Hfl & , i'-jkk THE EVENING STANDARD, OGDEN. UTAH, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 1912 ---- r r f GREAT POLITICAL TO -r CONTEST Mil K V' (Continued From Page One.) V ' ' 'Taft Men Hopeful. Hr .Minneapolis, Nov. 5 Heavy voting f. in.. Minnesota cities today gave e:i- Hr. cpuragement to Taft supporters, who B& J expect a large percentage of the H l urban ballots. Lateness or the harv- Hf I est is 'expected to hold the 'state's H J lohi to that of ions r,::,ooo The Hl success of the Republican stato tick- v et Us generally conceded. Unsettled Bf i ' weather prevailed over the state H-j though thc sun broke through the1 '1 clouds lu Minneapolis, St Paul and HJ Duluth early in the lorenoon. M Voters Are Orderly. W New York. Nov. 5. All records for Kj I V carlv and heavy ting appeared Bv p Ukefv to be broken in New York state ) today and reports from nearly every mj county indicated that record polls HTj would e made. There was generally H 4 ' fair weather in nil parts of the qtate. B 1 There were no reports of disorders. M -4 1 and. while the voting in many dis- j -jj "tricts was thc heaviest in years, K J1 there was little trouble in recording jfV the b.-Mots. The keenest interest in H'(. , both thc national and state elections HP was observed in all counties and the i Kf political leaders in Rochester said the I Hl early balloting there Indicated that j Fl the fell registered vote would be mt ' cast nightfall H , Depends on Silent Vote. Hj$ . Chicago. Nov. 5 "The 'silent vote' Hf j will decide this election," said David, B' Mulvane, western Republican cam- J B!7 ; ' paign director, today. "Wo have no K! J reports, of course, to indicate def-1 Hh i'nfatelv how the election will go. but' j our communications from the western Bu territory show' that a big vote will be Hf I polled We have no reports of fraud H anywhere." H I ' As Mr. Will vane was sneaking he H was superintending thc dismantling M I of Republican headquarters. flH All Ballots Stolen. M- Spartanburg, S. C. Nov-. 5 Every m . printing press In Spartanburg, was H '. put to work with a rush this morn-, H - ' Ing when it was discovered that the ; ballots for use in today's elections I H ' had either been destroved or con- H cealed. No light had been thrown H on the disappearance of the tickets. B Other ballots were procured in time H and rushed to the booths. H Women at Polls. H Wheeling, W Va., Nov. n. For the H '.' first lime in the history of West Vir- H! - glnia hundreds of women appeared H at polling places urging voters to H ( support thc prohibitory amendment J which Is dividing attention with thc national tickets. Prayer meetinrs nrr ' H , hsing held in all sections Political H managers unite in the prediction that H I' the largest vote ever cast In the state H j Equal S'jffrsge Amendment. m ) Milwaukee Wis.. Nov. 5. In Mil- H yaukc- and other large cities women Bw are stationed at convenient distances H ,; from polling stations and as visitors H ' Apeir, each one is solicited, to vote H j for thc enuai suffrage amendment. H I Fair Weather Prevails. Hfcl Oklahoma City, Nov 5. Fair Kk "1 J weather prevailed and a large rote is L L being polled. Democratic leaders de- &1 clare the election of Wilson electors H - Is assured. H 100,000 Democrat'c Votes H ' . Jackson. Miss , Nov. .". Democratic H i leaders estimate that not more than H ' j l.iO.flOO Votes wil bo cast in Missls- H j j sippi todav and that the Democratic fj vote will he In excess of 100,000. Hffrf Count Will Be Tedious, 'i I Nashville. Tcnn . Nov .;. Early reports from Tennessee points indlr Hl( P3te a heavy vote Tickets are long V?- and the count will be tedious. ' i Record Vote Expected. )' 'I New York, Nov. n. A record vote K:' js expected in New York City and P j sate today. 'The weather Is clear H .: and qoo throughout the state. Thc k. 'total .registration in this city Is over 7 ;700,0d0 and a vote of well over SoO.000 m V 'Is predicted. A vote of about 1.200.- M H ,000 is expected in the stale outside H ' of New York City. The vote four B 4 ' years ago In the city and state was i '1,GSS,000. ftfl Heavy Early Voting. K i 3 .New Haven, Conn . Nov. 5. In H'J 'weather of Indian summer mildness '3 ', - .the voters or this state went to the L' no,6 todav Tbe early hours saw very V heavy voting. Hl Demand Paper Ballots. B Chicago, Nov. 5. Throughout HIT L nols fine weather and a heavy vote- H I pleasesa. g Hi i ikS KJ-BRANDEKSTEJN&COa m --San Francisco $jM i formed the rule. Notwithstanding the j extraordinary Interest no disorder had been reported in the state up to noon. Ballot splitting developed to an etra ordinary extent In Chicago. So murh was this the case that at many polling places nine-tenths of the voters re jected voting machines and insisted on paper ballots as being easier and safer to change from straight tickets. Tnusual earnestness prevailing came In dispatches telling of the crowds at some of the precincts in 'Aurora being so great that doors and .windows being pushed in. Kven diph theria at a house where the voting was to be held did not prevent ballot ing. The election paraphernalia was fumigated and the otlng continued. Alabama For Wilson. Montgomery, Ala.. Nov 5. While Alabama was conceded to Wilson. It appeared a heavy vote would be polled today. State Fight Bitter. Charlotte. N C, Nov. 3 A heavy vote Is being polled throughout North Carolina. So bitter is thc fighting in thc three-cornorcd primary race for United States senator that little at tention is being p3ld to the national ticket Spratch In Toledo. Toledo, O.. Nov. 5. Early reports odny, especially in the working men's precincts, were that a heavy ote wen being polled with much scratchirg Ecgin With a. Rush. Wilmincton. Del.. Nov. 5 Voting began with a rush at 7: SO o'clock this i morning. Th polls will close at C, o'clock, but because of a complicated I ballot the count will be slow The largest vote ever polled in the stato ! Is expected. The returns will be slow Recprd-Breaklng Vote. j Detroit. Mich. Nov. 5 Returns ifiom throughout Michigan indicate I that a record-breaking vote will be 1 cast The polls will remain open Jn I this cftj until S p m. for thc beuefit i of thc labor vote I Muct Walk to Polls. Omaha. Nov. f. In spite of the stale lav. which prevents free convevance of voters to the polls, tho vote today is legarded as one of the heaviest on record. Reports from various parts of the state show general Interest In the election Clear In Tucson. Tucson. Ariz., Nov. 5. Clear weath er brought out a large earlv vote to dav In cities and country districts. A full ote is pvnpctcd Sacrifices His Vote. Sacramento. Cal., Nov. 5. Governor Hiram W. Johnson. Progressive can didate far vice president, did not vote today. Absent from his state on a campaign tour of the east, he deliber aiely sacrificed his vote to keep up the fight in the east. Quiet in Butte. Butte. Mont., Nov. 5. Quiet relgn eft in Butte this morning, following the attack on Governor Norris, T. .1 Walsh Democratic candidate foi sen ator, and S. Y. Stewart. Democratic candidate for governor, and the wild demonstration which followed the singing of a parody on "My Country. "Tis of Thee," by a Socialist speak er. Lewis J. Duncan, Socialist mayor of Butte, sworo in 200 Gpecia! police, and Sheriff O'Rourke, Democrat, Las ap pointed 00 special deputies. Weather Is Ideal. Cheyenne, VVvd., Nov. :.. Polls were opened at 0 o'clock In this city and every voting booth was kept " filled up to 11 o'clock. Weather for the state as a whole was ideal. Every vhere a record vote is predicted. Governor Marshall Votes. Indianapolis. Ind., Nov 5. "I sup pose you voted the straight ticket, governor?" "I surely did," replied Governor Thomas R. Marshall, the Democratic candidate for vice president, just after he had cast his ballot. The govern or was accompanied by Meredith Nicholson, the author, to the polling place. Report No Trouble. New York, Nov. 5. In the' first four hours of balloting not ono of the 10, 400 police doing election duly In New York City made a report of anv trou ble. Vermont Is Doubtful. White River Junction, Vt., Nov. 5. Vermont was regarded as a doubt ful state today because of uncertain ty as to the size of the Progressive vote. The balloting was much heav ier than expected. Two Candidates Arrested. New Haven. Conn., Nov. 5, Two candidates for the legislature were ar rested at Bristol, charged with viola tion of the corrupt practices act which forbids distribution of certain liter ature at polling places. Conceded to Wilson. Atlanta, Ga., "Npvj 5. Fair weather today is expected to bring out a full vote. The state Is conceded to Wilson. Are Voting Rapidly. Baltimore. Md Nov. 5. The rapid ity with which the ballots were being cast hore this morning indicated a heavy vote. Weather fair and cool. Count Amendments First. SL Loui3, Nov. 5. A bright, clear day greeted early voteivs and indica tions wore that a heavy vote would ne cast throughout the state. The judges are first to cpunt the nine sta:c amendments. Snow In North Dakota. Grand Forks, N. D Nov. 5. Despite snow early today a heavv vote Was in dlcated. The polls opened at S and will close at 5, Sunny Autumn Weather Richmond, Va., Nov 5 -Sunny au tumn weather prevails in Virginia The only real contest is In the Ninth 'con gressional district. "' Democratic Of Course New Orleans, Nov. S.-Louislana'a usual Democratic majority Is beine given today to Governor Wilson. Both Progressives and Republicans are claiming thc next largest vote Only Straw Votes Cast' Washington, Nov. 5. -Residents at the nation's capital have no voting franchise eo while voters thc country over arc going to the polls for their favorite candidates, WaahingtonK are contenting themselves with JS! Ing straw votes. Hundreds of n0iHn places throughout the District nf rs umbla opened at ,..nrlce Su-lt " tlnue to receive ballots until sundown when an effort will be made to aS ble the vole. Men aud women are voting. Chief Moore of thc weather bureau was happy when the forecasters over the country began to report that his prediction of generally fair weather were blng made good. It Is estimated fully 7,000 govern ment employes have left the city lo go to their homes to vote. This city has the appearance of Sunday or a holiday. Walt at Polls. Newark, N J., Nov 5. Voters were waiting in line for polling places to open In many towns and cities In New Jersey this morning and reports from throughout the state indicated an un usually heavy early vote. For Electors Only. Portland, Me., Nov. ."i With favor able weather conditions Maine ex pected to cast its greatest vote in a presidential year Electors only wera to be voted upon Flvc-Cornercd Fight. Concord. N. II . Nov. 5. A five cornered gubernatorial contest, pro nounced interest In the presidential campaign and fair weather was a com bination which Indicated a vote above normal in Now Hampshire today. Small Vote In Vermont. Montpolier, Vt . No 5. A small ote was the prospect in Vermont when the polls opened today, despite line weather. In Rhode Island. Providence. R I., Nov 5. Party managers expected tho vigorous cam paigns which have been waged would be reflected today in an umisuallv large vote j Heaviest in History. Topeka, Kan.. Nov. 5. it is expect ed Kansas will poll more than 375,000 votes today, the heaviest ote in her history. Rain in Louisville. Louisville. Kv , Nov. ."i Western Kentucky's earlv voters went to the polls In a drizzle of rain Light Vote in Texas. Austin, Texas. Nov. 5. With the usual Democratic majorities regard ed as certain, only a light vote Is being polled In Texas. Little Interest Shown. Little Rock, Ark. Nov n The early indications were that the vote in Arkansas will be unusuallv light. Tho election of the Democratic tick et is conceded. Denver at Polls. Denver. Colo., Nov. o. Early morn ing voters thronged the polls, greet ed by fair weather, forecasted for the entire state Indications point to the heaviest vote In Denver's history. Large Vote Predicted. Salt Lake City. Nov -..With the weather condition? ideal, indications this morning point to the largest vote over cast in Utah. The polls will close at 7 0 clock. Wyoming Is Cloudy. Cheyenne, Wyo.. Nov o. Cloudy weather greeted early voters here. Indications were for probable clear weather by noon throughout Wyoming xcept In the northwest. Big Rural Vole. Albuquerque. N. M.. Nov. o. Ideal weather iiievnilp.fi enrlv tndnv With' no rain for two week, road condl-1 lions are excellent, with prospects that the full rural strength would bo voted. Expect Record Vote. Chicago, Nov. 5. Illinois smarted out this mornln? to casta record otc. Clear, warm weather was promised. That the state vote will total more ' than a million is estimated by political headquarters and it may reach 1J50. 000. . Besides 20 presidential electors. Il linois today Is voting tor state of ficers, including governor. 27 members of state offices, 25 members of the state house of representatives. The feet that a close vote between Dem ocrats and Republicans might result in a deadlock In its organization and the election of two senators, increased interest. Policemen, detectives and volunteer watchers are on guard at the polls In the city of Chicago. It is estimated Ihe vote will be within n per cent of the total registration, which is -H-L-915. The polls here will close at -i p. m.. but throughout the state the polls will be open until 5 p. m. Rain In San Francisco. San Francisco, Nov 5. An overcast sky and light rain greeted election of ficers today when they opened the polls at C a. m. Showers today over all of northern California were fore casted last nisht ' Nebraska Is Voting. Omaha, Neb , Nov. 5. Crowds form- 1 ed early at the voting booths in Oma ha. The sky was overcast. Reports from the state indicate a heavy vote. Predict Heavy Vote. Sioux Falls, S. D . Nov 5. With fair weather the indications arc that a heavy voto will be cast In South Da kota. Polls opened at S o'clock and will close at 5 p. m. Wilson Feels Fine 1 Princeton N J , Nov. 5. Governor uoodrow Wilson was asked how he I felt. "Like a boy out of school," he re plied, with a sigh of relief, for he admitted that the campaicn had been a hard physical strain His scalp wound, received In the motor mishap two days ago, did not bother him, he said. Most of the day the eovernor nlnn- ned to spend in answering letters. To night a small party will be at the Wilson home to hear the returns bv a private telegraph wire. Governor Wilson had planned to get l bed early but tho students of Princeton university intend to hav0 a noisy parade to the governor's house if thc trend of election results should point his way. Storm In Oregon. Portland, Oregon, Nov. f.. An all day rain storm threatened when elec tion day broke here, but political leaders predicted that 75 per cent of the registered vote would be cast in eplte of the storm. 90,000 Votes In Montana. Helena. .Mont., Nov. 5. With the weather clear and cool it was indicat ed that more than 90,000 votes will be cast in Montana todav. The reg istration was 112,000. Army of Voters. Boston, Nov. 5. Massachusetts' ar my of voters began its march to the polls today before the using of the sun. Registration figures showed G01, 000, or 10,000 more voters than ever before recorded. A vote exceeding half a million was Indicated by the early balloting. The day opened, with a blue sky. In Taft's City. Cincinnati, Nov. 5. Predictions of a record vote in this city today ap peared certain. The weather was cloudy. Voters in Line. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 5. When the polli oponed at 7 a. m. voters stood in lino at nearly every booth in the city. A record vote was anticipat ed. Weather cleai. Heavy Early Voting. Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. ," Ileav early voting characterized the first hours at the polls. Clear weather is expected to bring out a largo otc in Iowa. Polls close at 7 p in. Skies Arc Overcast. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 5. Long lines of voters greeted the opening of thc polls here this morning. Early Indications wore for a heavy vote. The skies were overcast. Many Warm Contests. Philadelphia. Nov. 5. Voting in Philadelphia In thc early hours was heavy In many districts. Tho polls opened at 7 o'clock and will close ar 7. The weather Is clear and It is expected a record voto will be 1 ast Aside from the presidency there arc many warm contests in the legisla tive districts. Brisk In West Virginia. Wheeling. W Va , Nov. 5. Voting throughout West Virginia began brisk ly and indications were that a rec ord voto would be cast Weather conditions are Ideal Heavy Labor Vote. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 5. Voting in Milwaukee besan with a rush at U a. in., the labor vote being heavy. Thc weather was clear and cool. Po:is Close Late. St Paul, Minn., Nov 5. Election morning oponed cloudy but with pros pects of fair weather. Principal in terest centers In the presidential elec tion. Returns will be late. The polls close at 9 p. m. Interest at Fever Heat. Reno, Nev . Nov. 5. Overcast skies and a general indication of storm evi denced light voting in Reno during the early morning hours today It Is believed, however, that Nevada will poll Its largest voto In history In terest In the election Is at feer he"at. Expect Usual Maority. Columbia. S C , Nov. o. Democrat ic, Progressive. Republican and So cialist paities are represented on thei ballots today. Democratic leaders say Ihey will havp the usual majorltj. Interest Is Keen. Jacksonville, Fla.. Nov 5. Perfect weather is expected to to bring out a heavy vote. Despite the trolley strike hero, interest in the election was keen There was considerable early voting. Rains In Seattle. Seattle, Wash., Nov. f. Seattle vot ers will ro to the polls in tho rain, but the weather is not expected to reduce thc vote materially. An un precedentodly largo vote is antici pated. Word From Bryan. Princeton. N. J., Nov. 5. Governor Woodrovv Wilson at 3 o'clock cave, out ihe following telegram received from William J. Bryan, filed at Lincoln, Neb.: "Having finished a seven weeks' tour of 22 states, with a meeting here similar to yours, 1 beg to assure ou that indications everywhere point to at- overwhelming victory But wheth er you win or lose, I congratulate you upon the splendid campaign you have made. You deserve to succeed. With best wishes." Norwell, Mass., for Roosevelt. Boston, Nov 5. Norwell oted as follows. Roosevelt. JfU; Taft. 97; Wilson, IS. In 190S- Bryan, 10; Taft, 161. rii R0SEVELT Flashlight Is Taken As He Casts His Ballot " Oyster Hay, N Y., Nov. 5. Colonel Rqoaevelt arrived at the polling place in a lire truck house at 12:05 o'clock this afternoon and a few minutes lat er had cast his ballot. Seven neighbors accompauied him and he waited 20 minutes until each of them had voted before returning to Sagamore hill. While in the polling place a flash light was taken as Colonel Roosevelt 1 dropped his ballot in the box and the I crowd cheered. A crowd of villagers waited for an hour In front of the truck house for Colonel Roosevelt. As the automobile rounded a cor ner the people set in a choer. The colonel doffed his brown army hat which he wears when he Is at "home and waved an acknowledgment. With him were James A Moss, his butler: Ralph Amos, another house servant, and Charles Lee, the coachman, all negroes, Arthur Murrian, his chauf feur, and Howard Browne, William Bailey and William Carle, farm hands. The two detectives guarding Colonci Roosevelt completed the party. "Theodore Rooscveit, ballot No 2G5," called out the clerk as the col onel entered the booth. He remained tllOre fnr five mlnnfoc Minn n , -- ..... .....-,.,, i..x,.t .lktlU Will and deposited his ballot in the box. Then he went outside and sat In his motor car. He waited for a quarter of an hour until others from Saga more hill had all voted. "I am having a quiet day." said the colonel. "This afternoon Mrs. Roose velt and I are going to take a walk," Thc colonel said that he would go to his editorial olflce in New York on Thursday or Friday. "I think I cinched Senator Root last night," said Colonel Roosevelt, referring to his attack on the senator, and John G Milburn, Louis Marshall and William D. Guthrie New York lawyer, in his speech in Ovster Bav last night. "I'm not through with these four gentlemen either, whatever the result of the election may be. They should have made their statement about me 30 days ago. If they had done so I would have hammercl them from the ring." WOULD GIVE HER SKIN FOR MONEY Chicago, Nov. 5. A woman of In dianapolis, in order that she might wed the man who is waiting for her, volunteered In a letter to a local newspaper to give her skin to have the life of Mrs. Sigurd Benson, burn ed in an explosion here a year ago. The proposition was made on con dition that no el fort be made to find out her name, that not enough skiu he taken to endanscr her life, and that sonie of the generouB men of' ' ' 1 ..5 i ' INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 2420 Washington Ave. I vr The quality of our meats are the finest that can be bought. : I United States Government Inspected No diseased meats. 1 2 lbs. Shoulder Mutton Chops 15c . A i Loin Mutton Chops, per pound 10c ; Mutton Stew, per pound 3c ' i SPECIAL "- ' I Cottage Hams, per pound 12c Jan (Fine boiled with cabbage) .' - I.,.., , , . . . i . . i -. 1 Chicago pay her 3200 for her waste of I timi and the pain caused by the op eiatlon Tho woman says her two reasons for making the offer are that she has been through the bitter experi ence of mother loneliness and that thc $200 will enable her to pay her debts and marry tho man of her choice. CHILDREN OF THE STRIKERS TESTIFY Salem, Mass., .Nov 5. A group of children, mill workers and members of the Lawrence strike committee tes tified at the Ettor trial today. The jurors waived their rights to go to the polls and vote in order that the trial might proceed. Fred Moigan, secretary of thc Eng lish branch of the Industrial Work ers of the World at Lawrence, declar ed he heard Ettor say In a speech to the strikers: "When you go on the streets and to thc picket lines, put your hands In jour pockets and sing" Pearly Shinberc, a mill worker. 14 years old, testified she was one of the strikers and a " regular picket." NAVAL SUPPLIES ARE RECOVERED Chicago, Nov .. A carload of na val supplies, taid bj the police to have been stolen from the Mare Isl and nav jard at San Francisco, val ued at about .lo,onn, was seized b edcral authorities in the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad yards near Hawthorne. III., today. The supplies were taken on a writ issued by United Slates Judge Kene saw M. Iindls. Thc car was billed to. a smelting and refining company with a plant here. - Goe:nment investigators said there had existed r band of thieves which 'have been robbing United Stato3 na val vards of supplies aggregating ssv i oral hunrdeas of dollars. The government agents have been working for several months attempt ing to locate shipments of stolen ma terials. It Is belle; ed today's dis covery will result In disclosing fur-, ther caces. The carload conc'3tcll op more than 50,000 pounds of copper and brass used in the construction ot battleships. Vallejo, Cal., Nov. 5. News that a carload of copper and brass, supposed to have been stolen from the Marc Island navy yard, had been seizod near Chicago was received with as-tcn'-'inicnt at the yard. Lieutenant Cr andcr M. 11 Standlo. acting co...iandant, said that no inkling o' any such theft existed Sales of cop per and bras.s junk had been madv within the past month, but not suffi cient In amount to mak,c u.o anything like a 50,000 pound carlot. I CROOKS ESCAPE FROM PRISON i Chicago, Nov. 6. Five alleged safe bloweis escaped early today from cells under tho detective bureau at police headquarters. The noise of their jail-breaking was unheard, ow ing to the hiss of steam from a de fective radiator. Joseph D. Marand. leader of the gang, used a chair rung to brcaJc tho. lock on his cell Exit from the build ing was found through a coal hole. FELL INTO SHAFT ALIVE WITH RATS i Calina, Colo.. Nov 5. W J Bur rows, a hotel clerk, was rescued yes terday from a mine pit where he had boon Imprisoned for 24 hours with! J snakes and rats. While taking a walk In the mountains ho entered a ' deserted mine, using lighted matches j lo guido him. He fell into a pit 12 feet deep, receiving painful cuts about j the .head. His cries were heard by three boys, who rescued him. THIRD PARTY IS HERE TO STAY New York, Nov. 5. Whatever ban- pent? at the polls today the Progres H sive party Is to continue Its organiza- I tlon and the parl leaders will inet'E in Chicago on December 10. to make plans with this end in view. The 1 headquarters in New York city will J; probably bo maintained and the prop- . aganda of speeches and literature Is to continue. 'M WOULD DYNAMITE CHURCH Racine. "Wis., Nov. 5. A hired man early today discovered a three-pound package of dynamite under the co'--, nor of the Holland Reformed church, now in the course of construction, j The fuse had been lighted, thc end, being charred, but evidently the spark died beforo reaching the caps No reason for the attempted dynti-1 miting can be ascribed. , Austria Answers Sultan, Vienna, Nov. 5. Thc Austrian gov ernment today notified the Turkish government on its request for modi-1 ation that Austria would first have to confer with the other great powerB.I BUY LMmPS OF U&F We Have the Latest If They Stand Both Jolts I r and Volts I . 425 Twenty-fourth St. Phone 88 i Opposite Court House. (We're New Here But Old in the Business) ; ELECTRIC SERVICE CQB ; A G. W. Barlow, Manager. ! WITH ALL MAN'S inventions, he's (J never invented anything that is much 1 1 better than HOME MADE BREAD. I Your bread will be light, with that delicious flavor you like so well, and Y r mighty appetizing, if you use I CRESCENT FLOUR j V F. S. KING BROS. CO., LARAMIE, WYO. 1 1 I Range rams for sale, large and well boned, i j I Also thoroughbred ewes in car lots or 1 f I small numbers. Also flock headers. I ! a I Respectfully yours, i i 9 F. S. KING BROS. CO. I ' I Utah National Bank I ; I OGDEN, UTAH I v Ej United States Depositary til I Capital and Surplus, $180,000 a j UJ I Gives its Patrons the Fullest i :! I Aeeommodatiosi Consistent I ;jj?e with Sale and Conservative g j ; ..' Banking 1 1 ian 1 RALPH E. HO AG, President. I ft I HAROLD J. PEERY, Vice-President. M WoT s LOUIS H. PEERY, Vice-President. fj Jlfcorti I A. V McINTOSH. Cashier Ii 'I J Bos and when this had been done an ans wer would bo given nn Water Supply Cut Off. London, No 5. The water supply of Constantinople was cut off today f by a large Bulgarian force which oc- cupied Derlcan, at the end of the line of Tchatalja. from which point the aqueduct supplying the Turkish cap-( itai starts, according to a news aj;oni.v dispatch from Sofia. j STRIKE SETTLED. Winnipeg, Man.. Nov. 5. The coal I miners' strike at Bellview, Alberta, In) which 1,100 men went out Thursday, was settled today bv J. o. Jones, vice) president of the Unltod Mine Work- ers of America and Ralph Jlcnavd. general manager of the West Cauail-I i z r i Mett( lan coIIkmn. The men affected wci ' s: ' reinstated. The outlook still is had at v, fefe Pernio and Xicliol, where r,,000 threat- Wm en to strike if an arbitration board I? - M not Immediately appointed to 1 1 2Ss4 with the grievance i SSniSf! ! Harems Are Transferred 'v -.& j Sofia, Nov. S Thc Turkish harems t Mm?, in Constantinople have boen nvnc Hiu, forrod to Brusa, in Asia Elinor, wim-h ?' fiON j was at one lme the capita! of ''", Ife Turkish sultan and l!os about fiTtv- , I Wf seven miles to the southeast of Con- ' I ft stantinople. ' ' I m Thj archives n( tho city also hnvf ' I 1 been sent there f I A 1 - Thc Turkish government has ccjit fill an important' crp'cst toWho' powers ', lj at least to iVrcvcnt the Bulgarian's j O from entoring the capital. i