2.50 ! McCormlck. J. L 394 1000 5.00 , Peterson, Ezra M. ... 65 3000 15.00 1 Picrson, C. A 399 100 .50 ! Pierson. C. A 420 300C 15:00. Pierce. I. N 185 500 2,50 Pldcock, J. W. 550 1500 7.50 IVruelt, L 643 12500 62.50 , Pruett, L 50S 500 2.50. Perkins, W. A 322 1000 10.00 Perkins, W. A, 553 500 2.50 1'ruelt. Ed 468 2000 10.00 1 Pruutt, Ed 647' 500 2.59 Piera, Ebcr F. ..."...543 500 2.50 1 Richards. I . L. ....212 333 1.66 Richards. I. L 213 333 1.66, Royle. A. H 336 2500 12.50 1 Roylo. A. H 3S9 2500 12.50 1 Royle, A. H 290 2300 12.50 Sorenson. Nols C 57 2000 10 00 Swunsou, E. P 321 500 2.50 Sullivan. M 207 20 .10 Smith, Robt .211 334 1.69 Saylor. W. B 301 178 .89 Thomas, Beulah ....1S9 250 1,25 Thomas. Beulah 200 250 1,25 Toombs, J. M. 404 2500 12.50 Thomas, E. PI 627 2000 10.00 Wheelwright, J. L ...168 500 2.50 Walker. Mary L. ...M74 500 2.50 Wilson. W. B 626 317 1,5S And Jn accordance with law eo many of each parcel of such stock as may be nec essary will be sold at the offico of the said company, No. 360 Twenty-fourth street. Ogden, Utah, on the 3rd day of April, 1920. at tho T.our of noon to pay the delinquent assessments, togethor with tho cost of advertising and expense of sale. A. L. GLASMANN. Secretary-Treasurer. P. S. The above delinquents arc pay ablo to the assistant secretary-treasurer. J. R. Hlnchcliff. at tho PIngree National Bank, on or before the above mentioned date. 3602 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Joseph P. Brockbank. Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the law office- of George Halvcrson. at No R05 David Eccles building. Ogden, Utah, on or before the Sth day of May, 1920 vn. T.,nn .i. PRnrK-RAVif Administratrix. George Halverson, Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE. Estate of James Francis Croshic, Dc-1 ceased. , The petition of Helen Alrd Crosbic, for issuance of letters of administration of the abovo entitled estate to Matthew A. Gait, In the above entitled matter has been set for hearing before Hon. A. W. Apcc, Judge, on Monday, tho oth day of April. 1920, at two (2) o'clock p. m.. at the county court house, in the court room of said court, in Ogden City. Weber Coun ty. Utah. Witness, the clerk of sahL court, with the seal thorcof affixed, this 24th day of March, 1020. WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk. Chez fc Barker. Attorneys for Petitioner. (Seal.) NOTICE. Estate of Daniel William Clark. Deceased. The petition of Annie Clark Tor the Is sunnco of letters of administration to Jo eeph B. Clark. In the above entitled mat ter, has been sot for hearing before Hon. A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the oth day of April. 1920, nt ton (10) o'clock a, m.. at the county court house, in tho court room of said court. In Ogden City, Weber County. Utah Witness, the clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 24th day of March, 1920. WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agues Smith. Deputy Clerk. Joseph E. Evans, Attorney for Petitioner. (Seal) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Leo S. Folkman. Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchors to tho undersigned at the law offico of George Halvcrson, at No. 605 David Eccles building, Ogden, Utah, on or before the Sth day of May. 1920 NELLIE FOLKMAN. Administratrix. George Halvcrson. Attorney for Admin-lstratix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Joseph M. Folkman. Oeceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at tho law offico of Gcorgo Halvcrson, at No. 605 David Eccles Building. Ogden, Utah, on or before the Sth day of May. 1920. NELLIE FOLKMAN. Administratrix. George Halverson, Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Frank A. Nalsbltt. Deceased. Creditors will present their claims with vouchors to the undersigned ot 605 Ecclea Bldg-.. Ogden. Utah, on or before the 27th day of May. A. D.. 1920. FRANK M. NAISBITT. Administrator of the Estate of Frank A. Nalabltt. Deceased. Samuel C. Powell, Attorney for Adminis trator. Date of first publication March 26, 1920. 3986 NOTICE. Estate of Emma A. Richardson. Deceased. The petition of Earle Clark Richardson for probate of will and for issuance of lettors tostamcntary in the above enttitlcd estate to Ernest T. Richardson, tho per son named in the last will and testament of said deceased as executor thereof. In the above entitled matter has been net for hearing beforo Hon. A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, tho fifth day of April, 1920, al ten (10) o'clock a. m. at tho county court house, in the court room of said court, in Ogden City, Weber County, Utah. Witness, the clerk of snld court, with he seal thereof affixed, this 21th day of March. 1920. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk. Chez & Barker, Attorneys for Petitioner. (Seal) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Richard Slater, Senior, Dc- C C& $ C (1 Creditors will present claims with vouchors to the undersigned at the lnw office of Georgo Halverson. at No. 605 David Ecclc3 Building. Ogden. Utah, on or before the Sth day of May. 1920. HOWELL SLATER, Administrator. George Halvcrson. Attorney for tho Administrator. NOTICE. Estate of John P. Vernleuwe, Deceased. Tho petition of Mario Vorniouwo. for tho issuance of letters of administration to Gillcs Vernleuwe. in the above entitled mattor, has been set for hearing beforo Hon. A. W. Agoe. Judtfc. on Monday, the fifth day of April. 1920. at two (2) o'clock p. m.. at tho county court house. In tho court room of said court, in OgtJon City, Weber County, Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 24th day ot March. 1920. WALTER N FARR. Clerk, By Agnos Smith. Dccputy Clerk. Joseph E, Evans, Attorney for Petitioner. (Seal) itfnfrii.! -1 . 1 i 7 " - j f M (In mm J Change of Rates J Q Starting April 5th, 1920, the Standard-Examiner . q will run all classified ads in all editions, both morn- j ing and evening, over 13,000 circulation, without a I q single duplication. Rates will be: , lH Per word, per insertion .....,.......$ .02 fi q Per line, per week .50 ll a Per line, per month . . . 1 .50 a - H A Business Directory, per line per month ...... 2.00 i J J While these rates are materially larger than the H 2 ld Standard rates it must be remembered and taken " H 2 into consideration that classified rates in the Stand- J lH ard have not been raised since 1 870 and that the . H consolidated circulation of the Standard-Examiner is 1 nearly double that of the Standard and that 7 inser- '.' j H $ tions will be given for a week now, in place of 6 - l formerly, and 3 1 insertions for a month run in place " (ft of 26 now given. f fll mm mm"" 'v'i Phone 56 All classified ads in the Standard-Examiner are pay- " H able in advance. 0- jH tH ! LEGAL NOTICES 1 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WEBER COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH Notice of Hearing on Petition for Forma tion of Irrigation District nnd of Ap plications for Exclusion of lands there from and Inclusion of lands therein, npd revision of Water Allotments, In tho Matter of the Organization of Wober County Irrigation District. Public Notice Is hereby given that a petition of tho Honorable Simon Bam berger, Governor of the Stato of Utah, praying for the formation of an Irrigation .district under the laws of the Stato of Utah, proposing to include therein the lnnds in Weber County, Utah, set out In I the plat annexed to tho said petition and ' hereinafter bounded nnd to be. known ns Wobor County Irrigation District, was. on the 17th dny of October, A. D.. 1919. filed with tho Board of County Commissioners of Wober County, Utah; that the water survey and allotments to the lnnds within said proposed district have been mado as provided by law by the State Engin eer of the State of Utah, and the return of the said aurvey nnd report of the said water allotments have been presented to and nrc now on file with tho said Board (of County Commissioners; and that tho 26lh day of April. A. D.. 1920, at tho hour of 2;00 o'clock p. m.. nt the Board Room of the said County Commissioners in the 'County Court House in Ogdon City. AVc iber County. Utah, has been fixed by the ' said Board as the time and place for the i hearing upon the said petition as well ns for the hearing upon all applications for I the exclusion of lands therefrom and the ' inclusion of lands within said proposed .district, and the revision" of the said I water allotments. The said Irrigation district ns proposed .includes all of the lands situated within the following boundaries, the snmo being the boundaries of tho said proposed dis trict. to-vIt: Beginning at the northwest corner ol Section 15. Township 7, North. Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, thenco running west 3 miles to the NW corner of Section 18. said Township and Range, thence westerly along the County lino between Box Elder and Weber Counties to a point where-said County lirie IntersccLs the easterly shore lino of Great Salt Lake. thence meandering in a southerly direc tion along and following the said caster- ' ly shore line of the said Great Salt Lako to a point in Section 22, Township 5 North, Range 3 West of tho Salt Lako Meridian where the said shoreline inter sects the County line between Davis and Weber Counties, thence easterly along and- following the said County line to a point on and where said County line in tersects tho easterly line of Section 25, Township 5 North, Rango 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian, thonce north approx imately J-2 mile to the NE corner of said Section 25. thenco west 1 mllo to tho NW corner of said Section 25. thence North 2 miles to the NE corner of Section 14. said Township and Range, thence west 1 mile to the NW corner of said Section 14 thence north approximately 1 1-2 miles to the SE coiner of the corporate limits of Ogden City. Utah, being a point i.t the center of the cast lino of Section 3. said Township and Range, thence west ap-1 proximately 3 1-2 miles to the SW corner ol the corporate limits of said Ogden City, being a point at the center of Section C, said Township and Range, thence north along and following the westerly bound ary lino of tho corporate limits of said Ogden City to tho NW comer of the cor porate limits of said Ogden City, being' a point at the NW comer of the SW quar- ter of the SE quarter of Section 7. Town- j ship 6 North. Rango 1 West of the Suit Lako Meridian, thence oast approximate- ! ly 3 1-2 miles lo the NE corner of the! corporate limits of said Ogden City, be-1 ing a point nt the NE comer of tho SE 1 quarter of tho SE quarter of Section 10. Township 6 North, Range 1 West of tho Si !t Lako Meridian, thence north approxi mately 4 3-4 miles lo the SE corner of Section 15, Township 7 North, Rango 1 est, Salt Lake Meridian, thence west 1 mile to the SW corner of said Section 15. thenco north 1 mile lo the place of be ginning. And also beginning at (ho NW comer of Section 6. Township 7 North, Range 1 East of the 'Salt Lake Mcridinn. thenco running south 2 miles to the SW corner of Section 7. said Township and Range, thence west 1 mile to tho NW comer of Section 13. Town6h!p 7 North Rango 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian, thenco south J 1 mile to tho SW corner of Said Section ; 13 thenco cast 1 mile to the SE comer j of said Section 13, thence south 1 l lie lo tho SW corner of Section 19, Township 7 North. Range 1 East. Salt Jikc Meridian thence enst 1 mllo to the SE corner of said Section 19. thenco south 1 milo to tho SW corner of Sec. 29. Township 7 North Range 1 E'iM. Halt Lake Meridian, thenco east 1 mile o the SE corner of said Sec tion 29. thenco south 2 miles to the SW corner of Section 4. Township 6 North. Range 1 East. Salt Lako Meridian, thonco east 1 mile to the SE corner of said Sec tion -1, thenco south 2 miles to tho SW comer of Sectlorr 13. said Township and Range thence cast 2 miles to the NW comer of Section 21, said Township and Range, thenco south 1 mile to the SW comer of said Section, 24, thonce east 3 miles to the NW corner of Section 29. Township 6 North. Rango 2 East. Salt Lake Meridian, thenco south 1 milo to the SW corner of said Section 2S. thence' cast 3 miles to the SE corner of Section , 26. Township 6 North. Rango 2 East. Salt; T-ako Moridlnn, thence north 4 miles to the NE comer of Section 11. Township 6 North. Range 2 East. Salt Lake Mcrld- J inn, thenco west 2 mllos to tho SE cor ner of Section 4, said Township nnd Range, thence north 3 mllos to tho NE corner of Section 28. Township 7 North. Range 2 East. Salt Lnko Meridian, thenco west 1 mile to the NW corner of said Section 2S, thenco north 1 mile to tho NE corner of Section 20, said Township and Range, thenco west 4 miles lo the NW comer of Section 23, Township 7 North. Range 1 East, Salt Lako Meridian, thenco north 1 mllo to the NE corner of Section 15, said Township and Rangu. thenco west 1 mile to the NW comer of said Section 15. thence north 1 milo to tho NE corner of Section 9. said Township and Range, thenco west 1 mile to tho NW corner of said Section 9. thonco north 1 mllo lo the NE corner of Section 5. Township 7 North Range 1 EanL Salt Lake Meridian, thenco West 2 miles to the place of beginning. All persons, firms, associations or cor porations lntcrostod in the said matter are directed to appear at said hearing nnd each will thereat he given full opportu nity to bo heard thereon. Dated at Ogden City. Webor County Utah. this, the 29th day of March, A. D., 1920. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF WEBER COUN TY, UTAH. By Martin P. Brown. Chairman. Attest: WALTER N. FARR. (Seal) Clerk. STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Prince of Wales Sails I kH For San Diego Harbor H PANAMA. April 1. The Prince 'of- ' Wales, aboard the British battle3- ' cruiser Renown sailed today for Siu'u jH Diego, Cal.. after his visit to the canal-. B ,4. ' I It developed thai the cruiser . 3u;sH Tered damage to her starboard propol:fl. H lor In the Culebra cut on Tuesday l( , H where it was necessary to blast .ob-; j structions in the channel caused by the recent earth slide before the Re : jH nown could pass through. H 00 V mM POPULATION STATISTICS. I 'H WASHINGTON, April 2. Popula. 1 tion statistics announced today by the-' 1 census bureau included: a JL Wilkesbarre, Pa., 53,828, an increase'" 1 9( of 6723, or 10 per cent over 1910. KH Waterloo, la., 36,230, increase 0537, 3; wMWM or 35.7 per cent. : ,f , tH Murphysboro, 111., 10,111, increase" Ki 2926. or 39.1 per cent. II Lon Branch, N. J., 13,021, increase ai H ; 223, or 1 ,7 per cent. & , Information Bureau . II SLOP PER LINE PER MONTH ! J j rl ANYTHING New or Old Q ! i AwiTHiNG-A to Z now or old. ' H bought, sold or traded. Phono 333. ' BOOKS AND STATIONERY l nr , m'cI1 Book and Stationery. 236J ' 4 , JMm Washington Ave. Phono 360. -.ZOSi- ? 'mMmw BANKING l Utah Natitonal Bank, southeast corner". ' ' H Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phone 6i. - jH COUNSELOR-AT-LAW 'JH T. R O'Connolly. Ogden. Utah. Legal , ndvlec by mall. Wrlto mo the facta. ( Phono 393. 1H CARPET CLEANING flH , n Jvainpon for upholstering, enr- H pets cleaned, altered nnd laid. Remaking- -r1H of mattresses. Phone 2752-J. -r f ' Expert carpet cleaning, mattress reno-1; j 'iH If- . "Pholaterlng. and springs re- I mmW stretched. Call E. J. Hampton Co.. Feather renovating Phono 25S6-W. . I CHIROPRACTOR H H m?cWw Va vrson- D. C.. Rca. phono . 1086-W. 701-702 Eccles Building. WMm DENTISTS mWM The New Method Dentist- aro special-. cv H ists In all branches of Dentistry. 2469,, Washington Avej 2203' , 1 H DRAIN TILE FOR SALE WmW Intei-mountaln Concrete Co. Twentieth" ' Mmm ?o 1An? n Ave- Osden, Utah. Phone' 'fMm 206S and 4S7. 2310 I, H . A?7 H ENGRAVING j Ogden Engraving Son-Ice Co . makers' , 7H or rino cuts in one or moro colors. 416 5 f Twenty-fourth street. Phono 463. ' f H FIRE INSURANCE - , fi Charles Elsenbcrg. Phone 1359-J. Cal- f J-f cdonlan md Michigan Commercial Stand- 3 ! llH ard Inir.irance. 1575 1 HAY AND GRAIN -r1?'' f:ra,n Poultry feed. Bell Bros. 1 A H 2.1 Twenty-third street. Phono 2845. 3 . H 2100 1 ilM HIDES, WOOLS. FURS S '!ii O. ai. Runyan. 2269 Wall Avo., pays H top prices. Phone 7S1-W. 152S ; MH JUNK AND HIDES l I l Wostorn Hide & Junk. Co., 2323 Wash- I ''i inglon Ave. Phone J61. :i Ogden Junk House, 2059 Washington ; 'H Ave. Phono 210; , LAWN MOWER S Lawn mowers sharpened and over- H hauled. Hudson Repair Shop. 2169 Hud- t ', mmm son avenue. Phone 734-J. . 4mH KEY FITTING '1i Key fitting) and lock repairing, safi , 'H opening and combinations seL -Hudson ; '' H Repair Shop, 2469 Hudson. Phone 734-J. I ' ii . 3945 I (gmm PAINTING - H Sec Brig. All kinds of house tainting1. 311 Twenty-fifth street Phone 973, North r mmml Ogden Phono 41-W. 33S7 - ' PAPER CLEANERS T r; bH KALSOMINE or paper clenlnic..- Phon 7 mmW 29-R-ll. 4097 m PRINTING 1 ' When in need of printing come and see H Dec Printcry, 212S Hudson avenue. Phone , 792-M 1,691 PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON I 1 VH Dr. A. Fornlund, office hours 10 to 4 i sjj p. m New Poory Bldg., Hudson Avo. k 'mmt Ros. Phono G40. Office phoao 1900-W. RADIATORS REPAIRED J Factory equipment for repairing wreck- mM ed, bent, leaky or twisted radiators. Og- t den Auto Radiator Co,, 2329 Hudaon Avo. 3 2683 'H REAL ESTATE AND LOANS !H Willard Kay, real estate and loans. mm 2171 Washington Avo. Phone 409. 1874 j j H SCAVENGER ! H Garbago and rubblah hauled, cesspools . I mm and toilets cleaned. John Chipp & Co. mm Phono S22. 231S Hudson Avo. 9733 1 Um SANITARY WORK I Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds of rub- g mm bish hauled. Phone 620. STEAMSHIPS TO EUROPE i FOR steamship reservation to European points. For information phone 1166 or , Wm 2094-W. I VH STENOGRAPHY f Good public stenographer. Federal 'I Land Co.. 416 Twenty-fourth. , 3642 Z iH TAXI SERVICE , Taxi sorvico Phono 84 for taxi. Closed j mm cars only. 'H TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogden Tent & Awning Co. Manufac- mm Hirers of high grade store, offico and - mm resident awnings. Watorproof coverr. mm bags, etc. Anything In canvaa. 2263 j .mm Washington Ave Phone 268. 1321 , -mm TRUNKS AND BAGS Z s Trunk and bag repairing, round cor- J ,mm ner from Standard. Gallachcr's. 2373 Hud- t .Wmm 6on. .2Uf j j VETERINARIAN . 1H Dr Bundy. Veterinarian. Phono S2S jmu 679-M. 3S3S WMm WINDOWS CLEANED ' . . hi Expert -window and wall paper-cleaning !; anywhere. American Window Cleaning. w Phone 563. 2370 Washington Avo. JH ,immm - 1 BB