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With Terrible Eruptions Grew
Worse in Spiteof Doctors Would
Scratch and Tear Flesh Unless
Hands were Tied Mother Says
My litUo oem when nbout n year
And a limit Gill began to havo sores
come out on hia
t face I had a phy
c sician treat him
but the Korcs rrorr
7orao Then they
3 began to come on
his anus then on
other pnrta of his
4 body nnd then ono
camo on his chest
1 t 7fl rorso lhrn tho
others Then 1
ca1Nl another physician Still ho grew
worse At the end of about n year nnd
a hUf of suffering ho prow so bad that
I had to tic his hands m cloths at night
to keep him from ecrntching tho sores
and Inarms tho flesh Ho got to ho
a mcro okclctan and was hardly nblo
to walk
II My aunt advised mo to try Cutlcura
Sonp and Culieiira Ointment So great
was her faith in them that cho gave mo
a small piece of the Soap to try and
u httlo cf tho Ointment I took them
homo vrilhout any fallh but to nlcaso
her I tried it and it seemed to dry up
the tores n little I rrat to a drug fitoro
and got n cale cf Cuticura Sonp and
n box of tho Ointment and followed
directions At tho end of two months
the sores vrcrti all well Ho has never
had any sires of any kind sincf Ho
is now strong nod healthy and I can
cinwrHy say that only fer tho most
wonderful Cutirura llcmediei my pre
cious child would have died from thoso
terrible scrftj I used only ono cako of
Culicura Soap and about thrco boxes
of Ointment
II I am a nur o and my profcsficn
brmsf mo into many different families
nnd it is always a plorsurofer mo to tell
rav slorv and recommend CuticumUcm
fxdx Mrs Egbert Sholdon R F D I
Litchfictd Conn Oct 23 lOOt II
Conptete Kxtcmat rnd Intersil Trslfcnt for
T > cry humor nl Inline CblHltrn and AduJui rod
cIotA ol Cullu Soin tlf i 10 Clean tbc Ptla
Cutlcun Olnlmrnl ICe I to IIal Ibr Skin ooil Cull
run Ilrvrivrni < IOc I RT In the firm ol Cbofoaic
Coilrd rub Jc n > r vtilM GOIIO Irrllr he niool
hod trirwhpc II wcr i Totter Drji ft Oici
C > ir fr iVCvi iibin AeU lm
ftr i ii
i r rxtiorv itxtoaFtin Dicr
S ta rt w < > aJ i0 li1 tn llsr in btiiii1 This i
Hook tinrt lxi r Is sun n imill rriufit
inner business in year lxnt I
A Ltte Tbis is I n IiOi 1TOOIkO
0o eel Ih reisnfxtureij asl
r DiiJlcn ni I
Home Factory rm end
Itt thl toook
tIATL HOUC PROCUC13 LC CUt C1 Ptr fli MV cit
I Tur lIu hI re
S c lIIJuc IIh1oonffnat r
1IIUIn IUO fnJ Oold = 1110 y
l tM url rth KUc RIIJOCo
Tolio nn oilier Unr il our
iinjecui AlilrCI1ICIrlTPRa
O > cMl iOn jtl r uAl TsRcJlibi
uonnr FEAT
Them is no doubt that lovct5 of
sport will be keenly Interested to learn
I I that the Ogden oodniun of the
J 1 I World hue Inaugurated a ball game
tho initial game being pulled off yes
terday in splendid style against the
i4 employes of the Utah Light and Rail
o way company score of 10 lo 7 in fat
vor of the Woodmen of the World
Judging from the excellent fielding
t and activity dIsplayed by the hatter
team which is composed of only mem
bers of thy Woodmen of the World
there will be some highly exciting and
strenuous games to be played In the
near future
V It is rumored that the Woodmens
team will probably match the local
I Flks next Sunday Also some time
early in July this team will make a
e i I trip to Lagoon whore they will match
J I a team of the same organization from
the loqnl camp
1 I
Citizens of Ogden
Uoost for your city by using OG
DEN MADE FLOUR it coats you no
inoro and every sack you use IB a
boost for your town
la that way you make a Chlcaao I
of Ogden Ogden Milling Ele
t vator Co
Tho highest prices paid for Hvo
> r dressed poultry Ogden Fish
oultry company U52C Washington
Ogdens now 10000 water works
reservoir is practically completed the
concrete work having been entirely
finished aa well as the laying of a
portion ut time usphaltum uxininsion
The bpttoin Joints have all been
poured and work on the shIes bus
ilready been started
D It WhnblwrlKht of the Wherl
Bright Coiihiructlon company said
UIBI evening that the Reservoir will
sasily bo finished within the next
low days and well within lie con
tract lime of ijo dajK
With otronr tK und ooao
tlxcy nlwaya plooao
gnsts first fight glace he wrested the
lightweight championship honors from
Battling Nelson was marred by the
breaking of a bone In his left forearm
In the soventh round of a tonround
nodecision contest with Jack Red
mond of Milwaukee tonight In SPite
of this he had u nhade the bettor of
I the houl
Tho boys were weighed in at 130
pounds at 1 oclock this afternoon
In tha fourth round Wolgast Injured
his left arm oti one of Redinond3 el
bow and In the seventh snapped a
hone In the forearm about three Inches
above the wrist Up to the time of
the mishap he had a good lead hut
did little fast work lie was cool
Judged distance well and worked
short rights to lie body in champion
ship form but from the seventh to
tli1 finish he was practically helpless
and if RoUmond could have landed
with any steani ho might have been
declared winner Tho general news
paper decision will give the light to
Wolgnst because of his big load In the
earlier rounds
I Twice before Wolgast defeated
Redmond At their first meeting Wol
I gnat weighed only 11C pounds Vol
gast has Improved wonderfully since
I he fought in Milwaukee last and was
far ahead of Redmond In speed Judg
I ment of distance nnd ring genomlship
Round lRetlmnOnd put left to
stomach and tries his right to the
same place but raised Wolgast
tried to land right for face Red
mond ran Into a left uppercut Both
swung and mlxoJ up in close range
Wolgust landing The champion huH
pushed and half knocked Redmond
to the canvass They mixed In Red
s corner and Wolgaut kept on
binding A hard right landed on Rc1
monds left eye nearly closing it
Wolpast missed right and left but
I put a right to stomach as the bell
rnnHound 2 Redmond rushed and
lauded right to stomach but Wolgast
Rot even by putting his left and right
to the face They clinched Wolgast
wnnt Into a shell Redmond backed
away but Wolgast went to him with
a light body blow Redmond waited
for Wolgast to come closer The
champion switched and worked his
loft In a mixup following some
wrestling Wolgast had Redmond on
the ropes and pounded away on his
ribs and stomach
Round 3Rerdonlll chased Wol
gust half wnj around the ring but
failed to land Wolgast went into a I
fhell and Redmond could not hit him I
Wolgast slallud and the crowd yelled I
for him to fight Redmond landed
right to bod1 and they clinched Wol
Kiist got III two left upporcuts but
missed a third Wolgast ducked a
vicious swing und got In with a right
jolt The champion upcrcut twice as
tho round ended
Round Redmond was the ag
gressor but Wolgast was too slippery
Redmond missed a right and left
They clinched and both landed on
the body Wolgast held Redmond
with his left and shot him three up
I pcrcuts Wolgnsts left sank Into the
body Wolgast walked away smiling
lIe landed where he pleased Red
mond started to crowd by putting a
right and loft to the head while Wol
gast backed against the ropes
Round 5WolgasL blocked left
and they stood head to head and ex
changed blows Redmonds left con
nected with the champion nose and
blood trickled from it After a
clinch Wolgast worked left and right
lo the body The crowd thought the
boys were stalling and called for
them to fight Rcrmond landed on
the bleeding nose and came In with
his head down Wolgast stralghlcd
him up with an uppercut
Round 6Wolgast blocks lead to
head and then did some fancy boxing
after a rest of a second was puffing
aHa a rest of a second of two he put
loft and right to face Not much
action in this round
Round iThe boys wont to their
work at close rango Redmond
chased Wolgast around the ring try
ing to land but tho champion es
caped all leads Wolgast dropped his
loft arm and for the remainder of the
round did not use It It was learned
that he hurt Il a bone having snap I
ped Wolgast fought curefully He
hold his left out straight and crossed
over with a right to the car Wol
gast dropped a hard right and wont
Into a shell lie remained covered
up Redmond did all the righting but
Judged distance poorly and his blows
lacked steam Redmond put a rgh
on the champions head and again to I
lie face and for a full minute tho
champion did not make a lead He
appeared to be holploss wllh his back
against the ropes when the bell rang
He wont to his corner and said hit
left lorearm was broken
Round S Redmond started out ag
grcsBlvely but was unable to land
cleanly They stood head to head
Redmond using short left and right
hooks to the head Wolgasl used his
good right lor guarding purjioses He I
I went into a shell whlo Redmond kept I
j on working in close Wolgasts poor I
defensive work was altribuled to his
inability to use both arms Toward I
the close of the round the wildcat
opened with a flash with his right
Re went in a series of short arm
Jolts to the stomach Wolgasl then
stood practlcallj helpless with MA
head down wlillo Redmond worked
uppercuts They wore clinched at the
Round flRedllIand chased Wol
gust was eager to clinch with his left
hand at his side They wrestled to
I a neutral comer and Wolgast landed
a hard right Then ho ducked aud
avoided a right and left swing Red I
mond blood a good chance to collect
I If ho had the wollop After a brief
rist WalE ntt put hia right to the
Hound lOTii champion went to
thi canter of the ring with his left
I arm helpless and told tho newspaper
amen It was broken Redmond put
tight to face Redmond missed right
and loft Wplgast used only one baud I
lo defend himself In a clinch Red
mond pushed the champion through
tlu > ropes nnd then grabbed his brok
inond lacked steam They were ex
prcslou of pain was on Wolgisls
lace and before it disappeared ho
put a half dozen rights to the stom
ach It was bin final spmt and a
good one A light right connected
with Wolgasts face and tho boys 1
clinched lor fully 50 seconds Red I
mind I lad crl stoain They wee ex
changing bio Wr sat close quarters
when the coute ended I
burg Leader tonight charges that the I
slump of the worlds champions is I
due to Jealousy among the players
President Barney Droyfuss strenuoUs
ly denied all the assertions
The Lender chares that Hans WTag
ncr and Jack Miller have openly de
clared war against Jack Flynn tho
first baseman because Captain Fred
Clarke selected Flynn in place of Bud
Sharpe for the position
Denied by Clark
I ger Fred Clark of the Vlttsburg base
ball team said tonight that rumors ol
dissension in the Plttaburc club were I
absolutely groundless
NEW YORK June 10 Slanlcy
Kelchel knocked out Jem Smith of
New York in the fifth round of R
scheduled ten ound bout at the Na
tional soprting clubs tonight by a
right swing to the Jaw
It was rough going all the way and
both men were guilty of holding al
though under the referees announce
ment they were allowed to fight with
one hand free in the clinches Smith
a new comer looked the stronger
and was about eight pounds the
heaviest He showed nothing of a
novice difference and went right
after his man from the tap of the
bell Smiths aggressiveness did not
allow Kctchel to fight in his usual
open Gtylo From beginning to end
it was one continuous series of
clinches with Ketchel ripping in up
percuts that jarred Smith to his toes
whenever he could tear loose an
Smith had a shade the better of it
at the end of the first although he
slipped to the floor heavily In avoid
log an upcrcut Kotchol landed
heavily with lefts to the stomach
during the second round but Smith
was quick to come with his share of
body blows
In the third Ketchcl dug In heavily
with vicious ripping uppercuts
through Smiths guard and had him
dazed at the bell
Smith staggered the champion with
two leftliooks to the Jaw in the fourth
but Ketchcl vitally brought him back
in a twinkling and for the rest of the
round he outfought Smith
In time firth Ketchel played heavily
for the bod Smith was growing
slower and missed many wild swings
His fault throughout the fight was
I poor judgment of distance and In ac
curacy KelchoU forced his man to
the ropes AB they broke at the re
ferees command and took the center
of the ring Ketchcl saw his chance
Smith was trying to come to a
clinch but Ketchel met him with a
right swing that sounded like crack
Ing In tho head of a barrel Smith
was still squirming on the floor when
Ketchel vaulted the ropes as fresh as
when he crawled under them Ketch
ol was never in distress and never
worried although al the opening ho
seemed a little puzzled Smith fought
gamely but was outclassed
two days of hard work ahead of
him on Saturday and Sunday Jack
Johnson shunned the gymnasium this
afternoon and although Al Kaufman
was plugging away merrilly time
champion busied himself with his au
tomobiles both of which were in need
of slight repairs For that reason
Johnson spent several hours in a I
down town garage and did not return
to his quarters until well into the
He was out on the road as usual In
the morning and took his 12 mile
course in leisurely fashion complet
ing the distance in something like an
hour and 35 minutes
The best time over the course
said Trainer Tom Flanagan was one
hour and 21 minutes Johnson tested
hlniBolt out on the day but the fight
is loo far off for him to be continual
ly sprinting Tho last week we will
be cutting down the distance and
speeding up
The suit that has been commenced
by George Little in which tho pro
mole Mrs Mulrheud who conducts
the training quarters and all others
interested arc warned against paying
over to Johnson any money before
the 25 per cent claim is udjuslcd
does not seem to bother Johnson In
the least
I am not worried about that he
George Llttl knows that lit hasnt
a chance to beat mo in that fight and
unless he slows down I will do some
talking and then he will be sorry
about it
On Saturday and Sunday afternoon
Johnson annuonces he will box four
rounds with Al Kauffman In addition
to going several rounds with his
regular sparring partners
The latest wrinkle at the Johnson
camp Is a nlghtwatchman Cal Me
Vey one time famous as catcher for
till old Cincinnati reds is the man
on the Job and ho patrols tho
beach from dark until the sun rises
His bealen path Is directly under the
rooms occupied by Johnson There
I was an effort in camp to keep this a
secret but now that it has leaked
out it Is admitted that Jack does not
want to take any chances wllh
strangers slrolllng around unknown
to him
GRAVESEND Juno lOTho fea
tures of todays racing was Iho brllli
nnt performance of the western filly
Round the World She came east
with a remarkable reputation and
moro than made good when she easily
won tho five furlongs handicap for I
three year oldu
> First race five furlongs Plcklnney
i 5 to 1 won Ugo 10 to 1 second
Crasp C to 1 third Time 10135 I
r Second race mllo and a sixteenth I
Ardri 7 to 6 won Frank Purcell 13
lo 5 eecbnl Lord Stanhope 12 to
1 third Time 140 45
Third race five furlongs Round
the World 11 U > 19 won Feather
Duster 12 to second Zeus 11 to 5
third Time 102
Fourth rafiiv about G furlongs I
Tim Pippin 15 to 1 won Twilight
Queen 10 to1 second Cohort 11
to 10 third Time 11035
Fifth race mile aud a quarter
pretend 9 lo 5 won Reybourn 7 to
2 second Superstition 10 to 1 third
Time 208
Sixth race about G furlongs
Folllo Levy 3 to 5 won i Roasoau 12
10 1 second Castaway 7 to 1 third
Time 111
If Thompson will agree to make
133 pounds at throe oclock on the I
day of time fight or 135 pounds al
five oclock my man will meet him
and you will see the prettiest fistli
exhibition ever staged In Utah
In this manner docs Rawhide I
Kclley manager of Frank Plcalo the
Italian lightweight boxer propose to
arrango a match with Thompson It
will be recalled by tho fight fans at
the fitato that Plcalo and Thompson
came to Utah for a contest several
weeks ago On the eve of the battle
Thompson refused to make weight
by showing that it wan agreeable to
all concerned that the fight should
he hold nt catch weights As Thomp
son Ears It Is impossible for him 10
gel down to weight In a short time
without weakening his constitution
I the fight had to be called off
Now comes Kelley with n proposi
tion to Thompson which will prob
ably meet the Sycamore lads ap
proval If tho match can be arrnng
ed lu this way it IB planned to stn c I
it at Saltalr on July 21 Pioneer day
Kelley and Plcato were In Ogden
yesterday after rusticating for a few
days at Kelleys ranch in Edon
Picnic left last night for California
where he has signed tb fight Kid
Powell and meet several other light
weights in short round bouts Keno
will go to Salt Lake today where he
will endeavor to make arrangements
tot the Pioneer Day fight He cam
lo Ogden expecting to find Thompson
here but was Informed that he hal
gone to Legan to complete his train
Ing for his fight with Bird Leg Col
lies which will be held at Saliair
Juno 15
LATONIA Ky 10A track fet
lock deep in soft mud was run over
by the horsesIn todays events
There ftasno race of special pro
mlncuco on the card but some good
contests developed
First race four and a half fur
longs Minnie Wondell 1110 won
Red Lass place 12 GO second Hux
Icr 390 show third Time 56 45
Second race six furlongs Pin Oak
1190 won Fotsch place 420
second Rice Grain show 910 third
Time 120
Third race selling six furlongs
Star Port 15CO won Adalla place
370 second Nannetlc show 420
third Time 11135
Fourth race five furlongs Wine
700 won Athlo W place 630
second Indiana Girl show 42
third Time 10524
Fifth race mile and a sixteenth
Sorrowful 1100 won Pirate Diana
place 320 second Gllvedear show
520 third Time 15225
Sixth race mile and a sixteenth
Sticker stralnght 5500 won Stone
Street place G1 10 second Dave
Nicholson show 4720 third Time
152 34
public had a poor day at Buena Vista
today not a favorite finished in front
The fourth race at a mile and an
eighth brought together a fair field
and Buck Thome won easily Re
First race 5 furlongs soiling
Clarlnuls 3 to 1 won Flying 3 to 1
second Lady Box 15 to 1 third
Time 10245
Second race 5 furlong sellings
Ciossipper 11 toand aoin rdlu rdluoa
Gosslppcr II 3 to 1 won Sabado 10
lo 1 second Banthcl 20 to 1 third
Time 11535
Third raco 6 furlongs selling Sal
pearl 5 lo 1 won Weymouth 7 tol
second Frieze 1 to 1 third Time
Fourth race ono mile and an eighth
selling Duck Thome 5 to 2 won
Duchoso of Montabcllo 5 to 2 socond
Oberon G to 5 third Time 15445
Fifth race G furlongs selling Snow
hall 7 to 1 won Airs 5 to 2 second
Fred Mulholland 4 to 1 third Time
Sixth race one mile soiling Flora
Hoy 4 to 1 won Mike Jordan 20 to
1 second Sam Bernard even third
Time 14 25
Won Lost PC
Chicago 28 16 651
New York 27 17 614
Cincinnati 0 22 ID G37
Pillsbur 21 19 52j
ISL Louis t U1 4 AGi
I Drookhn 19 2 5 432
Phladolphl 6 2 no
Boriton o Ji f 16 28 364
f rE q L
Won Lost PC
I New York 27 12 092
Philadelphia 27 13 675
Detroit O 17 6381
Boston 22 21 612
Cleveland 17 20 459
Washington 19 2j 422w I
Chicago J6 24 385
St Loufa 8 32 200
New York 3 Detroit 4
DETROIT Juno 10Muihin won
his own game from New York 4 lo 3
in the tenth today sending Tom Jones
home from second with a single to
center Errors behind Ford gave De
troit the tipper hand lu the early In
nings Score
Nc York 3 5 4
Detroit 1 7
Batlcrlcs Ford and Sweeney Mul
lln and Schmidt
Chicago 0 Washington 1
CHICAGO June 10 Washlngto
scored in the ninth today and de
feated Chicago 1 to 0 Unglaub
Scored the winning run on his single
and stolen base McBrides single and
Blackburns error Walkor held Chicago
cago to one hit Score
Chicago 0 1 3
Washington 1 3 1
Batteries Walsh and Block Wa
her and Street
Cleveland 3j Boston 1
CLEVELAND Juno 10olecnnd
defeated Boston 3 to 1 today Falko
burg and Collins wero effective errors
being responsible for all the runs ex
cept Ole last ono made by Cleveland
Cleveland 3 7 1
Boston 1 4 3
Batleries Falkenburg and Bemis
Collins and Klcinow
At New York Chicago C Nd
York 5
At BrooklynSt LouisBrooklyn
At Boslon BostonCInclnnatl post
poncd rain
At PhiladelphlaPllU
burg postponed rain
At Indianapolis Paul C In
dianapolis O
At Toledo Minneapolis 3 To
ledo 1
At Columbus MllwaukeeColumbu
postponed rain
At St Joseph Wichita 1 St Jo
seph 1
At Omaha Omaha 3 Dos Moines
At Sioux CitySioux City 4 Lin
coin 2
At Topeka TopekaDenvcr post
poned rain
At SpokaneSpokane 2 Vancou
vcr 3
At Seattle Seattle G Tacoma o
At San Francisco San Francisco 5
Oakland 1
At Los Angeles Sacramento 5
Vernon C
At Portland LOB Angeles 10 Port
land 2
Every Claim Is Backed by Local
If the reader wants stronger proof
than the following statement and ex
perience of a resident of Ogden what
can it be7
J W Browning 5S1 22nd St Ogden
Utah says I believe the exposure I
underwent at different times during
my life caused my kidney complaint
About ten years ago I felt the trouble
first There was a pain in my back
especially severe when I overexerted
myself About five years ago the doc
tors lold me I had diabetes and I be
lIeved this to bo true as my kidneys
were in a terrible condition The kid
ney secretions wore unnatural and
filled with sediment and the passages
were entirely too frequent I was
obliged to get up from ten to twelve
times during the night on accounl of
this weakness and my health steadily
lan down I lost forty pounds In
weight and felt tired and listless My
back pained me a great deal and l
had rheumatism In my limbs A few
months ago I hoard about Doan Kid
ney Plllfl and began their use Before
long 1 was In good health I have in
duced several of my friends to take
Doans Kidney Pills and I know ono
case where the contents of two boxes
effected a complete euro From
statement given March 7 1907
Mr Browning was Interviewed on
July 28 1909 and said Allhough I
am now sevenly3oen years of age
mv health is excellent I have never
had an attack of kidney trouble since
Doans Kidney Pills cured me When
ever I have tho opportunity I give
this remedy my endorsement as I
consider It to be a specific for kidney I
and bladder difficulties
For said by all dealers Price 50
Remember tho name Doans and
Lake no Pl
Four Austrians whose names
iouiided like Emil Schoeller Joe Bar
row Mike Dove and John Miller were
trreslcd yesterday by Deputy Sheriff
H S Jniiben of Brigham City on the
charge of selling liquor without a II
Details of the offenso are meager
hut it was said that the liquor was
Sold somewhere on the JLucIn cutoff
md a number of laborers nro re
ported to have been drunk as a result
oC the enterprise of the Aufltriauo
Deputy Sheriff Jensen brought his
Spanking does not euro children of
icdwottlntr There la a constitutional
cause for this trouble Mrs M Sum
mers flex VV Notre Dame Ind will
lend free to any mother her sucocpaful
borne treatment with full Instruo
lions Semi no mony hut write her
today If your children trouble you In
this way Dont blamo the child tho
hunces arc It cant lnfJ It Thin
treatment also cures adults and aged
icoplc troubled with urine difficulties
by day or night
I ft 7
t V k
I 1I
1 i
ii i 1
Send Rit m o the Troy
I T4
r 4Th
Me Will Come Back While
A Siorekeeper Says
1 A lady came into my store lately and said
II have been using a Iew Perfection Oil CookStove all winter
in my apartment I want one now for my summer home I think
these oil stoves arc wonderful If only women knew what a
comfort they arc they would all havo
one 1 spoke about my stove to a lot
of my friendo and they were acton
ishcd They thought that there wao
smell and smoke from an oil atove and j 3rP
that it heated aroom justliko any other t
stove I told them of my experience tq
and one after another they cot one and 4 JJ9j7
now not one of them would give hers
up for five timca ito coot I
i rj i o i
I The lady who eaid this had thought M I
an oil stove was all right for quickly
heating milk for a baby or boiling a
kettle of water or to make coffee
quickly in the morning but ahe never t
dreamed of using it for difficult or p 7
heavy cooking Now she knows
Do you really appreciate what a New
Perfection Oil CookStove rneana to ycu No L
more coal to carry no more coming to tho 1
dinner table so tired out that you cant cat pj u
Just lleht a Perfection Stave and Immediately
the heat from an Intence blue lame ehooU Coulloaaryrole 73e sues
up lotto bottom of pot kettle or oven Out you Cet thi tovcacc
the room lint heated There ia no omoke no that the namepint
cmell no outside licit no drudcery in the rcada New Perfiction
Utclica where one of these ctovco Ic used
New per1rdt
j u ut t J1
il C09I stgve
It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot Tho
nickel finish with the bright blue of tho chimneys makes the stove ornamental
and attractive Made with 1 2 and 3 burners tho 2 and 3burner stoves
can be had with or without Cabinet
Every dealer everywhere hoot at yours write for Descriptive Circular
to the nearest agency of the
Continen on Company
> IJo > l < LVL I zr ri > L IiV
1 I7n E IM 7 7
prisoners to the city Jail where they
were locked up for un hour or moro
The officer however learned that
frlonds of the prisoners were on their
way to time Jail to aocuro their re
lease on the grounds thai they were
being Illegally held in another county
than the one in which the offeiiso wall
alleged to have been committed
With the keenness of foresight
which generally marks the activities
of Brigham Citys police force Mr
Jensen hurriedly gathered his prison
ers onto u street car for Hot Springs
and departed with nil haste to a point I
where he could Htaml on Box Elder
county soil and defy friends
or any
one else who might deny him the pos
session of his capthcs
G G Griffith the Ice cream man j
was arrested again esterda
yesterday by De i
tcctlvo Pincook for conducting bin
biiBlness without a license having
seat out his ice cream
wagon as usual
Orifllthi persistency in continuing
his Ice cream peddling without taking
In the
out a license an prescribed
action or
ordinance and the prompt
the police Ip arresting hIm almost
is cOIDIII noticeable and
every day becoming
the outcome Is looked forward lo wHit
bonic interest
I Grlililh has ut suit now pending In
time courts which will tctt the valldltj
and other Hulls of
of Uiu ordinance
bo Instituted
will probably
a similar nature
for nnolher lot
We have arrnnscrl
Of tickets at time Orpbcum Theater
The Standard will give one ticket to
the Orpheum theater for any night
for each month
his or next week
subscription jmld in
more than four tickets to ono famil
Now is tho time to lake advantage ol
this offer
Elegant new electric cars Special
excursion rates Sundays and holidays
Ogden and Salt Lake Round trip
I It