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AND MANY NaVy and A rmy Take Opposite Sides in Fight President of Portugal is Re ported to Have Disappeared in the Outbreak. WAR TROUBLES INCREASED And Still Other Countries Are Due to Enter as Soon as Italy Makes a Decision. j <?Y ASSOCIATED nt(8S> M A D RII>. Mar 15, via Paris. May 16. 12:40 a. m.?The president of Portu gal. Manuel De Arrfcura, is reported to hare disappeared. rm-Y ASIOCIA7C? %J . PARIS. May 15.?II. p. m.?A Haras dispatch from Madrid says it is officially reported tlut the bombard ment of Lisbon by the mutinous -war ships resulted in srreat damage, many persons being: killed. 'BY ASSOCIATED PRC??> PARIS. May 16?S:?J a. m.?A mes sage from Lisbon by nay of Madrid to the Haras agency says that the in surrection in Portugal is under con trol. <p?y amcciatko mtsw PARIS. -May 16.?2:20 a. Presi-: dent De Arriaga, of Portugal, aban- | doncd the palace of Balom and Trent I to Lisbon under the escort of the Republican cnard. according to the Madrid correspondent of the Haras agency. NEW GOVERNMENT IS OBJECT OF REBELLION <IV ASSOCIATED PRKSO LCBNDOX. May 16.?12:35 a. za.? The' Lisbon correspondent of the ?Router Telegram Company in a -dis patch dated Saturday says it is an nounced that the revolutionary move ment in .Portugal is exclusively Re-| publican. Its object is to defend and: consolidate the republic by the for-J -Slition. of, a new ministry, it states. ? Toe revolutionary committee met aboard the battleship. Basco da Gama, for the purpose of selecting a new government. It is reported that Jo? Chajas former premier and minister of the interior. wni be the new prem ier anl also minister of the interior. The "Madrid correspondent of the ?Sabre agency says that the . Spanish government on Saturday received from the governor of Badajoc. Spain, near the Portugese frontier, the fol lowing statement concerning the re volt: Barracks Stormed. "The rebellion broke out at Lisbon aboard the cruiser, Adamastor. which, j St C:30 o'clock, bombarded the city.. A band of 200 civilians stormed the{ Alcantara barracks. They entered the barracks cheering the republic. Many were killed and wounded. "The -whole Republican guard re mains loyal to the government and has occupied the street squares and stragetic points scattering the crowd. Several bombs have been exploded. -The battleship Basco de Gama has lm?t Lisbon on a secret government mission. Garrison is Faithful. **AH railway and telepgraphic com munication around the capital has been interrupted. The Elba garrison ?remains faithful and has sent troops to Lisbon. At Santaren and artillery regiment bom-barded the Twenty fourth infantry whose losses are un known. A band of civilians set fire to a British cork factory at Portal egre. There has also been an out break at Oporto, where several people were -wounded." Private advices reaching Madrid; from Lisbon states that the com- ? mander of the cruiser Ba.=co da Gama; has been murdered. A dispatch from iMadrd to the Reu-j ter Telegram Company says it is re-1 ported there that Dr. Alfonso Costa, J former premier of Portugal, has been. assassinated in Lisbon. Dr. Costa waS i a leader of the Democratic party, a strong anti-clerical and had been j sent into exile several times. RUSSIANS CONTINUED TO FALL BACK IN GALToTA r?v ASCOCtATTC ratts) VIEX5CA. by ? London. May 1v>.? 9:30 p m.?The following official statement was issued today by The ?war cffiee: "The Russian armies in Poland and Galicia continue to retreat along- the -whole front. From Xowemiasto on the Pilica river to the south of the Dneister in the district of Dolina. the allied armies are advancing. Tovrns are Captured. "On the San river our troops have ?raptured Rudnik' and Lczarsk The Germajxs have occupied Jaroslau. .??In middle Galicia the AustrorHun sarians* Tenth army corps is stand ing before the gates of its native town. Przemysl. Further south I>o hromil. Staxy Sambor and Boryslau are again in our hands. , Russians Still Attack. The allied armies under General1 von Xrf'nslngen have reached the (Continued on page 2, flrst scctaoxt). STOCKS RALLY More or Less Spiritedly and Moderation of Movements Is Feature. <?Y AtSOCIATCD PHUV XJ2W YORK, May 15.?Stocks ral lied more or lese spiritedly today from their weakness of the preceding session -when quoted values crumpled mainly from apprehension engen dered by increasing tension in inter national affairs-. Improvement was manifest at the outset and further progress was made during the first hour, the range of gains extending from two to four points. War specialties were most variable recovering a material part of yester day's losses but yielding to pressure again toward the end of today's short session. The most reassuring feature of today's movements was its mod eration. Total sales of stocks amounted to 240,000 shares. Except for decision of the Inter state Commerce Commission order ing some of the important trunk line carriers to serve all ownership of -water lines between Buffalo anc Chicago, mtsi of the day's general news was of a hopeful character. Conditions in the steel industry have thus far been unaffected by the in- j ternational situation. pbesInTIlson 1 - - i And Party on the Mayflower Are oon Way From Wash ington to New York <sr -tOCTATCO rRCO* >?S\V YORK. May 15-.?-"President Wilson, on hoard the naval yacht, ?Mayflower, was progressing slowly toward New York tonight on his trip from Washington. Secretary Daniels of the navy, reached here today from the capital, immediately boarded the gov ernment yacht. Dolphin, and got in touch by wireless with the Mayflower ?which he found had nothing but steady, if slow, progress to report. Xo further word came tonight from the yacht and this was taken to mean that the executive and his party were pursuing their voyage northward without unusual incident. GERMANY GETS I AMERICAN NOTE + * + + + + *?* + *? + + + **- + + ?i" + KIX<? COMFORTABLE. * h * + (By Associated Press.) + "fr ATHBXS. by London, May + * 1?>?A. bulletin issued this + + morning on the condition of + * King Constantino, says: + + "The kins passed a. comfort- + * able night; temperature 100.4: 4* + pulse 104. The patient has + <* been successfully tapped, a + + quantity of pus being extract- + + ed. His condition is satisfac- + + tory." + + + + *<?+ + ++ + + + ** + <? + + ARHjiPflBTY Attacks the Pacific Cable Sta tion on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. IBV AIIOCIATKD PWCCSJ VAXCOL" ViER. British Columbia, May 13.?An arme raiding party at tacked The Pacific cable- station at Banfield Creek on the west coast of; Vancouver island early today. Shots' ?were exchanged bet-ween the raiders j and a sentry who roused the military j guard. Tic raiders escaped in the' darkness. The attackers escaped in a launch i which is believed to have been fitted j out in some Puget Sound port in the state of Washington. The attackers were almost upon the sentry before they were discovered. Two men pen-, etrated to the space between the main j office and the superintendent's resi-! dencc. They fled when the shooting began. The military guard learned that a' launch for several days had been ex-, changing signals with the shore. Ad-' dKional guards had been placed at the! station. DUTCH Are Closely Watehiiwr Results of American >"ote to Germany. r*Y ASSOCIATES THE HAGUE. Xetherland. by Lon on. May 15.?S:30 p. m.?The I>utch government is watching closely the results _of the American note to Ger many concerning the Lusitania. Prob ably no action will be taken by Hol land until Germany replies to the U nited States although there were a number of subjects of the Netherlands among the victims of the disaster. Railroads ~Must Give Vp Their Steamships After December 1 Ts[e?.t Declares the Interstate Com merce Commission in a Sweeping Decision. THE ROUTE INDEPENDENT Of Railroad Control is Thus Es tablished from New York to Duituth. csv asiociotco WASHINGTON, May 15.?In one of the most far reaching: decisions in recent years the Interstate Com- j merce Commission today decided that the railroads owning and operating: I steamships on the Great Lakes must give them up after December 1. The principal eastern trunk lines which carry the great volume of freight traffic between the Atlantic seaboard and the "West are affected and the decision may possibly alter the trade routes over which are moved millions of tons to the West, rich stores of raw materials, principally grain and ores to the East and mil lions of tons of manufactured prod ucts to the West and Northwest. Independent Water Route. In effect the decision establishes a water route independent of railway control from New York to Duulth and other westernmost points on Lake Superior and to Chicago and other points on Lake Michigan through a chain of waterways. The Hudson river. Erie canal, the Great Lakes and connecting rivers. The commission -points out that the Great Lakes for many years dominat ed by the railroad fleets, will again be opened to independent shipping and that the Erie canal again has the-op portunity of becoming a main artery of traffic. Divorcement Under the Panama canal law rail road ownership of competing water lines is forbidden unless the Inter state Commerce Commission holds that public convenience and necessity are served thereby. The commission finds to the contrary that: "the inter ests of the shipping public will be conserved, and those'of the boat lines will be bettered by the divorcement."* Under the law of Pennsylvania. (Continued on page 2, first section) - SPIES Honeycomb the United States Declares Speakers at Veter ans' Convention car associ atco r*css> I NEW YORK. May 1)5.?Speakers at the national convention of the naval and military order of the Spanish American war said today that the United States was as honeycombed with spies as any of the .European nations. It was asserted in speeches that in the hotels, public offices and even the military forces of the nation there were informants who kept' for eign governments in touch with American affairs. SOCIAL SERVICE Is More and More Demanded From the Public School De clares Dr. Shawkey. iav ?SOCI*TC5 FR|S?) PITTSBURG. Pa.. May 15?That the family as a social institution Is going bankrupt and that the demand for social service from the public schools is increasing was the declara tion of Dr. M- P. Shawkey. superin tenrent of public instruction of West , Virginia and president of the uepart j ment of sup?rin*SS; dents of the Na tional Educational Association, be-j ifore the Pennsylvania Schoolmasters'; i Club here today. Dr. Shawkey said: "The family] as p. social institution sufficient toj itself and its needs, is fast coing bankrupt. It is surrendering its re i sponsibilities. to The public school.' {More and more the school must ia j vade the domain ol social service; [and give increasing importance to: the school as a sodaT csaeBK** ___________ i i REICHSTAG TO MEET. I I AMSTERDAM, by London. May !?.' : ?<:27 a. m.?Berlin papers -State that : the Reichstag will reconvene May TS j ;probaJ>ly for three or four days* -woifltj - ? r* And All Anxiety at Washington Over Delay of Transmission is Removed. REPLY MAY BE DELAYED All is Conjecture as to the Next Developments in Connection With Tragedy. <BV AStOCIATCO _ WASHINGTON, I>. C. .May lo-? Word tonight ? that Ambassador Gerrard had read and presented to Herr von Jagovr. minister lor for eign affairs of the imperial German government, the American note sent Thursday as a consequence ot the Lusitania tragedy and other occur rences in the war zone, removed an anxiety here over the delay in trans mission and awakened intense inter est in the nature of Germany's repiy. In view of telegraphic and cable ' delays and the probable necessity for conferences between the foreign minister with the imperial chancellor, von Bethmann Hollweg, and douot less Emperor William himself. It would not be surprising if the re sponse did not arrive for another eight days. It was believed possible, however, that Ambassador Gerard might report earlier on the manner in which the American note was re ceived by the government and the semi-official press Submarine Attacks May Stop. In the interim confidence prevails among high officials and is shared in German official quarters that there will be no submarine attacks on pas senger vessels while the question at issue was being resolved. The intimation which came in press dispatches today indirectly from Ber lin to the effect that Germany would willingly submit the question raised by the American note to arbitration was received* with much interest and it was indicated that if there was a suspension, of submarine warfare on merchant -ships- while th& discussion was in progress the plan might be given serious consideration, by - tne American government. Arbitration is Talked. Arbitration also had been talked of here before today's press dis patches arrived. Some German of ficials had intimated that al though without advices from Ber lin they were confident from previous knowledge of the desire of the Ger man government to remain frlendly with the United that arbitration would be welcomed. The difficulty of constituting a court of arbitration at this time when most of the great powers whose participation might bo desired are at war was pointed out by some diplomats however as mak ing the plan impracticable That some way would be found to reach an amicable settlement be tween the United States and Ger man-i- was the growing conviction of manv officials and diplomats today. A variety of suggestions were heard May Refuse Clearance. One which was given serious thought, was a proposal to refuse clearance to belligerent ships carrj in?* munitions of war or absolute con fidence if they also carried passen gers. This would involve no embar? go but a separation of passenger and contraband traffic The United States stands firmly on the legal rights of its citizens. Traveling on the seas and believes its position is indisputable. Germanv. however, holds that this bas become a debatable question on account of changed conditions and If the two classes of ocean going traffic were separated, submarines would direct their attention to contraband ships alone. May Not Arm Morcliantmen. Another sugestion which was wide ly discussed by officials was the pos sible announcement by the allies that none of their merchant ships would be armed hereafter. Merchant ships of any nationality according to a ' ruling from the state department ! early in the war have a right to 'carry guns not larger than six inch caliber "for defensive purposes only. ' But. bv an informal arrangement with the British government- clear ance has been refused British ships iat American ports unless they dis posed of their guns. Out or the phases of the question there was believed in diplomatic quarters, howevetr. tuSi- some solu tion of the question involved eventu ally would be reached without any re petition in the "meantime of sucb a disaster as befell the Lusitania. nr Are Expected to Be Swept to Shore fay an Onshore Wind Now Sweeping Sea. t*r A5?ei?r?c WASHINGTON. May i r..?An on shore wind Is sweeping the sea where theXiusitsnia was sunk.'Consul Frost at Queenstown reported today to the state department and many more bo-l ies are expected to come ashore. ?"Weather wild but wind at last shoreward." bis message said. "An ticipate fifty, or sixty more bodies of whom some will be Anicrican. No sign vet of Hubbard, Vandefbilt. Stone."Klein, Fopnan."- .... Si?ty~seVen Walk DovPn Trails at WARSHIPS ARE SENT TO MEXICAN WATERS While Others Are Attacking American Colonists Who Sent Request for Gun. o?r assooatkd rnnsi WASHfl.NGTON; May 35.?American marines ?will be landed at Guaymas and' sent to the aid of Americans in danger because of Yaqui Indian, out breaks if the commander of -warships ?sent to the Mexican port "believes this to be necessary. After a conference today with Secretary Bryan Rear Ad miral Benson, acting secretary of the navy said: "We hope the Americans -will make their way to the coast and be taken aboard the cruiser, but if it is nec essary to send out landing parties Commander T. C. Megruder, of the ?Raleigh, is authorized to take that action." The Raleigh and Xew Orleans have been, ordered to Guaymas. State de partment adjvices froip. HermostUo to day confirmed the reported killing of J. J. Donovan, "W. A. Pay and Jack Wilson and the wounding of Z- O. Stocker. all Americans, in the recent outbreak in the Yaqui valley. Sec retary Bryan said information from several sources showed all Americans in the valley to be in danger. The department, he said, was making every effort to protect them and to get. them out of the danger zone. Admiral Howard, commanding the Pacific fleet, notified the department late in the day that the Yaquls and Mexicans still were "fighting Regular Mexioan troops, he saJd. had refused to advance against the Indians ? INDIANS ARE RAIDING SOME INLAND TOWNS DOUG-LAS. ARIZ.. May 15.?Sev eral thousand Yaquis as raiding in land towns of Sonora, according to information received here. Property of Americans everywhere in Yaqui territory except Gaymas, Gananea. El Tigre and Esperanza has been destroyed, it is stated, and their live stock driven, off. Tonichi. Pesqueira, Navajoa. Co cori, Le Colorado, San Marc I a!, Roa (Continued on page 2, first section) ! NOT TO INTERFERE [ j In Any Way in the Troubles of j Portugal is the Govern ment of Spain. | | r?Y ASSOCIATED PffCSS) | MADKXD. Spain, by London, 31ay IS.?6:45 p. m.?-After a conference J with Kins: Alfonso today the premier and minister of foreign affairs made j known the determination of the gov-; ernment of Spain to refrain from in- j I tervehtion in any work in Portugal j and to confine itself to the protection | | if necessary of the lives and interest; of Spanish subjeits in that country, j ROME QUIET [As a Result of Salandra's Deci sion to Retain the Premier ship of Italy. BOME. May 15?1:30 p. m.. by ?way of Paris. 9:25 ' p. m.?King Victor Emmanuel requested Paolo Carcano. formerly minister of the I treasury, in. the Salandra cabinet to 1 form a new cabinet but Signor Car i cano declined. The king then went into conference with Signor Salan-j i dra and it Is thought he may be i [ induced to remain in power. 1 STtLANDRA'S RETENTION QUIETS THE POPULANCE ROME, by Paris. May 16.?12:35 a- m.?Antonio Salandra has consent ed to retain the premiership. As the news spread that Signor Salandra would remain in power, a sudden change, came over the peo ple. As if obeying some secret sign, the populance calmned down and all the troops were withdrawn. The infuriated mob of yesterday seem&d to disappear and peaceful crowds this evening passed the Aus trian embassy without even notic ing the residence of the representa tive" of Emperor Francis Joseph. ^McAdoo and Williams Deny All the Charges And Accuse the Bank INTERNMENT Of Several Thousand Subjects of tnemy Countries of Mili tary .Age in England. I CSV A1SOCMTCO LCXIDCX, May li>.?tt0:30 p. m.? Several thousand subjects of enemy countries of a military age were sent to internment camps today, tie ma jority of them being men -who volun tarily surrendered. At least 2,000 of these came from the Soho district of. London, those in the East End "waiting for the police to take them. Many of them -were owners of small busi nesses which they had disposed of; since the order for a general intern-1 ment was issued by the government. BANK CLOSED (At Ravenswood by Assistant | Examiner on Account of Alleged Irregularities. car akkooato wwio PAiiKEJKSBURG. May 'The Bank of Ra.vens.wood. a state institu tion of Ravenswood. near here, was closed today by order of G. M. Week ley. assistant banting commissioner of West Virginia, owing to alleged irregularities in its accounts. It Is alleged that one of the bank's offic ers had made unlawful loans. The McKinley Security Bank of Ravens wood was closed by the state bank I inp- department two months ago on [account of irregularities. Mr. Week ley statea that the Bank of Ravens : wood would probably pay dollar for dollar to its depositors. The bank i is capitalized at $25,000. The Ravens-wood Bank had deposits! of S43.000 and a surplus of $1,300. STUDENTS KIOT. ?r AtSOOATCD PRESS) I NAPLES, by Paris, 9:30 p. m.? i I Two thousand students made a de-| i monstration today in favor of ?war.') The police tried to disperse them I i and several- on both ? sides were! [wounded. J? . ! (? ?: Of Publishing Grossly False and Libelous Statements Against Them. UNDER THE PROTECTION i Of Judicial Form and Free from the Legal Accountability Otherwise Involving.' (?Y ASSOCIATKO MUCH) WASHINGTON, D. C.. Hay IS? Specified denial of charges of con spiracy and malice against the Riggs National Bank, of this city, was made j today by Secretary McAdoo and [Comptroller Williams of the treasury j department today in long affidavits filed in the supreme court of the dis trict of Columbia in reply to the in junction proceedings brought by the bank in which it was . alleged the treasury officials had conspired to wreck the bank. *'I specifically deny the charge* of, having conspired to or combined with the defendant. Williams, or any one else to injure the plaintiff bank or its business." Mr. McAdoo -de clares. Never Conspired. * "I have not conspired in any way i to injure or ruin the plaintiff bank or its business and its not and never has been my purpose to inflict injury! upon the plaintiff--bank." Mr- Wil-; liams asserts. -r'^y "'All of my actions have been in' the performance or liny duties in the! premises and in ike exeasise of . my ? honest judgment and discretion and! without malice. ' ill will or- bias j against' the plaintiff bank or its of- ? ficers." Accuse# the Bank. At another point in his affidavit.] Mr. McAdoo says: "I charge and a-cer the Tact to be; that my inclusion in the suit is duel to ulterior and improper moHvas and i ?was resorted to solely for the pur-j pose of thereby uttering and- publish-1 ing grossly , false and libelous state- j meats under the privilege and pro^j lection of-judicial .form and. free* from the legal accountability thatj would otherwise be involved.** Filing of Che affidavits was taken f to indicate that there was no present; CContinned on -page 3, first section).' On gg. fcj ?' :':w ->>?- ' What Gathers AH the Week Breaks at the Saturday: - j&H Night Service- WS% REVIVAL ON IN REALITY! Last Week of the Great Com- | paign is Expected to Have > Wonderful Success. : i : ?5* Sunday. + i ?fr 11 a. m.. special service for + 1 + old people-and "shut ins.** ?; } > . ' <? 2:30 pk m., at tabernacle. ? 1. + meeting tor men only, subject: * " + "Does It Pay?" Last men's + i" + meeting. ? }: ' + 2:30 p. m.. First Methodist ? j'.,"'. + . Episcopal church. Meeting for _??'. ~ "J* -women only. Miss Daisy. ^ noted missionary evangelist, * trill speak. _ + 2:20 p. ra., meeting for trom- f| + en at Broad Oaks Methodist ? j + Episcopal church. ? Miss Mo- + + Gaughey -will; speak. +. -5:* 7:30 p. m? mass meeting a.t * the tabernacle. ?. * Monday yight. 'J' + 7:30. family night. - * Tuesday ^flght. ::J' * 7:30, business men's and ?, + clerk's and industrial night. . <f * . ?" 1 *? 4-4 ? ? + 4>'? * busy scene. Many things contributed to the." - r-g success of the evening. First there : was zt fee ling of expectancy that big ;--'5 things were coming.. Second, the Hazel-Atlas folks gave material to . ' :j: ?work on. Third, the people have be-1 ?ig?|| gun to see that if there is a revival In Clarksburg they must get.busy.'; They have been slow in getting this sort of a vision. Fourth, Roper was ? there and by his magnificent -work on the piano, his rendering of "Jesus,? Like a ShcpQerd Lead Us," and. 'Ms other'selections he prepared the way for thoughtful service. The choir -T ' was at its best and there is goodly numbers. The sermon was a strong*; one and of a nature to appeal to the: thinking man. . If the present pace - v . can be kept up during the remain- - ing days of the campaign marvelous things will be seen. ? " i Big Street Parade. ?" - -''Xi The Hazel-Atlas force met at the: . ^ First Methodist Episcopal church j and marched to the tabernacle ,;:S: body led by the Gregory banfl- j ; ' v There were between two and three < hundred of them and each wore a>j , - white carnation and white ribbon; badge with name of factory printai?|H^| on it. They.made an .imposing ap^.j pearance as they marched down" the ./I street. Much or the success of tl delegation is due to the work of Mr. >"? - Taylor who has been Voiding meet ings at the factory for several weeks.- " '\ :rj Prof. Alvin .W. Roper, pianist, ar-;.. .--;^ rived Saturday afternoon and ??Jjjsv.' V:-; sided at the piano last night. He fully justified all expectation as to his ability and music lovers -sriio^r have been attending the tabernacle will find added interest in his work at the instrument. The -volunteer musicians who have been playing for the chorus during the enforced ab sence of Miss Straw have done val ient service, and their work has-been ' : greatly' appreciated. In the comb et c? Mr. Roper, however, ? is one is thoroughly familiar with the?pej^s5|g culiar needs of a meeting of this kind. Mr. Roper's work is of - tional reputation and he" has ^ppear- ; '? ed in religious work conventions and evangelistic meetings from the Atlantic to the Pacific- He has been, associated with Prof. E. O. Excell off Chicago, for many years. Great Things Today. Great things are expected today. Beginning with. a. special service for old people and shut-ins this morning at the tabernacJe_ at the 11 o'clock . -I hour, a men's "arreting at the taber-. nacle at 2rS0. a meeting for women. only at the First Methodist Episcopal church at the same "hour to be- atd- ? ?-> dressed by Rev. Miss Helen Hill and : a .{meeting for women at the Broad ? Oaks- Methodist Episcopal church ft* ? "\J. charge of Miss McGaughey and a^