OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, June 19, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-06-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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Police Looking for William L Leon to Whom Miss Sigel Had Been a
11 FriendCelestial Was Jealous of Her and She Was Afraid of Him
J Body Identified by Mother but Father Fails to Do So and
Goes to Washington to Bring Elsie Home
Now York June tVThe murder
of Miss Elsie Sigel granddaughter
of General Franz Sigel whose body
was found last night crowded Into a
trunk In the room of a Chinaman af
ter she had been strangled with a
curtain con appears to be tho most
remarkable case tho police havo had
to Investigate in many years
One of the odd phases of the case is
the failure of the murdered girls fath
er Paul Sigol to Identify the body as
that of his daughter while tho girls
mother has declared that tho articles
found In the room where the body
was belong to her daughter Ac
quaintances of Miss Sigel who havo
seen the body of tho murdered girl
assert that It Is that of Miss SIgel
and a number of persons have been
found by the police who declare that
the young woman has been a friend of
the Chinaman William L Leon for
years It was stated today that tho
girls father had gone to Washington
to bring Elsie home
Leon who was also known by sev
eral Chinese names was still unfound
today as was also Chung Sin who oc
cupied a room adjoining that of Leon
Both rooms are on the fourth floor ol
780 Eighth avenue between Forty
seventh and Fortyeighth streets over
a Chinese restaurant conducted by
Sun Leung The police are search
ing for Leon but with scant hope of
finding him as it Is believed the mur
der was committed possibly as early
as Thursday
Today the police gave out a report
that Leon and Chung Sin had sailed
last Friday for Vancouver C on a
steamer going by the way of the Isth
mus of Panama Precautions have I
been taken to Intercept the steamer
at an Intermediate point If possible I
The police of Washington have been
aslted to aid the New York police by
finding the original copy of a telegram
received by tho girls parents from
that cltj last Saturday saying
hi will be home by the end of the
weak Dont worry
It was signed with the name of
Elsie SIgel Miss SIgel had beon en
gaged in missionary work among the
Chinese of the city for a few years in
behalf of the chrlsliaulzation of tho
Orientals The young woman was
about twenty years of age This morn
Ing Florence Todd one of the mis
sionary workers in the Chinese sec
tion who identified JMiBB Sigels body
told tho police that limo girl and the
Chinaman had been thrown much to
got hor for a fow years and that I eon
was greatly enamored of tho girl that
ho was Intensely Jealous of her and
dinllkcd her to receive the attentions
of other men This had caused Mian
Slgtl to fear Leon Miss Todd said
That Leon had other correspondents
than Miss Sigel was discovered when
between 1500 and 2000 letters main
ly from various women In New York
and other cities wore found In his
room Among the number were many I
nignod EIslo which voro described
by the police as love letters The con
tent of most of hem wore not reveal
ed by the police but in ono of them
Elslo reproached Leon for causing
trouble betwoen her father and her
self Just think of the sacrifice I
have made for you ahc wrote In one
A note book belonging to Leon and
containing the names and addresses
of hundreds of women and girls was
IifF SIpcls shoes and Blockings I
were not found In the room where the I
j body was found It is believed she
was kept a prisoner there and her I
I footwear taken from her to prevent her
leaving the room I
Now York June SElIzaneth
SIgel daughter of Paul Sigel of this
city and granddaughter of the Illustri
ous Fran SIgel tho German warrior
I who served with the Union army dur
ing the Ciil war Is the victim of ono
of the most sordid murders in tho
history of New York
Taken from a trunk In a room of a
Chinaman above a chop sucy restau
rant In the tenderloin her body in a
state of acoomposltlon Is in tho
morgue while detectives are Investi
I gating a tangled story involving tho
girl and her associations with Chl
I lose An envelope addressed to tho
girl was found In the room where tho
I body lay a locket bearing her Ini
tials her disappearance on Juno 10
and a note found in the room signed
Elsie all Indicated that Franz
Sigels granddaughter was murdered
Mr Sigel had not identified tho
body at a late hour tonight but Mrs I
SJgel Identified the torn clothing as
that worn by her daughter
Sun leong proprietor of the restau I
rant who conducted the rooming
house above disappeared shortly af
ter the discovery of the murder ad
ding further to the mystery The case
has many unusual features notable
among which is the fact that a China
man has been known to call at the
Sigcl home presumably with the sanc
tion of the parents Elsie was 20
years old and was greatly interested
in work among Chinese It Is under
stood that she became acquainted with
one Chinaman who may be able to
throw some light on the case several
years ugc when he conducted a cane t
rack at an amusement park at Fort
< Jcorgc The Slgol home In Wads
worth avenue the Bronx is not far
away from the resort i
Three Chinamen were arrested as
material witnesses They gave tho
names of Yeo Kim manager of Sun
Leongs restaurant Gong Wing sales
man for a chop suey supply house
and Chin Sum a cook who lived in
the rear of the resturant The man
most wanted however is the former
occupant of the room where the body
was found evidently an English
speaking celestial Judging from tho
letters this Individual Is Lcong Loo
Llm known among his English friends
as AVilllnm II Lion
Shortly after midnight Mrs Flor
ence M Todd one of the resident
workers In the Chinatown and Dow
cry settlements who Is a friend of
tho Slgel family called at the morgue
and after v ewlng the body identified
I underclothing as that worn by Elsie
New York Juno SPacked in a
steamer trunk tied with ropes and
left in a house occupied principally by
ChlnoBo ho body of a young woman
was discovered tonight All Indica
tion are that she was strangled The
police believe it may prove to be the I
body of a missionary worker j
Paul Sigel a son of General Franz
Slgol of Civil war fame was sum
moned to police headquarters for his
daughter has been missing for more
than a week and the police were anx
ious to havo him view tho body
Henry A Barnell who Is interested in
r po
vs 1
G i1l1le 313 p m
A >
Lumlcy Catch
Hummel Pitch
Cutup Pitch
Greenwcll First liana
Wossler Second Base
Taylor Short Stop
Hansen Third Bane
Hamahaw Left Field
GImlln Center Field
McConnel Right Field
Salt Lake I
Knickerbocker Catch
Huaser r Pitch
Margetts First DaM
CaUro Second Base
White Short Stop
Guun Third Base
T Gunn Left Field
Scott Center Field
McKean Right Field
White Sub List
I Come out and see the Old Timers fight It out It should bs a 4
good game m
n < J f I UI I Ylt TIrl
missionary work among the Chinese
said that he knew a young white
woman by sight only who was a mis
sionary worker among the Chinese
and he thought the name was Sigel
Tho house is at No 7S2 Eighth ave
nue In the tenderloin district Sun
Leung the proprietor brought about
tho revelation of tho crime He noted
a peculiar odor and fearing someono
had committed suicide notified tao po
lice They ascended to tho top floor
entered a small room and pried open
a steamer trunk There lay the body
cramped and partly decomposed with
a rope wound tightly around tho
The man who had occupied the
room evidently had left hastily for
there had boon no effort to remove
anything About the room Bibles and
prayer books containing names written
in both English and Chinese gave tho
information that ho was known In Eng
lish as William H Lion and in Chi
nese as Leong Loo Lim
Scrawled on a card In fairly good
English was an unsigned note which
I hope you do not get mad at me
because all the trouble came from me
I hope some day the happiness come
to us both
There was great excitement among
the Chinese In the vicinity when the
murder was discovered but with tho
exception of the proprietor they could
not bo induced to view the body
Decomposition had progressed so
far however that except for the white
ness of the feet It would have been
difficult to ascertain whether it was
tho body of a white woman
Paul SIgel later examined the cloth
Ing the woman wore He was unable
however to Identify any ofthe things
as having belonged to his missing
daughter Elsie
A number of loiters which the po
lice expect will throw light on tho
case were found in the room One
was written in English addressed to
the missing Chinaman who occupied
the room but was unsigned warned
him that if he did not stop paying at
tention to Elsie Sigel he would meet
a terrible fate The other letters
found were written by a girl who
signed herself Elsie According to
the police the missives were written
in terms of endearment A silver
spangled bracelet upon which wero
the Initials E C S was found In
a dresser drawer Some text books a
speller and a geography owned by limo
missing Chinaman contained scrawls
of the namo Elsie such as a person
learning to write might make
A plain envelope addressed to Miss
Elizabeth Sigel No 209 Wadsworth
Avenue New York but empty was
also found In the room
A man who described himself as
Joseph K Lang but who is a China
man called at the Eighth avenue
house quito unexpectedly during the
night He said he called to HOC his
cousin who proved to he the missing
Chinaman who occupied the room in
which the trunk was found Lang ald
ho saw his cousin Elsie Slgel and her
father and mother al a performance
at time Chinese theater three weeks
Several Chinese were examined by
Coroner Harburger today at the pre
liminary inquest to Eble Sigels death
and three of them were in default of
1000 ball held as material witnesses
Ono of them was On Wing who ac
clmpanlod Sun Leung the restaurant
proprietor when the latter went last
night to notify the police of the mys
terious room connected with his es
tablishment Sun Leung is a cousin
of Leon and could not be found by tho
police later when they wanted to ques
tion him He Is still raiding
Yee Kim a waiter In the eighth
avenue restaurant told the coroner
that ho had never soon a white woman
upstairs over tho restaurant Ho said
that last Sunday evening Mrs SI el
mother of the murdered girl called at
the restaurant and asked for Leon
but left after being told Leon was
An autopsy performed by Coroners
Physician OIIanlon today brought the
statement from the physician that in
his opinion asphyxia hud been tho
cause of Elsie Sigels death The or
gans also indicated that the person
might have been murdered The phy
sician was unable to tell how long the
girl had been dead
He Was President of the Boston Na
tional League Baseball
Xenia 0 Juno 19 Cisorge Doe
prei5 cit of tho Boston National
League Baseball club died on ji Penn
sylvania train between Codarvillo and I
Xenia early today following a hemor
rhage of tho lungs Mr Dovoy was oa
his way to Cincinnati unaccomparad
Pittshurg Juno HITho sudden
death of Geo Doc caused a surprise I
in this city as ho spent yesterday
here holding a conference at the Hotel
Schenley with President Dioyfus and
Secretary Locke of the Plttsburg club I
Mr Dovey loft here yesterday after
noon for Steubenvlllc 0 where ho
was to look over promising baseball
players and then Intended to go to
Cincinnati He was apparently in the
best of health f
Boston June 19George D vey had
been owner of the Boston team for
the last three years having purchased
It from the famous triumvirate
Messrs Conant Soden and Billings
I For a term of years Mr Dovey had
I been a salesman for the St Louis car
company and the ownership of the
Boston team was his first venture In
baseball No national league games
will be played on the day of the
g Stockholm June 1SCoyne the
fireman aboard the British steamer
Woodburn of New Castle that was
fired on at Pltklpas bay Wednesday
night by a Russian vessel sustained
only slight injuries He declares that
three other members of the Wood
burn crew stranded near the prohibit
ed zone of Pltklpas bay Her cap
tain evidently was unfamiliar with the
published regulations
Of 45 Persons Treated by
Heart Manipulation
Nine Recover
New York June 19 Fortyfive per
sons whq havo died recently form the
ibasis of a most remarkable report on I
bringing the dead back to life accord
ing to tho Medical Record Of the
fortyfive cases treated under tho
now theory of manipulating the heart
h the hand seventeen patients were
resusciated nine with complete recov
ery the remaining eight dying after a
short time Forty of the cases treat
ed are said to have been due to tho
anaesthetic administered
The reports say that in each In
stance Immediately after death en
sued nor not more than five minutes
afterward the chest was opened and
tho heart was given a direct applica
tion of manual massage
After tho chest cavity has been
opened the hand Is forced in and tho
I heart Is grasped and pushed toward
the anterior thoracic walls accol d
ing to the Medical Record and the
centriclos are squeezed rhythmically
at about tho normal rate of heart
beats During all this time assistants
should + be busy with artificial respira
tion saline and adrenalin in
fusions tongue traction intubation or
I trachaectoniy and elevation of pelvis
and legs
Machines Were Being Shipped to Cal
ifornia But He Is Discovered
Before Train Leaves t
Cleveland June 19 Believing that
J his life would he saved if he reach
ed California Thomas Noonan a con
I sump live twenty years of age stow
ed himself away in an automobile that
I was being shipped to San Francisco
from here yesterday and prepared to
make the long trip across the country
An Inspector from the automobile fac
tory found the young man in the ma
chine and thus the consumptives
plans were frustrated
Noonan was an employe of the fac
I tory from which the machines wero
I being shipped and when ho heard that
I tho cars were to be sent to San Fran
cisco he asked permission to accom
1 parry them but his employers refused
to grant his request rind he decided to
go without their permission
Noonan had stored away enough
food to last him for ten days In one
of tho machines padded the floor of
the car so that ho might sleep In
comfort and n short time before the
train was ready to start he crawled I
into his bunk
St Petersburg Juno 18 During tho
I 24 hoi rs ended at noon today 31 new
cases of cholera and 31 suspects were
reported and there were ten deaths
from the disease
San Francisco Juno l1At the
Missionstreet arena this afternoon
Monte Attell and Frankie Noll will
meet in a 25rouud fight for the ban
tamweight championship of tho world
aim tho famous belt which Torry Mc
Govern won from Pedlar Palmer Neil
isstill a slight favorite in tho betting
and he probably will continue so un
I til the fight begins Nells recent good
showing In his eastern fights caused
him to be mado the favorite for to
days bout
Elder B F Hinckley of Salt Lake
City will be the speaker at the Tab
ernacle Sunday services being at 2
p pm Tho following musical program
will bo given
jl Selection by Tabernacle Choir
Selection by Tabernacle Choir
8 Organ solo Sam T Whlttaker
Boston Juno lSAfler pleading
guilty and paying a fine of 5 in po
lice court here today for a violation
the street traffic regulation that an
automobile must not he left unat
tended on a downtown street Jack
Johnson the worlds champion heavy
weight pugilist appeared tonight as a
lecturer in the Rush A M E Zion
church in Cambridge
Johnson in a Tuxedo suit drab vest
and many diamonds was introduced
to a large audience by the pastor
who said Johnson volunteered to aid
the church by giving a lecture John
I son was given an enthusiastic greet
ing He said
1 am satisfied now that Jeffries and
I will never fight The reason for
this Is that ho Is growing fat and I
I dont cnre to meet a man who comes
out of retirement want a real livo
one then let the better man win
St Louis Juno 18 Robert L
Hayes 27 years old was arrested in
the postoffice here today suspected
as being the head of the blackmailing
message to the officials of the Wab
ash railroad The letters contained
threats of dynamiting the tracks un
less 5000 was paid
Nome June 18Tho steamers St
Croix Olympia San Matco and Uma
Ulla which were caught in the ic
and delayed for several days have
broken through and arc here safe The
revenue cutter Thetis and the steamer
Ohio are still fast In the ice SO miles
from here but are considered safe
Sixteen Children Are
Prostrated by Bolt
Six May Die
Sparta Ga June 19While sixteen
children who were attending a Sun
day school picnic at Martin Springs
near here were standing under a tree
yesterday to escape a shower a bolt
of lightning struck tho tree and every
child was rendered unconscious
When aid came tho children wero
lying in a heap at the foot of tho tree
and all were apparently dead There
were two doctors in the picnic party
and on examination they found that
not one of the children had been kill
ed outright though six of them woro
in such condition that their recovery
is hardly possible Tho other ton
meanwhile rendered unconscious are
not considered in a dangerous condi
Examinations disclosed that on the
bodies of nine of the children the
tree had been perfectly photographed
by tho electric bolt The shoes had
been torn from their feet and every
piece of metal about them fused
Chevrolet Will Take Second Place Un
less the Locomobile Breaks
Crown Point Iud June 19Wtth
25C10 miles covered and 13914 to i
travel It was believed that George
Robertson the eastern driver would
win with his Locomobile He was 12
minutes ahead of his nearest pursuer I
Chevrolet and it appeared Unit noth
ing but a breakdown could beat him
Robertson at the end of the twelfth
lap stopped change a rear tire but 1
not long enough to jeopardize his lead
Nome Alaska Juno ISThe
steamer Senator sailed for Seattle on I
June 1G with 700000 in gold Ther
Victoria which sailed for Seattle on
tho 12th carried 500000 in gold Tho JI
winters gold output Is estimated at
Heney Finishes His Impassioned Appeal of Sixteen Hours and OneHalf j
For the Citizens of San FranciscoJudge Lawlor Gives His Final
Instructjons to JuryReview of Famous Case Un I
paralleled in Western Courts I
I San Francisco Juno 19 Concluding
tho greatest Issue in the history of
I San Franciscos graft scandal tho case I
lot Patrick Calhoun millionaire presi I
dent of the United Railroads charged
with bribery was given to tho jury i
shortly before noon today after a
trial that dates baclc to January 12
1909 Assistant District Attorney
Francis J Heney in a session of court
that opened an hour before the usual
time added materially to an argu
ment that had already extended over
a period of fifteen hours before Judge
I William P Lawlor began his charge
to the jury a few minutes before 11
I oclock
j Every faction of municipal politics
and every shade of bitter sentiment
that has arisen slnco tho overthrow
of Boss Abraham Rue three years
ago was represented in the over
whelming throng that stormed tho
doors of Carpenters hall when
court assembled this morning Mount
ed policemen charged Into toe crowds
again and again and a full company of
patrolmen inside the building and out
I was scarcely able to preserve order
and regulate admission to the court
When Mr Honey faced the jury for
tho final Instalment of his address
the hall was packed to suffocation
Men and women prominent In every
detail of tho citys life who had
I fought for entrance counted them
i selves fortunate to have the privil
ego of standing In tho remotest corn
I ers whilo in tho street hundreds wero
marshalled in lino by the police or
I stood patiently at the ends of the
block denied even the privilege of re
maining In the vicinity of the hall
I Not alone because of the exceeding
bitterness that has marked many of Its
stages but because of Its length has
the trial been a noMblb one Int st =
ern history Between January 12 of
this year when the attempt to secure
tho first juryman was Instituted and
today when the case was given to the
twelve men finally selected five
months and a week elapsed and 15S
days had intervened Of this period
110 days had been devoted to court
sessions In this respect the ease
outstripped every record established
in the case pf Abraham Ruef who
was convicted after 7G days devoted
to actual court proceedings
A thirteenth juror Michael Murphy
was added to limo regular panel of
twelve by order of Judge Lawlor with
the expectation that his services might
I he required by emergency Three
months and two days were necessary
to qualify the thirteen jurors Of the
210 citizens summoned by the sheriff
1423 wore actually subjected to In
terrogation by the attorneys Jn tho
Peremptory challenges were first ex
ercised on March 9 and since that
1 dale six members of the jury have
been n custody of a court bailiff re
siding at Lila St Francis hotel Four
other members of tho panel have
been separated from their families and
business affairs since March H and
Itho others since April 14 when tho
thirteenth juror was qualified
Tho typewritten record of the case
amounted to 2500000 words when the
Jury was completed Judge attor
neys and witnesses have added an
other million and threequarters to the
bulky transcript since that time mak
ing a total of 1250000 words
1 The cost of the trial including tho
r maintenance of jurors a special pn
1 lice detail transcript and tho usual
I expenses of limo court for so great a
period can only be conjectured but
it is estimated that it will exceed
When the morniug session opened
Honey who had spoken fifteen hours
at the end of last nights session re
I sumed the final stage of his argument
His voice was hoarse and he spoke
rapidly apparently in an effort to
make the most of his allowance of
ninety minutes J
II Mr Heney made direct charges of i
witnessfixing and perjury against sev
eral officers or employes of tho United 1
Railroads Tho speaker charged that I
James L Gallaghers home in Oakland
had been dynamited by agents of the
defense and at the end pf this sub S
ject said I
Now that A Ar Moore of tha dc I
fense has assured me that thp do
fendant and his associates wsh mea j
a long life 1 shall take added precau
tions for my own protection an ma1o
certain as I can that I shall not bo
shot in tho hack or dynamited in my
bed The evidence here show B Hint
It Is often JKlsslble to prepare a dc
case in advance and I don over
look warnings of this sort
Mr Honey brought his argument
to a close three minutes ahead of tho
allotted time A moment before ho
was engaged in a review of the testi
mony of a supervisor Judge Lawlor
reminded him that the remaining mo I
ments were few and Mr Honey
throwing aside a quantity of notes
jet tinrcferrcd to said I
Gentlemen I thank you for your
attention I leave this case In your
hands confident and expectant that
San Francisco will have no cause to
question tho good faith of your ver I
dict whatever It may be and tho
state office of California will learn
from your conduct that you do not
have to bring before a jury the mon I
who flaw a briber pass the money to
secure a conviction and that any
amount of circumstantial evidence will
not be treated as Insufficient when a <
wealthy man Is on trial although a
I supervisor Coffey for Instancecan
Do convicted In a few minutes
After a recess of five minutes the
I doors were locked and the judge be
gan his instructions to the jury
Patrick Calhoun was one of the
score of wealthy corporation officials
Indicted as an outcome of tho mu
nicipal upheaval of 1907 when time
administration dominated by Mayor
Eugene E Schmitz and Abraham Reef
was overthrown in November 1905
Francis J Ilenoy already well known
ns a public prosecutor charged in
public address that Ruof and Schmltz
were guilty of corruption and with
W J Burns formerly a government
secret service agent undertook an
investigation of privileges awarded
several public service corporations
Rue and Schmitz wore indicted on
charges of extorting money from
I French restaurant proprietors In No
vember 1906 after Ruof had failed in
an effort to seize the district attorneys
I neys office through his own appoint
ment by the board of supervisors
The graft Investigation as it came
to be known was conducted secretly
1 for several months following but In
tho early part of March 1907 Burns
I succeeded In trapping Supervisors
Thomas F Lonergan Edward I Walsh
and Charles F Boston In the act of
accepting money from Golden M Roy
a skating rink proprietor who was
acting in lie Interests of the prosecu
tion Within a week eighteen super
visors had confessed their acceptance
of money from six different sources
It was subsequently announced that
the supervisors had been promised Im
munity for their testimony against
the men charged with offering tho
I bribes j
I The Oliver grand jury empaneled
under the direction of Mr Heney In
I October 100G heard the confessions
I of the supervisors on March 19 1907
and during a period of IS hours re
turned over 300 Indictments against
various persons charged with com
plicity In the briberies
Mr Calhoun together with Abraham
Ruef and three subordinate officials
of the United Railroads was indicted
I on fourteen counts three of which
I were returned by a later grand jury It
I was charged that the corporation had
secured from the supervisors in May
21 1906 a pormit authorizing substi
tution of the overhead trolley system
for the cable lines partially destroyed
by the earthquake and fire of April
16 1906 Calhoun and the other de
fendants were accused of having paid
Ruef Schmilz and the supervisors
j 200000 for their services in securing
I the permit for the company and each
I indictment was based upon the money
received by one of the Supervisors
j TIrcy L Ford general counsel for
the railroads was ono of the officials
implicated in the indictments and
during a period of eight months was
tried three times In the first in
stance a disagreement resulted and in
I two subsequent trials Ford was ac
quitted Ruefs trial upon one of the
su called trolley indictments was com
menced on August 27 1908 There
was an interruption of several days
subsequent to November 1 when
j Francis J Honey was shot down in
j tho court room by an exconvict who
subsequently committed suicide In the
county jail and three volunteer prose
cutors took the case which ended Do
comber 10190S when a jury returned
a verdict of guilty v
I r On December 29 Ruof was sentenced
I to fourteen years in San Quentin pen
itentiary and since then has been con
I fined in the county jail awaiting ac
tion on an appeal to the higher court
I Tho prosecution during the several
to prove
trolley trials has attempted I
that Calhoun on the day following tho I
final passage of the permit sent from
New York to the mint In this city
200000 which he previously author
Ixed tho mint officials to pay to Tlroy
I L Ford The money as is adratttod
was withdrawn In three Installments
by Ford who presented orders signed
by Calhoun It was alleged by the i
prosecution that within a few days
after each of Fords visits to the mint
hr received a call from Thief IIi
Following this theory James L Gal
lagher chairman of the supervisors
testified that Ruof had paid him over
10000 in July and an equal amount
in the following month Gallagher
declared that he had roL mined 115000
for hlmsclf had paid tO000 to Andrew I
Wilson one of his
drew M
andrew > and had given 4000 to each be
t o supervisors It was affirmed by
tho prosecution that Ruef and Scninltz
divided the balance of tho fund
amountingto about 115000
The specific indictment upon which
Calhoun was tried was the offer ot
a bribe of 4000 to Supervisor Fred P
Nicholas to influence his action up
on the trolley permit Nicholas call
the first witness admitted tile
ed as
acceptance of the mono for that pur I
pose I
Since the trial first commenced a
great number of new issues more or
less important have been presented j
for the jurys consideration I
In March when the trial was near
ly two months old warrants were is
sued for the arrest of several men
charged with stealing documons from
the ghee of William J Burns special
agent of the district attorneys office
The list of defendants headed by M I
lL Abbott and Luther G Brown in
cluded Rex Hamlln secretary of Burns
and three others of Burns assistants
who confessed that they had given
private reports letters and telegrams
to John H Helms and the agents of
tho United Railroads
On Saturday and Sunday March 26
and 27 the offices of Abbott Brown
Calhoun and Mullally were raided by
the police upon a search warrant se
curer by Burns who professed to hmo
Information that the men named wero
in possession of his stolen papers
Safes and desks wore forcibly opened
in the presence of protesting attorne s
and officials and documents to tho
number of 2000 wore seized and de
livered Into the custody of the police 1
judge who granted the warrant Be +
fore the raiders had completed their I
i task attorneys for the United Rail
roads secured and served an injunc
tion forbidding further search
Another order was secured to for
bid the police judge opening the scal 7
ed packages and after days of argu t
ment Superior Judge F J Murasky
took under advisement an application
for an order adjudging Assistant Dis
trict Attorney F J Heney and two
detectives who participated in the
aids guilty of contempt of court
No end of complication has been
created through the activity of pri
vate detectives several of whom are
admitted to have been privately in the
I employ of one side while secretly fur
nishing information to the other 4
A fortnight was added to the length a
of the proceedings by the testimony of
John Hems once a detective In tho
employ of the United Railroads who
was later added to the force of Burns
to obtain evidence of alleged illegal
activity Cli the 1Iartmf trnffed Rail
road agents Helms testified that he
had paid Platt and other Burns men
to secure papers and had turned them
over to Abbott Prior to his appear t
ance as a witness ho charged sev
eral attempts were made to prevent
his testifying for the prosecution
Another Burns agent produced In
court sums aggregating 250 which ho
I alleged had been paid him by Luther
G Brown to betray secrets of the
I district attorneys office One of tho
I witnesses called during the trial was
i Rudolph Sprcckels president of tho
I First National bank who instituted
the graft prosecution by undertaking
I to pay the expense involved The tos
limony presented showed that a fund
of 23l000 had boon raised and ex
I ponded and Mr Snrcckols accounts
vilunUtrily produced in court showed
tint he had contribute approximate
ly 175000 of the total
The Jury had been out an hour and
i a quarter when Judge Lawlor stating
i that he would have luncheon served
I to the jurors in the quarters abovo
i the court room excuse the defendant
I and the attorneys on both sides until
1 oclock this afternoon declaring a
I recess of two hours
Chicago Close
J Chicago JUlie lClose Wheat +
July JLiy Sept 106 58 Dec 1
05 3S May 10S 1S
Corn Tuly 71 l la3S Sept 6S 58i
Dec 58 18 May 58 7S
Oalfi July 50 32 Sept 13 Dec II
1Sall May 1C llaSS
Pork July 2072 12 Sept 2091
12 Jan 1880
I LardJuly 1102 l2alU95 Sept
I 1197 l2alliOO Oct 1112 12 Nov
1172 12 f
1 RibsJuly 1115allJ7 12 Sept
S1JI5 Oct 1107 12 Jan 965
I Rye Cash SGaSS July 83
Barley Cash 77aSO l2
Chicago Livestock
Chicago Juno 19 Cattle Receipts
estimated at 300 market steady
beeves 520a720 Texas steers 403
aC25 western steers S470aG30
stockers and feeders 3GOa5GO cows
250aG30 calves 575a
and heifers 2503630 caves
HogsReceipts estimated at 7000
marl 5c higher light 535a595
mixed IBDOaSJB heavy 3GOnS20
rough 7GOa7SO good to choice
heavy 7SOaS20 pigs G30a720
bulk or sales 720aS05
SJiccp Receipts estimated at 1000
Market steady native 370aSOO
western 375no9Q yearlings G 00
a700 lambs ualivc 500aS35 west
era 075aS25
Sugar and Coffee
Now York June 19Sugnr raw
Easy fair refining 296a312 cen
trifugal 96 test 35Ga392 molasses
sugar 311a317 refined steady
crushed BG5 powdered 507 gran
ulated 3495
COFFEE Steady No7 Rio 7 7Sa
S No 1 Santos 9a1t
Seattle jluuo 18Slx and a half
tons of virgin gold valued at 3200
000 the largest single shipment ever
sent from Alaska arrived on the
steamer Jefferson from Juneau to

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