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6 THE OGDEN STANDARD; OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920 Natural Not Synthetic JESgS Viclllt 506 bcltrr aad itroocr 7c!?9j7? H 10 oiher Flirori lvkTm 1 Double Slrcnjlh JLiii a H Voor money biclc Ifnrl utlificd L H Garrett & Co., Iuo. John Scowcroft & Sons Company J For Subscription and Advertising Department, Call Phone No. 5G. I, ; RANDOM ; I REFERENCES , Easter Shoos at right prices. Chris lenson'a "Cut Rate Shoe Store." Bet tor Shoes for Less Money. ,1090 ft'oiit Ually Program An Inlcrcsi program for the scout rally oi I Iroop 3 at the Fifth ward amuseiiint liall has been preparoil. and visitors from other troops. George XV. oort dard and William G. King, will speak. A square deal for everybody. Low-1 est prices; latest styles. Fashion Shop j Women's Wearing Apparel. Coats, jjults, dresses, waists and skirts. 2470 j Washington avenue. Hestmark Wins Case The case of. Arthur Woolley, administrator, against ; A. T. lleslmafk. seeking to set aside conveyance or properly as Jalse and I fraudulent, was decided in favor of the defendant in Judge A. W. Agec's court esterday. I i VJvj-i n . wallpaper and calamine j clf;.uvs. Lowe and Greenwell. Phone 33i. - ?S"1S Clean rags wanica at The Standard J 'pfflce. j Cupid Keeps Busy Corporol James j D. Cole, recruiting officer for the Og clrn marine corps office, was wedded, lc Miss Erma Blllie Lenlz yesterday bv Rev. L. It. Garvcr. The bride is a j daughter of J. M. Lentz or the city en- gmecr's office. A marriage license was , issued vesterday by the county clerk to Earl S. Paul of Ogden, and Myrtle L Wilcox. Lentz is an- Ogden man. while Miss Wilcox is from Lethbridge, Canada. Ladies of the Christian church Yill hold a bazaar and cooked food sne Saturday from 0 a. in. to 7 p m. atj Miller's Furniture store, 2o23 Wash-j Ington avenue. 16 Correct Dancing to Be Demonstrated An expert dancing demonstrator is to give an exhibition of how niodpra dances should be danced at the Tn- Stake Sundav school ball which , is to ue held in the Berthana on April 10. L'.mo and Sulphur. Ars. of Lead. BUck Leaf "10" for sale at Grouts Gram Store, 332 24th St. 3i0o I Relief Fund Growing Up to date S00 has been received into the funds of the Jewish Relief campaign whica Is being managed in this city by the Weber club with Samuel G. Dye as chairman of the committee. The money goes to aid the poverty stricken condition of the Jewish children of Poland. For Sale by Owner 6-room modern brick house on bench, price 55500 Phone 2-132-J. 409 Services of Easter Praise will be I given In the Presbyterian church Eas ter at 11, at -1 and at 7:30. Musical quartets, chorus and solo and duet numbers by well known local and state musicians will be given. KS Flowers telegraphed anywhere in the "United States or Canada. Dumke Floral. Phone 250. 333G Grelner's Chill Is the BesV 2619 Clean rags wanted at The Standard An abundance of Easter flowers and services of Easter song rendered by leading local and state musicians will mark the services in Presbyterian church Sunday at 11, at i and at 7:30. The El Monte commandery will .u tend the -1 o'clock service. 39 BUICK, cement and plaster Jobbing, chlmnevB, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. Old papers tor sale. Ogden Stand. Booklets for Service Men A bool: let of interest to U. S. army, navy and marine men is to be held at the local . recruiting offices which sheds light on insurance, compensation and allot ments. It i3 known as Bulletin 6. If supplies at the local office are ex haustcd applicants may procure It from the assistant secretary of war, national defense building, Washington, Coal M. L. .Tones Coal & Ice Co. Prompt delivery. 413 24th St. 2173 Bishop Names Superintendent Wil ford J. Taylor, fonner Sunday school superintendent, of the Harrisville ward, who recently moved to West Og den, has been succeeded by Alfonzo Taylor, according to announcement made last night by Bishop Levi J. Taylor. Sheep Movement Begins The mov ; Ing of sheep from winter to spring and I summer ranges has started in Nevada, six trainloads of sheep from Cobre and other loading points having been sihfp ped to Kosmos, over the old Southern Pacific mail line, north of the lake. White Company Awarded Judgment Hj Judgment to the amount of $1312. 73 was awarded the White Motor coin ipany by Judge A. W. Agee of the dis- APRIL 1 JOKE STUB WRATH OF FOREST SERVICE A letter from the forest service at Washington, D. C, bearing the glad tidings that the senato had at last realized that government departments and bureaus were losing valunble men becauso of inadequate salaries, was widely circulated at the local forest clfices yesterday. The letter stated that the senate had decided that a bonus Increase of $240 a year was not sufficient and had raised the "ante" to $600 a year. The letter was a signal for general jubilation at the local forest service offices until the final sentence was read which reminded the readers that ! yesterday was' April 1. I "Chief of Maintenance C. M. Gwin wrote the letter and according to word 'received today, his )ifo and health have been endangered since the let tor was circulated. i , trict court in the case of the ccompany against C. A. Knowlden. Joseph Bul ; lough and Vern Uullough. The action against the Bulloughs was dismissed j without prejudice. Real ice cream, $2.25 delivered. Greenwell Confectionery. 3030 Will Howell Fined Will Howell, of the firm of Reese Howell & Son, was found guilty of allowing an Overland truck to be run in the -service of his firm about the city without a license lag. Judge Roberts ordered defendant to pay a fine of $5. Marriage Licenses Marriage li censes were issued at the ofrice of the county clerk to the following: Earl Sailor and Mabel Rose, both of Boise, Idaho; Del M. Cahoon, Salt Lake, and Mary A. Olsen, of Murray, and to Lee A. McFarland, Ogden, and Anna Mad sen, American Fork. Sold .Tobacco to Minors Winfiehl Farnsworth, .proprietor of a grocery store at 2175 Monroe avenue, was fined $50 In the juvenile court yester day for having sold tobacco to minors. Evcrfrcsh Company Files Suit The Evorfresh Food company has filed suit .n the district court against ten insurance companies doing business in Ogden to recover a tolal of $29,750 al leged to be due upon policies held by the company upon the plr.nt of the company wliieh was destroved bv fire June 27. 1919. COSTLY GfflHG Much has been said on the subject of the psychology of dress on the screen and the part clothes play m the indication of character, but to myj mind. Clara Kimball Young, in "The! Forbidden Woman," enjoys the distinc tion of being the best dressed woman on the American stage or screen. I base this claim to supremacy upon magnificence of attire and materials, effective and unusual design, pictur esqueness and actual valuation for. whisper it low, girls, 1 happen to know that Miss Young's wardrobe for "The Forbidden Woman" alone, cost un wards of $21,000. The role of Diane Sorel, the channlng young French ac l tress, which Miss Young enacts, calls for nineteen different costumes, and the wardrobe which Miss Young has furnished for this picture includes a full length sable coat, nine evening! dresses, four afternoon frocks, two din-! ner gowns, enough lingerie to last the average woman a lifetime, with shoe? i stockings, gloves, jewelry, hats, fans! and such accessories galore. Thv come very high, girls, but It certalnVv is a wonderful show. Coming to the Utah Sundav. i " i uu- . i Sheep Shearing to ! Begin SoonaiMoab Shearing of sheep at Elanding. La! Sal. Moab, Thompson and Cisco, south-1 ern Utah, will start in the near future,) according to word from Forest Super-j visor De Moisey of that district- in- dlcatfons are that the clip will be I heavier than usual, heavy winter hav ing caused the sheep to grow thick,' heavy coats. i SBTEN M POST AS INSPECTOR FTJR 111 CfllERS In connection with the oponing of the newly appointed offices and labo ratory of the National Canners' asso ciation on the third floor or the Hud son building, George Shorten,, former city sanitary inspector, and at present city meat inspoctor, this morning re ceived confirmation of his appoint ment as assistant director or inspec tion under the National Canners' asso ciation for the state of Utah and will resign his present .position so as lo commence his new duties on April 15. A. S. Daggett, formerly chief Inspec tor of the federal food and drug de partment, western division, for several years, comes to Ogden to lako up the duties of chler director or inspection. I Mr. Daggett nominated Mr. Shorten iior the post of assistant director, i The laboratory of the association is lo be in tho hands of a first class Chemist and the entire procedure of : tho department sore will be to insure I high quality of Utah canned producrs. ! no 1 Deaths and Funerals ' BROWN Funeral services for Wil liam L. Broun will be held at 2 o'clock 'Sunday in the Methodist church. Rev. C. H. Garver officiating. Mr. Brown ; was a member of the Woodmen of the 'World, Musicians' union, Steamfltters' union and Women of Woodcraft. The 'wife and one daughter survive. I f RICHARDSON The lunernl of Mrs. i Elizabeth Cobabc Richardson, wife ol 'Charles D. Richardson, was held yes Jtcrday at 2 o'clock at the Third ward i meeting house. Bishop Myron B. I Richardson officiated. Speakers were 'John Ilarberlson and Bishop Richard-1 json. E. T. Saunders, Lucille Williams j and Miss Oneida Anderson sang at the; l services. There wee many in attond jnnce at the services. Interment Og j den city cemetery, i ; HARDY The funeral services for j , NephI Hardy, well known pioneer can- ner and farmer, were held yesterday at 1 2 o'clock In the Roy meoting house. J Bishop M. P. Brown presided at rh-jj (services. W. H. Manning and George Manning sang. The speakers were, ; Frank Belna.p, M. H. Thompson, John Hollands. Hyrum Sliupe and Bishop! (M. P. Brown. .Interment Roy ceme-' tery. Roy Jones dedicated the grave. i ! ' SORENS.ON The body of Nels Pe-; ; ter Sorenson was sent lo the home at ' Fountain Green. Utah, yesterday morn-l ling by Lindquist undertakers. Funeral : services and interment will take place there Sunday. MOLE Mrs. Rosina Mole, widow of I the late George Mole, a resident of Og- den for forty years, died March 31 at the homo of her son, Francis George I Mole, In Salt Lake. ! Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow at tho Larkin & I Sons chapel with tho Rev. John W. 'Hyslop officiating. Qurlal will lake I place at Mountain View. The body may be viewed this after noon and evening and tomorrow until '1-30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ; Amelia Schenck, 732 Twenty-fourth ' street. ' Mrs. Mole was born in Manchester, Eng., October 17, 18G4. She had been residing with her son for the last three years. Besides the son and daughter men tioned she leaves another daughter, Mrs. Pearl Tavlorpof Salt Lake, I j WRIGHT Funeral services for I Mrs. Margaret E Wright will be held tomorrow at 2 p, m. in the Fourth I ward meeting house. The body may I be viewed at the Lindquist chapel this evening and tomorrow until time of services. Mrs. Wright was born July 1 13, 1862. Her death occurred at Ful jlerton, Cal., March 29. i oo i Customs Inspectors in Battle With Smugglers I LAREDO, Tex , April 2. In a battle I yesterday between four customs' In spectors and seven alleged Mexican smugglers forty miles southeast of La j redo, three of the smugglers were shot land killed and the others escaped, pre sumably crossing the Rio Grande into Mexico. None of the Americans was i injured. DBWDROGRAPH ARRIVES EOR LOCAL FOREST SERVICE t A dendrogra'ph hasbeen acquired by the research laboratory of the local forestry service for tho purpose of measuring (he growth of trees. Tho apparatus, which is extremely delicate, resembles a life preserver made of blocks of cork. This is fastened around the bolo of the tree, provisions having been made for expansion as the tree grows. When spring starts the tree on which the apparatus Is afrixcd, to grow, a revolving drum, operated by clock work, keeps a daily record of the extent or the tree's growth. The machine has not been installed in Ogden as yet but a location has been chosen, it is reported, and a rec ord or the rate of growth of various species of Ogden trees, togcthor with a record or the growth of each specie under various conditions, will bo taken, it is stated. I f Society K J H. W. PERRY MARRIED The many friends in Ogdon, Salt Lake and Farmlngton of llarmo., W. Peery of Ogden and Miss Dean Chaf fin of Farmlngton were given a sur prise In tho announcement of their marriage, which was solemnized at 11 o'clock yesterday at the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth L. Tcery In tho Peery apartments. Biahop Owen r, Sanderson ofti ciated at tho marriage, which w.ui performed in tho presence of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Eliaabein ! L. Peery, and brother and sister, Mr. and .Mrs. Louis II. Peery. The marriage la tho culmination of a romance of a number of months, which began at a theatre party In Salt Lake, The announcement of the mai rlage today was treated by tho fricnas of the young couple as an "April foor Joke, until Mr. and Mrs. Peery as sured them to tho contrnry. Mr3. Peery is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Chaffin of Farmlngton. She has a wjde circle of friends nt Ogden and Salt Lake. Mr. Peery is I he youngest son of the late D. I I. nnci Mrs. Elizabeth L. Peery. lie is ho manager of the D. H. Peery estaio, the Peery Building company, the Peery Hotel company of Salt LaKo and the Ogden theatre. He Is a mem ber of the Weber and Ogden Golf and Country clubs, the Elks' lodge and tlie American Legion. During the period of the war he served In the navy and is In the naval reserves. Mr. and Mrs. Peery left last night for a trip through tho northwest ana j down the Pacific coast. They expect to visit Seattle. Portland, San Fran cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Upon their return to Ogden they will make their home for the summer at their cottage, in Ogden capyon at tno Peery camp. HOME CULTURE CLUB. The members of the Homo Culture club will meet at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Coolldge, 2499 Taylor avo 'nue this afternoon when Miss" Stewart will be hostess. Professor Qulvey of the University of Utah will give an ad dress on current American pootry. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Historical society will meet to morrow afternoon at tho home of Mrs. j James P. Dinneen, SOS Twenty-seventh I street. I CARD PARTY TOMORROW. The second of a series of card par tips to be given by the Service Star Legion of this city will be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening in the Wood men of the World hall. Everyone is I invited. . oo Coal Dealers Raise Prices in St. Louis j ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 2. Price in crease ranging Trom five to 15 cents a ton were announced by local retail their price their prices as a result of the 13 per cent wage Increase granted the miners, it was said. Operators have announced their prices would be in ,cresaed from $1 to 1.25 a ton. , j 1 MS EN LIVESTOCKS OFFICERSSUED BY P0RTL1D II The Live Stock State Bank of Port land. Oregon, field suits in the dist rict court today to recover on pro missory notes given for stock In the Hansen Livestock and Feeding com ;pany of Ogden. Three of tho organiz ers and ofricers of the company aro made defendants in the action. They are Lars Hansen for $25,000; Simon S.1 Jensen for ?25,000 and C. Wangagard 1 for $25,000. Other dorendats arc Peter I Johnson $5,000; and R. E. Worrell for $800. The notes of the defendants were: I given to the - Hansen company for I stock when the capital stock of the company was increased. The notes were payable at the Pingree National Bank In Ogden, but were turned over by tho Pingree Bank to the Portland bank. The actions filed today make a total of about tirteen cases that have been filed by the Portland bank against subscribers to stock in the company . ; no i B0IL1G TROUBLE HERE DECLARES HON MM "Everything is quiet in Ogden la bor circles," said Secretary Ormiston of the Ogden Trades and Labor as sembly at noon today. "I have not heard of any strikes on any construction jobs in the city, and I do not see any reason why there should be any. So far as I know lo cal contractors put into effect the new schedule of wages for workers in the building trades, and no complaints of unfair conduct have reached my of rice." 'During the early part of today con struction work was impeded at the Central junior high school. Sperry and Globe plants due to the heavy fali or snow. oo Wilson Names Chief Justice andAssayer; WASHINGTON. April 2. Victoriano : Mnnri nf thn Phillinnlno iolnnrlc ivie 1 nominated today by President Wilson; to be chief justice of the supreme, court of Philippine islands. Hugh T. Rippeto,.of Salt Lake City, was nominated to be assayer in charge) of the United States assay office at i that city. oo Lawyers Cease Work j on Saturday Afternoon1 i The Ogden Bar association, through j a committee composed of Arthur' Woolley, John Sneddon and Dan E I Sullivan, has announced that in the fu-I ture law offices will not be open for , business on Saturday afternoons,. The new ruling has been effective since March 20. according to Judge Sullivan. I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TWJGLYE phonofrraph boxes 50c each, must be sold today. 202 Hcaly Hotel. I 57. FEMALE HELP WANTED. I GOOD girl wanted for general housework; Rood wages; small family. Phone 1170-J. 2404 Madison. 56 i POSITION as chambermaid; colored i Phone 232. 55 I JANITRESS to clean office rooms four day3. Apply G21 Ecclca Buldpr 59 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IF YOU have $3000 or more to Invest It will pay vou to Investigate. Wc want tho money to cnlnrpe an already established i business In Ogden. A very attractive 1 Moposltlon to the right party. Address, Standard, Box 85. 60 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GROCERY storo with four rooms, mod-. cm residence, on bench. Phone- 915-W. 61 GENERAL, houscclcanlng. Phone 1016 J i GS I un Wrecks biris ID GARAGES MO UPROOTS TREES l In addition to wrecking barns, gar ages, tearing trees up from the earth and other damage, a high wind in the La Sal forest recently redecorated the La Sal range of mountains from a snowy white to a reddish brown, ac cording to Supervisor Charles De Mol I soy. Tho high winds carried red sand Trom the surrounding desert to tho mountains where the sands were de (posited on the surface of the snow on I' lie mountain peaks. For several days j the mountain presented an unusual ap i pearance until later snows again coat led them with a blanket of white. PASSOVER SERVICES I BEGIN T010HT AT SYNAGOGUE With Rabbi Lehrer officiating, Pnss- iH over services will bo held at 7 o'clock tonight nt 219 Twenty-fifth streeL ll This is the beginning of Passover IH Which continues for eight days. Sen'- ices will bo held Saturday and Sunday H at 9 a. m, and 7 p. m. H TEXANS BEAT AMERICANS B HOUSTON, Texas, April 2. R. H. E. WM Chicago Americans ...... 5 9 5 Houston Texas League .... G 8 2 11 Batteries: Williams and Lynn; Sparks and Trout. V 8 AGAIN TOD AY B Hammerstein ' I 'The Woman O A Photoplay With a v i Interest H SUNDAY JACK PICKFORD IN "LITTLE ; H j SHEPHERD FROM KINGDOM COME" j M l Tomorrow is the last day of our Sale of $8.00 to $15.00 I HATS at $3.95 to $7.00. 1 ' S There will be but a few of this 200 lot left Saturday I 1 Hj I night. I IS We have a number of extra salesladies but you can get 1 ( much better service if you visit our store during the mom- 1 j HB THEY ARE DREAMS Some visitors call our dress hats "dreams." Some de- 1 clare they are "screams." While others say our display is I the most elaborate ever exhibited in Ogden. I Pfl Every visitor readily realizes that our quality hats are j III priced much below other dealers. I I J Get your Easter hat Saturday morning at J ! i i ii i hi 1 1 i i ii i ii i i i i 1 1 i i M i mi mil i m iii if" 1 1 1 ii i 'i HTtaeBamnaa kH H1 ANNOUNCEMENT I I Have you ever seen the method the U. S. Government uses in washing old and irty paper money? " Mrs. Bondy, the factory representative of Crystal Washing Machine Co., will wash $500 in actual pa- :jjf Hp! This money will be washed in cylinder of Washer and then run through the electric Wringer, turning lfr"MBBBB3BBBt I Bral out nice, new, crisp paper money. ffiKWHH I j jEiI ij .Mrs bondy -y; See This Demonstration from 2 to 6 P. M. Saturday afternoon. I 1 ' H, Then Have a Crystal Demonstrated in Your Home. -s- - J IP &sSj I R9 I Of Crystal Washing Ma- ' g. T : ' chine Co.. who wm wash , ' plumb jog & Heating Co. i .... .11 I $500 in real paper money. r i- T1 , . . , , ,cnn 1 BH 2344 Washington Ave. 1 he machine that will wash the $9l)U g jWB