CLEAR-CUT VIEWS. ^ No. I. The tariff of t<* day is a very dif ferent thing from what it w.V origi nally intended to he. The origiua tor ot the tariff promised to raise revenue lor the Government hv tax ing kokkk.s products. His idea was to supply the treasury l»y collecting a tax on whatever came into this country Irona abroad; hit* idea was, to put a tax on whatever crossed the border,—which tax would he paid by the American consumer. Forex ample, a trace chain costs in * 'anada 50 cents; when it comes to the line it must pay a tax of 23 cen.ts; the chain then sells for 73 cents. A blanket costs $1 in France; before it comes into the l’. S. it pays a tax of 30 cents; the blanket then sells for $1.30. A suit of clothes costs in Knglaml $10; the tariff tax is $5; the suit then sells for $13. A bill of goods in foreign countries costs $200; the tariff taxes arc $100; hence the goods sell for $300. The scheme was to put a tax on foreign products so that the Ameri can consumer would pay taxes when he paid the price charged by the store keeper. The merchant pays the tariff tax when his goods cross the border but he gets the money back when he sells the goods,because he adds the tax to the price paid by his customer. A merchant does not object to paying this tax,because lie gets it back when he sells the goods, and his customer does not ob ject because he does not notice that the price includes a tax which he is paving to the U. S. Government. The original tariff was a canning contrivance whereby the Govern ment would get money out of the pockets of the people without their perceiving that they were being tax ed, but the operation of the law was precisely the same as if the store keeper said,—"the price is 50 cents, but you must pay me back the 25 cents tariff tax which 1 paid to the 1'. S. when this trace-chain first came into the country." The Government must have reve nue and there are only two ways to raise it; direct taxation is one way and indirect taxation is the other way. The State tax is direct taxa tiou; a horse worth $100 pays 30 cents, and a tarm worth $10,000 pays $30. The tax payer to the State reads Ins tax schedule and knows he pays 30 cents on the $100 of value. But the invention called a tariff, is s> contrived that taxes are paid when we buy foreign articles; the tax being included in the price ask ed by the merchant, we pay it indi rectly and do not observe at the time that we are paying it. It is some satisfaction, however, to feel that the tax we pay on a for eign article goes into the public treasury to be expended for the pur Ih tscs of government. The tariff as originally devised was a scheme to raise revenue. It was a cunning scheme "to pluck the geese without making them cry." Presently it occurred to some smart American manufacturers that if they could induce the Government to shut loreigu goods out of the home market they could obtain higher prices and make larger profits. The home manufacturer of trace-chains saw that if foreign chains were ex cluded home made chains could be sold at a higher price: the blanket manufacturers saw that it the (Jov emment shut out frocign blankets, they could raise the price;—and thus it »as all along the liue. There was mouey iu this idea, and where there is money in an idea, ingenuity soon invents a plausible argument in its favor. It would have excited a rebellion iu every State of this I'uiou for the (tovernment toexdude foreign goods for the purpose of enabling the home manufacturer of such goods to ex tort his.*her prices from his custom crs. The thing must be done indi rectly and the tariff offered a convert ieut instrument. The manufactur ers said: t iuior the pr ten e 0 fixed so high that for eign good* will not come in; if a t'auada blanket worth $1 be taxed 3u cents, then it cannot In* sold in Amerieau markets for le>s than $1..V»; in other w ords a blan ket costing a Canadian $1, will cost an American $I..*iO; we can therefore screw up prices to the extent that a tariff protects us against competition by fond tin goods. A man in Canada may buy:* blanket for $1 but we will oblige the Aim rican to pay This was a new way to use the tariff. The tariff was tube a tax on foreign goods, not for the purpose of raising revenue, but tor the purpose of enabling one class of Americans to charge their fellow citizens high er prices. 'The object was, not reve nue, but protect:**. The tariff was to be for the purpose of enabling a favored class of American citizens to exact higher prices from the body oil he people. The purpose of the tariff, under this new dispensation was to compel the body of the peo pie to pay hu ger profits to a favored class. The purpose* of the tariff was to compel the masses to pay tribute to a protected class. It was there fore called "a tariff for protection, ns distinguished from a tariff ‘dor revenue.** It is a law to l’ROiKf l out* class, and a favored class, from , foreign competition so they may j make larger profits by demanding : higher price's than they could ob- ( tain it foreign goexls were not sub jected to such a heavy tax. A law to enable a favored class to exact higher prices, is a law to compel the many to pay tribute to ; the few. - These few become enor- 1 moiisly rich while the many become poor. We have said it was some satis- I faction to feel that the tax we pay j on a foreign article goes into the l . S. Treasury. When, by means of a law.'money is taken out of my pock- ! et and put in Jhe pocket of another man. it is simply robbery. But it is some satisfaction to feel that we , maintain a government that uses its ; powers to enable a privileged and j influential few to rob the unprivi Wed many. It is some satisfaction 1 to know that we are thus robbed be- ; cause there are not enough men with , sufficient sense to vote intelligently. | A series <>« these articles will l»e print ed as we get time to write them. If any J one thinks it easy to write such articles a> appear in these columns, let him try to prepare an editorial for us. Of course there are those w ho can produce better | articles than we publish, but a person | who has not tried it will Ik> very much , surprised at the amount of lalior involv- j ed. Candidates for Congress and tlie Leg islature will .to well to tile these articles away for future use. It is always easy 1 to obtain ideas, plausible arguments and tnisleadin -r statistics to fool the people, because those who pluck geese hire the ablest intellects to invent such argu ments and compile such statistics, ami they are furnished free to whoever will list* them, but we find it very difficult to obtain, in convenient shape, the charac ter of information that is calculated to open the eyes of the people. Unless we mistake the signs of the ! times, the people will demand in the next campaign men who show a capaei- ; tv and a willingness to tight for them against schemes to rob them. These ar ticles will then be invaluable to those | who wish to take an active part in the j campaign. We promised.and have ready statistics exploding the pretense that West Va. needs a tariff tax of 7.'» rents a ton on coal; but all the space allnteit in this is sue to the tariff is occupied. A'k the jHiliticians, whether they will aggrt ssi\ely advocate a reduction of the tax on coal: and if they evade probe them with •jiu-stions until tlieyanswer. Then compare their replies with what we will presently publish on this subject. ILL-ADVISED UTTERANCES. The llaltiinore s*"«, of yesterday, prints an interview with Kx-Senator Camden, which we would discredit were it not that the Sim's- Washing ton eoirespondent is generally very accurate. We give the substance of Mr. Camden.s utterances and make a few comments, lie says: There is no change in West \ a. politics since Ins friend Faulkner w:.s elected, and there will probably be no difficulty about Faulkner se curing his seal. Faulkner's election gave satisfac tion because it was hoped he had scnsc enough to repudiate machine methods and take the side ot the people. Those best i|iialitied to judge do not believe that In* will be seated. i Lucas. Clov. Wilson ami nearly all it » hose wlio hoi tod !iis( ('aindens) oatioiis nomination are politically d ad and it isdoubtftil whether they can >oeure recognition bytherepnb licans. We fully appreciate that from ms star l point Mr. Carndeu has cause to t t! bitter towards those who re- ' >i>i. i his io election. Hut we can not express -utHcient surprise that in* >Uouid be betrayed into an utter a:> of this character. We refrain from such comment as. perhaps, wotiId lie justified. It is true that certain gentlemen wiio opposed his re election are not so strong, as they once were, in the public confidence; the reason is, uot their opposition to him; not their re fusal to enter a SPLIT caucus;— (g.'it g into that caucus meant only a roult w hich conscience and duty to their constituent; commanded them to prevent; had they entered that caucus and thereby assisted Mr. ( ainden's election, they would have, been traitors to conscience and traitors to their constituents. It w ,s li tb rent with ( ainden's suppor ter-: thinking as they did they were at liberty to accept the caucus, but these other gentlemen, with tiikik convictions, could not do so.) The reason the gentlemen referred to are not sostronginthe public confidence i as they nutT were, lies solely in the fact that, subsequent to the adjourn ment of the regular session, their ! conduct seemed to indicate that they | were actuated by a desire to obtain personal advancement. We do not believe such was the case; we do not believe they deserve the censure they receive, but still we realize that *‘ap- ! pea ranees were the other way, and, although we believe it was a mistake of the head and not of the heart, yet it may take some time to correct the impression that has been created. As to the other gentlemen who re- ; tused to enter the caucus, they are infinitely stronger before the people to-day than they ever have been. | The people see an effort being made to “kill off’ the very men who ex hibit a willingness to stand between them and the millionaire beneficia ries of monopoly, and the people do not intend that this effort “to kill off” such men shall succeed. We do not want this issue made; j it is best for all that it should not ] be made; it is best for the State that it should not be made; but if such an issue be forced on us, it will be met squarely, ami we do not fear ( the result, lie it remembered that | those who opposed Mr. Camden's I election never said “that for a few Republican votes they would prom ise not to lift their hands in future ] against that party.” (-Hotter let by-gones be by gones.) Cleveland is more popular than he j was, because the honest, hard-work ing people believe him sincere in his promises. The President is stronger because the honest, hard-working people be lieve that he is trying to stand be- | tween them and corrupt political ■ methods. There was some complaint because he did not turn out Republicans fast enough, but there is to-day in this State only one Republican hold ing Federal office. The complaint was that the Presi dent permitted the Federal patron age to be prostituted to build up a hierarchy of oiliee-holding managers ol politics. At the last election in this county Sargeant was here help ing the Republicans to defeat the regular Democratic nominee for the , Legislature. Sargeant was one of j Camden’s “bummers,” and after having tried to defeat our Democrat ic nominee,he was immediately given an oflice in Washington. It was ap pointments like this that caused dissatisfaction. Rut the rank and file ihink Cleveland has been de ceived by his advisers, and they live in hopes he will soon learn the real truth. Coder ordinary circumstances West Virginia is Democratic, but with the tariff question as the lead ing issue the State is doubtful. The people of this State are over whelmingly Democratic,and if given an assurance that candidates will honestly execute the professed doc trines of our party, we will have a very large majority. The State is doubtful only because our managing politicians are trying to thwart the popular judgment. The State is doubtful because candidates dodge the tariff. Hard times are pinching the farmers. llVsfow H'orW. Vos, and unless the tariff is re duced the farmers will be ruined Politicians are afraid to act boldly on the taritf..because the millionaire , beneficiaries of the tax will buy votes to defeat them. The Virginia farmers declared against a tariff for protection, but her politicians in both parties are pledged the other way. _ The 11. A O. Express Co. has been sold the r. S. Express Co. It is be- i lievcd in well informed circles that the B. A O. Telegraph will shortly be sold to .fay Gould, and that the 11. A O. R. R. system will be con solidated with the Pennsylvania^. R. We will presently explain this matter very fully. We now sound the alarm; Monopoly is combining for the purpose of making still fur ther aggressions against the body of the people. The only safety is for the people to stand by the tew men Monopoly can neither bulldoze nor buy. The Pittsburg Timex says, that the local operators of the Kanawha and Monongahela Coal Regions have pooled their properties by adopting the method of the Standard Oil Company. Stock representing the property will lie issued for $20,000,- ' 000 and the company will be gov- I erned by 13 directors. It is esti mated that the output of the proper ties in the pool is about 100,000,000 bushels. Every mail brings us some new combination against the body of the people. THE CLEVELAND BANNER FIAS CO. EX-SOLDIERS TRAPPED, j An event at the recent Soldiers’ Reunion in Wheeling is conclusive evidence that the thoughtful men I of this country must unite to sweep away the wretched demagogues and j scheming politicians who would par- j alize business to gain some tempo- j ran* partisan advantage. These 1 columns cannot do a better service 1 than to give a truthful picture that will be comprehended by the rank , and file of voters. The surviving Union soldiers, to ' preserve army friendships, orgauiz- i ed various associations to cultivate social intercourse and strengthen the ties of comiadship. Left to themselves, these organizations j would have been managed by the | brave men who, having done their j duty in the hour of danger, arc ready i to do their duty in the days of peace. The men who did the real lighting, stopped fighting when the battle was won. Unfortunately the lowest grade of machine politicians saw in these associations an opportunity to eon- j solidate the soldier vote and to eon trol it for their own selfish purposes. Hence, the politicians at once began scheming to convert these associa tions into political machines, and they are now largely controlled by the men, who, as Gen. Grant aptly said, “first began to fight after the danger was past.” Col. Dan John- j son, of Tyler County, achieved hon or in battle, and his speech at Wheel ing expressed a feeling the skulkers cannot comprehend. He said: Some people wonder why old soldiers are so friendly when they meet. There is something in the heart only a soldier can appreciate. Our friendships come from t lie fact that wc once stood together in the Valley of Death. The lower grade of politicians were not prominent at Gettysburg last July. That meeting was in the hands of men who could appreciate the feeling Col. Johnson expressed. Such recent events as the facti tious clamor about "returning the flags,” the objection to the presence of the National Executive at the Grand Army meeting in St Louis and the disgraceful scenes of last week in Wheeling, are conclusive that the men who did the real light ing no longer control and speak for the organizations they formed: such events are conclusive that these or ganizations are now controlled by wretched, scheming, unscrupulous politicians who use them as politi cal clubs to excite the very passions and prejudices all patriotic citizens and especially brave soldiers, most desire to remain hurried; and it is a hopeful sigtf that the rank aud file of the Grand Army are now moving a resolution that no one shall hold any post of honor or trust in their society unless he rendered actual ser vice in battle and did not skulk in the hour of danger. When Lee gave his sword to Grant the South surrendered. The ques tions submitted to battle were de | cided against the South, and that was the end of them. After Appomattox many Confed erate soldiers, wearing wounds, found homes in the North, and with ; one voice they testify that their first and best friends were those Un ion soldiers who were bravest in bat- ! tie. They also testify that all the bitterness they found eminated from men who skulked the fight. After the war many Union soldiers made homes In the South, and with one voice they testify that all the bitter ness they found eminated from men who had shirked the battle. The 1 so-called Union soldiers who were repulsed in the Southern States were not true soldiers but were men who “began to fight after the danger was past,” and the bitterness ot feeling i that now struts for political effect is j limited to politicians seeking popu- j larity with that class at the North who did not go into battle. A people must take good care of those who risk their lives for the mutual benefit. When one citizen . contributes more than his share to a j common burden, the other citizens who contributed less, must makeup the difference by paying money. This is the only way to bring things even, and all rightminded men de sired Congress to place those who ser ved in the army on an equal footing with those who did not. Tilts could be done by liberal pensions and hence the Confederate soldiers in Cougress always voted for pensions. But when the emissaries of mil lionaire beneficiaries of a protective tariff, as a part of their scheme to prevent any reduction of taxes, pro posed to pension.not the true soldier, but every skulker and bounty-jump er, then all thoughtful and patriotic citizen supported the President’s ve ti of what was called “the pauper pension bill.” The politicians were stampeded by a factitious clamor manufactured by tariff-protected millionaires bent on plundering the people, f.nd there did not seem one man with nerve enough to save ilie ship. It was at this crisis that President Cleveland exhibited the courage Congress lacked, and his unprecedented popularity rests chief ly on the evidence he then gave tin* country of a determination to tear-; lessly perform the duties of his of fice. — Wheeling invited the Society of the Grand Army of West Virginia to hold its Reunion in that citv, i and the Society invited their com rads in Ohio and Pennsylvania to join them ai their meeting. As the occasion would assemble many strangeis, the Wheeling merchants vied with each other to attract no ticc to their places of business.— The town was elaborately decorated, and probably the most appropriate Cmbletn displayed <»n the street was a banner to represent the Na tional Executive with the words, “ God Bless Our President.” Had this banner been left to the undis turbed instincts of American citi zenship, it would have been univer sally applauded. Our Government does not rest on bayonets. It is supported by a spirit of obedience to legally constituted authority.— If they bad been left to themselves the true soldiers in the Grand Army would have saluted an emblem which represented that authority they had once risked their lines to maintain. But the scheming politicans, thinking only of partisan success, saw how they might take advantage of an accident and by a gloss fraud excite the passions of unsuspecting men. These scheming politicians with devilish ingenuity insiduously. circulated a report that the banner was displayed for the purpose of in suiting the Grand Army. When a large crowd animated by patriotic impulse and unsuspicious of fraud are intent on the object of their meeting it is very easy for a tew base minds, acting in concert and cooperating with low cunning, to take advantage of a mere accident and persuade such a crowd that an insult was meant where none was intended. There were in Wheeling these miserable, scheming, pothouse politicans and they industriously spread the report that the Cleveland banner had been hung over the line of march for the purpose of insult ing the Grand Army, and these wretched politicans with devilish malignity persuaded the soldiers to rebuke a supposed indignity by le fusing to march under it. Being thus deceived as to the purpose of the emblem the rank and file fell into the trap and passed the place without going under the banner.— The politicans had accomplished their object, and brave soldiers, and many of them Democrats, had apparently offered a studied insult to the President of the United Slates. Thoughtful citizens of patriotic impulse who wi messed this scene expressed infinite regret that ex soldiers had been betrayed by de signing men. Scheming politicans V.UtllV.1 IA/ vcov uovv* w | soldier vote.” Sagacious men, who comprehend the workings of ma chine methods, wondered how long our institutions can last wncn me managers of politics depend, not on appeals to intelligence and reason, but on ignorance and excitement. The truthful picture we have pre pared of what occurred in Wheeling is not vet presented, but our space for this issue is exhausted: it re mains to tell how tie politicians waited for still another opportunity to appeal to ignorance and inflame the passions of a crowd that could not reason and did not think: it re mains to finish the picture by tell ing how, at a serenade to the Gov ernors of three States, the scheming politicians made speeches that would have disgraced a pot-house in the slums of a city: It remains to tell how the crowd, excited, urged on by the lowest grade of republican poli ticians, insulted and jeered at Gov ernor Wilson and how, by a timely exhibition of manliness,he won honor and credit for West Virginia. The remainer of the picture will he given in the next uumber of this paper. Sensible and patriotic Republi cans will not endorse the conduct in Wheeling of their politicians. The better class of Republicans will re sent an attempt by pot house parti zans from Ohio and Pennsylvania to j meddle with our politics when in vited into the State lor a very differ ent purpose. The sober, second thought of the people will repudiate the scenes in wheeling. (iov. Wilson’s manly rebuke of Foraker and Gibson will be com mended, wherever the facts arc known, and we intend that they shall be known. We will nutlet this matter be forgotten. He vindi cated his State, he defen led the 'ex soldiers who are Democrats, and he defended from a foul attack that large element in W est \ a. which. -i> j years ago, were on the Confederate . side. Wilson himself was loyal in the war but he made it understood that the day of ostracism in this State had passed. W hen the Gov ernor i£ot hack to f harlcston he was •riven an ovation and lie deserved it. Charleston's conduct is a credit to the good sense of her people. The State will think better of the Capi tol after this*. PROHIBITION VS. LOCAL OPTION. To l»e copied by the VVell*burl> IfrraM. It is the custom of Prohibition leaders to assume that a constitu tional amendment forbidding the sale and manufacture of intoxicants will close barrooms more effectually than local option. We know from personal observation that Local Op tion is more effective than Prohibi tion and our observation is coroko rated by statistics that are conclus ive. Whoever sells intoxicants must obtain a “l\ S. retail liquor dealer's license.” If such licenses are ob tained in places where barrooms are forbidden, then the evidence is con clusive that liquor is sold clandes tinely. If such licenses increase more rapidly in Prohibition States than iu Local Option States, then the evidence is conclusive that Lo cal Option is the Lost way to pro mote temperance. When a commu nity decides for itself not to have barrooms there is a ncigborliood pride to "go without liquor;” where as if a community feels that it is being coerced against, its will, then a spirit of resistance is aroused, and the average man takes pleasure in violating the law. This is hu man nature and we cannot change it bv legislation anymore than wecau make men taller or shorter by enact ing statutes. We beg thoughtful friends < f temperance to consider these things,—if we are right, then Prohibition will increase, not dimin ish, the drink habit. It is the fash ion of some to string together loud sounding words denouncing bar rooms.—but it is no argument and has no more influence than beating a drum. The question is,not wheth er drink is an evil,—the question is, how to prevent drink. There are those in this temperance movement who want noise, excitement and po litical issues:-—we do not speak to them : their heart is not in the cause. There arc others in this temperance movement, so blinded by zeal and so impractical and visionary that they see nothing except barrooms and bar keepers:—we do not speak to them ; they cannot argue and cannot listen to reason. There are others in this movement who make money out ol it, or use it to obtain ofllcc;—we do not speak to them; they care nothing for. the cause. Wc speak to those who have no motive but to lessen the use of intoxicants, and to them we say,—take care least your zeal turns you into the wrong road. '1 here are 4 States, and only 4 States that have adopted the consti tutional amennment now proposed in West Va. The following table taken as conclusive that the number of places where liquor is sold increases more rapidly in prohibition States than in local option States. In cast* it lx* suggested that all drtig stores have a U. S. license, the number of drug stores is also given. 7. r 2 > > ] 5* T. 7 Z !! J1 {i 11f I «• s z' • i ~ £ j_* > i >_1 - 51 ? % ? S C * S « 5 T.1 k z S 8 x s £ 2 ", £ _= rm ~ : : = o? 3 . 111 - - : ' : : : 2- I I c s = *| k p Hi K H a 5 t = i . x - : ^ : 5 E - ----?g* r.' '£ ? £ £ a 5 r*2 ! "i It : : : - > : - k_.’i , 7. ~ — —< — — ® 2 £ -i g H li : ". ^ 1: i i £ s j' § Stores. I liis table was compiled from there ports.of thn coiimiisrioiicr of internal revenue, the votes at the presidential eitM tiou*, and the coususses. The development of Kansas occurred chiefly after istW; her vote in ’t»S being only -hVJfO while in ’SI it was amu. Again, her tern pent nee movement com menced after ’»Si. The same remarks ap ply to lows: hence for these states we take their condition in ’7!*, instead of in tR>. Va. did not vote in ’(58 aud only about one-third of the vote in Tennessee \va east; as it was necessary to calculate the vote of these two states, it was consid ered fairer to apply the same rule to • West Virginia and Arkansas. These four local option States were se lected because, as far as we are informed, their law is like that which has produced such good results iu West Virginia. We will presently publish a compilation of the laws regulating the sale of liquor of the several Slates, and at the same time give the increase or doorcase in the num ber of U. S. liquor liftensos. Maine adopted a constitutional amendment prohibiting the manti facture and sale of liquor (the same now proposed here) in Jniu*,, and aftei 30 years of the most ex* tivtnc legislation we lin»l ncr mini ber of clandestine retail liquor deal era steadily increasing; she bad 030 in ’G9 and 931 in ’8G. In Kansas the number of clandestine “drink places’’ has more than doubled. It only takes 140 voters in Maine to support a clandestine liquor dealer; 20 years ago it required 179. It only takes 110 in Kansas; it years ago it took 203. Prohibition does not appear to huve anv effect one way or the other in Iowa. The iinnilwM* of liquor sellers have do ereased in about the proportion that the number of voters to a lieense hits ill ereased. The east* of Ithodo Island seems pecu liar. The number of liquor sellers lias nearly doubled, but the liumlierof vo ters to a license remains about the same. This eun he explained by any one ac quainted with I.s-al affairs in that State, hut the writer lias not the required in formation. i Taking the States which have been wise enough not to attempt compulsory’ temperance; Stales which follow the conservative and practical fnethod ol local option, we find the number of voters t<> a liquor sellci is decreasing instead of in creasing. The numlier of licenses in West Vir ginia lias only it.creased :Jns, ultho' the population has nearly doubled. In lists our vote was only 4U,4Hl, and in Issi it was 132,157. 1 Wo have not taken tin* figures for Vir ginia, because two of her counties are in j eluded In the revenue district of I»ela ; ware. We call on thoughtful friends of temperance to consider these facts. They show conclusively that prohihi liott is not as beneficial as local option. Recollect the object is. not noise, but to lessen the use of intox i icants. Many persons have favored prohibition because they took for ^ granted that it would bring better results than local option, but this table is conclusive that the number of retail liquor dealers increase in prohibition States while they dc crease in local option States. Our next issue wifi give the num ber of l\ S. liquor licenses in the different counties of West Virginia in 1881 and 188G. The l*a. Democratic State Conven slon met Wednesday. The tariff is sue wtis dodged; tin* Pa. millionaire beneficiaries of protection failed for i once to declare that the bodv of the people should pay tribute to a priv ileged class. President Cleveland was endorsed; a pledge was given to equalize state taxation; it was do ; elat ed that corporate power should be restricted, and the refusal of the Republican Legislature to relieve the oil producers ;s denounced. .Judge .J. Ross Thompson was noini lilted for the Supreme Court, and .1. B. McGrann for Treasurer. We will wager $1,000 that if five competent men canvass each county in Pennsylvania for dO days for new | subscriber* to papers like the Pbil , adelphia Ilcrord, and if this be fid lowed up by an aggressive campaign with such men as Beck, Carlisle, Hurd and llewitt, s(leaking at every cross roads, the Democracy of that State will at their next Convention pronounce against a tariff for protec tion, and that she will be redeemed from the Republicans. Vacillation, timidity and hypocrisy is what is , ruining our party. We must have in front more men who are actuated by principle and who have thccour age of conviction. Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of the sons of W. K. Vanderbilt, deceased, is worth $75,000,000 and perhaps I $125,000,000. The Van.lerdilt for tune,reckoned at nearly $200,000,000 was accumulated in railroad man agement within the jhort period of 20 y'ears. If the people would vote intelligently this rapid concent ra tion of wealth could not occur. 1 he concentration of wealth is ^e strongest evidence that the body the people are not prosperous. i