Newspaper Page Text
m 'I HE OGDEN STANDARD: OGDEN. UTAH, FRIDAY, APRIL 2. 1920 3 f SUGAR COMPANIES If . 1 FJ CHARGES IR I 1 Federal Trade Commission I Aims to Prove Serious Com- 1 I plaints Against Companies S. I SALT LAKE CITY. April 2.- -Do- H I clarinp that it will bo the ulm of tlie x H j federal Ira do cornmlwulon to prove $ -S i that the Utah-Idaho Sufjnr company j fl 1 1 nnd the Amalgamated Suffar compai.y I ' have conspired unfairly to nnmper hv j H depondont sugar companies In L'uin x S and Idaho In their enterprises while 111 , engaged In Interstate commerce, Hcr. II t ry Ward .Deem, special attorney for fB 1 tno commission, opened tho hearing fB f the complaint against the sugar a'' companies before Judge J. II. Dun ,, K-W ham. examiner, yesterday. H im I Mr. Beers stated that It will also be l d I t,le nurl,08 of tn? prosecution lo 3 Prove that the respondents have coii - spired to circulate false statements ot competitor and prospective coin IB potltors; have cunvustfcd the occt IV ' prowlng territory in Utah" and Idaho IK and entered Into longtime contr.iouj , l, with boot growers; have caused bantu 'f''"'J l ratuso crcf,h to competitors and w$"- prospective compotllors. and ha o 1,'WjN! used their Influence and money powsr IMk, i io prevent the building of spurs .ind tracks for the ue of competitors, 'ft l! "V,r" Bocr ,s al?ted by Herbert I. W Anderson, another attorney for th flw :l commlHsIon. The hearing. It is cx- pected, will Inst about three waek. If You need It everybody needs It HolUster's Rocky Mountain Tea this Spring, Without fall try thi3 famous Spring Cleanser flz-ik. Mclntyro Dni ' I Co. Advertisement, II : i'h . Bashful Mr. Bobbs , ta at Fourteenth Ward At the Fourteenth ward meeting m. j i house lat night the comedy, 'Tne B j j Bashful Mr. Dobbs," was greatly ev 1 . 1 ioyed by a large audience. The pJay t I , will bo gl en x again tonight and mo J J proceeds are to be devoted to the new 1 building fund of the ward, 1 ' 9 The cast of characters Includes: mfc vathcrlno Henderson, a young wife ait Eiluu 13c us iff; Frederick Henderson, her husband j ml v Drlggs Harbertson I Mrs. Wiggins, the landlady J Kj Pearl Saunders' J I Oblah Stumps, a country product ( fjj, I . . . Glen Williamson 1 1 Frances "Whfttakcr. an athletic girl ct J Vcrla Richardson tl 1 1 ttosallc Otlo, society bud I Mi1 ... Flla Frew M liobcrL T. Bobbs, the ba-shful om- $1 i Howard McJnt.we tS Gene Graham K. Royal nl ajj Martin Bobbs, anything but bashful I A BJ Iuud McA, thl,r f. fflj' Julia, her French maid from Paris IHII J J Brummitt 2417 Hud' .fl: son avenue, pays highest J prices for Liberty Bonds, til -OO ! Jl i Holland to Forward ; II . , Orange Book to Allies' l j THE HAGUE, April 2. The Dutch I 9 f' government plans the publication cr j pn J an Orange book, embodying all tho J E. corresi)ondencc on the question of the ; i tormcr German emperor and Incluo- 1' ' ; Ing tho allied reply to Holland's oec- l . 'f ond refusal to hand AVIlhclm over to t: I j the allied powers for trial. The reply, U ji which was delivered to the premier at " i The Hague by tho P'rench and Tii itish 'f e M.lnlster last Tuesday, serves to " put . an end to the correspondence." I; h , Although 'thoro Is no official uui t ( lit-' ' tnatlon of the text, it Is learned that I ' i there has been acceptance of ilol- M - land's refusal to deliver up the forr.;.r , enjperor, but renewal of the warning i that .Holland will be held responsible for any damage to the world's peace which Wilhelm does. I j j Construction Work in i 1 I Sioux City Crippled I j SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 2 jiw structlon work in the city was crip pled by a strike of about 1,500 mcm- bers of the building trades. The u- f borers, hod carriers, plasterers, e'.cc- j trlcians, hoisting engineers and It on j workers quit becauso their demano.3 I for Increased wages were refuse-J. j Plasterers asked an Increase from 3 l to $1.25 an hour; electricians, 93 cents ' to $1.25: laborers, from 55 to SO asd I 90 cents. Illj JAPANESE TO KEEP F- FORCES IN SIBERIA i V HONOLULU, T. H April 2. Pre- mier Hara of Japan, has officially an- jounced that Japaoiese forces in Si- beria will not be withdrawn "until the , situation clears," according (o a Tokio 'M cable today to the Nippu Jiji,a Jap anese vernacular newspaper here. H, PRICE OF SUNDAY PAPER INCREASED CHICAGO. April 2. The Herald and j Examiner announced today that its Sunday edition hereafter will be sold ! for tea cents. Formerly It sold for j seven cents. I' EXHAUSTED BODIES j Tired Nerves Relieved Absolutely by I - Candomene Tablets The Real, Satisfying Tonic. Sold by All Druggists. U I , ' 00 , )) W Call on J. J. Brummitt at . 'I " 2417 Hudson avenue, if you l want to sell your Liberty j bonds. Phone 59. ftljv.' '-ZT'X . . f - . . , 'MINE WORKERS SAY ; GOAL PRICES UNJUST i I Wage Increase Does Not Jus tify Increase of 65 Cents to j $1.50 on Coal- j XBW YORK. April 2. Ellts J?earlo, editor, of the Mine Workers' Journal, speaking In behalf of the United Jllno Workers of America, d--clarcd tonight that tho 27 per ce:t wage Increase Just grantod bituminous mini worker, rlooa not Justify UlO price IncreaseH of 15 cents to $1.50 a ton, which operators have announced will have to be made. He added that the Incrennc In cost of production could not exceed 40 to 50 cents a ton, nnd disclaimed responsibility on tne part' of the workers for tho proposcu price advance. Union offlolals asserted that an un justified advance of prices woum cause serious dissatisfaction and un jrest among the miners. Tn lifting price restriction by me fuel administration at this time, ii.iiun officials declared that the government had "erred" and Indirectly piayeo into tho hands of these operators. As 5 per cent of tho nation's coal con- It r&cts arc made about April , tne .miners say lifting the .price ban at a time when so many buyers are In tno market Is suro to send prices higher than .ever before. Internatlonn J board members of tno United Mine Workers, meeting1 to night, were addressed by John L. Lewis, head of t)ie United .i::io Workers, who explained the American Federation of Labor political pio gram. The board, It was slated, prob ably will go to Washington and oo addressed by Samuel Gompers, fed. -atlon head. ?.Ir. Gompers, In a telegram to .Mi. I Lewls, suggested that the new polt. cal policy be explained to the miners, while they were gathered here. lie was unable to attend, as expected. j When men start wealing frills on! the bottom of their trousers we will be risht in style. Ours are frayed around the edges now. ! EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS j j Take a Glass of Salts to Flush I Kidneys if Bladder Bothers You Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; gel sluggish; clog up and cause nil sorts of distress, particularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheu matic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary ir ritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acthig right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a lablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. I This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal ac tivity; also to neutralize the acids In ,the urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia j water drink which millions of men and women take now and, then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney diseases. Advertisement. Catarrh Will Go Help Comes in Two Minutes Complete Relief in a Few Weeks Don't go on hawking yourself sick every morning; it's cruel, it's harmful and It's unnecessary. If after breathing Hyomei, the wonder-worker, you are not rid of vile ca tarrh you can have your money back. No stomach dosing just take tho little hard rubber pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit, and pour Into it a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe it according to directions. Ln two min utes it will relieve you of that stuffed up feeling. Use it dally and in a few weeks you should be entirely free from catarrh. Breathing Hyomei is a verv pleas ant and certain way to kill "catarrh germs. Get a Hyomei outfit today. It's sold by druggists everywhere witli guaran tee to quickly and safely end catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat anJ bronchitis or money back; It's inex pensive. Culley Drug Co., can supply you. MI-Q-NA ends indigestion It relieves stomach misery, bout atom acn, belcljinK and all stomach disease or money back. Large box of tablets 60 cents. Druggists in all town. 1 Supreme Court Rules Against Labor Unions JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. April 2. The supreme court of Missouri rule 1 against the right of a labor union to picket a place of business, In nn opin ion handed down hero. The Issue was by John E. Hughes, operating tho .Eastern Thoutor com pany In Kanwis City, after ho had i been refused a permanent Injunction against the Kunsns City Motion 1'ic I lure Operators' union by the circuit . court In Kansas City to prevent thu picketing of his establluhment. j Jn rendering the decision the 3U- premo court overruled the lower coud and directed that the plaintiff be granted a permanent injunction. The opinion was rendered by Judge j Guode, Judges Graves. Woodson and Williamson concurring. "The fundamental error consists in the assumption that all measui.s that may be resorted to arc lawiul, If they arc peaceable, that is, if they stop short of violence or coercion through It," the opinion states. "In our opinion, any violation of the plaintiff's legal right, contrived by the defendant for the purpose of in flicting damage or having that as a necessary effect, is as plainly Inhibit ed by the law as a breach of the peace." Judges Blair, Walker and Will5ama dissented. I HUNDRED VETERANS WILL VISIT SHILOH f i ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 2. More than 100 veterans of the battle of I Shiloh met here today to make the an- ; nual pilgrimage to the battlefield. The f tiip will be made by boat. ' i ORPHEUM J COMING APRIL 11 AND 12 j Two Nights Only Sunday nnd Monday Owing to the avalanche of mail orders which Is absolutely unprecedented j tickets will be ready four days In ad- ' vancc of the regular day. MAIL ORDERS NOW SEAT SALE OPENS MONDAY The N. Y. Winter Garden's Stupendous Revue 'THE PASSING SHOW" With Willie and Eugene Howard PRICES $1 to ?3 No Phone Orders No Seats Laid Aside I NOW PLAYING t JESSIE BLAIR STIR LING AND HER SEVEN GLASGOW MAIDS , FIVE OTHER NOVEL ACTS Three Shows Dally 2:A5, 7:30. 9:15 Matinee Prices 20c and 30c Nights 25c, 35c, -40c, 50c ! I ),l. jm rw i ! ii n rrrrr n ' r n iihiih n 1 1 ihi 1 1 n u. i u ij I! You May Need a j j Little SuIpSiur j To Help Eliminate and Regulate the Functions of the Body. i Sulphcrb Tablets a Boon To Woman kind Who Suffer. Not only a boon to womankind but id men, women, boys and girls, Sulp hcrb Tablets have proven to be the simple, mild but most effective, in tho overcoming of conditions primarily due to constipation and inactive kid neys. Women suffer periodically, and at such times suffer in silence," when if they could only know that the sul phur, cream of tartar and herb ox tracts in Sulpherb Tablets would surely bring relief, there would be millions made happy and free from headaches, backaches, languor,. const! pation, pimples, eruptions, etc., due to accumulated poisons jn the body. Mrs. E. Phelan, 1S9 Cambridge St., Boston, writes: ' In reading your good advice to others I have found relief. I was troubled with backaches, head aches and dizzy spells so I started to Itake your Sulpherb Tablets which I gave me great relief. May your good work go on, etc." I Sulpherb Tablets are very, very good and sold by all druggists," at 60c per ,tube. Advertisement. LIFT OFF CORNS! Freezone is maf-ic! Corn3 lift off with fingers without pain ' Hurt? No, not one bit! Just drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, instantly it stops aching, then you lift that bothersome corn right off. Yes, magic' Costs only a few cents. Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho toes, and calluses, with out one particle of pain, soreness or ir ritation. Freezone is the mysterious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius. Advertisement. 1 t PASSiHG SHOW BOOKED IT ORPHEUM THEATRE FOR APHIL11. 12 Felix Rissrr, general representative ' of the New York Winter Garden, was ' in Ogden yesterday to conclude final ' arrangements with Manager J. F. Goss of the Orpheum theater for the pre-' scntation or the "Passing Show" which comes here April 11 and 12. It was while speaking of the tremen dous outlay of money which the New' York Winter Garden made in stacinrri the "Passing Show" that he entered! into a discussion of theatrical produc tion. He contends that it is an art and not a business. j "Some people assert that theatrical production at the present time Is a business and not an art. These people are not business men or they wouldn't say that. They have never stopped to th'nk of the vast sums that are lost every year in theatrical ventures. Business men want greater, safety and certainty in their business. "It is hard to find the public pulse. No manager living can say before hand that this or that production will bo a financial success. Also, no man ager has ever succeeded in forecast- ORPHEUM SUNDAY and MONDAY April 4 and 5 HARVEY 0.0RR offers THfc ZQSomHiTS nT J I Mommy's V I ! mnimT CHORUS w With Kenneth Christy See "The Famous Vamp Chorus of Little Vampires" SPECIAL ORCHESTRA PRICES: 50c to $2.00. SEAT SALE NOW ON iar Liver Is lgged Up Thafs Why You're Tired On! of Sorls Have No Appelile CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER P1LLG will put you right In a few days, gK SSSST7 carter's! and give na- KSITTlLiE tureachance A T 5VER rect consb'pa- UnHHOHLJ tion, biliousness, indigestion and sick headache. Small Pin Small Dose Small Price DIL CARTER'S IRON PELLS, Nature's great nsrve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. GeBlne nnir benf ilomlcre ( BeaBtifytte Complexion c y2sii tN TEN days ' f Nadinola CREAM II? SLJ T1 UceqniW Beautifies gi rSJj) tJted and Endorsed 2SFf Thoatcnds Guaranteed to remove I Prv' ?n freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Ex- 1 . m treme cases 20 days. Rids pores and tissues of impurities. , Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At i leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, mail, two sizes, 60c. and $1.20. NATIONAL TOILET CO., Pari. Ten. Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug waaae pbb mmtn j .Many School Children are Sickly , J Mothers who yjuuo their own comfort and tho jwclfaro or their children, Bhonld uever be vrllh out fi box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powdera for Chlldron, for nso throughout the f cakoii. They Brunkup Colds. Hellevo Fevcrlshncs!, CoDstlpa llon, Teething Disorder, Headncheand ?tomacli Troublee. . Led by mothers for orer 30 reirs. THESE POWDERS GIVE SATISFACTION. (AH Drug Storei. Don't accept any tubttitute 1 ing the pxpensea he will be put to in I any given venture. Take transporta tion, for instance. Imagine what it will cost us transporting the "Passing Show" from Buffalo, N. Y., to Ogdcn. That Is exactly what we have done. "The Passing Show" carries 200 peo ple. It has five carloads of scenery and costumes and has an army of stage hsmds and mechanics. We don't know yet what the expense is going to be to bring it here. Jumps like that have to be made. Tho cost of production has doubled over pre-war times. It probably would have cost about $100, 000 to put "The Pawing Show" In the old days. Now it costs a fortune. Hun dreds of thousands of additional dol arc spent for scenery and cos tumes, and the costumes have to be the most dazzluig procurable, for an o er increasing proportion of the pub lic is taking its style from the stage. , Another answer to the argument that tho producing of stage ventures is a business and not an art is that press notices can mnke or break a show. This is not true of a business but only of art." m-mmm Mary Pickford Divorce j Not Found Irregular j rRESCOTT, Ariz., April 2 II. . MrCarrnu. former chief Justice of the Nevada feuprome court and counool for Mary IMckford In her recent di vorce notion, which was followed by her marriage to Douglas Fairbanks, stated here that h had carefully in vestigated the circumstances sur rounding the separation of Miss Pic:. ford nnd Owen MOorc. and had sav1 flcl himself there wns no collusion. The action, he said, was under the terms of the "short residence" pro vision of law. Miss Pickford Ihvd xt Mlnden. where the divorce was grant ed, hut three weeks, the lawyer suited.' Owen Moore, he added, came to .Miu den and was served with a summons and was represented at the trial, but was not pcrsonallv present. Mr. ile- Carran declared ho knew of no ar j rangement or settlement between Misj Pickford and Mr. Moore. 1U TOTAL f Building permits for thirty-one Tiov H buildings And three additions to struc- jH mres already utandlng wcro made, by ll the city .engineer during tho month of March, calling for a total cxpendr- $So,000. H The total estimates for 'tho year up H 16 March HI amount to ?2Ili,S25, com- pared with $271,550 for tho saxrn h- H of last. " IH It isn't fair to the heretofore rc spectnble solar system to fix upon II Nl the blame for the Bolshcviki, as some would do. . : .Copyright 191 S Hart Schaffncr & Marx J -. " ' " I I , if you want the best clothes you can buy, we think you'll come to ' " "4 i us. when we say "best you can buy," we mean best for you. we ,;, A'j I l jH mean that for every dollar you pay 3'ou'll get value that will last. ....-.. f j there's no way to make clothes that will last long, and look well as ; T IfB long as they last, except by using good all-wool fabrics, and by giving ' f'H such fabrics the best of tailoring. then you get something for your . . kIJI money; you get clothes that have quality and value; you get real " ccononry. your clothes cost less by the month than poor stuff at a. 1 lower price. we're here with that kind of clothes. Hart Schaffnev ' ' ; ul & Marx make them for us; all-wool fabrics, finest tailoring, smartest. fjjl style. r H ' 4 ' I ul SPRINGS I M 20 MINUTES FROM OGDEN I I DANCING IS FREE 'Kx ; I H i Music by Ren Ford's Orchestra WW Leave Ogden H ;l yVVX If You Don't Dance, Go Swimming yS 12:30 p. m. 'i ;H H special f y We're expect- 5:30 p.m. II H K' A Good Time W 8:30 p. m. B f Zil ffl ISfeLS Guaranteed Y j nl