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THE DAILY TELEGRAM Xfcs T.?Alng Ihmi In Ceatral Vat Virginia. Fabllsbed Every Evening except Sun day b> the Clsrksburr W. V*. TELEPHONES : Home "Phone Editorial Rooms 167 Rlnff t Business Oftlce 157 Ring t Bell 'Phone? .Ill W. B. DIMON Manager W. C. MORRISON. W. L. OEPPERT, Editors. ICEHBBR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. Bntered at the Poatofflce at Clarksburg. W. Va.. as Socon<l-('Iaas Mall Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, by carrier........per week. 10c. Dally, by mall per year, 14.00 Dally, by mall six months, $2.60 Weekly, published on Thursdays, per year, in advance ....$1.00 Xhe Sally Telegram can be found as ?b1# tl Pike Nsws Stand Pike ?? nt Rone'a News Stand Pike Street. Jackaon'n News Stand Olen Elk. Waldo Hotel News Stands Traders Hotel News Btyg; Western Office. Marquette Build ing, Chicago. Western Advertising Representatives, William* and And erson, above address. The Telegram In delivered In Clarksburg and vicinity by our regu lar carrier*. Complaints regarding .irregular service will be immediately Investigated and corrected. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1907. Jfo PajXT Tomorrow. No paper Wednesday; Christmas. SUirglss's Bill. Congressman Sturgiss, of Jhe Sec ond district, has introduced a bill In the House of Representatives, which provides for an appropriation of $5,000 for the fiscal year of 1908 and increasing that amount by $5,000 : oach year for the next four years, I and making it thereafter a continu-! ing appropriation of $25,000 per year for the endowment and main tenance of agricultural colleges in the several states and territories. Mr. Sturgiss Is deeply impressed with the Monongah mine disaster and he is desirous of preventing future dis asters by endowing the colleges suf ficiently that they can give scientific training, make mine investigations and reports to the bureau. In addition to this Governor Daw son is urging the United States sen ators from West Virginia to take steps for government inspection of coal mines. Of these something good ought to come. There can foe no question that it would he the part of wisdom to' take steps that will prevent these ter rible mine horrors, which have occur red so frequently lately. While doubtless every precaution has been taken and every device known installed for the purification ' of the coal mines and to prevont ex plosions, yet they have occurred, and as yet It is not satisfactorily known to any one what caused them. Such a plan as is suggeatod l>y Con gressman Sturgiss and Governor Daw son would bring to the country a new department of government and there would be constant search and re search and examination and re-ex amination until the protection of miners and mines would be an active science. It is certainly worth the while of the government to take steps to spare the country such horrors as have re cently occurred and it is hoped the' Congress of the United States as well as the executive departmnt will take this matter up as one of the crying needs and provide for systematic mine knowledge and inspection. Congressman Sturgiss's bill Is along the right line, and the urgent suggestions made by Governor Daw son are right, aoid from them ought to come from Congress at the present session a comprehensive plan to pre vent such horrors, if it be possible to prevont them. Early conventions do no harm, but you never hear of the Democrats in this State having any until after the Republicans have held theirs. Is it a matter of cowardice? Perhaps not. Rather a matter of denouncing every thing the Republicans do. But, that never yet got any votes. The pay day Saiturday by the fac tories and the mines does not indd eute that business conditions have gone bad. ar.d It certainly shows that the industries are doing quite well. Conley says he is not scared, now that Clark May has announced him self for re-election. All are glad to know Conley is a brave man. Arnold Scherr has committed nepotism with his brother?a serious ofTense in th*5 eyes of those who do not !>elleve in it. Hearse still insists that fee is run ning for the gubernatorial nomina tion,- but there are many who are of the opinion the running has no speed to it. SANTA GLAUS LETTERS (Continued from page S). X would write and let you know what I want. I want a little pair of black boot* with red tops and stent toes, as I am a high stepper; I am a little boy, but near a man's size. I want a little wholesale house like Koblegard's . a fire wagon. and a drum and horn, and lots of pretty red candy, nuts and raisins and dates, and I will go to bed at 6:30 And bo h?>"Sure to come, p RALPH THORN. jtf?ust street. p. g. you will find a nice piece or pie on the kitchen table. Dear Santa Claus: I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a pop sun and two balloons, a story book, a suit of clothes, some candy, nuts and oranges. and dates. Please don't forget the little fathreless children at Monongah. This is all for this yerar. Your friend. THOMAS POTTER STIMELL. dlty. . Dear Santa Claus: x am a little girl ten years old and X want a doll and tea set and a ring j and some side combs, and some hair ribbons and a new dress, and that Is all I want. From your little girl. BESSIE MOORE. Ben street. p s. i forgot some candy and nuts, and I want you to bring them if you have any left. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 9 years old and I want you to bring me a pair of skates and send me a tohuet and a sled and a Teddy bear and a new suit of clothes and a pair of shoes and a cow that gives milk and don't forget my sister Cora wants a tree . and a doll baby, and don't forget to bring uncle James Hardy a stick of horhoun candy. DEWEY DAUGHERTY. Point Comfort. \1 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years 'old and I want you to bring jine a brace let, a string of beads, and I want a tricycle and candy and nuts. My name Is GERTRUDE FLANIGAN Wernlnger street. Dear Santa Claus: I am a^llttle boy 11 years old and I am now going to tell you what I want for Christmas. 1 want a nice wool sweater, a pair of No. ten and a half skates and a nice big footba'l. and lots of candy and nuts, bananas and oranges. Don't forget my sister Ignore and my little brother Vincent De Paul, and please bring me a croquet set. Your good little boy, ROBERT BURNS. j Broad Oaks. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 11 years old and I will write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doll and a pair of stockings, a set of dlHhcs and j a picture and a pair of overshoes, apples and candy. Your littlo friend. ETHEL, SNIDER. 1 Industrial. Dear Santa Claus: I am a lltle girl four years old and can't write, so I am getting my papa j to write to you for a few things. I i would like to have you bring me a doll, and a little doll bed. a Teddy bear a pair of shoes, a bracelet, a pair of leggings, some candy, oranges and nuts and chewing gum. From your little friend. OPA IRENE FITTRO. Wllsonburg. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I would write you a let ter and tell you what I want fori Christmas. I want a pair of new | skates and a set of furs and a doll and some oranges and nuts and can dy. ? ,, Edna GfPl'n Bridgeport. Dear Santa: , I would like for you to bring me a Teddy bear and a doll and a little set of dishes and a doll carriage and a set of furs, and Bome candy and nut*. PAULINE COPLIN. Bridgeport. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl two years old and I want a brown Teddy bear and a bear skin legging*, and a yard of white ribbon to tie on my hair, and candy, fruit and nuts, and . Santa please don't forget my dear papa and mama. From your little girl, MADGE FULTZ. Montlcello Ave. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 11 years old and X want a doll and a bracelet an a doll carriage to ride my doll in apd that is all. NELLIE SCOTT. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old and I want a Teddy bear, a bracelet a' sled and bring me some candy and nuts and fruit. Your friend. EVA WALDDO. First street. Dear Santa Claus: I thought I woul?t write you a : few lines and let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a Teddy bear, a doll, a watch that will run and keep good time, some candy and nuts. From your friend, JESSIE ROACH. Wolf Summit. .' ) Dear Santa Claus: I want a pair of gloves and a ball and a bat and a train, a watch and a wagon and a paii^ of shoes and candy and nuts. HERBERT ROACH. U Wolf Summit. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old and want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want you to bring me a Christmas tree, a doll trunk, a big doll that goes to sleep with a blue dress on, and a little doll dressed In blue, a set of doll chairs, a blue hat for my big doll and a green cap for my little doll, and some candy and nuts, and anything else you want tn! bring. From your good little girl. MARY ELANORE DENNISON. Dear Santa Claus: I would like for you to bring me a cap gun and a dozen boxes of caps, a horn and a tobogan a pair of stockings and one pair of high top shoes, a sled a little wheelbarrow, a shovel and some nuts and candy. I would also like to have some oranges and tha^- is all. / ROBERT SHRINER. Union Heighths. ?ear Santa Claus: I am a little boy and will be four years old the third of January and I got my mama to write for me. I will not ask you for many things this time for next Christmas I will want lots of things for I will be big ger then and can write myself. So please bring me a horn and a little; gun and an Iron, some now stockings and shoes and a tobogan. a house at Stop 7 on Union heights, I live In Grandpa's place and don't forget the house. CLYDE ROY ROSS. JOKER'S MONEY Is Left With This Paper, and if Not Called for. Goes Into Relief Fund Some one was so anxious a -day or so ago to get Into the Santa Claus coinmns of this paper letters from two well known adults that some money was enclosed along with the letters sought to be published. It was easily detected that tihe joker wanted to play another prac tical one, and these letters were not published. There is nothing to tell where the letter and the money came from, but It will be returned to the sender, if .^lled for before Saturday of the present week with proper iden tification. If not by that time the amount will be turned over to the ^onongah relief fund. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF WEST VIRGINIA AT CLARKSBURG. The annual meeting of the share holders of this bank to elect directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., Tuesday, Jan uary II, 1907, at the banking house, corner Main and Third streets. W. H. LEWIS, Cashier. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. REAL TEDDY BEARS. Notice?Teddy Bears?Don't pay one and two dollars for a Teddy bear To close out all our bears we will deliver to you upon receipt of twenty cents In stamps, or two dimes, a nice 16 inch Teddy bear. Brown bears only. Address Teddy Bear Co. Box 148. Hagerstown, Md. Every child wants a Teddy bear. SWEET MELODY FLOUR. ? r irtd mkimm m _, jMBpHjl THE HOME OF SANTA C1AUS For Ladies and Gents, Girls and Eoys?Everything for Xraas Gifts, and a Few Toys Great Values In all Departments?Holiday Gifts Marked at a Small Margin of Profit This we have done that many lines may be completely cleaned up. You will find here not onl$r the largest and most complete stocks to select from but without a- doubt the best values to be found in our city. Treat your self to a Xmas gift by shopping here. Save j-ou both time and money. A Christmas list for the Holiday Shopper. It will greatly facilitate matters and may give some helpful suggestions. KID GLOVES ROOM SIZE RUGS CUT GLASS BELT BUCKLES QUEEN QUALITY SHOES ELASTIC BELTS SILK WAIST PATTERNS WHITE APRONS COMB AND BRUSH SET TEDDY FANCY BEARS NECKWEAR FACE VEILS GOLD BRACELETS LADIES' COATS HAND DRAWN LINENS LACE OR MADRAS CURTAINS CHILDREN'S SWEATERS l SILK HOSE BEAUTIFUL RUGS ALL KINDS AND SIZES BED SPREADS LINEN TOWELS BATTENBERG SCARFS AND COLLARS FUR SCARF FANCY GARTERS SILVER COMB AND BRUSH SET CHILDREN'S HDKFS. TABLE LINENS DRESS HAT FOR THE LADY FANCY CLOCKS STREET GLOVES WARM WINTER UNDERWEAR LADIES' HDKFS. INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS HAND BAGS BRIC-A-BRAC SILVER NOVELTIES GIRL'S COATS DRESS GOODS CHILDREN'S KNIT TOQUES NEW PORTIERS TAILORED SKIRTS HANDSOME LEATHER. PURSE HAT PINS GOLF GLOVES MANICURE SET PUFF JAR SILK PETTICOAT GAITORS LEGGINGS YEARS SUBSCRIPTION TO DELINEATOR SILK SCARF PILLOW TOPS CHILDREN'S KID AND GOLF. GLOVES CARPETS OF ALL KINDS TABLE LINENS CLOTHS AND NAPKINS GENT'S HDKFS WHITE WAISTINGS GENT'S UMBRELLA BEAUTIFUL FURS LADIES' UMBRELLA WARM BLANKETS I BROACH PINS HOSE SUPPORTERS FLANNELETTE GOWNS FACE VEILING FIRE SCREENS COUCH COVERS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR LUNCH CLOTHS HAIR RIBBONS NECK RIBBONS MEN'S HALF-HOSE NAPKIN RINGS BATH TOWELS TABLE COVERS WINDSOR TIES LACES AND EMBROIDERIES BABY COATS BABY SPOONS CHILDREN'S FURS CHILDREN'S UMBRELLAS BABY BOOTIES $ 4 Per Gent Interest Compounded fiem/- Jk nnually I Paid on cdi Deposits. We Give Advantages to our Depositors Not to be Obtained Elsewhere. The Lowndes Savings Bank & Trust Co. =