7 r 4 THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH TUESDAY JANUARY 4 1910 1 y ID4 fatntfau > ttu ttr 1 Published Dally oxcept Sundays by William Glaomann I ADVERTISING RATES 4 i t PltiCE 1J1t JfiCN ICH DAY F I O 1 q t1 1 q > t > 11 r a c p L 6 Co JG Co Oc n If 1 tdvorflatsmertt SbaH run 0 = OS I a t a c i lhanso each I3lUO Ztlc 1c 5 k I fc 1 Ad to run lw1co Without chan o 150 Ho sl Ir I Iie Ad to run three times without change 16c lie Fv I f1h 4CC I 1d to run fllx times without change He L c I 1 I I 3k o CIurla want aria ono cent per word each diy ru art liiinrtlon lean than I G cent or 76c par llna por month Random References 25o ror line flr t lnscrtloni y ioni sn Ilt sutt quont In j sertion so cents Dec lino per week or J3W per line i pr muiiili with change once each week Local Readers iCc per line first taatrtlon 30c per line each subsequent Inser r lon or Mo POI lino par week L CIlURCIIEB SECRET SOCIETIES and ChftrUnlitt tnMHUiloni S 13 cents t Vcr IIRD either Random References or Locals No heads Moved i Unnrtoms r STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING i Of the most notable achievements in mechanics during the past year the successful operation of flying machines undoubtedly will take first place in a review of world progress in the years to come So far aviation has attained no commercial results The flying machines are simply exhibition novelties but eventually as gas engines are improved and made more reliable or as electric storage batteries arc perfected and great power is stored in a small space and wci nt the flying machine will enter into the serviceable field JVho can forecast the possibilities Wireless telegraph less than a dtcade old came to us as a plaything and going further back we had the telephone amusement until the as an phonograph sup J planted it as a noveltynow both are quite indispensable Wire J less telegraph is today the voice of the deep which in shipwreck or pending disaster cries out and the appeal reaches the distant shores even 2000 miles away The xray another novelty of yesterday is the lifesaver of today When doctors disagree the xray diagnoses and with an ac curacy beyond question We have seen shadowgraphs made in Ogden which disclosed the structure of the body with a clearness that left nothing to desire in arriving at the cause of the subjects affliction in bone malformation and our doctors are daily dependent on this aid in their profession Radium is promising us much It is a wonderful substance re covered from pitchblende an ore containing uranium The heat and the light of radium never diminish or at least the deprecia tion in energy is so small as to be imperceptible I With the conquering of the air the harnessing of the invisible I wireless forces the peering into the human body and the winning of a new power from nature the world certainly is making progress j at a speed that makes us wonder as to what the future holds in 1 store for us I I OGDEN BETTERMENT LEAGUE i We are pleased to note that the Ogden Betterment League is proceeding I ceeding with deliberation in tho treatment of public questions By first going deep into the subjects under consideration learning well the lessons of the past profiting by the experience of older I communities and thjj conclusions of Itlen who have given years to a study of the great problems the members of the Betterment League can accomplish much Some of the greatest reformers of today are turning their atten tion from the flotsam and jetsam of society and are endeavoring to i warn the ships off the breakers they are advocating the teaching ctlhe children laws of morality and health so that when the child I j becomes a man and goes out into the world the temptations will be less alluring and but servo to strengthen the power of resistance Many men students of human nature declare you cannot re move temptations for sin in one forn or another must manifest I itself while our moral law says you Shall not and they hold that the better course to pursue in lessening evils is to fortify the child so that resisting and rejecting that which is wrong shall be o come an easy task We hope the Betterment League will take up school work by first inquiring as to what is at present done in our schools looking to the training of the children in an understanding of the responsi bilities and the duties which as our future men and women they must meet We would be pleased if lectures were provided for tho OGDEN BETTERMENT I LEAGUE I FIRST OPEN MEETING f I Wednesday January 59 1910 li H WEBER STAKE < I I I I ACADEMY II 1i SPEAKERS JUDGE GOWANS REV GUY W McCREERY JUDGE BOLAPP REV NOBLE S ELDERKIN Music under direction of PROF BALLANTYNE I 1 Admission Free Public Invited r a r boys before whom doctors and moralists might appear and for the girls with motherly women to direct them in half a dozen subjects of which the great majority of girls have no knowledge We want some one to tell our boys the truth as to the use of alcohol and the dangers of immorality Proceeding along those lines of prevention the Betterment League can accomplish more than an army of reformers laboring with the wreckage the other end of society THE DEADLY COMPARISON The Standard last evening printed 1344 inches of advertising and news matter The kids on the Examiner this morning printed only 1176 inches of advertising and news matter The Standard rcpriutcd from the Salt Lake Tribune Herald Republican and Morning Examiner 254 inches The Examiner re produced from other papers 311 inches of which 240 inches were deliberately stolen from the Standard without giving credit And on such a record the Examiner kids have the nerve to claim that the Standard gets its news from the Examiner Come kids tell the truth once in a while Remember the evening paper is the paper of today the morning paper is the the paper of yesterday DEATH CAllS 00 MillS One of Noted Financiers in United States Is Stricken Suddenly San Francisco Jan 3 Darius Og den Hills one of the most widely known financiers and philanthropists In the United States a pioneer of California and father of Mrs White law Reid wife of the United Slates ambassador to Great Britain died to night at his winter home near this city He was SI years old Death was duo to heart disease and came so suddenly that his physician was not with him at the end although ho was summoned at the first sign of col lapse Mrs Reid who came to Cali fornia with her father a few weeks ago to spend tho winter months was at the bedside His son Ogdcn Mills and his wife left for tho cast today thinking that Mr Mills was in his usual health Mr Mills accompanied by his daughter and T Ogden Mills came to San Francisco some woeks ago to spend the winter at his mansion Mill brae several miles south of this city He had suffered with heart disease for several years and virtually had withdrawn from his many business re sponsibilities hut there was no Indi cation th death was Imminent The family followed Its usual rou tine today following the departure of T Ogden Mills and his wife for the cast but shortly after dinner Mr Mills said he felt a little tired At 9 oclock he suddenly collapsed and Dr Morris Herzestoln the family physician was hastily summoned from San Francisco Death occurred at 930 oclock the end coming peace fully t LOUIS JAMES Ogdens favorite Shakespearean ac tor Louis James assisted by Aphlo James and a splendid company in The Merchant of Venice pleased a large and appreciative audience at the Ogden Theater last evening Mr James was given the usual ovation ex tended him upon each of his former visits to Ogden The eminent actor was given many curtain calls during the evening Louis James is great The role 01 Shylock the Venetian moneylender affords him ample opportunity to dis play bin wonderful ability Particu larly fine was the scene between Mr James ns Shylock and Mrs James as Portia and the efforts of the two stars was received with prolonged ap plause Mrs James shared the hon ors of the evening with Mr James Those who saw Mr James last night and his Peer Gynt of last season were much more Impressed with his interpretation of tho Shakespearean character than that of Peer GynL Mr James has surrounded himself with a capable company each member being excellent In their respective roles Each one is worthy of special 7ientlon Ida Werner and Vora Wal ton In their roles were very good Harold Forest Otto Andrle William Howell Edmund Flalg Harrison Thompson Hempstead Prince and Richard Scott were very good The production is nested with spe cial scenery that Is a featuro and worthy of extended comment The attraction at tho theater this evening is the over popular Little Johnny Jones B T SOn ORPiELJM Ar NOLJNCEMENT On account of the unusually large crowds attending the Orpheum tho past few weeks our regular patrons coming late for tickets have been dis appointed in securing good seats We have Installed a season reservation book in which you may reserve tho same scats every week for the sea son thus securing good scats and knowing you can always get them This does not necessitate you to pay for your tickets in case you are un able to attend the performance for which they are held by calling up tho box office ono hour before the per formance you may cancel same THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME EXCEPT THE ORPHEUM BANKER WALSH HAS COIN LEFT Chicago Jan 3J R Walsh for mer president of the defunct National bank convicted on charges ot misap propriation of Its funds whose case will come up on Wednesday before I the United Status supremo court for final settlement will not be penniless alter a settlement of claims aggrcgat Ing more limn seven million dollars with the Chicago clearing house banks The clearing house banks hold notes of the bankers amounting to 712188712 and plans are being per fected for the payment of these obli gations in a few days When Mr Walah has paid this amount It was revealed here today he still will be worth between 600 000 and 750000 I Stocks and real estate worth nearly threequarters of a million will be left Mr Walsh after obligations have been settled tho remnant of a fortune va 1 riously estimated from 10000000 to 35000000 I CANAL STOCK FOR SALE By order of the Board of Directors of The Davis and Weber Counties Ca mini company offer for sale to land owners under said canul only a lim ited number of shares of the Sec ondary Stock of said company at GO per share If taken on or before the Joth Inst This s ock can be subscribed and paid for on thc same terms given un der the recent sale of Secondary Stock Not more than 5 shares will be sold to any ono person J C NYE Sec No GIG First National Dank ldg Ogden Utah January 1 1910 WANTS THE MAINE RAISED FROM HARBOR Washington Jan President Taft Is heartily In favor of theplan to raise the battleship Maine from the bottom of Havana harbor The Pres ident has informed Representative Lord of Michigan that ho desired to sec the latters hill mon ey for the purpose enacted Into law OGDEN BETTERMENT LEAGUE Wednesday night at Weber Stake Academy Speakers Messrs Rolapp Gowan McCreery and Elderkln Ad mission free DR ROLLER CONTINUES JOURNEY WITH JEFFRIES Chicago Jan IDr B P Roller I tho Seattle wrestler Is In no danger I of blood poisoning and was able to continue his tour with James J Jot fries in a short time according to a statement made br his physicians at Mercy hospital here today i f MINING MAN IS KILLED BY THOMAS WADDILL I i I Globe Ariz Jan 4Jlmos P Lind soy a pioneer mining man was shot and killed Saturday near Solomonville by Thomas Waddell aged IS accord ing to advices received here today Waddell asserts that be shot Llndsoy as the result of a trivial quarrel i COLDEST WEATHER IN TWENTYTWO YEARS i I Wiser Idaho Jan 4With tho thermometer indicating 15 below zero this vicinity is experiencing the cold est weather in 11 years The fuel shortage now approaches tho proportions of a famine owing to delayed shipments of coal I OLD MAN BURNED TO DEATH IN A CABIN I New Florence Pa Jan fJohn and Daniel Ut3ler brothers So and SO years respectively were burned to death today in a fire that destroyed their log cabin near hero LEGAL ORDINANCE An Ordinance Creating Sidewalk Dis tract No 100 and Lcvying and As sessing a Special and Local Tax on a portion of the Property Abutting Thereon Where Work Has Been Done Under Contract With Ogden City to Defray the Costs and Ex penses of Building Concrete Side walks Therein Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Ogden City Sec 1 All that part of Grant Av enuo from 31st Street to 33rd St 3rd SL or Plncock Lane from Wash ington to Lincoln Ae Washington Ave from G3rd to 3Hh Streets 31st Street from Washington to Jefferson Ayes Porter Avenue from 32nd Street North through Woodmansee Main Street Add and Jefferson Av enue from 27th to 2Sth Streets be and hereby is created a sidewalk district and Is named Sidewalk District No 100 100Sec Sec 2 A special and local tax Is j hereby levied and assessed upon the blocks lots and parts of blocks and lots lands and real estate bounding abutting or adjacent to said Sidewalk District No 100 on thut portion where work has been doue under city con tract for a distance of 1S6tJ5 lineal footThis This tax is levied and assessed to defray the costs and expenses of building In said sidewalk district con crete sidewalks and all things neces sary to fully complete said work op posite all the property on that por tion where work has been done under city contract hereinafter described to be especially hcnetltcd and affected by I such improvements and It is Hereby ADJUDGED DETERMINED and ES TABLISHED that the same will be iNew Ogden Theatre Attractions A mtl t 1 1L4i Tonight Tonight B 1I AT THE I I NEW OGDEN THEATRE or I THAT RINGING SWINGING JOYOUS JINGLING COHANESQUE MUSICAL COMEDY LITTlE H i JO g t t p NY t Complete Produc r s pany tion by capable com Jt 0 E S 11 c t I PRICES50c 75c 100 150Seat Sale at Box Office I < Itl U NEXT ATTRACTION G6 Uncle Josh Perkns 9 j Matinee and Night January 5 1 66 Little Johnny Jones Tonight Little Johnny Jones George M Cohans phenomenal musical come dy or as several dramatic reviewers captioned It Musical melodrama which has been such a tremendous I hit wherever presented for the past three seasons will come to the Now Ogden Theater tonight and judging from the advance sale reported Lit tie Jonnuy Jones popularity Is Just as great In this city as It Is all over the country Practically tho ontlro original cast will Interpret Little Johnny Jones here r LEGAL Continued especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and assessed and said parcels of land are hereby assessed according to the lineal front feet abutting upon said portions of said streets and avenues to a depth of 50 feet back therefrom And tho tax hereby levied and as sessed upon said parcels of land Is 107013 being 0907011 per front foot for tho sidewalk 6 feet In width and 0 765SC75 per front foot for the sidewalk 5 feet In width which is tho total cost of said Improvements and is levied and assessed In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned on all of Lot I East Park Addition Lot 2 Block 1 Plat A Lots 4 5 33 Block 10 SO S Lots 23 21 Block 1 and Lots 5 G Block S Woodmansee Main Street Add Lots 15 1G Block 2 and Lot 20 Block 1 Emersons Main Street Add all in Og City Survey and part of the < X E I Uncle Josh Perkins Tomorrow Afternoon and Night The richly prolific rural comedy drama Uncle Josh Perkins Is down for a return visit to Ogdon on Wed nesday Jan 5th Tho play of which Uncle Josh is the central figure possesses merit of the real sort and at times Is roundly melodramatic and strenuous and teaches a good whole some lesson all the way through the four acts The atmosphere of both farm and city Ufo saturates the play LEGAL Continued Quarter of Sec 5 Twp 5 N Range 1 West S LI U S S to a depth of 00 feet back from said street Sec 3 Said tax shall become duo payable and delinquent In five Install ments as follows 15 thereof shall become delinquent In fifty days after tho date of this tux levy 15 In ono year 15 In two years 15 In three years and 15 In four years Each and over Installment of said tax except the first shall boar Interest at tho rate of 7 per cent per annum from the dale of levy and all said Installments shall bear Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the date of delinquency until paid Sec 4 J W Austin Geo W Wil son T S Browning C J Humphrls and J B Dana members of this Coun cil are hereby appointed as a Board of Equalization and Review and upon I tho completion of the list or lists of the property taxed In tho above dis trict the said list or lists shall bo u BtBL to II J t1 ii ti Wodnosllay Jan 5 AFTERNOON AND EVENING MATINEE 315 NEW OGDEN THEATRE An Everlasting Success UNCLE JOSH Josh Cotmty See Uncle at Fair tho Subway The Great New Scene York flPERKINS Presented by a Company of Singers Dancers and Comedians I Positively the Largest and Best Production Ever Given This t Famous Play 1 Watch for the Big Parade of I the Hayseed Band i I i J I MATINEE 15c 25c 50c 75c j I Prices NIGHT 100 75c 50c 25c y I WL connected by a pretty tinge of ro mance coupled with brusque mascu line sympathy and natural country at tractiveness Its primitiveness Is of tho fields and is as free from impur j Ity as the crystal springs whllo tho characters used to typify the city folks are far removed from the ones usually worked In by the dramatist to bolster up melodrama The char acter of Uncle Josh Is one that the auditor never grows weary of In Its I repetition It Is full of ruggedness honosty and sincerity and at times quite picturesque combined with that native Yankee shrewdness > ud sim pllclty so characteristic of the New England farmer Uncle Josh will con i tinue to live and amuse long after 1 some of the latter day stage charac i LEGAL Continued I placed In tho hands of the said board and the said board shall give public notice of the completion of the list or Huts and appoint not less than five consecutive days upon which they will meet during tho usual business hours stating the place of meeting and dur ing the time specified the said list or lists shall bo open to public Inspec tion and any person or persons feel ing themselves aggrieved shall have a hearing before said Board and said Board shall have authority and shall make corrections of any tax deemed by them unequal or unjust Sec 5Thls ordinance to take ef fect upon Its passage approval and of the date of Its publication f Passed by the City Council of Ogden r City Dec 27th 1900 Seal TILLIE H POULTER City Recorder Approved Dec 2Sth 1909 A L BREWER Mayor State of Utah County of Weber as tors have been forgotten The play has been given a complete new seen ic equipment for the coming tour and many novelties In the way of stage mechanism and light effects an brought Into requisition Illghcla iI cd and highpriced specialties bi artists engaged especially for their fitness to furnish numbers which har monize with the play are Introduced from time to time through the var ious acts Taken all In nil lt can safely bo said that the visit of Uncle Josh Perkins to the New Ogden the ater will be taken full advantage of by our playgoers and a bumper IIOMMC will doubtless greet him and his clev er band of entertainers Seats arc on salt at the box office Prlf Matinee J5o 25c 50c 75c NLht J100 75c COc 2Cc u LEGAL Continued I Tllllc H Poulter City Recorder of Ogden City Utah hereby certJfv Im the above and foregoing Is a full trio and correct copy of an crdinanc fn tithed An ordinance creating Side walk District No 100 and Icvxlng and assessing a special and local tax on a portion of the property abutting there on where work has been done under contract with Ogden City to defray the coats and expenses of building concrete sidewalks therein passed hy tho City Council ot said Ogden City on the 27th day of December 1909 and approved by the Mayor of said City on the 28th day of DccomUr 1909 IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sot my hand and affixed the corporate seal of Ogden City this 2Sth day of December 1909 Seal TILLJI3 H POULTBR City Recorder READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE A 1T 1J rrI > FJJ J l J y r 7L 7 January Muslin Undcl wear AT TOE + r 1 BUNCH SALE I BUNCH NO 34 BUNCH NO 35 f Muslin Underwear wolth 15c your Muslin Underwear worth 25c your 4 choice now choice now 9 1 5 II r f S p St BUNCH NO 36 BUNCH NO 37 r t I i 4 Muslin Underwear worth 35c your Muslin Underwear 1 worth Goc 1 your t vt 1TYc 1 4Y choice now L choice now 19 j 39 r 3 Ilf p I 4 Y BUNCH NO 38 BUNCH NO 39 W V B 1 Muslin Underwear worth 75c 1 < your Muslin Underwear worth 100 your choice choice now 1 I r1 s i 49 69 c rta4 yi c BUNCH NO 40 BUNCH NO 41 I f Muslin Underwear worth 125 your Muslin Underwear t BMr fTl 4 car worth from 290 io choice now to 450 your choice now 9S 250 rL AR U 1l11 T V RES I < JI t n 1 I f in J iiiiiiiii