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THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM f 36&g? J V wmfr' ^ EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE BY PRIVATE WIRE. ^ ? ? VOL. 1 NO 24 CLARKSBURG, W. VA., SUNDAY, 2SIAY 9, 1915. FIRST SECTION PRICE FIVE CENTS JV4 T/ON'S COURSE OF ACTION MATTER OF DEEP STUDY JUST NOW LESS THAN 700 REALLYSURVIVE By President Wilson, Following the Great Human Tragedy Enacted. DISTRESS AND GRAVITY Of the Situation Are Felt by Him and He Desires to Do the Ri^ht Thing. (?V Aft&OCIATCO rasu> ^ ASHIXGTON". May 8.?President Wilson, upon whom the eyes of the ?world are focused at the present mo ment, studied In quiet seclusion today ? the aspects of law and fact In con nectln with the sinking by a Ger man torpeeo of the British liner. Lnsltania. wit a consequent loss of many American lives. " " i The great human tragedy coupled with the responsibilities of the hour caused til? president to deny himself to all callers, even To members of his official family, while he turned over in his mind the course to be pursued by the United States gov ernment in one of the most serious crises in its history. One Glimpse- of His Mind. The only glimpse of the working of the president's mind was given when the White House tonighr Is- j sued its first formal comment on the disaster. The announcement was made that the president realised the country expected him to deal with the situation "with deliberation as well as firmness. The statement follows: "After a conference with the pres- ( ident at the White House this.even ins. Secretary Tumulty said: ?' 'Of course the president feels the! distress at the gravity of the sit-' uatlon to the utmost and is consid-i ?ring very earnesly. but very calm-1 ly the right course of action to pur-. sue. He knows that the people of the country wish and expect him to' act with deliberation as well as with ' firmness." " Official HoU Lacking. The official data upon which form al action will be baaed, has not ar rived. The president did not, there fore communicate with Secretary Bryan, or the officials of the state department, nor did he consult mem bers of the cabinet or Congress. He has been giving such close personal attention in the last, few weeks to the particular questions involved that he was thc\ght to be determined first to sift for himself the various ques tions and shape a policy to be sub mitted to the cabinet probably on Atonday or Tuesday. In the meantime public opinion was expected to crystalline and help point the way Members of the cab inet cancelled other engagements and held theV.selivs in readiness for the president's call. At the state depart ment. when Secretary- Brjan was asked if there was any advice to com municate to the American people at this time he replied that be did not think that this was needed for the country understood the situation "This is no time to "rock the boat.' " he said. Xo tians Carried. It was the same sentiment which Chairman Stone, of the Senate for-' eign relations committee had ex pressed earlier In the day The sin single phrase expressed a desire of, the Washington administration thar prejudices and passions be not thrust Into the unstable wquilibrum while the government endeavored to learn all the details. One important fact was definitely ascertained by the Washington gov ernment from the port authorities of i New York, who gave clearance to th* Lusitania?that it carried no guns, either mounted or unmounted, in ac cordance with the caution of the. state department and the British gov- j ernment early in the war. This dis- i posed in ttu minds o officials of the ; claim that the German submarine i had a right to attack the Lusitania j because it was an auxiliary or con-' verted cruiser. The officials of the Cunard liner are understood to have, stated that the Lusitania was not convoyed These facts in the opinion of law officers of the American government, left the German submarine No Excuso Under Uw or reason for an attack without warn ing on a ship with hundreds of non combatants aboard including neutral men. women and children. The po sition or the United States has been that the presence of contraband? even arms and ammunition?accord ing to the rule of international law. Including the Declaration of London, which generally has upheld cannot warrant the sinking of a merchant man witboif: the previous exercise of the right of visit and search and the removal of non-combatants, to) a place of safety. The government stated that this in in its last note to Germany and at. the same time Issued a warning that the imperial German government would be held "to a strict accountability," by the United States for any loss of Amer ican vessels or lives. The decision which the president; and his advisers must reach, it was, admitted in all quarters Is a Momentous One. Those officials conversant wiih the legal aspects of the case pointed out that the United States faced a grave and serious problem of lasting im portance in history as all the world? neutrals and belligerents" alike?' would wait, with acute expectancy of j the course which t^e United States would pursue to preserve the rules (Continued on page 2, first section ) j Mrs. Florence Carman Declared. Not Guilty Of the Bailey Murder Jury Agrees on the First Bal lot, After Considering Evi dence Little over Hour. '?* MMCiATfO PKIf' MINEOLA, X. Y., May $?A ver dict of acquittal was returned after a short deliberation late today by the jury trying Mrs. Florence C. Carman on the charge of murdering Mrs. Louise _ Bailey at. Freeport on the night of "June 30 last. The jury was .agreed on the first "ballot and the verdict was returned at 5:32 o'clock, one hour and twelve minutes after the jury had retired. Mrs. Carman, who had been depress ed and apparently extremely anxious all day brightened as Justic Black mar delivered his charge and beamed with happiness when the ver dict was announced. She L-hook hands with all the jurors and left aT ter a few minutes with her husband for their home in Freeport. In his charge to the jury Justice Blackinar said that ihc state's case centered on the testimony of Celia Coleman, a negro raaid. in the Car man household, who testified that Mrs. Carman had darted into the kotchen the night of the murder with a revolver in her band and announced "I killed him." The Coieman woman also testified that Mrs. Carman had come to her room early the next morning and expressed repentance for having "killed that poor woman.'* I In his charge Justice Blackmar said: "It has been obviously shown that! Cell*. Coleman was careless of th? truth but that is not .conclusive. It is for you to decide after considering all the circumstances whether the primary question in this case isi whether you believe Ceeila Cole-' man." j PRESIDING JUDGE AT CARMAN TRIAL Joatice Btickmxr. + ? J 00,000 PKISOVERS * + * ? VIENNA. May 8. by way of + ? London. May 9.?2:20 a. m + ? ?A communication issued by ? + the field press headquarters ? + says that probably 100.000 ? + prisoners have bee% taken in ? ? the first phase of the Gallcta ? ? battle. 70.000 already have + ? been brought In. + * TEUTONS SINK MORE VESSELS --- . _ Victim of the Lusitania Disaster One of America's Most Suc cessful Theatrical Men. ASSOCIATED ?Vhivv YOStK. May 8.?Charles Froh man. a victim of the Lusitania. was1 one of the most successful New York theatrical manages, aud at the -nan)'?1 time one of the least known publicly, i Mr. Frohman was ftorn in Sandusky. : O.. June 17. 1660. His brother, Daniel j who is seven years older, when private j secretary to Hoace Greely. publisher j of the New York Tribune, sent for' Sjf? Charles .Frohman. Charles when he was a lad of twelve and ?ave him a place as niglu clerk in the Tribune office. That was his soart in the business world. ?Mr. Frohman's first real bid for for-J tune was in November. 1SSS, when he obtained the American rights to Bron son Howard's "Shenandoah " He mado ?o-j.OOO from this. In recent years Mr. FVohman's activities had centered around his Empire theater here Since lSf>7 he had many productions in Lon don. + DONE OX PURPOSES ? + LONDON. Mar S.?6:20 p. + ? rc ?"I think the Lousltania <? ? has been torpedoed deliber- ? + ately for the purpose of mak- + ? iag th*- T'nited States declare ? + war," said Lloyd Charles ? ? Breresford today. "X told the ? + whole present situation in + ? February and gave my rea- ? ? sons for thinking Germany * ? mean' to America Into + ? the war." + British Destroyer, Maori, is Blown Up by a German Mine. TWO BRITISH STEAMSHIPS Are Also Sent to the Bottom of Sea by Submarines, But the Crews Are Saved. ? ?V ASSOCIATED MUStl J.ONOO-V, May 8, 8 p. m.?The British admiralty announced tonight that the destToyfr. Mavri, bad been blown up by a mine. The Maori war. 28U feet Ions; and of 1 ,?>:{."> tons displacement- It wxs buiit in 190U and ib. complement wan sevfnly-one men. It was armed with two four-inch gun* and two torpedo tubrs. ?n* *MOC'?'CO LOXUO.V, May 8 7:07 p m.?Tbe British steamer. IK)n, of Goole. has been torpedoed by a tierman sub marine olT Coquet island near the .Vcrthumlw land coast. The crew was rescued. i WY ASSOC I AT CO MCSS) , LOSDOS, May *, 7:35 p. m.?A dispatch t4> -the Kxchange Telegraph Company from 11:11 says the Wilson Im^^tcjjner,, Tnirdi was sunk this afternoon by the German submarine. r-38, off Day island. Xo lives were lost. The crew of the steamer was landed at Itosyth citstle, Scotland. The Truro was a small vessel of STtons. It was 22Ti feet long and was built xt Dundee in 1898. BRITISH SEAMEN TAKEN PRISONERS BY THE ENEMY :av associated rncs&i BERLIN, by way of London. May S. 9.48 p. in..?An official communi cation by the German war office con cerning tbe sinking of the British destroyer. Maori, says: "The British destroyer. Maori, was sunk off Zeebrugge. The de stroyer. Cru?ader. which had come to its support was forccd to retreat and leave in the lurch life boats, whicn it had launched "The entire crew of the Maori and the boats' crews of the Crusader, were saved by our own vessels and taken into Zeebrugge. In all there were seven officers and eighty-eight men. "In the advance of our troops against Libau. our Baltic sea fortress supported the attack by a bombard ment from the sea." LAND BATTLES ARE BEING FOUGHT HERE AND THERE <?V ASSOC* AT CO PffKSS> LONDON. Hay 8.?(Hostilities by land and by sea are proceeding vigor ously Land battles are in progress at < Continued on page 2. first section) Full List of the Survivors, Wtio Include Few First Class Passengers Available. BRITISH ARE AROUSED Over the Terrible Catastrophe as Never Before Since the War Was Begun. The l?(Mt estimates of the lives lost the result of the torpedoing of the Canard liner, Lusitania, by a ! German submarine off the Irish coast Friday Is 1,19$. It is believed that almost all if not all the survivors have been brought ashore and there is little hope of recovering any other passen gers alive. Of the dead many are women. The stories from Queenstown describe the bringing in of the bodies of a great number of women, many of them still : unidentified. When the Lusitania left Xew York May 1. it had on board 1-5*01 souls: 1,2*1 passengers and 85? crew. The I passengers were made up of 291 in the first cabin. *>99 in the second and 861 in the steerage. The list of sur ; vivors show so tar that about ninety 1 first class and seventy-Are second class passengers were saved. The first cabin passengers were at lunch i when the unheralded German attack sent the Hner to the bottom. It is noticeable that comparatively few first class panssengers were saved. Among the well known Americans whose bodies have not been recovered and who consequently are believed to have perished are Alfred Vanderbllt. Charles Klein, the playwright, Justus If. Forman and Elbert Hubbard and his wife. The body of Charles Frohman. of >ew York, the theatrical producer, already bas been recovered and brought ashore at Qoeenstoirn. It is estimated that there were about 190 Americans on hoard the Canard liner. Ro far as could be ascertained at this time tower than seventy Atueicans were cared. Con sequently the death-list of Americans Is about 170. l/OVDOX, May 9.?1:25 a. m.?A despatch to tio Illustrated ' Hrald from KJshgrraard a Great |W?itern steamer arrived In Fisbgoard I from Ireland SaturCaj afternoon with lOO bodies of victims of the Lusitania. fmr AtsociATKD ^*css> I LONDON, May 9. 12:15 a. m.? Of those -who left Npw York a week ago on the T.u?itanla less than 700 | survived after that vessel was tor i pedoed and sunk by a German sub-; : marine off Kinsale island Friday afternoon. A full list of the survivors who in clude a very few of the first class passengers is not yet available, but probably, thure are not many names i to add to those which already have been made public. All the evidence ' aoes to show that the first class and many of the second class passen gers had such confidence of the abil ity of the Lusitania because of Its water tight compartments to remain afloat after it received the first blow ! rhat they did not concern themselves about taking to the boats or even providing themselves with life pre servers. Hope Even to' the End. When the passengers did realize the Lusitania was doomed. thi*v thought that, most of the boats on the port side were so jammed be : cause of the great list of the vessel that they could not be lowered, and the last seen of them by the more fortunate passengers who had se cured places in the starboard boats or whe had jumped overboard and had been picked up they were lying on the sloping decks awaiting their fate doubtless even then believing that with land so close they would still be saved. However, the torpedoes had torn 'such gaping holes in the liner that it did not remain afloat for more than twenty minutes and the call for help ! which the wirelss sent out although ' answered quickly could not bring ,the rescuing steamers to the spot in time to be of any serrice. There is a of difference of opinion as to how many torpedoes struck the ship and as to whether an explosion of its boilers followed. In fact, after the first torpedo hit the Lusitania forward, the crew was busy getting to the stations and aid j ing the^ passengers who escaped in 'gathering to the boats and providing themselves- with life belts. In ship ping circles and among those saved the impression prevails that more than one German submarine at tacked the Lusitania and that two or three torpedoes found their mark. This view is held at the Cunard offices at Liverpool but the officers of the ship will make- no statement un til the inquest or any admiralty in quiry brings cut their evidence. Heart Rending Scenes. The scenes at Queenstown where the survivors were landed and where there are many bodies of those who were killed or died of exposure were heart rending. Many women sepa> rated from their husbands had beea searching the hotels hoping to find them alive or failing in this they had been looking for them in hastiily improvised morgues. Others went on to Cork while still others left yesterday afternoon for London, where they will arrive Sunday morn ing. At the London and Liverpool of ( Continued on page 2. first section) Neu? Spring Hill School Building Will Be Modern Fine New Day and Boarding School at an Ideal Spot in the County Soon. FINE OUTDOOR FEATURES Twenty-Five Boarding and about Forty Day Pupils Will Be Pfbvided For. This month Miss Kennedy's school will complete its fifth year aa a day school in Clarksburg, and will send oct its first graduates in the full col lege preparatory oonrse. To provide room for necessary ad ditions to equipment an<t to make the school available for pupils from a distance, plans have been made for a building on the beautiful site pur chased a year ago The property In cludes about ten acres along the West Fork river, adjoining the Country club grounds. There Is ample Space for Tennis Courts and an athletic field. Both boating and bathing -will be possible. The building ?will be of holler** tile and stucco wth a wide porch on the south side, overlooking the river. The north wing will contain class rooms, laboratories and musio rooms: the main building the library, parlor, din ing room, gymnasium and sleeping rooms. Every effort will be made to provide comfortable and tasteful fur nishings. and the best equipment available for such a school. The upper school, which will cover Ave years, will offer a College Preparatory Coarse, including a limited amount of domes tic science and manual train-ing For students who do not expect to go to college, there will be provided a gen eral course requiring the same amount of work but allowing greater freedom in. choice of subjects. In the lower school, which will cover sis rears, there will be in addition to the uglial work, conversational French, nature study, manual training and do mestic science. The session of the upper school will run from nine to live o'clock: In the lower from nine to three or four, ac cording to the grade. There will be recitation and study periods la the morning, hot luncheon in the middle of the day, and outdoor sport* tinder a trained director before afternoon study and laboratory periods. By this plan, all bat advanced students should be able to prepare all lessons in school hours. The evening hoars of boarding students will be given to gymnasium, chorus work, travel club, and Informal Gatherings for music ?and readings. Girls over twelve years ot age will be admitted as boarding pupils; girls as day pupils and boys under four teen years old. The school will- pro vide a faculty sufficient to assure small classes and attention to the in dividual. There will be at least one teacher of Instrumental music and one of vocal, a teacher of chemistry sad domestic science, a director for gym nasium and outdoor sports. The proposed building provides for twenty-five boarding and about fbrty day pupils. A considerable number has already been enrolled, and the in dications that thece will be as many as the school can accommodate. NEW YORK STUNNED Awfulness of the Catastrophe and Gravity of Signicance Sobers Metropolis. DEEP GLOOM SEIZES CITY When News Comes of the Fate of Prominent Citizens and Doubt as to Others. (?V ASSOC I AT CO NEW YORK. May 8.?With some of its beet known citizens among th? passengers on the Lusltania. whos* fate had not been accounted for and : with a growing realization of the ! awfulness of the catastrophe and the j gravity of its international signifl ! eance, New York today was a sober city. Awakening this morning to find that the hopes of the night before that the Lusitania's passengers had been saved were premature and that j the loss of life might reach two ' thirds of those aboard, the whole j city seemed stunned. A spirit of de j pression was in evidence among peo : pie In all public places. Throng of Anxious Inquirers. I The publication of the news of ser ! ious loss of life brought a throng of ; anxious inquirers to the offices of the | Cunard line early in the forenoon ; Before midday the crowd had swell ? ed to nearly 200. but dwindled dur ; ing the afternoon to about twenty | five. The Cunard line received and post I ed before 10 a. m.. an incomplete list : of survivors which was anxiously I scanned by friends and relatives. [ There were several touching scenes J when women, the names of whose ; loved ones were among the missing, ! gave way to their emotions. Hope Still Lingers. To the list of survivors received ! from abroad several names were ! added here by friends of passengers j who had received private cablegrams j from the passengers themselves say ! ing they were safe. Knowing that j the list was still incomplete, hope j still lingered with many, however. Gloom spread over the theatrical district, when it became known that the body of Charles Krohman. the theatrical producer, had been picked up among the dead and that Charles Klein, another theatrical producer. J was among the missing. There was ; similar depression among friends of ; Alfred G wynne Vanderbilt. Elbert Hubbard. Justus Miles Kferman and others from whom no word had been received. Bankers Come to Rescue The financial district gave evi , dence of having recovered its poise ; lost yesterday when the first news i of the catastrophe precipitated a 1 violent decline in stocks. Leading I banker?, it was said, had entered the, ! market with supporting orders. | In shipping circles there was much more concern for the ship now in or i now approaching the German wax ; zone and many unfounded rumors i wet-e in circulation of other ships ; having been torpedoed. Maratime ? records show that eighty-eight ships are now passing through or due to arrive in the ztne of which thirteen are pascsnger ships. One of these Is (Continued on page 2, 1st section-> GERMANS BLAME VESSEL'S OWNERS Or Rather Say.They Must Bear All Responsibility for What Happened. (BY AWOCIATIO mns) BERLIN, by wireless to London. May 9, 2:45 p. m.?The following official communication was issued to. night: The Cunard liner. Lueitania.. was yesterday torpedoed by a German submarine and sank. "The Lusitanla was naturally armed with guns as were recently most of the English mercantile steamers. Moreover, as is well known here, it had large quantities of war material in its cargo. Its owners, therefore, knew to what dan ger to which its passengers were ex posed. They alone bear .all respon sibility for what has happened. "Germany on its part left nothing undone to repeatedly and strongly warn them. The imperial ambassa dor at Washington even went so far as to make a public warning so as to draw attention to this danger. The English press sneered then at the warning and relied on the protec tion of the British fleet to safeguard Atlantic traffic."* BATTLE Of the Austrian and German Troops with the Russian Columns,? Continues. car associates ntnc VIENNA, by way of London. May 8. 10:47 p. m. The Austrian official J press bureau today gave out the fol lowing: "Headquarters in Galicia today re ports that the victorious battle for the Austrian-German troops contin ues. Advancing forces of Austrians and Germans have reached the Wis loka river, to Pilsno, while detach ments have obtained a firm foothold on the other bank. "All the passes in the Deakid moun tains. with the exception of Lubkow. are in the hands of the AusCro-Ger-1 mans. The Russian columns sur-: rounded on the northern slope of the j Deskidds. are making desperate ef forts to break through. "The fighting will probably con tinue for some time before the Rus sians are destroyed as the battlefield is on most difficult grounds.' ~ "The Russians are making fierce j attacks in East Galicia. in order toj relieve the western front, but these attacks are unsuccessful.*" ? '? GERKAXS ABOARD. ? LONDON. May ?. 2:05 a. * !? m.?Lloyd's Weekly says that ? j ? detectives Pierpont. of LIvor- ? J pool, arrested three.Germans ? aboard the Lusitania. When ? the ship was torpedoed tber * ? were drowned. . ? VANDERBELT TOLD GERMANS WOULD SINK LUSITAN1A Alfred G. TandcebOt. / Alfred G. VandeAflt om^ll the pMMBgm on the SUaM lol^ tenia- Jon before the tmm! ssOed he leceived this ibobjvmii tele Rtm: "Haw it on definite eu<b? '' fty the Lnafanfa is to be torpedoed, yon bad better cancel phoc* to mediately." The mflBaMrfve did a# bke the telegam ?rionslg. VIOLENT ATTACK 'receded by a Heavy Bombard ment, is Being Made by the Germans on British. LONDON.' *May*S^3zlS p. In ? The official communication issued night by the British *ar office, says: "Yesterday fighting continued southwest of Ypres without any ma terial change in the situation We recovered a trench that we bad lost U?e day before. "This morning the enemy started a violent attack on onr trenches on the front between Ypres and Ppd capelle and the Ypres-Mentn roads.. The attack was preceded by a Heavy bombardment. The fighting em tinues. "On the remainder of oar frost there has been no fighting." GETS EIGHT YEASS. FAIR M O XT " "m?7?8Anom o Bor rf. convicted yesterday for assault on "* rbomas Buckley, deputy sheriff at' ?<armington daring a strike riot, was' lentenced today to eight yaws to the ?eoitentiary.