Newspaper Page Text
"A hard ciiill, pain through the chcst, difficult breathing." If tills should fee your experience, send for your doctor. It may be pneumonia I To doctotyoursetf-would be too risky. If your Askvour doctor If he Joes not tMi 11 doctor cannot come ?? once? ?ive Oyer's woJdbttcUe far you to keep a bottle Cherry Pectoral. When he comes, tell him ex?ct'y ,yhat Y?u have done. Clarksburg Business Directory A List ot Up-to-Date and . . . Progressive Business Houses DREAMLAND THEATRE. Opposite Waldo Hotel. Family -Theatre for Ladles and Children. Monday and Tuesday. Picture?"Bird Nesting," "The Elixir of Strength." Song?"How Many Have You Told that To?" CLARKSBURG PRESSING GO. Henry Heioze, Prop. Cleaning, Repairing, Pressing. Men's Hats Gleaned and Blocked. Phones?Home 469; Bell, 241W; residence. Bell 214L. DAVIS & BARRETT, 833 W-est Main St. Retail Whiskey Trade of Pure Wines, Brandy and Whiskey. MANHATTAN SALOON. SHANNON'S LIVERY. Nice Nobby Runabouts for Pleasure Driving a Specialty. 107 West Pike Street. 3 ? F. H. WHEELOCK Boys and Sells New and Second Hand Furniture. Call for bargains. 134-136 West Main St. TTrst-ciass PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO Done on Short Notice. ' **"" C. 6. RITTENHOUSE, West End. DR CHAS. N. BROWN, 410 N. Fourth St., Glen Elk. Office hours?8-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.q Bell 'phone. FUEL CITY PRESSING CO. Ladles' or Gentlemen's garments cleaned, pressed and repaired. Charges reasonable Smith Bldg., First door Second street COURT STREET PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Ladles' Work a Specialty. Home 'Phone 195. 822 COURT STREET iOLMBOE & LAFFERTY Architects OFFICES: -Clarksburg, W. Va. Bluefleld, W. Va. Branch Office. Athens, O. CONFIDENTIAL LOAN Loans money on everything. You ?an save money on everything '?y buying here. L. SPIRO, Waldo Building, Fourth St?-?et. DR. r. E. PRICE, DENTIST. I. O. O. F. Bide., over Bijou theatre Office Hours?8-12, 1-5, 7-8. Sundays, 9-12. AN ALL NIGHT .DRUG STORB THE WALDO DRUG STORE Is Always Open. Bring your pre scriptions to us at any hour. W. B. STOUT. Before making your Fall Selection! call on BERNSTEIN'S UP-TO-DATE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT where satisfaction la guaranteed. W. S. OWENS ~ Shoe Repairing. 101 East Pike Street. When in need of a SHAVE OR HAIR CUT ?go to? L. E. WARD Barbers, 834 West Pike Street. PALaCE FURNITURE A PI AM COMPANY. Sell Heap?Sell Cheap PIANOS. FURNITURI 210 Main Street. J. F. KROHME DIAMONDS. ?and? JEWELRY. Watch Inspector for B. & O. R. M PLUM BIN"* AND GAS FITT1NI EUREKA PLUMBING CO., 438 Pike Street. Both 'Phones. ART rKESSNG CO., 330 West I'ike St. ITEAM AND DV.Y CLEANING The only modern equipped steam and dry cleaning works In the cltj*. All work guaranteed. Bell 'Phone 237L. C. H. Bltton H. T. Rlghtmlnt ENTERPRISE CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING WORKS CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING The Newest and Best System o( Cleaning Fine Garments Ladies' Finery a Specialty?Chcs Suits Pressed 50 Cents 111 W Pike St. Consolidate Phone 182 F. A. ROBINSON &- SON Alain Street Jewelers SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF Diamonds, Watches Silverware Fine China We keep Packard's band-painted China. Special prices given on this ware for the Holidays. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY ARTICLE Come and see us. Twenty-eight years in busi ness. All goods warranted SPECIALS at THE HANDY KITCHEN Toys, Bisque Qrnaments, Tree Decorations, j Christmas Cards | Candy! Candy! Candy! from 10 to 60 cents per pound. Our 20c. candy cannot be beat. FRUIT CAKES 25c. per- pound, any size you want. c-Any kind of C^KE made to order. KANDY KITCHEN 319 WEST PIKE STREET ? ? STREET CUBBING Is to be Replaced Next Spring by the Contractor Col. Fuccy. Col. Joe Fuccy, contractor for the city tsreet paving, desires the Tele gram to announce that it is his in tention to replace the curbing on the streets he has paved and Is now paving. ThiB will not be done un til spring, however, as this is the wrong time of year, on amount of the weather, to do cement work. He saya he will get the cement direct from the manufactory next time, as he believes the crumbling of the curbs is due to bad cement. Col. Fuccy believes in keeping up his reputation. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. GRIND OPERA HOUSE Monday, Dec. 30th A SUPERB, SENSATIONAL, SCIEN TIFIC SURPRISE A Vivid Portrayal of the Far West Lincoln ,1. Ciirter's Special Production THE FLAMING ARROW Introducing the World's Greatest GENUINE INDIAN BRASS BAND The Extreme Limit of Melodramatic Magnitude SEE The Council Fire and Gliost Dance The Attack on Old Fort Reno. The Wonderful Horses, Arrow and Buckskin. The Genuine Indian Brass Band. 40 Big Soecia/ Cast of Peop/e 40 TIME TO SEND FOR US to look after your plumbing. You may not need much Vater for drink ing oil New Year but you'll need lots of it for other purposes any way. HAVE US GO OVER YOUR PLUMBING as an ounce of prevention. Even if it is apparently all right, something may be near the breaking down point. We'll attend to it and insure you against any plumbing trouble for a long time to come. We are not so busy today as we shall be tomorrow. F. C. WELCH 152 East Pike St., Clarksburg, W. Va. WE WTSII YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS and with it we present the compli ments of this floral establishment, po litely invitlnc you to buy CHRISTMAS FLOWERS from us. The choicest cut flowers to be had at this season of the year is what we supply. Prices are reason able. the flowers are fresh and we are ready to box and send them to who ever you direct. Place your orders with us?by mail or 'phone. We will till them to your satisfaction. Dudley's Main St. Clarksburg C. L. HICKMAN Architect and Bnilder Plans, Specifications and. Con tracts drawn for all kinds of build ings and improvements. Will con tract for completion of any or all kinds of buildings In any part of the eonntry. Forty Years Kxpcricnce. Matinfactlon Guaranteed CAPUDINE CURES COLDS and GRIPP SJ'SEZ Relieves the aches and feveriahness. Contains No AcctanlDde The State Convention Will Be Held in That City In tbe Month of February. The hardware asea of the State are looking forward to the second annual convention of West Virginia Retail Hardware Dealers' Association, which will be hel -dat El kins Feb. 18, 19 and 20. The convention will probably be held In the Y. M. C. A. building of that city. A large attendance is ex pected as most of the hardware deal ers in the state are members of the association. Several of the large wholesale hardware houses are ar ranging to have exhibits at the con vention. The local committee on ar rangements at Blkins consists of Mr. E. C. Linger, of the E. C. Linger Hardware Co.. and Mr. Wm. Dan, of the Blkins Furniture & Hardware | Co., who are already busily engaged ; In making arrangements for the proper entertainment of the guests. Blkins is fast becoming a convention city, having ample hotel accommo dations, an accessible location and a citizenship who take pains tO'make visitors to that city feel at home. PLAYS AND PLAYERS Lovers of tales of the frontier, where the red man takes an active part, will And a thrilling treat in "The Flaming Arrow." which comes to the Grand Monday, Dec. 30. The characters Introduced are all typical of the West in the early 80's and in cludes the picturesque cow punchers, the deep dyed and treacherous Mexi can, the Indian and army officers. The story has to do with the love of a young Indian chi^f for the colonel's daughter. Another love story is added by a fun-loving Irish man in love with a spinster who does not care to acknowledge her span of life. This furnls-hes much good comedy as does "Snowball," a colored gent, who makes himself generally useful, tending the burros, .polishing the harness buckles and numerous other ways. Among the features is Moon Dog, a famous warrior; Red Flash, Custer's famous Indian scout: Black Eagle, an Arraphoe chief, and White Eagle, his son. The latter's love for the colonel's daughter, his cleverness in rescuing her from the abducters and his picturesqueness. add to the interest of the piece. A band of sixteen Indians are an in teresting feature. The title of the play is not suggestive of the true plot, except in the last jict when an arrow shoots across the* sky covered with brimstone, which sends forth a phosphorus light. This is the signal between Black Eagle and his son, should he survive the trip into the mountains in search of the colonel's daughter. #100 REWARD, $100. The rooders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all us stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so "much that it falls to cure. Send for list of faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case tastlmonlaln. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes Indigestion, dys pepsia and other stomach Ills. Two days' trial free. Ask our dealer. Sold by H. F. Burke. A Dangerous Deadlock That sometimes terminates fatally is the stoppage of liver and bowel functions. To quickly end this con dition without disagreeable sensv tions Dr. King's New Life Pills should always be your remedy. Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory in every case or money back, at Frank (5. Bland's drus store. 25c. SWEET MELODY FLOUIZ. DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills are sold by al! druggists. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup causes a free yet gentle action of the bowels through which the cold is forced out of the system. Children like it. Contains no opiates nor narcotics. Sold by all druggists. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. Bees Laxative C >ugh Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and whooping coup hgrown in favor dally with young and old. Mothers Should keep it on hand for children. It Is prompt re lief to croup. It In gently laxative, driving the poison t^nd phlegm from the system. It la a simple remedy that gives Immediate relief, guaran teed. Sold by H. F. ^3urke. ^ KnoiL and Stetsonj Hats I The LATEST STYLES Shoes That Fit The Feet In Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Vici Kid, "button and lace. $3.00, $3.S0, $4.00 Sizes to 9 in ladies,widths A to EE. Children's Shoes in all leathers, button and lace, 59c to $3.00. "Men's Shoes That give satisfaction. James A. Banister. $5.00 and $6.00, A to E. Strong CSt Garfield, $5.00 and $6.00 A to E. Walk Over Shoes $3.50 and $4.00, A to E. HIGHLAND BROS; & GORE 128 Third St. Baltimore&Ohig RAILROAD. Schedule effective Nov. 17. 1907. CLARKSBCKG, W. VA. ? Dally, x Dally except Sunday. 7. Sunday only. MAIX LINK, EASTBOUND. Cumberland. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, depart ?3:52 am, ?5:40 pm. *9:35 pra. Arrive *12:63 am, 9:55 am, *6:08 pm. MAIN LINE, WESTBOUND. Parkersburg, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis, depart *12:53 am, ?9:55 am, G:08 pm. Arrive *3:62 am, *5:40 pm, 9:35 pm. Parkersburg Accom., depart *7:28 am. *4:00 pm. Arrive *10:20 am. *7:20 pm. W. VA. & PITTS., NORTHBOUND. Connellsville and Pittsburg, depast. x6:15 am. Arrive xll:05 pm. Fairmont and Morgantown, depart. x6:15 am, xR:35 am. W. VA. & PITTS., SOUTHBOUND. Weston, depart. x6:00 am, zl0:00 am, xll:30 am. x4:15 pm. Arrive x8:66 am. z9:40 am, x2:15 pm. z6:00 pm, x7:05 pm. Pickens, depart x6:00 am, X4:15 pm. Arrive x8:55 am, x7:05 pm. Rlchwood and intermediate points, de part x6:00 am. xll:30 am. Arrive x3:15 am, x7:05 pm. Webster Springs, depart xll:30 am Arrive x2:15 pm. WEST VA. SHORT LINE. New Martinsville and Wheeling Ac com., depart *6:00 am. x2:45 pm. Arrive xll:25 am. x8:S0 pm. FIRE - INSURANCE - fIRf Best Companies. Moat Reasonable Policies. Prompt Payment in cases of lo?i lave the money yon have Invested lit your bome by having a policy written by C. L. McCARTY I'nlon Bank Building, Corner Third and Pike SCa. and China Closet be Returned To The GLOBE Before 8 P.M. Tuesday ."v.rJ & m UNDER NEW cTVIANAGEMENT The Manhattan Restaurant COST AN C&. CHASE, Proprietors 331 West Pike Street Nleak Served Day and Night-Cuisine the Best Furnished Rooms at Moderate Prices Corner Bar and Liquor Store PRANK DUFFY. Proprietor. Ith St. and Traders Alley Clarksburg. W. V?, Mail Orders a SpecicUy Finest bar and liquor store in the city. All the leading brands of Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys for medical and family use at lowest prices. The only place in Clarksburg where you can buy Pure 12 Year Old Limestone Whiskey. : Send For Price List Home Phone 394 Mnnni i-n m i'* i i t ??i i n i*i i | T H E % MANHATTAN BUFFET i 331 W. Pike SC. Home Phone 106 MOST popular brands of whiskey, wine, beer and all kinds of soft drinks. The best line of Cigars and Tobacco. Elegaifl service and the most courteous treatment to all. Everybody patronizes this Buffet and meet friends here. DA VIS & BARRETT, - PROPRIETORS ] ' I" POULTRY MARKET W? H. RICHARDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF POULTRY, GAME AND FISH Country Produce a Specialty Both Phones 106 WEST PIKE STREET Christmas Decorations Holly Wreaths Evergreen Coils, Loose Holly - and Christmas Trees The Bailey Produce Co. ??< i n-n m n 11 u i m n 11 m i u ii < i ii m illinium nn nninmiii uw THE D. Ml. OGDEN CO. I ^ ? The Place For Christmas Shopping You will find here astrong line of BEAUTIFUL GIFTS Suitable for the whole family OUR ASSORTMENT OF Dolls, Games and Fancy Novelties Is Larger than ever before We Have the Strongest Line of HAIMDKERCHIEFS In the city, including Plain, Hemstitched, Embroidered and Lace of the finest quality. We appeal to the trade to begin Christmas Shopping Early Early, in the Day, Early, in [the W<*ek, Early in December. THE D. M. O H-H WIMIIIiUUIIMIt EN CO.