Newspaper Page Text
The Framing of Picture* Our Specialty Artistic work, artistic moulding and nn ordinary picture will make a beautiful, home dec oration. Give us apictur® of real merit and will add to your home an ornament of priceless value. Little prices. Let us figure on your work, RIPPLE & SMALTZ, FoBT CARDg AWD ^vssxsi N. Queen St. The New Druggists” "‘Tli Manown & Barnes—Successors to C. W. Tabler. Anxiously Awaiting In the sickroom, when the results are uncertain, and the crisis is anxiously awaited, it is satisfying to know that the medicine, at least, is all that it should be—having come come from our prescrip tion department. Manown & Barnes, Registered Pharmacists, West King St, Successors to C. W. Tabler. r What Your Newspaper Advertisement Should Contain— Your customers like to know what you have to offer them, and especially the “new” things. Tell them in your newspaper space about recent purchases, new styles, ^latest fabric creation. Be brief, yet say enough to convince—say it as you would tell the customer in your store, illus trating or describing the article in question If you have any price advantage to offer them, tell them about it, and why. Stick to the truth always, be able to show up and prove it and before you realize it you’ll find folks depending on your announcement as an aid to their shopping trips. Don’t condemn newspaper advertising ’till you’ve tried it intelligently. £UMB£RI AND VALLEY R. R. v TIME TABLE b Effect Stiaday, July 21, 1907. Daily Except Sunday. LEAVE t 8 10 Winchester - - Martinaburg - - Hagerstown - - Gceencaatle - • Chain be raburg ale - - Mechanicsburg - At. Harrisburg • At. Philadephia • At. New York - LEAVE -New York - - Philadelphia - Harrisburg - - Mechanicsburg Carlisle - - - Shippeasburg - Chambersburg Greencastle - Hagerstown - Martinaburg - Ar. Winchester M. C. Kennedy, J. H. Tonge, Vice Pres. & Gen. Supt. SpdL H. A. Riddle, Gen. Pass. Agt. omamanta » wortt—prices lent than wood—and put it up.1 Ton'll malt* manor br aeetas mo.? D. L EUBANKS, *10 Winchedtex~Air-M. SIGNS SIGNS JOHN. L. BATEMAN, Paperhanger & Painter. 21 Years’ Experience. Reference furnished and Satisfaction Guaran teed. Orders promptly filled. 104 North Maple Ave. C. &. P. Phone 52-W SIGNS SIGNS Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Schedule in efface June 22, 1907. Leave Hartlnsburg. •Dailj’. xDaily except Sunday. zSun day only. Eastbonnd. For Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia & New York, No. 12 *12.26 a. m.; No. 4 *4.19 a. m.; No. 10 *4.31 a. m.; No.8, *10.05 a. m.; No. 2, *10.28 a. m.; No. 6, *2.37 p. m.; No 14, *8.15 p. m. For Baltimore and Way Stations, Nc 18 x6.00 p. m.; No. 16, x2.15 p. m. For Winchester, No. 8, xlO.05 a. m.; No. 6, x2.37 p. m.; No. 18, x6.00 p. m. For Hagerstown, No. 8, xlO.0.5 a. m. For Freder'-’k, No. 10, x4.31 a.' m.; N . 8, *10.05 a. m.; No. 16, xl2.15 p. m.; No 6, x2.37 p. in.; No. 18, x6.00 p. ra Westbound. For Pittsburg and Connellsville, No. 55, *11.18 a. m.; No. 5, *3.17 p. m.; No. 9, *11.28 p. m.; For Romney, No. 15, x6.30 a. m.; No. 55, xll.18 p. m. For Berkeley Springs, No. 15, xG.30 a m.; No. 1, 6.11 p. m. For Chicago, via Pittsburg, No. 55, *11.18 a. m.;No. 5, *3.17 p. m. Via Grafton, No. 7, *7.37 p. m. For Cincinnati, Louisville and St Louis, No. 3, *2.50 a. m.; No. 5o, •11.18 a. m.; No. 1, *6.11 p. m., via Parkersburg. For Keyser, Piedmont and Grafton, No. 3, *2.50 a. ra.; No. 55, *11.18 a. m.; No. 5, *3.17 p. m.; No. 1, *6.11 p. m.; No. 7, *7.37 p. m. For Wheeling. No. 55, *11.18 a. m., No. 7, *7.37 p. ifl. C'0r00f^3e\0 i'-iD s>!D ?0r0c-00 OUR LIVE CORRESPONDENTS3 2 2 Interesting Items From Our Bright and Up-Mate Reporters ,2 GERRARDJSTOWN SEWS. i i Items of Interest Gathered From Coun. tj' l’oiuts. Gerrardstovn, Nov. 1.—Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Watson’s par ents, returned to their home in Me chanicsburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Busey and children spent a few days here las', week with relatives. Miss Emma Gray and Misses Anna and Lou Silver are sight-seeing at the .Jamestown exposition this week. Mr. .J. B. McKown, of Grimes, spent Tuesday with hi3 cousins at the Cot tage. DARKESV1LLE NEWS NOTES. ! i Notes of Newsy Character From That Section of the County. Darkesville, Nov. 1.—Jack Frost has about knocked all of the walnuts for the school boys to gather on Satur days. They are very plentiful. Mr. Harry Slay has completed a large foundation for a building on his premises. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butler were made glad last Sunday morning. Dr. LeFevre left a thumping big boy. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood— that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or “ feel badly,” begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent. and one-dollar sizej bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you havq kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Homo of Swamp-Root. wvwwvvwwwwwwvwvv <; Estate in :> Martinsburg ;3 Promises to yield i; a greater increase <3 of investment. 3; 3; Whether it’s a home 3; 3; or in vestment you seek 3; 3; we can suplpy Jyour 3> 3; nseds. 3; 3; Call and let us show 3; 3; you our list of desira- 3; j: ble properties. 3; j 3 CHAS. V. POWNALL ;3 3 Real Estate and Insurance < 3 3 115 South Queen Street, j 3; in the next few years than any other possible form Real Mr. Bert Shroeles sucks and cribs j forty bushels of corn during the day j and fifty at night on the counter. Bert I is a rattling good busker. Rev. Ely and Stewart of the Meth-! dist Episcopal church are contemplat- j ing adding a new bellfry and roof to the church at this place, which will impose and beautify it. W. E. Outcalt visited our town on j business today. NEWS FROM NIPETOWN. ferns of Interest From That Part o the County, Nipetown, N’cv. 1.—Mr. Daniel Ken- ! dig is still seriously ill at this time, j Mr. B. W. Ropp claims he can ea; | as much opossum and rabbit as Pres- \ ident Roosevelt, as he captured sev | eral rabbits and oppossums one morn-1 ing this week. Miss Anna May Ledane expects to! leave in a few days for Philadelphia. C. A. W. Ledane and Peter Bowers have contracted for building an oven in Maryland. Mr. L. P. Lem aster expects to fnake about fifty bushel clover seed. Miss Nervie Ledane is a visitor at Mrs. Kendig's this week. PITZElt’S CHAPEL NOTES, Items of Interest From That Part oi the County. Pitzer’ Chapel, Nov. 1.—The apple; in this section have about all been barreled and delivered to various shipping points, while the past week has been spent by the fruit growers in disposing of their ground apples which are causing quite a rush with James Noll, although his mill has the capacity of turning out a great many barrels of cider per day. It is a com mon sight to see from five to ten teams standing around his place of busi ness awaiting their turn. Mrs. Lee Tabin, who has been sick the past week,* is much improved. Mr. George Sperow and family, of Hedgesville, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. S. M. VanMetre. Mr. Luther Tobin is seriously ill. Mr. Thomas R. Butts, Mr. Stuart Barrett and Mr. L. G. Cloban have spent this week barreling apples in the neighborhood of Bedington. BUSKER HILL SOTES. Items Gathered from That Section of the County. Bunker Hill. NoV. 1.—Mr. W. A Clendenning left for the eastern citiev to buy his winter stock. Mr. L. C. Hoffman shipped a carioau of hogs Saturday to the Potomac Packing Co. It was said to be the fin est carload of hogs ever shipped from this station. The evaporating plant in charge oi Mr. Howard King, is still running on full time. He has so far dried about | ten tons and expects to finish the sea- j son with fifteen tons. The Baker Lime Co. is preparing to j build a track the full length of their ■ quarries. They are employing a large j force of men. The J. O. U. A. M., of this place. ; BAXTER MOTES.ljSj has added a literary department to their order, which is greatly enjoyed by its members. They are also prepar ing to initiate a class on the night oi' Thanksgiving, which is to be followed by a banquet. Mr. Sam Spessird, of Hagerstown, shipped a carload of calves here on Tuesday, which he sold to the farm ers. News Gathered By Our Reporl That Section of the Cou Baxter, Nov. I.—Mr. S. H ivas in Martinsburg on Tuesd; Br. Bert L. Stearns, who is e )d on the second division of th imore & Ohio railroad, spent lays this week with Mr. Joseph ^er. Boys School Suits are now in order ready for the Fall Rush. We’re well schooled in the art of School and know exactly what the strenuous Sch wants. We’ve learned our lesson by practical experie.. and we speak with confidence. !r> e-® cv~3 «r<r> C-O CO «>i Our $4.00 Suits. A durable, well made Suit of Cheviots in Double Breasted style built to give good service at a moderate price.' Our $6.00 Suits. A stylish Suit of fancy Cheviots and mixed Cassimeres. Double breasted or Norfolk cut. Our $3.00 Suits. An all Wool Cheviot Suit Reefer, Norfolk or Rlouse Styl^! Strongly made and reinforci A great value. Our $4.50 Suits. Certainly the best School Suit that can be built. Extra strong all wool fabrics. Full of style and durability. No better made. W e are determined to offer our trade the best School Suits that money can buy, and we’re doing it J. F. THOMPSON & BROTHER, 130 N. Queen St. Modem Clothiers. u l Is SS8Se9e»S9«S«SS9«9«S8SS9«S89«SeS6iS«»SSS969ea«SSS«S83« I Apple Trees—-10,000 of Them Ready For « Immediate Shipment! 3,000 York Imperials, 2 and 3?years of age, 5-8 to 3-4th, at $8 per 100; 3,000 Ben Davis, 2 and 3 years of age, 5-8th to 3-4th, at $8 per 100; 1,000 Grimes Golden, 3 years of age, 5 to 6 feet, at >$7 per 100; 400 Yellow Transparent 3 years of age, at .$8 per 100; 1,000 Saty mans Wine sap, 2 years of age, $7 per 100, and several thousand of other * leading varieties at above prices. This stock is well grown and samples will be sent to prospective buyers. Trees will be dug and shipped same day that order is recieved.. We usually continue our shipping season up until the, 20th of November. Our stock is well known in your state, as we have ship ped, the past year or two, car loads to Miller Brothers S and other large planters. Please let us have your order 8 promptly. Address 8 THE VILLAGE NURSERIES, 8 HEraedsville, Penn. £ I0-29-Gt r ♦ ♦ * <► ♦ ♦ /"v*v , V W* ♦' ♦■ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ I fo *0 SAVE money and get quality, buy your heating Stoves from us. The most complete’ line of Wood Stoves, Coal Stoves and Oil Stoves in town. Also some bargains in se.cond hand stoves. Stove Repairs for all Stoves and Furnaces. J. W. R. Fisher, 138 North Queen Street. Plumbing, Roofing and Spouting Mr. Clarence Bcyd got his left hand a little too close to the saw at his mill a few days ago, and as a resuil he is now minus the end of a thumb. Mr. Edward Mason has purchased a traction engine and expects soon to have a sawmill. He will locate in Morgan county. Mrs. Jane Kees, of near Jones' Spring, was a visitor here for a few days. It is said that Mr. C. E. Files, of this place, has purchased the home of Mr. Charles Butts, of Johusontown. and expects to move there in the near future. Home Remedies For Winter When the wind howls outside and draughts, scarcely accounted for, fill the house, there is al ways danger of. sudden colds or croup, ’specially among the children. Be prepared for such emergencies by having a remedy at hand. Bring the Dr. ;s • pre scription, or let us supply your needs with one of our excellent preparations for simple, ’though oft fatal, ills—the cost is small much less than the feeling of security their presence gives. _ A. M. GILBERT. 300 North Queen Street. The Rev, Henry K. Slump preachej at Providence church on last Sundajl n:yht. The revival services are still in progress, and up to this time sev-j eral have professed conversion am| other penitents are at the altar. Delightful ; I All drugstore | Tempting Groceries. “V Fresh Oysters and Celery always on hand. I also have a shipment of Fresh Fish to come in every Friday. New Buckwheat, Maple Syrno and Mince Meat just received. Yours for business A. S. Watson, | > Both Phonos, VV. King Street. Don’t Put Off Buying Your Stove Too Late Our large assortment is getting low. Call and see the Double Heater that J Will Lessen Year Coal Bill. Our pretty OAK Heat er at prices from $10 to $16.00.! E. R. Fisher’s Stove House, North Queen Street.