K H l r i 8 THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19 1010 i MOTHERS fRIEND I 1 2 r 1 A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE y Ono Of tho most valuable qualities of Mothers Friend Is y that It safe gnaxds tho future health of the mother It Is a liniment to bo applied externally to tho body tho uso of which lubricates tho muscles and tendons softens tho glands and ducts prevents lumps forming In tho breasts and relieves tho pain nervous ness nausea and other troubles from which no many expectant mothors suffer When Mothers Friend is used regularly It fits and prepares tho system for an easy and natural consummation of tho term Women who massage with this groat liniment are alwayn saved much suffering when baby come and recover moro quickly and without 111 effects Mothers Friend is sold at drug stores Writo for our free book for expectant mothers THE BRADFIELD 011 ATLANTA GA I LATEST SNAPSHOT OP UNCLE JOE I SPEAKER Of THE NATIONAL HOUSE y Washington Feb 18 Beneath rind behind tin Mulling face and Inevitable cigar of Uncle Joe Cannon may bo a a heart rind Il mind perturbs by the numerous attacks on his rule of tho liouso of representatives but the photographs I to raphs of the speaker do not show any evidences of such feelings Tho picture Is made from the latest simp I shot of Mr Cannon His face shows SMOOT GUEST OF PRESIDENT TAfT Utah and Rhode Island Senators Eat Dinner and Discuss Postal Savings Washington Feb IS President Taft today had as guests at luncheon Sen Senator Smoot The I tor Aldrich nnd purpose of their cntnertalument was to brng the latter In line with tho administration view regarding the pos t tl savings bank bill Mr Taft made It clear that ho thought the Smoot amendment which would prevent the board of trustees I from withdrawing postal bank funds from local banks for investment some whero else would make tho measure I unconstitutional Although unconvinced that his oinondmeut would menaco the consti tutionality of the measure Mr Smoot told the president he was unwilling I to tnko tho responsibility of a possi ble veto by tho president or tho de cision of the supremo court declaring unconstitutional an act establishing postal banks It Is said he did not promise definitely to withdraw his amendment but would abandon It if the best lawyers of the senate tool tho position that it should not be adopted Neither Senators Aldrich or Smoot endorsed tho proposition to1 create pos tal banks but at tho same time they ald they would stand back of the president in an effort to redeem tho republican pledge for their establish ment OFFICER WOULD CHEAT HANGMAN j Angered by Admission of Negro Criminal Policeman Attempts to Kill Prisoner Kansas City Feb IS Infuriated by ho confession of William Jackson a negro that ho had criminally attacked live white girls ranging from 9 to 13 years of ago Albert A she a patrol man who arrested the negro an uncle ot one of the victims attempted to shoot hi mtonlght The negro was sitting In Captain Whltsetfs office at i the central station when he made the confession eH hud been sweated for hours Patrolman Aka assisting In the cross questioning The negro began to nniiio the girls he had attacked He named a niece of the patrolman 1 wont wait for them to hang you Ill kill you now shouted Aka drawing his revolver Two policemen wrenched the gun from his hand The negro will be given an Imme diate trial lie says he will plead guilty NEIL BURGESS IS DEAD I r Now York Feb iSNell Burgess an actor died today Ho had been suffering from diabetes for a year I u Hu wns 69 years old I t however traces of the passage of time The speaker will be 71 years of age on May I He has been In public life since tho opening your of tho civil wnr when ho wns elected to the posl lion of state attorney of Vermillion count Me has been a member of the house of representatives since 1873 and is the oldest member in point of service SMAllPOX SCARf WITHOUT CAUSE Supposed Infections Disease Proves to Be Only Harm less Rash A rumor to the effect that members of tho family of Frank Towno a trav eling salesman of this city who Is at present on the road were Infected with smallpox and that ono member of the family had attended the Orph cum theater on Thursday night was emphatically denied by Sanitary In npcctor Moroni Poulter In a telephonic communication with tho Examiner last night Mr Poulter said that as far as he knew no smallpox had boon discovered at the Towne home lie said that yes I terday morning when the daughter Miss Towne went to attend her classes at high school the principal of the high school noticed that her face was red and a slight rash hod broken I out and fearing something serious sent tho girl home Tho case was Im mediately reported to Dr Anna Reese city physician who visited the Towne homo and after making a diagnose of tho case was unable to decide posi tively as to whether or not the rash was smallpox as It had not at that time been sufficiently developed De termined however to take all possi ble precautions toward guarding against infection the sanlary Inspector Immediately quarantined the entire family when he received the report of the case from Dr Reese It has been brought out that Miss Towno was subjected to a severe at tack of poison Ivy about three years ago and it Is the opinion of the sani tary Inspector that tho present rash Is only a recurrence of the same trou ble Whatever the disease Mr Poulter said last night that while the girl had boon on tho streets Thursday night Dill yesterday morning the trouble hud not progressed far enough to tauso any danger of contagion and he does not expect any difficulty In the njattor I In the Halls of Congress Washington Feb IS Discussion of various features of tho Indian appro priation lull and the reference of many war claims to the court of claims occupied most of the time of the houso today No important amend ment was made to the Indian bill The house leaders determined upon their policy of sticking closely to bus iness today and refused to mako any concession to members of the minor ity who desired opportunity to speak beyond that which n strict enforce ment of the rules permitted Late lu the day the postofficu ap propriation bill was reported to the house Tho principal feature of todays pro cecdlugs In the senate wag tho dcllv cry of a speech by Senator Newlands In support of a measure looking to tho coopration of Qi army engineer corps with other agencies devoted to tho de vtlopinont of the resources of the country The house will meet tomorrow The senate adjourned until Monday PROMINENT REPUBLICANS WHO MET IN NEW YORK TO TAIl K POI TICS New York Feb lBTho picture I taken during President Tafts visit to Now York a few days ago shows some of the most prominent republican head ers of the nation and state posing for their photographs The man on the extreme loft of tho reader Is James W Wadsworth jr the young speak AVI3iw UNDER FIRE Washington Feb I SLouls R Gla vhs was under crossexamination all lay btfore the BaJllngcrPlnchot In I vestigating committee and when ad journment was taken uulll tomor row morning there was no indication that John J Yerlrecs counsel for Sec retary Balllnger was approaching the end of his constant lire of Interro I gation The scope of the testimony given jy Glnvls and tho latitude allowed I h y the committee In hisetoss examin ation arc almost without precedent The cross examination particularly l o one of long questions and longer answers Usually tho querulous have to do with tho construction to be placed upon letters telegrams etc that have been read Into the record It frequently Is necessary to go over these documents several times and to quote freely from them Some Idea of tho latitude given to Mr Glavls may be gained from the fact that including the two sessions today the printed testimony of this one witness alone covers nearly two thousand pages Mr Vertrees and Mr Glivls had several long wrangles In tho afternoon as to the meaning of mnny letters and telegrams A typ cal instance was a telegram from Mr Balllnger In reply to a message from Commissioner Dennett of the land office lu which the secretary stated his reluctance to act In the AlaBlia cases and suggested that Mr Denneti made the necessary orders himself as to postponing the bear ings Mr Vertress sought to show that this meant that Mr Ballinger was not I directing the Alaska cases In any way whatsoever Mr Glavls on the other I hand Insisted that the only construc I tion he could put upon the telegram was that It showed that none ot the official In the department dared do anything In the cases without first consulting the secretary Mr Glavls contended that the telegram conveyed a specific order by Secretary Ball Inger Mr Vertrecs at the morning ses sion drew from the witness stand the Important fact that at the time the Cunningham claims were ordered clear listed In January 1908 and inl fact up to the time that Mr Balling or left tho service as commissioner of the land office on March 1 190S there had been no adverse reports on these claims and that the Cunning ham Journal which contained the first evidence of alleged agreement among tho claimants had not then been discovered The late afternoon session was devoted voted to an Inquiry Into motives of Mr Olavls In seeking the assistance of Clifford Pinchot Glavls said he went to him because he had faith In him and felt he was absolutely sIn core Mr Vcrtrees explained several of his long questions today by tho statement that ho was searching out the motives of the witness to discover whether they were malicious CARNEGIE LIKES BOTH PRESIDENTS Los Angeles Calif Fob IS An drew Carnegie passed through Log Angeles from the east today on his way for a stay of some days In Santa Barbara Accompanying the phllau thropit were his wife his daughter Margaret and Charles R Taylor of PHUjburg Roosevelt is one of the greatest men lu the world Mr Carnegie said I admire him intensely I am going to London to meet him on May 15th t want to be among tho first to clasp his hand on its return from Africa Roosevelt Is not only a statesman of rare wisdom but ho Is absolutely without guile His policies were die tated by an unsolftsh love of country and by the nations needs Present or of the stale assembly and a men her of a family prominent In New I York politics for several generations Next to him Is Otto T Bannard de feated republican candidate for mayor of New York In the recent election Governor Hughes of Now York Is easily recognized Next to the gov ernor Is Timothy L Woodruff former conditions In this country testify to his foresight Mr Caruesio commended tho for mer presidents attitude toward trusts as a wise one Taft Is following out tho Roose velt policies said he Taft Is of a different disposition and goes at things In a different way but Roose velt knew when bo chose Taft as his successor that tho latter could be ro lled upon to pursue the same politi cal course as himself Tafts policy with rotation to a court of commerce Is a correct ono If commerce Is to be regulated and It must hethero should be a separ ate and high tribunal to pass final Judgment on the findings of the low er courts And the price of melt nnd other necessities of life Mr Carnegie Oh there Is no doubt they are high Old Man Wilson the secretary of agriculture has shown that the farmers arc not getting their share of the profits Now the middleman the commlsslonmcn and the retailer Is aping the bigger nHmth corpora tion and cutting out competition Thats the whole tiling its lack of competition to a large extent Of course we live too high We want tho best cut of tho meal where formerly we did not We all want to wear real wool and many of us have a yearning for sill hosiery Wo are simply living on too expensive a scale I SALT LAKE 100 ROUND TRIP VIA THE BAMBERGER LINE t On sale February 21st and 22nd good to return until the 27th Account Automobile show TAFTS SON AN ACTOR Watcrtown Conn Feb ISIn the play the Amazons to be presented here after Easter by tho dramatic as sociation of Taft school one of the lending female parts will bo taken by Charles Taft son of President Taft 30 Years of Success The T H Carr Drug Co Offer a Remedy for Catarrh The Medicine Costs Nothing If It Fails When a medicine effects a success ful treatment In a very large majority of cases and when wo offer that medl cine on our own personal guarantee that It will cost the user nothing if It I does not completely relieve catarrh I it Is only reasonable that people I should believe us or at least put our claim to < a practical test when wo take all the risk Those are facts which we want tho people to subtsum i Unto We want them to try Rcxall MucuTone a medicine prepared from a prescription a physician with I whom catarrh was a specialty and > who has a record of thirty years of I enviable success to his record I We receive about more good reports j Rc < all Mucu Tone than we do of all 1i other catarrh remedies sold m our i store and If more people only knew i what a thoroughly dependable remedy I Rexnll MucuTone is it would be the only catarrh remedy wo would have I an demand for Rexall MucuTono is quickly ab sorbed nnd by its therapeutic effect tends to disinfect and cleanse the en tire mucous membraneous tract to de stroy and remove the parasites which Injure the membraneous tissues to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness stop time mucous discharge build up strong health tissue and re lieve the blood and system of diseased matter Its Influence toward stimu lating the mucocells aiding digestion and improving nutrition until the wholo body vibrates with heajthy ac tlvity In a comparatively short time It brings about a notlcea lo again in weight strength good color and feel Ing of buoyancy We urge you to try Rexnll Muni Tone beginning a treatment today At any time you are not satisfied simply come and tell us and wo will return your money without question or quib ble Wo have Rcxall MucuTono In two sizes 50 cents and 1QO Re member you can obtain Rexall Reme I dies In Ogden only at our store Tho Reall Store T H Carr corner Grant and 25th i 1LOJ1L1 i lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the state republican com I mittee On the left hand of President Taft Is Lloyd Griscom former am bassador to Italy and recently elected chairman of the New York county committee The extreme right of tho picture Is taken up by Senator Chaun cey M Depew to6 WllllNOIGT MAT TRUST New York Feb 18 Prosecutor Gar van said tonight that acting upon his recommendation the Hudson county grand Jury of New Jersey had In structed him to draw up the form of ar Indictment against the Internation al Packing company und Its directors The grand Jury he said had posi tive evidence that food products In some Instances have been kept In cold storage for seven years It was stated tonight that the Na tional Packing company had already been Indicted Prosecutor Garvans statement although technically a de nial forecasts such action soon It Is understood that the Indictment when finally presented probably will be for conspiracy In restraint of trade as the court Instructed tho Jury It might find In this change In Mr Garvaug belief the best proof of a conspiracy to restrain trade lay i In the minutes of tho National Pack Ing company which had been road to the grand jury In the directorate fet the National Packing company ap pear the was of many recognized holders of gnat packing Interest Ap parently said Mr Carvan these com panies were working Independently liut ho believed ho had evidence that director of the National Packing company I ran had taken formal action to hold surplus supplies In storage until lUo market price should meet their own figures The directors aro J Ogdon Armour Edwin Morris E F Swift E M Morris Arthur Meeker Ed ward Tllden T J Conners L A Carton T E Wilson C H Swift L S Hcyman Samuel L McRoborts F A Fowler A W Armour L F Swift and Kenneth K MacLareu i i II SPORTS I WUEN JEffRIES BOXE ORBETTI By W W Naughton I San Francisco Feb l1Jlm Cor bett will not have It that Jeffries out boxed him or proved the cleverer In their last contest In San Francisco In a recently published article Jim attempts to pull to pieces my article In favor of Jeffries on the occasion re ferred to and as Is his wont when dealing with adverse critics trios to I quench me In tho most gentlemanly I manner possible In dissecting my views he says Now Ill tell you what gave this sporting writer an Idea that Jeffries outboxed mo In that Son Francisco fight In the second round of that contest Jeffries caught mo with a hard left swing In the short ribs that I knocked all the strength out of mo and consequently robbed me of my I speed That will do for the present Jim says a whole lot more but it Is oo long to quote and I dont wish to gar ble IL I think I can make my point from the extract above given Corbett was trained to the minute for that fight Ho gave himself spe cial preparation In fact and hoped by the use of crowbars giant dumb bells and other weight apparatus to ho able to gather some of tie Jeffries strength on to tho Corbett cleverness and thus make a combination that couldnt be beatHe He had all tho confidence that crime from Ute knowledge that tho world considered him the paragon of pugi listic science ire had tho ua if reli ance that came from having stood off Peter Jackson admittedly Australias premier heavyweight He had the further EClfrellance that came to him from tho fact that ho had made a monkey of Jeffries for over 20 rounds at Coney Island He started out on tbs second fight clearbrained stoutlunged limber muscled and nimble footed He ftegan to fiddle and feint to bewilder and tangle the giant In front of him yet to take his own words for it Jeffries upset all his plans and knocked all his knowledge confidence and experience into a cocked hat with a hard Icf4 hand swing In the short ribs that knocked all the strength out of him land robbed him of his speed Irat that being outfoxed I think r 1 4 yo I 3 ttyC = mitmt l J 5 j c CtZfj I If r 10 W k jJo i i i 11 < l 1 J j I W 1lli l 11 H w 7 111 j B v Vl 1 tar Here are samples of our special greys for boys of all ages r from 14 up I w Buoyant greys roaring greys conservative greys and dig nified greys We took a chance early in the season made a good guess that these novel greys would be sought for by intelligent men so our assortment is rather unusual in desirable patterns p KUHNS Modern Clothes Tell r y Wash Ave Everybody S J 0 P At 2365 so And what does outboxed mean t anyhow Isnt It tho winner who out I swims or outruns tho other man or I other men Of course Ills A title further along Jim says Now Im simply using this explana tion to show my readers that Jeffries Is not a clever boxer All right Jim But pray what con stitutes cleverness Can any kind of showing or performance that falls of Its object be considered clover When an army general noted for his brilliant maneuvers plans what he considers will be a series of baffling movements on a battlefield and is led Into a trap and smashed to a pulp by the opposing general which IB the clover man Supposing even that general number one had led the other general a merry dance for hours but was finally cor nered and conqueredIsnt tho con quenng general tho cleverer 1 think so Somewhere else Jim says Even Jeffries himself lays no claim to exceptional ability as a boxer Dont you believe anything of that kind A statement of that character In fact suggests a lack of knowledge or numan nature There was never a man or woman either who excelled In any department of endeavor who dill not consider himself or horsolf master of all the side lines In connection Joffrlcs does not consider himself a highly finished boxer or at least lie did not when he relinquished tho game He not only asked me prior to his fight with Corbett to watch If ho did not outbox the former champion but he Inquired of me after the affair If I did not think he had made good In his antecontest boast In tho old days Jeffries not only wished to be looked upon as a clover exponent of rlngmanshlp but ho was consumed with a desire to look dapper and wallow In action One time ho undertook to reduce the Blzo of his legs so that they might resemble the underpinning of a clever boxer rather than the massive supports of a thick I bodied strong man 1 It was a great relief to Billy De J f laney when tho champion derided it couldnt be done for tho veteran train er was afraid that Jeff would affect hh strength by the drastic methods of re duction employed BATTLES BETWEEN ARMIES CONTINUE Managua Feb IS Fighting at Si Vlconto botwrcn government force and Insurgents under General Estrada M1 General Mena and General Mntulty which began on Tuesday and continu ed through Wednesday wus rcsumo > l this morning Generals Vasquoz and Godey look the offensive against the Insurgent In todays engagement and sent tholr Infantry against the enemys position f The result of the fighting has not been made known here nor ban th number of casualties been liven out t Tho fighting begun on NVcdnevday n at 1 oclock In the afternoon bath sides unlng artillery It was resumed at daylight on Thursday and contin v ued until dark Estrada shelling the heights occupied by the government forces at long range A party of General Chamhorros mounted scouts came in contact wlti the government outposts at Tlpltaia and wero forced to retire after Ha exchange of shots Dr Campari Hal Ian consul general at Managua and president of the Red Cross reslsnod today In the latter capacity upon hear Ing that the government had ordered Its surgeons not to engugn ag hospital attendants any ono suspected of bo lag a cosservallve Rawlms Wyo Feb ISH H Brewster sent up from S vePt vac r I I county escaped from the penitentiary today by scaling the fence fc 1 4f JrWIJ II h ZI oV 1 Q 1r j j I Ii WoO A L W < r U LcJ f W e II I i JEWELER c 2367 Washingion Avenue I R tOe I I I e D i S a 1 e I ir 4 i Eas xpres U 1 28th 1910 Open E V e r y thin H Evenings i o Mitsi Be Soi 1 j ALL FIXTURES FOR SALE Before That Date 1 + Electric Fixtures New I i Last Christmas Open veilings I I n I JIP 1Ioo < a I I II I I I t y