OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, June 24, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-06-24/ed-1/seq-7/

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Pamphlet Shows That Utah HaG Been
Discriminated Against in Favor
of Pacific Coast Point
An interesting booklet will be made
public today issued by the Commer
cial club traffic bureau of Salt Lake
which has to do with the flght that
body Is waging for a reduction of rail
road rates to the intormountaln region
before the Interstate Commerce com
mission at Washington The petition
presented to the Interstate Commerce
commission recites many cases of dis
crimination on tile part of tho various
railroads in favor of other regions
principally san Francisco and prays
for a sweeping reduction in both pas
songer and freight rates Sworn
statements contained in the complaint
show that rates on westbound traffic
are much lower to San Francisco and
other coast points than those given
Ogden and Salt Lake Practically
every commodity handled Is specific
ally set down with the rate given San
Francisco the rate given Ogden and
the rate asked for The following is
an excerpt from the specified state
ments covering Homo of the Important
commodities in general use the fig
ures given representing charges in
cents per hundred pounds for carload
lots between Chicago rate territory
and San Francisco and Ogden and the
rate prayer for I
S F Ogden Ask
Agricultural imps 125 133 9G
Bags and bagging 85 120 69
Bags sugar 90 12 72
Baking Powders 120 IDS 96
Boxes 125 161 IOU
Tanned goods 95 133 72
Canned corn 90 100 JO
Cereals SO 70 52
Clothing 150 285 H9
Coffee 110 133 88
Drugs and medicines150 190 119
Dry goods 110 2S5 S8
Earthenware 95 33 7
Plumbers 110 198 112
Furniture 140 198 114
Glass 150 160 1UI
Window 90 120 72
Glassware 120 160 96
Hardware articles S5 95 G9
Hose rubber 125 160 100
Iron and steel articles SO 025 Gl
Leather 140 182 112
Lye 75 SO GO
Matches 110 121 88
Musical insts 200 285 1591
Nails and splices 90 110 72
Oil cloth 100 142 SO
Paint 95 1lL6 7G
Paper building 75 1125 GO
Paper bags JOO 129 SO
Paper writing 100 150 SO
Paper news 75 105 GO
Pickles 100 128 80
Rice 65 109 48
Rub boots and shoes150 286 119
Sheep dip < 65 135 52
Soaps 80 110 64
Stamped ware 120 198 9G
Syrup 75 91 GO
Wire fencing 80 110 S3
Woodeivware 135 138 108
The schedules also indicate the
present rate from Mississippi and Mis
souri river points to San Francisco
and Ogden and asks for sweeping re
ductions as well as reductions in the
rates from Utah points to the various
eastern centers
Passenger rates are discussed and
reductions asked for The following I
table gives some idea of what pas I
senger rates will be should tho flght
a r the bureau bo successful
Present for
Ogden and
Denver 177B 1480
Omaha 2940 2500
Portland 2590 2165
San Frajclsco 3000 19C5
Los Angeles 3110 2045
That chronic Brights Disease Is 1
now being cured by treatment that
reduces inflammation In the kidneys
IB beginning to be generally known
We copy the following from the San
Francisco Bulletin June 22d 1908
The recovery IB reported of Mr Z
Lawton of 264 Fifth Avenue San
Francisco Tho caso is especially in
teresting due to the fact that books
declare chronic Brights Disease in
curable and five city physicians had
passed on and diagnosed the case The
usual symptoms found in extreme
cases were reported excessive
dropsy enlarged heart and towards
tho last tho patient could only sleep
nltting up and for six weeks htf slept
in a chair Lawton had a cousin Mrs
W E Hoover of Auburn who also
had an advanced case of Brights Dis
ease She had been tapped three
times when she heard of Fultons
Renal Compound and made a fine re
covery Thisinterested Lawton In
the treatment and it resulted in his
recovery also Ho is a Mason
member of Excelsior Lodge and many
members will iccolloct his serious pre
dicament and that they thought they
would bo called on to pass him over
Parties desiring to know more of
this treatment can get full literature
i by addressing tho John J Fulton
i Company 5910 San Pablo Avenue
Oakland Cal
Fultons Renal Compound can bo
I had in your city of our agent
i We desire every patient to write us
who is not noting the usual Improve
I ment by the third week
State Engineers Office
Salt Lako City Utah June 22 1909
Notice IB hereby given that A F
i Parker whose post offlco address Is
Ogden Utah has made application in
accordance with the requirements of
Chapter 108 Session Laws of Utah
1905 as amended by the Session Laws
of Utah 1907 to appropriate nine thou
I sand 9000 acre feet of water from
the righthand branch of the South
Fork of Ogden River Weber County
Utah Said water will be stored when
ever available during the period from
January 1 to December 31 inclusive
of each year in a reservoir embraced
In Sections 34 35 and 36 Township 7
Y north Range 3 east and Sections 2
and 3 Township 6 north Range 3 east
Salt Lake base and meridian The
water BO stored will be released from
i said ruscrvolr Into a pipe line when
ever necessary during the above nam I
ed period at a point which lics 785
feet south from the east quarter cor
ner of Section 34 Township 7 north
Range 3 east Salt Lake base and
meridian from where it will be con
veyed for a distance of about 10000
feet whore it will be used to develop
power for the purpose of electric light
ing and propelling machinery in towns
In Ogdon Valley and Ogden City Utah
After having neon so diverted and
used the water will be returned to
the natural channel of the stream at
a point which bears south 30 degrees
east 2162 feet distant from the north
east corner of Section Township
0 north Range 2 east Salt Lake base
and meridian This application Is des
ignated In the State Engineers office
as No 1848 I
All protests against the granting of
said application stating the reasons
therefor must be made by affidavit In
duplicate and filed In this office within
thirty 30 days after the completion
I of the publication of this notice
State Engineer
Date of first publication June 21
1909 date of completion of publication
July 2C 190
A stockholders meeting of the Na I
poleonMaghera Copper Mining and
Reduction company was held in this
city recently at which several prom
inent eastern capitalists were present
Those present were 1 H KIncaId
Athens 111 William Zapf Springfield
111 Frank H Whitney Athens Ill
Dr Frank Carroll Cedar Rapids la
and II B Blackstone Cedar Rap
ids la
At tho stockholders meeting Don
Maguire one of the best known min
ing men of Utah whose homo is in
Ogden was unanimously reelected
president Tho other officers chosen
were J H Kincaid vice president
Lee Kincaid treasurer Dr Frank
Carroll secretary These officers with
William Zapf John Dalby of Spring
field Ill and Thomas Holmes of Lin
coln 111 compose the directorate
The stockholders decided to push
the work now going on at tho mines
of the company north of the city and
to begin the construction of a large
concentrating plant near the mines the
latter part of this year
The outoftown stockholders will be
the guests of President Don Maguio
at the Santa Mario mine a property
near the NapoleonMaghera
State Engineers Office
Salt Lake City Utah June 22 1909 fli
Notice Is hereby given that A F U
Parker whose post office address Is
Ogden Utah has made application
in accordance with the re
quirements 01 Chapter 108
Session Laws of Utah 1905 as amend
ed by the Session Laws of Utah 1907
to appropriate twentyseven thousand
27000 acrefeet of water from the
South Fork of Ogden RlvCr Weber
County Utah Said water will bo stor
ed whenever available during the per
iod from January llo December 31 in
clusive of each year In a reservoir
embraced in Sections 1 5 6 and 7
Township C north Range 15 east and
Sections 32 and 33 Township 7 north
Range 3 east Salt Lake base and mer
idian The water so stored Avlll bo
released from said reservoir Into a
pipe line whenever necessary during
the above named period at a point
which lies south 2250 feet from the
northwest corner of Section 7 Town
ship C north Range 3 east Salt Lake
base and meridian from where It will
be conveyed for a distance of about
70000 feet to the Intake of Ogden City
pipe line In Ogden Canyon In which
pipe line it will be conveyed for a
distance of about 30000 feet to Ogden
Citys distributive system where it
will be used during the period above
specified for municipal purposes This
application Is designated in the State
Engineers office as No 1849
All protests against the granting of
said application stating the reasons
therefor must be made by affidavit in
duplicate and filed In this office with
in thirty 30 days after the comple
tion of tho publication this notice
State Engineer IT
Date of first publication June 21 li
1909 date of completion of publication
July 26 1909 >
The death of Joseph Lorin Keycs
occurred yesterday at the family resi
dence in Ulntah Mr Kcycs had been
suffering for several years from
Brights disease and was confined to
his bed Sunday He was the son of
Bishop Alma Keyes of Uintah and was
born In Ogden October 2 1809 being
39 years of age He had resided in
Weber county all his life and was a
wellknown church worker Mr Keyes
Is survived by a wife five children
parents and several brothers and sis
The funeral will take place in the
Ulntah meeting house at 2 oclock Fri
day afternoon Interment will bo
made in the Ulntah cemetery
PineulcB new Kidney remedy are
for all diseases of the kidneys and
bladder They act promptly in all
cases of lame back rheumatic pains
inflammation of the bladder urinary
disorders and weak kidneys Sold by
Geo F Cave and Depot Drug Store
Edward Payson Weston walked but
twontytwo and a half miles yester
day being forced to stop at Noble
Nov at 1120 oclock in the morning
OIl account of tho extreme heat Ho
left Lucia at 430 yesterday morning
and passed Tecoma at 755 Iontello
at 955 and arrived at Noble at 1120
He left there at 10 oclock last night
on bin journey westward preferring to
travel at night and rest by day until
cooler weather prevails Noble Is
1248 miles from Ogden
Hoxvs This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward or
an case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure
F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O
Vc the undersigned liave known 17 J
Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business trans
actions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made bv their firm
WEar tc TBUAX Wholesale Drupsiata TolcdoO
Kista Toledo O
llalla Catarrh Cure t s taken internally act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
face of the system Price 7Cc per bottle
Sold by all druggists Testimonials free
Halo Family Pills are the best
11 111 1 II 11Qj11 QI
111 111 t iJE
Tomorrow and Saturday are the last days of
1I1I r
c1 Cushion 35c
Li uC Tops for C
rrr Thirty inch Japanese Drawn Linen
Squares pure linen two Inch hem
stitched hem hand drawn centers
Twenty seven linen squares one and
onehalf inch hem hemstitched em
broidered In white linen solid Damask
scarfs IS by 54 inches with woven
patterns one and onehalf inch hem
hemstitched These pieces are all
worth up to 150 During this sale
nl the price will bo 75 < J limiting two to
I It u customer
I II Sale of Cushion Tops Our entire
I big line of Cushion Tops new de
H I signs values from 50 to 75c for top
1 and back with free instructions in tho
I making during this sale I
I for 35 < J
I Pyrography Including sets plaques
1 fanc pieces boxes of all sizes mir
J rors etc Your choice of any piece
ni In the whole stock during this sale
0 for just half price
I I 1 25 GLOVES KID 5c
Ladies kid gloves our entire
stock of 1 25 and 150 values
all colors find sizes choice ot
the lot a pair 85
Ladies long silk gloves 100
values for a pair 79
i I Mennenu 1 f 1
fyUf If i Talcum U 2Vu
iLaBlache face powder fresh
91 stock all colors 50c box during
JJ this sale for 39
Sachet powders a variety of od
1 ors your choice of our 50c val
ues for an ounce 25
Fountain syringe fresh stock 2
quart fountain syringe with
three attachments 150 values
for 98d
Ncwbros Tlerpicide the great
scalp and hair remedy 100
size during this sale for 759
Jorgens assortment of toilet soap
9 different bars for 19
Mennens Talcum Powder genu
ine Mentions two cans for 256
1 Jap Rose soap genuine Jap Rose
I during this sale a bar 73
I Cuticura soap fresh stock during
I this sale a box 55
J Scmprc Goviene 50c size for 35
Mentholatum large 50e size
for 39
Holmes Fragrant Frostilla fresh
stock 25c size for 19
Stationery full boxes fresh new
stock 24 sheets of paper and 21
envelopes worth up to 15c and
20c for a box 9
June Shoe Specials
ii 250 pairs of ladies slippers size 8 12
JJ strapped slippers and a pair 95
Oxfords consisting to 2 for o
tA of odds and ends of
our spring stock 200 pairs of boys
l patent leather with Oxfords all sizes
light soles vici kid worth 2 and 225
LI1k with extension a pair 1 45
for I 0
soles 95
for 0 yo
Babies soft soled
shoes 50c val
200 pairs of chil
1 ues J
drens shoes and for oOO
I Complete line of la 500 pairs of mens This line includes
ii dies Oxfords all high grade Oxfords the ilimous Douglas
j I sizes and widths patent colt or calf and W a 1 It o vcr
1 all new styles worth or kid stock all late makes
Mens work shoes
I 250 and 300 for styles regular 1 all sizes 250 val
I a 11 and 5 val g ues
I pair 10 05 ues I 0 95 for 1 95
1 Bargain Basement
Jelly tumblers a clear drinking
glass eight ounce quality the
kind of tumblers AVC sell at
40c a set These arc fitted
J with caps and hove smooth
tops j per sot 29
I j Pickle crocks in any size from
one to five gallons at a gal
lon 122 < >
Lids at the some price
Borax chips the greatest of all
laundry preparations 30e
size 5 pkgs for0 IplOO
I Remnants a few remnants of
miscellaneous goods at just
half price
Tea cups and saucers white
American ware for the cup
and saucer 5
Dinner plates same price
Threegallon crock churns
complete with dasher6Sp
A lot of granite ware including
li 11
we know crowds win attendeach d2JY
the attendance bas increased as the sale ad
verHsed itseil
m come tomorrow or Saiurday
1 IV W > 41ol IJ nuIv l l1RHJrr r
Keen PrieeCntting on 2nd Floor
Th best prices we have ever made on the Second floor will be in effect during this sale
ii Cqrs2t 1049
Special sale of Corsets compris
ing some of the best knowu
manufacturers such as War
ners Royal Worcester Kabo
Bon Ton Red Fern and Nadia
A Good models
In tho medium e r
long hip best
quality of silk
I batiste linen
batiste and
French Coutll
All those corsets
nets have
front and side
hose support I
ers all sizes I i
from 18 to 30 I
values from
250 to 500
price 149
100 Siimonas 39c
I Short Kimonas sample line made
i of good quality of lawn j some
are the loose negligee styles
others have a belt good assort
ment of colors regular val
ues sale price 39
350 Wash Sdrts 100
Wash skirts white tan navy
black and white and plain
black values up to 350
for f 100
1000 Dress Skirts 500
Fifty wool skirts voile panama
and wool mixtures mostly
black all this seasons styles
values up to 1000 for 500
ii25 Ferris
Waists 59c
Ferris Waists black only sizes
19 to 22 regular 125 values
I for 59
65c Corset
Covers 2Se
Corset Covers bishop style
made of nainsook embroidery
and lace trimmed In all sizes
values up to 65c special
price 25
50e Baby
Bonnets 19c
Baby Bonnets made of summer
silk daintily trimmed all new
and clean stock regular 50c
and 65c values for25 jt
i I THE s
Wool Suits at half price These are all thIs seasons models and you have our
entire stock to choose from Now Is the time to sot n good wool stilt nl less than
the cost of the materIal and at the same time a strictly upto date model V
605 Misses suits 1750 suits Q
6f 350 li
for U for 875
1350 suits 2250 SUitS V
67 5 2i
for L for 1125
1500 suits 2500 suits
lf 75 0 250
for I otYU for J
= c T = I c N =
Snow Flake curtains all colors for
e 500
striped 350 values three for yards long S295 Ctiraiiis Rtijs Ee 9 3 for bv 4 foot size worth S600 1200
300 values S245 300 values for S24O
290 values S235 size 4 feet 6 inches wide and 1000 values SSOO 250 values for 200
150 values 115 6 feet 6 inches long All wool art squares at hair Rugs in an assortment of de
125 values 95 450 values 360 price signs floral and ornamental
Lace bed sets sergeant ruC 500 values 400 3 q212 foot size worth 750 size 9 by 12 feet finest makes
fled daintily trimmed some 700 values 560fI 375 5000 Rugs for 4000
with Battenherg centers full 900 values 720 3 by 3 foot size worth 10 00 1200 rugs for 960
sauce pans milk pans dish
pans pie plates etc pieces
worth up to 75c each for 10
Glass berry sets an imitation
of cut glass large bowl and
V six individual dishes for 58p
Fine thin blown glass tumblers
with dainty patterns each 5 < J
Dinner sets consisting of 42
pieces of white English ware
which is guaranteed not to
craze and which will not chip
easily 7 values for 398
Genuine copper nickel plated
tea kettles 125 quality
for 9S
Alcohol lamps with small ten
kettle for nursery or sick
room complete Co 506
Combination picture and plato
rack in Mission style9S
300 Carpet sweepers National
make 193
111 I =
Less IhanwHall Price
t r
Some Startling Dress Goods Prices
Read the reduetions on dress materials j
7C Chiffon Taffeta 25c
Lot No 11000 yards of bright
lustrous chiffon taffeta most all
colors regular 75c quality for a
yard 25
Lot No 2500 yards of Cotele cord
silks most all colors 75c values a
yard 35 C
Lot No 31500 yards of satin foul
ard Luntral Tussab genuine Rajah
and < fancy pongee silks 1 and 125
values for a yd 50
35c Embroidered
Swisses 15c
Embroidered Swisses reg
ular 35c quality for a
yard 15d
Arnold Swiss appliques In
all colors 25c quality
for 19d
Dotted Swisses all colors
25c quality for 196
Linen cuttings for shirt
waist suits jacket suits
boys waists rompers
etc a yard 11
Dress ginghams in short
I lengths luc and 12 12c
quality for a yard 86
Tan percales with black
blue or red dots special
price a yard 9 < i
Figured lawns 15c values
for lie
Bordered lawns 40 inches
wide 20c quality for
hildrens Colored
Dresse0 HaIl Price
z Sample line of chil
J ZitiJt drens colored dresses
made of gingham and
percales good assort
1 ment of colors blue
pink cadet red rose
and black and white
checks ages 6 to 14
years regular 65c to
W1i1i 100 values your
choice during the June
Sale at just
Childrens white dress
es made of good lawn
V V 54 embroidery nnd lace
trimmed French and
Buster Brown styles
sizes 2 to G years val
ues in the lot up to 1 i
sale 2 9
price oCU
5 Crepe De Chine
Scarfs 98c
Our entire line of fancy
ribbons worth 150 and
200 a yard including
all the latest novelties
just half price
Crepe do Chine scarfs an
assortment designs
some worth 500 dur
ing the Juno sale you
may have your choice
at each 986
40c Wool Challies 17c
Half wool challies plain and fancy
weaves suitable for nouso dresses
kimonas dressing sacqucs chil
drens dresses waists etc regular
40c quality for 17 < >
1000 yards of dress goods wool ma
terials in plain and fancy effects
stripes checks etc worth up to
5100 for 336
1700 yards of plain and fancy wool
dress goods 42 to 52 inches wide
all of tho latest I weaves moat all
colors 125 and 150 values
for 75 < i
50c Dutch Collars
We have Just received a
beautiful line of lace
Dutch collars Venice and I
Baby Irish effects dur I
ing thia sale they will be
50c values toi356
75c collars for506
DOe collars for606
150 Dotted I
Nets 75c
Fourteen pieces of em
broidered dotted nets 36
inches wide white and
cream regular 125 and
150 values for a
yard 75 < i
One line of cotton torchon
lace and insertion regu
lar 5c and 6c value dur
ing this sale 3 < i
One line of 25c barred
handkerchiefs with hem
stitched hem and neat
embroidered designs
sale price each15 < J
Our entire line of 60c and
The embroidered hand
kerchiefs special price
each 496
We havo some wonder
ful bargains in embroid
ery remnants which we
will place on sale at about
half the price you would
have to pay for them from
the piece
Ruchings In all colors reg
ular 40c SOc and 60c
values sale price a
yard 256
60c Wash Materials 35c
Our entire stock oX wash materials
Including silk tissues PlIsse stripes
fancy striped dross linens etc
worth 50c and COc a yard for 35d
Bordered dresS goods all the latest
V noveltlce worth 50c and CUe a yard
V for 35d
Dress llneps In plain colors 10 inches
wide The quality for a yard 486
Silk mulls in most all colors 25c and
30c values 106
Cotton foulards 25c quality for 156
Mercerized voile 25c quality for 156
L II r =
TVV iitj
Bronco Buster Stockings a ntocking
for children In two styles for boys or
girls made of a hard twisted cottoa
which will resist wear the exact qual
ity for which other stores are asking
25c a pair sale price 2 pair
for V 25tf
Pony Stockings the most famous of 1
all childrens stockings black or tan 4
three weights sale price 5 pair 1
for sioo
Ladles Stockings our famous No
501 equal In every respect to stock
ings usually sold at 35 and 40c a pair
The sale price will bo 5 pairs for
8100 limiting each customer to not
over six pairs
Ladies Lace Stockings black white
gray and tan boot patterns and some
Hiover lace regular 25c values
or 19C tOJ
I 50e Hat Pins
33c p V
Hat pins including a line which were
selling at 50c and upwards
sale price V V 336
Summer lill
Underwear U
j Childrens high
neck aud long V
sleeve vests
light weight
cotton also V
low neck and
j no sleeves
same quality
20c values
for156 i I J
Ladies low
neck sleeve
less lisle
thread lace
trimmed vests V
3Bc values V
for 286
Ladles high
neck and long I
sleeve lialo J hi
thread vents 1J4
50c values V
for 456
Ladies lisle
thread lace
trimmed pants
extra good quality SOc values
for 426
Iadie low neck no sleeve lisle
threnij unlonsults tight knee 60c
d values 456
Ladies low neck no sleeve silk mer
j cerized unionsuits tight kneo 125
values for 986
Ladies low neck no sleeve union
suite trimmed with Val lace extra
quality 150 values for S119
Spool Cotton III
V 6 for 25e
Coats thread all colors black V
and white best sixcord thread
G spools for 25
Ladies handbags including an
assortment of goods worth up
to 250 offered during this
sale at each 98
Handbags including all of the nn
est qualities real walrus your Ql V
choice of our finest line at a re
duction of onefourth off n
Shears six and eight inches long
worth 50c and GOP sale U
price 25
Parasols V
Parasols including all new
styles There is not an old para
sol in the lot including chit
drens at the following prices
150 ladies parasols 119
175 ladies parasols 139 fl
200 ladies parasols 159 I1J
225 ladies parasols 180 fl
250 ladies parasols 198 i j
300 ladies parasols 239
350 ladies parasols 279
4jOO ladies parasols 319
450 ladies parasols 359
500 ladies parasols 398
550 ladies parasols 439 I
SOc childrens parasols39
75c childrens parasols 60 <
100 childrens parasols 79 <
125 chidrens parasols 98
150 childrens parasols 1
200 childrens parasols 1

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