Newspaper Page Text
M 2 " THE TVENING STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, JVXONDAY, , JANUARY 15, 1012. . , fe- HI , STANDARD TELEPHONES j . H CALL UP H STANDARD' EXCHANGE. H , Bell 66. to Communlcato with any H dcpartmonL ' ' RANDOM I J REFERENCES M Mrs. A. J Avoy loft last evening MM over tho Union Pacific for Hamilton, j Ontario. Canada, to attend tho fu- Hl noral of her only Bister, Mrs. G. A. H Hl William Perry of Pocatello was a Hj visitor lu tho city yesterday. 1 John J. McCIoskoy, tho Ogdcn base- H hall manager, was in Salt Lake yos- B terday, whore, together with Frcsl- H dent LucaE, ho was tho guest of Mr. H and Mrs Dick Cooloy. The Cooloys m depart soon for tho coast to finish H their vandcvlllo tour. Hl Ward Captures Would-Bo Murderer Hl Shorlff John Ward of Evanston, H Wyo., paBSOd through tho city yestor- H day in charge of George Crosby, u H , man who Is wanted In Evanston for a H murderous assault upon a rancher B i there last September. Crosby flrort H four shots at tho rancher, throo bul- 1 lots taking effect, but he failed to kill H ! his man. Crosby was captured near H Portland. B ; J. C. Davidson of Butte was a busl- H ncsB visitor tn this city yesterday. INew Subway at the Dopot Dopot , Mnstor John Shields states that the now subway at tho Union depot will H i' bo ready for service in ahout three H weeks. Tho sovoro weather has in- B terfered with tho work, but all that Ht, now remains to complete tho "tunnel" Hj is tho Installation of tho electrical H wiring and lights. Tho underground H " passage and the umbrella sheds will H afford passengers safety and protoc- H tion from rain and snow while board- H ing trains. H Advortisers must have their copy H for tho Evening Standard tho evening H v before tho day on which tho advor- B- tlscmont Is to appear, in order to ln- H 1 1 euro publication H ' (Continued on Pago Seven.) H oo SALT Lit HAS "BLUE SUNDAY" Hjf "Blue Sunday," tho result of orders H of tho now commissioners and Chief H of Police Grant, of Salt Lake yes- Hj , tcrday proed a success from tho Hl point of view of those behind the Hl orders According to all reports the h orders were genorally observed. Gro- H ' eery stores and meat markets, ac- H J customed to open for a short tlmo H I on Sunday morning, were closed The H order was particularly hard on the H ' smokers, who overlooked laying in a H supply of tobacco Saturday night Hl . Cigar stores were closed and there H was no business dono by the stands H in hotels. Drugstores operated soda H fountains and sold everything in H stock with tho exception of liquor H and tobacco. Shoer6hlnlng cstnbllsh- H wonts were closed, as well as flower Hl ! stores, fruit stores and barber shops Hi Candy and chewing gum sold as Hj i Threo arrests wore made by tlie H i pqlicc. One was a cigar dealer whose B ' arrest is to he made a test case. The 1 ' others wore two cigarette salesmen, Ht , representing a San Francisco dealer ' H They wore giving away sample pack- H ages of their goods. At midnight lact night rea Liu rants Hj and others opened their tobacco cases H and wero prepared to supply tobac- H CO H The order under which the officors H are proceeding provides that book H stores may remain oien for tho sale 1 of papers and magazines, but must H not sell books. This fino distinction H was emnhasized when two men cn- H tcred a book store and. one called for H , a prominent sporting paper. He was H supplied. The other asked for a B Biblo and was Informed that it could H not be supplied, but was urged to ro- H turn today to mako his purchase. H I How long such an ordor will bo cn- H forced Is a matter of conjecture i oo FORMER TEACHEf! WEOSTOIOMOW H ' The marriage of Miss Nancy Short. M a teacher at the State School" fpr tho H j Deaf and Blind up to a short tlmo B ago, and D. M. Cooper of Moab, will take place in Los Angeles tomorrow. B Mlos Short is a sister of Mrs. Frank M ' M. Driggs. H The young woman has been a h teacher at tho school for tho past two Hj ' years. Mr. Cooper is a prominent Hj resident of Moab. They will return H to Ogdcn during the latter part of H the week and after a few days' visit H i here will go to Moab, where they will H I mako their home. H Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Hi I Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Stops the pain Hl and heals tho wound. All druggists j sell Hl -oo !r 1 I i gfe 1 i SUNDAY SERMON OF RFI GARfER Lawrence Grcenwell sang at the morning service and Miss Bartlott at the evening service yesterday in the First Presbyterlnn chmch. blisses Beatrlco Hamll and Louise Plcrco fur nished tho Instrumental numbers. ltov. Carver, In tho evening, Break ing upon tho "Roveallngs of the Snow," said in part: For my thoughts, aro not your thoughts," neither nro my ways your ways, saith tho Lord. For as tho heavens are hlsber thnn the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as tho rain coinoth down and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth and maketh It to bring forth and bud, that It may give seed to tho sowor and broad to tho eater; so shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto mo void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and It shall prosper in tho thing whereto I sont It " Thus reads a portion of Isniah, chapter 55. Common objocts of nature are often most wonderful when we study them well. None more so than tho snow. It is about the whitest object in all tho earth. Its absolute whiteness comes from tho most perfect com bination of prismatic colors known Every crystal of snow is a prism and every prism gives forth all tho colors of tho rainbow, but In tho snowflakos these colors are so perfectly blended that only an unblemished whiteness appears. Tho flake has a great num ber of pores which are filled with air Minute parts are also very" compact. Such a substance does not permit the rays of tho sun to pass through nor does it absorb them II reflects them with considerable force, all of them, and that is why snow seems so white to us. We sec how rapidly this white ness becomes blackened and unsight ly; whlto from the creation of God Disfigured and soiled by the trends and In tho ways of tho earth. So is the soul of mankind, and so wo need that cleansing and healing the Christ nlono gives. The snow is a most wonderful and perfect object of nature when we study tho form in which it comes. The flakes hero vary from one inch to sevon-hundredths of an Inch In diameter. The colder tho tempera ture tho finer tho flakes. In Lapland the snow is as fine as dust Buildcd In stellar shapes, each star having six points or in hexagonal plates with such regularity that It has been said that not 'one non-hexagonal flako has ever been found, and each composed of regular prisms which exhibit tho greatest variety of beautiful forms. This porfectness is well adapted to symbolize all of God's works, and abovo all his truth. The snow speaks of power so great that tho mind of man simply qannot comprehend it. Napoleon learned one phase of It when, in an awful Rus sian winter, he met an army of snow Jlakos that no power of man could conquer, and the great brigades wore conquered completely by tho white snow. A' physicist has computed and declared that to produce from water vapor an amount of snow that a child cpuld carry would demand enough en ergy to gather up the largest rock and ico avalanche of tho Alps and hurl them twice the height lrom which they fell. Think, then, of the power of one Canadian or Russian snow storm. It is the lesson that God tries to teach in al his work, that what is worth doing at all Is worth doing well, oven though it costs much of time and energy. When the world was to be redeemed his own son was not too precious to give for tho teaching and saving of men, Brunnor tells us that tho heat of fusion of ice crystals ls probably larger than that of any other solid, the accepted valuo is 80.Q25 calories at .0 contlgrade Snow has a wonderful saving pow er from tho enemy of life In winter, tho cold. Its color is unfavorable to the radiation of heat. It acta upon tho plant life Just as the clothes and bed covors do upon the human body. Tho warmth of the soil Is not only re tained, but the sun's rays t to somo extent penetrates the space3 between the flakes and thus the earth Is pro tected. In Vermont a test was made for four successive days the tem perature of tho air was 13 degrees below zero, while beneath a layer of four inches of snow it was 10 degrees above zero. Thus the life and vigor of plant life is protected Molets In the spring' have been found In full bloom beneath a two-foot snow bank. Tho snowflakcs fall silently and un noticed, and yet they have a great Influence, for tho harvest depends largely upon them So the seemingly trivial and unimportant events of Ufo soon tend to form character and des tiny. All the power and worth of life, all the eternal values of the soul, aro shapenod In tho so-called ordinary routine of Ufo. Soon lifo ends and then the Judgment and an eternal destiny. No one intends to be lost or to waste a life, but habit is formou quietly and unnoticed nnd we aro bound bv It. Only tho strong grace or Jesus1 Christ can avail to overcome it. The snow is seemingly wasted, but our text tells us, and we know when wo think, tbat It is not. It does Its intended work1. So does tho word of God. You may refuse it a pluco In your life, but you cannot thwart Ils work The world is bolng won to God, You can bo won and strength ened and, blessed by God, or you can ignore and curBe him. But you at last must meet him and give an ac count of your time and talents. Now is the time that is your own tomor row is not yours. Take down your Bible and read anew he teaching of tho ChrlBt and commence tho year in his service. oo " 'get-rich'quick' wallingford" The second performance of "Get-RIcb-QuIck. Wnjlingfprd" at the Og dcn theater last evening was wit nessed by a largo audience and tho fact that both performances given in this city woro well patronized Indi cates the great popularity of prob ably the most successful of all tho Cohan and Harris comedies. Pgdcn theatergoers would welcome an early return of this laugh-producing pla The production goes to Salt Lake on a special train over tho Rio Grando thlB morning to open a four days' ongagoment at tho Colonial thero this ovonlng. MAI SOCiALlST TALKS OJHRDSIS Mrs. May Wood Simons, of Chi cago, wife of the editor of tho Com ing Nation and one of the most schol arly speakers in tho American So cialist movement, dollvcrod an ad dress yestoiday afternoon In tho Methodist church on tho much dis cussed topic of "Trust Busting." While Mrs, Simons dealt with her theme In an orthodox Marxian man ner, claiming that tho trusts arc the natural outgrowth of economic laws and that It Is therefore a natural im possibility for human governments to dissolve them, her talk was out of tho ordinary mt common to Socialist speakers. Her quotations woro not from the text books of Soolallsm but from the writings of tho leading poli tical oconomlots of todaj. From tho statements of such men and from statistics gatherod outaldo tho pale of Socialism she endeavored to prove tho inevitability of Socialism. Concerning the "truBt-bustlng" campaign now being waged, Mrs. Simons had most to say She declared that tho Socialist party was not In favor of this campaign. Tho trusts, she said, woro labor-saving machines, and attempts to break them up as foolishly futile as the threats made by Englishmen to destroy the first printing machinery Introduced into England The trusts havo pcrfoct organizations; thoy aro an excellent means to an end, said Mrs. Simons, but they are not conducted in tho interests of tho people Govornmont ownership of all Industries wns ad vocated and by govornment owner ship, Mrs Simons said she meant, ownership by tho people, who control fhrt cnvrtrnmfl nf Education is rapidly clearing the waj for the onward march of social ism, the spoakor said. She proved this by stating that all advanced uni versities havo courses on socialism, and all libraries have shelves full of books on tho subject of this political sclonco "Neither tho Republican nor Domocratlc parties, she said, can claim this distinction. Conditions among tho working pooplo wore also portrayed vividly by Mrs. Simons, and the remedies which the Socialist par ty offers wero strongly presented. Mrs Simons said that the party which sho represented was the party of the masses, the party of tho worklngman, and that Its chiof concern was for the interests of those vrho toll. Few women speakers havo ad dressed an Ogden audlonco who havo made as marked an Impression upon their hearers as did Mrs Simons Sho Is a remarkable speaker, excell ing most men in the clarity of hor argument. In tho distinctness of' her enunciation and tho talent for pre senting vivid word pictures to her audience It was intended to hold the meet ing in tho basement of tho church but because of the large number of persons attending It wns found nec essary to use tho main auditorium of tho building The lecturo was the third to bo given in a series of fivo ledturos, constituting a Social ist Lyceum course. While It was expected that George H. Goebol, a Socialist speaker of Now York City, would be In this city to deliver tho fourth lecture next Sunday after noon, It has been learned that ho will not be able to fulfill tho engagement. In his place the committee In charge of the lecturo course has engaged tho Row Ward Wlntor Reese, rector of St. Liiiko's Episcopal church of Salt Lako City, aud an ardent advocato of Socialism Dr Reese will speak on the moral and constructive sldo of Socialism, from tho Methodist pul pit, Sunday afternoon at o-30 o'clock. KECKED 6? HORSE SKULL FRACTURED Suffering from serious injuries re ceived as tho result of bolng kicked by a horse, Mike Maloof, a Greek, was brought to this city from Kays vlllo yesterday and taken to the Dee hospital. He is suffering from a frac tured skull and numerous cuts and bruises about tho face and head, but it is thought that he will recover. Maloof Is a traveling merchant who lives in this city. While at Kaysvllle Saturday evening he waB kicked bj his horse, the animal's hoof striking him full In the face. One of the shoo cleats struck him Just over the left eyo, causing a depressed fracture of the bone. The man was givon tem porary treatment at KaySvlIlo and brought to this city on the Bamberger, Dr H. B. Forbes attending him upon his arrival here The accident occurred about 9 o'clock Saturday evonlng. oo A Library You Can Hold in One Hand Such Is the 1912 Edition of The World Almanac, Just Issued. All tho great or notable almanacs In this country have been made by newspaper men. Old Dr, Franklin started the practlco with the famous "Poor Richard s Almanac." With more or less success, other printer have ever slnco Imitatod him Of hvto years, however, the Issuing of newspaper almanacs has fallen Into, a low estate In many a big ct'. Blit the New York World Almana.c for 1912 Is an exception. It fills a waut every place, as It is a compilation uni versal in scope, and not local, partisan or political solely. It seems to grow greater and bettor with years and experience. It is a condonsed ency clopedia of many volumes. It glveB Information and statistics upon almost everv concelvablo topic It touches human interest at evory point. It is a Ilbiary you can hold in one hand, so far as ready reference and accurate Information nro concerned. It Is a supplement to every library, the next friend of every editor, and informant in any office, study or school. It ranks with tho great English publica tions of like ImporU -and sella for halt or third of their price Without doubt it is the foremost publication of the kind in this country. On sale wher ever books are cold. IJU NO NEWS FROM TRIPOLI. , LONDON, Jan. 14. No nows was received from the seat of war In Trlpoli.except"Uie report from Turk ish sources of a fight In the neighbor hood of Homs. in which the Italians aro said to have lost heavily. JOI C. STUBBS. ' A BREEf SKETCH (Railway Ago Gazette.) On January 1 John C Stubbs re tired as director of traffic of tho Ilar rlmnn system of railways. For sev eral yours It had been known to his moro'lntlmato friends that Mr. Stubbs intended to relinquish active sorvlco on reaching the ago of Co, from a settled conviction that a man of that age holding a responsible posltiou with activo affairs an a duty both to himself and to the institution ho rep resents. Several months ago this purposo became publicly known and a few weeks ago, at tho time of the general readjustment of tho Harrl man lines plan of reorganization, tho date was fixed as January l, although Mr Stubbs' sixty-fifth birthday docs not occur until May 31. With his ontrancc Into privato life, Mr Stubbs has taken up his resi dence in his boyhood homo town of Ashland, Ohio, although ho still re tains his connection In an advisory capacity with tho railway system he has served for over 10 years. That Mr. Stubbs docs not, however, feel entirely ready as yet to glvo up all railway work Is Indicated by the re cent announcement that ho has been engaged to examine and report upon tho condition and requirements of tho Wabash railroad, now In tho hnnds of receivers, On Thursday, December 2S, Mr Stubbs was tendered a farewell ban quet In the crystal room of the Blnckstono hotel In Chicago, by many of the principal officers of the west ern railways, Including presidents, vlfrtrn-oal1irf nml lurrnl ynrl (rnff(r officors. "Thirty," tho telegraphic code for "that's all," was engraved on tho menus In commemoration of his retirement. Mr. Stubbs has spent practically all of his life In the traffic depart ment of tho railways now compris ing tho Harrlinan systoni In Octo bor, 1S70. when In tho second year of his railway sorvlco, ho became chiof clerk in tho general freight office of the Central Pacific at Sacramento, Cal For tho past ton years, as di rector of traffic of the Harriman sjs t,om, he has held an office unique in it.. II . 1,1 ...111. l..-r.,1nIrr. UIU lilUMUJ WUIIU, nilU JUIIOUII-UUM over tho trnfflc department of 18,000 miles of road By irtuo not only of this power ful position, but also ot his own per sonality and remarkable ability, Mr Stubbs" has for many years held a commanding position In the trans portation world and has perhaps ex erted a more potent influenco on tho traffic dostinlco of tho western half of tho United States than any other one man Ho was vorj largely re sponsible for tho development of many Important industries of tho Pa cific coast through his policy of mak ing rates to foster a business that otherwise would be unable to com pete In distant markets For exam ple he Is fond of Celling tho circum stances surrounding the first Import ant eastbound shipments of raisins from California. A Sacramonto farm er who wanted to make the ship ment came to him to find what the rates would be. The tariffs had named $3 per 100 lbs. The farmer thought the shlpmont would stand SI 75". l'Then, thai is tho rate," said Mr. Stubbs, aDd the general office confirmed It. Mr Stubbs was born May 31. 1847, at Ashland, Ohio. After a common school education his first railway experionco was gained during his con nection with the army in tho Civil War, when he was assigned to trans portation service and employed In checking govornmont freight In March, 1SG9. ho entered tho service of tho Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St Louis as clerk In the general freight office at Columbus, Ohio. In Octo ber, 1870, ho transferred his alleg lanco to wostern railroading as chief clerk In tho general freight office of tho newlv oponed Central Pacific at Sacramento, and on December 1, 1871, ho was promoted to tho offlco of as sistant general frolght agent. From July 2S, 1S73. to March 5, 1882. ho was general freight agent, and from May, 1SS2. to October 1, 1884. ho was frolght traffic manager ot tho same road On October 1, 1884, ho was appointed genoral traffic man ager of tho samp road and loased lines. On February 27, 1SS5, after the Southern Pacific had taken over tho Central Pacific he was mndo gen oral traffic manager of that company, aud In December, 1889, ho wns elect ed third vice-president of tho South ern Pacific After E H. Harriman had merged the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific systems, ho select ed Mr. Stubbs and Julius Kruttschnltt as tho keystones of his great oper ating organization, with Mr. Krutt schnltt as director of maintenance and operation and Mr Stubbs as di rector of traffic at Chicago. Mr Stubbs held this position from July 9, 1901, until the dato of his retire ment Ho was succeeded by Lewis J Sponco. who for some time, had boon his chief assistant at Chicago. FINE ADDRESS AT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL A S. Mcservo. a former official of the Lyman schqpl( for boys at Wcat borp, Mass., wag the speaker at the Utah State Industrial school yester day morning. Mr. Meservc wns ac companied by his -Ifo, and both wero gicatly Interested In tho work of the local school. The speaker chose as his subject, And This Thins I Do." He demon strated the Importanco of doing a particular thing, setting a definite mark and Btrivlng for thnt mark. At an Illustration ho told of two boys with whom he had como in personal contact during his service In the east One of tho boys became an influen tial and respected armor of New York state and tho other prospered and earned the respect of his fellows. Both of these young men had been under restrictions, J'et they had shown a doslrc to become tho right kind of men, they had set their mark and succeeded' In reaching that for which they Bought There -were -no -other special ser vices at the state school yesterday. MID-SUMMER WEATHER PREVAILS AT LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, Qui, Jan. 14. Mid-summer weather provailed in Los AngelGB todaj' and all records for January Biirf bathing wero broken at tho nearby bench resorts. The thermometer registered SO degrees in tho city, 83 at the beaches. 'NEW INSTRUCTOR ' AT DEAF SCHOOL Tho students at tho stato school for tho deaf nnd blind wero given an excellent discourse yestorday after noon by Dr. E. P. Mills, of this city, who talked on tha subject of "Tho Call of the Wild." The lecturo wns Interpreted to tho deaf students in the sign language by Superintendent P. M. Driggs. Mr. MIUb told of the imperate "call of tho wild," which is ofton folt in the spring of tho year aud likened it to tho call to go forth and do thoso things which will bo of benefit to our fellow menv UBlng this as an ex ample he declared that tho spring "call of the wild" ghould be felt tho year around. Mlas Sarah Champion, who came to this country recently from Durban, Natal. South Africa, will take up hor duties this morning as a teacher of tho deaf at tho stato school, taking the place of MIbs Short, who Is soon to wed Miss Champion for twelve ypars was tho superintendent ot a school for tho deaf In Durban and also taught privately In England, for eight years. She Is very woll qual ified to carry on the Instruction ot tho local school. Miss Champion was educated In Ealing Collogc, london. England Af ter teaching In tho same institution several years she wont to South Afri ca and opened her own school, al though she was given somo support In the venture by tho British govern ment. Then camo tho Boor war a3 a result of this the govornmont with drew Its support from the school and she was forced to give It up. coming to Portland, Ore., IS months ago Tho Instructor was at Durban dur ing tho entire conflict In tho Trans vaal and relates somo Interesting oxperlonces. Sho was promlnont In tho work of caring for the injured English soldiers nB they were brought to Durban on tholr way back to Eng land and also cared for the English refugees from Johannesburg, hor sister bolng president of the relief society which was formed at the Na tal seaport Miss Champion mado a provlous visit, to Amorlca, during which she studied the methods used 111 UIU 111.141 iH-uuvio vi tuu llQtl JLJIIf- land states Miss Mattlo Robinson, another teacher of the deaf at the stato school, received a message vestordav an nouncing the death of her brother In Louisiana. Owing to the railroad blockade throughout the central west she doos not feel that sho daro at tempt the journey east. Tho quarantine at tho deaf and blind school has been raised with tho release of tho last twoof seven pa tients, who were suffering from scar let fever The health conditions of the school are now In very fino con dition. oo 0. P. TRAIN SERVICE SHOWS IIPROVEMEIT There was Borne improvement In the train sorvlco over tho Union Pa cific yesterday, all westbound trains having arrived by 10 o'clock last nlghL Saturday's fast mall train did not arrive until 5 o'clock yesterday morning but yesterday's No. 9 was In the city at 7 o'clock "last evening. Reports from various parts of tho country indicate that the Harriman lines havo been fortunate to even maintain this sort of a service dur ing the past week, for the Harriman linos ha'o been practically the only transcontinental system which suc coeded in getting trains through the middle west. While the Union Pnclfic has been struggling with the severe weather conditions, and concentrating Its forces upon getting trains through the Rio Grando scorns to have escaped all of these terrors, although the ter ritory through which it passes is very" susceptlblo to unfavorable weather conditions. Tho Rio Grande train service Into this city during the p.ast week has been very good, no train bolng more than a half hour lato, western passengers being de livered to tho Harriman linos long before the latter trains were ready to depart uu i LQtI TO K SOLDlti ALLEY Tho first step toward the regula tion of the Alloy by the city commis sioners la an order that no liquor shall be distributed there as hereto fore. The order is explicit that liquor shall not bo dispensed thero at any time, day or night. Tho po lice department will enforce the rule to the letter. While the polico have been In structed to see that tho now ordor Is rigidly enforced, thero seems to be little dangor of trouble fiom this source as persons who are In a posi tion to talk authprltlvoly claim that there Is no desire to go against the ruling of tho commissioners and that tho ordor will be strictly complied with. The ordor regarding tho sale of liq uor follows a number of regulative measures which have becomo effect ive in the last few days and there seems to bo a desire on tho part of the commissioners to romedy como of the conditions which they evidently deemed In nood of regulation As a result ot tho new and restricting or ders tho population of tho underworld district has decreased rapidly during the past few days and it is claimed that the discontinuance of the sale of liquor will servo to further de populate the section, formor habitues preferring to go to cities where ithero is less restriction. oo THIRD WARD WINS AT BASKET BALL The Third Ward Junior team of basket ball players defeated D. O. R. team Saturday evening, at the Ward hail, by a score of 32' to 24, before a large nod appreciative audience. The D. O. R. boys wont Into tho game confident of victory, but tho "Daace with the Crowd" at the , f I NEW COLONIAL DANCING ACADEMY ' g INEW COLONIAL 1 1 DANCING ACADEMY 9 ;; i LEAP YEAR 1912 H SPECIAL DANCING PARTY NR ' $ TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1912 New Colonial. Happy Hoinlo. Q i That Dreamy Italian Waltz. Sugar Moon. BR ?j: Billy. That Italian Serenade. MM When tho Daisies Bloom. Bud Cross. . Qj Every Lfttlo Movomcnt. Dream of Heaven. IM -7 Pink Lady. Steamboat Bill. ' Golden Dreams. Lucy Lee. H s.f Dollar PrlnccaB. . ; Chicken Rpl. H I Now York's 'Latest. J Sprlug Maid. ID & Fascinating Widow. Alexander's Band. K Everyone Is in Lo'vo With Someone. H ' 4 i ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS j' Extra Lady, 25c. j ij I DAILY I 1 J THROUGH STANDARD SLEEPING CAR I j DENVER & RIO GRANDE I j Ogden f Sao Francisco j j I Leave Ogden 6:00 p. m. 'f I For Full Information and Sleeping Car Res- 1 ; ', ervations Write or Call on lit F. FOUTS, Agent Reed Hotel, Ogden I jj WESTERN PACIFICRIO GRANDE I The World's Pictorial Line I i- j iBnaMTBBBTilgTnTgTgTgrBaMnriiTlMl in i " 1 scoro at the end of the second half indicated that they wore fighting an uphill battle. Tho Juniors Increased tholr lead in the second half, winning easily The lineup and officials: Juniors (32) (21) D. O. It. W Baggs ro..,...,. Fuller E. Wilkinson le Crossman J Deis c Falk S. Collins rg , Hammor Ed Baggs lg Bock Reforce, Davis,, Scorer, Campbell j Timekeepor, Richardson. Gl BREAKS HER PAROLE Saturday evening, at a dance hall in this city Detcctlvp Robert Burke and Officer Poter Naylin approhend e Mary Kieser and returned her to the officors of th0 Stato Industrial school. The girl had been placed on parole but she violated the, rules of the parole. She had leen paroled to Mrs. M. Lyons of 25C Patterson av enue, Saturday afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. Lyons' little girl. Miss Kio sor went out shopping and while up town mot a young man whose namo tho police did not learn. Sending the girl on ahead the couplo returned to tho Lyons' homo and placed the bun dles on the porch, returning to town Mrs. Lyons notified the school when tho girl did not return homo and the school authorities notified tho pol.qe, resulting in tho girl's arrost. Sho would have been allowed to roturn to Mrs. Lyons' home but claimed that tho woman had treated hor so well that sho could not face hereafter run ning away and was thereforo taken back to the school, 00 OODEN H H k HEHfJAM That Ogden is not without genius Is ovidenced by a patented hitahlng arrangement offored by c W, Wright and D. W. Arave. The contrivanco will do away with tho hitching horses to pobts or weights attached to the bits of the animals when It is desired to lpavc thorn for a short time. By means of a lever, attached to the dashboard and which operates a ratchet on the rear axlo of tho ve hicle, the horses' heads are drawn backward whenever the vohlele is moved bnt a few feet either forward or backward. By simply throwing tho lecr over when the driver leaves the vehicle, a ohaln attached to tho j bit pulls backward whenever tho y f ii 11- t TWWHM HiMMT hTil nn I r'r wheels of the vehlclo revolve in i n either direction. j It is the claim of tho inventor that 1 1 tho patent Is safe, saves time and J I prevents accidents. Tho demonstra- v I tion yesterday was given for tho ben- f I efit of a number of business men who '. I will probably furnish tho necessary y 1 capital to finance tho manufacture of ' B the hitching arrangement In this city. i The device will be'n'aced on the mar- 1 1 .kot at an early date. I 00 j I 'B!i MAI ! I Salt Lako, Jan. IB. The body of ''! Charles H. Reagan, who while do- - mented, wandered from his home at 102 North Main street at about j. 10 o'clock Tuesday forenoon, was . found at Eighteenth West street, be- tween North Temple and South Tern- I Pie streets just southeast of tho Tel- lurldo transformer station yesterday r afternoon. Tho body was lying on its back where tho man had evident- I ly frozen to death, tho knuckles of 1 his right hand being frozen in tbo ' ico. There was no ovidencc of a J struggle and tho fact that the mans : watch and other valuables wore found t on his person indicates that he had f J just wandered away in a demented ; condition and frozen. Dr. H. B. J 5 Sprague announce last night however, j' $ thut a post mortem would ho con- ? I ducted as soon as possible, j' & Charles. H. Reagan was born In V, MncLeansborougb. 111., November 0, iff 1S7H, and came to Utah about fifteen )& years ago. He was engaged in rail- : B road work when ho first came here- i S I having served as a conductor on both i L tho Denver & Rio Grando and the f Oregon Short Line. He went In tho i V saloon business In Park City nine ' & years ago and after a year there on- i ft. tered the same- business in this city. Ho was In tho saloon business hero & about six years September 22, 1900, I he lost a foot in a street car nccident, . and after that time had given up his 5; V business. Persone intimate with him j: I say that the accident seemed to af- i I feet his mind and his general health 1 R had beeiT falling rapidly evor slnco jf m then. Ho was married July 25, 1Q03, ; 'and his wlfo, Mrs. Nina Reogan sur- f JS vives him. Jh fe Besides his wife, Mr. Reagan is Jl, survived by his father, Timothy Rea- J5 I gan, and a sister, Mrs. J. W. DeVoy, "St I at Enfield, 111.; Mrs. M. O. Scholtz. f a sister who lives In this city, nnd H by another sister, who Is a Sister of S -Morcy, known as Sister Mary Alexin. J? 'In East St, Louis, 111. Mr Reagan had " ? been a member of th0 Elks. Knights ' W of Tythals, Eagles and Brotherhood J or Railway Trainmen. His wife said : U yesterday that sho did not know ,5 whether he had kept up in all of these ' M orders or not, but knew thnt he was '' k a member In good standing in the Elks and Knights of Pythias ) fc , f- Si I PLEASED WITH THE l .! j I RESULTS ' Many people who have opqncd check accounts tvith II 1 Kjj 1 j us during the pnst y.ear have been much pleased 11 Kf I I -with the results. You niso wk!1 appreciate this II JjKj H I safety and convenience by having- an account "with I i ,iK&! . TM 1"'