Newspaper Page Text
j To Good Old - Santa Clans Telling liltu Wliat Tliey Want ' for Christinas. Dear Santa Claus: X will' Write you a few lines. I want you to bring me some nice toys and candy and nuts. I have a nice doll and carriage you brought me last year. I am a little girl 6 years old and don't forget the little child ren of Monongah who have no papa and don't forget grandma and grand pa of Clarkt?burg, East Main street, No. 545. ESTHER VINCENT. House No. 4, Olen Falls. Dear Santa Clans: I will try and write you a few lines. I am a little boy past 3 years old. I want you to bring me a wagon and you had better bring Clarencc one ho h? wont tear mine up, and bring me a gum ball and a horn and some candy and nuts and don't forget 'little Mary and papa and mama. So good-bye. RAYMOND VINCENT. House No. 4, Glen Falls. . i. ? Dear Santa Claus: Please bring mo some nice toys. I want you to bring me a little sled all painted red with steel runners, and a cutc little Teddy bear, and a pair of red top boots and that Is all. LEROY McCLUNG. Northvlew. < J lid*. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll, ring, shoos, hat and gloves and candy and nuts and a cradle for my dollies. ? ^ ADDIE SCOTT. Northvlew. Dear'Santa Claus: I want a little pistol and some loads, a sled, a now second reader, a sC#ry book and oranges, a little dog from the ton cent store and some candy and nuts. That is all for this time. SIDNEY H. COTTRIUL. Industrial. t \ V Dear Santa Clalus: I am a little girl 10 years old and I want a nice largo doll and a batiy carriage for It, I want a pair of log gings and rubbers, and some pink ribbon, a nice story book and oranges and nuts and candy. VERN'A COTTRILL. Industrial. Dear Sanfa CI alls: Please bring mo a Teddy bear and a pair of Boots with rod tops, and doll baby and rattier. RAY CHIDERS. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a sot of dishes, n broom, a necklace, doll carriage and a sled and bring my littlo brother a hobby horse. Good bye, MABEL. YOUNG. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy ten years old and I want a suit of clothes and a suit of 'underwear and a pair of shoos and a pair of stockings. MAI.COM STREET. (WPP^ - Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring mo some blocks and a little rocking chair, a little money bnk and a gum doll and some candy and nuts. Yours, DORSEY REYNOLDS. Pike street. Dear Santa. Claus l ? All I want Is a pair of leather log gings and an air gun and some can dy. nuts and figs. EUGENE WILKINSON. Second street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a littlo boy nine years old and I want you to bring mo a man doline, a pair of roller skates, a pair of gloves, a new suit, a pair of leg glnKM. a silver toy watch, a story book, a now game, il sweater and some candy and nuts. Don't forget papa anil mama and sister. From your friend, JOSEPH CORWIN. Pike street. ? Dour Santa Clans: I want a hobby linr.^o and a Teddy bear, and a monkey and a box of pea nuts, and a doll and chocolate can-, dy and aything else you want to bring. LEE GARRETT. Davlssons Run. Dear -Santa Claus: I want a doll that goes to sloop and ' a monkey and a bracelet and a cradle for my doll to k<? to sleep In end! some peanuts and a box of fudge ? and a Teddy bear and anything else you want to brlnK me. GRACE GARRETT. i Davlsson's Run. Dear Santa Claus: I have been reading In the Tele gram and I thought I would write you a few lines Just to let you know that I would be pleased If you would remember me. I am a good little girl going to school, no please don't Tforgt me. I' want a set of furs, a story book, a-palr of skates, a teddy bear, a little red wagon painted green a little stove and a set ot dishes, some candy all painted red and yellow, some chewing gum, some oranges, grapes and nuts. .Now Santa please do not forget your good little girl. PEARL McWILLIAMS. | Adamston. j Dear Santa Claus: I am a Httlo boy four years old and , I want a train that wit run fast, a Teddy bear that will talk, a nlco book and big doll, and a big ball. 1 ! will try and be good and don't forget. and bring me candy and nuts. CLARENCE GRAPESs ; Chestnut street. P- S.?My papa wants a new over coat. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a pair of skutes and a sled and some nuts and candy and a pair of gloves and any thing else you want to bring me, and don't forget papa and mama and bring me an automobile and a horn. Don t forget Ralph Ellwood he wants a gun and a ball. ROY WHITEMA.V. Dear Santa Claus: If It is not too late for my letter I will ask you to bring me an express j wagon, a horn with keys and a ball1 and one box of A, B, C blocks ana a magic cap like Mooney Migglcs in ' the funny paper and that Is all. Your little friend. FEMING LOTTIG. 11S Bridge St. Dear Santa: I am a little boy four years old. I want a shot gun, a Mttle red wagon and a story book and some candy and nuts. Bring . Francis Brady some ?^mndj* and a doll r.nd a lot of books. Yours truly, WILLIAM WILEY. 711 Locust street. Dear Santa: I I heard from a friend that you Ilk- | ed to hear from all your little friends, so I thought I would write and tell you what I want. I don't ? want much. I am a good girl and j I hope you will bring them all. I . want a doll, a doll carriage, a sled j and a pair of skates, with two run J ners on thenr, and I would like to | ? have a teddy bear and a pair of leg gings and a stick of peppermint can-1 dy, a sweeper, a set of dishes and my oldest doll. Arabella, needs a new dress. Now I will close, hoping to And all I wish for Xmas morning. Your little girl, MARGARET SCHOTT. Dear Santa: , I would like to have a doll that Roes to sleep, a chair, a doll bed ted dy bear, st or dishec, set of chairs and a little piano, an express wagon, buggy, carriage and some candy and nuts, oranges, pop corn and peanuts. Your little friend. GRACE GROVES. Dear Santa: I saw In the Telegram that you wanted all the little girls and boys to write to you and I thought I would ! write and tell what I want. I am a good little girl in school. 1 want a teddy bear, four dolls, a set of dishes, a set of furs, a little piano, some hewing gum, a stick of red and white candy, a jumping jack, a little buggy, a carpet sweeper, a settee for two, a j story 'book, a little stove and nuts, I oranges and some bananas. NELLIE MERRILL. Defrr^)id Santa: I reiKiln the paper that you want ed all yoHx little girls to write to you so I thought I would. So this Is what I "wantv^?a set of furs, a now ?hat, a pair pf Spates, a sled, a set of j dishes, a wagon,\nair of shoes, kid ! gloves, and I want eWything nice for a pretty little girt. Hdfcjng ?o find all my presents on Xmas mttoiing I re main your .little' girl, KATIE M. FK3RA. I Dear Santa: I am a little girl seven years old. ' very good one I think and deserving of all I ask of you. I want a doll car riage, 2 dolls, a trunk, dining table, kitchen set, 1 set of dining room chairs, candy, nuts and fruit, a black board. Do not forget my baby brother. Bring him a drum, money hank and hobby horse. Your little friend, LIGOURIA DAVIS. P. S.?Please come to the Arling ton. Mannlngton, W. Va. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a new hat and a iwiir of niltters and a pair of rubber shoes No. 1 1-2 and a pair of leg gings and a toddy bear and some candy and some nuts and all kinds of fruit and that is all this Christ mas. f Yours truly, JENNIE LAMBI". Dear Santa Claus: I us a little girl 12 years old and f have a little brother 9 years old and I would like you to bring me & new s*ed and a new dress and some candy and nuts and oranges and' ap ples. I hate to ask you for any more. I will hang my stockings up Tor my toys. I live on Fairy street, the third house. JAMIE MORRIS. j Dear Santa: I am a little boy six years old and I would like you tot bring me some nice playthings. I want a pony that I may ride upln his back, a horn, a little engine, story book and anything else you have. Please bring mama a pair of shoes, No. 8 or 9. Papa wants a jack In the box and a cigar. Please don't forget to come. ZETTIE ONG. Industrial. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 7 years old. I thought I would write to you and let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a doll, a doll' bed, a wash Ixiard. a tub, an iron, a-par of gloves, a pair of rubebrs, a nice hook, some candy and nuts, so that's all this time. Good-bye. From your little friend, MARY CORWIN. 310 Pike street. P. S?Don't forget papa and mama and my brother. Dear Santa Claus: 1 would like for you to bring me a Teddy bear, a ball, a box of blocks, a horn and pair of gloves, and Santa please bring me a cap like Happy Hooligan wearsy | From your little friend, . JAMES LOTTIG. j 118 Bridge street. Dear Santa Claus: T want you to bring me a tool box and a train and track for It to run on, a taget gun and a target, a print ing press and that Is all. Yours truly, DOUGLAS BOWER. Dear Santa Claus: 1 thought I would write and tell ! you what I want for Christmas. I | want a violin, a school bag and a j game and don't forget my brother ! Albert wants a sled "fend an express j wagon and a drum, and Waiter | wants a hig chair and a little train | of cars, and don't forget all of us want some candy and nuts. , FREDERICK SMITH. Chestnut St. *, Dear Santa Claus: I am going to tell you what T want for Christmas, I want you to bring me an expres wacon lots of nuts and candy and lire crackers and 35 boxes of caps. CARL JOHNSON. Chestnut street. Dear Santa Claus: I want a set of dishes and a Teddy bear and a set of furs and a brace let with a diamond set and solne rib bon. j CHRISTIE YOUNG. Lost Creek. Dear Santa Claus; j I will write you a few lines to let you know what i want for Christmas. I want you to-bring me a stilt of clothes and a pair of ice skates, an j | express' wagonr, a pair of shoes, can dy and nuts and oranges and bananas and that Is all for this time. Good bye. Your little boy, CLARENCE VINCENT. House No. 4, Glen Galls. Dear Santa: I am a little girl four years old and I want a-doll, a carriage, candy cane, chain for my locket, new dress pair of shoes and I wouldn't mind having a now pair of stockings and a yard of ribbon for my hair, a little collar and chain for my little dog, a teddy bear, overshoes, set of dishes, story hook, little bod for my doll bear skin cap, pair kid gloves. i guess this Is all. Your little girl, DORA RHT1I EDLIOTT. I live on First street, Clarksburg. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little girl 7 years old and would like for you to bring me a] coat, a cap, a pair of gloves, a new , dress for my big doll 1 got lasti Xmas, a set of dishes, a Washboard and tub. and pletse do not forget my little brother, B. Parsifal Boyles. He wants a little engine and some cars and candy and nuts, oranges and any, thing else you can spare. Your little girl, GLADYS BOYLE. Adamston. Dear Santa Claus: I want more about Teddy B and Teddy G and a pair of double run-1 ner skates and a knife. I hope it is '< not asking too much. TURNER WALL1S. Dear Santa Claus: Ah I am too small to write I will have my mama to write and tell you what I would ?like for you to bring n?>. 1 would like to have a little red wagon, a new pair shoes. a -little saw and hatchet, a IHtt'e horn ?at will Mow. lots of cadny, chestnuts, pea nuts and oranges and that will be all. Your little boy, ? - Louis day. North are., St6are>; addition. Dear Santa Oli'ue: I thought I would write and tell you what I want for Xmas. I would like to have a pair of high-top shoes. No. 10, a pai rof skate* and a sled, some candy and some nuts, and if you have any little trains left would like to have one. Also, if you bring me these I will always think lots of jou and will write to you every once In a while. Please don't forget my little sisters. Opal and Mildred. I guess they want something but Just any old thing will do for them, it don t make much difference what girls get and then there is little cou sin Jean, she lives at Union Heights. I Please take her something. My same Is PERCY MERLE WAGGONER, and I live at the New Fair Grounds. Dear Santa Claus: As sister was writing: to you I thought I would do the same and tell you .what 5 want, find here it Is San ta. and do not losto anything, you lost one of sister's rubbers Jast year. I want a writing desk, a sword, a tool chest, an engine that runs on a track and a fire engine, a policeman, a cow hoy suit, candy and nuts, no fruit. Remember Santa I am a good boy. Please bring sister all she asked for. My address will be Arlington Hotel, Mannlngton, W. Va. Your little friend. ARTHUR DAVIS. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old and live In Industrial. I want you to bring me a sled, a pair of skates, roller skates, oranges and u pair or high top shoes. FRED * CLEAVEN'GER. Dear Saint Nick: I am a little girl In years I am but threo And I would like a Saint like you. To fill my Christmas tree. First I would like a dolly boy, .A cart and all the trimmings. Just like the one you know You sent to Mary Edmon Sim mons. And I would like a picture book To lear my A B O's, So when I go to school I would not my teacher tease. J Pleoso bring me a little turquois rlns To fit my largest finger. Just put it on the mantel. If you haven't time to linger. And don't forget thtt little twins. Dear Ruth and Edna Bell. I'm sure they'd like some dollies. If their wants they could but tell. Be suro you ,do not miss the place. Four seventy-one West Main, And If there Is no snow that night,! Just take the fastest train. I know you are a Jolly saint. Who loves to please and cheer And you will surely, surely come To see see your CLARA PAGE GEER 471 W. Main.. Dear Santa: I want you to bring me a new suit and a watch that runs with a chain on It. I want a little shoovel. a rake, a hoe. and tin horn, plenty of nuts and candy and anything else you would like to bring me. I will sit up as late as I can and wait for you. Your friend. SANNY MATHEW WYCKOFF Adamston. Dear Santa Claus: I ain a little boy about three years old and my sister I* writing for me. I want a drum, a horn, some candy, a train of cars and you may bring Guy Garrett a little gum ball for he Is Just about my age and he might want a little rattje. and so don't for get us and come down In the kitchen and get some rod hot fire and stick it! In your pocket and you won't get ? cold. Your little hoy. STEWART CLARK. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a doll | and a writing desk and a pair of' skates and a little sled and a bird cage an.l an algebra book and a storv book 1 am sure there is no hole In the toe of my stocking fro that Is were all the candy goes. Your friend. VIRGINIA WILLIS. Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a few lines and tell you what I want you to bring I me for Christmas. I want a doll ba- i by nnd baby carriage and a nipple and one solid milk boottle and one billy gnat where I can get milk f billy goat and that is all.. . GEORGE JENKINS. Dear Santa Claus: 1 wish you would bring me a. sled ' and a hobby horse and some candy and nuts and a pair of stockings; | that Is all. HARRY HANGER. Dear Santa Claua: I wish you would bring me a doll and a buggy for the baby and trunk to keep its clothes In and a i money bank and a pair of shoes and j some candy and nuts; that la all. MARGARET HANGER. City. Dear Santa ,CIaus: Please bring me a big doll and a pair of skates and some nuts and candy, my letter has come ton close. From your friend, ALMA' ,CLARK I Main street. Dear Santa Claus: I will tell you what I want for Christmas. I am a little girl four ; years old. I want a carpet sweeper ' and doll dressed In a blue dress and i a carriage to wheel her In. a set of I dishes, a table, a story book, a trunk : and a pretty Christmas tree and some ; candy and nuts, and my brother ; wants a pair of skates. From your friend, LILLIE MAY STONE. Northvlew. , Dear Santa. Claus: Please bring me a doll and carrl age and a Teddy bear, overshoes and two pair of hose, and some candy and nuts. MABLE ELLIOTT. Milford road. ? .[ ?* Dear Santa Clnus: Please bring m<i a big brown Ted dy bear, two pair of stockings, over shoes and leggings and ribbon for my hair, and candy, nuts, oranges and bananas. HAZEL ELLIOTT. Milford road. > Dear Santa Claus: Will you please send me a muff and a fur and a sewing box, a stove, a story book and candy .and nuts and fruit and some hair ribbon and a pair of kid gloves. . THELMA RAMSAY. Pike street. ' Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll and a Teddy bear, a locket and somb candy and nuts. Your friend, ETHEL RUSSELL. City. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy three years old and I would like for you to bring me a sleigh, wheelbarrow, tool box. slate and pencil and ABC book, lots of candy, nuts and fruit, and th'ero will be a tree In the front room for you to trim, so please don't forjget your little friend. DANIEL BURKE. Glen Elk. - Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a little red wagon, table and chair and rocking chair, doll anil a piano. From your little boy, CHARLES HORR. Terra Cotta St. - ?/ Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me an express wagon, candy and nuts and bananas and oranges. LACO LINWOOD YOUNG. Dear Santa Claus: I want a Teddy bear, a doll baby and set of dishes, and a table and little rocking chair and lots of candy and nxits. Your friend. NELLIE MULLIGAN. Water street Dear Santa Claus: Bring me a set of furs, a side board for my dishes and a pair of side combs for my doll and a sweater and cap for my Teddy bear and can dy and nuts. Your little friend. MILDRED CAHILL. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring mo a set of ten pins and an Irish mall car and some nuts, candy and oranges. Your friend. ?' JOE CAHILL. Dear Santa Claus: 1 want you to bring me a. new desk and a tobogan. some story hooks that I can read and some toys to play with and candy and nuts and lots of tire works. BURTIE SWIGER. Wallace. Dear Santa Claus: I want a horse with a saddle and bridle, a gun, a Teddy bear, a horn and a little pup to play with. Your little boy, CARROLL BURXSIDE. Lost Creek. P. S.?Don't forget my brothers, Rusell and Lester. Dear Santa Claus. I want a tricycle, wheelbarrow. Teddy bear, horn, picture book. ? pen cil, high top shoes, you can And them v.-'.' ? ? at post's ptbre, and lots of c&pdy ao<; nut*. Santa bring my brothers an< sister what they want, too. Good bye, Santa, JOHN GORDON. I am a- little boy and go to schoo every day and I pleased t< have a little wagon and a pair o: roller skates and a pair of little re<! top boots and a horn and a Teddj bear and don't forget my little broth er John, he wants a hobby horse and bring us lota of candy, fruit an< nuts. Your little boy, BENJAMIN WHITE. New fair ground. Dear Santa Claus: I am a good hoy and I want yov to please bring me a nled and a firt wagon, a story book, a pair ol gloves and a drum and an automo bile. Bring me candy, nuts ani fruit. CARL RILEY. Now fair ground. - Dear Santa Cltsus: Please bring me a set of dishes and a bed and a dresser and a trunl and some bed clothes and candy ant nuts. Your little friend. BLAND MILLIE. j Dear Santa Claus: i I want you to bring me a big dot that will go to sloop, a pair of skates ja sled, a set of dishes, candy, orangei ? and bananas. From your loving lit tle girl, EDITH GAGE. Payne building. IDoar Santa Claus: I -want you to bring me a doll and Teddy bear and candy and oranget and every thing that Is good to eat PEARL GERRARD. Gregory's Run. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to please bring me a doll, an organ, a Toddy bear, a cof fee mill and a baby buggy and candy and nuts and don't forget my little brother Clyde. From your little girl. EDNA MAY MILLS. Buckhannon road. i Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a pair of gum boots and a gum overcoat and a drum and a sword and a "Story book and candy and nuts and don't for get mama and sisters. Yours truly, HOW ADR FERRELL. C 320 Main St. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a street car with Ti track, a drill machine, a log house and don't forget my sister and the little baby and don't forget my ma ma and papa. Your little boy. JAMES CHARLES PERAMPLE City. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll and a Teddy bear and a ball and some blocks. From your little friend, VIRGINIA REYNOLDS. Dear Santa Claus: I want a little stable and a house and a toy horse and a little cow and calf and a Hied and don't forget mama and papa and Myctte. FRANK REYNOLDS,, JR. Dear Santa Claus: I want an express wagon, a train that runs on a track, a nico story book and a street car. Bring my little brother Leonard a doll he can't break and a little wagon and lots of nuts and candy for us both. That Is all. Don't forget to come. KEITH HOOD. Adamuton. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll dressed in blue silk, and a doll bed and a stove and chairs and table and a little piano and a set of dishes and candy and nuts and all kinds of oranges. From your little friend, MARY E. REYNOLDS. 648 West Pike street. Dear Santa Claus: I will write and toll you what I want a doll and dishes and a dofl carriage and lots candy.. RUTH PEEPuES. Deat^ijanta Claus: A doiTr^doII buggy, a Teddy bear, a robe for riry?carriage and candy and nuts. ~ MARGARET WILSON^ 451 Mechanic St. Dear Santn Claus: Please send me a suit. pair of Rloves, a neck tie, some candy and nuts, and please don't forget my ma ma, who Is sick, and her nurse and grandma and papa. Yours truly, EVERETT T. RICE. Shinnston. I>ear Santa Claus: I want a hqrse. and a fire wagon and a gun and some caps to shoot In my gun and a drum and a horn and that is all for this time. TRACY WEDER. - . ?> ".*? ^ . ""T ' T ?'? -j Dear Santa Ctaus; ; t ? % . I want a piano,- a dolt, a doll 'cart' and a pair of shoes and. sled anil a doll and don't target my miuna'iait two sisters, and candy and nuts and a Teddy bear'' and rlbbfK. WILLiA bel&b SWIOER > Bristol. Dear Santa Claus: I want a sled, and a drum and candy and nuts and a horn and a rattler and anything else you want to bring mc. LYLE ROBEY. Enterprise. 4 Dear Santa Claus: Will you please send mc a Teddy bear, doll and some dishes and a lit tle rocking chair and nuts and-candy. From your little girl. ENID COBB. Terra Cotta St. Dear Santa Clans: I thought I would write and teil you what I want for Christmas; I want a big doll with black hair that will go to sleep and a Toddy bear and a little poodle dog from the ten cent store. I guess that Is all, now Santa don't forget me and I will ' leavo the door open and tho Are burning so you can warm. Your little girl, AVA STEWART. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write and tell you what 1 want for Christmas. I want a big Teddy beat-' and a little rubber doll that will squeal when you squeeze It and a little dog from the ten cent store and nuts and candy and anything else you want to bring me. Tours truly. , SAM HEATHBRLY. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy ajyl I thought^ wouldjrHo you as the other llttlo boy^ySPt doing! and I thank you for the presents you brought mo last Christmas. I would like an "41 r ride, a pair of red top boots, a Teddy bear some candy and nuts and a bunch of roses. I have been as good a boy as I can. Your little friend, " CHARLIE WRIGHT. Dear Santa Claus: I am a littlo boy two years old and I want you to bring mo a little wag on. a tain, a carrlulge. a doll, a pict ure book and be sure to bring mo some candy nuts, oranges and apples and bananas and bring " my llttlo brother Arthur some stockings and rattle box and bo sure to come for 'i am a good little boy and will bo a sjeep when you come. GEORGE BURTON. Ben street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old and for Christmas I want you to bring mc a doll and carriage, a train and lots of cars and wagon and a bell , and a story book and don't forget to bring somo candy and nuts and oranges, and I will bp a good boy and go to bed early, and don't for get my llttlo brother Arthur, bring him a rattler and some nlco stock ings. bring me a pair of 'number 7 shoes and a pair of rubbers and I will not ask you for anything more thlsj^Chrlstmas. Please don't forget me. Your little friend, THOMAS E. BURTON, Ben street. Dear Santa Claus: Bring mc a doll oiid a cart and a table and a set of chairs and a Ted dy bear and a nlco ring and some candy and nuts and a set of furs and please bring sister Fannlo a doll, nnd a cart arid watch and a set of furs and bring my ohcr sister a sot of furs. Good bye.. Prom your loving frie'nd. CELA BURNSIDE. Stealcy addition. Dear Santa Clauc: I am a little girl seven years old and I want a sot of dishes, some hair combs and ribbon and some candy and nuts and one orango for my lit tle sister Beulah. Yours truly, BERNICE MOOBE. Ben street. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a let tor to let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a big doll dress ed In blue silk, and a doll bed and a little tabic an a little piano and some chair and Candy and nuts and all kinds of fruit. From your little friend, MARY E. REYNOLDS. West Pike street. ? 1 - Dear Santa Claus: I Here Is what I want .for Christmas ?I want a suit of clothes, a! gold watch, a story book and a pop gun and some candy and nuts. This is all for this year. From your friend. PAUL. ALEXANDER STIMMELL. C,ty" . . I Dear Santa Clans: As X in as Is drawing near X thought 1 (Continued on page 4.)