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The Evening standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1910-1913, November 04, 1912, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058397/1912-11-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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H bc00F-YoMOreP I fHERE: BUCK&,rWF.T8SBIp I fNVHATdMX ZZ Ifwm SOU 3UST5HUT1 lf-nteH OPM XOOe E.Y6S SA I f"h'!'J'P 'f
1 Col. Roosevelt Makes
m Final Plea For Pro-
M gressive Cause
Hl Oyster Bay, N, Y., Nov. -J. At the
H end of the hardest campaign of his
M career, Colonel Roosevelt iast night
M made a final appeal to the voters of
M the country on behalf of the progres-
U ( slve ticket.
M Except for two speeches today in his
H home county, he has ended the strug-
H gle which has kept him hard at work
B since bo threw his hat into the ring
H ' l?.Bt spring. He spent the day with
H bis family, and was so far recovered
H I from his bullet wound that his physl-
H ' cian permitted him to go to church.
M , Colonel Roosevelt gae out his
H j statement under date of November 4,
fl J ss his appeal day before election. He
fl 1 urged etery voter to read the Pro-
H RresBive platform before going to the
H polls. His statement follows.
M "I wish to appeal as strongly as I
can to the men and women of this
country, to all good citizens through
out tho Union, and nsk them to sup
ort this great progressive movement
for rlghtoousness and for fair deal
ing. The progressiva movement Is in
the lntei est of every honest man and
ft'eman In the land, and therefore we
have a right to ask that all good cit
izens, without regard to their past
political affiliations, stand with us in
this fight lor clean politics and for
the square deal In industry.
Faces Vital Issues.
"Only the Progressive party has
faced the real and vital issues of the
duy. Not only are both old parties
boss ridden and privilege controlled,
but they show not the slightest con
ception of the needs of the day or
llii: hteps necessary to take if grave
disaeier to the nation in the future
Is to be avoldcd.
"During the life time of a genera
tion which is now In middle life, extra
ordinary eocial and industrial chan
ges have come over this land. The
great forces now at work, social and
Industrial, are such as were utterly
undreamed of half a century ago. Yet
the leaders of both of the old par
ties toda are attempting the futile
feat of trying to meet these now con
ditions by worn out governmental ex
periments and by appeal to little for
mulas and dogmas which had a cer
tain usefulness before the days of
fiteam and electricity, before the days
of concentrated Industry and tremen
dous economic developments, but
which are now as utterly useless as
tho flintlocks of the continental sol
diers would bo In modern warfare.
Time for Chango.
"Tho Progressives have seen that
It is Utterly ubcIcss to hope that ;t
.jreat people, living under the forms of
a political democracy and skilled by
universal education, will long con
tinue to toleiate in economic matters
tho reign of an industrial oligarchy,
the enthronement of prlvllogrt and a
permanent and widespread Inequality
of opportunity.
'Nellhci in thr platforms of the
old purl ips nor in tho uttorances of
their candidates and leaders do we Bee
tho slightest slcn of an appreciation
of this great fundamental Issue. The
Progressive party thoroughly appre
ciates that this Is tho Issue, and with
courage and comtc-on sense, and In a
spirit of kmulnicGS to all our peo
I lo. has faced the probloin and out
lined the necc?f.ar first steps toward
Its scolution.
"We Intend to use the forces" of
government to secure justice and fair
play between man and man, man
and woman, not only In the political
hut In tho Industrial field. "We rec
ognize that it is tho duty of all of
us to so shape conditions as to se
cure favorable economic surroundings
for the average man who Is honest and
industrious. We do not rogard eco
nomic well being as the all of life,
but we recard It as the indispensa
ble foundation, the foundation which
it is necessary to suciire for all our
, y
H if Ding, ding, dang V
l if Or whiz, whiz, whiz, A 1
'! If Or sew, sew, sew
I , a ay in& I ill
H j Have you monotonous work?
I. Make minutes fly faster make days
H ' seem brighter make dullness dis-
i appear. Enjoy this digestion -aider,
lL this mouth - refresher, this spirit- '
H I strengthener :
, !
H I Buy it. Try it. Enjoy it. You'll buy this
H Ij smallest-cost, longest-last pastime again. '
H , -of any dealer. It costs little by
H ike package but lets by the box. tOA
took for the spear The flaVOr lasts.
people, and upon It we Intend to raise
the superstructure of a higher life.
"Our opponents, Demociatlc and
Republican alike, have not ventured
to particularize as to whlrh they pre
ferred. "I urgently ask every voter In the
United States lo read thut platform
this very day and ponder oer It, and
tomorrow to cast his vote, having in
mind wlijit Is said In that platform
It does not contain a promise which
ought not to bo made. It does con
tain every promise which, In view of
our situation, ought to be made. Ev
ery promise It contains can be kept.
If we are given tho power, every
promise which It contains will bo
All women, recrdlesa of political
beliefs, are urgently requested to
come to Progressive headquarters, 325
Twenty-fourth street, oaoh day op
ovoning to he instructed how to oper
ate tho voting machine.
Many women have a fear that they
cannot operate tho voting machine an
thoy wlBh, and thereby oftentimes
vote for persons they do not wish to
voto for, Hence wo ask you to con"
to our headquarters and we will glad
ly instruct you how to voto Intelli
Anna RIes-Flnley. M. D. Chairman,
i .....
I uu
Foung Woman Tells
Story of Murders Com
mitted in Missouri
Los Angeles, Nov. -1. Declaring that
she Js happier than aho has been In
years, because of her confession yes
terday to having killed two women in
Missouri, Mrs. Pansy Hastings Lesh
is in tho city jail here awaiting the
arrival of Sheriff M T Henderson ol
Pottus county, Missouri.
Sheriff Henderson telegraphed Chief
Sebastian yestorday to hold the wom
an until his arrival from Sedalla.
The case Is one ot tho strangest in
history of local police annals. The
police do not doubt the young woman's
sunity, although hor husband, who
called at the Jail, yestorday, declar
ed that thero was nothing to her stor
and that she waa temporarily insane
"Ho knows I'm not Insane," said
Mrs. Lesh, after her husband's visit
"becaiiBo I told him all about It bo
fore I married him five years. He
and Father Brooks, to whom I con
fessed in St. Loulr, long ago when I
became at Catholic, were the onl
ones who over know."
The young woman told her stoi
with utmost frankness. She showed
remorso and emotion only when re
leatlng the story of how she gave poi
son to Mrs. Eliza Coe at Sedalla a
year aftor she- had caused tho death
of Mrs. E. M. Qualntancc at Green
Ridge, 12 miles from Scdalia.
Good to Her.
"Mrs. Coe was good to me. though
she scolded me nome times She had
taken a baby to the poor farm through
the rain and caught a bad cold. I
nursed her and gave her two capsules
about half full of rough-on-rats She
got worse and was go good and kind
to me that I was sorry I poisoned her
but I was afraid to tell the doctor
Whon she died the doctor said It was
due to ptomaine poisoning.
"I never reallv felt badlv about
causing Mrs. Quaintance's death, ex
cept that I knew It was wrong. RU
she and hor husband were not kind
io me. I wns only 15 years old when
I was sent to them by the orphanage.
Mr. Qualntanco, who was about GO
years old. mlKtrcatod me and I had
trouble with his wife hocauso he en
couraged me to he disrespectful to
her. We quarreled one day and he
took her part and it may bo that is
why I gave her Doison
Old Man Suicides.
"Aftor his wlfo's death Mr. Quaint
ance wanted mo to stav with him and
ho got me a place with some nooDle
near Green Rldgo. I joined the Meth
odist church thoro and one night white
I was walking homo with my Sunday
school teacher I told her about an at
tack on me by ti young man In that
town. She took mo to the Justice of
the peace, I think It was, and after a
lot of questioning by hhn I admitted
my relations with Qualntance. Tho
old man came to town that day and I
sues heard about It, because he went
right out to his farm and shot hlmsoH.
"I do not know whv I killed either
of the women. That's a question T
have asked myself several times All
I know is that I wanted to get it off
my mind. I used to think about it
when I was alone or got despondent
If they put me In the penitentiary 1
will serve my sentence gladly, be
cause thou I can start In over again
with a cleau slate."
When It was suggested to Mrs.
Lesh that heredity might have had
something to do with her crimen, she
'Posslbl it might. My mother did
not lead a good life and my father
roapied about a groat deal and chang-
i?rt his name olton, Uut that's no qx
cuso for me, 1 knew right from
wrong. I have a bad temper, but I
have never wantod to kill any one
since, even In a rage. I do not think
now that I really wanted to kill Mrs.
Qualntanco and Mrs, Coo."
After leaving Sedalla In 1005 vhe
young woman said sho was plnced In
the Iloueo of the Good Shepherd In
St Louis, whero she remained a year
and then ran away. "That wa; the
happiest year of my life, too," she
added, "now that I look hack at It"
Shortly aftorward she married Lean
Rev. F. G. Bralnerd of the First
Congregational ohurch was the speak
er last night at the meeting of the
Sunday Night club held In the Guild
hall of the Church of tho Good Shep
herd. Ho took for his subject "Cen
tralized Charity," and his address
painted out the need of bringing the
charities of Ogden under one head
and tho advantagos of having the
charities organized. The meeting was
well attended and proved a success-
ful one
I The plan suggested by Mr. Bralnerd
for adoption In Ogden Is a bureau of
social service The city commission
ers could establish an office as one
of tho departments of public safety.
In charge of this office would be
placed a competent official and all
charitable work would be done through
the one office. According to the
speaker's plan, this bureau would be
controlled by a joard consisting of
the commissioner of public safety, the
county commissioner In chaicc of
work among the poor, and throe cit
izens to be appointed by tho city com
mission. In order to relieve families without
pauperizing them, Rev Bralnerd sug
gested that the money for charity
should be raised by taxntlon. By the
plan of taxation, the bureau would
bo maintained by the county commis
sioners and the city commissioners,
working In co-oporation. The clty
would boar tho cost of operating the
office, while tho oounty would pro
vide the funds. Ethical assistance
would be provided by members of
churches, sooieties, charitable organ
izations and Individuals.
In his tall: last night Rev. Brainerd
said that taw kinds of relief must
bo tendered to those who need It
physical and ethical help. Under the
first head he classed such relief as
food, shelter and clothing. Under eth
ical help, the conditions that retard
tho development of families arc out
lined. These Include domestic trou
bles as well as lack of homo manage
ment on the part of the parents.
The plan waB advocated to mako
a complete investigation ot the facts
of the case with tho view to deter
mining the cause of tho families' con
dition. After this was done, a rec
ord would bo made of each family
and a plan of relief that would apr
ply to the case would bo outlined.
Rev. Bralnerd claims that If this
plan were carried out it would result
In tho extending of intelligent rollef;
stop duplication and graft cases; pro
tect tho individual citizen; elevate the
standard of living; promote business
prosperity and establish a free em
ployment bureau.
By winning tho game with All Hal
Iowb Saturday afternoon at Glenwopd
by a score of 74 to 0, the Ogden high
school football playeis showed that
they havo gained much In experience
and footba'l knowledgo since their
game with Salt Lake.
At the conclusion of Saturday's bat
tle tho local boys were In good con
dition, thanks to their hard training,
while their opponents were, In the
langnuage of the day, "all In," al
though the two teams were equally
matched In weight In line bucks the
Ogden team by their superior aggres
siveness coulld make Jong gains, and
tho splendid Interference won for
them many ynrdR by end runs. Sev
eral times tho forward pass was exe
cuted, meaning touchdowns or long
gains. Throughout the entire game
the ball was In All Hallows' territory
pnd at no time did the visitors have
a chance to score.
Farr, Ruby, Fuller, Tackett and
Fernlund were the stars. Tackett
was good at throwing forward pass
es and Fuller made a great receiv
er. Ho Is speedy, and when running
Is a difficult man to tackle, getting
awny for long downs after one or
moro opponents had tried to tackle .
Fernlund Is a good tackier. Sovoral
times Saturday he broke through the
lines and downed his man beforo the
ball could bo carried any distance
During tho first part of the game
Ruby was a star at quarter, but be re
tired In the second half because of n
broken finger and Farr took his placo,
finishing tho game In splendid style.
Cnptaln Moore was the star of the
visiting team. Although hopelessly
outclassed, he encouraged his team to
do Its best, even though the boys were
vcnk because of lack of training ,
Easy Way Nto Preserve
Natural Color of the
Hair and Make It
A harmless remedy, made from
common garden sage, quickly restores
gray hair to natural color. The care
of the hair, to prevent It from losing
Its color and lustre, Is just as Im
portant as to care for the teeth to
keep them from discoloring. Why
spend money for cosmetics and
creams to Improve the complexion,
and yet neglect your hair, when gray
hair is even moro conspicuous and
suggeetive of age than wrinkles or a
poor complexion? Of the two. it Is
caBler to preserve the natural color
and beauty of tho hair than It Is to
have a good complexion.
All that la necessary Is the occa
sional use of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Hair Remedy, a preparation of
common garden Sage and Sulphur,
combined with other valuable reme
dies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dan
druff, itching scalp and falling hair.
After a few applications of this sim
ple, harmless remedy, your hair will
gradually bo restored to its natural
color, In a short tlmo tho dandruff
will bo romoved, and your hair will
no longer come out but will start to
grow as Nature Intended It should.
Don't neglect your hair, for It goes
further than anything else to make
or mar your good looks. You can
buy this remedy at any drug store
for fifty cents a bottle, and your drug
gist will give your money back If you
are not satisfied after using Pur
chase a bottlo today. You will never
regret It when you realize the differ
ence It will make in your appear
ance. Spoclal Agent, A. R. Mclutyre.
Harvey J. O'HIgglns.
Some years ago Harvey J. O'HIg
glns wrote a volume of s'hort stories
about New York firemen entitled
"Tho Smoke Eater." Mr. O'HIggina
wrote of men who, through the fire
and Bmoke of their dally routine, saw
only their duty, oven at tho risk of
their lives.
Since then Mr. O'HIgglns, has uub-
lished a number of volurrfcs Includ
ing, "Don-a-Dreams." "A Grand Army
Man," "Old Clinkers." "Tho Beast of
tl'c Jungle," (with Judge Ben B.
By Harvey J. O'HIgglns.
For the past fifteen years the con
dition of government in "those Unit
ed Slates" has been the Joke of the
civilized world, it has been t gov
ernment bv the methods of Tummon'
Hall, for tho purpose of public plun
der Both the Rcnubllrnn and the
Democratic party machines have been
In tho control of the plunderers. Both
have shared in the loot. And both
arc still under that same control and
serving the same masters
It Is uBOles to vote for Taft, and
If you elect Wilson to the White
House, he will be as helpless there
is Cleveland W2s. Concress win Rtlll
ho ruled by tho Plunderbund. The
power behind the throne will not "be
To break that power. vou must ob
tain In city, state and nation the
measures of reform that have toturn
ed the governments of the western
states to the hands of the people.
Neither of the old party machines i
will ever pass those measures. Thoy
will not commit suicide, no matter
how eagerly they promise it now
when thev seo the knife at their
throats. They will not give up their
People of Ogden, if you want a square deal on
taxes, vote for Colonel Roosevelt and the whole
Progressive ticket. Just pull the Moose head
lever on the machine and do.no more.
" is '
-'i -, i , , -mi yj .1.-I J . ,, I .. UIUI.JHI' liqic L
l i. M
j -; jfr
Our prices are as low ( '
as the quality will j
warrant. Beware of !
i the price cutter, as .; j
ne who cuts the price I j
1 is willing- to cut the lt 1 1
quality to equalize ,
the price. ; k
. COAL & t
Phone 865. .Jte
When You M
Think of J- I
Glen Bros. Piano '' j
Company m
3601 Washington Ave. I If
Direct wires to Butte, Anaconda, I
Havro do Grace, Lexington, Louis- j I'
vlllc, Windsor, Latonla and Juarez I j!,t
Race Tracks. JT
This room has tho only direct m
sorvice to all tracks. Phbne 313. . Rj
1 I If
Large lets set with choice fruits. j
Easy terms. See me, owner, S
' r
control of nomination by passing !
direct primary laws' that shall lie f ' M
effective. They will not deny rhem- f ;
selves the power to profit hy their ft
votes by passing the lnlatlvo and ' I
referendum. They will not subject if
themselves to the danger of dismissal I
for treachery In office by giving the J 1
people the power of recall. Thev ft
will never offend their masters, tho f 1
Plunderbund the wasre slaves of In- I )
dnstry, tho women and children in the I
factories. the over-drlveu men in rh I
mil's, the poor applicants for justice t I '
In corrupt courts, the business Men ) I 1
oppresviiri by trust mocopoHe and ', I (
the masses of the people who pav l
loll In big- rrlcos tn the exploiters of I
tho nccess't'es of life. !
TIipsp reforms can onlv be oh- M
tnlned for the nation thrnucrh the HI
men who havo obtained thcin for the I II
western rtntcs. Anl them men are Mm
now the lenders and tho nominees of .--IKb
tho Progressive pnrty in tbo state QH
and nation. Vnlv
it dofs not matter vifoat vou think 'vjMSI
of Theodore Pot"pvqU. T1t power (i
behind hi? administration. If he is Hu
elected, w'll be the Mowor of the R
r"en who have "hprntpd Oregon and , H
Calif nrnh apfl '"'"lorado and Kansas HI
and the froc states. f Hl
If dos not matter wlm vou thln'r Fm
of Wooilrov.- Wl'snp. Tf he I plprrod, WM
the power hrliind hip office will l- j H
thp nowor of tho porrnpt Pp-nnerar'-' 'j
mnchlne that has heon "uited in rv'l H
.vlth the corrunt Reub'nn niahtpo ' H
In the vpors of mterule that have od- H
pressed this counfrv , jl H
Yom ennnof reform p Tniiti'Tiv jR 'H
Hall bv electing- a "iro-"! ""'sen" as V H
nmvor or a Tammam- ticket, H
Yom cannot fro this coVrv l. H
r'ectlpcr n r-rpc-i-Jent who shall not 'A H
himself be free. J
j H take? n woin to ho moro c"'il 1 JflCj
'o the man sho loves than to one Sh IH
Read the Classified Ada. ,' f H

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