OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, May 03, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1910-05-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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0 r q
t ay
m s rn
V i I
From x
Ogden and Salt
Lake City I
East and Return
Missouri Rivor 4000
St Louis Mo 4900
St Paul 5200
Peoria 5110
Chicago 5500 I
Dates of Sale May 614 June I
4111827 July 729 Aug 4
Sept 1423 I
Return Limit Oct 31st
For further information ad
A T S F Ry Co 233 Judge
Building Salt Lake City Utah
I Most parts of the state niv In need
t ot rainfall according to reports being
1 received by the United States weather
bureau for the month of April From
various parts of the state come re
ports of droughts scarcity of Irriga
tion water and general poor prospects
Probably one of the worst appear I
ing places at present Is Tooele coun I
ty In the vicinity of Vernon where
everything Is drying up from the ox
cepllonallv hot weather md lack of
water Tho report of the co operative
I observer at that station shows that
r the prospects foi Irrigation watT are
very poor the quantity of water in
I the stream being very low and the
I I 1 snow in the mountains being melted
far back Range feed Is reported to
be poor and prospects generally bad
from an agricultural standpoint
In many other parts of the state
j tho precipitation Is much below nor
mal The general average gauged
from the cooperative station reports
shows a total of 5 degrees below nor
mal Rain is needed badly The
Know Is reported to be molted far
back in the mountains and prospects
are anything but bright In many dis
The month was the hottest and
driest April over recorded in Utah
according to tho monthly meteorolog
ical summary as published this morn
a ing by the weather bureau In his
tory there have been several Aprils as I
J hot as that of this year but none hot
ter and none as hot since 1SS9 In
precipitation the month shows the deficiency
e ficiency to bo fourtconhundrodths of
an Inch greater than in any other your
since the establishment of the local
weather office in 1871
Tho maximum temperature for tho
month just closed was GG degrees
whilo tho mean or average dally tem
perature was 55 degrees During tho
month there woro seventeen clear
days five cloudy days and eight partly
cloudy The highest temperature ever
recorded In April was also shown dur
ing tho month April 26 the thermom
eter reached 85 degrees which was
the highest over recorded during tho
month of April In any year
Rio Grande Visitors Captain Bon
ton and S V Dorrah representing
the freight and pasfi nRer departments
of the Denver and RIo Grande com
pany wore In the city yesterday call
ing upon some of their patrons
At the lequerft of Ward Suporln
londont Gus Wright 4of the Sixth
ward Chief of Police Browning de
livered an address to parents Sunday
afternoon which drew forth a largo
and Interested audience Tho chief
was asked to speak along the line
of a parents duty to a son or a
daughter of an age when young peo
ple arc tempted to roam the street
evenings unaccompanied by their pa I
Tho speaker chose for his subject
The Stroot Corners and in the
course of his remarks made some I
very plain statements for the benefit
of fathers and mothers present whom
ho feared were not familiar with all
the conditions existing relative to so
cial evils and tho first steps that
usually lead to downward paths
I Mr Browning in opening his ad
dross reminded hlB hearers that
what he was about to say was glean I
ed not only from hit personal expe
riences but from statistics and writ
Ings the veracity and strength of
which there could bo no doubt He 1
stated that he would not attempt to I
minrc matters but would speak very
plainly on a number of subjects which
ho was convinced were of vital im
portance to fathers and mothers who
arc today rcnring families In the city
of Ogden
Among other things he cautioned
parents not 10 expect the police de I
partment to be wholly responsible for
their girls and boys as long as they I
allowed them to frequent the streets
late at night unaccompanied by es
corts or In company with unknown
or undesirable persons
Where Do They Go
When your boy or girl said thn
speaker stops out for a little stroll
after supper with this friend or that
friend are you always certain that it
Is the friend named whom they ac
tually meet When George stops over
night at his chums house and gives
you a full account of It tho next morn
ing arc you always certain that that
Is whero he was Or when Mary at
tends u dancing party at Soand Sos
homo returning at an early hour Jn
the morning do you know positively
that such was the case Of course
none of you have children who would
deliberately deceive you but my ques
tion III Do you always learn the
Associate with your boys Make
chums of thorn The reason why so
many boys and girls too for that
matter take the wrong road Is bo
cause their fathers maintain an Indif
ferent altitude toward them from the
time they are two years old until
they are IS or 19 Yon cannot reason
ahly expect a boy to turn out ae you
should like to have him If yon take
no personal Interest In his welfare
The Black Plague
rho speaker then quoted from va
rious literary authorities relating to
racesuicide and deplored the fact
that large families of children tire
almost a thing of the past He also
touched on what is now termed The
Curse of the Black Plague and quot
ed from many publications facts In
dicating that 76 per cent of male In
habitants of our cities betweoti the
age of 18 and 28 have been or are
now infected with venereal poison
Authorities state ho said that
fourflfthB of tho men of America who
reach the age of thirty have been
poisoned That threefourths of the
operations upon women In the hot
pltals are because the husband has
sown his wild oats and poisoned his
blood and Infected his Innocent and
unoffending wife Fourfifths the
children born blind become so because
their fathers when young men had
sown their wild oats and one half the
childless marriages are traceable to
the same cause The social diseases
arc the great threatening dangers of
this nation
Chief Browning then closed his re
marks with a plea to the parents to
beware the social blood hound tho
male parasite and his female accom
plice who lie in wait for the young
and Jnnoct t ready to pounce upon
theirl unsuspecting pcoy through ftifc
medium of Chance acquaintance nUta
tlorf uppoti fttia iioT plpwn rostaur
ant a llttl < > ilrujfy l of stimulants j I11w
anti then ant various other pnqtlmut
which at thflr Jnception seem inno
cent and hannlees
rjhlflf Browning was warmly GoI1
g ntllntcd Upprr hIs addresR a iTnV
numerous Invitations have bpen iV
tF nTlect to 1i1m for almljar taYkfitrr
oiher parts of the city by parents
who desire advice and information re
garding subjects upon which their
knowledge Is limited
In fact BADCON the druggist has
a certain hair restorer called Parisian
Sago which costs only 50 conts a large
bottle that IB guaranteed to cure dan
I druff In two weeks or money back
Parisian Sage Is the discovery of
i an eminent student scientist and
specialist and U made In this country
I only by the Giroux Mfg Co Buffalo
Parisian Sage is a most pleasant
daintily perfumed hair dressing and
besides curing dandruff your drug
gist will return your money If It falls
to stop falling hair or Itching of the
It will make hair grow and women
who desire soft beautiful and luxur
iant hair can have It In two weeks by
using this famous quick acting prep
aration It IB not sticky or greasy
Sylvan Park Is to be sold this week
under the sheriffs hammer to the
highest bidder An attachment un
der a lessors lien by John K Dooley
vs the Sylvan Park Amusement com
pany a corporation E T Richardson
T T Peterson W F Madson S F
Lawrance R E Grant John M
Spnrgo and Fred M Nye amounting
to SS1420 Is referred to In the papers
now on file with the county recorder I
and tho case also Involves a junior
lien amounting to 2854
The lint of articles mentioned in the
attachment is a lengthy one and in
cludes about everything from a dunce
hall to a game of ping pong
rho following recommendation for
the observance of Sunday May 1G as
peace day by tho people Utah was
Issued by Governor Spry yesterday
By the governor of the state of
UtahA recommendation
With mingling reason and appeal
the voice of peace bids us quit our
selves of all obligation of hostility
and pleads for the subjection of agi
tating passions The highest attrlb
utcs of nature Tpgpond to the Inrlti
tlon for mutuaf confidence The hu
man tendency to requite Injury with
Injury Is amended by the refining In
fluence of a higher civilization which
strives to overcome evil with good
I and in place of mutual distrust thero
has grown a strong fabric of concord
rectitude right and rlghteousnesE
As a means of promoting that uni
versal peace to which Individuals i
I communities and nations aspire a day i
In each year has been set apart to bed
devoted to pacific counsels the Jdvo
ncr of the doctrine of peace and the
winning of converts thereto who shall
In their dally walk and conversation
strive to eradicate the evil of dlstruat
and create a sentiment for a real nnd
not a fanciful peace to be enforced
not through tho burdensome prepara
tion for war and the despotic compul
slon or fear of power but througn a
sincere love ot unity and an abiding
faith among tho children of men that
concord shall prevail by virtue of tho
7 Some Persons
r <
R feel bright and ambitious a part of the day and then listless and dull u >
Most of these people are coffeedrinkers They cannot account for their
whimsical moods and dont realize they are doing anything to cause them But
take a look at the case in the light of science as applied to physiology
Ever study the way coffee acts on the brain and nervous system
Caffeine says a scientist His a drug found in coffee and tea and is classed
J among the habitforming drugs like whiskey morphine cocaine etc
f It acts as a socalled heart stimulant firstbut the reaction later shows
that It is in reality a paralyzant weakens the nerves and partially paralyzes
Caffeine causes a short period of excitement of the nervous system a
delusory effect
But this is followed by the inevitable depression of spirits dullness of
Utellect and sometimes dizziness r
fhafs what coffee does in part
On the other hand thousands of people have learned to distrust coffee and
have faund in wellmade POSTUM a beverage which tastes similar to coffee
buthasnone oftthe harmful effects of coffee
lf you would feel clearheaded and well all the time drop coffee and
begin using PGSTUM Buthe sure you read directions on pkg POSTUM
mustbe made right well boiled to bring out the real food value Thousands
of people have found it You can do the same and it is quite a pleasant dis
t cover fthat
Tbere a Reason for J
Readthe Ktttebook Road to ale vIler in packages
I Postumv Cereal Co Ltd Battle Creek Mich
1 1 C
I 1
By guessing what She population of Ogden City or
Weber County is at this time The United States
Census is now completed A coupon appears in I
I the paper each day Just fil it out and send or I
bring it to the Standard Office You have a chance
I t for each time the coupon is printed See rules in
1 another column o v v v K v rv
supreme law of right and perfect Jus
To foster the spirit of local bar
moray and domestic tranqullity to
build for the broader world peace to
fortify against sanguinary strife I
William Spry governor of tho state of I
Utah do recommend that Sunday
May 15 1910 bo observed as poaco
clay bv the citizens of Utah and I par
ticularly urge that special peace ser
vices be hold in the various churches
throughout the state
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and caused to bo
affixed the great seal of the state of
Done at Salt Lake City the capital
this 2nd day of May A D 1910
By tho governor
C S TINGEY Secretary of State
Medical writers declare It incurable
after the sixth month whether albu
monou or noL
The average man prefers to think
of it as kidney trouble and lets it
go but the census shows this appall
ing fact out of 63000 deaths from
kidney troubles tho last census over
ninetenths of them 58000 took the
form called Bnghts Disease al
though It Is quite probable that nine
tenths of these up to the lost moment
thought of It aa and called jt kidney
trouble when as a matter of fact the
only possible hope laid through a spe
cific for Brlshta Disease
There never was one until Fulton
worked out hls Ronal emollient Ful
tons Renal Compound
Since then Tnflamatlon of the kid
neys whether albmnenouB not or
whether called kidney trouble or
Brlghtu Disease or whether six
months or six years old commonly
If you have had kidney trouble over
six months no matter what you call
It U In the only hope Efficiency 87
pqrcentrsytfero patients do not wait
until bedridden although some of
them recover It can be had In Ogden
at Wm Driver R Son Drug Co
We desire to hear from and advise
with patients not noting the usual im
provement by the third bottle Litera
ture mailed free Write John J Ful
ton Co 645 Battery St San Fran
cisco Cal
The train bearing the western dclo
gates to the western national con
vention of the Retal Grocers Associa
tion of the United States will pass
through Ogden today oa route east
via Salt Lake The delegates number
ing about 28 will represent the retail
merchants In the butchers and grocers
lines in Tacoma Seattle Wash San
Francisco Los Angeles Oakland Cal
and Portland and other Oregon cities
They will be Joined hQre by J S
Carver of this city and proceed to
Salt Lake where entertainment han
been provided by tho Salt Lake Retail
Butchers and Grocers association
F W Wilson of Salt Lake will Join
tho party at Zion and with Mr Car
ver will represent the Utah Butchers
and Grocers aesoclatlon at the Spring
field Illinois convention
The convention which opens with
in tho next few days promises to bo
one of the mont important of ita kind
ever hold Matters of legislation that
will affect every ultimate consumer
In the United States will bo taken up
for discussion and memorials will be
presented to congress covering a num
ber of most important points
Among theflc matters will bo deter
mined action looking to the adoption
of a net weight law which will compel
manufacturers stamp or print plain
ly on all packages containing manufac
tured foods the net weight of the
food contents of these packages This
law is designed to protect the public
for the consumer
by making it possible I
exactly how much ho
sumer to know
la purchasing and what rate per pound I
he Is paying for all package food
products I
Ben F Livingston A H Livings on
and Frank Allen have Incorporated
tuq Livingston Cafeteria taking over
tho Charles Cafeteria located Just
north of tho First National Bank
The cafeteria Is a comparatively re I
cent enterprise in tl IB city but the
and the
manner of nerving thj public
its operation found instant
economy in
stant approval among the bushwsa
men and the family trade and those
working down town also soon discov
ered that the best first claaa meals
TT t
could he furnished them in the short
est time and at a prIce arranged to
the convenience of their pocketbooks
Tn all the large cities and through
out the cast especially the cafeterias
hmo become immensely popular of
fering such Inducements as no waiters
salaries to pay for no tips for the
best food in the house a uniform
homo style of cooking and a variety
of excellently cooked pure sweet
and appetizing foods to choose from
at tho lowest possible price
Ben Livingston will act as manager
for the new firm and Is well known
In the city having in the past been
Identified with several of the best
conducted and most successful estab
lishments and with Frank Allen who
is considered by many as being the
best chef in the state the patrons and
the public are assured of that kind I
of an eating house which pleases those
who think there is nothing like home
cooking and conveniences
Mr Allen personally purchases and
Inspects all tho meats and other com
modities which are hsed in the estab
lishment and the vegetables and other
I relishes arc brought in every morning
from the farms Ills kitchen Is tno
I pride of the house Mr Livingston
stated yesterday that the housewives
should remember that tho cafeteria
offers an opportunity for tho entire
family especially during the summer
months when a hot range Is so uncom
fortable besides causing so much
drudgery when the meal IB over
Danger of a strlkQ among firemen
employed on tho Rio Grande road
which has been threatening for some
time is less according to au As
Boclated Press dispatch from Den
ver last night which says that at a
conference between the llremcns I
union and the railroad the demands
of the men for an Increase in pay
were presented with Indications that
an agreement will be reached
There Is a Heap of Solace In Being
Able to Depend Upon a Well
Earned Reputation
For months Ogden readers have
seen the constant exprcsaon of praise
for Doans Kidney Pills and read
about tho good work they have done
In this locality Not another remedy
ever produced such convincing proof
of merit
H W Eldrodgo 998 23rd St Ogden
Utah pays For a long time I suffer
ed severely from pains In the small of
my back and tho unnatural condition
of the kidney secretions plainly indi
cated that my kidneys wore disorder
ed The trouble W6 worse when I I
overtaxed my strength or brought too
much strain on the muscles of mv
back A short time ago I road about
Deans Kidney Pllla and being favor
ably Impressed I procured a supply
from Badcons Pharmacy This rem
edy toon corrected the kidney dllD
culty and removed my aches and pains
Deans Kidney Pills have helped mo
GO greatly that I consider them wor
thy of recommendation
Mr Eldredge gave the above testi
monial in July 190C and on July 29
lOP he added I can still recom
mend Doans Kidney Pills highly
They did mo more good than any other
kidney medicine I over took
For sole by all dealers Prlco 50
cents FoBtorMllburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember tho name Doans and
take no other
Poelng as a Mormon missionary In
approved standing and cleverly him
lamming a Tennessee youth out of
i20 by means of the timehonored
lock trick Ed Murphy an alleged
crook from the cast made big In
itial appearance In Ogden yesterday
afternoon and is now languishing in
the municipal bastlle charged with
obtaining money under false pretenses
The victim from Tennessee who Is
on his way to Idaho was taking a
constitutional down Twentyfifth street
yesterday when he was approached
who represented
by an affable stranger
ed himself ae a Mormon missionary
and straightway proceeded to hand the
unsophisticated sojourner a lino of
talk Intended to usurp his soul from
tho region of darkness and shed anew
stunted conscience
new light on
The pair strolled over to Twenty
fourth street and started In the direc
tion of Wall avenue when they
chanced to meet a second party in
conversation with tho latter the missionary
small lock which
sionary produced a
he procccdod to explain dwelling pdr
tlcularly upon the assertion that no
himself and St Peter
one outside of
could open It without divine inspira
I tion i
Third Person Appears
Tho third person after
Tmnk of Last Summer t
You can remember days when the heat inside your
kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it With the
right stove you would have made a better hostess Save
your health Dont put up with the drudgery of a coal
range You can have a clean cool pleasant kitchen The
Oil COgk sto e
does away with all drudgery of
cooking Why should you be a
slave to a coal range when you
can have an Oil CookStove that its
q cheaper than coal cleaner than coal
doesnt II smell doesnt smoke lights
instantly con be put out instantly leaves
vg no ashes and doesnt beat the kitchen
With one of these moves you can boil
a bake or roast the most elaborate dinner
t is1t i You can change from a slow to a quick
fire or the other way about by simply
S S turning n wick Apply match nnd in
stantly the heat from an intense blue
9 ti flame shoots upward through the tur
I quoise blue enamel chimneys to the
z t bottom of pot kettle or ovenbut no
+ i where else The stove has every conve
nience that can be thought of Cabinet
Top with shelf for keeping food and
dishes hot drop shelves to hold coffee
or teapots towel rack in fact every
Cautionary Note Be sure convenience
you cet this etovasee
that the nameplate The nlcV el finish with the brlcht bluest
reads t Perfection the chimneys makes the stove ornamcntU
and attractive
Made with 12 and 3 burners the 2 and 3burncr atovea can be had with or without
1 Cabinet
Titrj dealt rjnhert If not at jonri write orDes rlpttrsClrcalutotheaaratsgeocrofL a I
Contlnennai Oil Company I
Nw3 J 6 I
PCtIf < t Y fg i
I I i
Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates
of Deposit g i
CAPITAL 10000000 I
SURPLUS 11500000
H C Bigelow President A P Bigelov Cashier I
J M Browning VicePrest J E Halverson Asst Oashr i
G L Becker E L Van Meter John K Spiers I
0 A Parmley L F Bigelow J N Spargo
t ghR tr u1RtlL iIoI e i
tho apparent simplcworklnB of tho
lock began to exhibit a conviction
that he himself could open it A small
bet was made nnd the third person
lost Tho Illsuccess of his first trial
seemed to Impell him toward a sec
and trial and he Hashed a 20 hot
Tho missionary did not have that
amount but turning to the dupe from
Tennessee he begged the loan of 20
to cover the bet offering as security
a 3CO check on an Ogdcn bank
Tho loan was made but this time
the third person succeeded In open
Ing the lock winning tho S20 Just
at this opportune moment n fourth
I person stepped up and pretending
that he was an olllcer who according I
to the ordinance should arrest the
entire party for gambling Ho relent
ed however and advised tho three to
separate at once
One la Captured
The Tennessee man was anxious to
avoid arrest and lost no limo in leav
ing the localltj ACtor a few hours
of reflection however the victim be
gnu to realize that perhaps everything
was not aMll seemed and Bought the
police who Informed him that ho had
been fllmflammcd by a trio of clever
Detective Bob Burke was detailed
on the cases and after a short ecarch I
of the saloons on lower 24th street I
the victim pointed out his erstwhile
missionary friend The fellor t
made an attempt to ovade the
officer by creeping behind nlnrga I
stove in the saloon but ho was soon
taken into custody and locked up
At the station ho put on a hold front I
and disclaimed all knowledge of the
affair and denied having seen his ac
cuser before The police arc now I
searching for the other two
PROVO May Superintendent C
Erlckaon of the Big Nebo Mlnlus
company telephoned Manager W D J
Rawson Saturday that the entire
breast of tho tunnel now In 338 feetij
is lu fine ore bearing apart gray car r
bonates and Iron He expects iot I
reach the vein and have a good 6rao < M I
of shipping ore before the end of that
week I
Tree Tea i
is Uncolored and complies j
with all Pure Food regulations J
A tea to be high quality must be first Co P j
must be mountain grown must be uniforn1
Tree Tea is i rl
h j
l first crop >
j a Jn mountain grown
r L r j
u oj j d > always unifoi nJif4
Beware of imitations i
r n wet
J v

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