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If- ' r- r I ar^ Pro^e88'ona^ advisor I - 4-.,. aright. We hold ourselye Effii M dards, but on the m 0 JI Jm Of low prices. ! " Uyr 114 8. Third Street, II CLABK8BTTBQ, W. VI Is an infectious blood taint which may be command y cated from one person to another. Its virus is of a most insidia |p nature, multiplying from an insignificant germ in the blood until' becomes a thorough systemic poison. So powerful and dangerous Uj:. this terrible blood plague that no time should he Inst in trvina ? rtr.v II? it From the system. It should not be temporized with, butshould 1 killed as one would a deadly serpent on the pathway. The first mar festation of Contagious Blood Poison is usually a tiny sore or pimpl but it rapidly spreads, and in a short time the entire body-shows i presence in the blood. The mouth and throat ulcerate, glands in tl groih swell, the hair begins to come out, copper-colored spots appear < the body, and frequently running sores and ulcers break out on the fles A condition of such serious nature requires proper treatmer Not only must the disease be driven out, but the system which ;h re beep weakened by the powerful poison must-be built up, before heali can be restored.. The queston of most importance therefore is?wh medicine has proven by actual results its superiority as a blood purine: Wei claim this distinction for S. S. S. because of its successful recoi | jk for more than forty years. p '{ S. S. S. cures Contagious BlOod Poison by purifying theblooi It goes into the circulation and removes.,the last trace of the infectioi v' virus, acts with fine tonic efFect on the stomach, bowels, kidneys, an other portions of the system, and thus makes a perfect as well as permanent cure. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and bark: each of which has a specific action on the system. Not a particle < tv mineral or other harmful substance enters into its composition. S S.5 y is perfectly safe for any one, and instead of upswing thqstomach, ,! ^maies 3ige^ibn^S'y. Thousand^ have cured themselves of Conts ?! gious Blood Poison by the use of S. S. S., and if you will write an |v S<" - request it we will send you, without charge, our Home Treatmer HBoOk which will give yoii all necessary information for crushing 01 fc* the fife of this serpent-like poison and curing yourself at home. W will also give you free any medical advice you may wish. S. S. S. i IF - tola at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. r. Jjt,, gggg?ssSZ i , " ' "<?= . = | I The Telephone is as I Necessary as Running Water \ Juit as the turning of a faucet brings the water sup- \ ?1 Ply, the Bell Telephone brings shops, and tradesmen. H and friends. ; ^ In work-time, play-time, or trouble-time, a few H words over the wire will work wonders for YOU as it ^ does for millions of others. I' i ^ you're still without a telephone, stop to think this |H over NOW. Call the Business Office from the nearest J kP Public Telephone and ask about the rates?the message | M is free. J alio C. D. & P. Tel. Co j m E- j* Th?mpson'iyocai \ | "IS YOUR BABY RESTLESS?" See the anxious mother bending over the sleepless babel What tendet . SBpWKri solicitude! Her heart aches for him. Wise mothers use ?l&?|jfe Dr. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP "m Which babies like because it cures them. Prevents Cholera Infantum, ffbrF cures Colic in ten minutes. Keep a bottle at hand, 35 cents at drug* HKS? ?r- . J gists. Trial bottle free if you mention this paper. * * Made only by DRS. D. FAHRNEY k SON. Hagostoww, Ma ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. a . Sealed-"bids will be received until noon Friday, June 21. 1912, by the .T T 7Tvno Aim OTTX" City of Clartt^burg for the relloorlng nJjlj ATI11 OIZlEi K'ijS; g of Glen Elk Bridge, with 3-lnch white Ht or rock oak flooring. Bids to be nt WS \MF if so much per thousand feet board M Ug OCT B S2J . measure to refloor said bridge, Includ- *?* w V V"* ?| ing all necessary labor to remove old DEALER H floot>and r?place with new floor, nec- Hay, Grain, Feed, Lhn< * ?=? ? . ci?cierk Plasterand.Oemsiifej,, .W. H. Cole, City Clerk. Glen ^ No. a Bot? Vbok j ' BY INS s f ' r In West; Virginia As Sho\ .by Report Issued by e Darst. s ?:?i n . .CHAJiJUEiaitON. June II.?A i liminary report of the Insurance 'S "pertinent, under the supervision >3 the state auditor, has just been jj sued. The report covers the y lfllL. flhavltLe th? nuiMhAr of tifn t _ , . ~ ? ~~~! " 1* teriial and other Insurance cairtpai )1 d' In* business in the state. It i shoiws Che amount of capital, amo at Insurance written by each cc pony, the number of policies last the amount paid, etc. The data t ~ applies to foreign Insurance comp les. The report shows that the amount of risks -written by tire surance companies Of the IJhl States fn the state of West Vlrgl during mi was W-2.9M.3dd; premiums paid, W, 88.6,677.39; losses pair, 11,146,-902.06; net loj Incurredr 61.030J289.80. The figures as to fire lnsura 'companies of other countries we Net risks Written 837,820.603.29; premiums received, 3610,100.03: losses paid, 33118,600.23; net los incurred, 3313:1,377.13. Another table shows the name the various life Insurance compan the .number and amount of pollc I issued, amount ceased; in force at I end of the year, premiums recel' r , and losses Incurred. This shciws largest number of policies was lssi US during the year by the Prudent >' the Metropolitan being second t IS the Equitable of Washington third. ye I the amount written' the p.,.,'." be al*o leads; with the MetropoH lj. second and the Equitable Ll-fe surance Society of New York thl jjg In the amount In force at the end jg the year, the Metropolitan was fi; jn tihe Equitable LJfe Assurance Socl . of Netw York second, and the Met " polltan third. Among the fraternal beneficiary IcletieSith.e greatest numiber was w; fen during the year by the Mod 8t Woodmen of America, the Mod .Brotherhood of America being sect "d and the American Workman, Washington, D. C.?t .third. In _ j. amount written by all fraternals, jl IS 350^715,3il. the Modern Woodman J America has $4,13 Oil ,000. Of the $1 a 1418,833 In force in a)l fraternals g the end of the year, 121,680,'500 i 'r In the Modern Woodman of Amer; the next being the Ancient Or 5" United American Workman of Wh< ** .. the Woodn of the World third, and the Knlg 1" of the Maccabees of the World foul d The mutqsl co-operative fire Ins It ance -ompanles authorized to trans It business In West Virginia, added ! e *416,1519 in risks during 1911, and 1 is In force at the end of the year $: 5*81,690, and ,pald In losses during year, $20,0120.50. jlAlMNGIt |c|news|i 'ljocal Elks Win. | The Clarksburg Elks duck team -went to 'Fairmont Tuesc night and played the-Fairmont El team on the Temple alleys, defe lng it in one of the fastest gat ever played between the two tear The Fairmont boys started like , winners getting a lead of flf two pins in the first game. The cals got back twenty-nine pins the second game, leaving It twen "three pins to the bad to start 1 last game, in this game IDresbi of the locals saved his team marking in the last box and finl ing the game with a score of 1< giving the locals a total of 520 the Falrmonters 49<6, beating th one pin in the contest: The trip, which was much ' joyed by all, was made in (Lee Jol son's Kissel touring car. Scores: Clarksburg Elks. " Wilson 75 '93 '1 OSJohnson ?6 1123 OT? (Morris 103 1100 llOil? Dresbach 116 il'2-0 13'1?1 Cay wood 83 '8? 126?1 Total J71 WO Id Pa mi out Elks. Harden 113 9i8" 1116? 'Wise '8 a 117 1100?i 1 Hyer 10? 92 ?4? : Henderson .... 115 99 100?i Stanley 118 >88 96?i Total 2?5 494.496 1< MEMORIAL SERVICES. . 'Adelphi Lodge, No. 8, I. O. F., will observe memorial eervi 3 Sunday afternoon. The memb : will meet at the I. -O. O. F. hall it 2 o'clock and march to the ce etery m a body. The members es cially are requested to turn out s J all transient and visiting Odd T lows are invtted to take part. 6.- - .4. ' ^ . .'William L Mowery, of Jarvisvll Mil'* efty Visitor. ( iURANCE ME 4* ;?vn ?og?ac8att?api^^ Baseball i?'fiecpQfttG?cp<*e?&<T<r<p&&'QtQtQpcriiPO>?psetP?/1 de" NATIONAL LEAGUE. ?' 1_ * Yesterday's Results. ,ra_ Boston 2, St. (Louis 1. lies Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati (3. ilso New York 8, Chicago (2. unt Pittsburg 16, (Brooklyn 4. rm,ed' ' Today's Games. Llso Pittsburg at Brooklyn. an" Chicago at New York. net Cincinnati at Philadelphia. In. St. Louis at Boston. ted . nla Standing of the Clubs, net W. L. net New York 35 8 aes Chicago 27 121 Pittsburg 2'4 1'9 noe Cincinnati 2<6 22 ,rej St. 'Louis ?2 28 Philadelphia ...- 18 23 (Brooklyn 14 ?8 Boston ' 15 i3'2 or les, + : _ >!ab - ?- ? ~ - ? V AMKHUMill LMUUIfi. 'he + Yesterday's Results. led Boston 4, St. Louis 0. la.]> Philadelphia 8, Cleveland 7. ind Washington 3, Detroit '2. In New York C, Chicago* 3. :lal 14111 Today's Games. New York at Chicago. roj Boston at St. Louis. rg( Washington at Detroit. ety Philadelphia at Cleveland. ro Standing of the Clubs, so- W. L. rlt- Boston 311 .18 ern Chlcagp 3120 . Washington :I29 21 )noj Philadelphia V . 2* 20 . ^Cleveland '24 '28 10,1 Dfetrolt 25 .26 of New York ^6 29 . >3,- St. Louis 13 35 I IK Ivts ' ' ' " th. Are Entered in a Numbei ur- Causes in the Circuit Court Here. md u . In the circuit court demurrer the been overruled. In the cause Frank Duffy iagainst JameB A. nlt? nr. J .tit Jc>. nn<1 pnu o,uu v>uot s aau iui tj uojd . been e defendants in w to answer.1 s Partition and dower assigni k werd SdlBlrined in the cause of \ ferson ID. Bassel, adminlstr: ' against Cree ill. Bartlett et al. ? An order filing Inventory of receivers' accounts was made In ' cause of the Greensburg Fin . Company against the Clarksi J* n Brewing Company. , Sale was confirmed in the cas ks the Parkersbnrg Banking and 1 a " Company, guardian, against Frt nes A. Pritchard, Jr. as" Fiahl decree was entered m 0 cause of the Union Land Com] ty" against David .K. Reed. Leave was given the plalntil the cause of Lennder B. Johi 'y" against Harriet A. Johnson to depositions, ich ] _ by 3h_ PILES CURED IN* 0 TQ 14 DAI Tour drugiglst will refund mon 3 ' PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure case of leaning, Blind, Bleedlni em Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 8tl~ "TV 1 ut ;r? m m V r"*n r lZ 5 SAXONIA?Put thi! sis 5 collar on today anc 2 have real collar com >97 5 lOrt. >8i 3"Saxonia" is designee ii4 53 on special lines?the besl !9G ZZ looking collar ever made ~ 5 t"iat gives anything like ? ZZ the same comfort. It is 53 cut low, of course?and ? it has ample space for A S the tie tn shnw ces mm You wilt make "Saxonla" ers SS your standby?like thousands of other men have done, once a 5 they tried this style. Made In im- ~ extra long sixes. 2 ^t/fon (pilar atWflwS ^ in Amen 25 2 tor 25c. Qosrtsr Suss He, S Uolud Shirt A Collmr Co, M*k?r?. Tn? |*?bg. nI where BSX II T) ?S | ; f I , / i I The R.< Pet. i Their I 5? J ,4-40 I 439 I r*-? W V gf 1. J. 1 ?+ -t Lvnch Building N - ii'j .490 -,i , 3. 50 : : ' . 27'1 - ' 4% Interest 4 EMPIRE has 9 MAIN AND,: ? I Capital $250,000 hich nent - . Jet- p|^nMppBpMj|| ator, Hvirill^XTfl 9 ; TO JL0AN99 the tl $10 to $100 FOE ANY AND ALL ;e ?l PURPOSES rust incLs Ij?a:is niadc on Clinttcl Sccurltj fSirnlture or Piano, Fixtures, MaclUn tJie ry, Vehicles, Etc. fany Terms Easy; Convenient A, Dollar or Two Each Pa} t in Day Will Suffice. ason CONCENTRATE YOUR BILES AN1' take ruve onlv one place to pay We solicit a personal in 7^ 'torview if you are in need oi { money. VVill give the exaci 'any *ost of any sum you require ; or jhow the easy and conveni sop- ant plan for repayment, ano mmi uuany other features whicl = tend to make more pleasant ~ the business relations witl SS 'iir patrons. = HOME LOAN CO MS Empire Bide Sixth F!Oorjell 'Phone 488. WPE"E. 'PHONE OK CALL. 1= IF IT IS J FIRE INSURANCE 'E YOU WANT > = i S You are looking for 1 D. K. REED = GENERAL = INSURANCE = 343 W. Pike St. S 2d Floor Reed Building g OPP. WALDO HOTEL . . , _ at 25 A little study of the Telegram van ids may save you a lot of puess wor' ? tbout that furnished room- yeu'r looking for. THE WOMEN GO | sward For Those 111 Who Buy. | Merchandise From 11 ,YNCH ?> GO- j | - 1 330 W. Main Street jj . WHYYOU SHOULD HAVE A ACCOUNT Because it encourages thrift, fosters saying and, helps .to build up a reserve fund, a bank account is advisable for everyone. Start an accou,nt today with the Empire National Bank. Paid on Savings Accounts NATIOMLIRtNK 1 FOURTH STS., CLARKSBURG, W. jj Surplus and Profits $145,000 Just Received FASHION'S f|pj AIP1I/PCT 11 31 I CREATION 11 A White Nubuck 1 B??ts flw/mf <U.OO Pair Jr J Don't let your feet look shabby, as the most costly gown will lose it's charm if the feet are poorly clad. A woman thinks of her appearance before everything else. She wouldn't be a woman if she did othcif-jg wise. She must obey the dictates of fashion, and fashion, by the way, is just as imperative in the matter of footwear as in the other requirements of feminine wardrobe. NEW TAN AND GUN METAL BOOTS Only when you have seen the new summer models can you fully appreciate the beautiful proportion secured bv a combination of the Frenchv short vamps ' C..11 J-l-J HJJVI uic araouu o giituei.uiij' xuuucieu uppers. , Price $3.50, $4.00 Highland Bros. & Gore Third St IXtlUSIVE SHOE FITTERS Third St I i