J 'Oj t 1 I 'I I FEARLESS, INDEPENDENT, JKoGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER. I I vc-Mo. w-Prtee Fiv, cents. OGDEN CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 18 1913 7nt " I , . u l7,J Entered Bt Second -U-s M .-. e- at tn PoQtOfflC. OgdH Ut3- KING OF ; TERRIBLE NEWS i FROM SALONIKI t King George Loses Life at Fortress Semi official News Agency Files News at 6:35 P. M. Strict Censorship Prevents Dispatch of Details 1 (GREEK EMBASSY WITHOUT OFFICIAL NEWS Monarch Safe March 8 and Joined Celebra tion Over Fall of Janina Queen Cares for Many Sick and Wounded Crown Prince Con stantine at Head of Troops at Janina SalonJkl. Mar. . King George of W Greece was assassinated here thlt Itcrnoon. King George, who had taken per sonal command of his troops during the earlier period of the war, had i been here since December, when the j Turkish fortress was occupied by the (Greeks after a short siege The queen of Greece also has been I here and has paid great attention to 1 the care of the sick and wounded King George in December had a J meeting here with King Ferdinand of Bulgaria to discuss the fate of the 1 I captured Turkish territory after the I war. Ruled Fifty Years. King George was In hie 68th year I .and had ruled fifty years He was a : brother of Queen Mother Alexandria lof England and a son of the late king 1 of Denmark He was chosen king of the Hellenes I !n 1863 in succession to Otho I A previous attempt to assassinate , h&ai ras made in 1898 but was fms-1 Uated. King George was married In Octo ber 1867. to Princess Olga, eldest i .daughter of the Grand Duke Con istintlne of Russia, a brother of the 'lr.te Emperor Alexander II. Crown Prince to Succeed. Crown Prince Constantino who has i been in active command of the ; Greek troops throughout the hostlll- ; tie in eastern parts of Turkey in .Europe and who was the head of the amiv which recenth captured the j Turkish fortress of Janina with its I garrison of 2 000 men will be the S successor of his father His wife is I princess Sophia, a sister of the C.or- Imat) emperor King George was often rated as an outocratic monarch but in spirit he m was Democratic and did much for the iprosperity of Greece, which ad van ed II 'rapidly under his rule He took gn al I Interest In the organization of de fensive foroes of the country and with the assistance of the crown I prince brought the army to the state of efficiency which enabled It to ov- j I rcome the Turkish resistance al the beginning of the war I I His name was mentioned after bos- j I i utilities broke out as a candidate for . the presidency of a permanent fed eration of the Balkan States, consist-t I 1ng of Bulgaria. Servla. Montenegro P and Greece. King Warmly Greeted When King George arrived in Sa lonikl on Novemher 12 with Prince Jl Tonstantlne and Prince George, he ffl wsH warmly greeted by the Greek Me tropolitan and the senior officers of bis army. All the houses were deeo f rated with the Greek flag and thOU- sands of people assembled to cheer a (.him He later took part in a service I of thanksgiving in the Arch Eplsco- II pal church. In an Interview King !Geon:e at that time said that Greece 0 lafter the w:r probably would have (frontier north of Salonikl and Mon Hi.cUr and he was inclined to make Salonikl a fre rrt . Since the occupation of Salonikl by kth Oreeks there has been some frlc i lion between thorn and their Bulger I -B an allies but it was thought this B would be eventualh overcome durlng B the negotiations for the partition of Turkish territory. NEWS SENT TO LONDON London. March 18 The news of the assassination of King George came from the oorresondont of the Greek semi-official news agenc at Sn loniki. It was filed in Salonikl at ti : 35 p. m It is believed here that the censor Ship is preventing the dispatch of de tails Both the Greek embass) ;nd the British foreign office are without of ficial news of the assassination. The last previous report regarding the movements of the King of Greece was received In London when he in tended a thanksgiving service at Sa lonikl on March 8 to celebrate the fall of Janina. Crown Prince Cone tan tine is still at Janina with the Greek army. Queon Mother Alexandra, who is George's 9lster, had not received any news at a late hour oo NO TROOPS IN SIGHT Rebels Leave Nuevo Laredo Feder Awaiting Early Rein forcements Laredo. Tex., March 18 All trace of the Carranzlstas who yesterday dashed into Neuvo Laredo wan lost today. They had left the camp south ol the city where yesterday they ap peared to be preparing to renew the attack Federal defenders of Neuvo Laredo announced today that 500 reinforce ments were 40 miles south of the city repairing the railroad and should reach Neuvo Laredo tomorrow after noon . FEDERALS ROUTED BY REBEL BAND Torreon, Mex.. March 18. A band of rebels commanded by ( alixto t'on treras attacked the garrison of Ped ncena under Colonel Barrisos ves terday. according to advices received here today The federals touch t Steadily from the house tops but were routed leaving twenty -five dead and several wounded. MEXICAN CONSUL GOES TO TUCSON Nogalc. Ariz.. March 18 Ricar ilo ;.iuu. former Madero consul In n-, now representing the insurgem go I eminent of the Sonora government, left today for Tucson to confer with the general manager ol the Southern Pacific of Mexico Mr Randolph had made a request that the road be re turned to the owners. The state troops are operating trains and the commercial business is said to bo lati rfen d with. General Obregon, commander in chief of the insurgent state forces, has gone to Hermostllo. the state cap ital, to confer with Governor Peaquel ra. He left Colonel Juan Cabral In charge of the operations against Gen eral Ojoda at Naco commanding the only remaining federal force in the northern part of the state. BIG GUN PRACTIC E TO BEGIN MARCH 24 ANahington, Mar IS. The big gun practice of the Atlantic fleet will be gin In Tangier Sound, March 21, the day after the Atlantic lleet arrives from Cuba and because of the at tendance of the secretary of the na and a number ol other cabinet offloers and certain novel features in the tnr ., ... .1 j Selling Events Begin Tomorrow Announce ments Are Made Today In the Evening Newspaper The newspaper published in the i afternoon is full of new news of first reports of events, with all i h,, i i, r,.ij" oi sharp eye interes'. (I This advertising in an evening pa K ' p, v is . i -. I. ! b and in i terwoven with the livssf of live reading matter and Itaell partakes I of that quality, And really It is quite Important to print the firs; Important selling event as of an accident or of a political happen GREECE ASSASSINATED I get practice, it Is expected f0 be of more than ordinary interest. The dreadnought; Florida, will open the game by liring at the hull of the San Marcos. She 111 have on board spotters from the other battleships i to give them experience in fire con trol. The rieet then will go to an anchorage five miles out from Cape Henry and the ships will fire at mov ing targets, one division each day engnglng in the practice beginning with the Utah, Michigan and Ohio. Fecretar Darnels Is expected to iarrne on the target grounds with his party April 2nd, and will have an joportunity to See the r,un tire of live Florida, North Dakota and Wyoming, the most recent additions to the fleet I 00 I BOY SAVES MATES AND DIES OF RABIES Chicago. Mar 17. Fred Plepper of i Strassburg. III., died of rabies in a j local hospital todav He was the vic tim of a practical Joke that mlghl have cost the lives of twenty of his schoolmates, but for his cool action. (Two of Plepper'B boy schoolmates brought a stray while poodle into the schoolroom as a joke Piepper no ticed that the dog was foaming at the mouth, and snatching back a lit tle girl who was about to pet the ani iiiial. he picked It up and put it out side He was slightly bitten but his j parents did not consider the wound serious until four pigs and a horse bitten by the dog died of rabies. Then thej took the lad to a specialist hero i hut the disease had advanced too far to save his life. Arrangements hae been made for everyone In Strass burg to attend his funeral. oo CONTEMPT CASE OPENS Editor Nelson to Be Tried for Criticizing Circuit Court Judge Guthrie Kansas City, Mar. 18 Hearings In i b contempt case against William R I N Ison, editor and owner of the Kan sas Citj Star, were begun here today before Charles C Crow, commission er appointed by the Missouri supreme court Mr. Nelson was cited for contempt last month by Judge Joseph A Guthrie of the circuit court, following the publication of an article criticizing the judge for granting a divorce law yer his fee In a case settled out of court. HOT DEBATE IN HOUSE Methods of Dealing With Militants De j nounced hy Unionist i Member London. March 18. The methods of the government in dealing with the militant sulfragettes were discussed in heated fashion in the house of com mons today. One of the Unionist members. Har old Smith, declared that the passive submission of the authorities to "hun ger strikes" and subterfuges had brought a check to law and order ' 'It is a dlsgrae to a civilized coun try'." he added, "that women are al lowed to openly boast that they are criminally conspiring to break the law. and that nothing can deprive them of their liberty" Mr Smith turned on the home sec retary and dramatically demanded that he resign from the cablnel "You are a hopeless failure, sir.' he shouted. INDIAN CONGRESS IS ESTABLISHED 7 Washington. March 18. Cougress. when it reconvenes will find a rival in the capital, for it developed today that plans have been made to estab I Ilsh here an organization to be known as the Indian congress. The arrangements were approved at a meeting of several tribal Indians and their representatives last night The congress will have one resi dent delegate from each of the vari ous tribes of the country. ICach dele gate will receive a salary, the amount to be determined by tin? council of each tribe, to be paJd out of the tribal tundfl The primary object of the congress will be to look aMer the interests of the Indians before the government and congress. The Indian newspaper, n,e Toma hawk, aow printed on the w hite garth n i rvation in Minnesota, is also to be located her., and it is expected that publication of the paper in Washing ton will begin by the time the extra session of congress oouvenes. NEW SYSTEM IS NEEDED President Foresees Er r o r and Embarass m e n t in Piecemeal Financing Washington, Mar. IS President iWiljon Is In favor of a budget sys-1 teni in the conduct of the government finances He made public today a letter written on anunry 30 from Trenton to Seimtor Tillman, express ing the hope that a budget system might be worked out after he got to 'Wcsbingfon. President Wilson wrote in part : "liver since I was a youngster. 1 'have been deeply Interested In our method of financial legislation. One of the objects I shall have most In mind when I gei to Washington w ill be conlerences with my legislative colleagues there, with a lew of biinging some budget system into ex. Igtence This business ot building up the expenses of the nation piece by j piece, w ill certainly lead ns to error and perhaps embarrassment " School Girls Visit President. Four hundred school girls were to invade the Hast room of the White House today. Secretary Red field of the department of commerce arrmged to escort one party from Brool.hn. N V Other school delegations from Northloro and Framinghnm. Mass.. and the girls of the normal school of Newark, N. J . also were to meet the president. It became known todav that the president not only had telegraphed to the New Jersey legislature ye terday to secure passage of the Jury reform bill, but that he had urged the prompt adoption of the resolu tion providing for the direct election of United States senators. STATEMENT WITHHELD Attitude of Govern ment Toward Chinese Loan Not Made Public Washington. March 18. President Wilson and the cabinet worked two hours today over a statement defin ing the attitiude of the Cnlted States toward the Chinese so-called six pow er loan. It was to have been made public this afternoon, but just before the meeting broke up It was announced that the statement would not be kIv n out before late today or probably tomorrow. A few days ago It was pointed out that the new administration did not intend to couple the recognition of the new Chinese republic with the Question of the loan In any way that might be construed as an effort on the pari ol the 1'nited States to force fa vor for American bankers. There is no reason to believe that this atti tude has been changed and some of ficials look for Something along that line In the statement if one finally is issued A delegation of bankers who visited the state department last week received Intimations to that ef fect. oo ARGUMENT IS OPENED Supreme Court Takes Up American Naval Stores Company Case Wahlnston. Mar 18. Argument on the case of 'wo officials of the Amer ican N'aal Stores company, under jail j-enicnce!' for criminal violation of the Sherman law, began today In the supreme court. Unusual interest attached to 'he argument In view of the company announcement vestor day that it would suspend operations and that one of the reasons was im pairment of ftu credit by the govern ment's auit. oo TILLMAN'S TALK IS MADE PUBLIC Washington, March 18. Senator Tillman's unusual speech In the Demo cratic caucus last Friday when at failed to receive the appotntnteui ,,, chairman of the appropriation: com mittee, become puhlk today when U v ., printed In 1,111 under authorlt) of the senate. The reference to Senator Martin's iKtnltles leading up to his selection as chairman of the committee have aroused discussions In the senate cir cles. Senator TUlman said he wa6 unable to understand why Mr. Martin should have withdrawn from the contest as party leader and should then have! been given the moat important chair- ruanshlp in the senate. "I would have to believe there had l et n any understanding or any prom ises or pledges made" he said, "as; I hmo no prool . I must perforce p-ave my accusations unsaid But 1 cannot help the suspicion that there must have been a deal of sumo kind or Sen I ator Mjrtin would not have retired wiihout a showdown.'' Senator Tillman said he had given up his 'plan to deliver a vitriolic .speech because he wanted to tiro mote party harmouy. SHIPS SINK i IN STORM Eighty Vessels Go Down in Hurricane ofl Hamburg HamburK. March 18. Eighty 6hips. mainly small craft, were sunk off this oltj early today In a southwesterly hurricane Twelve deaths have already been reported and It is thought that the , death libt may reach BO persons. SENATORS ARE MOVING Choice Offices Held for Years by Republi cans Taken by Demo crats Wutdiington March 18. Democratic aeuitors began today to seize upoflitre choke offices and committee places that have been occupied by the Re publicans for years. The work of moving will be push ed In order that the new occupants may be comfortabh settled by the time the extra session convenes on April 7 Practically every Democrat ic senator will move Senator O'Gorman of New York, who has had to be satisfied with au office In a far off coiner of the of fice building under the Republican regime, will move Into the quarters formerly occupied by Senator Pen rose In the capltol. The latter will move into the office building. Sena I lor Lodge will exchange offices with I Senator Tillman; Senator Ovcrmau will occupy the suite formerh used by Senator Crane, Senator Simmon I will have the luxurious apartments oi former Senator Aldrlch. Senator Ba con, as head of the foreign affairs committee, today moved into former Benator Cullom's office, and so it is all along the line. oo COTTON REPORT FOR FEBRUARY Washington. March IV Cotton on hand Pebruary L'S was 4.209.553 bales Including 120,650 bales of linters. com plied with 4.680,238 bales January 31 and 4,905.035 bales December 31 This was distributed as follows- In manufacturing establishments, I -. 7 . r, 4 s bales including S7.37u hales of linters. compared with 1,911,157 bales January ami 1,704,420 bales December 81; independent warehous es 2,252,011 bales, including 88,280 bales of linters. compared with .'.Of.O. ti'.i bales January 31 and 3,200,616 bales December 31. Imports were 34.040 equivalent to ami pound bales, compared with 253 bales In January and 25.075 hales in December. F:ports were 530.911 running hales, compared with 900.844 bales ,n January and 1,391.395 bales in De cern her. Active spindles numbered 80,518,619 compared with 30,885,563 In January and 30.146.75 in December. Of these 11.739.906 were in cotton growing sines and 18.778,634 in all other states. Consumption and cotton on hand Pebruary 28 was distributed as fol lows: In cotton growing states 235,71 1 bales were consumed In Februarj ; ,7 balc6 were In manufacturing establishments, Pebruary 28 and 2,n4 7. 021 bales In Independen' warehouses In all other states 2:'.1.222 bales were consumed. 1,084.086 bales were In manufacturing establishments and 204,999 bales were in independent warehouses. oo HIS LACK OF WORK CAUSES SUICIDE Chicago. March 18 As I ho train I on which he had Journeyed from bis home in Ixs Angeles was entering Chicago, James C. Gordon, 30 years ..I age. entered the wash room ol i Pullman car and shot himsclt in the head. Inflicting a probably fatal w ouml Worry over lack of employment Is believed hy the police to accouut for the acL INDICTED BY ! GRAND JURY Ofl'icers and Directors i of Cincinnati Trust Company in Toils Cincinnati, Marc h 18. George B. I ' OX, former president of the defunct City Trust company, two former of-I ficera of the company and eight ' members of ihe board of directors were named in the sealed indictments i. turned by the Hamilton count) grand jury yesterday. The envelopes containing the nniu trm-i,' w-i. open ed by Common Pleas Judge Cosgrave today. One of the nine counts charges the "misappropriation" of $115. 000 of tin bank money, now iu the hands of the receivers. Indictments on this count were re turned against George B. Cox, Charles P, Davis, Norman G Kenan, .lames K Heady. James M llutton. I. N. Mil ler, N S. Keith and P Ft. Williams. Control of Funds Cox. J M (raw lord. Davis, David C. Kdwards. Heady, Hutton, Keith. Williams and C. V Parrish, having! control of Ihe funds of the company,1 were Indicted on a charge of having converted to their own use a prom issory note of the Cincinnati Trust company for $12u,000 It is charged that the men who were liable for the note canceled It and entered It as paid in the company's books, when it had not been paid. Nine Loans to Chair Co. Kach of the nine counts of the Indictment charging misappropriation of funds relates to a separate loan j to the Ford & Johnson Chair com pany, of which President 'Cox of the trust company also was a director. The total amount of the nine loans was $115.tioo. It also was claimed that the notes set out In the indict ment comprised only a part of those made to the chair company All the defendants except Heady, i who is ill. and Hutton, who Is out l-r1' 1 hfu-fcL1: ? in eourt when the indictments were read. They were prepared It was said, to give bonds lof $5000 on each Indictment CONFLICT IN WASHINGTON Title to Land in Dis- j trict of Columbia Is in Dispute Washington, March 18 Conflict has arisen between the federal govern ment and the local government of the District of Columbia over title to land on which now stand many public buildings. An investigation now under wav by the district government to determine the titles to property has resulted in the discovery that many local gov ernment buildings are on ground own ed by the federal government, while In numerous cases the reverse Is the case W hen the Investigation is com pleted the land probabh will be ap praised by a Joint committee and tho transfers made on a sale basis. The inquiry Is an exhaustive one and in some cases the investigators bavt uone as far back as 1767 in their search. One interesting feature developed was the fact that some of the lands for school purposes were, acquired through lottery schemes, while others were snapped up at pub lic auction sales OLD SOUTH CHURCH NO LONGER DRAB Boston. March 18 If those Brit ish dragoons who sailed away lrom Boston 137 years ago could return to the BCenes of their riding exploit tbc would probably recognize the Old South meeting house as it has , in rged todaj Iron beneath the drab paint of nearly a century. The historic edifice was built In 172'; of red brick, but for some rea son, which does not appear on its records, the outside walls were paint ed in the spring of 1815. The meeting house narrowly escap ed destruction in the big fire of 1872 as well as a few years later when an association was hurriedly formed to Bars Its being supplanted by a busi ness block. Tb, in , . a which attended tho ef forts of tho state in bringing out the ancient features of the old state house farther down Washington street b washing ff tho paint prompted the Old South association to follow, and yesterday the last trace of paint sras removed. JOB HUNTERS' SIECwE UNAVAILING Washington March lg. Humorous Incidents attend the siege of Wash ington b) office seekers. While Sec retary McAdoo was telegraphing to Boston and New York to discover a man whom h? ir. serionslv eoiislderinu' for assistant secretary of the treas ury to succeed James L 'urtls. In charge of custom, half a hundred supporters of as many applicants waited in his office, although they hH were i old that ihe selection was prac- ffH tic-ally determined. HH The same thing occurred In con- tiH nection with the appointment of a JH United Stat. treasurer. While the H1B secretary was sending a dozen lele- grams broadcast in search or John jfl Burke, former governor of North Da- 19 kota. who was ultimately appointed, 'Jlfl a hundred applicants were virtually IgH beating on the walls of the treasury 'l(H for admission. Burke was finally lo- rilfl cated at Minneapolis, the announce- itH ment of his selection made and the lid armj of forlorn applicants turned ilH away. flU NO TRAINS 1 ARE MOVING Blacks Hills Route Tied Lp for Past Five Days Norfolk, Neb.. March 18 Train T service has not yet been complete- fjj ly restored in northern Nebraska, as ji! the result of last Thursday bliz- jfH zard, which was the worst in 20 years. ij! Not a train has been moved west of Valentine, Neb., on the Black Hills sj j route, in five days a l A baby was born on a Northwest- f ern train at Valentine, Neb. j t Chadron a funeral party headed j lrom Hot Springs. S. D . to Chicago j has been held alnce Thursdav j . - TROOPS ARE BEING SENT General Aubert Or dered to Help Protect Nuevo Lareda Against Rebels Monterey. Mex.. March 18. Gener- j al Trucy Aubert today sent 200 gov- i ' erunient troops with artillery lo as- sist in the protection of Nuevo La- Ij redo on the Tinted States frontier. 1 azainst the attack of the Carranza 11 rebels Bj Another column of government 9 troops has been sent from Monterey to capture 80 rebels who have taken possession hi San Nicolas Hidalgo, I about five miles away. I nA 1 SPECIAL IS I DERAILED I Eighteen Persons In jured, Three Fatally, on "Twin City" Train j Marshalltown. la . March 18 Eigh- teen persons were injured, three of j 'H them possibly fatally, when a north tl'l hound passenger train on the Minn- H eapolis & St. Louis railroad, known t as the "Twin City" special, was de- H railed six miles north of here early The derailment took place at the H approach of a culvert shortly after 2 o'clock. The engine passed over It 1 H safely, but the combination baggage and mail car and a chair car went in to the ravine, now filled with water. and caught fire, the baggage bar being destroyed. H ATTEMPTED JAIL DELIVERY FAILS ! Denver, Colo. March 18. Geor;" Bl Davis, aged 10 years, is in the coun- jj H ty hospital today with a bullet in tjiH In-- right leg. as the result of au at- lfl tempt to rcclase, three friends from I'l the city jail with saws and nltro-gly- I'l cerine. IIbh Franklin Howard. Arthur Dean and III John Rvan. his friends, were locked III up some days ago. Dean Is awaiting lllfl extradition to Salina. Kan., on a for- liffl gery charge. Kifl Davis called a! the city jail last igfl night and was permitted to talk to I'gfl them Police officials warned of au ItiV attempted jail break saw Davis pasa llgfl a bundle of saws to the prisoners I'H and a small bottle to Howard. Ijifl Davis then engaged the officer In lifl eonversntion to distract their atten- Ijgfl lion from the prisoners. Ilitfl When the latter made a break, hnv- l,g)H ing sawed the bars of their cell doors. Policeman Qaren fired on Davis, who llg)H leud the wav. bringing him down with I a bullet in his leg. I t'iiv detectives pounced on Howard. JJJJ Dean and Ryan. Thereupon It was I BB discovered that the small bottle Di ' WM v Is had pas-sed lo Howard contained j PH miflicienl explosive to wreck the i jaiL j I