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Chorus Group from “SIMPLE SIMON SIMPLE” The Musical Extravaganza, which is coining to the Central Opera flouse W- Inesday night, November 27, has the largest and prettiest chorus on the stage, people in all, half of whom are in the chorus. 3 acts and six scenes, and 20 musical numbers. Seats on sale Monday 3 a. m. There are C>!1 CENTRAL say o , ju *yy MATINEE bat., NOV. 4J, and NIGHT jamfs kyrie MecCurdy ,\ni>A IV,i; i'oMPANV Ir Tiik Sri.KNPii) Ti.av The Old Clothes Man Dranra. Vaudeville, Music, PhyiiC' l Culture cn* p of Cix'Hi Beauty nnv Mt*h-CI«w*i 8p«vmltioB ^11J Out of the Ordinary Featu tinary AN1* The T?c|>»cM«ntatlv«' Hoxora DANNY £ KID ino i ioi i i :kty 01 shark ky who will i.pi*« at* a:» a Special Featurw In the Great Arena Scene of the Last Act Noth The Boxinir Exhibition in perfectly proper for I ody Audiences DUIt'K; : Nit?)*t. 2f\ 35 and f*<V. Matinee. 10 and 2f<\ .» Mxt ’ at Theatre 9 a. m. Friday. CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY Wednesday. Nov. 27, Nixon & Zimmerman Opera Company Offer The Gorgeous Musical Cartoon Extravaganza SIMPLE I M O N 1 M P L E 65 People—Great C’mt- -20 Musi cal Numbers. AfftnicnUn! Orel < utru EnrotniM RouutyChoruc ’ lite rs “f», f-o. 75, $|-..»t‘iric i\l Seats on mkj at.TIv a*re Monday 9 a. ni. | CENTRAL S3& Thanksgiving, MATIN KK NOV 28th ani. NIGHT. 40111 The Marvelous Scenic Melo Drama, What Women Will Do One of the Novelties of the Season. ONE LONG LAUGH The Great Shipwreck Heono. ThcFhfht to the D«*uth In thcSIoriii Wm Women Will DoforLoVo and H<'v«nfcfc*. The Ship Turned Up-Hide-down. The Life Savin# Station. DON'T. FAIIf TO BEG Seats on sale at Theatre 9 a. m. Wednesday. PRICKS -Matinee, 10 and23c Evening, 25, 35, Bn, 75: Delightful ABmamll All drug stores The live merchant advertises. s' THREE HUNDRED OF THE LATEST French Felt Shapes wfaich we shape into the prettiest effects for Misses and Young Girls. Special sale price 75c and 98c We Trim Free of Charge. neunoa&s Martinsburg’s New Millinery Establishment, THE BON-TON, LOCATED IN THE OPERA HOUSE BUILDING. A Great Mid-Season Sale OF FASHIONABLE WINTER MILLINERY Special sale on the latest rage of the Season, The Finest Clipped Beaver and latest Velvet Shapes, three and four dollar values. Special sale price $2.00. ■BEBB&EUBHS* 3K »• TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY , Pattern Dress Hats. Sale prices especially for this occasion $1.98, $2.49, $2.98_ A Large Assortment of Misses’ and Children’s Trimmed Dress Hats $1 & $2 Journal Want Ads Help all wko help * themselves. The man who can’t sell gold dollars at 90 cents, is the only kind of a fellow that Journal Want Ads won’t help. At a very small cost they will put you in touch with the buy er, seller, or he who has a priv ilege to let, then it’s up to you to make the deal. Don’t doubt their efficiency, try one. FOR RENT—Fi* evidence centrally located, j Very reasonable} Whitmore Bros., tqaople Trust CimBtdg. 11-1 ~ AUT(Jm,OBILE FOR .SALE—Cheap Iteo runabout. First class condition. Inquire of C. H. McGinnis. 10-29-tf FOR RENT—Two office rooms. Ap ply to H. J Little. 10-21 -tf. | FOR RENT—Property known as j “Fryatt Property,” South Queen street, , recently vacated by V. H, Crawford. , Inquire of C. P. Rothwell. 11-20-21 j FOR SALE.—A number of thorough | bred, single comb, white leghorn cockerels. Bred from prisje winners, ! Selected for their large egg produc-1 tion. 25 per cent, discount before De cember 10. Ctarici E.. tliy, Bunker Bill. ~ FOR RENT—9 room house, corner Raleigh and John streets, in good con liticn, formerly occupied by MissEichle acrger. Apply 1' P. Licklider. 10-31 FOR SALE.—Lot of fine curbing. Reasonable price. ■Call 019 West John. 10-3t. I FOR RENT.—HeatST^Yundslied rcofl’s , for gentlemen. Apply 20C South Queen. 19-3t. FOR SALE.—A nice lot of young Kurtz Mountain Canaries. First class singers. Geo. Hclfersta.v, W. John, street. 21-lw.! FOR SALE,-—Typewriter pearly 1 icw. Cfccnp. Apply sit this, office. THE DAILY MARKET REPORT IJl mU PRICES. Theli living prices quoted today X»y local grain dealers £or cereals are as follows: Grain Market. 93@95 .50 65 $15 Wheat, Corn, new. Oats per bu., Hay, bailed, per ton, Live Stock Market. The prices prevailing here today for live stock are: Beef, live wt, per lb., 3&1 Pork, per lb., 5@7 Veal, pr lb., 6 1-2 Lamb, per lb., 5x5 1-2 Produce Market. Local merchants today quote the prices they are paying for country produce as follows: Lard, new, ll>., • Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, new, per bu., Chickens, live, Chickens, dressed, Ik., Apples, »< Side meat, lb., The Retail Market 10@13 20@2 2 27 50 25 14 50 & 60 10x12 Retail dealers today quote prices as follows: Potato®.new, pk., lx&2’ Butter, 22©g5 iw New lard, lb., Grapes, basket, Cauliflower, head, Basins, lb., Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Chickens, spring, Chickens, live, lb. Chickens, dressed, lb., Oysters, Oysters, select, Shellbarks, qt., Lima beans, qt., dried, Veal, lb., Lamb, per lb., Pork, per lb., New lard, lb., Sausage per lb., Pudding, per lb., Run of mine, ton. ,ump coal, per ton, nthraclte coal, ton, 12 1 If r, 18 & 20 16&2( 12 1-2 & 15 10 to 23 60 to 75 25 and 30 13*13 18 35 15 10 12 ■2.15 17 &2< 12 1-2 to 2' 1, 15 121-2 14.00 $r> | $7.25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. To the Creditors oE John McCabe. dec'd. Take notice that I have appointed Tuesday, November 26th, 1907, at 10 o’clock a. m.. as the time, and my of fice in the .Court House in Martins burg, Berkeley county. West Virginia as the place, when and where 1 will receive proof ot debts or demand: against the said decedent or his es tate, at which time and place you arc required to attend. This notice given in pursuance of the requirements of Section 13 of Chapter 87 of the Code of West Virginia. And if such proceedings , be not completed on said i •lay. seal proceeding will be continual; ! from day to day- at the spine [ until completed. / t Given under my band rliis 13th (lay of October, in the year 1007. B, I)t:VV. GKBHATIDT. Commissioner of Accounts. 10-12-61 -once-a-week. CO 'IMISSIONKirS NOTICE. Kate Voegle, plaintiff VS. Margaret Brown, et al., defendant. In Chancery. Commissioner's Office, Martin: burg, W. Va., Oct. 25, 1907. To nil parties at interest in the above entitled cause: ' By virtue of a decree of the Circuit. Court of Berkeley County, Svesi Vir ginia, entered in tlie above entitled cause on the 17th day >f September, 1907, Hie same tvr, referred to me with instructions as follows First. To ascertain the real estate owned by the defendant, Margaret Brown, together With its fee simple 41 id annual rental value. Second. To ascertain the liens there on, whether by judgment, deed of trust or otherwise with their respective amounts and priorities. Third. Anything by me deemed p< r tinent or which any of the parties may require him to state. You will therefore take notice that r have flied upon Monday, the bth' dny of December, 1907, at 10 o’clock a. m., as the time when, and my oTici in MaHlnslmrg, West as the place where I shall proceed to execute said decree, and, if from any cause the same shall not be completed on that day, it will be adjourned from time to time at the name place until completed. Given under my bond this 25th day of October, 1907. I1. V. 11A Bill SON, 10-26-4w. Commissioner in Chancery. NOTICE TO ( lilim rOllS. To the Creditors of Marga ■ t IPviwn: in pursuance of, u decree 0.' the Civ-l Coin 1 of Uv Comity f.C Berkeley, made, in *1 rati. c puudlhg tlidNtLjj to • subject the real estate of the said .Mar-. garet Blown to the payment o£ her! debts, you are required to present your claims against the estate of the said Margaret Brown for adjudication to 1*. It. Harrison, Commissioner, at ills office In said County, on or iiefore the 9th day of December, 1907. Witness, I,. DeW. Gerhardt, Clerk of the said Court, this 25th day of Oc tober, 1907. L. DeW. GERHARDT, CUrk. 10-26-4 w. PROTECTION r, for the home IN CASE OP FIRE BURGLARY or SUDDEN ILLNESS is one of the many j valuable features | of--— 1 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1 The C. & P. Telephone Co* m i