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jBMiawwl W$ii*jyi pt;c^ppeb,j i*r<*'rrrr'j ?? , 'a 1 .K'.ailJ iiii-.: '' una n? . .: " ffl UTA.XD BPO* TO* PRINCIPLES OT IMMDTABLS JDBTICB, '? ?> !?'? 4?'_4 ! ?i i*F5?ra<w^ wi Cooper's Clarksburg Register is published in . <aarkswirg, Va.. every Friday morning, at ta,00 por annum, In advance, or at tbe expiration of Hixmouthsfroja tie time df subscribing; after ., which#2,50 will ins-ariably be charged. No subscription will be reoelved Tor a less pe liod than six months. No paper will be discontinued except at the opr lion of the proprietor, until all arrearages are ?aid up?and those .who do pot oder their paper to be discontinued at the end of their term of subscription, will be considered as desiring to havo it continued. Advertisements will be inserted at (1.00 per square of .'twelve lines for .the first three inser tions, and twenty-five oenta for oach subsequent A liberal deduction on the above rates will be ?ade to those who advertise by the year. No advertisement countedloss than a square. The number of insertions must be specified, or the advertisement will be oontinued and charged aeoordingly, Announcements of candidates for office $2,0O. Marriages and Deaths inserted gratis. All communications, to| insure attention most ha aoetnpanied by the author's name and post *"? ? ? TRUE"BENEVOLENCE; Or, "It it Better to Give than to Receive." "And you atrip yourself of comfort, for the purpose of adding to this rich mer chant's gains ?" The widow replied with a flashed ?ht ek. "It may seem a light thing to you, but the though; that 1 am slowly and surely wiping every stain from my hus band's honor, is my greatest earthly com fort. V lr. Miner is his last creditor, and XJod will ing. every cent shall be paid." Her co relative responded with an emphatic * ' fiddlestick," and angrily left her presence ">? "At last hnve it," said a silvery voice, and a sweet face, glad and bril liant, brighten* 'd np the gloom. "Only see, n mother ! ten dollars all my own; ten more m aLte twenty; so we shall have a nice little . BuVn3 for Mr- Miner." Tears trembled on. the widow's lashes, and glitterd on her pal? cheek. " Is it to ho the price of thy li. my precious one?" frhe thought. "1st. ',e Clinker w?rra at tiie heart of my bfaut i,ful flu*cr ? Must 1 givo thee up to wear V* toil, a sacrifice upon the altar of duty \ 9 Can it be that requires it ?" knelt kt her mothv !r'8 feet- where she h..*** fallen with all thi ' abandon of a child, h.W .glance fastened to tlie 8bln'Bg 8 Lifting heT glance, she mi H ^at ?f her mother, full t?f anxiety, touch ed WIth 8ior" raw. A sud den smile brok u over ber delksatb featui ee. " I was only thinking of th L? endless things this mon.ty would buy?v loa * !?* so grave, m.a; su oh a beauty of a warm shawl for you", and a neat cnmsi ? cover for that untidy old arm cha.r; a b. *. ever so little, of carpot. tvo put down I >y bed. that your feOt uAay not teel thi> - cold floor; and a pretty cap, besides coal, tea, and sugar, and nice comi ble things. But nev er mind,' ?and ?ie sprang to her feet, brushed back her brown curls, and drew on her neat In tMe bonnet,?" never mind, I'll may be wr a book one of these d&iys? that 11 mal you and I rich. And, a'ear mother, yo ?? shall ride in your own carriage, and ma} be those that scorn us no**, only becauso we are poor, may be thank ful for our no tice. A truce to romance,'' she gravely continued; " stern reality te.Ua me to go directly to Madison street, find Mr. Miner, give him this twenty dollars, take a re ceipt, and then coma home and read and sing to. my mother." Hurriedly Eva prtsaed from hsr nouse along the narrow streets. As she went onward, street after street diverged into pleasant Width and pal'.ace-lined sple ndor. The houses of greatness and wealth glit tered in their marble beauty under their golden sun-light. Up broad steps, through portals carved and shining. pass-> ed the.timid steps of Eva Ste rn* At first the pompous servant smiled a contemptuous denial; but after a moment, perhaps softened by her childish simplici ty and winning blue eyes, he doeme it best not to deny her urgency, and she en tered this palace of a-rich man's home. Softly her feet sank into the luxurious hall carpet. Statuary, bronze and ma rble, lined all the way to the staircase. Abe splendor of the room into which she w *? ?ushered, seemed to her inexperience*. 1 sight too beautiful for actual use, and he who came in, with kindly glance and handsome face, the noblest specimen of manhood she had ever seen. " Well, young lady," said he, blandly GtuUingf " to whom am I indebted for this pleasure y "My Jather, sir, died in your debt," ?aid Bra blushingly, speaking very softly. " By tb? strictest economy and rery bard work, we, my mother and I, have been able to pay a)l his creditors but yourself. If you will be kind enough to receive the balance of yopr account in small sums? I am sorry th<?y must be small, sir?we c*?n in the courWof a very few years li quidate the debt, and then?we shall have fulfilled my father's dying wishes, that erery stain might, be wiped from his hon or." She paused a moment, and said again, falteringly, " My father was very unfortunate, sir, and broken in health for many years, but, sir, he was honorable, he wonld have paid the last cent if it had left him a beggar." Mr. Miner sat a while thoughtfully, his dark eyes fastened upon the gentle face before him. After a moment of silence, he raised his head, threw back the mass of curling hair that shadowed his hand some brow and said : " I remember your father well. I re gretted his death. He was a fine fellow ?fine fellow," he addod, musingly; but my dear young lady, have you the means ?do yon not embarrass yourself by ma king these payments Eva bluahhd again, and looking up, in geniously replied, "I am obliged to work, sir, but no labour would be too ar duous that might save the memory of sueh a father from disgrace!" This she said wiih deep emotion. The rich man turned with a choking in his throat, sad tears glistening on his lashes. Eva timidly held out the gold pieces ; he took them, and bidding her stay a mo ment, hastily left the room. Almoat instantly returning, he handed her a seated note, saying, " There is the receipt, young lady, and allow me to add, that the mother of suoh a child must be a happy woman. The whole debt, I find, is nine hundred and seventy dollars. Tou will see by my noto what arrangements I have made, and I hope they will be sat isfactory." Eva left him with a lighter heart, and a burning cheek at his praise. His man ner was gentle, so fatherly that she felt he would not impose hard conditions, and it would be pleasant to pay one so kind and forbearing. At last she got home, and breathlessly sitting at her mother's feet, she opened her letter. Wonder of wonders?a bank note enclosed; she held it without speak ing, or looking at its value. Read ft," she said, after a moment's bewilderment, placing the letter in her mother's hand?*? here are fifty dollars ; what can it mean ?" " This," said the sick woman, bursting into tears, " is a receipt in full, releasing you from the payment of your father's debt. Kind, generous man?Heaven will bless hini?God will shower mercies upon him. From a grateful heart I call upon the Father to reward him for this aot of kindness. Oh I what will we say, what shall we do to thank him ?" " Mother," said Eva, smiliBg through her tears, " I felt as if he was an angel of goodness. Oh, they do wrong, who say all who are wealthy have hard hearts.? Mother, can it be possible we are so rich? I wish he knew how happy he ha3 made us, how much we will love him whenever we think or speak of him, or even hear him spoken of 1" " He has hound two hearts to him for ever." murmured her mother. "Yes, dear Mr. Miner ! little he thought how many comforts wo wanted. Now we need not stint the fire; we may buy coal, and have one cheerful blaze, please God. And the tea, the strip of carpet, the sugar, the little luxuries for you, dear mother; and the time, and very few books for myself. I declare I am so thankful, I feel as if I ought to go right back and tell him that we shall love him as long as we live." That evening the grate heaped with Lehigh gave the little room an air of rud dy comfort. Eva sat near her, her curls bound back from her pure forehead, indi ting a touching letter to their benefuctor. Her mother's face, lighted with the loss of cankering care, shoue with a placid smile, and her every thought was a prayer calling down blessings upon the good rich man. In another room, far different from the widow's home, but also bright with the blaze of a genial lire whose red light made richer the polish of costly furniture, sat the noble merchant. ," Pa, what makes you look so happy?" asked Lina, a beautiful girl, passing her hand over his brow. " Don't I always look happy, my little ' Lina 1" " Yes, but you keep shutting your eyes i ind smiling so and her bright face re jected his own. "I think you've had gi jmething very nice to-day ; what was it ?" "Does my little daughter really want to know what has made father i-o happy ? Here is my Bible; let her turn to the Acts of the Apostles, 20th chapter, 35ih verse, and read it carefully." The beautiful child turned reverently the pages of tho holy book, and as she read, she looked up in her father's eyes : " ? And to remember the words of, the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more bless ed to give than to receive.' " "Ah. I know," sho said, laying her ro sy cheek upen his hand ; "you have boeB giving something to some poor beggar, as you did last week, and ho thanked you, and said, 'God bless you,' and that's what makes you happy." Lina read a confirmation in her father's smile?but be said nothing, only kept re peating to himself the words of the Lord Jesus, " It is more blessed to give than to .receive." Cost or English Papers.?The Lon don Dewtmea furnish the Times or Post on the day of publication for $5 75 a quarter. For the Herald $8 60 a quar-1 ter is charged. The second edition of the?, London Times, Sun, Globe or Standard is furnished for $7 50 a quarter, or $30, a year. Copies of the Times, one day old, are furnished, at $4 a quarter,, so that the difference in the cost in England be tween a paper o( the latest edition on the day of publication, or the day next suc ceeding, 19 equal to the subscription price of the largest commercial newspaper in the United States. A file of the London Times taken in this oountry costs about $62 a year, or nearly seventeen cents for eaoli copy of the paper. The English pa pers are conducted on the cash system ex clusively. They hare no subscribers, but are furnished to neirsmen by the ream, who supply " patrons" in the city and country districts. ?3T An old lady had a favorite nephew who was a student at Catherine Hall, and about whom she was very anxious. She inquired of his tutor how he conducted himself. " Oh, very well indeed madam," re plied the tutor, " he sticks, to Catherine Hall." ? " Stioks to Catherine Hall, does he ? the young reprobate; But hiB father was just like him?always fond of th? girls." . . - ?? . 1 -' .? SC3T The Late Catholic Fair at Crystal Palace, New York, it is said, has realized $30,000, clear of all expenses. The pro* ceeds are to be devoted to tbe enlarged ment of 'St. Vincent Hospital. . i' For the Register. A JUVENILE CHRISTMAS SONG. Hail merry Christmas I cheerful lays Shall oelobrate thy worthy praise; We'll join with gloo the merry throng, That echoss loud the Christina* song. The Harp we'll tone in loudest strains, And echo far o'er hill and plain The joyful news?'tin Christmas day 1 Be blithe fair earth, each heart be guy. We've lain asido each anxious care, With heart and hand its pleasures share: Are any Bad, seek yo relief) Come, join our throng, forget your griof. Come, give your hand, 'tis Christmas day, Join in the concert, march away? With us proclaim your liberty, And publish far tho jubilee. Come, parents, join us, one and all; We here are equal, great and small, Come, teachers, join our happy throng, And help us sing our Christmas song. We inarch, wo sing so moriily, Our hearts are gladsome, light and free, Our hurps and hearts in cheorful lay, Alike proclaim, 'tis Christmas day. ? ? St. Qeohoi, Tuoker oounty, Va. ETHAN ALLEN IN CAPTIVITY. Among the episodes of the Revolution ary war none la more strange than that of the queer genius, Ethan Allen. In England, the event and the man being equally uncommon, Allen seemed to have a curious combination of a Hercules, a Joe Miller, a Bayard, and a Tom Hyer. He had a person like the Belgium giant, mountain music like a Swiss, and a heart plump as Ccour de Lion's. Though born in New England, he exhibited no traces of her character, except that his heart beat wildly for his country's freedom.? He was frank, bluff, companionable as a harvest. For the most part Allen's manner while in England was scornful and ferocious in the last degree, although qualified at times by a heroic sort of levity. Aside from the inevitable egotism relatively per taining to pine trees, spires and giants, there were, perhaps, two special, inciden tal reasons for tho Titanic Vermonter'a singular demeanor abroad. Taken cap tive while heading a forlorn hope before Montreal, he was treated with inexcusa ble cruelty and dignity. Immediately upon his capture, he would have been de liberately suffered to have been butcher ed by the Indian allies in culd blood up on the spot had he not with desperate in trepidity availed himself of his enormous physical strength by twitching a British officer and using him for ?' target, whirl-* ing him around and round against the murderous tomahawk of the savages.? Shortly aftorwards, led into the town fenced about with bayonets of tho guard the commander of the enemy, one Col. McCloud, flourished his cane over his captive's head with brutal insults, pro mising hira a rebel's halter at Tyburn.? During his passage to England in the trttnu ?iiip wherein went passenger Col. Guy Johnson, the impUoable Tory, he was kejjt heavily ironed in the hold, and in all respects was treated as a mutineer; or it may be, rather as a lion of Asia, which, though caged, was too dreadful to behold without fear and trembling, and conse quently cruelty. And, no wonder, at least, ior on ono occasion, when chained hand and foot, he was insulted by an of ficer with his teeth ha twisted off the nail that went through the mortice of his hand cuffs, and so having his arms at liberty, challenged the insulter to mortal combat. Often when at l'endennis castle, when no other reveugement was at hftnd he would hurl on his foes such a howling tempest of anathemas as fairly shook them into re treat. Prompted by somewhat similar motives on shipboard and in England, he would often make the most vociferous al lusions to Ticonderoga aud the part he played in its capture well knowing that of all the American names Tioonderoga was at that period by far the most famous and galling to Englishmen. Israel Potter, an exile American, while strolling around Pendennia Castle, where Allen was confined, chanced to hear him in one of bis outbursts of indignation and madness, of which the following is a spe cimen : *? Brag no more, old England ; consid er that you are only an island I Order back your broken baUallions, and repent in Hshes 1 Long enough have you hired Cories across the sea?lorgotten tho Lord their God, and bowed down to Howe and Kniphausen?the llessian 1 Hands off, redskinned jack&ll ! Wearing the King's plate, as I do, (meaning, probably, cer tain manacles.) I have treasures of wrath against you British." Then came a clanking, as of chains 1 many vengeful tounds, all confusedly to gether. Then again the voice. " Ye brought me out here, from my dungeon, to this green, affronting yon Sabbath sun, to see how a rebel looks.? But I'll show you how a true gentleman and christian can conduct in adversity.? Back, dogs 1 respect a gentleman and a christian though he be in rags and smell of bilgewater. Yes, shine on glorious Bun it is the same that warms the hearts of my Green mountain boys, and lights up with its rays the golden hills of Ver mont 1" Filled with astonishment at these words, which came t'rom over a masiivo wall, in clading what seemed an open parade space, Israel pressed forward, and soon came to a black archway leading far within, underneath, to a grassy tract, through a tower. Like two boar's tusks two sentries stood at, either side of the ar<;h. Scrutinising our adventurer a mo ment they signed him toeqter. Arriving at the end of the arched way, Whe,i$ ^he sun shone^Jtrael stood trans fixed at tho scene. Like some baited bnll in the ring, crouched the gigantic captive, handcuffed Serf h ' he/ra8a of the green tram ped and gored up a<l about him. both by h? own movements. and those <jf the peo mSS' Exoept some soldier. Pand ailor., these seemed mostly town's oao pie. collected here out of ouriosity. The* Borrv20' oa^8ndUh,7 arrayed in tLe sorry remains of a half Indian, half-Ca nadian sort of dress, consisting of a fawn skin jaoket?the fur outside and hanging m rugged tufts-a half rotten bark like I ! , f ^ Pnm : aged breeches of sa 8 'ny , the darned worsted stockings S3 55, ^ tJ,e kT-: old mocca8iQ?. nd aled with holes, their metal tags yellow with salt water rust; faded ref woollen bonnet, not unlike a Russian night cap, Z^^atTy?TgUi0ed ful1 mooa' ?>l soiled and stuck about with half rotten straw . unshaven beard, matted and pro - 88 a?ornfield beaten down by haU H? r'ol" m?r.d aspect W.Tof J."!,.".:ror""d m'ui" niJj,tAJe' "afe ' 8tare ' thou but last hull eg mo out o( a 8l??P'? hold hke a smutty tierce, and this morning out of your littered barracks there like a mur at Eth? T l.hat yoU stare at Ethan Ticonderoga Allen, the conquer ed1 soldier by-! fOU Turks never saw a Christian before. Stare on 1 I am he who. when your Lord Howe wanted to bribe, a patriot to fall down and worship him by an offer of a major generalship, and five thousand acres of choice land in ll^V 'hree 'ime9 three {or glorious Vermont and the Green Moun tain boys ! hurrah I hurrah ! hurrah 1? 1 am he, I say, who answered your Lord Howe; You, you offer our land ? "You !fl I V j - in SoriPture. offering curirf k,D??0?8 In the world, when the cursed soul had not a corner lot on earth!" Stare on. I say 1" '\L,00k. y?u rf,bel you, you had best heed how you talk against General Lord Howe, here I ' said a thin, wasp waiated epauietted officer of the castle, coming near and flourishing his sword about him like a schoolmaster's ferrule. . General Lord Howe ? , Heed how 1 talk of that toad-hearted king's lick-spit tle of a poltroon! the vilest wriggler iu God s worm home below. I tell you the hordes of red haired devils are impatient ly shouting to ladle Lord Howe with his gang?you included ; into the aeethingest syrups of Tophel'a hottest flames." At this blast tho wasp waisted officer was blown backwards as from the sudden ly burst head of a steam boiler. Stag gering away with a snapped spine, he muttered something about iu being be neath his dignity to bandy forth words with a low lived rebel. " Co?f. come, Colonel Allen," here said a mild looking man. in a sort of cle rical undress, "respect the day better than talk thus of what lies beyond. Were you to die this hour, or what is most pro , J ho hung week at Tower wharf, you know not what might become ot yourself. & "Reverend sir." said Allen, with a mocking bow. "when no better employed than braiding my beard. I have dabled a little in your theologies. And let mo tell you,reverend sir," lowering and intensify ing his voice, "that as to the world of spirits oi which you hint, though I know nothing of the mode or manner of that world no more than you do I expect when I arrive there, to be treated as any other gentleman of my merit. This is to say. far bettor than you British know how to treat an honest and a meek-hearted christian, captured in honorable war, by ?-. Every one tells me, as yourself just told me, as crossing the sea. every billow dinned in my ear?that I, Ethan Allen, am to be hung like a thief. If I am, the Great Jehovah and the Continential Con gress shall avenge me, while I. for my part, will show you. even on the tree, how a christian gentleman can die. Mean time, sir, if you are the clergyman you look, act your conaolitary function by get ting an unfortunate Christian gentleman, about to die, a glass of punch." The good natured stranger not to have his religious courtesy appealed to in vain immediately dispatched his servant, who stood by, to procure the beverage. At this juncture a faint rustling sound, as if the advancing of an army with ban ners, was heard. Silks, scarfs, and rib bons fluttered in the back-ground. Pres. ently a bright squadron of bright ladies drew nigh, escorted by certain out-ridine gal]tints of Falmouth. " Ah," said a strange voice, " what a strange sash, and furred vest, and what lcoapnrd-like teeth, and what fl&xon hair, but all mildewed ; is that be ?" " Yes, it is, lovely charmer," said Al len, like as Ottoman, bowing over his broad bovine and breathing the words out like a lute ; " it is he?Ethan Allen, the Boldier ; now, since ladies' eyes him, made trebly a oaptive." " Why, be talks like a beau in the par lor?this wild mossed American from the wood," sighed another lady to her mate; " but can tbis be he we came to see ? 1 mast have a lock of liis hair." " It is he, adorable Delilah ; and fear not, though excited by the foe, by clip ping my look to dwindle my strength.? Give me your aword, man," turning to an officer?" ah, I'm fettered. Clip it your self lady." ?? No, no, I am?" " Afraid, would ypu say I Afraid of the sword?friend and champion of all the ladie", all round the world ? Nay, nay, come hither." The lady advanced; and soon over come her timidity, her white hand shone like a whipped foam among the waves of flaxen hair. " Ah. (his is like clipping tangled tags of gold lace," she cried, " but see, it is half straw." ; s . v "But the wearer is no man of straw, la dy ; were I free, and you had tdi thoa~ sand foes, horse foot and dragom??hows ' like a friend I could fight for you ! Come you have robbed me of my hair let me | rob the dainty band of its price. Whal ! afraid again ?" " No, not that, but?" _ " I see, lady ; I may do it by your leave, but not by your word?the wonted way of all the ladies. There, it is done. Sweeter that Iciss than the bitter heart of the cherry." When at length this lady left, no small talk was had by her with her companions about some way of relieving the lot of bo knightly and unfortunate a man, wheres upon a worthy, judicious gentleman of middle age, in attendance suggested a bottle of wine every day, and clean linen every week. And these the English wo men?too polite and too good to be fas tidious?did aotually send to Ethan Al len, so long as he tarried a captive 10 their land. The withdrawal of this company was followed by a different scene. A. perspi ring man in top boots, a riding whip in hand, and having the air of g prosperous farmer, brushed in like a strfcy bullock, among the rest for a peep at the giant having just entered, through the arch as the ladies passed out. " Hearing that the man who took Ti conderoga was here in Pcndennis Castle, I've ridden twenty-five miles to-day for lo see him and" to-morrow my bro ther will ride forty fyr the same pur pose. So let me have the same look, Sir," he continued addressing the captive, " will you let me ask you a few questions, and be free with you?" " Be free with me ? With a\l^ my heart. I love freedom above all things, I'm ready to die for freedom ; I expect to. So be as free as you please. What is it ?" L . ?? Then, sir, permit me to ask what is your occupation in life 1 in time of peace, I mean." .. .. . ?? You talk like a tax gatherer," replied Alien, squinting diabolically at him. '? What is my occupation in life ? ^ Why, in my younger days, I studied divinity, but at present I am a conjurer by profes sion." Hereupon everybody laughed, as well at the manner as the words, and the net tled farmer retorted. '? Conjuror, eh ? Well, you conjured wrong that time you were taken." "Not so wrong, though as you British did that time 1 took Ticonderoga, my friend." At this juncture the servant came in with a bowl of punch, which his master bade him give to the captive. " No 1 give it to me, sir, with your own | hands, and pledge me as a gentleman* to | a gentleman." | " I cannot pledge a state prisoner, Col Allen, but I will hand you the punch with my own hand, since you insist upon it. ?? Spoke and done like a true gentlo man ; I am to you." Then recoiving the punch into his man acled hands, the iron ringing against the chain, he put the bowl to his lips, saying, " I hereby give the British nation cre.iii ( for half a minute's good usage," at one , draught emptied it to the bottom. " The rebel gulps it down like a swill ing hog at the trough," here scoffed a lusty private of the guard off duty.^ ?' Shame on you," oried the giver of the bowl. . '? Nay, sir, his red coat is a blush to him, as it is to the whole British army." Then looking derisively upon the private, "you object to my way of taking things do you ? I fear 1 shall never be able to ] please you. You objected to the way, | too, in which I took Ticonderoga. and the I way I meant to take Montreal. Selah ! but pray, now I look at you, are you not the hero I caught dodging around in his shirt, in the cattle pen inside the fort .? It was the break of day, remember." ?? Oome, Yankee," here swore the in censed private, " cease this, or I'll tan your old fawn skin for ye with the flat of my sword for a specimen laying it lash wise but not heavily across the cap tive's back. . Turniog like a tiger, the giant, catch ing the steel between his teeth, wrench ed it from the privates grasp, and striking it with his manaoles, sent it spinning like a ju"glers dagger into the air, saying, "lay your dirty coward's iron, on a tied gentleman again, and these," lifting his hand-cuffed lists, " shall be the beetle of mortality to you." The now furious soldier would have struck him with all force, but several men of the town interposing, reminded him that it was outrageous lo attack a chain ed captive. " Ah." sBid Alen, " I am accustomed to that and therefore I am beforehand with you ; and the extremity of what I say a 'ainst Britain is not meant for you, kind Trienda, but for my insulters present sod to come." Then recognizing among the interpo sers the giver of the bowl, he turned with a courteous bow, saying : ?? Thank you again sod again, my good sir; you may not be worse for it; ours is aa unstable world, so that one gentleman never knows when it may be his turn to be helped of another." > . . j But the soldier still making a riot and the commotion growing general, a supe rior officer stepped up, who terminated the scene by removing the prisoner to the cell, dismissing the townspeople, with ell strangers, Israel among the rest, and do ling the castle after them. Gkttixo Rbajjy.?A rich o!d spinster who died at Newton, N. Hampshire, left $38,419- She waa all her life getting read j to be married, and had stored up 182 sheets, 63 coverlets. 50 blankets, 27 beds with 1120 JJtftgitf fealhera^M jpil ' 43 handkerchiefs while the 8 do we find daring a long life A Short Story. We mutt woik. Many who bwe b?H fortunate in business,-and having early acquired wealth, havn xeUjed from the active pursuits of life, to^fiod what they call ease, have found instead accumula tion e( cares and evils, real and.immagi nary. which they never supposed to be connected with a lif? of idlflneis, There for instance, it our friend Coffee, fon*?any years one of thfi firm of Coffee, Rice os Co.. wholesale grocers in South street. Coffee commenced business in early me. and being enterprising and energetic, and ?? asT>usy as a bee," the business pros pered and the firm became widely kno*n for their successful trading. After Coffee had been in business for about twenty years he conoluded that he would retire from active life and spend the rest of his days (he was only forty-five) in some ?e? luded spot, where the fluctuations of pork and molasses, would disturb his quiet soul no longer. He would not be an an chorite, not he. He loved good living and good society too well for that. He would build himself a mansion in the country, far away from the noisy sound and noi some smell of South Street. He would provide ample accommodations for his friends who might come to partake of hts .rood cheer, and he would lead a pleaBant | and easy life. Such were his plans. But alas, poor Coffee ; whilst thou was ac quainted with all the iuns and outs of trade, thou was't ignorant of thine ?wn self. The partnership was dissolved, the site for a house selected, and in time, a splen did mansion was built. It was the most, elegant mansion in all those parts, ihej honest rustics gazed iu astonishment on | the evidence of wealth displayed, the | country storekeeper congratulated him self on the probable acquaintance of a, customer, the village d..ctor calculated on nn additional patient, ?vhile the poor par son rejoiced in I,is heart that there was a probability of a retired merchant. Jjor the first month everything went on admi Coffee had enough to keep him at work arranging mutters around the new pHce. and izetuug everything in proper order for permanent use. But when all tbis was accomplished, time hung heavily on his hands. There was nothing to keep him employed?for all the work on his place was done by hired hands, and he was determined to be free from all qare. he even employed a man as overseer over the whole. The sum total of Coffee s daily occupation was eating, drinking, and sleeping, with a little reading and an occasional riJe. It was not long before symptoms of dyspepsia and of gout ap peared, and after suffering months of un told agony, he left Lis splendid mansion I for " the narrow house appointed for all ! living." Poor fellow! He died because he had nothing else to do. I Then there was hirf neighbor Lipstone, who tried hard to keep souls into the bodies of himself and wife and eight children, by daily plviiifi his honest nade of *Uoe making Lapstone'* hutnDio house wa, almost under the shadow ol the great mansion, and he often sighed, as he look ed up from his leathei seat, and saw the rich Coffee whirl rapidly by in hia splen did coach, and was as often tempted to break the tenth commandment, and ed himself away from his wax ends and awls, and in possession of some of bi* neighbors riches. True, Lapstone was in comfortable circumstances, though he was a poor man. He bad a little garden patch where he could labor an hour or two every day and while^ providing or his table, he prepared himself by out door exercise for the in-door confinement of his trade. Then bis wife was a per fect model of a woman, frugal and indus trious. while tbe eight young Lapstone s were hearty and robust, and some of them old enough to help in the shop, But Lup stone had fancied, as he saw the wealth and show of his neighbor, that it was ? fine thing to be rich and lake the world easy. Therefore he had sighed when hut neighbor rode lazily along in a carriage, while bo sat for ten hours a dAy ham mering sole-leather. But when, at length. he saw the funeral train which Carried the rich idler to bis long home, he came to the conclusion that health uxu bftUr than wealth, and contentment more to he devred than great riches. And that's the moral of this story. Dok't WoRBT.-When Bulstrode While look was embarked >t Cromwell's envoy to Sweden, in 1763, he was much distur bed in mind a* he rested in Harwich, on the preceding night, which was very stormy, while he reflected on the distrac ted state of the nation. It happened that a confidential servant slept in an adjacent bed, who finding that his mnsler could not sleep, aaid? " Pray, sir, will yoa give me leave toi ask you a question V " Certainly." " Pray, sir don't you think God gov erned the world very well before yoa came into it V " Undoubtedly." " Pray, sir, don't -on think that He will govern it quite as well when yoa ate gone out of it 1" " Certainly." " Then, sir pray excuse me : bat don't you think yon any as well trust Him to govern it as long a* yon live ?" To this question Whhelock bad noth ing to reply ; bat tarning aboet eooo fell asleep. tiU hrf was summoned to embark. ? j " Cms a? Moo." An exchange p* per aaya that?f iranaeaadodtalism te-tho spiritual cognoioenoe of phyebelojpeal irrthngMiitf. conneeted with boncttliMl ademption of nneohusnient spjriamlity ooncretion." The wonnds of th.; foul ? Lonkl cared before thoee of the body. M?r. ujm.HBUmb?re<l him, exceedingly pleasant u>iL^t>t^*8s'>r'>nCB At th%uino_we boarded sum* iwo womhk *, *'d wbo oould not gtym. dollar from kij jfr lastebo ifaought^he ?T2J?i! ?wM?po?aMjidi;?#d for th*t Durz?: nailed his room. She found onlvlS^ 'y lrunk which ?u immediately ol?j!!?Pj kranotherboarder Shu ?? .?. ed as to her course of action. nd At dinner that day. when all the bo? der?. we? pr*?en.^he tbua accosted h?T J~ *? !* must raquest you to leave the house, as I want your room for Jn!! ing board er." ^wt'wapay. lie didn't move a muscle < he ... perfect wall of braas. * * " I trust you nil] g^ to day," eon tin n finished his dinner. I suppose ha Blow at the Hoot??A few day, .h?? an a Ruxbury fHend. at the oloee of Mil Inbors of the day, was enjoying a oomfort * "d" borne from his office in the eitr iu an omnibus partly filled with ladle#, a gentleman upon the sidewalk signalled t ie driver to atop. and. throwing op.,, the door, sprung ,uto the vehicl* f?J first step towards ? ,8H,, unfortunately tlou 01 the coach, brought his right foot .n oontuct with" a lady', dm.; ??d k? w th a hajty expression, he >trove to ex^ incate a from the embraces or the hobp waa huddenly plunged forwwd, ^dPn a twinkling fyun<l W- j?fl foQl ?? Z r,l|U,"tlL .<JU,"";olion wilh * >??on *>n e oilier side. This k? more than bur Wo lin.l bargained for. For a moment e seemed <mrly nonplussed. ?? flood boavena, juadaiu 1" said he . and then uegouely pulling lhi lrRp h# fatop. driver I stop \ ttop f ??,? I I thought 1 was getting into an otnoibQs. 1 fi,ui U * ? coop* thop /?Portfolio. thitv^?!0U"'r&ast"wii?0? Memsto think that as there an more newspapers in Massachusetts than m any southern ?iate. she must Im the most intelligent There is a much larger proportion of for eigners in Massachusetts than in any eon State, and Massachusetts publishes moje uewspapers than any southern JHate tbe.efore the circulation of newipapsraU ? proportion t0 the number of foX,.? 11 * We submit that our argument i* as geod as bis. ? But the faqt is that nearly every read* in the South takes on. or mora of O.oso Yankee papers, and is thnsait. ting arguments against his own ?eotianln to the mouths of the abolitionists. Xhey Ijel our money to support their papers and then swear that our people are aSses' because tbey don't .upporYso ?nany mw. papers as the Massachusetts men do f JTulrm^t tr.-?.' rrT. ?cn ao | Fairmont Virginian. D.?T*'.' a* Osatou.?During ?111 ?'"otiooof 1844. apolN tlclan somewhere in NewHampsblre was making a speech, and o^ecting very ?trongTy tp the election of tfenry Slav done he began to glorify hi. own party, as small in numbers, but destined to achieve great things. Ile compared itio David going forth wi(l, sling and stone, to the combat wuh the gigantic Gotfsb Pificg up the elbqticnce, he reached the climax at )as?, snd cried out? k1'?" f''? a iU4[- ,tr" c*?? in shrill tones from one of tbe assembly. The orator "shut up" immediately. A Good A?oooT*.-The followintr oon i venation was overheard among ?? the volunteers of the ltio Grande." * 8cei. night. Two volunteers wrapped in blan ket. and half buried In mod. Voluntaer ' ? J"?- how come yon to volunteer f" Volunteer 8d : ?? Wby. Bob, fofl see I bave no wife to care a red coot for me and so I volunteered?and. besides, > ' Now tell ue bow yon came out here ?" Volunteer let: " Why tb? fact?, yon know, I _I_i harri got a wife *?.. 1.5aaiw oot bere because Ilfk* P?iC4 Hereupon both thk volunteers turned over in their blaokete, gotV new plaetering of mud. and went to sleep.'' Tbvuiw IvciDKirr.?A few d?y? * Mrs. ttaydem, of Orubj, New Yc h*-?Rog a shriek from th* well; dbeover* ed ber Utile boy sioklog i^tb eighteen feet below the ground.' 8f ' mediately sent Cor iuiiMqee, bat it csme descended into lh? ? " the caught the drowning ebltd 1 &nd held itim oitt of the wtlfr. child, four ud ? half years old, to the bom, emptied tbe'Wa pail, hooked it on the pole end low* into the well. TLia proving of no 6se the mother thought.'bs mart the ebild or drown heroelf, ft desperate effort aba die per.y fowt end; rai*ed 11 woe/i Ju-noky. lying down on < esuglvt hi* Hille brother t cried out. " J>e f biin J" Ibe ehtldi t ? atls got hi