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ubscribe Now is paper and pay 25 cents every two weeks. ALWAYS RELIABLE MartinsDum Journal Weather Predictions Fair tonight and Saturday; warmer Saturday. TODAY’S NEWS FIRST loL. 14—NO. 282 MARTINSBURG, W. VA.. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1921 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY riuc/ri o REJECTS ALL PAVING BIDS * * * * * * * * * MERCHANTS TO HOLD GOLDEN RULE SALE MONDAY * ; : ... - .1 — ! - -* ■ : __~ _ IUN6ARY IS WARNED OF ARMED INVASION IF THE ROYALISTS ATTEMPT TO RESTORE FORMER KING CHARLES TO THE THRONE zechoslovakia Formally Warns Nation, Backed By Jugo slavia And Italy—Amliassadors’ Council Voices Opposi tion—Expulsion Of King Promised—Horthy Resigns. By International News Service) London, April 1.—Formal warning is given today that it former King iarle« ot Hungary marches upon idapest at tile head of a mnnai list army, Czechoslovakia will in :e Hungary. v This warning was it out by the Czechoslovakia arge de affairs. He declared that e Czechs are ready to send an ly to occupy Budapest If Charles fsts in his attempt at a royalist toration. Ambassalors Opposed, ris, April 1.—The council of am Isadora is sending a note io Hilda t notifying Hungary of the op Isition of the allies against the re Vn of Charles- to the Hungarian rone, ft was announced this after on. The allies are considering the ing of Hungary as a result he attempted royalist coupe by ing Charles, according to the per L’EcIair today. The Hun an situation was considered at a ting of the council of ambassa this morning. Says He’ll Leave, ome, April 1.—Italy has Joined “Little Entente”—Czechoslovak Rumania and Jugoslavia in rning Hungary that force of aenu 111 be employed if necessary to prp tbe restoration of Charles to ungarian throne, it was an ted today. The Hungarian min assured Count Sforsa, thP (tal. ’oreign minister, that Charles leave Hungary at once. Horthy Resigns, don, April 1. It is reported Admiral Horthy, regent of Hun 1, has resigned in favor of former Charles, says a Reuter dis from Budapest today. .0 CONVERSATIONS IITH GERMAN HEADS jld Assume Part Of Allied Debt To U. S. Internationct News Service' kshington, April 1. Informal prsations have been carried on een German officials and Ellis , Dressel, American c.ommis 1 in Berlin, with regard to Ger- ; t’s attitude toward payment of jeparatlons demanded by the it "'as learned at the State Irtment today. It was stated [he conversations had been en informal and for the purpose orting correctly to the admin the views of Germany on matter of reparations. State J-tmfmT officials refused to con- 1 [reports in Kurope that Ger has sent a formal note to the States on the matter of re _ns .offering to assume a pot of the allied debts to the Unit fctates. Nor would 1 lie State rtment confirm a report that [my has indicated to the Unit J ctes that, she recognises her 1 visibility in carrying out rom lely the terms of reparations. l THERA ND-SON [NQUET TONIGHT pe annual “Father-and-Son" ban- I a part of "Father-and-Son ' | i in this city. wiH Iip held lo in the Y. M. C. iA., starting 'oek. Fathers and their own j liopii d" sons, with sons and pwn or adopted*’ fathers will and it was said this morn- i a crowd of 200 was being led. The supper will he] py the Uartieg Auxiliary of Delation, and therp w>i1 hr Irief addresses, ir. I) fathers by some of tip PUBLIC SALE OF [ JSEHOLD FURNITURE f.onrt Houflo, Saturday at 2 o’clock p. m. IMRB. KATHERINE LYONS 1 Keeeecker, Auct. aiVE ICE BUSINESS "my whole attention e of the fact that I have d my withdrawal from the iness, many persons have mistaken impression thnt going out of the ice bust not the case. I shall re [the ice business and will y whole attention, in this tall be able to render very ter service to my Ice cus han ever before. 1 2 lj> \ S. R OOKN. TURKS CHUCK GREEK ARMY THEY CLAIM (By International New* Service.) Constantinople. April 1—The Turkish nationalists have lurnod upon the Greeks and checked their advance on the Bagdad railway, ac ording to a dispatch from Angora, he Turkish nationalists capital. The Turks claim that the Greeks have not. entered the city of Bski-Shehr, although they attempted to capture it earlier in the week. (Advices from Athens on Tuesday stated the occupation of Bski-Shohr tjy the Greeks. Eski-shehr is K’O miles west of Angora.) A SPLIT DEVELOPS IN MINERS' RANKS Yet About Million Men Believ ed On Strike. (By International News Service.) London, April I -Great Britain was in the grip of a national coal strike today for the second time in less than 10 months. The strike or dor was effectivo at midnight hut a split quickly developed in the ranks of the strikers. The pumpers and i.nsrineers in Scotland, South Wales. Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire decided to continue a( work to prevent the mines from be ing flooded. Tlite leaders of the federation or miners had ordered all men to epaso ivork regardless of the safety of the collieries. It was estimated Ilia;! nearly I. ii00,000 miners obeyed the strike or ler. The government Is prepared for 1 rustic action under a royal pro ilamation issued by King George stating that an emergency exists. COURT AWARDS HER ALIMONY (By International News Service.) While Plains, April 1. Mrs. James A Stillman was awarded ST.500 a month alimony and $.15,000 counsel fees by derision of Supreme Court. Justice Morsehauser here to day. An additional $12,500 was granted her for additional expenses necessitated by her counteraction against her husband s suit for rii vorce. Mrs. Stillman in her counter action had asked $10.oOO a month alimony and $75,Wm counsel fees. CONTINUANCE TO BE ASKED (By International News Service) Covington, Oa.. April 1.- A contin uance In the trial of John Williams, planter, and his negro arm hand. Clyde Manning, on charges of mnr Ier growing out of the death of ele veil negro employes of Williams, may he asked when court Is conven ed in special session here April 5. it was stated today hv Orcene F Tohnson. chief counsel for the de fense. He declared ihere has been no time to prepare the case and ■parch for witnesses. HAD HIM BEWILDERED. "I've been called everything but a ‘genneman,’ ” said a wearied teh phone man. when he staggered horn to dinner today. He wasn't inebriat ed; the staggeriness was due to the demands of flitters 1 hat he, or some helper, rome at once and put in a vhone. or lake out r. phone, or change a phone, or repair a phone Miss Hattie Adams, stenographer at Attorney A. B. Noll's office, has been confined to her home on West Virginia avenue with the mumps. NOTICE. I am now in the Flick Building in Public Square, over office of Mr S. S. Felker. My phone is Vo. 255 same as before. HHItBERT I,. ALEXANDER 3 31 It 1P PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY STOCK 1 will 'ffpr for sale at the front door of the County Court House or. Saturday afternoon, April the 2nd. commencimr at 1.30 P. M„ fivr shares of the capital stock of th" Peoples Trust Company. Terms Cash. GBORG-K W. KEB9KCKBR, 3 31 lp 2ts pd. Auctioneer. Good Ford. Touring car for sale. (NeelMptor Company, Ppplic Square ? SO St Ip SEVEN LIVES LOST WHEN BIG STEAMERS CRASH ON PACIFIC Governor Had 125 Passen gers Aboard. (By International News Service.) Seattle, Washington, April 1.— Seven passengers ami three mem bers of (he crew of the steamship Governor rammed and stink by the steamship We*t Hartland. off Point Wilson early this morning are nit accounted for according to informa tion received here today by the Pa clfle Steamship Co., owners of the Governor. It was declared, however these persons may have got off In a boat and will he picked up by the fleet of launches and tags now searching the waters near the scene of the wreck. Port Townsend. Wash , April 1. - The passenger steamer Governor sank .offft of Point Wilson, near here at 12.50 o’clock tins morning with ! the possible los» of throe passott j gers and three members of tlie chew The Governor was rammed by the freighter West. Hartland and remain oil afloat 15 minutes, permittint . most. If not all. the passenger* ant i rew to be taken off in the (lover nor’s own lifetKtats assisted by life ; boats from the West Hartland ; Three Governor lifeboats were re ported ashore and it is possible that I six person* who have not been ac counted for made their way to safe i ty in the three lifeboats which wen ] not manned. Fortunately the colli sion oceurrod on a calm sea. which simplified the rescue work. Th« West Hartland which was hounr nut from Point Wilson for Bombay is taking the survivor* to Seattle The Governor which v . hound fron Seattle to San Pedro with 125 pas sengers, and was operated by th( Pacific Steamship Co. which alsi owns the West Hartland. TWO INTERESTING CONTESTS DEGIDEt Bird House And Candy Mak ers Of Newest School. Two content* that have been o exceeding Interest 10 the bova am ! girls of AVin< heaterAve. School have i closed. The contest among the hoy: I was for the host constructed an' appearing bird house arid about, i dozen atractiVf. designs were sub 1 raided. After passing on the finalities anc I good points of each it was decider I to award Who first prize $2.50 offer od by the school to William Hails otrnan, of the Eighth Grade. Tin ! second prize $1.25 offered by thi Hoard of Education wasawarded tr I Thomas Hook, of the Sixth Grade. At the same time the randy con lest waged among Hie girls was de elded 1n favor of Miss Audrey De Fry, of Fourth-A, $2.50 offered hi Hie school. There was no serom prize in this instance. MR. LUTMAN BURIED. The funeral of Mr. William Gut man, an age<i resident of Morgar county, juet across tlm lino fron Berkeley, took place today at Sni der's church. ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Rev. .!. R Jacobs, of Trinity Met! odist Episcopal Church, South, vil leave early next week for Roanoke Va., where he will attend die an i nual Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Soud which will convene in Greene Me - mortal church, that city REMOVAL NOTICE I tr Claude A. Thomas announce fie removal of his oTice from 3<G King St. to 325 West. King S' 3 24 tf Ip DRY CLEANING. I Now is the time to think of get ting out vour Spring and Suinniei ' garment to have them cleaned ui and gone over for summer ti«.e. We clean anything from a neck tie to the Inrgest. size rug. OUR CLOTHES CLEANING ; be equalled for the reasor dint your suit Is sent to Hagerstown 'thoroughly cleaned (lining included) , and returned to us the same day j We press it and deliver it the fol i lowing day. I Your suit is pressed hy steam j right in my store, and in this way I all wrinkling due to shipping rlnthei Three Hav Service. GIVE US A TRIAL RAYMOND B. ADAMS Hotel Berkeley Building 3 30 5t Ip NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. April, the month of moving, is almost at hand, so if yon are contemplating moving or if yon ar„ movie to insure the prompt delivery of your paper o your new address, kindly notify this l office, and avoid missing any I of the issues. GOLDEN RULE BARGAINS ARE ANNOUNCED TOOAY Announcement will be found on two page* in today's issue of the bargains being offered by merchants of Martinsburg In the Golden Rule Sale. The sale Is the first of the kind In Martins burg—the first in this section, in fact — and the merchants, co-op erating through the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, are making a special effort to establish the value of the special sale in the minds of the buying public. The sale has been widely advertised by the committee, the individual bar gains being listed as they are In the page-advertisements today. The sale officially opens on Monday although most of the merchants are putting their spec ials on display today. Merchants co-operating in the sale have ar i ranged to fly Golden Rule streamers In their windows. MARCH GIVES MONTH OF EXTREME WEATHEI Cold And Warm Peaks Reach cd—Plenty Wind Thursday. March came In like a lamb, hn it wont out like a lion late las night. Today. April Fool's day, hai a seasonable temperature and It wil continue fair with moderately cot weather, according to the forecast ; Rain and a slight snow, accompai ! ied by a heavy wind, marked tli departure of the moulh, | The month, as a whole, has broke more records than any other Marc i iu the history of the Weather Mi resit. The days on which it did nc set a new high temperature mart it did it* best In set a new low om and though not succeeding in ih ialler. it caused crop damage thn may exceed that in any recent yea Reports ••Hilling the bureau ind i ate, that SO per reul of Ih" peac i mp Is destroyed, with heavy dan ige to all other fruit, Tim average temperature for th month was far above normal, an higher than the normal for Apri Thn highest, of the monlb was S degrees oil Hie 21st. and the min mum 21 on Tuesday, n t v in \ / i lifu * CAUSES LOTS OF TROUBLI This is the 'lay of all (lay oil rial moving day in Martin*hurt Truckloads, wagonloads, whrelba row loads and human beings strut '.ding along with loads of ftirnitnr j and household goods are in evidonc I i v'Tj whorp. Some are moving i I and others are moving out, and Horn won't move out so the others ea move in. Already there have bee several sails in the magistrate; court and former lenanle llireate to sue, while otIvors defv an Ihreaten violence to tbe landlord o landlady who attempt to eject then GERMAN MAW IS BRIDE OF YOUNG HOURi Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Mobile wer pleasantly surprised to reri ;w «or from llieir son, Mr. Tatonard llobbi now with the American Army of f)< cupation in (Germany, staling that h lias married a pretty German go ind will soon bring her to this coat I try, locating at Grafton, VV. Va where he has secured employmenl Tile bride was formerly Miss Gel tnide Klassinann. of Creffilde. f;«■ i many. Voting iinbbn has iderahl" time in Gerina MORGAN HONORED FIRST REODES rharleatou, April J nor (• , E. Morgan honored hi* minis lion papers today since taking o ! fire. Thv came from the governo of Florida and asked for the ideas by this state of J. Pierson, want i ed in Klovadi on ^ charge of einbe; r.lemenl and obtaining money unde false pretense lie was taken bar! 'tonight by a deputy sheriff, of Dad county. GREAT CAESAR! Think of the values we’re ofTerin I at the lowest prire you’ve sepn ii j the last few years! Men's Shoe i and Oxfords in Beacon and Diamom Brands at $2.98 and up. THE HUB. til N. Queen St. ; 3 31 2t Ip AGAIN WE CUT Into the heart of prices on Sprint Millinery, lor r riaay ana saiuruaj THK Vlirso LApiKS SHOT 135 S. Queen St. I 1 2t Ip BUICK COUPE FOR SALE Mechanically perfect. Fnl ly equipped. This is a rea bargain for quick sale Ap plv at Journal office. 1 l.p U- j 1 COUNCIL INFORMED OF PROGRESS MADE TOWARDS A SUBWAY Agreement Foreseen — Bill Still Before Committee. Mayor Seibert and Delegate Downs last night reported to the j City Council on negotiation# now under way with the Baltimore and Ohio representatives at Charleston relative to a positive agreement for the construction or a subway under tlie railroad on North Queen street The matter, which is the subject of a hill now before a committee of tho legislature, was heard first of last week, and there will be anoth er aud final hearing on April Klh, tit which the question of forwarding the tjill will be determined. II was - reported last night, however, that there was good prospect for an agreement between the City anti the It. and O without the use of the Ibill, which would put the entire cost on the railroad Positive negotia tions, direct with the railroad rep resentatives and now down to the ' point of details as to time and con struction and measurements, are tin der way, it was said, and there «p i peats no now wide divergence. Yes I terday afternoon (he Council and en I gineerlng staff went over Hie ground I covered In the plans, which had I previously been gone over by B. <• O engineers. Presenl plans, which etc subject to alterations, provide for construe lion which will, it is estimated, cost , approximately iunn.non, of which the , city will pay JUS.nno, provided in the bond issue In The remainder l would be borne by tiie railroad. The probabilily i» that tlie agreement, as it looks now. would not obligate Hi'' railroad In begin work before eiglt i Icon months, the City making litis toncosaiou in ret urn for a Hpocille agreement to have lb* work done j ill Mini*1 i 111 i«p i nmi A t.wo-levol exit at I IIP northern mil oT (be stlbway Is h<‘injc considered, a one level briny that on Quern street I wtiieh would be joined by another street leading to liberty street, the ■ two coming together above the It. I,. Snodgrass store. The City Is in sisting upon a. width of 21 feet for the main driveway on Queen street. Itanked on either side by a (Ive-foot sidewalk; while the street, tending to Liberty will probably be 16 feet wide with a sdewalk on either side. '] The art list subway work would hr done hy the railroad company, the city, on the other hand, agreeing to pave the surfaces. A retaining wall would he built at the western head of Liberty street where it runs into Quean on the upper level, and this wall would conduct the traffic north ward and southward on the upper level, so that traffic coming from | Liberty street and headed for the uptown business section would go i northward on Liberty for a short I distance on the upper level then , turn to the left, at I he junction of j the two levels and come mtiHtward on Queen on Ihc lower levin 'Lite City Is aiming for si signed agreement at this time and is not 'disposed to push the railroad coin pany unduly into operations which > would he loo burdensome at this l into. At the same time the City Is , imying close attention to details as to the width of streets, looking ahead ' to future traffic requirements, ami providing for satisfactory ronstrur j Lion when ihe time for operations com ns. Mayor Seibert returned to Chat lesion today to watch Hie progros oT the negotiations The Baltimore and Ohio has gone over Ihe ground and. it is said, ate well prepared to talk to details. No formal action was taken bv the Council last nig , i after hearing the report, the authori - ties merely awaiting developments The hill amending the charter and giving the Council the right t > corn pel the railroad to lay the stthwav will he kept in the forefront. It was said. OUR GOLDEN RULE SPECIAL la Handsome Suit Patterns, spc. ul Monday only, $2" ~fl A big n i i it unity to get your Spring Suit a i real reduction. HAVMONT> R ADAMS, t I 2 ljt Hotel Berkeley Jiuildln SPRING COATS AND WRAPS GREATLY REDUCED On Friday and Saturday Nov our opportunity to buy. Till: A’Or NO LAIMKS SHOP . 115 S. Queen St 1 1 2t 1p woTirr Tn pm tGY HOLDERS If you are moving this year, kind ly advif ■ us so we may transfi r our inruranee polity to your nev location promptly. 0. V. POWNALIj Real Kstate and Insurai. Public Square "• ::t- "t Ip See my page 13. 1 1 Ip 2t. announcement on y A. I). |.\UI! ___ ALL BIDS FOR 1921 PAVINU HIM HtltUltU BY COUNCIL, ALLEGING EXCESSIVE COSTS; M WILL READVERTISE IMMEDIATELY FOR BIDS'. Three Offers—Flanigan. Brooks And Central Construction| Company—Read And Dismissed—Brooks Lowest Of Thre® —Council Holds Labor Reduction Should Mean Cut. low prices CAUSES WORK AT THE MINES (By International Newa Sarvlca.) Pottsrtlle, Pa . April 1—An notinremonl. liy thp Philadelphia and Heading Con) and Mining Co. of a reduction of fifty cents per ton In domestic sizes of anthracite was foil lQWed with n slight action by other companies. Th0 reduction has re sulted in such a rush of telegraph orders for coni, particularly from Now England, that, work will bo re sumed tomorrow at all the collieries. Not a wheel turned in the anthra cite field today. The miners wore celebrating the eight hour day vic tory. CUSTOMSPENALTIES WILL BE MODIFIED In Order To Avoid Business Stagnation. (By International News Service.) Pa rift, April 1. The allies mih loins penalties upon Germany are In hi' slightly moililli'il. According to ‘an otfii'lal announcement following illin meeting of the council of am • hassmlors today. A sub-commission was appointed l.o redraft and to mod ifv slightly Ihc custom* sanction in order to provonl business stagna lion. Thn ambassadorial council will niccl again tomorrow lo ap ) prove llip report, of the sub-commls sion. The penalties worn imposed be 11 a use of Germany's refusal lo nieel ilie Paris indemnity terms Tlo-y are effective along the zone upon I ho Rhino occupied hv the. allied I roops. INCORPORATE ORCHA RO CO. Articles of incorporation of the Williamsport. Orchard Company iiave been filed ;it. the clerk's office at Ilatferfdown for record by Hoiiip I , Powers, Hagerstown: .1 Kred Lai;.. Hunger Hill, and Amy F I11 It.m r, Martiiinbur/', as the incorpo rators. The principal office of tie' company, which will raise the mar ket fruit, deal in trees and shrub bery and can and preserve ve^eta Idos and fruits, will he in Williams port The company is i-apilalissed at .n'.VOOO, divided into l>f»o shares of $ 100 each. The directors are: Mel \ in A. Flora, l/ouis I- Bowers. Bob ert. H McCauley, Amy F Keltner and .1 Fred l<aise RAN PITS LOOT ANOTHER RANK (By International New* Service.) Chicago. April 1 Throe aulnmo Idle bandits. full armed, held up the Summit Slats Hank, In Summit, III . mi the southern outskirts of Chi cago, just after Rip opening hour today and escaped with between **.• non and *10.000 in cash Shotgun squads "ere immediately sent out lo intercept the bandit cars report ed to he headed for Chicago \CTION NOT YET ON PELS i By International New* 5*rvic«.) Washington. April I.- There will he no action on the appeal for a par don for Kugene V Debs, socialist leader now In the Atlanta peulten liary for violation of the espionage law. before April IT Attorney (lener al Daughters* stated todav On Ap - il 10. President Harding "ill re reive a delegation to make a plea lor general amnesty for political prisoners. MONDAY’S SPECIAL. I/.'idifo’ *11.00 Grey Suede, en trap Pump at ** no PIERV'S SHOE STORE. FRI-SAT Ip BED MATTRESS Special Sale of Red Mattresses at IV K. IIU.I.'S Furniture Store, il-s Tuo? £ Kri. tf DAILY MARKET REPORT The following are the prevailing prices being pair! by MartinshurR men hauls and tdevalors today \ote- The prices ouoteil below tor the lo. al Market* ire the prices dealers are offering at noon today. r>VTie:tl . $1.4'* 'oni . di" , Mutter . •*" i >■ ■ ...I li All three bid* submitted last, night for the paving work specified in th* IP21 citv contract were rejected by ordinance by the City Council and Citv engineer waa directed to re» i advertise for bide for (he Karo# work. The rejection w»s made b*» cause the Council fell that the re* ductlon In bids between the 1920 attaf the 1021 contract* fori exactly that same work was not in proportion t<» , the reduction in coat of la bop anti < material. The three bt(ls wnrp rewlj by total In open seselotp of tho CtmM cil last night, and thnpn was aomt little discussion and following thh» the Council went into pxecutlve t»e» slon to consider the bids, at thd end of which It announced it* d*» clslon in an ordinance) of which th# following paragraph I* the Kiel:, "It appearing lo the Council that the hid of Uie Central K Construction Company aggre- P galea $245,S51.8R. Ih« bid ot P j£ Flanigan and Son* aggregate* $302.0411.94, and Hib bid «f ft. c. Hrooks company aggregate* M99.20R.93. and it, further *P pea ring th*t the loweet bidder ■ is onlv six percent lower then ; asphalt and twelve percent on I hrtek paving than the co*trart *j for like w'orfc awarded. in th* j spring of 1930: and the CetjpeH t* being of Iho opinion that th* reduction i* not. bo much a* ought to he made on account of the reduced cost of labor and material, it is therefore ordered Hint each and all hide be re jected, and the Cjty Kttglneer ’■ is directed to read vert lae for bids for said work." Street CoiiimiHsloner Sparrow, In ithmilHng the totals, recalled thn i9::o prices for corresponding work and Slid that Ihnae prices, appll-l! in tills I ear's contract. w ould mu!i« llie Hrooks lild for hriek work ap1 "rovimately six percent lower and for asphalt, approximately twelve percent under the 1920 seal*. Contractor Hrooks, supplementing Mr. Sparrow's explanation said thnt prices this vear on sand, on stone ■nd stone delivery, and on cein*fft ■■ere, on the whole, about flfttfn, t'ereent above the 1920 scale, jn* though labor was about twenty-ftf.l percent under the estimated PrlCjl. when the 192(t bids were submitted; ml figuring Hie material ill t.KOS,', \ think of the total outlay, and Q\A 1 labor ns one-third, he said h* ettlj* idered the liids very reason&hJju * Mr. \V A Oniinan, representing Or*' i: \ Cordon Co., general cot}tr*<k. ton of Washington, which Arm, Mr, 11rook- aid, was to do the asphalt topping for him. said the prices _i)i) pliall were approximately the one an laet year. , i/iav/uns i u t *t> SWATH IN GA* (By International New* Service.) Albany. (ia.. April 1. — With on* M>i'»on, a negro carpenter, known fn he ile,nl, ami a dozen other* injurad,’* following a tornado, authorities liar* today hr’an investigation* to dots*1, mine whait. damage has been drma in outlying district*. The storm <vas one of the florcest seen In this el ion in the last 15 years. Jt swept a path a hundred yard* wide through Albany, demolishing house,*, out buildings, ripping trees up by tjif roots and tearing dn-wp telephone and telegraph wlrea. WATf'H our windows for real un matohable bargains Monday. oGIHag Hula Sale Day. THE urn, 141 N. Queefi St. :: si 2t ip ROOM SIZE RUGS V\\. hate .juftt received a shfp i/i' 'l nf room size rugs in Brussels •iml \x minister, These rugs hem been reduced. Cotne in and get mjf prices on them. Houset'urnishings & Toil 2 22 Ji< Tues. & V-'. •» ATTENTION FARMERS AND ORCHARDISTs Successful merchants, manufar' rs, hankers ami profession- * .•scribe their sucre** I arc fact they profited fro cnee of others. Orohardist and fan mg the same experie effort to get profitahli the ground. The agriculture founded. They gatli data. The county a<, bureau next brought . the growers' own loea. asp y(m not to place au> fertilizers until you get pric me. is I am in a position to t.. any >ru! all standard and high-gra analysis ’ P. K. HAU. C C. WHSTRATBR, Bell phono ;!X .1 211 W. (’. V. phone Tue# * Krj tf if