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I BOX ELDER WIS OVER WEBER MID 0. H. S. ' li DEBATE In the triangular debating contest between the Ogden high school, We ber Academy and Box Elder school, hrld yesterday morning at Ogden and Brlgham, Box Elder won two tiral. Weber one point and the O. n. S. i none. ). The team representing the OKden u high school here against Box Bluer 1 Mas composed of Rcnsis Ukcrt ana f , Weston Bird. The award was Box Blder two points, O. H. S. one. Tho teams representing Ogden nig" sthool and Weber academy were. ie spectlveU. Kenneth Malan and Cl.iudc J-Iolllstcr. Delbert Wright and John Bmmett. The decision was- throe points to the favor of Weber and none i to Ogden high. ' Tho Weber academy loam woi Kin, at Brlgham city against the, Box EM-r high was composed of Ed Knsdus anu S Clarence Brown. The decision was in faor of Box Elder, two points to Wc i br'x one. ! The question debated by Weber an.. Ogden high was; "Uepolvcd. That tho federal government should pass legis lation providing for the ' arbitration of all labor disputes in America." The affirmative side ol I the question was taken by Weber, while the negative side was taken I the Ugden high. The debale was j iricn in the auditorium and piovcd j an affair of interest I! Prejudice Against Mormons Growing According to Oscar B. Lowrtcr. Mio ' Has been on a- mission in the caster.i states, some cities in the state of York have passed ordinances prohlV. 1 Iting "Mormon ciders from dl!trlb.iiiriN tracts propagating Lheir. faith. KUiei j Lewder saya that prejudice agai.iot I Mormon church is undoubted?; growing stronger. Mr. I.owdcr Jias ? labored in New York. Pennsylvania. ! Malna and New Hampshire. He says that in spite of I he preju- nice good work Js being done by in'.s?- sionarles of the church. I: Portland Cement Co. to Build Plant in Idaho O. A. Day and Ralph E Bristol or the Portland Cement company of thi city have completed -.irrangeme-nf whereby they posses a thousand " acres of land at Portneuf, Idaho, wherr they intend In the near future to buiid a Portland cement plant to su , pl the state of Idaho. . I Lindsay R. Rogers Leaves for Heme who has been visiting old friends in Salt Lake and Ogdn for several das while en route from the cast, win leave for his home this afternoon. 'ia ) Ixjs Angeles. j A banquet was given in Mr. Rouen I honor by thirty-five old-lime frlenas J at Ogden Saturday of last week, anuj he has been extensively entertained j ; during his stay in Salt Lake. i I1 Engineer Approves i Gymnasium Plans i ! The board of directors of the We ber normal college have requested the architects of the new gymnasium. Woods & Jensen and S, A. Shrccve. to I be present at a meeting of the dnoct j ors next Wednesday evening, when the question of letting the control i will be taken up. The plans havwi received the endorsement of Coion-i Wlllard Younr. church engineer. I POSLAM FIGHTS ECZEMA'S GRIP RELENTLESSLY IPoslam Is persistency itself when n healing powers are directed against j Eczema or any stubborn skin trouble. j Jt&continued use brings unmistakable irUprovement as the raw places thai itched and burned no longer harrass. Ygu can safely and confidently leave all. your skin troubles to Poslam; pim T!5, rashes, scalp-scale, abrasions, chafings, inflammation, any itching de- Sold everywhere, For free sample wrjte to Emergency Laboratories,-243 West 47th SL, Netf York City. tPoelam Soap iff the tonic soap for the skin and will freshen and beautify your complexion. Advertisement. freckles; Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. JThere's no longer the slightest need od feeling ashamed of your freckles, atf Othine double strength is guar Hl anteed to remove these homely spots. I .'Simply get an ounce of Othine I dabble strength from any druggist B 1 ami apply a little of il night and morn ln and you should soon see that even B ttte worst freckles have begun to djs- Hj appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. Tt is seldom that H more than an ounce is needed to com- H) pletely clear the skin and gain a H: beautiful clear complexion. H! Be sure to ask for the double aTFength Othine as this is sold und-r K guarantee of money back if it falls to Hj remove freckles. Advertisement,. SCOTS 11MITE I IN PlffiS SHOW, It's a Scotch bill sure enough at the Orpheum theatre this week, for the1 Pantages vaudeville run. Topping tho1 list is Jessie Blair Stirling and her si. lassies in "Echoes of Scotland."; Anion? thorn are pipers and. dancers; and Miss Stirling, who has a soprano voice of unui-ual charm. The Chung Ilwa Four, celestial en tertainers par excellence, inject, a bit of Scotch in their offering when thoy appear in kills and pul over some droll humor of the kind Han v Lntidcr dis penses. Then there is "The Great Howard," a ventriloquist of no n.oan abillry who choses the kilts to drcs up his offer ing. Besides theic re three more acts of dancing, fun and thrills. Record Entry List For Relay Carnival PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 2. -The annual relay carnival of tho University of Pennsylvania which takes place on April 30 and May 1, hat? attracted a mcord list of entries. Invitations ha.vo been accepted by 317 institutions, in cluding 02 colleges. U preparatory schools 5S grammar schools. 10 paro chial fchoob and 113 high schools. The list of colleges embraces all the big institutions of the east and middle west and four from the far west, in addition to Oxford and Cambridge. England, whoso entry in the two mile relay has aroused great interest and given the moot an International aspect There will be at least 120 college teams in action on the two days of the meet, several large institutions having 'ertered from two to four teams m i the relay championships. Plans for Mew Armory Ready for Presentation i The completed plans for tho ikw rniory to house Troop D of the Stale "National Guard will he presenlcu io Jhc Ogden chamber of commerce oy the chairman of the committee, halpn IS. Bristol, next Tuesday. ! SALES MANAGER IS BACK ON JOB I Shardlow is Well, Cheerful and Happy Since Taking Tanlac One. of the distinguishing features in connection with the Introduction and sale of Tanlac throughout Amer ica is the large number of traveling men who have been benefited by its use. From Maine to California and from the Gulf to Northern Canada.) men representing almost every lino of I business have testified to tho remark-1 able and gratifying results obtained by I taking Tanlac. ' One of the latest of those to endorse Tanlac is H. Shardlow, sales manager j for the Solar Illuminating: Co., of Chi-i I cago,, who lives at the Hotel Stowell.l I Los Ancel es. Cal. j "Tanlac Is the finest medicine I , ihavo ever run across." said Mr. Shard-1 lov recently. "I gained nine pounds' on three bottles and have gotten rid 1 of a case of stomach trouble that near-! ly cost me my life. For several months j I had suffered terribly from acute gas-! "tiltis ?rd was very nervous. Every-! 'thing I would eat soured and formed I igas. my chest and lungs would pain' imt- and my heart palpitate for hours in I misery and have been forced to spend days at a time in bed. I lost nineteen pounds, was a nervous wreck and had to give up all idea of business. "L had the best troatmcnt and medi cine and wa3 pul on a special diet but got no belter, and was finally (old that onljan operation would relieve my trouble. One day while in El Paso. Texas, I had an attack that almost proved fatal. I had been reading about Tanlac and immediately tried it. Thnksgiving day I was sick, blue and discouraged, but since taking Tanlac I can enjoy a good meal and (eel well, cheerful and happy. It gives me plea Isure to recommend Tanlac and I hope jali sufferers from stomach trouble may be induced to try it," ; "Tanlac is sold in Ogden by A. R. iMdntyre Drug Co. Advertisement l 1 SAGE TEA KEEPS I YOUR HAIR DARK ! When Mixed With Sulphur it . Brings Back Its Beautiful , ; Lustre at Once I Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear ance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Zither prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, which is merely the old-timo recipe Im proved by the addition of other ingred ients. Thousands o folks recommend . this readyto-usc preparation, because It darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens 'so naturally and evonly. You moisten j a sponge or soft brush with it, draw ing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after anoth er application or two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glos sv and lustrous, and you appears years younger. Advertisement. National Swimming j Events Announced1 NEW YORK, April 1 Definite dates! !for several national swimming cham pionship events were announced today lai Amateur Athletic Union headquar ters as follows, ! April 17 Junior 100 yards breast stroke, Los Angeles A. C. : April 17 Junior 220 yards free style 'Cleveland Y. M. C. A April 28 Senior 400 yards relay Olympic club, San Francisco April 2S to May 1 Senior water polo, Pacific association, San Fran-1 Cisco. . I April 25 Junior 100 yards back stroke Pacific association, San Fran cisco. Events for women: April 21 Senior 100 yard hack 'slroko. Philadelphia Turngemeinde. May 2 Senior plunge for distance, Idora Swimming club. San Francisco. April 10 Junior 100 yards relay, Detroit j oo j j Mission Presidents i Meet in Salt Lake1 MiMlon presidents of tho L. !. S. J i-hurch In Canada, the United St.nus and Mexico inM with the council ot J twelve today, preliminary to the lr.oe.- Ings of the general conference. G. v.. MeCune. former business man of .nis city and president of tho eastern states mission, Is In altendane?. Tiapr7S3 EZ3 E3 COS S33 3 ffflr The answer of SfjjpgP" most fat people U S I , thic constant dieting is hard, m , g oxerciso is lire- ffl some, exhAusti70 then, loo, g it might bs hnrmful lo force- the weight down. That was S 8 tho old fashioned idea. To- a Sdav in MftrmoiR Preicription i LibleU nil th, e diQeullicj arc ra BCTerconoe. Jut pleannt. htm- Us little tablet nfler esch meal n Sand at W.time caiiK fat to Tan- V) Isli Tnli modern method li abtch i lutcly liarmleM entaili no die mc gj or eiorclif. nd Sat the added .id t TAntare of clieapnen. A larce H (ft cxa of tfe itarmoln Tre- yfssjL tcrlptlon Tablets y-flrsrrSJS3 PI Bit o!rt by drue- ASPKSi at tt. Or, Jfc&k S t Sllprefernble.can jfffiS &JB be obulufd br gfA eniilnir price di- prt &2f'S7l H reet to AUraiola. Sts'tt if 5SJ a Co.. m -wood- sJ mui At , Detroit, I I Uiib, Knrtit7i Pf Bkna tJili yoj bT w ( , no xtc 'er hlnc Blao fit, bat en t- V hrft two, thrtt cr J i?k foar pwrii 'WitU 3 . Svllhoit (ur of ny aZ) bid (r-ffU M SPA s ' $ - s LE3 m a E3 '3 y 00 ' : i : FUN FOR WOMEN j j TO DYE CLOTHES : I . : l "Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Old Apparel into New Don't worry about perfect results. Use Diamond Dyes, guaranteed losgive a new, rich, fadelews color lo any fab ric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cot tion or mixed goods dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each pack age tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug I gisth show you Diamond Dye Color Card. Advertisement. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine". After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vig or, brightness, more color and thickness. RED MY MHI1 EAST IN SIBERIA Chinese Government Receives Message of Attempt to Aid Workmen and Make Peace LONDON, March 31. Adispatch lo the London Times from Peking dated March 20, says the Chinese govern ment has received a message from the Moscow soviet through Commis sary Jansen at Irkutsk announcing that a red army Is marching cast to succor the workmen and poasants in Siberia ficom the "brigands, Kolrhak. Semenoff. Horvath and their Japanese allies and establish everlasting peace." The communl cation expresses horror at Ihe crimes committed ngainst China and undertakes to anull all treaties and renounce all privileges improperly acquired from China. China Is urged in the communica tion to resume negotiations for the res toration of the Chinese Eastern rail way, the cancellation of the protocol of 1901 and the extra territorial rights hitherto enjoyed by the Russians and tho reunnclatlon of the "boxer" indem nity, the privileges of orthodox mis sionaries and milling rights, i The dispatch says the soviet also i offers to hand over to China without charge the great Russian tea fac tories at Hankow The only condition made is that tho people of China have complete freedom to determine their own system ot government. Tho message, the dispatch declares, aguely indicates that thq services of the red army will be available to de liver China from foreign imperialistic and capitalistic ambtions. ' The correspondent says there Is no doubt that everything offered will ho accepted by China. The Bolshevlki. ho adds, have succeeded In establish ing themselves in the good graces of the Chinese and the future between them promises to be full of harmony. oo Delware Lower House Vote Against Suffrage DOVER, Del , April 1. Ratification of the suffrage amendment was defeat ed in the lower house of thp legisla ture today. The voto was 23 to 0. Members who voted for the amend ment subsequently changed for the purpose of later moving to reconsider. The vote as finally announced was 2G lo 5. The defeat ot the ratification reso lution dashes to earth the hope of the suffrage leaders that Delaware would become the thirty-sixth state to ratify suffrage and thus achieve tho prestige of casting the voto that would give womon tht"' right of the ballot. The legislature, called in extraordi nary session by Governor Townsend to consider the amendment mot on March 22. Leaders of the suffrage movement and those opposed to it flocked to this quiet little town. Gratification over the defeat of the ratification was expressed by Mrs, I "Welcome Relief From the I Tortures of Rheumatism I Can Come Only From the ! Proper Treatment. Many forms of rheumatism are caused by millions of tiny germs that infest tho blood, and until the blood is absolutely freed of these germs, there is no real relief in sight. The most satisfactory remedy for rheumatism is 5. S. S. iie- cause It is one of tho most thor ough blood purifiers known to med ical science. This fine old remedy cleanses the blood of impurities, and acts as an antidote to the germ of rheumatism. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. For valuable litera ture and advice address Chief Med ical Adviser, 107 Syift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Advertisement, . . - -i... i i I NEVER GRIPE R SICKEN ' f SOLVIT "Cascarctj" act on Lirer and Bowels without Griping or Shaking you up So Convenient I You wake up wish your Head Clear, Complexion Rosy, Breath and Stomach Sweet No Biliousness, Headache or Constipation. Advcrtlacmcnt. ( ) oJiaX)e a complexion that will stand the closest scrutiny i 's your complexion such that you y A 0 Ml don't have to worry about il? Will , g-X V-J.. it stand the test of bright lights, and - .. ... "'""V" close scrutiny without embarrassing you? If so, the regular use of Rcsi- - h nol Soap will tend to keep it that tfilaP v wa'- If not begin at once to use jB7 K ytfri RcsinolOintmcntwithResinolSoap fJ anC SC w'iat a woncrfu' alleviator ' MsBiM of skin ills ihis treatment is. Resi- f X'SJairel no1 0intmcnt is perfectly harmless t jwSlTT containing only mild, cleansing and E&HEkA. ftffJftWlwTO healing balsams, which could not itSSiPx WW&Rxr injure the tenderest skin. Q31k-y -S RESINOL SHAVING STICK !0 con. j S Ulnt the KcJinol balumt andtt a bvoritcnith j dUrlmlijit!nr men. At all 'ftrujcuj. il (I l A, R. MclNTYRS DRUG CO.,,..rT..-..llll IHIIi Wlll'lll i Henry B. Thompson, president of the Delaware Association Opposed to Wo man Suffrage. She said: "I was sure of the result from the beginning. Delaware men are true to lheir convictions and the traditions of I their state. They cannot be coerced j jor bought. "We have assurance from Connectl- ( cut and Vermont thai no special ses sion will bo called. We also have as surances Ohio, New texlco, Oklahoma and Maine will, by right of referendum, determine the will of tho people as to whether women shall vote." Mrs. Florence Iiilles. president of, tho suffrage slate organization, said: "We hae a majority in the senate. We will try to shove the measure through that body and then strive to have the house act favorably on the Joint ratification resolution. We are (ilncou raged buL we are by no means licked." no Increase the price limit increase the supar. That has beOn proven by the government. Witness John Public. heiimatio Pains Quickly Eased By Penetrating jB Hamlin's Wizard Oil H A safe and harmless preparation H ov relieve the pains of Rheumatism, H Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is jH Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates IH quickly, drives out soreness, and lim- Ders up stiff aching joints and muscles. H You will find almost daily uses for jf it in cases of sudden mishaps or. ac- H cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts, IH bums, bites and stings. Just as re- H liable, too, for earache, toothache, croup and colic Get it from druggists for 30 cents. ff not satisfied return the bottle and H get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick hearl- fM sche? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, lefl pjeasant lictlc pink pills, 30 cents. I guaranteed. 11 oo STANDARD WANT ADS FOR RESULTS i In 2000 Counties This Month I The Forces of the Church fm of Christ Will Gather To H Face the Facts. " H IN 2000 counties in the United States the pastors mm and laymen of 30 great denominations will meet, WM in conference this month. IB It is the kind of conference that generals hold H before a critical engagement; that business men hold before entering a new market. A conference ) Dl of judgment, not emotion; a clear-eyed facing of B the facts. A Survey that Business Men Must Admire For more than a year hundreds of workers have been quietly engaged in making a scientific surve3 of the mission fields, and of America county by county. KM The facts developed are startling. No such pic- mm ture of America's religious situation has ever be- JLU fore been drawn. i mm On the basis' o'f these, (.surveys thirty 'Pro-. testant denominations are uniting in a Nation Wide Cooperative Campaign mm Each of the thirty denominations has its own "Forward Movement" organized and officer- 1 D ed. The Interchurch World Movement is the' mm clearing house for all of these. HB It is the agency which the churches have ere- Lm ated to avoid duplication, to foster cooperation and make sure that every man and dollar render the utmost service possible. mm The month of April will be devoted to H making the facts of the survey known to America; in the week of April 25th-May 2nd, will come a . i united simultaneous financial campaign. I I pH " v RiT Whether You Are Inside the Church or Out ! wM To every man and ever' woman who loves ' rnri his country, these 2000 county conferences are W' vitally important. Wf ! For the facts developed by this great survey IB show vividly what forces are at work in America and what kind of a country this country is to be. mWm See that the pastor of your church appoints delegates. Any pastor can tell you the con ference place and date. Or write direct to the Interchurch I WOKID-MOVEMENT 45 WEST 18th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Hl The publication of this advertisement Is made pas- IH sible tlirough the cooperation of 30 denominations, iH