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The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, August 14, 1909, Part Two, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-08-14/ed-1/seq-10/

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1 Good Showing of Philadelphia < Americans Jolts Dopesters
C called Connie Mack to save
apace nnd energy Is n bit of n
genius In baseball Onco more
tho wizard of the national pastime has
comolnto his own and right now ho
Is the most feared rival tho champions II
have to contend with Many student I
grand bull yard and a poor team
chuckled those who thought they could
dopo out ihi race In tho spring series
with the Phllllo the Athletics lost five
out of six games to the National
league outfit That settles 1t Raid the
wise guys Mack has a bunch of Joke
ball players Even Washington will
heat them out Mack has tho great
of baseball argue that a manager Is
but a weak factor to a team that to
win ho must have 5 the star players
Mack stands aldne as tho man who
win without pnying the price for ma
Tho Athletics nrctho 100D baseball
sensation of America Their rapid
flight from an ordinary runner to a
serious contender for first honors has
been a meteoric accomplishment The
remarkable success of this team for
the last month or more leaves no doubt
Inthe minds of those who wore skep I
tically Inclined as to the ability of the
players and the who hand that guides
them While the writer does not as
sert that the Athletics will capture the
banner despite tho fact that the White
Elephants havo made a hurricane rush
pennantward there Is a conviction un
derlying surface impressions that the
veteran Detroit champions will even
tually walk off with tho prize
Lust April nearly all critics awarded I
the Athletics a low berth In the second
division Connie Mack will Imo a
ball plant all right and apparently a
team worthy of It Last season tho
Athletics played poor ball after the
first month nnd a half of the cam
paign They didnt get started right
this season until recently but they
havo been going at such a clip that
oven the Detroit Tigers fear them
Mack gets more baseball for less
money than any other manager on
Ban Johnsons circuit Ever since he
has been in the American league
Mack baa had tho smallest salary list
In the organization One year ho won
the pennant with a salary list of 3S
000 while there was not a club In the
league which did not pay 60000 or
Others Spend Fortune
Frank Farrell of the Now York
Americans spends a fortune every
year trying togot a winner John I
Taylor has spent thousunds and thou
sands in Boston Cleveland has gone
to tho limit in spending money trying
to get a winning combination and so
How Marie OOF DeveioJPed
The Art of adaU ressioira I
M UTE acting the possibilities of facial expression always this side of
lvi that Invisible line that divides the grlirtaco from the look of eloquence
pathos from bathos sentiment from sentimentality is an instrument of his
art often forgotten by line player who complain that hn IH cast insignificantly
ns It is the glory of the actor who suddenly lifts a small part Into prominence
Nature may aid much in equipping an actor with a fine facial expression
Nature may give the actor the ono talchttl striking countenance It Is for
the actor to multiply tho gift by practice and by hard work until It becomes
the ten talents of a finished art
Partly In jlay partly in earnestness Marls Doro has developed to tho
1 toll the aotur8 most effective medium or Interpretation facial expression
The result Is evident the means of
obtaining It worth of record It was as a
member of the Little Mary company that Mlsv Doro availing herself of wails
between the nets or during tho scenes of other players got her best practice
In fun as Mho thought she vied with another girl actress at making faces ns
IWQ children might do Night after night site practiced at this amusing her
arnfttt v 1 bring air used until It came to hei unawares that sho could almost
do wluit she wished with her eountenancy This she realised ono night on
actually frightening hor friend with a look of terror From that on Miss Doro
has given time and pains to the furtherance of this power
Her methods arc these twoto memorize a story preferably ono built of
several ideas reflect upon It and then tell It entirely by facial pantomime to
some one who has never heard It It IB difficult In the majority of cases as
a moans of telling the story It Is unsuccessful But the mere attempt is
splendid mental exercise and tho IInest kind of practice for obtaining a Burt
muscular control of tho face
Her second device of especial help to the actress In acquiring elasticity
about the mouth Is tho mastery nnd pronunciation of certain sentences In
Italian French and Spanish Careful utlrranoeof even random sentences
taken from any of tho romance languages which when well spoken articu
lated and enunciated require a nicety of speech unknown to mho AngloSaxon
cannot he too strongly recommended to every actor nnd actress to whom cor
rect speech nnd skillful
management of the countenance
are as Important an I
the very brcilh of llfw
ryj 6 C 4
has Washington Tho owners of the
Detroit club have given Jennings a
free hand In getting the men he wants
to develop his scoring machineI
While others halo failed year In and
year out Connie In one season put
forth a team that now threatens the
great American Ica uo sluggers
Mack when ho wants talent tp
strengthen his combination 4ot811
chase to the Class A leagues which
are chock full of cast offs but sends
his scouts to the bush league and
among tho colleges The Philadelphia
team didnt cost much to assemble
Harry Davis Its whaling captain had
made up his mind to retire from the
gamo in 1901 and was clerking In a
railway omce Providence had a claim
on him and Harry had a 0350 claim
against the club which ho couldnt
collect Mack got Davis for nothing
Harry tiring of the life of a clerk and
being willing to return to active par
ticipation In baseball
Tully Fred Hartsel didnt cost C
Mack a penny either The Quaker
chieftain lifted him from the Chicago
Cubs during tho days when the
American nnd National leagues were
fighting each other tooth and nail
Eddie Plank one of the best south
paws In the business was found In I
Gcltysburg Eddie Collins the whirl
wind kid was picked up from Colum
bia university Jack Coombs came from I
Colby university These three ath
I letes would be worth 20000 on the
market now and they didnt cost Mack
anything except tho expenses of the
scouts who looked them over One of
Connies brothers recommended Col
lins and Coombs to him
Bender was pitching for tho Harris I
burg Athletic club when Mack heard i
of the Indians prowess and picked
him up for nothing Jack Barry was II
at Holy Cross which Institutions best
athletes seem to hot foot it In tho di
rection of Philadelphia when they do
cldo to become professionals Frank
Baker the homo run kid cost some
thing Ho was with Heading and
Mack gavo the Pennsylvanians Lull
velt Lltschlc and some other athlete
or tho lad who Is making such a
capable successor to Jimmy Collins I
Rube Old ring cost about 500 to get
but Krause the Athletics wonderful
young pitcher wont straight from a
collego In California Into the Athletic
Within tho last two months Mack
has grabbed Ganley from Washington
and Thomas from Detroit And ho has
molded them all Into ono splendid ma
chine Ho has proved what can bo
done And he has gone further and
proved that money alono cannot win
pennants If Connlo could or cared to
spend tho money Cleveland New York
Boston and Washington hao wasted
for material ho could havo the great
est machine ever pieced together
It Mack lands his team one two
three and ho has an excellent chance
of doing so ho will havo the laugh on
his fellow managers who are paying
big prices for players who arent
much good Probably one of tho rea
sons Mack Is so successful as a mana
ger Is that he Is not Interfered with
by the club officials Instance arc
not rare In the National and American
leagues where an owner thinks he
knows more about a team than the
man he employs to manage It TJphcn
ever there Is any Interference with a
loader from his club owner troublu Is
suro to result
Somo of Macks Methods
Ono of tho reasons why tho Athletics
have made such a splendid showing
this season Is that each one of their
games Is really played three times
Manager Mack is not an advocate oC
the theory that the diamond Is the
only place where baseball men should
bo seen and hoard lIe believes In an
ticipation and reetrospcctlon I3Wy
morning at 10 oclock all the men In
Connies team assemble in his room
and play he afternoon game In ad
vance If Bender Is to pitch for the
opposition the Athletics line of at
tack will ho MO and so If it Is to bo
Krause another schemri Is decided
upon The whole plan of the battle Is
carefully arranged That Is game No
1 Then comes the gamo on the dia
mond for which the players are well
prepared Of courso tho unexpected Is
hound to happen In every game but
then arc certain gononil things that
tt Is reasonable to expect the methods
of certain players In certain contln
t f r < Gel io
lJAVJS I r r > mt fiitWl < 1
I J L > i1 1 I
gonclcs that It Is well to know and to
keep In mind Having talked these
things all over In the morning the
Athletics arc well prepared for game
No 2 Gamo No 3 Is played time noxt
morning at the meeting In Connies
room The mistakes of the day be
fore arc then taken up ono by one
and considered So too arc all the
exceptionally good plays Tho boys
arc given credit for every play that
figured In a victory or criticised good
naturedly for every play that helped
bring about a defeat Were nlavlnir
ball all the time on this team said
I OHO of panics men recently When
you see Connie sitting down beside
one of us engaged In a whispered con
versation you can depend upon it
that we aint talking about tho weath
er or about politics Wcro talking
baseball and the layer whoever ho
may be Is learning something about
tlto game lienever know before
Mack the Tcccher
Mack Is a teacher ho Is willing to
do something that other managers
fight shy oflaltc young players who
have had no experience In major
league company and teach them how
to play baseball Im not saying that
they must not havo the natural ability
to think quick to Held wall and to
hit But thats only half of the bat
tle Its the ability to take advantage
of a weak spot In tho enemys defense
and strengthen your defense when he
tries to find your weak points which
makes baseball pennant winners
There arc teams In both leagues
which are made up of starsmen In
every position who know how to play
baseball You cant tell them a thing
And their managers dont try to tell
them Simply allow them to play the
game as they see It and call them
when they make a break Those
teams aro butter thim the Athletics
when It comes to Individual stars but
Individual playing wont win always
Why tho Pittsburrs Load
If you should be alone with tho av
erages of tho National league al pres
ent look them over You will find that
It would he vary easy to write a his
tory of tho great drama of the Nation
al league In fact the feat could be
done In two words as follows
Just Plttsburg
By consulting the figures tho follow
ing facts may be observed
That a Plttsburg man leads tho
league In batting
That three PIttsburff batters aro hit
ting better than 320
That the leading batting club is
That the leading base stealer of the
league Is a Plrato
That the lending Holding club is
That four out qf tho first five run
Manager of the Athletics and Some of
His Capable Ball Tosserso
Ono Slugs tho Ball While the Other I
Chops It
Modern baseball possesses two dis
tinct classes of hitters tho slugger and
tho chopper The slugger usually
swings free gripping the bat well I
down on the handle and swings from I
the shoulder down To this class be
long such hitters as Chance Wagner
Lajole Crawford Cobb and Donlln
The chopper uses his forearms and
wrists In his batting and depends upon
a quick decisive chop being able ac
cordingly to cut tho ball to any field
or lay down a bunt and beat It out
with the infielders lying back heeler
Rossman Stone and Hupglns repre
sent this class Tho choppers must of
necessity be fast on their feet and be
good judges of distance
But whether a slugger or a chopper
theso men almost always have tho
same general batting form They
stand at the plate with their weight
resting mostly on tho back leg and In
the effort to hit tho ball switch their 1
weight from the back leg to the front
and stepping forward shoving the
shoulders well around meeting the
ball In front of the plate thus concen
trating all the energy In the ball out
In front of tho plato tho batter Is less
likely to bi fooled by a curve ball hit
ting at It before It breaks
In Crawford Cobb and Rosamtxn De
troit has three left hand hitters and
although their general form Is the
same as they stand at tho plate they
meet the ball decidedly differently
Crawford like Wagner Lajolo and
Chanco is a slugger Ho grips the bat
down welt on tho handle and uses a
powerful swing depending almost en
tirely on long drives to the outfield for
his balling average and probably has
moro line drives cuught oft his bat
than any other man playing baseball
Cobb although not nearly as power
fully built M Crawford has a good
man hits for extra bases to his credit
mainly on vicious drives over the In
field between tho outfielders Ho
chokes up the bat moro than Craw
ford and depends upon a quick de
cisive chop meeting the ball always In
front of tho plato His speed In get
ting away from tho plato and going
v =
The talented author of Tho Lion and the Mouse The Music Master and The Third Degree Is ono of tho
amateur marlnors of the stage world Like Kyrlo Bellow William Glllotlo and Mrs Flsko he prefers llfo on tho
wator in summer to all other forms of amusement
goiters of tho league arc from Pills I
That tho host extra base hitting club
Is Plltsburg
Can you beat that
Doubtless If worked around the
facts could bo mado to spell pennant
down tho first base line gives him a
decided advantage over Crawford and
RosHman and consequently ho beats
out many an Infield hit
Roadman seldom hits to right field
but puts balls down the first base line
n mile n minute lie grips time bnt
with hands four Inches apart and j
chops at the bail He stands at tho
plate like Mlko Don11n although he Is
not as versatile a batter as Donlln
Yet he manages to hit close to 300 and
Is a grand first baseman Crawford
Cobb and Rossman are certainly a for
midable trio to face any right handed
pitcher not to mention McIntyre
Lee Shubert the elder of the two
brothers famous In the theatrical pro
ducing world says In an article re
cently contributed by him for publi
cation There Is nothing In all my
work as a producing manager which
so interest mo as tho search for new
Ideas and nothing gives mo more
pleasure when I discover a dramatic
work apparently Inspired with some
new thought than to give the author
the assistance of every technical de
partment under the control of our firm
so that his play may be offered to the
public In tho form and manner best
calculated to obtain Judicious ap
Within tho last few years the Ameri
can public has become much more
cosmopolitan and its judgment of the
atrical works more discriminating and
moro liberal Every time I discover a
piece with some essentially new pur
pose and am able to produce It with
tho right players and the right equip
ment throughout I feel that I have
actually accomplished something for
tho cause of theatrical advancement
In the great American cities there IP
so to speak a public for every sort of
play tragic humorous psychologic or i
bordering on the melodramatic There
fore It does not so much matter In
what direction the new Idea seems to
tend If only It Is truly virile and sin
cere >
I am always ready to venture much
on a play which seems to me to con
tain an original themo and will even I
overlook technical deficiencies belle
log that the Inspiration of now thought
and real ambition will reach over the
footlights farther than a superior
piece of technical work founded on
time worn thoughts and treated with
the skill of the expert hack
I am as anxious to help develop au
thors as authors doubtless are to be
developed This Is not altruism but
sound business sense paving the way
for futuro productions
It Is not wlso to get excessively en
thusiastic over Ad Wolgasts showing
against Battling Nelson In Los Ango
les recently The mon fought a ten
round no decision bout and a ma
jority of the newspaper writers said
that the Milwaukee man clearly out
pointed the champion The title does
not change becauso the referee was
not permitted to give a vcr lcL
Wolgast Is entitled tq every credit
for his wonderful showing against
Nelson It stamps him as a cool cour
ageous fighter who has a great future
before him and who may somo day
hold tho championship crown
At tho same time It Is overstepping
tho bounds to say that Wolgast has
proved that he Is the master of the
Dane That IB yet to bo shown
Everybody knows that Nelson Is no
limited round performer Ho has
knocked out scores of fighters but
very few In ten rounds
Nelson Is a bulldog who beats a man
by making his opponent wear himself
out trying to whip him Bat absorbs
all of this punishment without n
whimper and after awhile tho op
ponent finds himself weak and a prey
for Bats wallops He has defeated a
number of boys this way
In his recent bout with Hyland Nel
son was outpointed In ton rounds but
he eventually knocked his man cold
Elsie Ferguson Who Will Star In Such a
Little Princess

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