Newspaper Page Text
The receipts from internal revenue Saturday were $420,320. and from customs, $044,248. Thus the money is being taken from the pockets of the people and placed in the treasury which already has a large surpios over and above the amount required for the expenses of government. Every mail brings us letters saying that money is so scarce among t inner* that they can scarce ly afford the trilling cost of this pa per, which they regard of more value to them than any other publication. The (iovermuent is actually paying 0.4 per cent, i kkmii m for bonds bear only 4.V i>er cent, which are not yet due. Thus we have the remarkable ^ spectacle of a people distressed by excessive taxation, when their (lox ernment already has a larger reve nue than it requires. Taxation is not reduced because, aud only be cause. the politicians are afraid to Antagonize the millionaire class. It seems scarcely credible, yet such is tlie fact, that the people have not in telligence enough to bring to the front men who will serve them as faithfully as the railroad politicians serve their corporations. \V. T. Lewis, Master Workman of the National District Assembly No. 135 of Miners and Mine Laborers, gave au interview on the 27th to the Philadelphia Record. He said: “The men are clamoring for Free Trade as they are disgusted with Protection, which their employers have been telling them would secure better wages and improve their con dition. I'nder Protection their con dition has become worse. 1 be miners in the Anthracite region, 50, 000 in number,demand an advance of 15 per cent. The Anthracite < oal Poo!, we presume, will refuse the advance and thereby bring about a strike. A strike will curtail produc ed thereby furnish an opportunity t i advance prices. — «- • -^r Within a week after the Roanoke Convention the Clarke Co., (\a.,) Democratic mass meeting to nonii nate a candidate tor the Legislature repudiated tIt*- lioanok** Resolutions. Clarke Co. repudiates iu the strong est manner the Protective tariff poli cy and demands that the Legislature pass n bill t*> prevent railroads from discriminating. The ' hicago l i'iliHM*' ot last b ri* day has along art’deon the dressed beet ring, and bow it is profiting bv til** low price of cattle. l'he 7/*< hmtt says that the consumer gets | beef no cheaper when the producer >clls at a low price. On every bul lock the* dressed Beef monopoly makes a clear profit of ten dollars, i The l\ S. California Circuit Court has decided that Senator Stanford, | President of the Central Pacific R. R , cannot be compelled to answer the questions propounded to him by the Commission appointed by Con gress to investigate that road. The Commission inquired whether any of the money, which the railroad had collected from the public, had been used to influence legislation. Stanford refused to answer. The < ourt held that Congress has no right to confer jurisdiction on the Court, in an inquiry which is not judicial. Senator Stanford is sup posed to be worth $75,000,000 ac cumulated in railroad management within 20 years. IfStandford was worth ouly $75 Congress would soon find a way to make him answer. The Prohibition State ('onvention, of New York, met on the 2Cth. Mrs. Lathrop,of Michigan, Mrs. Hoffman of Missouri and a number of other >trong minded women madespeechcs. 05 per cent, of those present were ministers. The platform declares in favor of female sufferage. A lull State ticket was nominated. A coke company of Pa. men bought g line property very cheap near Fair mont and are establishing an exten sive enterprise. They already have 'JU ovens finished. SO are Iteing built, and they "ill operate 2(X>. Twenty houses for laborers are under con tract. They call their place Mon tana. A ravine is being converted into an immense reservoir by build ing a wall across its mouth, and wa ter will be pumped from the river. This coke company will make mon ey for themselves besides giving prosperilv to Fairmont. The enter prise probably could not have been started except lor the protection against railroad discrimination af forded by the interstate commerce bill. Infoi innately capital I toy cots this State and our home |>eople are unable to establish these enterprises. A little intelligent ^ting would en able our home people to gather the profits of developing our resources. The iuberitancc tax lias yielded the State ot New York $5,000,000 iu two years. The dead men did not miss it and the heirs never knew they had it. , -- - Ex-Congressman Gibson was fin e.l a few days ago by Judge Mc Ginnis $50 and sent to jail for ten days for a contempt ol court. From what we see in the papers, Gibson's temper got the better of his judg ment, and like a sensible man he prevented the interference of his friends. -*■ - The Coal Trade Journal, F. *K. Saward, editor, published at 111 Broadway, N. Y. sends us its 14th, compendium of information relative to coal production etc., at home and abroad. It is the most valua ble compilation on the subject we have ever seen, and will be of much use to those writing for this paper. The Princeton Review, for July, published at 714 Broadway, N. has a very strong and well consider article on Prohibition. let -Tipi Democrat, owned anil conducted bv the fHARI.ESTOWN. \V. VA. Si PER YEAR. Entered at Post-Ofttoe as second-class. Thomas H. Mason, Business Manager. Our Agents. And paper for sale with: WllKKINii J. X. Kkkrkl, News Healer, liitli street. ITI ARI.ESTON Richardson Pros., Stationers,Capitol street. PARKKKSBl Rt; J NO. Bkow n, New s Healer, Julian street. (iKAhToN Al.KX. /.KICK, News l»ealer. 4 . M VRTI NSBl' Rt • N. S. Pl KDKTTE, Stationer. LEWISBl R«; - t». I*. SYDKNSTUICKKIt. Hruiruist. llINToN L. W. ltltl’CK, Hruggist. ltoMNKY Ki'sski.i. »V (\>. Merchant*. BKAXToNr.H. • l>K. J. I>. 1 >1 l.l.oV, l.oi KIIAKPS - \V. S. Si t.pilKns. Men haul. WASHINGTON 1>. C. National Hotkl, News Stand. Pll I I.A BKI.1MI IA I*A. GlKAKD 1 lol'SK, News Stand. NKW YoRKClTY Nk« York Hotkl Till Mkoaowav.) News Stand. Subscriptions may be paid to any of tlic above. Frank McXeillv, aged lb years, a bank clerk at Saco. Maine, has skipped with $0,500 in cash and $276,000 in bonds. -- » ■ — We received on Tuesday last a pleasant visit from Mr. t\. P». Fit/. Hugh, editor and proprietor of the Cape Charles City, (Va.,) Pioneer. Mr. Fit/ Hugh ami his better halt are at Harper’s Ferry, for the ben efit of the mountain air. They spent Tuesday at the Carter House, this place. The third annual re union of the Cnited Brotliern churches of the Cumberland Valley will be held at Mont Aito Park on Thursday, Sep tember 8. Excursion favors have been received on all railroads con nection with the Cumberland Valley railroad at Harrisburg and Hagers town. The (Ya.,) Kaces.— i The first of the series ot races had 1 in view hy the Herryville Training Track Co., came oir on the grounds of the company, adjoining Herryville last Saturday, aud drew together a large number of persons from Clarke and the adjoining counties of Lou doun, Fauquier. Warren, Frederick and this county. The programme was as follows: l>t Race Trotting in harness, J:4n elass, mile heats,‘Jin :. Entrees—Wots! bridge and Celeste, of the Roseau >nt farni. of which Mr. C. 11. Boxwell is manager. Wonhy Celeste in twostraiglit heats. Jnd Race- Running, half-mile heats, J in •*. Entrees Valley W. llutcli insonf Maud L. bv same": Mias Clothier bv J. Clothier. Won by Valley Boy with Maud I, second. :;rd Rare - Trotting in liar mss, .•{-min ute class, half-mile heats, :> in •"*. En trees Saui Jones,by Marshal] McCor mick: Buzzard, hy l.Cibhs; Miss Lovitt, i,\ Johnson; Cohee, by Dr. R. P. Page. Won by Cohee. Ith Race Running, half-mile beats, 2 in :;. This was a made up raee, but none tiu- less interesting on that account. ;,th Raee Trotting in harness, J^’SO class, mile heats, J in :i. Entrees -Dun dee ami Cvlburn. bv C. H. Boxwell, of Rosemont farm. Won by Cvlburn in The Courier says: The company in introducing this entertainment propose to follow it up with spring and fall races hereafter, in order to encourage our j*eoj>le to give some attention to the rearing of horses of some speed, which always command high prices in the log cities. HARPER’S FERRY LETTER. — Hamper's Ferry, August 21). Mr. Editor.—“Enough is as good as a feast” as the old saying is, and as there ean be too much of even a good thing, we have refrained for some time from referring to the new enterprise at this place because this subject formed the principal burden of so many of our former communi cations, and we are as much opposed to monotony as y ou arc to monopoly. The work progresses nevertheless, and flourishes without the aid ot our favorable notice, and wc suspect that it would do so if we were gathered to our fathers. The Shenandoah is now dammed across its whole width and the massive head-gate complet ed, leaving little to be done but the erection of the mill which, it is thought, will be in full operation long before the sun reaches ( apri cornus. We do not pretend to under stand much about such operations, but we hear from competent judges and we believe that Mr. Quigley, the engineer in charge, has achieved quite a triumph. The Right Reverend J. J. Keane, Catholic Bishop of Richmond, Va., arrived at this place on Saturday, J and on Sunday he preached an elo- I quent sermon to a large audience. Bishop Keane is one of the most ac complished men of the day, and the j opinion entertained of his ability and learning is so great that it is understood he will be removed Irom the charge of this diocese to super intend the new Catholic l niversity to be located at Washington, I). ( . This learned prelate has traveled extensively and to very good pur pose, for he has studied closely the manners and habits ot the various l nations among whom he has so journed, and the wide and varied knowledge acquired in his very ex tensive reading has been enlarged and strengthened by his intelligent observation. We once rode in his company on the railroad from Mar- , tinsburg to Sir John’s Bun, and in less than an hour learned more than we ever did before or since by a month's study. We have now at this place two brothers—ministers—one of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the ( other ot the Presbyterian. They i are Bov. (1. II. and Frank '1'. Me Fa- , den, sons of an honored minister-of j religion now deceased. They arc on a visit to their widowed mother who resides in our immediate neighbor- , hood. These gentlemen were our ; pupils in past years, and we count i them among the many promising young men in whom we take a pride, inasmuch as we helped to lay the foundation of their usefulness. The ; older of the brothers—George Harry j —is in charge of two congregations near Norfolk, Va., and the younger Frank T—is about completing l»is course at Hampden-Sidney College. The latter has just returned front Louisville, Kentucky, to which place j he received a call to preach during his vacation, and the impression he made there may be gathered from j the fact that his congregation, at a j meeting called for the purpose, voted j him, in addition to his salary, a fine j gold watch, a handsome traveling i satchel and his railroad expenses i while on his return home on the ex piration of his term. Once before j in a letter we took occasion to re mark with pride on the great num ber of young men we have launched successfully into life. Thf fruits of our labors arc seen in all the learned professions and in other walks equalh' useful if not quite so preten tious, but as might be expected from the dogmatic turn manifested in these letters we shine with especial lustre in Theology. There are two or three Jewish Rabbis and more Christian ministers scattered through all the denominations than could be counted on the fingers of Briareus, the hundred handed, who confess their obligation to our teach ings. They differ widely among j themselves on many subjects, but there is one thing on which they j agree unanimously—indeed they re j ganl it as an axiom—that the old j man is all right anyhow, and with this assurance we are in good heart, as any reader'who condescends to notice our humble efforts can plainly, sec. We regret to record a painiui ne-, cident to Master T. Beale Miskimon, sou of the Rev. II. K. Miskimon—a much beloved minister of religion, now deceased—and grandson of Mr.' T. W. Beale of this place While1 returning, one day last week, from a gunning expedition, he noticed an approaching showerand took refuge from it in the store of Mr. Hill near the College. By some means the gun slipped from his hand and, the hammer striking heavily against something and an explosion taking j place, the index linger of his right j hand was badly shattered and the middle finger seriously burned. Drs. Cockrell and Gannon rendered the necessary services, amputating the one finger ami dressing the other, and we are glad to know that our voting friend is fast recovering trout his painful wounds. The sufferer is a remarkably promising boy and he lias the sympathies and best wishes of the whole community. One night last week the clothing store of Mr. Joseph H. Myers of this place was broken into and a quanti ty of gf»ods which we can only ex press by X. for it is unknown, was stolen. No clue to the thief has yet been obtained. The mills of the (iods grind slowly but surely, and wo abiding hope that the many thefts committed around this place by unknown parties will yet be avenged. An Irislt judge while sen tcncing a culprit remarked forcibly that, though justice moved with a i.eaden foot, when she did catch up with a rascal she struck with a cast-iron toe. We can promise as much to the first thief caught here at his depredations, and if we had our wav we would sentence the man who robbed Mr. Myers to wear the heaviest of the stolen overcoats in such weather as we had here a few days ago. The heat has abated sensibly,and many believe that we will have an early Fall, but August is not over yet awhile, and we are inclined«to the opinion that the fresh, crisp air of the last day or two is due to the frequent passage of the ice cream wagon along our streets and the great quantities of the cooling lux ury dispensed in every direction at lawn parties, church festivals and picnics. Our summer visitors begin to leave, but you can see that they’ are loath to part with our romantic village and the pleasant associa tions at the place, and that when obliged to do so they east many longing, lingering looks behind. Every evening a crowd of them as sembles on Cemetery Hill and gazes with ever increasing admiration on the sublime scenery of the passage of the rivers through the Blue Ridge. In front of them the once imprisoned streams leap and tumble through the opening achieved by the patient labor of uncounted ages while the cleft mountain frowns grimly from either side on their gambols, but lit tle do thelanghiug waters regard its menaces, for they mean to enjoy’ the liberty so bravely wrested from its it on grasp, and they hasten w ith tu multuous glee to the bosom of their parent Ocean. The Moon is now’ favorable to the View and casts a 1 mystic, dreamy light over the stu- . pendous scene imparting a weird j beauty to its awe inspiring sublim- j ity. And let us not omit from the | picture the noiseless city of the Dead at their side—more eloquent in its silence than a thousand homilies—a mute but most impressive witness to the instability of life and the utter vanity of human pursuits and am bitions. Although this place has long been celebrated for its natural beauty and the salubrity of its air. it is coming more and more into no tice every day, and its many’ other attractions are enhanced by the his toric iutcrost attached to it by the events of the last three decades. V. K. --« Consumption, Wasting Diseases And General Debility. Doctors disagree as to the relative value of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites —the one supplying strength and flesh; the other giving nerve power, gnd acting as a toidc to the digest ive and entire system. Hut in Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. the two arc com bined, ami the effect is wonderful. Thousands who have derived no per manent benefit from other prepara tions have been cured by its use. This is not an assumption, but facts that are substantiated by the expe rience of the past 10 years, and the endorsements of thousands of the host physicians throughout the country. july4 4w. The skin of thecatfish is now tan ned into leather in German. It is tough, supple and appears well. In Brief, and" to the Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disorder ed livery is miser}'. Indigestion is foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, had cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habit, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American peo ple a nation of dyspeptics. But iVreen's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meats and be happy. Remember.—No happiness with out health. But Green’s August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your drug gist for a bottle. Seventy-five cts. Very interesting lectures w ere de livered here by Bishop Keane on Monday night and by Rev. J. W. Jones, of Ya., on Tuesday night. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions lrom repu table physicians, as the damage they will do are ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured t»v F. J. Cheney &. Co,, Toledo, ().. contains no mercury and is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure that \ou get the genu ine, it is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. < honey At Co. jfjf- Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per Dottle. Federal Constitution Centennial. The Centennial Anniversary of the adoption of the Federal Consti tution will be celebrated at Phila September 15—17th by an elaborate trades procession, military and na val review, and other appropriate ceremonies and festivities, which will be participated in by the Prest dent of the United States and his Cabnet. All of the “Original Thir teen” and a majority of the other States and Territories will be repre sented bj' detachment of their na tional guard and by civic socie ties. This will undoubtedly be the most notable demonstration that has taken place since the centennial celebratien of our national indepen dence. To accommodate persons desiring to visit Philadelphia upon this occasion, the Baltimore dr Ohio Railroad Company will sell excur jion tickets to Philadelphia from all points on its system of lines, at the rate of one faro for the round trip. From points cast of the Ohio river excursion will be sold from Sept, 12th to 17th inclusive, good returning until September 20th. Winchester pavement and budd ing brick for sale at T. P. Lippitt’s. FREE READING. We have for gratuitous distribu tion among our subscribers the pub lications named below. Our object is, to give as much reading matter as we can afford and it is cheaper for us to offer these publications than to enlarge the paper at this time. Any one of these publica tions will be sent to a subscriber who applies for it: “Retribution,” by Margaret Blount. “Captain Aliek’s Legacy,' by M. T. Caldor. “Blue Eyes and Golden Hair, by Annie Thomas. “Amos Barton,” by George Eliot. “‘Henry Arkell." by Mrs. Henry Wood. “The Laurel Bush,” by Miss Mu lock. “Mv Lady’s Money,” by Wilkie ! Collins. Illustrated. “Second Thoughts,” by Rhoda Broughton. “Darrell Markham," by Miss M. E. Brad don. “Christian’s Mistake,” by Miss Mulock. “Cousin Henry.” by Anthony Trollope. “The Home Cook Book and Fam ily 1‘hysician.” “The Budget of Wit, Humor and Fun.” “Useful Knowledge for the .Mil lion.” a handy book ol useful inform ation for all. upon many and various subjects. Illustrated. “School Dialogues, Recitations and Readings,” a large and choice collection for school exhibitions and rivate entertainments. FAYETTE SOUDERS, —DEALER IX— WINES and LIQUORS, (’or. Main and Charles Sts.. CHARLESTOWN, - - - WEST VA. Keeps constantly on hand the best of Imported and Domestic Wines and Li quors. . „ j if M v Saloon is lirst-class in all re spects', and Mired lirinka ft Specialty. jna.9-87. T.P.Lippitt, -) OKA1.KK IS ( Building Materials and Agricultural im plements. CHARLESTOWN, .kdiorsou County, West Virginia. Rough and Dressed Dumber, Floor ing, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould ing.;, Luih, Shingles, Polings, <&c., <ftc. WALTER A. WOODS MACHINES, OLD HICKORY WAGONS, Ac., Ac. jpjjr’ Office on the corner of Charles and Liberty streets. fnne tf. . _ A. CARD. T« all who are suffering Irom tho error* and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early <Ii*eay, loss of manhood, kc., I will send a recipe that will euro you,FREE OF CIIABGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Rend a self-addressed envelope to the 1U.V. Joseph T. Inman, Slat Urn D. A’w1'ort at*. D. HEFLEBOWER. Auctioneer Rrrox, w. va. Alwaysholds himself in readiness to ery Sales any place, and on the short est notice at Satisfaction guaranteed. jan 19*-9F—Vi __ NOTICE i'n Pus-Payer* <•/ Ckarlcxtomi ami Mul illctray Ih'xirirtx. 11.’ Taxes are not paid promptly I will Im* compelled to sell property as the [nW directs. No other help for it. Kl tiKNK ItAKKll, jolyl5>-ot. Itepntv Sheriff. STAUNTON MANS ACAE3MY I;,.st (Hiuip]ted school in the South. Corps of experienced tcaeliers. Full cabinets of minerals. Philosophical and Chemical apparatus. Location unsurpassed for • beauty and iioalthfiilness. Catalogue on application. Wm. II. Kaui.k, a. M. Principal, Stauntor., \ a. FRESH STONE LIME,: Sol.l l.y T. I>. MPPITT ' COOKE 4. WASHINGTON, ' «r *T Manvel Wind Engines A3srr> pumps, Main Street, Charlestown, West Va. — DEALERS IN All Kinds of Hardware. Also a Large Stock of GUM AND LEATHER BELTINC. Agricultural Implements of all Kinds. july‘.£V87-y? __ _ Capon Springs AND BATHS. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, \V. VA. The favorite Summer Resort, so near Charlestow n, Shepherdstown and Mar tinsbirrg, and beautifully located in the Mountains and not in the Valley, offers a home of rest for the w eary, the ailing public, and pleasure-seeking people,sec ond to none. RATES REASONABLE. The best sewerage system just finished in the world. W.H.HALE, julyl-2m. Proprietor. To the Farmers of WEST VIRGINIA. They were 40 years ago; they are now, and henceforth they shall be the Standard Remedies Of the world. The people have tested their merits, hence they live*. Stonebraker’s Medicines. Like a green bay-tree, they nourish. Rheumatics rejoice; neuralgia vanishes and headaches' are known no more. The remedy, Stonebrakkr’s Liniment. The price, 25 cents. The brooks of Siloatn never furnished such relief to the thirsty traveler. How. f.Vo. Makin, London, England. America never produced its emial for the cure of pain.—Prof. I de, Hanover, Herman)/. Of what are they speaking? STOXEBRAkER’S LIXIMEXT. God bless the children. Like rosebuds they cluster about the bosom that loves them. Oil! Mother’s vigil eye, keep watch, aud tiie first symptoms of sum mer complaint give STONEBRAKER’S INDIAN GUM SYRUP. The only cure for Cholera Infantum and all bowel complaints in adults and children. Prompt, sure and efficient is the testimonial of the Messrs. Henkel tV Co., publishers of fhir Church Pa/ter, New Market, Va. STONEBRAKER’S Blood & Liyer Corrector corrects the Liver and Kidneys, puri- 1 ties the Rlood, removes blotches, pim ples and eruptions, restores Inst vitality and brings back tin* fresh ruddy glow of youth to the shriveled cheeks. Price, $1 | per bottle. Breeders of Fine Fowls indorse Stoxkruakkr’s Ciiickkn Pow i*krs, the only powder for the produc tion of eggs. The prevention and cuic of diseases in Chickens, Ducks, Tur keys, Uecse, Pigeons, and the feathered family. Nothin? so healthful for voting chicks. Sold in the United States at S> cents per package. If you wish yout Horses, Cattle and Sheep to thrive and your farm to pros per, don’t neglect to keep a good supply ot STONEBRAKERS Horsed Cattle Powders. Don’t he deceived. Some people think one powder just as good as another. That's just where they make a mistake. Stonebrnkcr’s Horse and Cattle powd ers are original, and are used l»y those who appreciate the l**st. Price, ti.'i cts. LOOKOUT FOR HOO CHOLERA. C. S. Brace, of WythevJIlc, Vh., says: Stonebraker’s Hog Powders will save the peojde thousands. Not one of n.y customers lost a hog last year that fed them Stonebruker* Hoy Potnlvr*. I have cured Hog cholera with them. K. MONTAOl K. < ’hristiansburg, Va. Tiie most healthfal preparation ever fed to Hogs, and the only preventative known for Hog Cholera. Use them now. The sooner the l*etter. FOR BILIOUSNESS, indigestion, sick headache, constipation ami general debility, no Pills stand higher than Stonebrnker* Vegttnble Liter Pitt*. PRICE S> CENTS. Maurice Rain —DEALER IN — WINKS and LIQUORS, On Main St., Opposite First Nat’I Bank. ('harUxtnn n - - - II> d Virginia Keei* constantly on hand the best of wines and whiskey. Mixed drinks a specialty. Feb. 13). I v___ j DOORS AND WINDOWS, kept by T. P. LIPPITT. THE VALLEY FERTILIZER COMPHT -O COL. K. EltKSTON CHEW, President, I>it. W. F. Lippitt, Superintendent, B.C. Washington,Secretary, Robt. Chkw, General Agent. Charlestown, Jefferson County, West Virginia. Offer for the Fall Trade their old brands, which always sneak for them selves, and have held their own for so tnanv years that no certificates are ne cessary. They are SHENANDOAH Ground Bone, Basis, 'J’-j |H*r cent. Ammonia, 'W per cent. Bone Phosphate. VIRGmSTI-A., it', percent. Ammonia,'£* percent. Bone Phosphate. POTOMAC, I}, percent. Ammonia,® percent. Bone Phosphate, :t per cent. Potash. V ALLEY BOInTE, 1', percent. Aiiimoiiia,2.'» per cent. Bone Phosphate, and :i percent. Potash. ALKALINE, ® per cent. Bone Phosphate ami I! per cent. Potash.. Those who demand a low priced goods will find the Valley Bene and Alkaline Phos phates unequalled ftir the money. We have a large stock of absolutely Pure Fine Ground Bone, Pure Dissolved Animal Bone, Dissolved South Carolina, our own make, both No. 1 articles. Call at the mill and see their drilling condi tion. Kanit ami other Potash Halts, Ni trate *it Soda and other Chemicals PURE BLUE WINDSOR PLASTER, freshly ground, always on band. Mixtures ami private formulas prepared on short notice, and of the best materials. 1BOXES WANTED in large or small <|iiantitic.H. JlllyH,’K7. Now Open! SAMUEL J. LAM, Custom, & Artistic Tailor TALBOTT Bl'ILDINO, * Opp. National Hank,Vharlestown, West Virginia. .-■■O. * (1 ALLS the attention of the public to J the finest line of Spring Samples ever brought to this town, ami re»|*eet fully ask* an inspeetion. Suits Made to Order — IN TIIK MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER. fall ami leave your order. I guaran tee satisfaetion. 1 do alt my cut liny, and have employ ed the !>est of aeamMers. , VI>L'i'| 4 I Tl i" Uniforms, Ladies* *»■ IjvJ.wIjI lEai Uaaquea, and Hiding Habits. i l ume among you unknown, Imt have eome to stay, and have brought letter* of recommendation from fonner Po rous. I hope to win the re*peet and «*on lidenee of the eoinmunily. aprl,’H7-v. For Rent An excellent room for merviiatih* liitsitie*. (*<nmI lovation. Apply or write to T. V. Lippitt. Miss S. B. Page. Alfill resume her das* in Musle SkP \y tkmbkk, 12TM.18S7. Price* per mth or four weeks, two half-hour lessons |»er week, $5.00. To all who take lessons for nine months the tenth month will l*o roe. July 1H.1HK7 4t. “WANTED. To buv wild ^i West Virginia. Hive fufl description and priee. Address, LOCK BOX7O.0 Pittsburg, Pa.