Newspaper Page Text
i . THE EVENING STANDARD, OGDEN, STAH. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 1912, W i!jaiiuary I J Clearance Sale II IN ALL DEPARTMENTS I I 1-2 Off on all High Grade Suits 1 I 1-2 Of f on Broken Lines of Dress Skirts I i I Flannellette Gowns, $1.75 values, $1:49 ,- I ; I 'The M. M. Wykes'Co- - 2335 Washington Ave. 1 Ii' RANDOM J, REFERENCES 1 I; '( (Continued From Pago Flve.) Ij . Ogden Poultry Show, which, will bo t the largest Poultry Show in the state, K will be hold Jan.. 22-23-24 at 332 24th - , The snow Is one of tho nature ob- Jects used -frequently to Illustrate spiritual truth, by biblical writers. A r w , nature sermon upon "The Reveallngs ' of the Snow" will ,be given Sunday ''. night in First Presbyterian church. , Just, give B & G- Butter a trial, and s , jou will be s&rry you haven't used it I "long ago. It's tie best. t j Basketball Game A basketball i T game between tho young men of tho ! First Presbyterian church and tho Ar- mory team was played Friday night J in the Annorr, resulting in a score I of 15 to 5 in favor of the former. 1 "f l Methodist Guarterly Conference 3 f The Second Quarterly conference of ;l the First Methodist church will meet i tonight at 8 o'clock at the pastor's i study In the parsonage. The Rev. H. f J. Talbott, D. D., Superintendent Utah ( 3IIssion, will preside. Ogden Poultry Show, which will bo I ' tho largest Poultry Show in the state, will bo held Jan. 22-23-24 at 332 24th j J D Isaacs, consulting engineer of the Harriman lines, with headquar j ters in Chicago, arrived in Ogden yes I terday aftornoon and will go west to- ' 4 day on No 9. 'f Inspect New Road T. W. Helnt- .'. gelman, superintendent of motive power on the Southern Pacific, ai- rhed in Ogden to meet J. M. Davis, 7 the general superintendent, and both j will leave tomorrow, accompanied by rl Superintendent T F Rowlands on an ') Inspection trip over the Motropblis ( trench. It Is expected that R. M. J T)rake, district engineer, will Join the ,t party tomorrow. I - WOODCRAFT, NOTICE. . . if n ' The members of Sego Lily Circl6 I j 174, Women of Woodcraft, are re- ; , quested to meet at T. O O. F. hall at -t ; 115 p. m. Sunday, January 14, to 5 I attend the funeral of Neighbor Bessie S, ' Lee. Bring badges. $ : KATE URRY, G. N. I KATE HEYMAN, Ctoric.-- it ' f 2 ATTENTION ROYAL NEIGH- IBORS OF AMERICA. All Neighbors are requested to meet at Eagles' hall Sunday at 1 p. m. to . - nttend tho funeral of "our late Ncigh j hor, Mrs. Bessie Lee. ,; I (Signed.) L. NEWTON, Recorder. : J oo I SUES FOR THE j! LOSS OF A I POSITION pS if Elizabeth Hilton has commenred ", suit In the district court against Nellie Fk . E. Taylor of Provo to recover $50 on I i a certain promissory note alleged to I have been uttered at Provo December 1 1 5, 1&10, and for ?45 damages for the f y loss of a position three weeks at $15 3 t per week. i9 I;! Mrs. Hilton stales that In Decem fij 4 bcr, 1910, she was employed by tho $ defendant to work In a milliner? store it! a at Provo at an agreed salary, but that 14 the defendant failed to pay tho full $f amount and that she also was do- prlved of hor position for a. period of f threo weeks nr jfii ALL THE SAME IN THE END. J Mrs Malade (weakly) I wish to ,5g explain again to you about willing j mj property. ml Family Lawyer Thore, there; don't I i worry yourself. Leave it to mo. 'ft Mrs. "Malade (resigned) I suppose l I might as well. You'll got it any mi wav. The Sketch. . Ml GLANCE BEFORE YOU SPEAK. A Bho People talk about tho weath- ffl j er because thev don't like to think & V He Not In "this climate. You've ifllS BOt to kceD 'our nnd on it here; 0j$.i H'b liable to change while yoit'rc m "speaking about It. Boston Tran- a5 ! BCrlpt- J 2IJ5 ; '. Society (Continued from Page Six.) QUARTERLY. MEETING At the quarterly meaning of tb0 Wom en's Christian " Tem'neranco Union held recently, splendid reports wore made by superintendents of th0 dif ferent departments - of which thore are sixteen. Mrs. J. S. Gordon reported, as superintendent of Scientific Temper ance Instruction, (hat she had visited nearly all the schools. Miss Kennedy, superintendent of Literature, reported having sent the Young Crusader to tho teachers of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades of tho public schools, and to both tho boys' and -girls' de partments of the Industrial school. Flower Mission Superintendent, Mlrs. May, reported many boquets sent to the sick. Many other good reports were "made But special mention should be made of the work done by the superintendent of jail and prison work. Mrs. T. M. Montgomery who has chargo both of the state and lo cal woik. Mrs. Montgomery has been In this work about two years Her visits to tho Jail are looked forward to with great pleasure by the in mates, as she always comes with good cheer and encouragement to any and all in time of trouble and is often encouraged In her own heart by receiving letters from her boys after their release, thanking her for her kindness to them and assuring her that though her influence they have been led and are determined to henceforth lead good lives. Mrs. Montgomery has valuable as-, sistants in Mr Henry Beuschell and wife, Mrs. ,E. Way, Mr Raymond Blakeman, Grace Mohl and others, Mr. Beuschell having charge of Its singing. Mrs Montgomery has also visited tho state prison and some of its Jails In other towns and is known "as 'Mother" by its inmates. The "women have planned for a great department work the coming year The next meeting will be held at the home of tho president, Mrs W. S. Flewelling, 321 Twentieth street ad will bo a ""Mothers' " meet ing, led by the department superin tendent, Mrs S. S Smith. Plans will be made at this time for the recep tion of the State President, Mrs. L. F. Shepherd, who is planning for several lectures in the near future. HOME INDUSTRY CLUB The Home Industry club met Wed nesday with Mrs. J. Evans for the first of the 1912 series of meetings. Plana were discussed for the ensuing year and much work by the club Is expected to be accomplished. A deftclous luncheon waB served by tho hostess in her genial manner and a pleasant manner social hour passed. The club adjourned to meet Tuesday, January 23, with Mrs. J F. Snedaker at hor homo, 3104 Adams avenue. RECITAL. Prof. Call will glvo a recital at the Tenth ward meeting house Sunday evening. oo JUST IN TIME. (From Tit-Bits.) There is no doubt that tho tying of a piece of string around the finger is a really good aid to a poor mem ory, but there is a well-authenticated case of a man who tied a piece of cotton around his linger in the "morn ing to remind him to get his hair cut. On the way home to dinner that ovenlng he noticed the piece of cot ton. "Oh, yes, I romernber," he said. And, smiling proudly, he entered the accustomed shop and sat down s before the tonsorial operator. "Er-yes, sir?" said the artist, puz zled Inquiry In his tones. ' "Eh? Oh, yes, cut my hair, please," commanded the absent minded one curtly. "Eh? Certainly, sir, If you wish it,' said the artlsL "tfut you won't mind my mentioning the fact that I cut it this morning, sir, will you?" r f THE EASTERN WAY. The Playwright Ah! Tho audience Is calling for the author Tho House Manager T hear 'em; but you can get out through tho alley and I'll hold 'em back while you beat i It. Exchange H5 : rj;, 12 H I : tflfPffl 3 cause no one can molest your prl- OGDEN STATEBANR if H. C. B1GELOW, president. A P. BlGELO Caahler I j J- M. BROWNING. Vice. Prea. J. E. HALVERSQN. Aest i v Tt J !W SECURITIES AND THEIR PRICES The weekly trade review of John C. Cutler, Jr., & Co. takes an optimistic view of tho business world outlook. It points out exceptionally good local conditions. A portion of it follows: Business generally is slow, which Is usual at this season of tho year. But trade conditions is indicated by the increased orders that are being placed with the large manufacturing industries of the country. Ixcal securities remain steady. Dur ing the week the Consolidated Wagon & Machine1 Co paid its quarterly div idend, and Walker Bros. Bankers paid C per cent regular and 3 per cent snoclal dividends. Several hundred shares of Utah Idaho Sugar Co. stock chonged hands at $8.57 -2 to SS.GO per share, and thore were a few small sales in other stocks. Stocks. Amalgamated Sugar Co., pfd..$125.50 Beneficial Life Ins. Co 200.00 Barnes Banking Co., Kaysvllle. 185.00 Bank of American Fork 150.00 Hank of Heber City 17.60 Bank ol Iron Co., Parowan..-.. 12.00 Bank of Southern Utah, Cedar. 17.50 Con. Wagon and Machine Co.: 104.00 Con. Live Ins. & In v. Co 94.00 Continental National bank 140.00 Deseret National bank 295.00 Deseret Savings bank SCO. 00 Davis County bank, Farming- ton 201 00 First National bank, Layton,. . 150.00 First National bank, Morgan.. 130.00 First National bank, Ogden ... 430.00 FJrst National bank, Murray.. 140.00 First National bank, Logan ... 125 00 First NationaKbank, Brlgham.-, 250 00 Home Fire Insurance Co 17 50 J M. Peterson bank, Richfield 200.00 Kamas State bank .. 115.00 Merchants' bank 107.00 National Bank of the Republic. 185 00 National Copper bank 130 00 Nephi Savings bank 120.00 Ogden Savings bank 400.00 PIngree National bank, Ogden. 246.00 Provo Co. &. Savings bank 250.00 Salt Lake Security &. Trust Co 148.00 State Bank of Utah 275.00 State bank of Brigham City... 200.00 State Bank of Garfield, Pan- guitch 165.00 State Bank of Millard County, Fillmore 150.00 State Bank of Richmond 120.00 Thatcher Bros. Banking Co., Logan 15S.00 Utah Commercial & Savings bank 56 00 Utah-Idaho Sugar Co., pfd 8.60 Utah National bank 175,00 Utah Savings & Trust Co 109.00 Utah Implement-Vehicle Co... 86 00 Walker Bros., Bankers 275.00 Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Co 350 00 Z. C. M. J. 297.50 Bonds. Con. Ry. & Power Co. (city)..? 99.00 Sumpter Valley railroad 96.00 Utah Light & Ry. Co. (citv)... 92.00 Utah Light & Power Co.." 80.00 Utah Light & Power Co 90,00 Utah County Light & Power Co 100.00 Tho Utah Sugar Co 101.25 uu IN SUNNY SOUTHERN UTAH The Delta Carey Act Land rush is NOW on The greatest Carey Act Land Pro ject of tho age. Have you used your right? If not, do not delay. The virgin fertile soils of the West are rapidly being taken up. YOU are entitled to YOUR share. Come in NOW, TODAY, and let mo explain to you how YOU can secure 40 to 1C0 acres of land and water, where tho golden alfalfa seed grows, almost as a glfL W. P. DAY, Agent. Bell phono 737. 2438 Wash. Avo. - no IDAHO ENDS YEAR OF HEAVY OUTPUT Washington, Jan 13. A general In crease was shown in the production from Idaho mines In 1911, according to C. N. Gerry of the United Statc3 geological qurvey. This was attrlb utab leto tho Increased production of all ores except those carrying cop per and sllecious ores, the production of which decreased In Shoshone and Owyhee counties The most notable increases were in zinc ores, silver lead ores and placer gold. A gain of nearly 13 per cent in tho gold out put places the production back at a normal figure after a strikingly low output In 1910 Gold and silver pro duction has gradually decreased In Owyhee count,y and Boise county took the lead In 1911 in gold produc tion with Elmore county probablv third. Seven dredges were active In Boise, Clearwater and Lemhi counties and good results were obtained Gold out put from copper ore decreased In Sho shone county owing to tho small pro duction from the Snow Storm mine, but this was offset by the gold pro duction from copper ore in Custer county Gold production from lead ores Increased matorlally In 1911, along with increased tonnage and lead ores mined, both In Shoshone and Lemhi counties Lead-Silver Ores. Owing to the Increased production of lead-silver ores from tho Coeur d'Alono and Gllmore mines, tho sil ver output was considerably increas ed, although silver production from sl lecious and copper oros showed a falling off The increase in silver pro duction was duo in part to the im provement of the ore in the Hunter district and the development of new producers at Wardner and near Mur ray. The Seven Devils district mar keted a greater quantity of copper ore, but the lead ore output of Blaine county showed a decroase. In Boise county the Whitman, Gold en Age and Gold Hill &. Iowa deep mlnos waw nrnrinnlncr and the Molincv Boston & Idahb and White Quartz properties were the largest producers of placer gold. Custer county gold and silver pro duction came mainly from the lost Packer and Empire copper ore. The gold and silver output from Elmoro county showed a great increase A custom mill was erected at Elk City and bullion was produced from the South Fork, Idaho, Champion, Mos cow and Eagle mines. Value of Output. Lemhi county nearlv tripled tbo out put of lead ores which contain pold and' silver In notable quantity. The KItiy Burton was the largest produc er of gold. The DeLamar was tho v only largo producer of Owyhee coun ts'. Tho Couer d'Alene district was ' unusually free from interruption of ' production. The old producers In creased their shipments and several new ' producers were added. According to preliminary figures compiled by the director of tho mint, Idaho produced In 1911 gold valued at ?1,1G9,2C1, and 7,507,802 fine ounces of silver, valued at 51.129,292, against $1,035,900 in gold, and 7,027000 ounces of silver, valued nt.$3t794,CQ0 in 1910. First Presbyterian John Edward Carver, pastor. Morning worship at 11. Theme "Tho Revealing Bcncdlc 1'on of th Christ." Sunday school at 12:15. Endeavor at Gf30. Evening seimon at 7 30 A nature sermon, "The Reveallngs of the Snow." Mid week meeting Wednesday at 7 15. Kj Greenwell will sing in the morning. Miss Bartlett will sing in the evon ing Miss Pierce, pianist. First Methodist Epjscopal Church The Rev. Frederick Vinlng Fisher, pastor. 11 a. ra the Rev. Dr. H. J. Talbott of Salt Lake City, Superin tendent Utah Mission, Methodist chuich, will be present dnd preach. Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. All members and frionds of th Church urged to be present 7 30 p m. Gospel service in the Lecture room of the church Gos pel song service and sormon by the pastor- Sunday school and Epworth League at th0 usual hours. First Church of Christ, Scientist Holds services in the Masonic Tem ple building, on Washington avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty "Ixth streets. Subject, "Sacrament ' Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. German Evangelical St. Pau'6 At Swedish Lutheran church on Twenty third street and Jefferson avenue. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Everyone cordially welcomed Tho 011I3- Sunday in this month that serv ice will be "held, as tho pastor will be In Idaho on the 28th of January. Sab bath school at 9 o'clock every Sun day, P. Ph. Tester, pastor. Church of the Good Shepherd (Epis copal) Northeast corner Twenty fourth street and Grant avenue, Wil liam W. Fleetwood, rector. Sunday school 945 a m Morning prayer and sermon 11 a m The house of the evonlng service has been changed to 4.30 p. m. until further notice. Change In Vesper Hour A change has 'been made in the hour of the ovenlng service at the Church of the Good Shepherd Beginning January 14, there will bo a vesper sorvico ev ery Sundav at 4 '30 p. m in place of" the 7 30 p. ra sendee The choir, under tho direction of Mrs A. R. White, is preparing some special mu sic for these services. First Baptist Church On Grant av enue Rev PI. D. Zimmerman, pastor. Bible school at 10' o'clock; morning worship at 11.15. Subject "The Cri sis of the Temptation," part lv 6:30, Young People's meeting; topic. "How to Win Young People to Christ." leader, A J Greaves. 7 30 p m , evening service; subject, "The Tyr anny of Habit" 7-30 Thursday mid week sorvico. Topic, "Tho Kingdom on Earth; What It Ts." Reorganized Church Corner of Washington avenue and Fifteenth street, Sundav school at 10 a. m Morning service at 11 o'clock. No evening service. First Congregational Church Ad dams avenue and Twenty fifth street. Trank G Brainerd, pastor. Morning sorvico, 11 o'clock. Sunday school 12-30. Y. P H E,,-G:30, and evening sermon at 7.30. Midweek meeting Thursday evening 7.30. MEN FROM ELY JOIN B. P. O. E. 1 Salt Lake, Jan. 13. Exalted Rulor Dr. S. Ewlng of Salt Lake lodgo No. S5, B. P. O E., received a telegram lato yesterday aftornoon that brought Joy to the hearts of local Elks and Is bound to have a stimulating offecL Tho telegram was from John P Sull ivan of Now Orleans, grand exalted ruler of the order of Elks, and it conveyed the Information that he had granted a special dispensation to Salt Lake lodge to Initiate as members thirty-eight prominent business men of Ely, Nov. Sovoral weeks ago a large party of Ely citizens made application to Salt Lake lodge for membership, but ow ing to the fact that the grand lodgo laws provide than an applicant must join the nearest lodge to his place of residence there was for a time doubt as to what could bo done in the prem ises. An Investigation disclosed the fart that Tonopah lodgo was nearer on an air lino by forty Tniles, but bv rail road, and that's the way the Elks travel, unless they have an automo bile or an aeroplane, Salt I ako Is nearer by about 376 miles. This, cou pled by tho further fact that a J)lg majority of the appllcanto are former Salt Lakers, caused officers of the lodgo to take the matter up with Grand Exalted Ruler Sullivan, and request a special dispensation This has now boon granted and thirty eight applicants already elected to membership will be initiated this month. The prospective Elks will come from Ely on a special train tho lat ter part of this month, a special rate already having been granted by tho railroads Tho delegation will he 100 strong, aa many are anxious to ac company the applicants and spend a fow days In Utah's metropolis. Offi cers of the local lodge have already bocun nronarnllons for tho entertain ment of tho visitors. The dispensation mean,; a big thing for Salt Lake lodpo in more ways thnn one Most of tho visitors have hoard about 'thfl seventh annual pxcurulon to ho run bv tho gnlt Lake Flks to Loo Angeles, leaving here on the nleht of February 3 and nearlv all of thorn have announced their in tention of nrrapglnr: their affairs ?o thoy ran tpko "dvantaco of the rates offered bv tho Salt Lako Route. 4- -r y r " -M- -t- . '. 4- RESIGNATION OF . BACON ACCEPTED -F 4- Washington. Jan. 13. Pros- Ident Taft todny accepted tho 4- 4- resignation of Robort Bacon as - 4- ambassador to Frnnre to take - 4- effect on the aopolntment and 4- qualification of a successor. 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4-,4-4;4-"- 4: 4-. Read tho Classified Ads, . I W "-' 'i'av:?! THE ' I i; 1 PARENfsTNOT CHILDREN, T(VBLAME The students and faculty of tho We ber academy were addre'ssed by Dr. Oowans of the State Industrial school last Wednesday morning on the sub ject of "Preparation for Parenthood." Tho theme Is one of most vital Impor tance to the generations of today and too much stress cannot be laid upon this facL Dr. Gowans says that the first essential in the preparation for parenthood Is cleanness. This term does not only moan soap and water cleanliness, which Is absolutely nec essary, but includes freodom from any and every contagious and incurable disease. It means that persons about to enter marital relations should be free from tho effects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. If tbej are affected with any disease or poison, they are en tirely unfit for marriage So great u part does heredity play with the hu man race that it is absolutely neces sary for parents to be clean, If they desire their children to be. It is a known fact that, In almost every case, children forced to go to tho Indus trial school, the insane asylum and other Institutions of the kln'J ail sent there as a result of the unclean ness of their fathers and mothers. Dr Gowans bolievcs that in the near future the proper attention will( bo devoted to this very important subject and that the schools will be judged as to quality by the greatest number of truo men and women that leave them. During tho past week Weber acad emy was honored by the presence of two distinguished visitors, Prof. Bar rows of the Box Elder High school and Geo. II. Hall of Ogden. They remained the greater part of the day visiting many of the classes and all tho different departments of the school nn ONE MAN KILLED IN A COLLISION Tacoma, Wash,, Jan 13. One man was killed and two seriously hurt on the British steamer Strathalbyn which collided last night in Puget Sound with the American-Hawaiian liner Virginia. Jack Drcyel, seaman of Shetland Islands, Scotland, was kill ed and his body lost when the bow of tho Stralhyalbyn was torn away Six men were playing cards in tho forecastle and had narrow escapes. Four firemen sleeping in their bunks aboe were thrown from the buns, two being seriously Injured. Tho whole forecastle and one bunk of tho firemen's cabin were torn away leaving a great hole 30 feet long In tho bow. Hold No 1 filled with wa ter and the Strathalbyn with a list of 75 degrees to starboard, limped Into Tacoma early today. The Virginian with several holes in her bow and side above tho water lino also was docked here. Captain Beecher, who v.'as pilot aboard the Strathalbyn., said: "If the collision between tho Vir ginian and Strathalbyn had not oc curred there would havo boon a col lision between the Strathalbyn and the steamer FJyer, which was nearby and aboard which there were a largo number of passengers FRANK NEKR IN CONFERENCE Now York, Jan. 13. Tho national Democratic leaders, who havo been in conference here for the last two days, are agreed that the presiden tial nomination, In all probnbillu, will go to a "dark horse," accoidlng to one of their number, who is anon ymously quoted by the Now York Herald today. , ,L Among the Democratic committee men who have been conferring with National Chairman Norman E Mack are Nathan A Cole, Jr., of California, Frank 'Nehokor of Utah and W. H. Dunphy of Utah. ' -oo HIS INNING. The WaitreBB at the Llttlehat Inn smoothed her apron and turned, gig gling, 'to her assistant. , There s a regular old cpuntrvman just come in," slje whispered. "IIo's ordered a chowder first! the waV they a wav8 do. When It comes to 'lesort I m going to have somi&fun You ls;on Tho old counfVviunnl'.wa6 taking h Is last spoonful of chowder from his tilted plate when he became aware mnMnrn iiaaacni n,-iumuJ itaa that the waitress was hovering near him. He looked up, and she spoke in a clear, carrying tone. "We've got four kinds of pie," she said. "Which will you have?" The shrewd old eyes twinkled up into the pretty, Impertinent face. "I'll have a "piece o' the last," said tho old countryman, gravely. : 00 WERE LOOKING FOR LITTLE FARM SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Abner Hammond, 90 years old, and his wife, who is 80, arrived In San Francisco early today from Lyons, Wayne county, M. Y "seeking new oppor tunities," The Ferry station was stormed with the rush of the early commuters just as the aged adventurers got off the boat and .they were caught in the crowds. "I didn't think there"d be so many people out here," said Mr, Hammond, querulously. Ho carried his earthly belongings in a battered telescopic suitcase and "mother" clung to his hand. From an old wallet, bound with a string of interminable length, tho aged argonaut drew a real estate fold er, showing a rose-bowcred bunga low and a generous invitation to "come to sunny California " "We weren't getting on vory well'," he said, "and we thought we would come out hero and get into some-, thing. We had $150 In the bank, but It took It all to get out here. I know a man named J L. Harris In Lob An geles, nnd I guess he can give us some advice, if we can get down thore I'd like to have a little farm." "I used to make tho best butter of anybody in our township," added "mother" as she deftly adjusted Mr. Hammond's black string tic. The travelers were taken to tho Young Woman's Christian association home, where they will be assisted in their journey to Los Angeles. 00 THREW COINS TO THEJNEWSBOYS WILKESBARRE, Pa, Jan. 12. Throwing twenty-live dollars in coin to the newsboys as he left, John J McDevltt, a local politician and son of a day laborer, left hero today in his own special train over the Lo high Valley railroad for Now York to enjoy the experience of "being a mil lionaire for one day." A large crowd was at the' station. Prior to his departure ho held a re ception at a hotel. McDovitt got his spending money by withdrawing as a candidate for county treasurer. He put himself up as candidate in the prlmnries and so many porsons voted for him "Just as a joke" that he was nominated. Tbo county committee became alarmed and tried to get him (0 Withdraw. Tho negotiations for withdrawal, wero con ducted through tho public press, Mc Devltt naming a higher price each dav. At laBt the committee paid him something liko $2,500 to get off tho ticket. oo-1 FIRE DESTROYS LARGE TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT GLASGOW, Mont, Jan. 12 Firo In , tho exchange of the Moore telpphone building destroyed tho equipment and ; put tho line out of business. Manager Moore was overcome whllo fighting the fire and was carried out uncon scious, but was revived. AN "APPRECIATION." A voung ladv who had returned from 'a tour through Italy with her father informed a friend that ho lik ed all the Italian cities, but most of all he loved Venice. "Ah, Venice, to be sure! said the friend "I can readily understand that- vour father would like Venice, with "its gondolas, and SL Mark d, and Micholangclos . "Oh, no." tho young lady Interrupt ed "it wasn't that. Ho liked It be cause he could sit in tho -hotel and fish ' from the window." Catholic News. THE DEFIENCY. Tf all the unwritten happenings of tho civil war should be put Into print the result would be an exceed ingly human 'and humorous story. Said a colonel at kit inspection to Private Flanigan; "Yes. shirts, socks, all very good. Now can you' assure ipe that aU tno articles of your kit havo buttons on tbem?" , ' t-ii..; "I cannot, sir," said Prlvatp Flani gan. reluctantly. w "Jlow'sv that.sirr A-iK'. dtl-. ' avln'to Wulonson the" socks, air. ftn . ' Read tho Classified Ads. N . , 'i ii ': I Washington, Jan. 13. Today in ' congress: " " , l , ? Senate. ' . I 'l 4' Not in session. ' 1 I I '5 Meets 2 p m. Monday. J j Lorimer hearing adjourned until 1 2j Monday. ( f ' 9ti House.' Jf Met at noon. ! f s. District of Columbia appropriation 1 ' l '' bill debated. , ! I 1 Sugar trust investigation commit- L 1 tee heard W. R. Wllett of New York ! J regarding technical details of sugar j -M industry. 1 r J Steel trust inquiry adjourned .until Monday. , 1 jk FATHER FACES . LIFE SENTENCE jl - H 4- SANTA BARBARA, Cal., 4- M 4- Jan. 12. John Rech, an Ital- 4- M 4- ian rancher, charged with tho 4- H 4- murdor of, his now born babe, 4- jH 4- was found guilty of murder in 4- H 4- the first degree today, with a 4- tM 4- recommendation of life im- 4- H 4- prlsonment. Tho jury was out 4- H 4- 25 minutes. Rech will be sen- 4- H 4- tenced Tuesday. Rech said his 4- H 4- deed was impelled by tho high 4- H 4- cost of living. Ho said that if 4- M 4- he attempted to bring the child 4- M 4- tip ho would have to stop send- 4- H 4- ing money to his parents In 4- tU 4- Italy and they would starve, 4- H 4- his earning power not being 4- H 4- adequate for both demands. 4- H H 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- H Rech was composed for a moment H after -tho jury had returned its ver- jH diet, and then, tho Import of their M finding seemed suddenly to dawn up- M on him. and he sprang to his feet H and began to gwing his arms and cry M put. He was subdued and placed In M a cg1'- u. ., m As the sheriff was leaving with him hu asked: . H " Say, if they givo me a now trial. H will they hang me?" M Former Judge W. S. Day, who-act- H ed as counsel for Rech, said ho had MW not determined whether he would ask ( M for a new trial. , H Mrs. Rech, wife of tho convicted M 'man, is under indictment for mur- M der, it being alloged that she gave H hor consent to tho killing of; her in- H fant Tho time for her trial has not H been fixed. H . 00 H Me P. FLOUR I has not declined in price, but, hav- H ing bought liberally before the H advance, ue make low prices on JM 'rill brands we carry. Other good H I things to cat at equally low H prices. VW Fancy Iowa Corn, 3 cans for...? .25 M Best "Utah canned Tomatoes, 3 mm Fanpy'litah 'Choose pound.... .17Jfe H H P. Flour (witli order) sack., l.-tw H All 10c packages cookies and m crackers, 3 for ....- - H 5-pound pail pure lard. -tu H Fresh Quaker Oats, package, 25c H G ?bsl Beet Sugar '(with 'order) . . 10 H 10 lbs. white onions " fmm Fancy Psnips 10 lbs ........ H Fresh Corn Meal, sack (with H order) ; nR H Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb. . . . ," mm Best Japan Rice, pound...-...- - H U S. Inspected Salt Bacon, lb.. .1 H Best Utah Apricots. 2 cans for.. .-0 H Largb cans Milk (with order) H Fresh Roasted Coffee, 'lb. (with M order) ' "'"' 15 H 10 lbs. Solid Cabbage ; Jmm Fine Ben Davis Apples, bushel ..5 H Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz. H (with order) jH Prices for one week and cash W H every article guaranteed to please, so H you yrun no risk in ordering a liberal H supply. iH Smifti Orocery.. , 26th and Wash. Tel. 91 H