OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, February 25, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-02-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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> A
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fiffifiT i
30 Horse Power
The only interchangeable car No better material or
workmanship can be had in any car at any price
CADILLIC factory and system of manufacturing only makes
this possible Made for three four or five passengers
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Prize Fight Pulled
I off on Private Car
Denver Feb 25Iocal sporting cir
cles here havo been greatly stirred up
over tho details of a prle fight pulled I
off on Senator Guggenheims private
car on Its recent trip across the coun
try from New York city to the west
About 30000 changed hands a well
known Kentucky sporting man being i
the chief beneficiary
It is not admitted by the Guggen
heim boys aboard the car that they
were fleeced out of their stakes but
tho wiser ones are firm In the belief
that they were double crossed and
therefore paid dearly for their nights
sport arrangements for which had
been made several days before the
western trip was started The fight
was pulled off In the palatial coach of
the Colorado sonator while It was go
Ing at about CO miles an hour tho
knockout occurring aflfcr the train
had passed Galesburg Ill the Ken
tucky fighter winning
New York Clubman Referee
The referee was a wellknown New
York clubman and It is understood
that the surgeon who attended the mill
in a professional capacity was from
Plttsburg Two of the Guggenheim
boys acted as seconds for the defeated
Plttsburger while the Kentuck fight
ers corner was occupied by his backer
and two sporting men from Louisville
The backer of the Kentucky lad return
I ed to Louisville with all the swag
minus what went to the combatants
and about 1000 paid to the surgeon
It developed after the fight that the
contestants are cousins and were
willing that In the articles signed It
should be designated that In the eent
of either being killed his body might
be dropped between tho coaches but
this was not deemed neeessary It is
I stated by those close to the Giiggon
helms that at the close of the mill
their man had not received a single
I The proposition was originally to
back the two rnlddlowolghts for 25000
a side but the stakes dwindled down
When You Think
01 the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness alvtays associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle
While in general no woman rebels against what she re t
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
Dot gladly be free from this recurring period of pain
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong and sick women
veil and DIves them freedom from pala
U establishes regularity subdacs Inflam
matlon heals ulceration and cares Ie
male weakness
Sick women ore invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter
free All correspondence strictly private and sacredly
confidential Write without fear and without fee to Worlds Dispensary Med
cal Association R V Pierce M D President Buffalo N Y
If you want a book that tells all about womans discuses and how to euro
them at home scnd 21 onecent stamps to Dr Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only and he will send you a free copy of his great thousandpage illustrated
Common Sense Medical Ad > igcr revised uptodate edition in paper covers
In handsome clothbinding 31 stamps
Want Ads Bring Big Resnlts
to 15000 a side after all parties had
been admitted to tho car and the lads I
been stripped and their condition as
certained Up to date there has been
no protest entered by the Guggen
heims who lost a pretty penny on their
favorite the Plttsburgcr although
they claim that the fact as to the
kinship of the antagonists was not
known to them previous to the mill
Oakland Feb 24Fulletta ono ot
the moat consistent and popular horses
In California won tho Stanhope handi
cap at Emeryville today beating Fire
stone the even money favorite Ful
letta and Nadzu represented H G
Bedwell and were held as third choice
Taplln got away flying with Fulletta
and the son of Mirthful was never
headed Returning to the stand Nad
zu ran through a gap in the fence and
throw E Clark but the boy escaped
The weather was fine but the track 1
was muddy owing to heavy rains dur
ing the early morning hours Results
First face three and a half furlongs
purse Tho King lOG Butler 13 to 1
won Ollie James 112 Scovllle 11
to 5 second Najiaulck 101 Taplln
13 to 5 third Time 13 15
Second race six and a half furlongs
selling Keep Moving 101 Taplln 7
to 2 won Kokomo 111 Archibald 9
to 1 second Grace G 109 Butler 4
to 5 third Time 125
Third race six and a half furlongs
Darelngton 115 Mentry S to 1 won
Deneen 101 Cotton S to 1 second
Apto Ore 101 Gilbert 11 to 2 third
Time 124 15
Fourth race mile and a sixteenth I
Stanhope handicap Fulletta 105 I
Taplin 18 to 5 won Firestone 120 I
Gilbert even second I Nadzu 96 I
Clark 18 to 5 third Time 150 15
Fifth race mile and twenty yards
sellingFIrst Peep 107 Archibald
18 to 5 won Dolllo Dollars 109
Keogh 9 to 2 second Remember
103 Rosa 15 to 1 third Time
147 35
Sixth race six and a half furlongs
selling Gypsy King 111 Gargan 16
to 5 won Ace of Diamonds 100 Mur
phy S to 1 second Gene Russell lOS
Gilbert icto 1 third Time 124 25
Los Angeles Fob 24The racing
at Santa Anita Park this afternoon
was devoid of any special feature un
less it was the riding of Jockey Shil
ling He was much In evidence during
the afternoon He had seven mounts
four of which ho piloted to victory
two finished second and one third It
was due to his mastery rlQo that
County Clerk at long odds Breezed
home a winner Ethon won the
fourth hustling to the limit to stall
off the sharp challenge of Adrluche
Ida May was third six lengths away
First race six furlongs purse
Great Heavens 108 Schilling 8 to 5
won Hamper 105 J Howard 9 to 1
second Home Crest 108 Butwell 5
to 2 third Time 112 2X
Second race two year olds three
and a half furlongs purseMike Mo
lett 109 Shilling 3 to 5 won Sport
ing Life 112 McCarth 10 to 1 sec
ond Delmas 102 A Walsh 10 to 1
third Time 111
Third race six furlongs selling
La Florin 102 Kennedy 3 tol won
C W Burt lOG Shilling 3 to 1 sec
ond Hazelthorpc 107 McGee 20 to
1 third Time 112 15
Fourth race seven furlongs selling
iSthon 103 Kennedy 16 to 6 won
Adrluche 105 Shilling 9 to 10 sec
ond Ma May 95 C Russell 5 to 1
third Time 121 25
Fifth race mile and an eighth sell
ing County Clerk 112 Shilling 15
to 1 won Day Star 109 A Walsh
12 to 1 second King of the Mist 109
J Howard 7 to 2 third Time
154 45
Sixth race five nda half furlongs
selling Evados 107 Shilling IS to 5
won Chaplet 109 A Walsh 8 to 5
second Sir Angus 109 VPowers S
to 1 third Time 1OG
Seventh race mile selling Prog
ress 110 Aubuchon 5 to 1 won
Niblick 116 V Powers 4 to 1 sec
ond Pickaway 116 Shilling 5 to 1
thiid Time 110
Plneules tor the ruaneys are little
golden globules which act directly on
the kidneys A trial will convince you
of quick results for Backache Rheum
atism Lumbago and tired wornout
feeling 30 days trial 100 They
purify the blood Sold at Geo F Caves
and Depot Drug Stores
Reno Nev Feb 24The following
story comes from GoldtielA dis
cover which for Its unique character
has seldom been equalled In this state
has Just been disclosed through the
presence In Goldfield of Dr Samuel E
Green a geologist and mineral expert
of England Dr Green who Is min
eralogist for several of the biggest
concerns in the east was exploring a
highly fossilized strata which contain
ed fossils of prehistoric animals and
reptiles He broke open a number of
ancient oyster shells and in ono of
them discovered a perfect pearl pure
white and weighing nearly 150 karats
Dr Green has refused a sum for the
pearl which would buya hundred
water jewels of ordinary size
Washington Feb 24Durlng the
debate on the agricultural In the
senate today Senator McCumber ar
gued In favor of legislation authoriz
ing the grading by the federal govern
ment of grain entering into interstate
The fixing of definite grades ot
grain was on motion of Senator Al
drich stricken from tho paragraph
which as finally adopted empowering
the secretary of atjrlculatmo to govern
grain handling and transportation and
to study facts in relation therewith
For this purpose 52440 was appro
Senator Heyburn of Idaho opposed
Increasing the appropriation of the
forestry service as proposed by the
senate committee on agriculture
He attacked tho forestry department
and urgod restoring to the people the
right to locate on any public land Ho
declared that each oar additional
funds were demanded for the service
with the promise that next year It
would be selfsustaining
Fifty Thousand Dollars
Worth of Pearls Lost
at Mardi Gras
I San Francisco Feb 2iA 50000
pearl necklace belonging to MIsd Jon
nlo Crocker of this city was stolen
during the Mardi Gras balL The theft
was not reported to the police until to
night Though numerous Pinkerton
i detectives have been at work on the
case since the loss was discovered at
I 4 oclock this morning no clue to the
robber has been discovered
Miss Crocker was one of 402 guests
Invited to the ball the list Including
virtually all persons prominent so
cially In this city she was also a
guest at the more exclusive dinner
given by Mrs Alexander before the
I ball Miss Crocker wore the Jewels
at the dinner and still had them on
I when she donned her costume for the
ball that of a little school girl with
short blue and white checked dress
and white sun hat She went to the
ball room at 11 oclock with the pearls
hidden under her simple costume
She did not become aware that they
I had disappeared until nearly 4 oclock
In the morning Miss Jennie Crocke
IS the 24yearold daughter of the late
Colonel Frederick Crocker one of Cal
ifornias wealthy pioneers She Is ono
of the richest women In the west hav
ing inherited a large share of her fath
ers estate
The necklace which has been rank
ed as one of the finest In the west if
not in the country Is composed of 53
magnificent pearls all flawless speci
I mens which were brought by Miss
Crocker from Europe some years ago
They were set by Shreve Co a local
Jewelry firm
As soon as Miss Crocker discovered
her loss she reported It to her rela
tives several of whom were present
at the ball and the aid of the Pinkerton
I ton detective agency was sought at
I once The detectives four of the best
men In the service of the local agency
have been working on the case all day
t but have tailed to discover any clue
that might lead to therecovery of the
I necklace or the capture of the thief
San Francisco FebJ24The pros
pect of completing a jury to try Pat
rick Calhoun president 9f the United
Railroads upon an Indictment charg
ing bribery was Indefinitely postponed
today when after accepting the
twelfth juror the attorneys Introduced
evidence and arguments In support
of challenges which eventually vacat
I ed two seats In the box
John Scollard a hotel proprietor and
shoe dealer was dismissed from the
jury under challenge by the prosecu
tion and Arthur S Holman an Insur
ance agent whose right to try tho
case was questioned by the defense
succumbed to a challenge after some
vehement declarations concerning his
opinions of public service corpora
tions and their relations with muni
Before the hour of adjournment tile
I prosecution Interrogated two other
jurors who were not challenged and
the fate of David Holzberg another
juror was still In Issue when the pro
ceedings were Interrupted by the days
Assistant District Attorney Francis
J Honey disqualified Mr Scollard be
cause the latter had been loudly
with Former Mayor Eugene K
Schmitz in Alaska and because the
juror had expressed opinions hostile
to the prosecution prior to the trial
Washington Feb 2IWltl1 Its war
paint on the house of repioSentatlves
today defied tho senate by rejecting its
amendments to the executive appro
priation bill providing for salary in
creases for the president the vice
president the speaker the judiciary
and for the creation of the offices of
under secretary and fourth assistant
secretary of state Party lines were
obliterated completely
Not before during the present con
gress has the speaker been compelled
to wield his gavel with such force to
bring about order as today Of par
liamentary tangles there were many
but the veteran presiding officer em
erged with his decisions undisputed
After six hours discussion the bill
was sent back to conference So much
lime was consumed that a night ses
sion was made necessary for the dis
cussion of the Sundry civil appropria
tion bill
After tho senate amendment allow
ing the president 100000 had been re
jected an unusual scene resulted
Members scrambled for recognition to
make varIous motions The speaker
unruffleld by his besiegers held that
a motion by Mr Vatson of Indiana
to recede from the amendment and
amend It bo as to make the salary
I 75000 was preferential Mr Wat
son sought to shut off debate by mov
ing the previous question and on that
proposition the roll again was called
Tho prevIous question was ordered
and the amendment was carried 1C3
to 110 amId Republican applause
I Tho amendment will make the presi
dents salary equivalent to tho present
salary plus the 25000 heretofore al
lowed him for traveling expenses the
appropriation being stricken out
A long debate was precipitated by
Mr Blngham offering an amendment
io tho senate amendment designating
I Only One BROMO QUININE that Is i r
Lax CE V 8 B 1 rac oinaie b I r t on every
Cures a Cold in Ono Day cripin 2 Days P boX 250
tho proposed now official of the state 1
department as vice secretary In
stead of under secretary and reduc
ing tho salary from 10000 to 7500
Strenuous objection and ridicule
came from all sides
The charge was made In several
quarters that the United States was
trying to ape foreign powers Tho
amendment was vigorously supported
by Mr Watson of Indiana while Mr
Mann of Illinois In opposing the
creation of tho offices of under secre
tary and fourth assistant secretary
maintained that it wan simply another
way of giving office to two more men
Without an opportunity being af
forded to vote on the Bingham amend
ment the house rejected tho whole
amendment and all remaining senate
amendments pertaining to the state
The next battle was waged on the
senate amendment Increasing the sal
aries of federal Judges Finding them
scvlcs In a hopeless minority the con
ference committee moved a noncon
currence In all the amendments This
action was taken and the bill sent
hack to conference
Although the members were ready
to discuss the secret service It was
allowed to go over until tomorrow
I The bill was less than one third com I
pleted when the house about 808 p I
m recessed until 10 a m tomorrow
Now Haven Conn Feb 24 Ear
nest advocates of the Gatun dam to
confine tho waters of Chagrcs river at
Panama were found among tho mem
bers of the American Institute of
Mining engineers during their discus
sion of The Panama Canal today
The opposition to the lock type was
lead by Henry G Granger of Carta
gena Colombia who attacked the re
port made by the engineers who went
to Panama with Presidentelect Taft
If the engineers had to go ho declared
It is unfortunate that thor nomination
lId not pass through the office of the
Chicago Drainage canal and go to the
camps of contractors who had to use
their brains to save money by now de
I vIces and mohods It is also to be
regrettled that engineers were chosen
who had been found guilty of seeing a
point and generating a germ of an Idea
which they had fostered Into careful
Sacramento Fob Assemblyman
Grove L Johnson of i Sacramento
whose antiJapanese bills aroused the
antagonism of President Roosevelt in
troduced in the legislature late this
evening a joint resolution asking con
gress for a convention to amend the
constitution so as to prohibit pol g
amyU requests all other legislatures now
In session to Join In the movement
The measure was introduced at the re
quest of Mrs Hester Griffith of Los
Angeles president of the Womens
Christian Temperance Union
There Is a colony of about 2000
Mormons at Gridley Btitte county this
state and many moro are scattered
throuhout California Tho lesolu
lion In full follows
Whereas it appears from Investi
gation recently made by tho senate
of the United States and otherwise
that polygamy still exists In certain
places In the United States notwith
standing prohibitory statutes enacted
by several states and
Whereas the practice of polyga
my Is generally condemned by the
people of the United States and there
is demand for the more effectual pro
hibition thereof by placing the sub
ject under federal Jurisdiction and
control and at tho same time reserving
to each state tho right to make and
enforce Its own laws relating to mar
riage and divorce now therefore be
Resolved by the assembly the sen
ate concurring that application ho and
hereby Is made tai congress under tho
provisions of article five of the con
stitution of the United States for tho
calling of a convention to propose an
amendment to the constitution of the
United States whereby polygamy shall
be prohibited and congress shall be
given power to enforce such prohibi
tion by appropriate legislation
Resolved that tho legislatures ot
other states be and they hereby are
respectfully requested to join this ap
plication by tho adoption of this or an
equivalent resolution
Resolved further that the secre
tary of state by and hereby Is direct
ed to transmit copies of this applica
tion to the senate and house of reps
resentatlvoB of the United States awl
to the several members of saId bodies
representing this stnte thereIn
Washington Feb 2Upon Sena
tors Foraker of Ohio and Clark of
Arkansas depends whether the judi
ciary committee of the senate will
declare the absorption of the Tennes
see Coal and Iron company by the
United States Steel corporation to
have been In violation of the Sher
man antitrust and whether President
Roosevelt had a right to sanction the
The committee today considered the
report of the majority of the sub com
mittee which Investigated the merger
and by a vote of 3 to 2 condemned the
merger and the presidents action In
permitting 1L Finally It was agreed
to meet again Monday and vole upon
the report Senators Kittredge Cul
borson and Overman who signed the
majority report declared the vote of
the committee will bo at least 7 to C
for its adoption The claim Is opposed
by Senators Clark Wyoming and
DIllingham the majority the sub
committee and by Senator Knox who
is working to uphold tho presidents
course Other members do not profess
to know how Senators Clark of Arkan
sas and Forakor will vote Known to
be for the report are Messrs Nelson
and Klttredge Republicans and Ba
con Culberson Overman and Raynor
Democrats Against It are Messrs
Clark of Wyoming Depew Dllllng
ham Knox and Fulton all Republi
New York Fob 21 Devilled whale
blubber grilled boaconstrlctor and
mJjAc 1m
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Some + Poruna X
SomeS i my Yy r Nl S 3 Used to
Letters 3 s tr < Combat
Concerning c Colds and
Peruno hT7 > c gg taaoxnasi Diseases
ST CHARLES Hospital Quebec City
Ono of onr sisters who commenced
to lako Pcruua has improved and will
continuo to talto It Somo others arc
trying It also Sr Sto Mario Superior
f OXYENT of St Laurent near Mon
Vi troil Mother House Sisters of tho
Holy Cross
After using Pornna for two or three
months several members of tho com
munity have oxporionccd such good
effects that they can recommend Its use
to others Sisters of Holy Cross
TTOSFITAL for Incnrablca Notro
JT1 Damo do Graco near Montreal
Notro Dame do Graco Hospital for In
curables having used Peruna for sev
eral months recommends Jt highly an
an excellent tonic and it is with pleas
nro hat wc add our testimonial to the
HAVING used Poruna for tho past few
E mouths for our side and poor wo
aro happy to any that it has given us
great satisfaction Tho Sisters of the
Good Shepherd Montreal
After a continued use of tho remedy
this institution has fonnd no reason to
change Its good opinion of tho remedy
roast monkey are among the delicacies I
on the menu of tho seventh annual
dinner of the Canadian camp which I
will be held at the Hotel Astor on
Tuesday evening March 2 Great dis
appointment has been expressed be
cause a consignment of dried elephant
from Calcutta has been delayed In
shipment There will be speeches at
tho dinner provided tho speakers sur I
vive the repast
and expresses its satisfaction In tho fol
lowing terms
j j TVTE found Poruna relief In sew
Vv oral cases
IIWO can any It Is a good lonrtnmdwo
arc vory thankful Sisters of tho
Good Shophord
Ono of the many hospitals which have
found Poruna of value in treating old
nnd obstinate cases of catarrh is tho
Hospital St Job n who write as follows
4 VVTIJ aro happy to tell you that
W your Poruna baa gl von us satis
faction Three patients have tried It
ono G3 years old Honoui Dnpulu af
flicted with catarrh IB much relieved
more than ho has been for a number of
A yonng girl 15 years old had an
obstinate cough which half a bottlo of
Peruna caused U > disappear
As to myself two bottles have con
vinced mo thai Peruna Is magnificent
as a tonic Before tho treatment I could
not walk for a quarter of an hour with
out experiencing much fatigue Now
I can walk a mHo easily
Through them three cases we desIre
to make known to tho public tho
efficiency of your remedy
Women to Vote In Slam
Slam has recently passed a law giv
ing women the right to vote in cer
tain cases While this may seem an
extraordinary stop for an oriental peo
ple the Siamese
women themselves ox
plain that It is the teaching of Dud
dhlsm They point out that Buddhism t
preaches the equality of tho sexes and
gives e iunl education to boys and
T il
Grand Physical Culture
Entertainment and
t The World Renowned
n Celebrity
M CelebrityYAft
Grand Opera House 1
J Tbnllrsday Afternoon March 4 i
r 230 Oclock j
Best seats given with purchase of any of Mme Yales Beauty
Culture Articles As there will be a big rush for tickets they
should be secured with out delay They are now ready for com
plimentary distribution
ACT Lecture Science of Beauty Culture
Practical Physical Culture
ACT IIPicturesque Physical Culture the Yale System f
Calisthenics For Strengthening Developing Re
ducing and Perfecting the Body
ACT IK Poetry of Motion Correct Ynlo Walk Grace of
Gesture Poise Balance Deportment
ACT IVThe Art of Beauty Culture The Complexion Care
of the Skin the Hair the Brows the Lashes the Neck
the Arms the Chest the Limbs tho Feet Remodeling
of Features and Contour
p = hoI = C O r I 1 Ith oCt W

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