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Standard has fS if v A 1 -jl-e A A WEATHER FORECAST Vrbei :ounty, in UUh md in the 9 H H 11 F8 slffi X 0 ! F ffl H .l I I I V H B 'H ! FEARLESS, INDEPENDENT, PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER. I Fcrtythlrd Year-No. 65-Pr.ce Five Cents. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, MONDAY EVBNING; MARCH 17, 1913 Entered a, Seconds., M,. at tt,, PoatT H DETECTIVES I VERY BUSY I Fifty Experts Trying to Run Down New j York Safe Blowers New York, March 17 Fifty detec- 'ttves were at work today trying to 5 (run down the cracksmen who robbed I Martin, Simon & Sons' pawn shop on the east 6ide some time yesterday of more thaD $250,000 worth of Jew I 6lry, one of the moat daring and suc f oessful robberies committed In this city wlthfcn the memory of the pres ent generation of policemen. It comes as a climax to a series of safe blowing robberies which for more than nine months has engaged the attention of a special "safe squad" of detectives organized b Deputy Police Commissioner Dough erty. l Since January 13 more than 20 safes have been cracked and robbed In the lower east side section, where yes terday's big haul was made. The police believe that the robbers are the game as those connected with many of the previous burglaries and in the one Instance they have a clue! I to this effect. Gloves Only Clue. When Herman Shapiro's pawn shop Ion the Bowery was robbed of $6000 by cracksmen last Thursday night the (robbers left behind them a pair of cotton glovep which they had ir -i to avoid finger prints. The tobber of the Simons shop left behiud two pairs of similar gloves This vague clue, however. Is the only one the i detectives are known 'o have. The care with which the burglars cut their way by a devious route from (an adjoining cellar to the Simons building convinces the detecties they wrre very familiar with the prem ie)) The men had carefully avoid ed using the basement stairway which was opened to them, but had sawed their way through two floors appar t lently knowing that the stairway was (wired with burglar alarms. Attack on Walls. In like manner, when they reached ithe blc vault in the pawn shop, they did not touch the great steel doors lor their locks, but attacked the walls, Itwo feet thick. The vault contained valuables worth $800,000, according to Simons, $600,- 000 In Jewelry and watches on which money had been loaned. 1130.000 In I negotiable securities and $60,000 in 'notes, as well as $$000 in cash and checks. Threw Bonds Away The thieves took the bonds and notes, but threw them away before Heaving the building. In the vault they jtook nothing but diamonds and light Jewelry contained in 24 drawers. 1 Watches and other jewelry of less i value, packed away in 260 small draw ers and compartments, were not tak en, although all the drawers had been pulled from their places and the, jewelry and watches dropped on the 1 'floor until they were a foot deep. POLICE ARE ONSTAND Captains Tell of Solici tude Shown For Wom en in March 3 Parade Washington. Mar. 17. Police cap tains in charge of men alone the line ' ,of march of the suffrage parade on! March 3 had their Innings today be. tfore the senate sub-commit U Captain Daniel Sullhan said he had' jlittlc trouble preserving order Cap I 'tpin Sullivan outlined his orders from i i 'Superintendent Sylvester to keep the Toad clear He said he carried out the jOrders to the best of his ability Cap tain Sullivan said that Sylvester had shown solicitude for the women and showed an eldent purpose to have I (everything go off pleasantly Captain J. V. Hollenberper in com I imand of the force on the section of the avenue where great disorder oe P fenrred said that when he and hl3 a men reached their posts on 1:30 o dock on the day of the parade, the street was filled with people from building line to bulldine line. At no I time did I have the crowd under con- trol, said the Oaptain ' As fast as no would force one man back two would fill bis place." m His men. ho said, made eight ar- -rest? for disorderly conduct 2 MILITARY SPIRIT I DOMINATES FRANCE Paris, Mar. 16. The new military' st 'r!t dominate a quarter of a million I I Frenchmen who today surrounded the! reviewing field at Vincennes. where 300,000 troops saluted President Poin care. Throughout the great assem blage groups of men enlisted for three years service amid cadences that sounded not unlike an American col lege veil. In other parts of Paris large anti militarist meetings were held by So cialists The favorite cry at these gatherings was an ehortatlon to "spit t'pon ' the 3-year-service plan. Several violent encounters occur red when militarist tried to prevent the display of the red flag Several persona were injured and many ar rests were made. uu MOORE TO 8E j COUNSELOR President Appoints Professor of Law to High Position Washington. Mar 17 John Baesett ' Mcore, professor Of International law at Columbia university and a recog nized authority on that subject is to be appointed counselor to the depart ment of state Professor Moore was ' appointed recently by Mr Taft as a i representative at The Hague tribunal. The president todav appointed Sen ators Fletcher of Florida and Oore of Oklahoma. Representative Moss of Indiana Colonel Harvey Jordan of Georgia, Dr John Coulter of Minnesota, Dr Kenyon L. Butter field of Massachusetts jnd Clarence J. Owen of Maryland, members of the commission authorbed in the last agricultural bill to ro-opera'e with the Amerlcnn commission assembled under the auspices of the Southern Commercial congress to study in European countries co-operative rural j credit unions and similar orpanlra- tions devoted to the hetterment of rural conditions The same men also, have been designated delegates to the general assemblv of the International Institute of Agriculture In Rome next August. McCombs May Accept. Intimations were rocehed at the White House today that National Chairman William F McCombs. final- , ly might accede to the president's re - quest that he become ambassador to Prance. It was said Mr. McCombs wps making such rapid headway with the organisation of the Democratic national committee, ihat he probab lv would be In position to no abroad within a month. President Wilson does not expect to anno inqe further appointments until the extra session of con -res? con venes April 7. unless some extraor dinary occasion demands it oo RAILROADS TO TRY AGAIN Officials Start Afresh on Dissolution Plan for Harriman Lines New York. March 17 Robert S Lovett. chairman of the Union Paclf- ic Railroad company, said today that he and his associates would try to work out B new plan for the dissolu tion of the t'nion and Southern Pa cific roads to comply with the decis ion of the supreme court The original dissolution plan was I abandoned Saturday on account of , the opposition of the California rail way commission, j "The present situation," said Judge I Lovett, "is that we must start afresh and try to work out some plan to comply with the decision of the su ! preme court As soon as wo have done we shall submit the same to I the attorney general and to the cir , cult judges." NO MORE WALKING WITH MANILA GIRL Washington, March 17 No more can the American fighting man In Ma nila walk hand in band in the moon light with his brown skinned, starry eyed sweetheart, for the war depart ment learned today that Colonel Geo K Hunter of the Seventh cavalry has Issued an order prohibiting the men of the Manila garrison from appear Ing In public with native women The order was Imperative and read "Members of this command are hereby forbidden to bo seen in pub lie in the company of native women, except those men who are married to such women." An explanation of the reasons gov rrning the issue of the order did not accompany the report It Is under stood, however, that the prohibition will not prevent the men who nave lost their hearts to the brown-skinned girls from courting them in the pri vacy of their homes . I f ' , Ad-Reading Confined to i Evening Newspapers More than half of the housewives J of the city are unable to read ,i pF r at all until eveninp And when a woman slts cinvn 'or her H Bill) I reads an evening paper There lore tbb average wumui'a ad-read ing is confined to the ads thai ap pear in hd evening newspaper al most exelusl vclv. I WILL SUBMIT TARIFF PLAN Caucus and Way and Means Committee to Take Up Details Washington, March 17. The tariff plan will be submitted first to a cau cus and then directly to the house by the ways and means committee. The majority of the ways and means committee today began taking up the ; administrative features of the new ! tariff The tariff revision plan will be In such condition that whatever form the caucus determines upon can be reported immediately out of the committee and the whole tariff dis CUBBlon formally opened up in the I house without delay. There will be no attempt to name 1 all or even the bulk of the house committees at the outset of the extra session, that being reserved under the present plan until toward the close of the extra session so as to obvi ate any unnecessary legislation until I the regular session of congress con- I venes in December. Personnel Determined. The ways and means committees personnel already has been determin ed upon in Democratic conference in the 63d congress and it will be rati fied by the house at the opening of the extra session, when the com mitter on rules, mileage and accounts also will be named. Whether any other committees will be created for doing business at (he extra session depends upon developments between now and April 7. Cin DUKEWAGING CAMPAIGN Opposes British Gov ernment's Proposed Land Scheme London. March 17 The duke of M irlborough's announced Intention of placing 1000 more acres of meadow land on his estate at Blenheim under the plow has attracted great attention here. The duke, who owns 20,00(1 acres has chosen this method of waging B campaign against the present gov ernment's proposed legislation In the direction of the nationalization of land in the British Isles The duke of Marlborough argues that a private landlord can adminis ter his land more cheaply and effi cients than the state. He will en deavor to demonstrate his thories by showing that he can employ a greater number of laborers, pay them better wuges and produce a greater yield than would be possible under state administration oo EGG ROLLING AT THE WHITE HOUSE Washington, March 17. President Wilson could hold office for life if juvenile Washington had its way, for there was jubilation among the chil dren when it was announced today that on Easter Monday the White House grounds would be kept open two and a half hours beyond the reg ular time for the annual egg rolling pranks. Hitherto the sloping lawn of the White House has been nt the dispos al of the children for four hours, from 9 to 1 o'clock. This year the gates will not be closed until 3:30. The egg rolling on Easter Monday on the White House grounds Is an Institution that draw9 hundreds of children and as many more hundreds of adults to watch the frolic. It has been the custom for the president and I his wife to visit among the romping children some time during the morn ing and both Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs Taft appeared to take keen enjoy ment In the observance. BAGGAGE RATES ARE APPROVED Washington. March 17. Baggage In excess of 45 inches in any dimension, excepting widths a applied to "eases, may be charged for at excess rates by railroads, according to a decision today by the Interstate commerce commission, and it Is said if It meas-ur.-s more than 72 Inches the carriers may refuse to accept It at all. The charge may not exceed the charge for five pounds of excess baggage for each Inch over 415 Inches Widths In cases may run to ft) Inches in length and 12 inches in di ameter. oo PARCELS POST INCREASES FAST Washington, Mar. 1C The parcels post business last month wa8 almost 40 per cent greater than in January SS shown by retort of Postmaster1 General Burleson todav In Februarv rearly 50,000,000 parcels p08t stamps were handled, an increase of 10000 -1 000, but as February contained three du leas, the increase was nearly to per cent. .s in January iiu- three ities do ing the largest parcel post business in February were t'hicao. New York and Hoston In the order named. 'hi-j cago sent and receired 6,107,Ot0 pack ages, New York, 4,142,0.10, anci bos. ion, 1.236-t.iiH) most of them in each jcase being of the sent class Cleve land Philadelphia and St. Louis each handled over l.oi'O.OOO packages Oth- ler cities in order of business follow: j Jersey City. Brooklyn, Detroit, Cin cinnati, Baltimore. Xashvllle. Kansas City, Mo. Buffalo, San F'rancisco Pittsburgh and Minneapolis The reports to the postmaster gen eral Indicate that the mails are mov ing with their usual dispatch that the business in products is growing land that merchants seem to be pre-p.-.ring to extend their business into I new fields 00 CONGRESS TO CONVENE President Calls Extra Session to Open at Noon, April 7 Washington, March 17 President Wilson toda issued the formal proc I lamation convening congress in extra session at noon on pril 7 The president's pronouncement to day was brief and followed form closely It stated merely that "Whereas public Interests require," congress would be convened ia ex tra session by order of the execu tive. Originally Mr Wilson had fixed on I April 1 as the date, Representative I'nderwood. the Democratic majority leader, having iuformed him that the tariff bills to which it was agreed congress should give immediate at tention would be ready on that date. Mr. I'nderwood lound. however, that the ways and means committee would need another week to draft the tar iff schedules and today s proclama tion is iu deference to the wishes of Mr. Underwood and house leaders. The absence of any specific rea I son for the calling of the extra ses j slon is explained by the fact that Mr. Wilsons statement immediately after his election declared that he would call an extra cession to revise the tariff President Wilson to point out specifically bis wishes for the extra lBBlon in his first message, in prep aration. This, it is known from talks I the president has had with member I of congress, will outline the admlnls I tration'6 idea of how the tariff should be revised and just what schedules . should be taken up. The belief is ! general that the entire session will I be taken up with a discussion of the tariff. INQUIRY IS ORDERED Special Grand Jury to Investigate Alleged Butterine Frauds Chicago, Mar 17. ludge Landis In the United States district court to day instructed a special grand jury to Investigate alleged butterine frauds compromised by the internal revenue department on March 1 The grand jurors are to learn If the manufac turers were not of conspiracy to de fraud the Government under section 37 of the national jenal code. The jurors also were Instructed to 'ascertain if any meniljer of the na tional government was guilty of con spiracy On this point the court said: "If therefore, the officers or agents or attorneys of a corporation tax ! debtor have conspired among them selves or with officers of the United States, or with other persons to de fraud the government out of the rev enue tax. anono of such persons has done any act to carry such conspiracy into effect they may all be proceeded agiiinst In account of such conspiracy en though the criminal liability of the tax debtor for the frau,) itself has l lecn specifically extinguished by the commissioner of Internal revenue, with the concurrence of the secretary of the treasury. ' Duty of Jurors. The jurors were Informed that the had authority to look into the oleo margarine business and thai of manu facturing cotton seed oil and to briim .witnesses here from any aprt ol the eountrw If there was a common tin- Iderstaudlng among manufacturers, Judge Uandls instructed., 'it will be your dutv to Inquire with vers great care whether any public officer or Bgent of the goernment had a con scious part ni the arrangement." Judge l.andls told the jurors if wat discovered two years ago that big oleomargarine concern were using cotton seed oil treated with sulphur which resulted in the imitation look iug like real butter The manufac turers, he said, were unrned that the would'use the colored oil at their own committee, of the house of rc,, resentativei investigated and calcu lated the government hud been de- , rd Of $1,200,000 in taxes The committee also recommended thai the caeei be NOT compromised McVeagh Compromises Tax. Nevertheless 0D" of lhe ,ast acts of his late administration of tho treasury department. Secretan Mac-1 Vcagh 'compromised the penalties at 1101,000. This conipromi. continued ludge landis was based on the lav. giving the internal revenue bureau authority to compromise cases where the rev-, enuo law has ben violate IRISHMEN WEAR SMILE . Shamrock is Worn in New York With Great Rejoicing N. a York. March 17 Irishmen in the United States are not only wear ing the shamrock today, but the "home rule smile" in anticipation that' the "old folks at home" will soon real- i ize their hope for freer reign In their government. The program for the day In New York was filled with a variety of re joicings beginning with a mornlnK mass in the Roman Catholic cath I dial which bears the name of the 1 patron saint anniversary of whose j birth the da is supposed to mark I .mlinnl Parley occupied his throne during the ceremony of a solemn mass which tt.iv qiven an unusual touch by the attendance of the fi9th regiment of the national guard in parade dress Sons of Erin Parade. The big event for the day was as i usual the parade of the sons of Erin. With the fine weather which was promised for the late afternoon it was expected that :!0.000 would join In the march up Pifth avenue from 4d to lL'iuh street, and west to the Harlem ruer. a distance of more than four mlls Governor and his military staff, Cardinal Parley and other church dig nitaries. Mayor Ganor and other city officials had places In the reviewing stand In front of the cathedral. An other large parade was arranged in Brooklyn Dinners, dancers and reunions al most innumerable were other festivi ties for the evening, with the official ball at Terrance garden, the largest of the merrymaking affairs. Com bined with :be rejoicing over conces sions which the home rule movement has already won. there were efforts here to further the "spirit of unity" on the home rule question. oo TERMS NOT ADMISSIBLE Powers Will Not Sub mit Allies Proposals to Turkish Government Berlin, Mar. 17 The European powers will this weiek inform the Balkan allies that their suggested tonne for peace negotiations with Turkey are Inadmissible. The powers will decline to submit them to Tur ! key. j A earefnllv worded note to this ef i fet t was drawn by the ambassadors in London at their latest conference and Is now being considered in the various European capitals It is to be Landed to the allies after if has been approved by a further conference in I London on Wednesday. The note will suggest that a modi fication of the allies demands is "In I dispensable." It will urpe strongly the necessity for the conclusion of I peace. OFFICERS DOING SPECIAL WORK Washington, March 1 7. Specializa tion along certain lines of work in the navy is being sought by an increasing number of young officers and the 1 navy department now is meeting with I some difficulty in complying with the applications of lieutenants and junior lieutenants who have completed their first long term of sea duty The de partment realizes the advantage of 'specialization and so far as possible is selecting the most promising of the applicants for appointment to the naval academy as student officers. The courses taken by the student off leers .ire designed to develop ex- J perts iu ordnance, mechanical engi Q( . rinn. electrical engineering, wire less telegraphy, shop management, na val architecture and civil engineering. j The course In the naval academy Is supplemented by additional study In civil war, technical and scientific schools. t the present time 17 young officers are in these outside schools studying at the expense of the government SIX RIBS AND LUNG TAKEN FROM MAN San Diego. Cal.. Marvh 17. To save the life of Roy Rankin, a Los Angeles detective, who was shot b a Mexi can volunteer at Tijuana lxwer Cal ifornla. recently, six ribs and the re mainder of the right lung were ro moved in I local hospital Rankin was reported resting easily today. oo HIGH RECORD IN FOREIGN TRADE Washington. Mar. 16. A high rec ord for February in the history of American foreign commerce was es tablished last month wheu the aggre- i, ( ports and Imports amounted 10 and there v;in a bal ame of trad- in favor or the United States of 144,460.702 for the month Exports aggregated i$4.02r..oifi; lm-J ports. $Mf.5';9.2M. the bureau of for- i eiLti and domestic commerce an nounced today For the tight mouths ending with Kebruan the combined export and import trade amounted to $2,966,714, til7, itn a balance of trade in favor of the United States amounting to $174 C0C.C.-j5. The export - 'ggreaat ed 11,720,660,636; the imports, $1. 246,068,981. American iron and steel manufac tures are being sent abroad at the tale of $1000,000 worth a day, accord ing to the bureau No class of arti cles exported has shown in recent years such a phenomenal gain. In 1ST; these products acpregated OfiiMliMi; in 19(1?,, $1 20.11011, .Kid and this year if is estimated they will reach fully $365,000,000. oo SUFFRAGISTS SEE WILSON President Not Ready to Commit Himself on Votes for Women Washington. Mar 17 Suffrage for the women of the United States by a I constitutional amendment was formal- lv presented to President Wilson to daj bj a committee of national lead ers In the movement Mr Wilson was urged to recommend to the special session of congress action on snch an 1 .'i mendtiient but he told fits visitors ! that he had not made up his mind on the suffrage question ' The president was courteous and Sympathetic throughout." said Mrs Ida 1 lusted Harper of New York, a j prominent woman in the National Wo- man's Suffrage association. "He said , there were many pressing questions t ' to come up at the extra session an 1 i that if h did not recommend action ! on suffrace he did not want It to be taken as an Indication of bis genera) attitude, as he was not committing himself yet." President Opai Minded. Other members of tho party said the president viewed woman suffrage as a question of great practical im portance. There were Indications, they said, that the president was open minded on the subject. The committee had i half hour of the president's time Mrs Harey W Wiley of the Housekeepers Alliance el forth 'he value of suffrage from ; the viewpoint of the mother influenc ing society Mrs. Claude V. Stone, ! wife of representative Stone of 1111 nois, argued that only by amendment to the federal constitution could lm- I r.ediate and general suffrage for wo mc n be obtained. i NEW CHIEF FOR THE CROW TRIBE Washington. March 17 Chief Plenty Coups of the Crow tribe, will assume the place of leader of his peo ple in their councils with the Great White Father and will continue tho work that was carried on by Hollow Horn Bear, the Sioux Chief whose fu neral was held yesterday This prac tically has been decided upon but :i meeting of the Black Hills couucil will be held in the immediate future to ratify the choice The Indians long hnve sought :o commit the government to the policy of appointing a Red man as Indian commissioner In the department of the interior They urge the appoint ment of Thomas L Sloan one of their race, and said to be a lawyer of ability GUESTS OF GOVERNMENT Four French Officers Here on Important Scientific Work Washington. March 17. With the arrival today of four French offi cers prominent in the army and navy ol Frunce and in lentlfic circles, experiments are to be under taken through the medium of tho powerful navy wireless station at Ar lington. Va.. and tho station on tho Flffel tower In Paris to establish the exact longitude between the twocouu tries. The work is of great Impor tance, for when similar data is ob tained bv othtu- nations the informa tion will permit the drawing of a true map of the world for the first time The French officers are Lieutenant ' Ludovlc Drlencort and Lieutenant H A Flgnon of the navy and Colonel iGustav Ferric and Captain Paul Le vesque of the army. They have brought with them a number of hlgh i Benslttve instruments, similar to ; those which will be used In Paris. ' so that the work at both ends will be synchronous The naval observa tory will Join In the tests and exact time here will be flashed at Inter vals lo Pari6 as part of tho pro gram While here the French officers will be the guests of the government. KANSAS BANKING LAW IS UPHELD W ashington. Mar 17. The supremo court toda formally upheld as con stitutional the Kansas p.auk Guaranty deposit act or 1909. Th(' act was held constitutional about two yean aco after objection bv state banks, but the national banks of Kansas still persisted In their f ght avauist the Uw. FIGHT ON AT I DAYBREAK I Refugees Rush Across H Border Rebels and Federals Exchange H Hot Fire H Laredo, Tex.. March 17 A battle HK unexpectedly began in Nuevo Laredo, H the Mexican town opposite here, at iV' daybreak today Carranzistas. re- ' I ported to number 200. during the night (HE? had forced their way into the city and m occupied a lard factory. At dawn S flwf salvo of rifle firing awoke Americans BBS1 in Laredo The first sight that greet- Mffi ed them was a rush of refugees across the bridge to the American side. Men and women carrying their Bri children Jammed the bridge, heed- less of hurried wagon traffic Nu- H&j raerous officials of Nuevo Laredo were among the refugees The of- Fleers carried books and records by the armful. jHBQ Light Rifle Fire. BS The Carranzistas at daybreak ar- M rived within four miles of Nuevo La- BPS redo and opened a light rifle fire. The Bp dlstance was too great. howeer, for this preliminary firing to arouse the sleeping American town or to dis nirt) Nuevo Laredo. The rebels ad vanced cautiously until they were within the city limits. They rushed Into a lard factory, barricaded win dows, then constructed entrenchments for skirmish lines with the aid of outlying fences and sheds. Rebels Fall Back. At 6:30 their files awoke the twin cities with a sudden fusillade. This was followed by an hour's silence. ! Then the firing was renewed for a H few minutes, only to be succeeded by another silence About there the reb els fell back from (he lard factory un der a hot federal rifle fire and re treated slowly, pushing hard by gov eminent troops. 1 u unel Brewer, commanding of fi -cer of the Fourteenth United States cavalry on patrol duty here, sent word K early today that there must be no fir.nt In a direction which would en- Be danger border poiin Igy Larly reports placed the number of t'arranzistas at 600, but when the re- lb treat began their number was esti- F mated at 200 It was reported that jfc many persons had been wounded In the fighUafi at Nuevo Laredo W Twenty 'a rranzistas and 15 feder als were killed. Nearly 50 soldiers were wounded. The Carranzistas retreated to tho hills south of Nuevo Laredo, where they prepared for a fresh assault The street battle continued for an hour and a half. oo JOB TOO BIG I FOR M'ADOO I Personal Hearing With 1 Office Seekers Occu- pies All His Time H Washington. Mar. 17.-The first se- I quel to Presideut Wilson's deterraina- , tioD to refer office seekers to mem- I ' bers of his cabinet came today when I Secretary McAdoo announced he was I compelled to receive personal appll- I cations for office. I 1 have tried it for ten days," the I j secretary said, "and 1 find that It m leaves me no chance to attend to lm- M portant public business and besides H is absolutely futile. None but a su- M p rhuman could remember at the end of the day who has poured a story' In. H to his ears. H While I fully appreciate and 6m- I pathlze with the very natural and proper desire of those who are seek- H ing places, necrthe)ess it should be j, made clear to them that nothing Is to I be gained by haste. Ample time is going to be taken to consider all ap- I plications They should bo made in r 'writing. They will be filed and re- fe I ceive much more careful considers- M tion than if pressed In person. PLANS FOR NAVAL TOWERS COMPLETE Washington, March 17. Rear Ad mtral Staford. chief of the bureau of harbors and docks, has Just complet ed plans for the construction of the second sot of great wireless naval towers, which will be erected on the canal zone at Calmlto practically dup Heating the Initial plant on the Arling ton reservation near thiB city. There I will be three 600-fool steel towers, proposals for constructing which will be opened April 12 I With a hundred kilowatt radio set. J it Is believed this station should bo V able to communicate directly or by re j lay with similar high power stations j to be erected by the navy in the Ha- f raiian islands. Tullla. Samoa. Guam and the Philippines FORMER CASHIER GIVEN SENTENCE Trenton. N. J.. March 17 A L. Beavers was sentenced in the Unlte.i States district court today to Bvs vears In the federal prison at Atlanta. m Ol , for embezzlement f Beavers was formerly cashier of (be First National bank of Highbridge. H x r and was indicted for converting H tn his own use 179,000 or the bank's jH funds. Beavers pleaded guilty.