This paper has 157 sub
I nquiry will prove, this pa- scribers. in Berkeley, 64 iu
per is regularly read by more Greenbrier^jjm Hampshire,
persons,of the well-to-do class ** 28 in^ Harrisoif, and, in this
in West Virginia, than any proportion throughout the
other publication. *■--*
For lh« BMh, Toil*! and Uuadnr
Snow Whit* an-1 Abaoluialy Pur*.
JAS. 8. KIRK 8 CO..
To The Public!
W« try Im«« to inform vou thst w« <
*r« miiiiH ui> our nturr with the very j
chcirrai oKie'KKIKH, Kverythim; w’e
irii will civ* ■atio/avtioii for the money. [
W « i-aa furtiiah you * tuod
for iu cents; a flue Tea for 75 cents, and j
a handsome Pitcher given free. We sell
a ft> of B. Powder for *<n cents and give
TOU a line serviceable Present.
Ground Coffee 20 cts. a lb; loose roast
ed Coffee—a good article—at 2T> cents a j
Jb; Arbuckle’s, Levering** and Enter
prise always in stock.
We always carry a full stock of Light
Brown, Coffee A, Granulated ifce.
Just received a Barrel of San Jose,
which gives more than satisfaction; Por- i
torico Syrups,--Prices and quality to j
suit all.
Tobacco S.
We are selling Gravely at 60 cts. a 9>.;
Burton’s Twists, Lark! Lobster, New
Mope, Nutmeg, Gold Rope, Pride of
Leatherwood, Capital Twist, a 7 oz twist
for 25 cts. a lb.; a good Ci^ar lor 3-for-5;
2-for-5—the best. A full line of Notions,
Groceries, Provisions, Bacon, Lard,
Floor, Soap, Matches iVr.
We trade for all kinds of produce, and
pay cash for Eggs, Butter, Fowls and |
Fat Stock. i
We are receiving our Canned Goods;
and are handling the same brand of To- j
mu toes this rear that gave such general i
satisfaction last season.
Don’t forget to call on us at the Old ]
Stand on Main Street. We always guar- .
antee to give you satisfaction or refund j
vour inonev. Respectfully,
wall a Gorsky.
COL. K. PRESTON CIIEW. President, j
I>r. W. F. Lirimtt. Superintendent,
B. C. Washinoto.n, Secretary,
IV per cent. Ammonia,® percent. BoUe ]
Phosphate, 3 per cent. Potash.
IV jH*r cent. Ammonia,25 percent. Bone |
Phosphate, and 3 per cent. Potash.
> |tcr «*ent. Bone Phosphate and 3 per
cent Potash
Tfcoae who demand a low priced goods
will find the
Valley Bene and Alkaline Phos
unequalled for the money. We have a
large stoek of absolutely
Pure Fine Ground Bone,
Pure Dissolved Animal Bone,
Dissolved South Carolina,
our own make, both No. 1 articles, (’all j
at the mill ami see their drilling condi
tion. Kanit and other Potash Salts, Ni- j
trate ol Soda and other Chemicals
freshly ground, always on hand.
Mixtures and private formulas
prepared on short notice, and of the best
%3“ BONES WANTED In large or
small quantities.
at the office ef
THE H. P. HUBBARD CO., Judicious Ac*
vertising Agents &.Experts,New Haven,Ct.
Our Authorized Agontl who c«n quota our fry low—1
ntM. Ad*«'ti**'T'**t* d*
ttg'icd, proof* »howr *rd of
•o»t i n ANY n« Atpaport, forward# J to
W^omltlo port** upon «pp.ic»tion l__
Winchester pavement and build
ing brick for sale atT. P. Lippitt’s.
IS that misery experienced when we
suddenly become aware that we pos
sess a diabolical arrangement called the
stomach. The stomach is the reservoir
from which every tibre and tissue must
be nourished, and any trouble with it is
soon felt throughout the whole system.
Among a do/eh dyspeptics no two will
have the same predominant symptoms.
Dyspeptics ot active mental power and
a billions temperament-are subject to
Sick Hkapachk: those, tleshy and
phlegmatic have Constitution, while
the thin and nervous are abandoned to
gloomy forebodings. Some dyspeptics
are wonderfully forgetful; others nave
great irritability of temper.
Whatever form |)ya[>epaia may take,
one think is certain.
The Underlying Cause is in
the Liver,
and one thing more is equally certain,
no one will remain a dyspedtie who will
It will correct
Acidity «»f t h e
stoma* h,
i xpal foul gaaMt^
Allay Irritation,
A — ivi I q i >u,
atei. at the same
_ time
Start the Laver to Working, when
all other troubles soon
• My wif*- wra* a continued dyspepitic.
- . war ago by the adv lea of I >r.
Steiner, of Augusta, she was induced to
try Simmon* Liver Regulator. I feel
grateful ft>r the reliefit has given her.
and mar all who read this and arc af
flicted in anv w ay. whether chronic or
otle-rw ihi*, use Simmons Liver Hegula
t*>r aud I feel confident health will Ik?
resorted to all who will be advised.
W in. M. he sit. Fort Valley,<»a.
See that you get the genuine
w ith red /. on front of wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Or Black Leprosy, is a disease which is considered
incurable, but it lias yielded to the curative prop
erties of Swipt s SrE< trie—now known all over
the world as S. S. S. Mrs. Dailey, of West Somer
ville. Mass, near JUcst on.wa s a; lacked several years
ago with this hideous black eruption, and was treat
ed by the best medical taleut. who could only env
that the disease was a s’sxies of LEPROSY
and consequently incurable. U is ini(>om>ible to de
scribe her sufferings. Her body from the crown of ;
her h-'ad to the soles of her feet was a mass of de
cay, the flesh rotting off und leaving great cavities.
Jer fingers festered und several nails dropped off
it one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
ulceration, and for years ahe did not leave her bed.
Her weight was reduced fn m 125 to to lbs. Sore
faint idea of her condition can be gleamd fro..i
tne fact that three pounds of Coemoline or oint
ment were used per week in dressing her sores.
Finally the pbveicians acknowledged their defeat
by this Black Wolf, and commended the sufferer
to her all wire Creator.
Her husband hearing wonderful reports of Swift's
. her to try it as a i
last ,e- >rt She lx an its use under protest, but
»<>on found that her system was being relieved of
the i - n. ns the sores assumed a red and healthy
t it ebU d was becoming ptm and (
a- I .ky nun rued the S S. Si. until last
K« * r s • w s healed; ale discarded
cl. i - ta-dv s f. r l lie Hist time in 12 i
Tea: - . . 1:1 -fund. Mr. C. A. Hai
ley, is 11 - s 1 • 1 j 1 .-lone Street. Boo
t ... t he detain ol
this v< : . I I > ».s for Treatise OS
1) oo*l a..d 1-.,..: L .uti.? l-id free.
tue Swirr SpEt iric Co., Drawer3. Allan**
^ jjui*>-ltn
if vnr want a
New or Second Hand,
Send Two Cent Stamp for Price List
to the
Indianapolis, Indiana.
i ■ -rr—
Best equipped KEPAIK SHOP in the
BUGOIE8 traded for
Second Hand Bicylcs.
When 1 ' < I <* m * v esn merely to
•top t! -1 %r piiye them re
turn ; sail*.- t t_Li cttuu
1 I ave : tide ; ac ± ■: -
FITS, ET ’or *
A life lor ‘ 1 ' a: a.« my remedy to
n-t-r tl**' ■ » have
* a core.
Send at one. I’.ottlm
of mv Ink • • ' impress
and Pnn «,,v ’ S‘« wdblng for a
trial, and it will fare yon. Address
H.C. ROOT. M.C. 133P^iST.,tlnrYoK
FROM 1607 TO 1886.
Colonial Magnates—Revolutionary Pat
riots—Later Worthies—Military
Chiefs in Charge. Post Bellum
Governors. The Survivors.
Virginia wa9 settled as a colony
of England in 1607. and during that
year the first president of the colony
was Edward Maria W ingfield, and
bis successors are as follows; 1607,
John Ratclitfe, president; 1608,Cap
tain John Smith, president; 1609,
George Percy,president; 1609,1 hog.
West (Lord Delaware), governor;
1611. Thomas Dale, high marshall;
1616. George Yeardley, lieutenant
governor; 1619, George Yeardley,
governor; 1621, Francis
ernor; 1626, George Yeardley, gov
ernor; 1627, Francis West, gover
nor; 1628. John Potts, governor;
1629, John Harvey, governor; 1635,
John West, governor; 1635. John
Harvey, governor; 1639, Francis
Wyate, governefr; 1641, Sir William
Berkeley, governor; 1645, Richard
Kemp, lieuteuant governor; 1645,
Sir William Berkeley, governor;
1652, Richard Bennett, governor; 1
1(556. Edward Digges, governor;
1658, Samuel Matthews, governor;
1660. Sir William Berkeley, gover
nor; 1677, Herbert Jeffries, lieuten
ant governor; 1677, Herbert Jeff
ries, governor; 1678, Henry Chiche
ley, governor; 1679,Thomas (Lord)
Culpeper, governor; 1680, Henry
Chicheley, lieutenant governor; j
1684. Lord Howard, of Effingham,
governor; 1689, Nathaniel Bacon, i
lieutenant governor; 1690, Francis j
Nicholson, lieutenant governor;
1692, Edmund Andros, governor;
1695, Francis Nicholson, governor; j
1704, Earl of Orkney, governor; ,
1705, Edward Nott, lieutenant gov- ;
ernor; 1706, Edward Jennings, lieu
tcuant governor; 1710, Robert Hun
ter, lieutenant governor; 1710,Alex
ander Spootswood, lieutenant gover
nor; 1722. Hugh Drysdale, lieuten
ant governor, 1726, Robert Carter;
lieutenant governor; 1727. William
Gooch, lieutenant governor; 1749,
John Robinson, Sr., lieutenant gov
ernor; 1749, Lord Albemarle, gov
ernor; 1750. Louis Burwell, lieuten- j
ant governor; 1752, Robt. Dinwid- !
die, lieutenant governor; 1758, Jno.
Blair, lieutenant-governor; 1758,1
Francis Fauquier, governor: 1768, |
John Blair, lieutenant governor; j
1768, Norborne Berkeley (de Bote
tourt), governor; 1770, Win. Nelson,
lieutenant-governor ; 1772, John j
(Lord) Dunsmore, governor.
During the Revolution the first
State Governor was: 1776, Patrick
Henry, governor: 1779, Thos. Jeffer
son, governor; 1781, Thos. Nelson,
governor; 1781, Benjamin Harrison,
governor; 1784, Patrick Henry,gov- I
ernor; 1786, Edmund Randolph,
governor; 1788, Beverly Randolph, i
governor; 1791, Henry Lee, govern- j
or; 1794, Robert Brooke, governor; |
1796, James Wood, governor; 1799, j
James Monroe, governor; 1802,Jno.
Page, governor; 1805, William II.
Cabell, governor; 1808, Jno. Tyler, j
governor; 1811, James Monroe,
governor; 1811, Geo. W. Smith,gov
ernor; 1812, James Barbour, gover
nor; 1814, Wilson C. ,
ernor; 1816, James P. Preston, gov
ernor; 1819, Thos. M. Randolph,
governor; 1822, James Pleasants, ;
governor; 1825, J. Tyler, governor;
1827, William B. Giles, governor;
1830, John Floyd, governor; 1834, ;
L. W. Tazewell, governor; 1836,
Wyndham Robertson, governor;
1837, David Campbell, governor;
1840. Thomas W. Gilmer, governor;
1841, John M. Patton, governor;
1841. John Rutherford, governor;
1S42, John M. Gregory, governor, j
The last three and Wyndham Rob- J
« • *11 . !• O*.. i __1 !
tTisUu ueiuguuuuiiuuisui otiut%aim i
as such lieutenant governors acted '
as governors for a short time during
vacancies in the otlice of governor.
1843. James McDowell, governor; |
1846, William Smith, governor; I
1849, John It. Floyd, governor; j
1852, Joseph Johnson, governor; j
1856, Henry A. Wise, governor; !
1860, John Letcher, governor; 1864,
William Smith, governor.
Governors since the late war—
1861, Francis II. Pierpont; 1868,
Henry H. Wells; 1869, Gilbert C.
Walker; 1874, James L. Kemper;
1878, F. W. Holliday; 1882, Wm.
E. Cameron; 1SS6. Fitzhugh Lee.
Just after the war Virginia was
styled Military District No. 1, and j
was under the government of Major
General Godfrey Weitzel from April
3, 1865, to April 13, 1865; Major ,
General E. 0. C. Ord, from April 17
to June 14, 1S65; Major General H. ,
W. Halleck, from April 22 to June
27, 1865; Major-General Alfred H.
Terry, from June 14, 1865, to Aug.
16, 1866; Major-General John M.
Schofield, from August 16, 1S66, to
June 2, 1868; Major General Geo.
Stoneman, from June 2, 1868, to
April 2, 1869; Major-General Alex
ander S. Webb, from April 2, 1869.
| to April 20, 1869; Major General
Edward R. S. Cauhy,from April 20,
1S69, to January 28, 1870:
Governors Pierpont and Wells
were subject to the orders of these
military commanders during their
official connection with the govern
ment from 1865 to 1868. An inspec
tion of these names will show that
twenty-eight, counties in the old
State have been named after them.
Three of them and the son of an
other have been Presidents of the
United Slates. Seven have been
members of President’s cabinets.
Seven members of the United States
Senate, one Attorney General of the
United States, eleven in the House
of Representatives, and four of them
foreign ministers, and indeed many
of them have filled all the offices
within the range of thegovernment,
and discharged the «jaties of them
equally well from thiTowest to the
John Tyler steppB .out of the
White House into the’officeof Over
seer of Roads in Charles City Coun
ty, and made the people work them
well. James Monroeinto a Justice
of the Peace for Loudon county, and
was a good one. Patrick Henry did
perhaps more than any other man in
separating the Coloni® from Great
Britain. His love of liberty, inspir
ing an overpowering, nil convincing
glorious eloquence ana f>ratory,much
enveloped the minds of our fathers,
tyul along with the effort^,of the
Washingtons, Adams,ilefTj:sons and
other patriots, led tljeinlnto the
revolution and to freedom. Jefferson
wrote the Declaration*of Indepen
dence, and was one of the chief arch
itects who framed thJ government.
Perilnns of all the statesmen of the
Republic, he lias most enduringly
stamped his ideas &hd thoughts
into the national mind.
One of them died a violent death.
George W. Smith was burnt in the
Richmond Theatre in 1811. Since
the time of Wyndbam Robertson 1
have known personally nearly all of
them. All were men of much more
than ordinary ability, and some of
them had a high order of talent,Ed
mund Randolph, William II. Cabell,
L. W. Tazewell and Jno. M. Patton
were perhaps men of the greatest
reputations as lawyers. Barbour,
Giles, Patton, Tyler, Smith, Jno. B.
Floyd and Henry A. Wise were per
haps the best public speakers. All
who recollect the Knownothing cam
paign of 1855 will remember how
Wise’s denunciator}’ eloquence de
stroyed the majority of that party.
Had Flournoy and Patton, who were
candidates for gaiernofc4nd ,aUor
Dev-general ou the Knownothing
ticket brought to bear the powerful
battery of their logical and eloquent
speeches against him, the result
might have been different. The
campaign between Win. L. Goggin
and John Letcher was also a memo
rable one, and the mere mention of
it. will stir the hearts of many an
old Whig and Democrat all over the
State. Tradition lias handed down
the following story, the truth of
which I do not vouch. One of the
Governors had a plantation in one
of the western counties, on which he
raised a large number of hogs. He
had these hogs driven down to
Richmond, and when they arrived
they were kept for a time in the en
closure around his house. The gov
ernor had formed a partnership
with an old citizen of that day, who
was a butcher. He had the hogs
driven to his slaughtering pen,where
they were killed, and the meat pre
pared for the market. Some of the
peopleof Richmond became incensed
at the Governor of the State pursu
ing the business of butcher, think
ing he was lowering the dignity of
his high ollice by so doing, and they
gave expression to their indignation
in the following manner: One night
after a large drove of hogs had been
slaughtered, they went out to the
pens and gathered together a large
quantity of hog entrails, which they
brought back to the Gover
nor’s house and festooned his
doors, porches and trees with
them. The next morning when
the Governor went out he found his
house and yard adorned with the
refuse of his own hogs. Doubtless
he was not pleased at the sight, but
the Legislature took it as a down
right insult, which reflected in some
degree upon the county members,
the governor himself being from
one of the counties. They, there
fore iu retaliation, passed an act
ordering that an iron fence should
be placed around the Capitol Square.
Thus, the. fence which now stands
was put up and finished iu 1819, and
for many years afterwads at 9 o'clock
every night, it was padlocked to
keep out the people. Modern ideas
and fashions are now demanding
that it shall be removed.
1 must not conclude without re
ferring especially to Governor Wil
liam Smith, in the boot of whose
stages I have stolen many a ride
many years ago when a little boy.
while he was driving them. Johu
Hampden Pleasants, who bitterly
hated him,-politically, compliment
ed him by the appellation of “Smith
of the Wvnel?” after a celebrated'
character in one of Walter Scott's
novels. He was truly a fribune of
the people, aud of all the public
men 1 have known wielded more
influence with the masses. He out
lived the raneor of political strife,
and at t|>e ripe old age of eighty
; nine years, well preserved, mental,
lv a lid physically, he enjoyed the
! respect, honor and esteem of all his
countrymen. The survivors are
! Wyndham, Robertson, Pierpont,
j Wells, Keuper, Holliday, Cameron
I and Lee. The history of these Gov
ernors is the history of Virginia,
i and indeed of the whole nation.
I Let our youth study it and reflect
I upon the admirabler characteristic*
j which most of them for
| the discharge of the high^W*
which the people entrusted to them
I and they will be beneflttfcfl."' Tt has
, been said that Virginians were al
i ways a se!f-complais«nt, boastful
1 people, but truly they have right to
I be proud of their Governors.
Seeking Af»r What M*y Be Found at
One’* Own Fireside.
The invalid proprietress of a
j wealth)* estate in Scotland once vis
; ited the continent of Europe to get
rid of her maladies.
She went to Baden-Baden and
tried those celebrated waters, then
to Carlsbad and tried its mineral
springs. She got worse instead of
better, and iu despair she said to a
-What shall I do ?”
His reply was: “Medicine can
do nothing for you. You have one
chance, in the waters of Pit Kealth
ly, Scotland!”
“Is it possible ?” she replied,
“why. those waters are on my own
pst.nt.p *”
Invalids go tramping over the
world, unsuccessfully seeking the
relief that often lies right at their
own doors.
Change of climate and travel is
no doubt benficial in some classes of
disease, but it is impossible to se
cure, while traveling, the proper
care and pursing, the cheerful com
forts of home, which are often nec
essary adjuncts to medicine in pro
| looting recovery.
In many ailments arising, as so
i many do, from derangements of
those primary organs, the kidneys
and liver, with the proper remedy
to use, recovery is much more rapid
at one’s own fireside.
Major S. B. Abbott, of Spring
field, Mo., was attacked with serious
troubles, and after a long course of
! medical treatment, tried to find re
I lief at Hardin Sulphur Springs in
California, and visited a number of
i other noted health resorts but all to
no purpose. At last he went home
—he was induced to try Warner’s
safe cure for his kidney troubles
! and soon became a well man.
Dr. Gustav Weber, a leading phy
j sician of Dessau, Germany, writes
| Warner’s safe cure Co.’s branch at
Frankfort: Sept. 12lb, 1887: “For
; many years I have suffered from in
flammation of the kidneys, and
each year was obliged to visit Carls
I bad for temporary relief. I have
finished my fifteenth bottle of War
ner’s safe cure and have completely
The main thing is to find the right
remedy, then recovery from all the
many ailments that are the result of
kidney derangement is most easily
secured at home surrounded by
home comforts. There are few dis
eases for which travel is, on the
whole, benefieial, but there are many
which may be cured by putting the
kidneys in- a healthy state, thus
! driving the cause of the disease
from the system.
Harper’s Ferry to Be More Than a Pic
turesque Town. Paper Mill Industries.
Reported for the Balto. Sun.
Harper’s Ferry, that pretty little
town, so picturesquely situated at
the confluence of the Sbenaudoah
and Potomac rivers, and in the ba
sin formed by the Maryland, Lou
doun and Bolivar Heights, was be
fore the civil war a happy,busy man
ufacturing town, but since has been
practically a dead one. New life,
however, has been infused into it by
the erection of a pulp mill near the
site of the old United States rifle
factory, on the Shenandoah, and in
the spring of 1888 will be further
enlivened by the erection of an im
mense six-machine paper mill, in
addition to another pulp mill near
I the site of the former United States
I musket factory, on the Potomac. In
1764 the government of the United
States bought the property at al
most nothing, and in 1795 spent
millions in improving it by the es
tablishment of an arsenal for the
manufacture of small arms, which
! were used extensively in the war of
' 1812-14. The development of the
water power alone cost $376,000.
The town was among the first to
j feel the effects of the civil war,- and
was alternately captured and held
I by both Confederate and Federal
i troop* and was all but ruined by
| them. The rifle and musket facto
ries, upon which depended the pros
perity of the place, shut down,and
afterward were Entirely abandoned.
) According to an^act of Congress,
1 in 1884, the land was put up for
sale. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road was after it, but paly hi# 425,
000 for it. Mr. Thomaa H. Savery,
vice-president of the Puaey 4 Jones
Company, of WilminjtoD, Del., was
one of the bidders. HP asw the Bal
timore and Ohio's $25,000 and went
$100 better. The property waa
kaocked down to him for $25,100.
For the Shenandoah property there
was no competition, and Mr. Savery
secured this rich price for $81C.
For this insignificant flum he found
on the site material enough in the
shape of fine cut stone, 4c., the foun
, dations and walls of the old rifle
factory, to build the foundation of
the pulp mill, which it is estimated,
j if it had to be qaarried, could not
I have been placed in th^ mill for less
I than $50,000.
The new pulp mill, no^wwooric*
1 of erection dn the Shenfctidoeh.Ts
near the site of the old rifle factory.
Its front and sides are of brick and
the back of wood. It stands on
foundation walls of stone four feet
thick, laid in Portland cement, and
is composed of two buildings, de
signed as one, and connected. The
main building is 118 feet wide and
60 feet long, and spans the old canal,
which runs along the Shenandoah
river. The smaller building joins
the main one in the rear, extending
down stream 30 feet, and is 99 feet
wide. At the ridge the^building is
about 25 feet high. The under part
of the mill is divided into six flumes,
each 15 feet .wide, in which (he wa
ter is held back by semicircular
sheet iron bulkheads 15 feet high
and one-quarter inch thick. These
flumes are aiviaea by iour-ioot wans,
similar to the foundations. Four of
the flumes contain eight 36-inch
New American turbine water-wheels,
two to each flume. The fifth flume
contains one 25-inch wheel of the
same make, which is used for driv
ing all the machinery except the
stones, of which there are eight, one
for each wheel. The sixth flume is
the overflow. There are four 6-inch
shafts, to each of which is keyed
two of the 36-inch water wheels,and
two of the grindstones, which are
four feet in diameter, with 18 inches
face.. The casings for the stones
are being made by the Pusey &
Jones Company. Each contains
three pockets, 18 inches wide, 9
inches high and 15 inches long, for
wood. These are furnished with
brass plunges 10 inches in diameter,
actuated by hydraulic pressure, 40
pounds to the square iuoif. Tbay
force the wood in the pockets against
the stones, which, making 200 revo
lutions per minute or more, (2,500
circumferential feet) grind the wood
into pulp. There are two floors to
the mill; the upper one is the larger
and contains all the machinery ex
cept the wheels and stones. There
is a large circular saw 40 inches in
diameter, two barking machines for
removing the bark from the wood, a
splitter,and four wet press machines
for making the pulp into bundles.
The lower floor contains only the
wheels and grindstones.
An immense amount of work bad
to be done on the old canal before it
could be used. It was widened in
some places, and for a distance of
300 feet before the mill the bottom
of solid rock was blasted to a depth
of 18 feet. The tail-race, one-third
of a mile long to where it enters the
Shenandoah at its junction with the
Potomac, was excavated to a depth
of 7£ feet and made 50 feet wide.
The distance between the head and
tail water is 30 feet, of which 12
feet are gained by the natural rap
ids of the river. Of the 30 feet 28
feet will be used. Eighteen hundred
horse-power will be developed. The
mill will be heated by steam and
lighted by electricity,-and will have
a capacity of 40 tons af pulp for day
of 24 hours. It will be run night
and day, and two sets of men, 60 in
all, will be employed when the mill
is running, as it is expected to be
by the middle of February or first
of March.
1 ue oueuauuusiu rivet is uaunucu
at a point one mile above tbe mill
by a cribwork dam, 18 feet wide and
1,300 feet long, whicu, running di
agonally across the river, turns the
water into the canal, or headrace,
which, running down to tbe mill,
forms a lovely lake, in some places
over 300 feet wide, which has very
little current The lake w ill be used
for boating, and will be called Lake
Quigley, in honor of Mr. John F.
Quigley, the designer and construc
tor of the mill, and vice president
and general manager of the compa
ny. The water of the headrace en
ters the mill from tbe upper or front
side, filling each of the flames, run
ning thence to the water wheels,
placed on a four-inch oak floor,
passing through the draught tubes,
78 inches in diameter and 17 feet
deep, whence it is discharged into
the railroad, and carried down for
one-third of a mile and given back
to tbe river whence it came.
Tbe company has contracted
with ex-Senalor Henry G. Davis
for its supply of spruce and poplar
wood, which will come from points
along tbe line of tbe West Virginia'
Central Railroad. It will be deliv
ered in foar-feet logs somewhere
along tbe river, and will be floated
down to tbe mill, going under the
main floor, to whicbit will be elev
ated by an endless chain belt
When the wood has gone through
the various processes for reducing
it to pulp, this pulp will be elevated
to the main floors by fan pumps,
where it will be screened, and after
ward made In bundles of 100 pounds
each for shipment. It has been and
will be the policy of the company to
make its purchaser in West Virgin
ia, and employ the people of Har
per's Ferry as far as is possible,
which, even in the short time wince
operation have been in progress,
baa resulted in produciug a marked
change in the appearance of the
The property on the Potomac
owned by the same people is oven
more valuable than that on the
Shenandoah. Draughtsmen are at
work on plans for building a pulp
I mill Qf the Bftme size and capacity
f oFClie~one nearing’fcdVHpletlon on the
Shenandoah, also an immense six
machine paper mill, it beiif^ the
intention of the gentlemen interested
to use the product of both these
pulp mills in the manufacture of
It is estimated that the cost of the
entire plant when finished will be
between $800,000, and $1,000,000,
and, in the opinion of experts, will
be the finest and most valuable
of its kind in the United States,
with the exception of the one at
Holyoke, Mass., where it cost $4,000,
000 to develop the Water power
alone. Mr. Savery had the % good
luck to get both these pieces of
property at $25,910, which has hern
admitted by judges of such matters
to be worth $400,000 in their unim
proved condition.
—When the company commenced
work their neighbors, the Harper's
Ferry Flouring Mill Coin puny, com
posed of Philadelphians, instituted
a suit in State courts against Mr.
Saver}' and obtained an injunction
on the ground that the development
of the water power by Mr. Savery
prevented the operations of the
flouring mills nnd questioning hia
title to the property.
Mr. James D. Butt, attorney ior
the Pulp Mill Company, had the
case removed from the State Court
to the United States Circuit Court
for West Virginia, and in July last,
after hearing argument pro and con,
Judge John G. Jackson dissolved
the injunction, which had prevented
work on the mill for two months. It
is an Interesting fact that since the
government bought the property in
-Afcw® Jiavg been no Jena tbaj*.,
six Jawauits growing out of the ques
tion of title to the property, all of
which have been decided in favor of
the United States.
When in operation the mills will
be owned and managed by a com pa
ny of three men, who are Messrs.
Thomas H. Savery, president, John
F. Quigley, vice president and gen
eral manager, and Wm. Luke secre
tary and treasurer. Wm. A. Luke,
son of Mr. William Luke, is the su
perintendent. All of these men arc
practical paper mill inen, and under
stand the business thoroughly. Mr.
Savery is vice-president of the Pu
sey «k Jones Co., of Wilmington;
Mr. Quigley is the owner of a paper
mill at Niagara Falls. From all
indications, Harper's Ferry, after
lying as dead for twenty five years,
will have all of its old time pros
perity returned to it, nnd in a few
years will be more proaperoiui jthuu
ever. ,
let that cold of yonrs run on. Y< u
think it is a light thing. But it
may run into catarrh. Or into
pneumonia. Or consumption. '
Catarrh is disgusting.. .Pneumo
nia is dangerous. Consumption is
death itself. •
The breathing aparatus must he
kept healthy and clear of all ob
structions and offensive matter.
Otherwise there is trouble ahead.
All the diseases of these parts,
hfead, nose, throat, bronchial tubes
and lungs, can be delightfully and
entirely cured by the use of Bo
schee's German Svrup If you don’t
know this already, thousands and
thousands of people can tell you.
They have been cured by it, and
"know how it is, themselves.” Bot
tle only 75 cents. Ask tny drug
gist. nug 14-c o w
A defender of the prolonged war
taxes asks ns why, if the tariff be
"a serious burden on the people,”
the people do not ask to be relieved.
They have been asking for relief for
the past seven years, in each one of
which $100,000,000 has been ex
torted from them needlessly. The
fact of snch a demand was ttfco?
nized by both political parties in
their .national platforms. Why did
the Republicans pledge themselves
to "correct the inequalities of tho
tariff and rednee the surplus” if
they did not believe that the people
demanded it ? Why .did the Demo
erats promise to "revise.the tariff”
and step the surplus except in re
sponse to pnblic sentiment? The
people do need and ask relief, and
only the incapacity or faithfulness
of the leaders in Congress has pre
vented it—y. r. World (Tnd.)