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| P I ralllS A I "Yob are\veicdme,',says I Arrow, Okla., "to use my leti | fl if ftwill.inducesotne suffering |; pains all over, and suffered v sicians failed to relieve me. I better health than ever before, IL because I suffered many year fl different kinds. What other I for a few days only." la take Cardui Don't wait, until you are Ing care of yourself. The sm, If 'eymptoms of womanly weakn worse to follow, unless given ; You would always keep - what quick and permanent rel and disease of the womanly to bear. Cardui has helped c Write to: Udic*' Advisorr Dept. Chi (or Special Instruction!, and 6i-pa*e book, "1 o. EtBKBKB M To_be ( By Exerts of the1 'Nation at . Congress to Bd Held in - 1 Atlantic Cfty. WASHINGTON, June 13.?Air the efforts that-have been made (In last decade to glee .the United States a syBtem of "public roads equal to the one ppsaessed by. Franoe will come to-a focus lq. Atlantic City from Sep-. tember 30 to October 8, when the ' American Rtoad CongTees holds IB flret anual session. The date and place for holding the congress have just been announced by Logan Wal 1: ' ler Page, director of the United States Office .of Public Roads and active president of the congress. The American Rood Congress will mark the consolidation of the coni ventions of forty of the most important road organisations In the United I States Including the Arnerioan As, soclation for Highway Improvement! . A Hot Cer For *C"| T . Is a good start, for th 1i: It tones up the svst 'tion of blood and helps th ' y- . form their 'work. Post Ti ' made from wheat, corn ai for breakfast. It has a delicious, ere ment, and is easily digeste ;' . Post Tavern Special pare?to be cooked same % l \ and served with sugar anc Sold by G-roce 1 ' Made by !' -t i.ii Cereal Oo. N Battle Cri . Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken I ter in any way you want to, I Woman to try CarduL I had I rith an abscess. Three phy Since taking Cardui, I am in and that means much tbtat, H s with womanly troubles, of treatments I tried, helped me H The ' I WomarftTonic I i t*. taken down sick, before tak- I all aches and pains, and other ess and disease, always mean H quick treatment i Cardui handy, if you knew lief it gives, where weakness I. system makes life seem hard I iver a million women. Try it Utanooga, MefUdne Ca. Chattinoogi, Tom.. H rtomeTreatmcBtfor Women." sent free. J51 H - ' : ? oblems Tackled * ? i- ' and the American Automobije Aaaoc| latloh. Atlantic City has tendered cue nee 01 cne million aouar pier for the great gathering and It is ther.e I that the* dally sessions will 'be held. President Taft Is the honorary presihas &* Its active president. Director Page and. for Its treasurer, Lee MtClung. treasurer of the United States. The National Association of Road Machinery ' and Material Manufac-' turers has voted to hold its exposition of materials and equipment In coajfinotfoa' with the; 'congress.. Among the members of the Manufacturers Association are many of .the largest manufacturing companies in the world. Every Industry relating to the building and care of roads and bridges will be represented, and It will be possible for the road builders and road users to acquaint themselves fully With all the labor saving levices, methods and formulas that ? ? : i (I eal Breakfast e day. cm?increases the cireulaie digestive organs to perivern Special ?a new food id rice is an ideal hot dish :aniy taste, rich nourislid. is economical, easy to preas old-fashioned porridge, 1 cream. rs in 15c pkgs. , Ltd., Pure Pood Factories, sek, Mich. piete set of miniature models fllustrating every known type of roads and miniature working models of rolls, crushers and various 'equipment operated by yriy electric mot-, ora. The governments priceless collection ot models showing the development of. transportation ~frojij the primitive human burden bearer to the uiuaeru u-uiouiwuiie ana locoujouve may alfo form a feature of tttp exposition,: . "Old TrtUs* exhibits recalling scene* along the, famous old roads anf trallB such as.. rTWf-; Old Cumberland Road" and -the !*Santa Fe Trails" will add pictur^squeness to the display. . One of the principal organisations composing the congreBB will be- the American Association for highway Improvement composed of about 1,50b men who are leaders id their respective llnek of activity throughout the United States. Interstate Commerce Commissioner James 8. Harlan, is chairman of the board' of directors; W. W. Flnley, president of the Southern Railway Company, is chairman of the executive comfllttee; Thomas Nelson Page, the noted author, is<cbairman of the membership oommlttee; and W. c. BroWn.-president of the Now Yor'a Central lines, is vice-president of the association. Thirty-flve Organizations , -fpr road improvement are identified with the BB8oclatlQH and twenty raiiroa# companies are giving it their Support. Thfe American Automobile . Association will represent at the! congress the large and ever increasing number I of road users, who. whl]? jhIiw, the difficult problem of road construction and maintenance because ot | motor traffic, are giving- a new im-.1 penance and uses to the roads and' are contributing heavily to road Improvement. - Tours, from all Important cities will be conducted by tbei association In time so that all1 will arrive-in- - Atlantic City on Bead Users Say. From Quebec'and Intermediate points will ^qme a great contingent oil-good roads enthuslastics whq ere stfflving ltor a'itrpat through international highway stretching from Quebec to Miami,'IHa.y traversing the entire American seaboard. These will be met at Atlantic City .by the southern, boosters who wilt come from Miami and Intermediate pointy -The arrangements for these tours'will be under the direction of the American Automobile Association and' the American Association for.] Highway Improvement. ' ' j The United States Is paying $1,000,-1 000 a day for our roads, more- than $300,000 of which, according to government estimates, 1s wasted. Some ot this country's-, roads are among the finest In the world; many of thefn. are the worst iojlhe world. It Is to. flnxi ways and mentis of stopping this' tremendous drain of. road revenues, and, of introducinlg the best possible' methods of management of construction and of maintenance that the leading engineers, chemists, fij nanclers, legislators, educators and eX6CUtlVAfl will ?_ .?*>* aooCUlUie HI* AllUQUC I City. The first two days of the congress will be assigned to the road , users ' under the auspices of the I American Automobile Association, the second^ two days to the great problems of legislation, finance and economies/Ymder the ausplcds of the American Association for Highway Improvement, while the last two days will be given up to the engineers who will discuss problems of construction and maintenance,; and to the various associations which will meet and map out their plans of action, correlate their efforts,. and make definite arrangements to pull together in the greatest campaign for road Improvement and wise conservative management ever undertaken. FESTIVAL 1 Of Amusement Will the Big - "'Buffalo Bill" Circus Here Tomnrrmw Re Under the personal managerial direction of Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill," their combined exhibition of the Wild West and Far (Bast to be here tomorrow, has become qne of the great arenlc attractions of the amusement world, differing as It does from anything preceding, j The Oriental apactacle, pirtlci-l pated ln_by peoplesNof all nations,' 'and Vndiginous animals of their vari-l ous countries, includes Prof. Gru-j ber's elephant, "Minnie," who displays unbelievable intelligence and educational attainments In a series of difficult feats In conjunction with a quintette consisting of man, lady. -v?v, |wii/ nuu uuk. i ne accurate portrayal o( Indian battles in an in-' terestlng manner, the attach on thd old' ox wagon train, stage coaeh tortyr^eentt fromnbe rsrr Eist, the old time f Ox ""hunt produced by tho wmmammg^ia on between man, horse and dog. I The troupe"' 61 Russian "peasant frhlrtwind{'dan<ftW,* m Jfieir elaborate aW hrnilaaf? <natta'e costumes, 'gives ^Very "aWsttc atnt- charming perfornfance, an'd is among the noveltie^- thls-sehson to lend freshness 'to older, "yOtnever-ttrlog basic gems that gW*i permanent value to Buffalo Bill's '.Y?ftd . West and'Pawnee Bin's Par Eist'. ' HOKEFKWTB1MDAD. il. T. Elder; a popular oil veil driller of this' city,' has returned' from the Island'"of Tf-inldad,' British West Indies, where he was engaged in his business for a.'number of years. He trill likely go to the Bermuda Islands In a few weeks to drill oil' wells there. John Jfawlon,\ot Sutton, Is In the city. I i . is ... TO CURE A COLD IN ONS DAT Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnla Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falla.'to cute, B. W. GROVE'S s'gns We i* on each box. atn. ; -V1.- , Women who ben1* children and remain healthy are. those who prepare their systems In advance of bt^y'a coming. * TJnTeaa the mother ' aids nature in its'pre-natal work the' crisis finds her system unequal to .the demands mado upon It, and Bhe is often left with weakened .health or chronic nttmonfa ~ Mh. .wTtoM-v .la , no. tnilv n. help -to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fall tp use if Paijl ^ discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elastic those fibres and muscles which nature Is ekpandins, prevents numbneas of llmbsynnd soothes tho lnflam ntatlpn of breast glands. The systehi being ..thus. Prepared by Mauler's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may- not Tie'1 Safely met! Mother's Frie'dd assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she Is left a healthy. , woman to enjoy the rearing of her sa .."SK Mother's drug atci'es: fmAnJ Write for our free,. * :f rltSIlfl book for ipmpfr r ' ant motherJ? .which, contains much .valuable ' information, and many ,sugI gestfons ofa^fitiliifdl nature: 8BAPFIEL8 RECtfLATbRCO.'. Atlasta, Cs. Curing (lie 'summer morilhii mothers ol young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When giveq prompt attention at this ti?u serious trouble may be avoided/ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea "Remedy 'can always be depended upon.- Oar sals by all dealers. * ,. . 1 ji'i* - . - .. = I I The Fair I m and 7/ Square if l Store ? $1.50 and $2.00 Princess sale Saturday at 98c $5.00 Silk Princess Slip ~ I $5.00 values, all wool tan "Whipcord Skirts . i Qfc $6.00 to $10.00 values, all eluding black aad blue. MB - r-1 ; V'. " ^ " WHERE THE ,-l? r?= ? ? ?w The Reward Who Their Merch; T. J. LYNG . - )('$ :IV - .1 | ^ !j M .1 'T Lynch Building 1 i ' -?m M r.i ' nflHHBnnflBBBc WHY * * HI advisable for i the Empire S 4% Interest Paid or ffiHI MAIN AND FOURTH STS., Capital $250,000 Su ?nd?nim i i ' ii " ii iirmrw rw?n^a?Bgaaflnn'TiWTHiiH'grnn V ". BnSBBBHBBHBBBHHHBBBE&iHHBKBMBMHBM gfe LADIES SWISSES jw au DRESSES m W 10.00 ID 12.00 ,,,V: - Iff VALUES >AU: m.u of those tp* ^ptJJ Siea^ AllJ^w ancl-.charming styles KIB.T ' Exact copies of $25 and $35 JGAINS modeIs:' , Skirts ' 1.98 65 00Z. GIRLS Jf *<?? WASH DRESSES A, s, black ijk\ .v |j blue mix- A L /? \n\i Skirts'... H-JlL i 1 AO The only store in ^*13^ ?*k/0 Clarksburg giving I j such values in girls' \L ' " ~ Wash Dresses. \>j gi*ey and " "V 339-41 W. Main St. colore, in- Hwne pUr. Co. ???? ' I I nil _^_ , ' ;:.y " _ F. ' 2? II For Those Buy indise From i h jdql-l ?^ ? -m** w . I | 330 W. Main /. j| YOU SHOULD WE A SANK ACCOUNT t encourages thrift, fosters saying and i ,9 . up a-reserve fund, a bank account-is ' '' ' i'M $8 everyone.. Start an acc'"with. p ational Bank. . 1 O n> < A * -* ? ? ? I OdVIIIgS AUUUUniS ONAt bank j v... , CLABKSBURG, W. VA. rplus and Profits $145,000 * t ?BMM?WW W?? i ?,r<- . . V. Ne w Styles ^gK| " I SILHWA1STS 'J3!M I $1-95 ? 1 4 i Sale of Pop- I tin Coats <1 $4.98 Values up to $10.00 Contrasting collars and cuffs . "?-warranted to wash. 165 WASH DRESSES A I 150 AND 2.00 1? um m &m.: IJH-ULU \y I 98C # 1' Friday and Saturday Percales, Ginghams and Lawns