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EVENING JOURNAL. WEATHER—Rain and warmer tonight and Tuesday. VOLUME 1-NO. 17 3 MARTINSBURG, W. VA.; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1907. PRICE 2 CENTS DEATH OFAGED MAN Mr. Philip Bartlebaugh Expired at Tomahawk Sunday. DEATH OF MRS. FLORENCE HESS Wife of Postmaster of North Moun ■ tain Succumbed to Consumption After Long Illness—Other Deaths and Funerals. Mr. Philip Bartlebaugh, for a num ber of years a toll-gate keeper on the Williamsport turnpike, but who re tired from active life some time ago on account of advancing age, died at the home of his son, Mr. Richard Bar- • tlebaugh, at Tomahawk, this county, j Sunday morning at S o'clock. , Mr. Bartlebaugh's death was due to i the infirmities of age, he being in his | 81st year. He is survived by one sou, ( with whom he made his home. ,j Mr. Bartlebaugh was known to prac tically every resident of the northern l f part of the county, and was respcted i and esteemed by all. j The funeral will take placo Tues- i day morning at 10 o'clock at the Unit ed Brethren church at Jones’ Spring. < The services will be conducted by Ilev. F. B. Chubb, the pastor, and interment will be in the adjoining cemetery. 31 rs. C. IV. Hess. Miss Florence Hess, wife of Post- 1 master C. W. HesfS, of North Mown- I tain, expired at her home shortly be fore 11 o’clock this morning after a ' lingering illness of consumption. She 1 had been ill about two years, and 1 made a brave fight against the rav- 1 ages of the disease. Mrs. Hess was a most estimable lady ,and had a wide circle of friends 1 and acquaintances who received the < news of her untimely death with sin- 1 cere regret. She was a consistent mem- ■ ber of the Methodist Episcopal church, 1 South, at Hedgesville. She was a native of Berkeley coun- 1 ty, and was aged 36 years. Surviv ing are hey husband and one young son. i The funeral will take place from the late Residence Wednesday morn ing at 10 o’clock. The services will FIRM NOT NEAR BANKRUPTCY SO DECLARES AN OFFICIAL OF MORGAN COUNTY COMPANY. 't Says the Pennsylvania & West Virginia Sand Co. Will Pay Amount Ordered By the Court. In regard to the publication of an article In the Daily News to the ef fect that a petition in bankruptcy was (filed against the West Virginia & Pennsylvania Sand Co., of Berkeley Springs, in the United States court at Martlnsburg, the officers of the West Virginia hnd Pennsylvania Sand Co. state that the parties filing the petition have asserted claims against the West Virginia and Pennsylvania Sand Co. which are disputed by that company, and that in their view, there is no possibility of the bankruptcy pro ceedings prevailing inasmuch as the company is prepared to pay any amount which the court may adjudge is owing to the petitioning parties. The officials of the West Virginia & Pennsylvania Sand Co. have no anx-1 iety.—Cumberland News. r $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley Place, and 25c, 50c, 75c or $1 a week pays for it. No interest. No taxes.'' No further payment iu case of death.* . . -.. • -■ ENGINEER CUTTY STRUCK ON THE HEAD WITH WEIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT. Fireman G. M. Feller Accused of Striking Him During An Altei-S cation at Railroad Station. As the result of an altercation bc ween Engineer William Cutty, a well tnown employe of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, and Fireman G. M. s'eller, of the same road, Engineet Cutty Is Confined to his home on Swartz street suffering from a gash m the head, and Fireman Feller is n jail to await the result of the in uries to the engineer. It appears that the two men en gaged in a dispute Saturday night, rhe dispute grew pretty warm, and t is stated that blows were exchang 'd. It is charged that Fireman teller struck Engineer Cutty on the lead with a weight, which he pick-1 id up at the scales in front- of the laltimore & Ohio baggage room. Mr. Cutty was severely injured, and ate Saturday night it was reported hat he had died as the result of the 1»nf ihiu nrnvotl iintrim Vim. nan Feller will be given a hearing in ustice Felker's court as soon as Mr. j < bitty Is able to appear. "In a Woman’s Power” Tonight. i The melodrama, “In a Woman's ’ower," will be given at the Central onight, tho company arriving here oday. ' >e conducted by Rev. I. G. Michael, >astor of the Methodist Episcopal ihurch, south, at Iledgesville, and in erment will be at Tomahawk. John Longcrheuiii. John Longerbeam one of the old ■st residents of Clarke county, died it his home near Bluemont, Saturday m light. He was aged 89 years old. Mr 1 .lOngerbeam was for many years a lolitical leader in his section. Sur iving him are his widow, three sons tnd two daughters. Morgan Conner. Morgan Conner, aged 80 years, is lead at his home in Cedar Creek val ey, near Winchester, after a linger ng illness. Four sons and two daugh ers survive him. [HE ODD FELLOWS TO MEET IMPORTANT SESSION TO BE HELD IN CLARKSBURG. Expected to Be the Largest Meeting of This Order Ever Held In the State of West Virginia. The forty-second annual session of [he grand lodge Independent Order j af Odd Fellows of West Virginia will convene in Clarksburg this week and will likely be in session for fopr days. The coining session will be the larg- ' est meeting of the Odd Fellows that was ever held in this state. In addi-1 tion to the general routine business J which will claim the attention of the, grand lodge, many matters concerning i the erection and completion of the j Odd Fellows home at Elkins will be considered and disposed of. Mr. Sea-: moil, the treasurer of the grand lodge,1 states that the grand lodge was never j in as prosperous a condition as it is at the present time, and he has I in his possession as grand treasurer ‘ (Continued on page 4.) $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley Place, and 25c, 50c, 75c or $1 a week pays for it. No interest No taxes. No further payment In cnee of death.*! i Mr. J. A. Ramsburg the Latest Victim o! the Gang. JITTER DID A VERY GLEVER JOB Entered Store at Vanclevesvillc By Means of Key and Covered Their Tracks Neatly—Trap Guns Being Fixed. Another hold and daring robbery, and probably the smoothest piece of work in the entire series of burglar ies that have occurred in this section during the past few months, is report 'd from Vanclevesvillc, where the gen eral store of Mr. J. A. Ilamsburg was entered and robbed by-thieves several days ago, the robbers covering tip heir tracks so well that the affair vas not discovered for several days ifterward. A customer of Mr. Ramsburg wish ed to purchase a pair of shoes on Sat urday evening, and in looking over he stock an empty box was diseov jred by the proprietor. This arous ;d his suspicions, and he made an nvestigation. Nino empty shoe boxes were found piled neatly upon the shelves, where they had been replac ed after the burglars made off with the shoes. Mr. Ramsburg also dis covered that two pairs of corduroy rousers were missing, and it is probable that other things were tak en. The burglars evidently had a key o the rear door, as everything had teen found securely locked by Mr. ■tarnsburg, and no evidences of the presence of thieves had been seen, in view of the slick manner in which hey operated, Mr. Ramsburg is una >le to accurately estimate his loss. The robbery was evidently the work )f the gang that has been operating in the small towns along the Baltimore fe Ohio between Cherry Run and Shen uidoah Junction for several months past, and who have succeeded in 'pulling off" a number of affairs of this rind. Several of the merchants whose places have been burglarized have Continued on page 3.) SERVICE WAS INTERESTING LUTHER DAY OBSERVED IN ST JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Collection of $55 Taken For the Benefit of Missions—Large Audi ence Was Present. The Luther day services In St. John's Lutheran church Sunday morning were unusually interesting and an au dience that taxed the capacity of the auditorium was present. The program published in The Even ing Journal Saturday was carried out in full, and proved to be inspiring and entertaining. The addrss by Rev. Charles S. Trump and the papers by Miss Nellie Kimmell, Mr. Lee Siler and Mr. George Barbehenn were very interesting. The music by the orches tra of eight pieces was a feature of the services. A collection amounting to about $55 was taken for the benefit of the home mission fund. The Luthran church is organizing missions in different part of West Virginia, and is meeting with success in this work. $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley Place, and 25c, 50c, 75c or $1 a week pays for it. No interest. No taxes. No further payment in cane of death.* BOY FATALLY SHOI Fred Angle Gel Bullet In His Brain While Hunting Sunday. SON OF FORMER SHERIFF ANGLE Second Tragic Death In the Family During the Past Three Years— Father Well Known In Martinsburg. Frederick Angle, the 11-year-old son of ex-Sheriff Samuel I*. Angle, of Hagerstown, well known In Martlns hurg, was accidentally shot in the face with a 22-calibre rifle on Sunday afternoon, while with companions near Pinesburg, and fatally injured. On Saturday the lad went to Pines hurg to visit Oscar Grooms, the young son of Thomas Grooms. Sunday aft ernoon these two youngsters, in com pany with a few other boys from the neighborhood, planned to go hunting, taking along a cat rifle. Tito Grooms boy was carrying the rifle and after a while it was wanted by the Angle boy. A friendly tussle ensued and the rifle was discharged. The bullet on tered tin* none and passed Into the right cheek, and it is supposed into tho base of the brain. The hoy was rendered unconscious and was carried by Ids companions to the residence of Henry Waters. Dr. W. S. Richardson of Williamsport, was summoned. The physician probed for the ball, but was unable to locate it. Later in the evening the lad was removed to Ills home in Hagerstown. Tlie•little fellow remained In an un conscious atato after reaching ills home and at 12 o'clock last night he passed away. The funeral will he held at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Services will be held in the Lutheran church at Williamsport. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Angle and his family. This Is the second tragic death to occur in this family during the past few years. .lohn Angle, an older son, was thrown from a wagon on his father's farm, near Pinesburg, about three years ago, and fatally injured. FRANK PORTERFIELD'S FEAT COUSIN OF FRANK TRAMMELL ASCENDS A HIGH MOUNTAIN. Goes to the Top of Mt. McClellan In the Rocky Mountains, and Meets Native of His Home County. Mr. Prank A. Porterfield, a cousin of Mr. Frank Trammell, of this city and well known here, and employed in the census bureau In Washington, and Edward F. Burns, of Hagers town, recently ascended Mt. McClel Georgetown, Col., being the first Maryland man to reach the top of this high peak, a distance of 13,000 feet. On the summit of the peak they erected a mound of stones and set on the top a railroad brakeman's flag and named the place Maryland Heights. Mr. Burns has a photograph of the group, of which Mr. Porter field and himself were members, tak en on the summit of the mountain. These gentlemen met accidentally at this high altitude and thousands of i miles from home. During a conver-! sation they discovered that both were from Washington county. $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley. Place, and 25c, 50c, 75c or $1 a wegk pays for it. No interest. No taxes. No further payment In caso of death.* A AN EASY WAY TO OWN A HOME FINE LOTS CHEAP IN THE NEW MARTINSBURG SUBURB. Small Sum Down and Small Weekly Payments Will Enable Any One to Purehaso Fine Building Site. Berkeley Place Is the old fair ground recently platted into lots, and Is now ready to he placed on the market on the easy payment plan Of Only sfl down for any lot and :15c, 50c, 75c, or $1 a week until paid for. No interest. No taxes. Free deed in case of death, and it is the dream of every woman’s heart to own a home of her own, by this method that dream can he realized by saving only ,a few pennies each day.,Mr Renter, if you are a middle aged man, you have already paid out enough money in rents to own tho house you are living in. Young man don't begin life by collecting a bundle of rent re ceipts; (hey don’t bear interest, and (you cannot cash them in. Just mon ey thrown away. Put your saving In a lot in Berkeley Place, where it will double in value. Berkeley Place is on an elevation, and commands a splendid view of the city and surrounding country. There no m iuimer spin. in noriteiey coun ty, owing to the good drainage from all sides, and the pure water within Ipnly a few feet of th surface. Husband take thut little wlfo out to 'see these lots this week, the sooner the bettor, and make a selection for a future home, a place you can call your own. You can pay for It with out missing the money. For further information call up H. W. Jacobs of fice In the Peoples, Trust Co. build ing. * Will Remove to This City. Mr. Kvers Nuckles, of Chambors burg, who has accepted a position as engineer at the intersection, will re move his family to this city In the near future. Have Resigned Tliclr Places. Messrs. Harry T. Folk and C. W. Foreman, barbers at the W. S. Kline establishment, have resigned their po sitions and will go Into business for themselves. JACK PRONOUNCED INSANE WILL BE TAKEN TO ASYLUM AT STAUNTON TUESDAY. Young Man Who Shot Officer Legg to Be Confined There For An Indefinite Period. A telephone message to The Even ing Journal from Winchester today states that the case of Janies M, Jack, the young Winchester man who shot and dangerously wounded Officer Lew is Legg, of the Winchester police force about two months ago, was called in the corporation court at Winchester this morning, and that as a result Jack has been committed to the state insane asylum at Staunton, for an in definite period. The case was not allowed to come to trial, as Attorney Richard E. Byrd, counsel for Jack, ontered a motion for the appointment of a commission in : lunacy, which was granted by the1 court. A commission consisting of Dr. Jarnette, superintendent of the in-! sane asylum at Staunton; Dr. Boyd, jr., of Winchester, and Judge William l Continued on page 3.) $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley j Place, and 35c, 50c, 75c or $1 a week pays for it No interest. No taxes. ^ No further payment in case of death.*» IS The Home and Training oi Her Children Her Duly In Life. THE HEW “COCKTAIL BRACELET^' An Ornament That Is Useful as Well as Pretty-Alimony-Gcttlng a Profitable Business—“Nemo’s” Interesting' Notes. .(Written for The Journal by Nemo.l In The Evening Journal recently there was published one of tho fine thoughts of John J. Ingalls on the "Democracy of Death." Ho tells us In his own eloquent, language of how death levels all things; that It makes the poor man as rich as the richest and the rich man ns poor as tho pauper; the philosopher censes to bo wise, and the song of tho poet Is silent, and to high and low alike there comes the oblivion that covers all. And when thl8 eloquent poet statesman stood on tho threshold of tho great republic of tho grave, he gave no thought of tho brilliant and glowing sentences Ills tongue had ut agcry had faded from hin mind; ho was again a child at his mother’s knee repealing the Lord's Prayor. Darkly fell death's gloomy shadows Where a dying statesman lay. With no thought of loro or logic That had filled life's busy day. When I lie sacred fire of genius Touched his lips with light, divine, Turned his speech to pearls and flow* ers, Sealed him with Its gleaming Blgii; ’ So that Senates sat In silence, Or would weep or laugh at will, While on chords of passion playing He each listening heart could thrill; Now with triumphs all forgotten, Worldly wealth and worldly fame, Hear him falter, “Oh, our,Father, / Blessed forever bo Thy name." From Ills eyes the light was fading. Faint and low his wavering j breath, But the prayers of prayers he mur mured 1 Crossing o'er the river Death, Worldly titles, earthly honors As the frailest blossoms fade, But outliving all the ages Is the prayer In childhood made. Mother’s Training Is the Best. We are glad of It—glad that a Continued on page 3.) ECEIVED INTO MEMBERSHIP!! NEW MEMBERS ADDED TO TRIN ITY METHODIST CHURCH. A Evangelistic Services to Be Contin ued Throughout the Week By the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Canter. At the morning service in Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, south, on Sunday, 12 now members were re cived into church fellowship, making about 20 who have aft!Hated them selves with this church during the past two weeks. More members will be received next Sunday. The evangelistic services will be continued throughout this week by Dr. Canter, who announces that the ser vices will be held as long as the in terest justifies. These meetings have been proving very successful, and no abatement In interest was noticeable Sunday night. Accepted a Position. Mr. William Braithwalte, of Virgi nia avenue, has accepted a position in the new union station at Washing ton. $1 down buys any lot in Berkeley Place, and 25c, 50c, 75c or $1 a week pays for it. No interest. No taxes. No further payment in case of death.*