i THE EVENING PAPER i J I fir WEATHER FORECAST IS THE PAPER OF TO T i f taitbairbRow I DAY THE MORNING THE WEATHER INDICATIONS WILL ARE BE THAT GENERAL THE LY FAIR TONIGHT AND TOM OR PAPER OF YESTERDAY + ROW I Fortieth Yei1rNo15BPrice Five e Cent EVENING OGDEN CITY UTAH SATURDAY JULY 2 J910J6 PAGES Entered aa Second Class Matter at the Poatofflce Ogden Utah RENO i WILD Great Crowds in the I Hotels and at the Trains i I Reno Nov July 2The confusion I and squabble over the details of the ring and the arena took a new angle this morning when Jack Johnson mo tored Into the city In search of Tex Rickard Johnson declared > he was not satisfied with the overhang of the I platform outside the ropes The roped square Is twentytwo feet and the platform Itself a little over twenty three feet Johnson wanted more Bpace beyond the ropes and was after Rickard to see that an additional toot all around Is added giving the usual two feet of platform beyond the ropes The big negroes appearance in town created much Interest and a rush ot newcomers for his motor which drew up In front of RIckards hotel John son came in as the guest of Dick Shevlln the Yale athlete in the tat ters car No sooner had it stopp d in front of the hotel than a curious throng Jammed about It staring at the big black fighter who pat in the tonneau laughing and joking appar ently with no thought for the great battle but two days off Whenever he comes to town he dresses In a loose fitting square blacic suit with soft shirt open at the throat and a Panama hat This garb accentuates his size and he looms among the crowd seemingly as big as any other two men In night While he sal In the car toda his golden smllo flashed continuously on the picturesque throng around him Rickard came down from his room about 2 oclock He looked as though he had spent a restful night to spite of the worries and over rocurring ob stacles that have confronted him at almost every slop Suppose youll be glad when its over Trx was suggested You bet I will said Rickard But 1 feel fine today Slept all night A swarm of war correspondents had already gathered in the hOle lob by They began a flank movement op 1 the promoter but he evaded the rush I and slipped across the street to 1 i I cafe for breakfast While Johnson vailqdlllckard was h in seclusion nnd was not fo1 > c found It was thought however that llio discussion regarding thVfinV I between the fighter and promoter would be held later In the du I Big Purse of 101000 One of the Ural matters to which Rickard was booked to give his atten = i tion today was the putting up of tho balance of the 101000 purse Stake I holder Dig Tim Sullivan already has 50000 of the money in hand Twenty thousand was deposited In New York when the articles were 1 signed and 30000 more went Into a San Francisco bank vault about two i months ago This amount was brought to Reno and today 5100i was added to It in a local bank before noon I Sharkey and Fitz I Every train from the east and west I today left many additions to tho crowd ot prospective fight spectators ready gathered A number of ring 1 celebrities were due to arrive during the day including Bob Fltzslmmons and Tom Sharkey Besides those many sporting men from nil parts of the countiy and large additions to tho I army of sporting writers and lilprnrv rieu already mobilized were expected I With early hours of the mornli R the city began to show something 9fl c the excited expectancy that will not r I l ns > s away until the fight is over Heretofore there have been fcw nf k the fight fans abroad before 10 1 s oclock In the forenoon most of the I gossipplng and before tho battle ar I guments being confined to the after I noon and evening and lasting Into the small hour ot the morning Today howevei the hotel lobbies were crowded before 9 oclock and crowds nisinjd to tho depot to meet oVery train and the clamor of wolcoiuo re sounded along the platform as the cars dihgorgcd tho dusty travelers Well how does It look now was the first greeting from evey new ar rival Because of the many and sud den changes In the fight situation during the past week any one who has been out of touch with Reno for two das or more fears tlllRome I Lung else might happen to bring about another change Everything fine and lovely ions the reassuring response to alt such qliirlo > Fighters ready arena ready and ciowdp coming in every minute Mrs Jcffricc Busy v w While her husband played cards nt his Moana Springs cottage and lnIJt cit 1 of Truckeo river trout MrsJameH J + Jeffries in the Interests of die famil spent moat of the morning In Tfeno saving money lu attorney lUiifc T For moe than an hour she was in tho office of the lawyer who draftcil tho contract between Jeffries anti lli picture concern to which the fonneri uianiplon recently sold his shnro Ir the films effecting a malerlaLro ductlon In the size of the orl lust d 5100 claimed by the man of law Tor t his services lAT BUBONIC PLAGUE r AT HONOLULU Honolulu July 2A suspected case oi bubonic plague was discovered oil tin steamship Chlyo Mnru which ar rived today from HouK Kong The nneda baseball team arrived today from Japan for a series of I games with a plctod ulnerfroui Oahu The learn was welcomed by the may I or of Honolulu and a committee of prominent Japaueae residents I CLOSING OF THE I BANK OF BILLIMS I Washington July 2Tbe First Na j Bona Bank of Diilings was closed to day by direction of the comptroller of Jthe currency the bank having been reported by the examiner to be In solvent 1C W Cnodhttit has been appointed reed r On March 29 last the dale of tho report to the comptroller of the cur rency the bonk Included among its esources 1353319 11 loans and dis counts and 134103 In cash and cash items The liabilities Included 150000 in capital stock SolGIS in surplus and undivided profits and 1692425 in deposits iA MINISTER IN TROUBLE 1 His Prayer Was a i e I on One of His Con gregation Springfield July 2Rcv R D Fish I er of Nearo 111 has been made a de fendant In a 5tOOO suit I 0 Lord make Biother Stroh a better man cause him to pay his debts and have him cease backbiting fer I vently supplicated the minister in a I prayer which startled Ills congrega tion and started Stroh upon a line of action culminntlug in the suit for I libelf I Other faults of the parishioner I were cited In the ministers prayer and Divine Interference was asked for I to rectify them I Now youd better make another prayer and straighten things up with the Lord declared Stroh when the pastor concluded his prayer But Dr Flsl cr refused ir O IcER QL r D KILLED f Loavenworlh Kan July 2 Am brose Donahue a merchant policeman of this city was shot and killed by an unknown man whom he attempted to I arrest early today I Donah no and two railroad wryli men heard a shot in the railroad yards and upon investigation found a man in a box car When they or dered him to come out he fired kill ing Donahue The murderer continued to shoot as ho jumped from the car and escaped across the bridge into Missouri His pursuers shot at him several times A posse started In pursuit of the fu I gitive I WORLDS MA KETS Bank Statement New York July 2The following is the clearing house bank statement I Loans 1215637000 increase 15 i 755000 I Deposits 1208273800 increase 7197500 Circulation 4S418OQO increase 71000 I Legal tenders GS377COO de crease 51340900 Specie 262G09300 decrease G crease 50710900 Resono 320920900 decrease S 160800 Reserve required 302008150 in I crease 1709395 Surplus 18918450 decrease 9 i 9fiG17n I ExU S deposits 19122775 de crease 9891425 I Chicago Livestock I Chicago July 2CatUc receipts I estimated at 300 market steady Beeves fi35a850 Texas steers 125a C80 Tvesteron steers 5IOa733 stock ers and feeders 4GOa515 cows and I heifers 280a700 calves C50aS25 I Hogs Receipts estimated at 8000 market easy Light 910a940 mixed i 895a935 heavy S45a920 rough fcG5aSSo good to choice SSOa915 I bulk of sales S95n915 I eltnccelllt8 estimated at GOOO market steady Native 276alSf western S25al Si yearlings 5OOa fiOO Iambs native U75aSIO west ern 526a77n i Omaha Livestock Omaha July 2 Cattle Receipts j 100 Market unchanged Hogs Receipts G500 Market lOc lower Heavy S75a8S5 mixed S 1 75a8SO light S85a900 pigs 7 OOaS50 bulk of Bales SS75nSS5 I ShoenrRecclpts 7000 Market stood Yearlings 5475afi50 weth ers 3inn4JM owes 340allO lambs C25aSOO New York Money Now York July 2Prhne morcau tile paper 434S5 per cent i Sterling exchange nominal with actual business In bankers hills at 181 48410 for sixtyday bills and at 1850 for demand j Conrmercial bills 483144S13J MONEY ON I THE FUT 1 Tex Rickard Expects His Proiits to Be 100000 I Reno Nev July Training activ I ities have ostensibly ceased In both the Johnson and the Jeffries camp find I Reno has settled down with what quiet it may to await the big bat i tie on next Monday There being 1 little of Interest at the fighters head quarters the greater part of the crowds remain down town today pack Ing the streets hotel gambling plac es and fight headquarters Discussion regarding tho merits of the principals Is rife and each man seems to have many supporters But the arguments cool and as yet the police have had no trouble with thj throng which has come here to see the contest Fight followers do not expect any surprises from the Johnson camp The negro said he is through and his word Is taken for It But it is well known that the whimsical Jeffries may change his announced plans at any time The result i that no one would be surprised at anything tho big pugilist might do Therefore while few arc Journeying out over the dusty trail to his camp every one keeps In close touch with the white mans moves for fear that he may decide to take on some fighter or several fighters some dayor for that matter tho night before tho championship contest A good example of the fane dis trust of Jeffries was shown yester day and last night Following the arrival of Sam Langford here tho report gnjned circulation tlIat the negroand Jeffries would box fifteen rounds during the evening At the time the story started the oxboller makers camp was descried except for his Immediate associates A re port that Langford had been seen go Ing towards the Jeffries camp with his fighting paraphernalia came next I Then begun a general exodus from the city to Moano Springs They traveled In wagons on street cars and I In automobiles Some even expressed the belief that Jeffries might ibox fifteen rounds with Langford Jim Corhett having said such a program would suit him very nicely But the visitors were disappointed Jeffries did not box Corbotl assured every one that thnrff would beno more boxing at the camp Langford said he had no Intention of sparring with Jeffries But these reiterated assurances did not satisfv tho crowd and many were up early today to keep a watchful eye on Langford and make sure he did not slip away to Jeffries place to participate In the fighters unique sunrise exercise Betting on Fight While tho gambling places are well filled at all hojira tho scarcity of bettors at the commissioners head quarters Is sonlowhat surprising to I the wagering fraternity Betting Im proved a bit last night however At Tom Corbetts It was announced to day that about 15000 was placed on Jeftries at 10 to o 12 With two ex ceptions the amounts were under 2000 Jim Corbett has 5000 at his brothers place to bo bet on Jef fries A now York man has left 10 I 000 Both wagers are to be placed at the prevailing odds I But betting commissioners expect 1 large amounts of money will ho I placed today and tomorrow They j explain that tho crowd here now is composed In major part of men who I have business In Reno and not to wager money The arrival of special I trains from tho big cities between now and Monday morning will boost the betting they believe Tex Rick nrds final announcement that he j would positively referee the fight will probably cause money to loosen I upA I A few of the extremely cautious folk girt holding off their money unlll tho r 51000 of the purse Is I placed in Big Tim Sullivans hands This Is to be done some time today according to thQ arangomcnt effecting between tho promoters and Sullivan here last night Tex Rickard assured Sullivan that he would either turn over the amount In cash or in check form today I Profits for Rickard I Rickard has recovered from all ner I vousness he may have foil over the financial outcome of tho battle He now believes the profits from tho bat tle alone will amount to 100000 I expect the receipts to be about 250000 he said Our expenses I have been a littlo less than 100000 II We should clear about 100000 Seat Halos hero since lire paste boards were brought up from San Francisco by Jack Gleason have been highly pleasing to the promoters Practically all of the 50 and 10 seats arc gone The higher priced seats sold quickly on account of tljelr good J location and a large part of them I were reserved before the sale opened here Many bought the 10 seats be I cause they were high and spectators who hold them will gpl the benefit of a breeze If one Is blowing on thu dar of the battle Fans who expected to purchase 5 scats will bo dloappolmod for there will be none at this price Folks whp want lo pity 5 will have to get telephone poly privileges said RIcknrd laughingly Many pooplo who bought tickets hoforc the fight was transferred and had their mqney refunded are now seeking to have their origin accom modations back again Rlckurd said last night IJpt as fast ns the money t was refunded for tickets ic paste boards were again placed on sale so It Is doubtful If many succeed In get I ting their original reservations All Is not yet serene between Rick ard and the contractors who built the arena The structure will be com pleted tomorrow and Rickard says he is going to have immediate possession of it The contractors however de I clare they will not relinquish it until July S The builders fear the men I who drew the plans for the big bal i tlinj place may put up signs advertis 1 ing that they erected It as they tiled to do Wednesday nnd get thes advertisements Into the moving pic tures Gotch in Reno Celebrities continue to arrive here on evory train Frank Golch the champion wrestler of the world cre ated a stir aboul the hotels last night when he walked around greet ing friends None was happier to soe Gotch than Jeffries himself When the giant Iowa farmerwrestler appeared at the gate of Jefiries yard thee pugilist rushed out and grasped his hand warmly Its great to see you Frank he shouted gleefully Ive been anx iously awaiting your arrival Gotcli was much impressed with his friends condition He freely predict ed victory for Jeffries He looks the best that I have ever seen him said Gotch I cant be gin to say how much better his ap pearance Is than it was when I left him at the end of our theatrical tour And It was good then This work In the mountains has done wonders for him Why he Is as tan < ns a shoe sole and his muscles are hard as iron f V Will ho win That B tia useless question Of course KieMlj win I should say that somewhere between the fltccnth and the twentieth round he will knock Johnson out You may bo certain of this The fight wont go over twenty rounds and Jeffries will carry off the big end of the purse Gotch will visit Jeffries nt his camp before the fight but ho says he will offer him no advice Farmer Burns who taught Gotch the wrestl ing game will give Jeffries all the information ho needs about the tricks of wrestling And then Jeffries pick ed up considerable ainout of Informa tion from Gotch while they were on their theatrical tour last winter too which the evbollermnker says ho has not forgotten Everything Is calm at Johnsons camp The negro ha ceased all work with the exception of walking His entire camp says he Is fit and last night the champions partners gave proof of their sincerity Jn their state ment by placing 5OOQ With a bet ting commissioner lo bgl placed on Johnson at tho prevailing odds I l tAVY L4iS 7 l A r r FLAMES Canadian Northern Has Much Property Des I troyed by Fires I Winnipeg Man July 2 The Cana dian Northern railway announced to day that Its loss this week by bush fires in the Rainy river district was 125 box cars 30 depots station houses freight sheds water tanks and 500000 worth of yard material Last night Elmo Ont was cut off from communication and was sur rounded by fires Only one house remains in the vil lage of Miscampell Farmers In directions are aban doning their homes and are taking the women and children to places of safety i INCREASE IN THE NEW YORK TAXES I New York July 2A substantial Increase In tax rate faces the New York property owners the coming year Estimates based on the tax rolls show that the rate will be about 17G as compared with 107 tills year Now Yorks ratewill bo very close to the average rate of the big cities of the country The Increase in as sessed valuation this year Is 235000 000 as compared with 81000000 last I year OGOOOOOOOOOGOOOOO O 0 O FIREMAN BURIED 0 O UNDER WALLS 0 O 0 O St Louis July 2Clpt 0 O Michael J Lyons of the 0 O tire department and a fireman 0 O were killed and two other fire 0 O men and a workman were in 0 O jured in a fire which destroy 0 O ed part of tho PalersPierco 0 C 011 companys store house here 0 O today Loss 200000 Lyons 0 O was hurled under falling walls 0 C The tore house covered two O O city blocks O G 0 oooooocoooccoooco OOOOGOOGOOCGOGGCG O 0 O RIOTING OVER 0 O RELIGION IN SPAIN 0 O 0 O Murcla Spain July 20nc O O man was killed and many hurt 0 O In rioting today between cler 0 O IcalB and anticlericals In the 0 O village of Cenll The trouble 0 O resulted from a strong sermon O O against Premier Canalejas re 0 O llpIoiiK program by a priest 0 O delivered at mass 0 O 0 oooooooooocoooootf I VCTM Of I W l MANIAI Son of Henry Watterson I Shoots a Saloon Proprietor I j New York July 2 Conflicting re ports as > to the Identity of the man who yesterday at Saugerties N Y while apparently domented shot and slightly wounded Michael Martin a I saloon proprietor were cleared up today when it was learned that Mar I tins assailant way Ewing Watterson eldest son of Col Henry Watterson of Louisville Ky Wattcrson Is under arrest at Sau gortlcs Col Vatterson who Is In this city was appraised of his sous outbreak and plans to go to Sauger ties late today or tomorrow to look after the young mans interests From I him the circumstances of the case were learned I Ewln Wntterson his father says baa for some years been the victim of a form of religious mania which has failed to yield to treatment In the effort to better his sons condi tion Col Watterson placed him for some time on a ranch in the west and when this environment failed to result In Improvement bought him a I farm In the Hudson river hills near Saugerties where it was hoped the air i and quiet surroundings would benefit j himEwin I Bwin Watterson according to the i reports from Saugerties entered Mar tins place ot business yesterday and created a disturbance After some words with tho proprietor Wutterson I opened fire shooting Martin three I times None of the bullets Inflicted serious injiuy vatlcrson was lock I ed up and word was sent to his fa ther In this city From what could he learned of Col Wattersons plans It Is believed an application will be made to have his son placed in sanitarium or asylum I His mania bad never before manifest ed Itself in a violent form Another son of Col Wattorson Tater W Wattcrson was killed in j tills city in November 190S by falling from the 19th floor ot a Wall street office building JEWS TQLEA YE 1 r CTJ iD DOR R aJtl J Pillsburg July Proinlnent Jews I from all sections of the world many of whom will leave next year for I i Palestine where they will make their I permanent home are in Pittsburg to attend the annual convention of tho I Federation of American Zionists which opens tomorrow Already about 300 delegates from sections of this country have registered many of whom arc women Every delegate is interested in the worldwide move ment of the Jews for emancipation In tho proposed establishment of a na tion In tho holy land Some of the prominent Jews that I are here are Dr Joseph Nasln of New York secretary of the federation Louis Leneki editor of the Maccadea Bernard G Richards secretary of the Jewish Kehilla M Chazzan and Rab bi Jacob Menlcea of Now York Simon Goldman and his family of j St Louis will leave for Palestine In a few weeks while I Borushak of the same city who IB also here is one of a party that will follow within a year I The business sessions of the con vention begin tomorrow morning and twill Will continue until Wednesday I O G O OGO OOOOGCOOOOO g g I0 o O WALKER DEFEATED OJ O BY AN AMERICAN 0 0 0 0 London July 2 Fn the Ama 0 O tour Athletic association cham 0 0 plonshlp meet at Stanford 0 0 Bridge today Texas Rams 0 C dell of the University of Penn 0 O sylvanla won the 100yard 0 O dash bya foot from R E Val 0 O her the champion In 10 15 0 O Walker who is a South Afrl 0 G can first obtained prominence 0 O by winning the hundredmetre 0 0 dash at the Olympic games in 0 I O 1908 lie made the worlds 0 G record for the 100 yards of 0 O 9 25 seconds at Abcrgavcny O O 0 GGOOOOOCGOGOOOOGO OOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOO G O G WIND AND RAIN 0 O IN ARKANSAS 0 O 0 O Rockwood Ark July 2 0 O Ono persbn was killed and sev c O erlT fnjurod by a destructive 0 O wind and rainstorm which 0 I G swept over this section last 0 O night Telegraph and telephone c I O coitinilfiilcatlon with the sum 0 C rounding cdUntry Is badly crip 0 O pled but it Is believed that tho 0 I G damage has been heavy Half 0 10 tho buildings in Gould a neigh 0 O boring town wore damaged 0 O 0 COGOOQOGOOCOOOOOO BODY OF SOLDIER I I BURIED AT SEA i I i Miami Flu July Complying 1 his wlIIJ with a request contained in friends ot Captain A R Simmons a grand army veteran who died at tho National soldiers home Johnson City Tenn burled his body at sea Friday afternoon and the veterans last atop Is In the depths of beautiful Blscayno Day Captain Simmons who was a firm believer in evolution expressed the further desire that no religious ser vices be held over hIt body and that his friends in performing tho last I rites conduct themselves with as much gaiety as possible These rites merely consisted of reading the will firing of three guns and placing the flags of tho yacht at half mast as the body encased In a bag was low ered Into the gulf stream The body of Captain Simmons who served throughout the Civil war with a New York regiment was first inter red at Johnson City but was exhumed when the contents of tho will became known NEGROES TO PRAY MONDAY I Holiness Church Will Ask God to Help Johnson Hulchlnsou Knn July 2Tbo Ne gro Holiness church here today called special service for Monday af ternoon to pray that Johnson may defeat Jeffries The Negro Holiness church has not yet built a house of worship here and I a large tent was constructed today j for teh accommodation of those who will attend services Monday There are about 1200 negroes and It Is expected that a majority of them will attend the meeting According to tho program announced the negroes will pray and sing religious hymns until Johnson wins the battle if It takes nil night Arrangements have been made to have the result of the fight bulletined by rounds at the meeting FKST ACCIDENT OF THE El6 FI1T I 1 1 Chicago July 2 Because Arthur Miller knew the exact blow with which he figured Jeffries will lay ° T i ti S h n liJI1 low ho wlroR bt teltd for the fight yesterday is in the hos pital today Miller Who Js 28 years old lives In Gary and It was on the i train from Gary to Chicago where lie 1 was to start for Reno that ho receiv = + ed his knockout Harry King a friend was on the train and Miller I tried tQ illustrate his discovery In the melee Miller broke a window of + the car and a falling piece of glass cut a serious gash In Ills threat Ho was given medical aid at Indian Har bor and then rushed to the Chicago I hospital I ACCIDENTS IN I LARGE CITY I Now York July 2The report of the National Highways Protective So j clety for the month of June 1910 shows that there were fewer acci1 dents In New York for that month than in any month since January 1909 Only one child was killed b an automobile Twentytwo persons were Injure eight of whom were children under Ifi years of age Trol ley cars killed three and injured one Three children and one man were kill by trucks ED SON ON AEROPLANE Great Inventor Points Out Some Problems to Be Solved New York July 2 Eliomas Edison is watching the aeroplane develop ment with tho keenest interest In an Interview given out here today ho cpmmenta as follows on Glenn Curtis recent experiments at Hnmmonll port in attempting to drop bombs onto a target resembling In shape and size a modern war vessel Tho experiments are very Interest ing and give us an Insight into the big possibilities which must be solv ed by the aeroplane inventors An invention for making lie aviators aim more accurate should not be difficult to devise I do not think a gun would be the ideal plan I rather think that some way should be In vented by which the missiles would be let down a tube as soon as the object was sighted and tho aim carefully sighted On the other hand the an i swer to the destructive effect of such a bomb if It actually struck the deck of a heavily armored battleship striking the deck lo my mind would not do any serious damage unless aa explosive were used Experiments along this line will now be In order Another thing the aeroplane such as Curtiss uses is very delicately pol ed In the air Traveling nt great I speed their ability to remain In the I air is dependent solely on the main tenance of the speed and of their equipoise T cannot help thinking that the dropping of a missile weighing say twentyfive pound unless man aged with the greatest care which aqan might tend to offset accuracy of aim would seriously jeopardize the equilibrium of the plane But I am absolutely convinced that the future of flying lies in the perfection of the helicopter machine which will not bo under such a handicap ROOSEVfcLT ISiN OREA DEMAND New York Juno 2A large propor II tion of the letters which burden Thoo tore Roosevelts desk at his uptown desk each day fire from churchme of faiths as various as the Iocalllle5 UrJ1l which they wrte > Re 3JL rsta for him to slJoatl nJipTpnV UeTC Eart orings in all parts of the country are particularly numerous l During his I sojourn In Africa Mr It Roosevelt saw much or Christian mls I sionary work and evidenced a largo in terost In it I The American hoard the oldest ot American missionary organizations to celebrate its 100th anniversary this coming October when it will have not only many Important addresses but also the most remarkable collec tion of missionary exhibits over made Efforts are being made to induce Mr Roosevelt to speak at this celebration on missions in general and his per sonal examinations of missions in Af rica OFF FOR THE POLE VIlii A DIRi6IRLE Kiel Germany July 2Tho Malnrc bearing Prince Henry and limo entire complement of tho Zeppelin party arranging for the Polar balloon voyage sailed for Spltzcnbergor to day There were scientists who will study conditions In the far north with n view to determining whether the project Is practicable included in the company L l 7f > Jif L Je I owq M 51Z League Base Balli OGDEN vs SALT LAKE CITY I i AT THE I I FAIR GROUNDS SUNDAY AND MONDAY II July 3d and 4th 1 GAME WILL BE CALLED AT 3 P M EXCEPT JULY 4TH WHICH WILL BE CALLED AT 330 PM JEFFRIESJOHNSON PRIZE FIGHT RETURNS AT 230 P M JULY 4 AT THE FAIR GROUNDS GET RESERVED SEATS CIGAR AT STORE HEN NWAY MOSERS Ii I f PRIZE FI tlJRETURNS AT THE FAIIfoROUND MONDAY BEGINS AT 230 PJ i i j f i 1 1 t i i l 7 lNt i < i i1 Ll1 I > t < I ti f > hki 11 t A yjrlJt J z r iJ ir P f rj lt iIo < < Lj