OCR Interpretation

West Virginia Democrat. [volume] (Charles Town, W. Va.) 1885-1890, June 01, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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lei Virgin Viimt,
owned and conducted bv the
ffest Virginia Publishing Company,
Entered at Post-Office as second-class.
The only congh mixture before
the people, that contains no opiates
or narcotics is Red Star Cough
Cure. Price twenty-live cents.
One of the large plate glass win
(lows in the front of Kink building
was broken bv a brick being thrown
through it last Saturday night.
The Friendship band of Winches- j
ter, Va., has been invited asthespe- j
eial guests of the Citizen’s Fire
Company on Memorial Day.
The present Town Council will j
meet next Saturday night to wind
up its affairs, and swear in the newly
elected body. The new Council will
meet on Monday night for organiza
For Miuie time past there lias been j
a new Sheriffalty ticket spoken of.
J. \V. Rider for Sheriff, W. N. Lem- ,
on. or ( apt. Billmyer. and Chas. E. ,
Baylor Deputies. The old ticket J
will l»e beaded by Mr. Albert Davis. .
Col. H. Kyd. Douglass, of Hagers- !
town, Md., will lecture on “The j
Southern Volunteer” in the Court- ;
house, on Saturday evening, June '
9th. Admission 25 cents, for the
bcuetit of the Lee Memorial Asso- :
One among the many eminent
church dignitaries who have given
their public endorsement tothe won
derful efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil, in
ease of rheumatism and other pain
ful ailments, is the Right Reverend i
Bishop Gilmour, Cleveland, Ohio.
The lot. corner of Samuel and
Congress streets, belonging to Mr. J.
M. Coyle has been purchased by the
vestry of /ion (Episcopal) Church
for the purpose of erecting a chapel.
The drawings are in the hands of
the contractors, and the building
will begin at once.
The municipal election in Mar- ;
tinsburg on Monday last was hotly
contested. C. O. Lambert, Indepen
dent Democrat, was re-elected mayor
over H. T. Cnshwa, the Democratic
nominee, by eight majority. The
Republicans elect four of the five
councilmen. The council will stand
six Republicans and four Demo
Adjutant General h. L. Wood,
while in this place on Wednesday
last, mustered in the “Jefferson
Guards.” He highly complimented
the company, and said he expected
it soon to become the crack company
of the State. Governor Wilson is
lit * w in Washington, interesting him
self in procuring for the company ;
uniforms and equipments.
O. Lambert, Independent Deui- j
ocrat, defeated H. T. Cushwa, the
Democratic nominee, for Mayor of
Martiushurg at the election on the
28th. Too much “organization" is ;
apt to make voters independent-,
of politicians who “ fix things." But;
he it understood we do not pretend
to know the complications of Mar
tinsburg politics.
The ladies of Beulah Society will
hold a Strawberry Feast at Beulah
Church on Wednesday and Thurs
da}' evenings, June 6th and 7th—
proceeds for the benefit of the church.
It is strictly a leap year concern.
The ladies are requested to bring
the gentlemen. We hope our young
ladies will not let this golden oppor
tunitv pass without profiting by it.
The Town Council, on Monday
night of last week, granted to Mr.
B. C. Washington. f..r a company
which he is organizing, the right to
lay mains through the streets and
establish a water system in Charles
town. We sincerely hope this com
pany will be aided in their enter
prise and that it will prove a suc
cess. Water works will be a great
help to our town in many ways.
Bv reference to our advertising
columns, it will be seen that Mr. W.
B. Alder is now conducting the gro
cery and huckster business by him
self. having bought out the entire
interest of his former partner, Mr.
( has. Whitmore. He has just re
ceived a fresh supply of all kinds of
goods in his line of merchandise,
and will make a specialty of vegeta
bles and fruits during the season.
Very often one feels languid, stu
pid and kiu’er played out. One of |
the ltest remedies we can ever tell
you about is Stonebraker’s Stomach
Bitters, they are absolutely the fin
est and most invigorating Bitters in
the world. They cured and built
up the broken down overworked peo
ple of eighteen hundred and forty
nine. and they are the same old re
liable to day that they were 37 years
Dr. M. 1*. Nelson died at his home
in Middleway on Sunday morning
last, aged 88 \ ears. He was. prob
ably the oldest physician in the
eounty. lie was a descendent of a
distinguished Colonial family—
grandson of one of the early Gover
nors and distinguished revolution
ary officers. He was a gentleman
of commanding presence and in
fluence—not only esteemed as a
skillful physician but beloved as a
friend and neighbor. Dnring the
most of a long and useful life he
was an active member of the Protest
ant Episcopal Church,—Free Press,
Miss Mary Porterfield has return
ed from Baltimore.
Hon. W. F. Thompson, Treasurer
of the State, was in town last week.
Mr. Van Lear Perry has returned
from Hampden Sydney College for
the vacation.
Miss Ida Avis and brother, of
New Haven, Conn., visited at Mr. A.
D. Barr’s.
Mr. Phillip C. Kennedy, of New
York.sjK-nt last Sunday at the home
of his parents in this place.
Mr Earnest Eastcrday ha* return
ed from Bryant and Stratton Com
mercial College, of Baltimore. He
brings with him his diploma.
(lev. E. W. Wilson reached Char
lestown by the S. V. R. R. on Satur
day night, aecomanied by Adj. Gen.
Wood. Gov. W. went to Harper’s
Ferry Sunday morning.
A Social Event in Marti ns biro.
—A Martinsburg, W. Va., telegram
say8: One of the mo9t fashionable
weddings that has ever occurred in
Virginia will be celebrated June 6th
at the ancestral home of the late
Hon. C. J. Faulkner. The contract
ing parties are Miss Ella F. Bocock,
daughter of the Hon. T. S. Bocock,
of Appomastox county, Va., and
granddaughter of the late Hon. C.
J. Faulkner, and Rev. Charles D. !
Price, formerly of Richmond, Va., ;
now pastor of the Presbyterian 1
church of Warrenton, N. C. The •
occasion will be one of special inter- i
est, owing to the manv associations
surrounding the beautiful old home,
where the wedding of several gener
ations have been celebrated.
A Sound Legal Opinion.
K. ltainDritijre Munday, Esq.,
County Atty., Clay Co.. Tex., says:
‘•Have used Electric Bitters with
most happy results. My brother
also was very low with Malarial Fe
ver and jaundice, but was cured by ;
timely use of this medicine. Am
satisfied Electric Bitters saved his
Mr. 1). I. Wilcox son, of Horse
Cave, Ky.. adds a like testimony,
saying: He positively believes ho
would have died had it not been for
Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off,
as well as cure all Malaria Diseases
and for all Kidney. Liver and stom
ach Disorders, stands unequaled.
Prices 50 cents and $1 at Frank
Jones’ drug store.
Some Startling Facts.
The oltieial returns from Boards
of Health show that nearlv three- ;
fourths of all deaths are from Con
sumption, when we think over this
fact it is really awful, though every
case started with a simple cough or
cold, realize how importaut it is to
cheek this terrible malady which
can be done by using Puritan Cough
and Consumption Curice 25 cts. at
C. F. Jones’ drug store.
■ --- 4> -
There was a banquet given at the
Carter House last Friday evening in
honor of the West Virginia Board of
Immigration an.I Development. We
have no doubt it was an elegant af
fair, since it was under the manage
ment of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Baker,
but owing loa previous engagement
we were not present, but neverthe- i
less have the extreme pleasure of
knowing what we missed by glan
cing over the following menu:
Steak, fish, boiled roek, egg sauce.
(•«*/</ Jhxtn Ix»in of beet, mutton and
lamb, veal, beef tongne,
Kutrees. Chicken salad, lobster salad,
deviled crabs.
Vegetables.- Sliced tomatoes, lettuce. ,
Iie)i*Ke*. - Worcester sam e, cncumlier
pickles, mixed pickles, chow chow, cold |
Ire Creams uutl lees.—Vanilla cream, i
pm*- apple cream, lenten lee.
Fruits.—Strawberries, oranges, bann- 1
lias, mixed nuts, cakes, coffee, tea, iced
Wines.—Sherry,claret, eatawba,chain- i
We take the following account,
from the Free Press:
It developed the capacity -of Mr.
Baker of the Carter House to ele
gantly and sumptuously entertain,
and on the par t of guests an indom
itable “industry” in the direction of
•‘internal improvement.” The deli
cacies of the season were deliciously
served. The tables were tastefully
garnished—embellished with flow
ers and dtcorated dishes, spotless
linen, Ac. Ac.—the whole attesting
that deft fingers and (esthetic tastes
of fair women were l#id utider con
Hon Win. 11. Travers presided.
Sentimeute were briefly responded
to by Hon. B. S. Morgan, State Su
perintendent of Schools. Hon. P. H.
Duffy, State Auditor, and State Sen
ator Oxley—guests from abroad; al
so by Hons. D. II. Lucas and W. H.
Tiavers. Col. R. P. ( hew. Mayor
elect Gustav Brown, Joseph Trap
nell, B. C. Washington. J. O. Aglion
by, B. 1). Gibson, W A. Sbewalter,
G. W. Haines, I)r. J. V. Simmons, J.
F. Fugle. It was. indeed, a “feast j
of leason and a flow of soul.” The
participants were at table about two
hours, and were regaled bv excellent
music by llieCornet. Band underthe
leadership of Mr C. L Osburn.
It was a matter of regret to all
that the gentlemen from the State of
the State Board of Development
could not remain to be present at
the banquet.
Miss Mary Ingel, while standing
on a bridge over Fishing Cieek, W.
Va., playfully dropped a small stone,
intending it to splash the water over
her companion, Elmer Friend who
was bending over, washing his hands
in the stream; but the 9tone striking
him on the head, caused instant
Messrs Stone Broker Co., Beer
| Sirs:—I have been selling your
Horse and Cattle Powder* for fifteen
years or more, and they gave entire
satisfaction for all that time. I
have used them myself, thev will
cure Distemper in a short time. I
i recommend them to any one that
needs a Horse ami Cattle Powder.
Respectfully vours,
J. Kyle Montague.
Wm. B. Locke, tried in Clarke
j County Circuit Court as accessory
to murder of Wm. R. Jenkins, was
acquitted by the jury on Saturday.
Motion has been made for new trial
in case of Josiali R. Locke, father of
W. B., who was recently convicted
of murder of Jenkins, verdict being
five years in penitentiary. Judge
Turner set aside the verdict and
granted J. R. Locke a new trial.
Remember This.—If you are sick
Simmons Liver Regulator will sure
ly aid nature in making you well.
If you are costive or dyspeptic or
are suffering from any other of the
numerous diseases of the Liver,
Stomach or Bowels, it is your own
fault if you remain ill, for Simmons
Liver Regulator is a sovereign rem- ^
edv in all such complaints. Take
only the genuine, which always has
on the wrapper the red Z Trade
mark and Signature of J. H. Zeilin
His Body Terribly Mangled.
A shocking accident occurred at ^
the Union Knitting Mills, whereby !
Isaac Cox was horribly mutilated.
Red Flag Oil the Famous Pain Cure |
was quickly applied and recovery
soon followed. You can try this j
great remedy for 23 cents.
If you want to drive away Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, j
Poor Appetite and all evils arising j
lrorn a disordered Liver use Dr. '
Lee’s Liver Regulator. Trial bot
tles free at C. F. Jones’ drug store. |
Avery pretty white and gold lunch
was given by the Misses Gibson
on Friday last to their guests, Misses
Lewis and Shepherd. There were
twelve covers. Down the centre of
the white table cloth was a scarf of
yellow silk embroidered in silver
and bordered with snow balls. In :
the center of the scarf was placed a
huge bowl of snow balls and old
fashion yellow lilies. At opposite !
ends were handsome candelabra
whose waxen lights blending with
those from the mantel and buffet
shed a soft radiance over the whole,
making the table with its burden of ,
fine French porcelain and silver or
naments, a lovely sight indeed.
Bouillon was served in daintily |
painted cups. Four courses follow
ed in due order. The souvenirs
were tiny card receivers filled with
bon-bons and ornamented with a
bow of white and gold ribbon.
— ... -A- ^ —
Don't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time j
in experimenting wlieu your lungs
are in danger. Consumption always
seems at first only a cold. Do not
permit any dealer to impose upon
you with some cheap imitation of
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, but be I
sure you get the genuine. Because !
he can make more profit he may tell i
you he has something just as good,
or just the same. Don’t be ueceived. j
but insist upon getting Dr. King’s
New Discovery, w hich is guaranteed
to give relief in all Throat, Lung |
and Chest affections. Trial bottles
free at Frank Jones’ drug store. !
Large bottles $1.
Another Sw indle,—Sharpers are
traveling through the country with
a new confidence game with which
they are fleecing farmers. The
game is to take orders for groceries
at ruinously low prices. The goods j
are delivered by the carload, each j
man’s purchase wrapped up in sepa ;
rate packages marked with name.
Collections are made at once. The
victim on opening his first package J
finds adulterated goods, and in some ;
instances almost worthless stuff’. It ,
is estimated that the swindlers clear
from $600 to $800 on each carload
that they sell. Of course it is to
those farmers who cannot afford to
take a newspaper and who are so
full of wisdom they think strangers
are ready to give them better bar
gains than their home dealers, who
are the victims of these swindlers,
and they are deserving of no sym
pathy. •
Take the Democrat and keep
posted as to these swindlers and
their games. Now is the time to
Mr. Hart has furnished to his pa
per (The Intelligencer) a very read
aide account of the* meetiug in this
town of the Hoard of Iinigration an I
Development. We thank him for
his compliment to the hospitality of
our women and are delighted that
the Company enjoyed themselves so
We learn from Mr. Hart’s report
of the meeting of his Hoard that
$1 ,200 has been collected and that
its next meeting will be in Grafton
on September oth. Mr. Hart says
that he attended the Southern Inai
; gration Convention at Hot Springs
; in North Carolina, but he does not
tell us what was proposed by that
1 Convention. He could not better
employ his pen than by informing
the public whether anything practi
cal is likely to be evolved by the
gentlemen who met in North Caro
’ ' - STATE NEWS."
The Great Kanawha river gets a
1 $350,000 appropriation this year.
Nicholas county endorses Ifon. P.
F. DnflV for re-election as Auditor.
Three million feet of lumber was
brought out by a late rise in Elk riv
Mrs. Malone, of Cameron, Mar
shall county, has been awarded
$2,299 back pension money.
A proposition is on foot to erect a
five story brick block, 150 front by
j 100 feet deep, this summer, in Hunt
Mrs. Bobers. Shannon, who resided
two miles from Charleston, was kill
ed by a falling tree yesterday daring
a storm.
H. D. Christie and Tbos. Kelley,
charged with the murder in Wheel
ing of Policeman Glenn last Janua
ry. were convicted on the 27th.
The State Medical Society of West
Virginia, after a very interesting ses
sion atHuntington, adjourned on the
17tli inst., to meet next at the White
Sulphur Springs.
A terrible storm ranged along the
Ohio on Monday evening. At Wliel
ing the bail did’ considerable dam
age. The storm seems to have ex
tended from Louisiana to St. Paul.
Charles Kanes and David Lively
have been arrested as the authors of
a number of incendiary fires in Mun
roc count)*, in this State. Kanes
made a confession.
Jack Liddle. a miner atCoalburg,
who went to work at mines at 7
o’clock this morning, was found
dead in his back room, two hours j
later, crushed by falling slate.
The Presbyterian Church in j
Springfield, Hampshire county, W.
Va., will be dedicated ou Sabbath,
June 10th, at 11 a. m. Sermon by
Rev. H. M. White, I). D., of Win
chester, Va.
One hundred anil six cars were ,
built for the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company at the Piedmont
shops during April—a larger nura-i
ber than in any one month known j
there before.
Caerton Deane of White Sulphur
Springs, Greenbrier county, who at
tempted to commit suicide a few
weeks ago by cutting his throat with
a knife, died on May 11th, from 1
Senator Kenna has secured the j
services of Representative Brecken- j
ridge, of Kentucky, for two speeches I
in West Virginia—one at Moorefield, j
about the 29th instant, and another ’
at Romney.
At Caperton, W. Ya., Saturday,
Lee Poindexter, colored, shot and
killed a peddler named Silverstone.
The shooting grew out of a dispute
about a pair of socks which the ped
dler had sold Poindexter.
The anti-Mahone republicans ofj
the eighth congressional district of
Virginia have elected Major H. Hine,
of Fairfax, and Yardlv Brown, of
Loudoun, delegates to the republican
national convention. They arc for
Last Saturday Carter Armstrong
and brother became intoxicated at
Malden, Kanawha Co*, and went to
Straughan’s mines, where they shot
at Dan Myers. The latter went to
his house and got a gun loaded with
shot. He fired upon Armstrong and
filled his arm, shoulder and side with
shot. He may recover
The contingent of West Virginia
politicians in Washington (theieare
about 100 of them) have nominated
Hogg in the 4th, Alderson in the
3d, Ben Wilson in the 1st and W. L.
Wilson in the 2d.
In Memoriam.
Mr. Thomas Clipp departed this life
May 18th, 1888, at his residence near Rip
on, this county, in his 57th year.
He was a k'ind husband and loving
father. He was considered by all who
knew him to be an honest anu upright
man in all business transactions. We
have lost one of our best citizens, and
farmers. Sorrow not bereaved ones.
Try to be patient,these severe atHictions
Not from the ground arise;
But oftentimes celestial i*enodictions
Assume thi9 dark disguise.
O. M. H.
Inherited Diseases.
No fact of nature la more pregnant
with awful meaning than the fact of lha
inheritance of disease.
Modern science, which has Illuminated
so many dark corners of nature,has shed
a new light on the ominous words of the
Bcriptures, “The sins of the fathers,
shall be visited upon the children
unto the third and fourth generation."
Fifty per oeut. of cases of consumption,
cancer and scrofula, run in families
through inheritance. Insanity is bored
' itary in a marked degree, but, fortu
nately, like many other hereditary
diseases, tends to wear itself out, the
stock becoming extinct. A distin
guished scientist truly says: “No organ
or texture of the body is exempt from
the chance of being the subject of
hereditary disease." Probably more
chronic diseases, which permanently
modify the structure and functions of
the body, are more or less liable to be in
herited. The Important and far-reaching
practical deductions from such facts—
are obvious to reflecting minds, and the
beet means for preventing or curing
these diseases is a subject of Intense in
terest to alL Fortunately nature has
CTided a remedy, which experience
attested as infallible, and the reme
dy is the world-famous Swift’s Specific,
a pure vegetable compound—nature’s
antidote for all blood poisons. To the
afflicted it is a blessing of inestimable
value. An interesting treatise on
“Blood and Skin Diseases" will b«
Bailed free by addressing
Thi Swift Specific Ca,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga i
Every Home Should Have It.
It is not always convenient to call a
Physician for every little ailment. Hav
! ing Red Flag OU in the house you have
; a Physician always at hand, it kills
Rheuniatisin, Neuralgia, Burns, Bruises
and all Aches and Pains. Price 25 eta.
i There are few things in this life of
I which we may be certain, but this is one
of them, Puritan Cough and Consump
tion Cure has no equal for Coughs, Colds
and Consumption. Price 25 cents, at C.
Jones’drug store. raayll,’8$-y.
Jefferson County, set:
At a term of the County Court of Je£
feraon county, W. Va.. continued and
held the 8th dav of May, 1888.
Report of S. H. Higginbotham, Super
intendent of the ChaHeatown and Beiry
ville Turnpike for the year ©odingMay
1, 1888. showing a balance of f10t84 in
hand, this day received by the Court and
ordered to be filed.
Report of Dr. I. 8. Tanner, Superin
tendent of the Shepherdstown and Hall
town Turnpike for the year ending May
1, 1888. showing a balance in hand of
$65.15, this day received by tho Court and
ordered to be filed.
Report of Dr. J. E. Wilson, Proxy for
the county in the Xroads and Summit
Point Turnpike for the year ending
Mav 1, 1888, showing a balance of about
$40.00 in hand thia day received by the
Court and ordered to be filed.
The Court made a list of 100 Grand Ju
rors for the next year sod deposited the
same with the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of this county to be disposed of as ths
law provides.
The Court made a list of 200 Petit Ju
rors for tho next year and deposited the
same with the Clerk of the County Court
of this county to be disposed of as the
law provides.* __
Upon the application of Geo. W. Tacy
for reduction of assessment upon a lot of
land in Bolivar, it is ordered that aaid
reduction be made on account of there
being no improvements on said lot,while
the laud books show improvements to
the amount of $275 00. And it is ordered
that said Tacy be exonerated from the
payment of $2.88; State tax, 60; State
school tax, 28; county tax. $M2; teach
er’s tax, 57; and building tax, 22, for the
year 1887, and that the same be certified
to the Auditor of this State.
Ordered that P. O. Nichols be exoner
ated from the payment of $7.51 on a tract
of land in Miadleway District, contain
ing 12^ acres, for tho year 1885, on ac
count of the same tract of land having
been assessed to Wm. Fulk for the same
year. . . .
Ordered that P. O. Nichols lie exoner
ated from the payment of $8.30 on a
tract of land in Middleway District con
taining 12'/* acres, for the year 1886, on
account of the same tract of land having
been assessed to Win. Fulk fo.* the same
In the matter of the ditlerenco between
Samuel Michaels and R. A. Alexander
and J. Garland Hurst as to division
fence lietween their contiguous lands,
the three persons appointed at a former
term to settle said difference, viz; Sam
uel L. Rissler, W. V. Frazier and James
W. Engle having returned their report j
to the Clerk’s office of this Court, April
7,1888, which report is in the words and
figures following:
‘‘We, the undersigned Commissioner*.
James W. Engle, Samuel I* Rissler and i
W. C. Frazier, do make this our report, |
this 7th day of April, 1888. Having i
viewed the entire line between Samnel |
Michaels and Hurst and Alexander, U
§ inning at the corner of W. W. Downey, I
amuel Michaels and Hurst and Alex
ander, running east to tho corner of J,
F. Folev, said Michaels and Huist and
Alexander. That the said Samuel Mich
aels shall make and keep in good repair
the one-half of the entire said line of
fence (or west end half) and the said
Hurst and Alexander shall keep in good
repair the other said half of said line (or
east end half. And that the said Hurst
and Alexander can at tlieir convenience
remove their west end half of fence
built (on their own lands) and to have
the full and free right to intersect the
true line of jointly made fence with
either gates or fences at any point they
may efioose, and that tho said Samuel
Michaels shall also have the full and
free right to intersect the true line of
jointly made fence with gates or fences,
at any point ho may choose (on said
Michael's own side o‘f said fence). And
that the said Samuel Michaels shall
have the ohl rails now on the west half
end of the “disputed” line. The aaid
Hurst and Alexander can for their own
convenience set gates if they prefer in
the newly made lane which will be such
when the said Samuel Michaels shall
have made his half of said entire line
(on the line between Samuel Michaels
and Hurst and Alexander) for ths con
venience of conveying stock to back
fields of said Hurst aha Alexander.”
Witness our hands this 7th day of
April, 1888.
Sam’l. L. Rissler,
Wm. C. Frazier,
Jah. W. Knulk.
It is ordered that the same bo received
and recorded in the lx>ok kept for that
purpose in the office of the Clerk of this
Court, and that the said Samuel Mich
aels pay the costs of these proceeding*.
Junel,’88-lt. Clerk of said Court.
( To be Continued.)
IN pering done, as prices never were ho
low, but are bound to advance next
Fall. I have laid in an
and propose giving customer* the beno
tit or the present low price*.
Don’t use kalsomine whpn a lieautiful
paper can l>e bought for a slight addi
tional first cost, and which will last ten
vcars or more. Measure your rooms and
get estimates of the prices and the cost
will surprise you. Sample* and esti
mates cheerfully mailed on application.
in all colors and plain and fancy pat
: terns.
Opp. Baldwin Hoyse,
Hagerstown, Md.
A full line of samples can be seen at
! Dr. C. Frank Jones’ drug store, Charles
town, W. Va.
! msrch30,'88-4in.
The Taylor House,
First class in all Its appointments.—
Kates reasonable. Omnibus to and
I from depot, free of charge.
Special rates to Commercial Travelers
for whom large sample rooms have been
provided. JOHN L. ROBINS,
ang 19 ’87-ly. Proprietor.
Consumption Surely Cnred.
To The Editob—Please infoam your
readers that I have a positive remedy
for the above named disease. By its
timely use thousmnds of hopeless cases
have been permanently cnred. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy fbee to any of yonr readeis who
have consumption if they will send me
their express and post office address.
Respectfully, T. A, Slocum, M. C.
d&-Gm 181 Pearl st., N. Y.
We go for a larger business every season, and keep our po
sition as leaders in our business by steady and
intelligent work.
What of It ?
We shall not get all the customers we want as long as
there's more to be had, and more goods can be got.
What’s the Result?
The big quantities we buy means lower and lower prices
for you. It’s easy to sell goods when people get
better than they expect for their Dollars. Our
* •
is by far the largest and most varied we have ever shown.
. ... ■
4 )
‘ »
' * -' 4 '
L tU
Manvel Wind Engines
and pumps,
Main Street, Charlestown, west va.
All Kinds of Hardware.
Also a Large Stock of
Agricultural Implements of all Kinds.
CustomandArtistic T ailor,
Talbott Building, Charlestown, W. Ya.
Calls the attention of the public to the finest
Ever brought to this town, anil respectfully aalta an Inspection.
Suits Made to Order in a Fashionable Manner.
Send in your orders at once, to avoid overcrowding and risk of disappointment
at and near the midsummer season. ......
1 do all mv catting, and hsveemployed the best of
SPECIALTIES in Unllorms, Indies’Basoue* and Riding HaplU.
, Thanking my customers for past favors, I reapectftillv •S??*1 v'
the same. I am prepared to give better satisfaction this f.Ar
owing to different system of business, and will allow no one to be dissatisfied with
work done. I have for sale the justly celebrated
! Celebrated, Issoause they can be ad lusted to all fonns^ aod will do 11 °-^U}50|;"
nor tear pants. Bound to please all who try them. Price*. 25. 50,75,90 and
i Respectfully, KAMIKLALAM*.
Contractors and Builders,
Krerybody intending to build or remodel can save time and money by leaving or
sending their orders f >x
Brackets, Cornice and Mouldings,
V • rr . + ^ m I- ' . «r,|fi ,
Steam Saw and Planing Mill.
|ST Satisfactions will be given as to price, and quality of work..£3|
Terms. Reasonable.
Vm. Phillips & Sons.
Oct .21,’£87

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