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STRIH ENG i BALDWIN l 4 DEAD ^ Coal MaH at Paint Creek is Also Fatally Wounded by Strikers. GOVERNOR IS SENDING State Troops Back from the Annual Encampment at ah a. ira. \jrerna, ra. CHARLESTON, July 26.?With \ every source ot communication cut off from the mouth of Paint Creek c'car back to the Boone county line a distance of twelve mils?, the nai> row ravines forming almost an endleas chain of miners cabins and coke ovens while the steep hill sides arc In most places thickly woods*" affording safe protection to an attacking party, conditions in the strike section at beBt are chaotic. Not a word has come from above i the mouth of Paint Creek since yesterday afternoon, when an army of armed miners'Started up the croek from the Kanawha river. The 'last I attack was made two miles up where j they met Wlllam Springer, a Baldwin detective, and guards and William Phaup, chief of the Baldwin [ men in that section. Springer was | instantly killed and Phaup probably fatally injured. Later when a railroad crow came along and discovered the dead body and attempted to pick it up, the ambushed miners issued a warning that the attempt to take Springer's body meant instant death to them. I A Chesapeake and Ohio freight] train was held up last night by 100 | miners on their way to Paint Creek Junction. Sheriff 8. P. Smith went to the scene early this morning. We was unable to get up Paint Creek and no passenger or freight train has boen permitted by the armed miners to come out. That the guard and miners j were engaged in a p'tdhed battle was evidenced from the great amount of shooting heard from both' hillsides. Sheriff Smith immediately asked for troops. A company at Weston will be ordered to the scene by spec- ' ia! train and Governor Glasscock is ' expected to order the troops now at ' Jit. Gretna to return at once. 1 Wholesale slaughter Is feared be- I fore the troops can be sent to the 1 scene. ! What meager reports bearing an 1 authentic nature can be had from 1 Paint Creek ipolnt to a far worse con- < diton than at first appeared. William 1 W. Phaup, one of the men shot last ! night, d'ed at the Sheltering Arms ' hospital at Hansford this morning. * Governor Glasscock has ordered 1 Major James I. Pratt now at Mount I Gretna, Pa., to proceed with his I battallion to Paint Creek at once and 1 report to Sheriff Smith. The Weston company failed to get i Its orders not to go to Mount Gretna L and therefore is not available. - *. J Adjutant General Elliott is now at lk P Pcytonia, the scene of the rioting W WHITE MEN . ( Are .Hanged for Killing An Aged. Negro and His Two Children. NA&HVIUJB. Tenn.. .July 20.?Two , white men, George Sheldon and John m railey, were hanged here this morning for the murder of Ben Petti grew, an old negro, and his two children. The triple killing had been carefully. planned. Pettigrew and h's children j were shot down in a road. A d'spute i over land is said to have been the; murder motive. CHURCH DEDICATION. SAJDEM. 'July 26?The corner stone of the new Baptist church here will be laid August 8. Judge Tavener, of Parkersburg, has been invited to deliver Ihe oration. The work is progressing nlceiy on the new building, the foundation having been completed and most of the basement walls. :ing c AGE It DETECTIVE BY ARIVtE SEVEN GUi KILLEDj THIS LAD HAS BIG i; FUTURE BEFORE HIM j. E. Meredith. Just watcli J. E. Meredith, tho nineteen-year-old Mercersbdrg schoolboy, who broke tho 800-meter record at Stockholm and, continuing, smashed the half-mile record, too. He has a Brent future before him In the line of athletics. The speed which ho exhibited ut tho Olympic games was wonderful, and ho will doubtless break more records before hla .athletic cnrccr Is over. pfScher Fails to Get the Postoffice at Williamstown in Wood County, This State. WASHINGTON, July 26.?The lominatlou of the Rev. M. F. Kiger o be postmaster at Williamson, Wood county, W. Va . which has been before he Senate since last February has jten withdrawn by "Hie president. At he same time the nomination was lent to the Senate announcement .vas made that Paul H. Metcalf, postraster at that\jace, had been orderto removed. The nomination of Mr. Kiger had hardly been received by the' Senate when a request came that the ;on8rraation be held up. Since that ime no further steps have been :al<en to have tbh appointment confirmed or lo have it disapproved. It s understood that now that the nomination of Mr. Kigcr has boon' withdrawn Mr. Metcalf will roma'n I n the oUlcc. PAREMOCKED, Wlien Taken by Trainmen to the Scene of Killing of | Their Son. . ' BER1CA, 0.. July 21!.?Irwin Spencc, a huckster, and John Jackson were killed today early at a grade crossing by a Lake Shore train. Trainmen went to a nearby house for a1 I'ght with which to view the bodies. George Jackson and his wife accompanied them to the croslng. Thi Jacksons found the boy to be their son. SlTCESSFfL OPERATION". i Kittle Florence Gusman, daughter of STr .and Mrs. J. J. Gusman. underwent a delicate throat operatiou Thursday at the Showalter hospital. The operation was successful and she was able to be taken home the same evening. fONIMTMOX GRATE. TOKIO, July 26.?The condition of the Japanese emperor is regarded as decidedly grave today. iOAL n N BLO( : SHOT D MINERS )j?ns A BYMWERS i Among Them a Detective When Machine Gun is Blown to Pieces. QHARHjESTCN, July 216?'It Is learned from reliable sources that seven guards, among them ?1. W. Oaujot, a noted detective, and throe miners were killed this morning near Nucklow, when miners swooped down on men handling a Baldwin agency's machine gun. The machine gun was blown to pi'dbcs with dynamite. Gaujot, who was not instantly killed,'r pleaded to be taken to a hoj^ pital but the attacking forceB refused to show mercy. G0NAWAY it m i **_ r> .1 is t^nosen Dy marion county Democrats to Head Their County Ticket. Marion county Democrats have nominated the following county ticket: Sheriff?C. ID. Conaway. Judge of the circuit court?-"W. S. Haymond. Judge of the intermediate court? George Vincent. Assessor?James "W. Davis. Prosecuting attorney?Tusca Mor- ' ris. _ Superintendent ,lof 'schools?\V3Iliam P. Kennedy. I Surveyor?'Frank (Wilfong. County commissioner?'Dee Swisher. Members of the hodse of delegates ?C. IL. Shaver, BS O. Murray and W. B. Ice. GIANT TREE ** LI.i IIK Three Hundred and Sixty J Years Old is a Victim of on the Big Storm. k!i The giant, beech tree which stood sta on the lawn of.the Harrison place Til and was" the pride and glory of Broad ' Oaks, was blown down by the storm -ph Wednesday, it was 360 years old w and stood about seventy-five feet high. The trunk is ten feet, ten inches around three feet above the grouiicf~and about thirty feet of it remains standing. Some limbs extended horizontally thirty-five fee1 from the body, its branches covered Jpj a circle of earth whose circumfcrenco was 330 feet. Three other fine trees standing near it on the lawn felt at the same time. SHAVER'S SLAYER = t pu rei Is Taken to the Jail at Mor- mi gantown for ?afe TS : wr rtccpiug. MORGAJNTOAVN. July 26?Joo ln' jWlernan, the Italian accused or l>e jmurdering Police Ofllccr Otis Sha- of ver at Monongah several days ago, (la who was arrested at Grafton and t taken to the Fairmont jail, was Bejcretly brought to the Monongalia ]county jail here late Thursday night, Qj owing to the fear of the Mgrlon county authorities that a mob would storm the jail and lynch the accused I man. The trip here was made In an j,e, ! automobile, and every effort was tj? [made to have the transfer o f the g(l prisoner made with th^, utmost se- jjc crecy. tll( ????? br SIGNS mi.G, vie ' In .WASHINGTON, D. C? July 26? The president has signed the bill granting a pension to IFrank Shaver, ho of Monongah, and it is now a law. ODY^f CRAIC AND MERED&H VK075X. C5? VAJP30VCOP~5pper plcturo, : nlth of first heat In 8C winning lOC-j iARRYTH. REMAIN i - 4 istice Keogh Denies His Application for Release from Institution. OTIITB PIJAIN3, N. Y? July 2fi.? ;rry K. Thaw, in the eyes of the v, 'b riiii insane anil must remain I the asylum where he was placed! February 1, 1908 after he had led Stanford White, lustlce Martin .1. Keough of (he ite supreme court today donled aw'? application for freedom, rhe court loolt the ground that aw"s release would be dangerous public" safety. FLOOD VICTIMS i.Coal Mine Can Not Be Recovered for at Least Thirty Days. tbN.rONTOWX, Ta., July 26? ireman 'Buttermore, of the Surba coal mine at Evans Station, Id today that it would be thirty ys before ho could get the water mped out of the mine in order to cover the bodies of the fifteen ners drowned Wednesday. Two large steam pumps will be irked continuously -day and night. A search for the three men miss? in the Lemont No. 1 mine will started when the water is all out that working, which will be In a y or so. funeral V Mrs. Heed Will Be Held in the Reed Home Sunday Afternoon. rhe funeral of Mrs. Sarah Elizath McKnlght Reed will be held in ; Reed lionA on West Pike street nday afternoin at 3 o'clock. The v. Dr. H T. McClelland, pastor of 3 First Presbyterian church, will the minister to conduct the series. The body will be laid to rest the "03d Fellows cemetery, Mrs. Albert W. Rapp has returned me from Mt. I.tke Pnrk, Md . for a v days. : '* -,b . ' tSANt HTGtit -i.. ? i *. y; *. "jjj , -4- * ; i TWO HEROES -T S; EACH WINS FOR ff. 5 *#\ . . kV j ' * ' V : j U/UPefcvvetfP. ta-metre -ace; lower picture, Craip netre oaan. AW MUST IN ASYLUM REPORT Agreed upon by Senate Committee on Cannon Bills is Favorable. WASHINGTON, July 26?A favorable report has been agreed upon by the Sdnnte commltteo to which the bill was referred Incorporating three bills for the loan of brass cannons to as many West Virginia cities. The bills Included in the on? on which favorable report has been made were Senator "Watson's Mil- for Huntington, Congressman Hamilton's bill for Elizabeth and Congressman Brown's bill for Kingwood. I ELECTROiEO Is An Ice Man in Basement When Head Hits Wires in Fuse Box. PITTSBURG, July 20.?Peter Polus, aged 30 years, a man of great strength, was electrocuted in the I basement oi" a downtown restaurant th's morning in the presence of his brother, William. . Tho two were de iivonriB toe wnen Feter a Dead nit against wires in a fuse box. William grasped his body as lie foil and was also shocked. t WRECKED Special Train Bearing High Officials of C. & O. Road in Derailment. miKTINGTOX. Julv'26.?A SDeclal train on the Guyan Valley branch of the Chesapeake and Ohio, bearing 1 President George W. Stevens. Fourth Vice-President Caples, Superintendent Carey and other officials of the system, was derailed at an early hour tliis morning near Barboursvllle. The train was proceeding cautiously owing to the impaired condition of the track resulting from the heavy storm and 11 was d?tc to this fact that the accident did no! result In fatalities. VGUA ED BA WjNTHE( Accused by Wife of Jerrrole Treatment and He is Jailed by Mayor. Whan" Mrs. Frank GaylA-y, a Weston woman, was arraign^ with her husband this morning In police court or a charge of having been drunk and disorderly yesterday afternoon In West Pike street, for which Policemen Sappington, Mowe and White arrested them, she told a woeful tale of mistreatment at the hands of her husband, who, she said, had forced her to get drunk and had also at verlous times forced her to have Immoral relations with other men. Mayor Frank R. Moore, who presided at the session, remanded the husband to Jail for a further Investigation of tbe case and released the soman on her promise to return to Weston. A railroad ticket was purchased for her by the mayor'B order and she was sent to Weston on a forenoon train. Mrs. Gaylory carried a year-old baby with her. She deilared she was In mortal dread of her husband and would not live with lim any more. % A (Ino rtf /?"i Onrl AAafa twQex. nnlil Yvvr ?? ?UV yu uuu vuokO nou JIBIU U/ a fellow who was arerated' last night for drunkenness in the street and he ivas released. JOYJERS ' On a Trip to E'Bcras Are Experiencing Some Harrowing Incidents. ATter harrowing escapes ffom high waters and after being waterbounif the last two days, ? party of joy ridors is expected home this evening from a jaunt to Elklns. The mombers of the party are Calvin P. Howell, Fleming H. Holden, l&gar Hood and R. E. Gill, n mVl.J ?4 -i -? 1 a. pi/yuiai i uuu uirt'ct jcwcier, They are reported as having been stuck in the mud a number of times and in crossing streams they almost floated away. Details ot the trip as told by them are suye to prove extraordinarily interesting. Their many friends anxiously await their arrival home, but the last wbrd from them is re-assuring and they are expected to get here safe. PAPA CON WELL Is Happy But Disappointed as Stork Brought Giil Instead of Boy. Edward V. IConnell is a happy man but 'keenly disappointed. The stork did not consult his wishes Friday morning, when it brought a girl to his home on locust street instead of a boy. His Joy over being papa means that he will forego the pleasnre of going to Atlantic City this year, and he may never go there any more as the responsibilities of fatherhood weigh on him heavily and he may be an old man before he knows it. By the time the showers of congratulations cease he-will be completely worn out and the Telegram confidentially advises his many friends not to be too rough with him. It affords the Telegram great pleasure to state that the mother ana naoe are aomg wen. TROOPS IA3AVE. iA special train of a number of cars left .here at 7:20 o'clock Thursday evening carrying the Sutton, Weston and -Clarksburg companies of the West Virgin lactational Guard to the annual encampment at Mt. Gretna, Pa. I?. RAYMOND IMPROVING. Br. (Luther Raymond has gone from a Philadelphia hospital to 'Atlantic City and his condition Is reported improved. He wad In the hospital several -weeks. RDS i Ttle NAME IS JASE NOW I Honest "Cop" Says XJamb- I ling Section Sqra[|Cot Ofiters fi^:waiio. CREATES SENSATION 1 Solution of the ifftijfefip Plot for the Murder'of^Wsenthal at Hand. j NEW YORK, July 26.?The Bolutlon ot the Intricate plot that brought | gambler Herman Rosenthal to death that he might not tell more secrets of the relatione of the-polloe and gamblers Is near at haad. Deputy Police - Commissioner I Dougherty .will today give the third degree to "Dago" Frank Olroflol who the police say Is one ot the Rosenthal . slayers. j Olroflol was taken into custody late last night as he was' preparing to leave the city. Dletrlct Attorney Whitman Is sat- J lsfled with the progress being made In the grand jury investigation Into the relations between the gamblers ;|j and police. The testlftww .of Lieu- 1 tenant Costlgan known as the honest "cop" has created a sensation in po- 1 lice circles. Costlgan. declared that he did not believe any gambler's house could remain open without police protection. He said, that" the gambling squad took ordera only from Commjaeloner "Wfaldp. Later Costlgan In the presence of Commissioner Waldo denied that he s bad made" statements that gambling houses couM not remain open without police portectloh. j NEWSBOY TS FINED. Clyde Shlra", a newsboy, was fined $1 and costs Thursday 'evening In 3 Justice d! H. Cordon's, court fo? jumping aboard a moving tralh at the Baltimore and Ohio railroad station. <He paid the required sum i and was released. J. A. Campbell, railroad policeman, arrested him. "lif -1 ' Funeral Will Be Held in the Church of the Itnmaculate Conception. The funeral of Dennis Keough, who died on hie war to M?. Clethene, Mich., several days ago, will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock, the Rot. P. H. McDermott, rector, celebrating a requiem high mass. Burial will be in the 3 Holy Cross cemetery. The pall bearers wlH be V. E. Cocke, Frank Groves, William Dittman, John" Craig, Etnll Francois and William Moriarty. Members of Clarksburg Council, No. 872, Knights of Columbus, will jjj attend the funeral at the ehurch la a body. They will meet at their hall at 8:30 o'clock. HOWARD_HERE Is Chosen as One of the Grand Officers of the Colored Masons. CHARLESTON July 26.?The grand lodge of colored Masons closed Its meeting here after a three days' session. Up until the time of election of officers there were several spirited J contests for several df the portions, the liveliest being for master. H. H. | Ralley, of Montgomery; H. B. Hundley, of MacDonakl, and A. P. Straugher, of Hlnton. were the contestants. a But Straughter finally" got It by acclamation. 'hie other officers chosen are: Deputy grand master, Allen A. j DeHonney, of Charleston; senior grand warden, J. E. Howard, of Clarksburg. Junior grand warden, L. E. Johnson, of Keystohe; grand secretary, E. L. Rann. of ItacDonald: relief secretary, J. H. Bills, of Oak Hill; grand treasurer, K. H. Trent, of H'nton.