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‘Quality Clothes for Father and Son’ Thompson & Thompson, ’’THE HUSTLERS” • I •urroN brand anirroN brand 1\4EN’S CLOTHES— They’re different— More goodness in fabrics, more gracefulness in style lines, more adeptness in tailoring than you are accustomed to. That’s why we win our trade and hold it. Seen our Swagger Brown or Grey Men’s Suits ? 250 High Grade Autumn Top Coats, the new dti n English button-through style, with patch !n I X. pockets Value $15 • * ™ ■ $5 H c i , I Take a Little Soda For Your "Stomach’s Sake— It’s Good Advice and OUR Soda Is Satisfying. —Try It— CHARLES O. WEANING, Low Priced Druggist. | REXALL STORE. DEATH OF MR. ROBERTS (Continued from page one.' kendall, members of the West Vir ginia house of delegates, left for Ens ley to bring the body back. Mr. Guthrie was a member of the Martinsburg lodge of Elks, and had many friends in this city. His death was due to an explosion in a glass factory, where he was employed. Funeral of Luther Tobin. The funeral of Luther Tobin, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Janies Tobin, who died at the home of his parents, near Arden, Sunday night, took place at 12 o’clock today. The remains were taken to the Round Top Lutheran church, where services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Secrist, pas tor of the United Brethren church at Inwood. Interment was in the ad joining cemetery. I Hardens | puns. Cleans teeth. To Whom It May Concern. This is to certify that I had a claim against the People’s Mutual Life Association and League for disa bility caused by a fractured wrist, and that the same was promptly paid. I am well pleased with the treatment received at the hands of this compa ny. LEE M. BENDER. Mr. Bender carries two No. 4 cer tificates in the above company. In five years his estimated dividend will be $1,000. A good investment, cost ing but $98 yearly. Two dollars saved monthly with this association means $10 per week in sickness, $200 in death or accident, and $250 every five years. For particulars, see C. F. MANSPEAKER, Dlst. Mgr. or B. M. Hobbs, Special Agt. Enemies Died Together. A bird was seen to fall in the yard of the works department at Deal Bar racks, London, recently. It was a blue rock pigecn, with an adder tightly colled around it, and both were dead. The adder, which measured two feet, six inches, was twisted around the pigeon’s n<jck and one wing, and the pigeon's beak tightly gripped the snake’s h ad. Acted Like a Client. Young Lawyer—Is It a creditor or a client who is waiting to see me? Clerk—It must be a client, sir, I think, as he was just putting your sil ver inkstand in his pocket as 1 came in.—Simpliscissimus. FRESH and SALTED MEATS, and OYSTERS Sausage, Pudding, Best Steak, Boiling Meat, Beef Roast Fresh Country Produce, Sweet Potatoes, Staple Gro ceries. Floor Oil Cloth—Notions. 2 lbs 25c 10c per lb 2 lbs 25c 8c per lb 10c per lb J. W. RICE, Prop., '‘West End Grocery.” 603 W. King street. of temptation, Money kept around the house or in your pocket is always sub ject to the danger of loss, or being spent foolishly. When in the bank it is not only safer, but out of the reach The Bank Of Martinsburg, Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8. | I V*""- & i' •» ' ' ’ PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Parlett, of West. \ John street, are spending the day in Winchester. Shenandoah Cashmere pants In sec onds at 75 cents, |l and $1.25 per pan at A. T. Hess’ Gen. Store. 10-9-tt You will be missing one of the great lifgt treats ever offered to the public I by not attending the Impersonation.; given by the far-famed Impersonator, Gilbert A. Eldredge, November 25, at 8.15 p. m., in the Reformed chapel. 19-2t. Mr.A. L. Martin left this morning for Baltimore, whero he will spend several days on business. Linole im remnants, best quality, 2 yards wide, 4^ cents the square yard at A. T Hess’ Gen. Store. 10-9-tf I Mr. S. A. Shrlver of West Race j street, returned this morning to i Baltimore, where he Is employed. An Invitation. Ih extended to each and every person to attend the grand Impersonation giv en by the well-known Impersonator, Gilbert A. Eldridge, In the Reformed chapel, Monday, November 25, at 8.15 p. m. . 19-2t Lord & Lord at the old stand next the market house on Burke street, have a constant supply of the choicest and best fresh meats. Our customers know they can always depend bn us for fair treatment and fresh whole some meat—for our meat don't have time to get stale. Vfc don’t keep meat, we sell it. We have just bought 75 fine young steers and to accommodate everybody will sell beef quarters at 6 1-2 cents for fronts and 8 cents for hinds, weight to be 65 to 75 pounds per quar ter. J Good, fat choice stock or all kinds wanted at highest market prices. ■Cnsli paid for hides and skins. lG-tf. THE BIG STORE. George Katz & Co. Clothing Values that can’t equaled in Martinsburg at the Sale now going on: be $5 90 for high-grade Suits in fancy Cassimeres and Worsteds, Suits that formerly sold for $10.00, <J*r sale price ip $7.40 for Men’s finest Thibet Suits or all Worsteds, tailored in the very newest models, either single or dou ble breasted styles. They are regu lar $12.50 and $15.00 <£7 kind, sale price ip I $8.90 for the season’s most stylish models of best sellers. They are of such fabrics of all wool Cassimeres, English finished Worsteds and many others of the newest brown, regular $18.00 and $20.00 suitb, sale price • Youth’s Suits, for $3.20, we offer all wool suits, made of the most fash ionable designs and stylish cuts, in cluding every suit in the house, no mstter if it is sold up to <£0 OA $10.00, sale price . yd.tiv Boy’s Knee Pants Suits in double breasted styles, made as serviceable quality in fast quulity, worth Qg $2.00, sale price Boys’$2.50 and $3 Suits—in this lot you will find Russian Blouse and Norfolk suits, good qual- <j» j ity, sale price Boys’ Overcoats in dozens of distinct patterns and styles, all new depend ale. The real value ;of these Over coats is $3.50 and 4 00 -9 QA sale p-icc George Katz & Co. I 213 N. Queen Miss Mamie Gittinger, of Frederick, returned home this afternoon after ilsiting friends in this city. Mr. Howard J. Massey, of Baltimore, ;las returned home after visiting Mr. William Smith, on North Queen street. Logical Deduction. Cookiady (approaching master of the house, anxiously)—Could ye he after tellin’ me the time o’ day. Shure all the clocks in the house is different except one. Master of the house—That one is right, Bridget.— The Circle. ♦ ♦ ^EN YEARS on the market has given our FLOUR a reputation in the trade that makes the other fellow good as” C When you want the best FLOUR ♦ for these brands: * V'MiVf0 P»» 37 -VILOUR^ Pictures Never Before Produced ~ Post Cards “Compton’s New Views of Martinsburgr.” When you send a friend a souvenir of our good old town why not not send some thing that will do it honor? These Post Cards of ours are far the best yet made of our public buildings and business section, and are a Cred it to the town. Send them to your friends. M. L. COMPTON & SON, Crump Bldg. North Queen St. For an Xms present—The Journal. ©• © § N I IN O R OGG t GGOOOO© 0 @0©O # ©OOGOO 0 © ew Fruit For Fruit Cake Baking Fancy Sultana Seedless and Seeded Raisins, Cleaned Currants, Crystalized Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, Conserved Cherries, Dates, Figs, New Almonds, Walnuts and Mixed Nuts— All Fresh 1907 Crop—at Lowest Prices. § FRANK A. MINOR @9 OOOOO 99 900 9 OOOQOO® • 0O0© • ©CX3O0G •©©© _ Miss Anabell Smith, of North (^ueen /street, is visiting friends in Baltimore. Mr. C. B. Allen, salesman for the Schill Supply Co., is in Winchester today on business. Mr. W. H. Morrison, of West Burko street, left this morning for Woodstock Va., on business. Miss Emma Brewer, of Welsh Run, Pa„ is visiting the Misses Steok, on West Burke street. Yardmaster and Mrs. Benjamin F. Slane returned this morning from A month's visit to relatives at St. Louis, Salem, 111., and other points in the At The Theatoriiini. Special is the illustrated song at the Theatorium tonight being “Captain Baby Bunting" and the pictures are worth seeing. They are "The “Eng lishman,” "The Silhoute," and “The Knowing Dogs,1' the latter being one of the greatest of motion picture pro i Auctions. Torikbrrow and Thursday we will show the Great Thaw trial—Something everyone will want to see. Be sure and get a free chance on the turkey to be given on the 26th art. Theatorium. Mr. Shirley Shan 11, of East Mar j tin street, left this afternoon for Norfolk, Va„ where he wilt attend the Cole-Eley wedding, which takes place Tuesday evening. « S9S9SS6SS9£9S9S9S9S»S9«9 MAX KIRSON, Proprietor. THEMf But to call at this store will give you an opportunity to ex amine the goods. Call whether you wish to buy or not In order to meet the demands of the buyers of this city and vicinity, we will continue our Great Money Saving Sale for 10 MORE DAYS. Here give you an idea of what you can do with your ! mui c*vj Lino oaic. .$6,00 to $14.00 Suits, sale price 3.85 to $9.25 $1.50 to $4.00 Men’s Shoes lor dress, 98c to $2.74 1.25 to 2.50 Ladies’ j Shoes, 89c to $1.87 ! 75c to $1.40 Misses and Chil- j dren’s Shoes, 49c to $1.10 50c Fleeced Underwear, 37 1 2c ' 15c Hose 8c I 50c Shirts 3tic '} Overcoats in blacks, and all \ styles, worth from $5 to $15, Sale Price from $3.85 to $10.75 WILEN BLDG. The Globe, 2C5 North Queen. 9e®»s«s«s«9«seae8e««se9« Fat hogs wanted. Gray Silver. r New .Repair Method. Finnegan's little hoy came home crying because his new bicycle was out of commission on account of a punctured tire. "Never mind, little man,” said Finnegan, “I will take it to the repair shop and have the tire vul garized.” Example Not Alluring. Dolly—No, 1 won’t wash my face. 1 just hate to wash my face! Grandma— Naughty, naughty! When 1 was a lit tle girl 1 always washed my face. Dolly—Yes, an’ now look at it!— Cleveland Leader. To Stop Flow of Blood. To t*op the flow of blood bind the wound with cobwebs and brown sugar pressed on like lint or with fine dust of tea. When the blood ceases to flow apply laudanum. True Proverb. It is a true proverb, that if you live | with a lame man you will learn to halt.—Plutarch. “At the Modern Livery” An Opera Bus for the accommodation of theatre goers has been secured. Better en nage it ip advance. Closed Cabs meet train or at your service. Heated when ordered in advance. Both Phones STAPLE’S LIVERY, West Race Street. Beginning of Passport System. The passport systom dates back to the time of the Crusaders. 1 WILL QUOTE Prices on this fence and any other ornament* ron work—prices less than wood—and put it up.! You’ll make money by seeing- me.l D. L. EUBANKS, 210 Wlncho»ter'Aveno«. H. A. Wyatt Co., Designers and Makers of Ladies and Misses’ Skirts Martinsburg, W. Va. Let Us Make Your Skirt Send or bring your mate rial or select from our line Advance Fall Fabrics. Expert Designers and la test Fall and Winter Styles. Clean, Press and Repair the most expensive of Robes and guarantee satisfaction. Winchester Phone, At Hotel Berkeley. H. L. ALEXANDER, The Largest and Oldest Agency In the City . . . Insurance and Bonding, Martinsburg, W. Va. ! i i i Home-Made Jelly First-class Jelly, different flavors, 10c glut Home-Make Sauer Kraut 10c quart Phone'Yomi Orders. 511 N. Queen, ROBERT L. BRANTNER, Martintburg, W. Va.