Newspaper Page Text
-A_SE0Kt{3i MAN’S SVJ’KBSTtI i293u3sL»jiu “No; I’m not betting to-day,” said a turfman in a down town pooh room recently to a lnend who had a sure thing on the ^ew Orleans races. “Busted?” was the laconic reply. “No; but I laced one of my shoes up wrong this morning. It s a bad sign. I’ll let ’em alone to-day.” “Are you auperstitious?” “I frankly-1 confess I am' d*nd 1 think you’ll find nine out of ten sporting men are,” he replied as he lk a cigar; -and what is more, I don’t beliere there is a human being who is not superstitious. Some arc mdfce so than others, hut take g^i|* blcYs and Tiorsemen as n class dim yon will find each has his own pecu liar qiulp« Now, this morning I laced my shoe up wrong. If I had left it that way it would have been a lucky ‘day for me. but I did not. I unlaced it, and I’ll bet 2 to 1 if I j Wight a pqql on a horse he would. y before be.oame und<^j ‘ file string. “That’squite interesting. Would yot mind giving me some of your ex-i perienees? What do you consider a omfl?’’ ‘ You w*^t to know whit I .consid er a lucky Men. oh? That’* just as^ the iflea stiikes me. I used to count I -4r5i<e b«^s. ^opposing I was jJlafiGThg'SlTBC' corner of Froadway itmj con at s oild numbers and sometimes on the even Like this: If I made up my mind on even horses and an even number went bgvdJKrqtg theffye min- j utes, then I would be lucky, and vice versa.’’ “You gamble Mf-Cams, do you. “Ob, yes, I make my living as a sporting man.” f ( * * ‘Does your superstition aflbet you in playing cards?” “Ye*, indeed. If I am going to play cards for money, I always hunt up a beggar and give him some mon-' ey for luqk. X ha\f walked wonae- j times two miles to tind a beggar. : I know a gambler who goes daily to an Italians Greene street who has three little canaries-that telL for tunes by pulling an envelope out of a pack. He always follows the ad vice off the ^iril and I have actually 9een him shed tears o*er smite of the slips be got, not from grief, but from vexation, if they went against his grain. I have had gamblers tell me they had acquired the habit of try ing their luck in different ways, but , 1 claim it’s not a habit; it’s nature , born in a man, and it never comes out. WhyJ know dozens of people who laugh, at superstition wbo will have a regular ease of the dumps if they don’t see the new moon over their right shoulder for the first time. They think If they see it over the right shoulder and make a wish they will get their wish. -- ♦ * ■ — . A SORT OF TOBACCO HASH. In the manufacture of snuffin this country the finest Virginia leaf to bacco is used, which is considerably modified by carrying the fermenta tion much further than in tobacco intended for smoking, and is simply ground aiul sifted. “In our Jersey City factory,” said a prominent dealer to a Mail and Express reporter, “we have about sixty mills, resembling large coffee mills. The ground tobacco falls upon an endless band of broad can vas, which conveys it to four sets of of mechanical sieves. The snuff which pusses through is received J upon an endless travelling band, which carries it thence into a close j chest. The particles which are too ! coarse to pass through the sieve are j reground. The immense varieties i of snuffs are formed by mixing to ! - gather and grinding tobaccos of dif 1 ferent growths, and bv varying the 1 nature of the same. ,*‘For the snuff known as Nearoco, foffty parts of genuine St. Oiuer, South American, tobacco, forty parts of Georgia and twenty parts of fer i rnented Virginian stalks in powder ; are used. The whole Is ground aud sifted. Then two and one-halt' | pounds of rose leaves are cut aud . mixed with powdered Virginiau stalks, and two and one-hak peonth* \ of rosewood in fine powder, inoisteu ed with salt water, are added. It is then worked up with oue pound of' cream of tartar, two pounds of salt of tartar and four pounds of table , salt. This snuif, which iafjsgj& scented, must be preserved in kad.l and brings #4 per pound. Tbeoth- j er brands of snuff manufactured here arc Bolongaro, large grained Paris aud Scotch snuff, ranging in price from $3 to $10 per poip^U." ENGLISH SOCIAL PRORLKMS. Th* 301 The old sweetrural life of England, which, if it was by no means idyllic, | yet had many wholesomo and happy elements, is coming rapidly to an end, |Jftgfoung men will not sfciy in the country Tillages. The population of the little country towns is stationary ; or retrogressiTe, while that of the j cities is swelled out of all proportion. 1 In 1861 there were already 172 dweller* in towns to 100 dwellers in rural districts; in 1871 the number had risen to 192; in 1881 it had reached 212—or somewhat more enna, _ It is larger than the agg ate population of our 19 largest provincial towns. "In the decade 1871-81 it added 562,223 to the number of its inbab-i itants. It 49HWH, »t® 4t V a s, while the population of En gland and Wales has talien 57 years to double itself. “Whereas at the beginning of the century out ot nine inhabitants of England and II ales .one fivedm^ondon, the proportion now Vilen to one out of seven.” The population of the outer ring of London increased 50 per <;cnt. in the iieeennium 1871-81; London is now adding tx> her enormous popu lation 70,000 souls a year—a city larger than Exeter; and its danger ous plethora is swelled /by the con tinabus Jidhni of lifts* of pauper foreigners, who, almost from the weetTof their arrival, begin to live pn the rates, who help crowd out our own laborers, and who can add nothing to the general life but un satisfied appetites', and that unskill ed labor of the poorest kind with which the labpr _ npirkel j&. a^ie&^y glutted to r week ofDece than 103,968 paupers were relieved, and this does not include vagrants and criminals. Nor are “the masses” so coot** with the loti? pauperism as v #oro <¥ general on back) He \?b(v«b*nd* down hip i ar low ^ough to listen mr hear iibnurindi jig of r ound swell ^«N*e lower^eeps of humanity whifli Jt no distant date^mav burif iq^ |*tfcnr.t}ud3torm. Consuaqption Car An 'old physician,’ leliid from practice, having nadplaced Tu his hand^by an East India missionary th^Myula of a simple vegetable rdraedy^for the speedy and perma nent. dure of Consumption, Bronchi tis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lqng Affections, also a positive and radpcal cure for Nervous Debil ity and all Nervous Complaints, af ter having tested its wonderful cu rative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duly to make it! known to his suffering fellows. Ac tuated by this motive and a desire to"relieve human suffering, I will send free of Charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in GerniaD. 1 French or EngUsff with full direct- i ions for preparing and usipg^lSent bv mail bv addressing with smnp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 1 149 Potcer* Bbwl\ liochesta\ X. 1 QUA IwWoMfc -m WINE AS AN INVESTMENT, _ London Standard. What has become of the choice cellar which Sir Walter Trevelyan, strict teetotaler, bequeathed to Dr. Richardson, another undeviating ab stainer ?. It was not specially fa mous. yet it contained St. Peray of 1837, a “Sherrissack” of 1837 wor thy of the best that Sir John Fals taffever spoke in its favor— Maderia which had lain in a Charleston “gar ret” before Nopoleon went to St. Helena, and Malmsey persuasive enough to induce one to realize the fabled fate of the Duke of Clarence. There was port bottled in tbe year when the comet of 1811 flamed through the sky. Tokay which be fore 1753, had imparted ti^egoyt to the husband ofJ.adv Mary-Wortley Montagu, and a Cyprus imported in the year when Mustapha III, was battling with Catherine of Russia. The truth is that there are few in vestments better than well selecte^l wines. Taking the chance of thirs tv uiobs and earthquakes and a res olution in public opiniou all over the earth, a good port bottled in the Waterloo year and sold in the Alma <»ne at £35 a dozen, or a Tokay laid down in 1800 and sold half a cen tury later at Cracow for £3G must be considered u» paying a fair inter est on their eost and keep. Gko. W. Harris, Proprietor. \ M. <'■ i.i., i & r/tf>j<'tk. fiotet JIamiliorj HAGKRSTC >W N, - MAKYLA N I>. This new Hotel, with its new and cost ly furnished WW open f<>r guests. It bas a central location equally couve oient to ttio business ami resident por tions of the town, with direct access to all railroad stations, and for comfort and general completeness cannot be ex celidHl....... Tkrms.- $2.00 and $2.50, according to » nation of rooms. Special rates tocom ii rrial mm. jatl.ti.’sS-y. Fish! Fish ! Y\7K are receiving FRESH FISH \ j daily, and will sell them as low as "the market afford®. STRUCK HER RING ThtgiV upantltV desired. mpr27,’j& * AT.mJRd WHITMORE. Universityw! SUMMER LAW LECTUll ^ line sue" tlu ir studies at this or otlier Law School; 2nd, to those who propose to road privately; atid 8d, to practitioners who have not had tne advantages of sys tematic instruction. For circular apply 'CP-O. University of Ya.)to Jso.B. Mi nor, Prof. Com. and Stat. Law. may 18-1 m. l i ~a — Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The bust Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chii blains. C orns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It unguaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.* Price 25 cents per box. For saj,e hjPtjfj'o’tfgo T U*ht.___ _ ratrH-ST^ Just received a large supply of Califor nia Hams, to be sold at bottom figures. W. S. MERCHANT. _■ A Most Effective Combination. ! fhht Veil known Tonlo and >>r\ In«‘ {* F*it '"S great repaUttouM b«wr* «\>r lVliil!»r.d»'k|H ji sia. and HrfcKVOUd d-anlpni. ‘ It ret9*<* AH luuKiddaad debilitated if.n.lUJnn^vi tbeWj J trm ; strengthen* the Intellect, rnd hodllj fjMlWOi build* up worn out »rvta: 0I1M illiN 'tion : rr aores impaired or lost Vitality. and lirni/s bnrV voutliful Mrnurib and vi^ir. It 1* plti "unt to tl<r taste, m>d used ttculailT I'l'w* tW > |**t» iu ajr-.tu-. the depressing Influence of Mn lari;.. ( ,] iViee-tll.OO |K*v R.ittle i*f ‘it tunice*. *OK SALK BT ALL Wlt ^OUTS. Handy £ Cox Prop.. Italtiinore, Md. v ivi fTror’s Real Estate Column. The following Real Estato is offered to buyers (in reasonable terms, and Inter views and cQrrcspondcncc solicited. Please say where vou saw the notice: Letter A. A very desirable* House and Lot, jilst outside tfie Vorporatldfi, Char lestown; last honsoon South Samuel st; | price $1100, one-half cash. B. A No. one Limestone Farm of 16H a'cres, 2X4 miles N. W: of Charlestown. Land, buildings, fruit and water, all good; price $55 per acre. C. A highlv improved Farm of M5.M* acres, 1 mile W. of Char lest*) wn, im provements ull new and first-class; price $75 per acre, usual terms. I>. . acres,situated \% miles south of Middleway, new house,good-barn ami other farm huildifig, Chalybeate spring; price $35 per acre. . | E. Farm of 201 acres, 5 miles from Harper’s Ferry, in Loudoun county, Ya. | Hood land, well improved, in a good neighborhood; price $35 per acre. Well watered, and 50 acres of wood. F. New and splendid liftlq Home, i with Lucres «f ground, situated on the , Charlestown and Junction road. Neigh- ! borhood of Wiltshire’s school-house; | price $1900. (i. House aud Lot on edge of town, 1 near ‘*Mordingtouprice $W00. I Xo. 50. (Catalogue) An a^re of Build ! ing Lots In Charlestown, very desirable, in the new part of town; price $525. Who wants to build? I 2S acres of the choicest Jefferson coun ty Limestone Land, at the north end of jSyerstown, and in sight of the above, and will be sold with it, if desired, at sixty-five dollars t><T hc^g. Xo. 3. 191 acres, near Summit Point : depot, on tlie 11. <V O. R. K., Winchester ' Branh, Jefferson co., W. Ya. This is a j very productive and desirable farm,well improved with a large brick dwelling, : bank barn and all other necessary out- 1 uuildings, with ample supply of water; price $46 i>cr aero. Xo. 1. 237 acres of good Limepiono j Land, within two miles of Harper’s For- , ry, near the Main Stem of the 11. ikO.R. ] K., Jefferson co., W. Ya. Limestone j Quarries, with a Landing on the Poto mac river for boating stone to Washing ton via the C. A O. Canal. A line Spring, splendid. Orchard, two Stone Houses, | and Kitchen, Bank.Barn, and all other ! necessary outbuildings; price $45 per acre. Xo. 5. 129 acres of the above fame;with i all the improvements and best land—in cluding all west of the county road—at fifty dollars per acre. No. •». 10b acres, containing the cele brated Bolivar Heights, Jctlerson co., W. Ya. The heights overlook the whole country, and will some day be a great resort/as it looks down upon the famed | Island Park. This tract contains about 30 acres of Woodland. The plateau is I level and very rich; price forty-five dol lars per acre. Xo. 7. A well established Store Prop ' ertv, at Kabletown, in Jefferson county, ! with a very desirable Stone Residence; | cistern, and all necessary convenient I outbuildings, with beautiful yard with shrubbery. Would exchange for Balti more city property; price twenty-five hundred dollars. Xo. 12. 170?.{ acres of Limestone Land of which 35 acres is woodland, situated in the southwest part of Jefferson co. Dwelling a log weather-boarded house ls.xL> feet, with alittlo barn, meat-house, smith shop, well and cistern. Five acres in an orchard; all fencing good; price thirtv-five dollars per acre. No. 24. 13 aejops and WoflfeiT Factory, situated on the Xvosl sidfe of §honandeah river near Shailiiondale STufings. This is one of the best Wbotoh manufactories iu thiasectiop of tho-Litatc. Fair dwol llnphuusoanil otliej necessary outbuild ings. The'Factory Is vater^power. and iahi-aiud ill •nboltheibest wool-produ cing sections of the county; price $5,000. Xo. 1. 1.50 Acre Farm and Flouring Mill, on Blue Spring run, inihe western part of Jefferson county, three miles from a depot on the main* line of the 1). j ,t o. K. R. Fine Dwelling House on the farm—all, as well as the mill, in good ! order. The water-power is exhausjless, and the farm in best state of cultivation. Price $8,W)0. Xo. 9. 94*g Acres, near Zoar, in the county of Jefferson. This is a detached portion of a farm and the house is an old brick. The land is good limestone and in a desirable neighborhood for im proving and making a nice home. Price $5,000. Xo. 11. 105 Acres—IS'., acres,in wood. This nice little farm is three or four miles lrom Charlestown. This land is well fenced and under good cultivation, and has on it quite a quantity of locust trees, which will make posts. Price $45 per acre. No. 19. About 100 acres, east side She- j namtoah river, two miles above Nhanon- j dale Lprings, six miles south of Charles town. Limestone soil; 20 acres river bottom, 15 acres timber, two springs, a young orchard of 150 trees of all sorts of i trait. Two small houses, old barn, fen- ! i ces good; price $35 per acre. Would ex- | 1 change for Missouri farm. 45 miles from i Washington city. No. 14. 20<> acres. Limestone, do acres in timber: ten fields, with a farm road through the centre, letting stock go to water at will from all the fields. A two storv Brick House with seven rooms and kitchen; a fine cellar, large cistern and two wells near the house. A complete Bank Barn 85x45, with all the modern ; appliances—cistern in the barn. All other outbuildings for a tii st-claSs farm. I Ajverjl Urg> orchard .g' chipH bearing I fruit! Tins very desirable farm is two 1 miles uorthwesi fropi Summit Point, I Jefferson Co., W. Va. "Price $50 per acre, i No, 50. Tvo-^tory Pramp,House, with \ seven room/, laffe’o garden, oA West Lib-1 ertv street. Charlestown: new cistern, I smokehouse, cellar, large back yard and i some nice fruit trees, iu a quiet part of I the town. Price$1,200. Usualterms. * No. 58. f Catalogue) Now divided into . three residences, on Kailroad Av.enuo, Charlestown; price on view. No.’25 400 acres, can be divided, has j two xcts of buildings; bine slate land, good hnildlmis. plenty of wood and wa- . ter of the best quality-r-one mineral spring; the verv best ot all fruits. Two miles west of Middlewhy. Price $20 per acre. Will exchange for Va. property. Having made ample arrangements for exchanging farms or other real or per sonal property in Kansas, Florida, Mis souri and other Southern and Western States, persons wishing to make such trades, are requested to see V. M. Firor, j Charlestown, >V. Va., where maps and ; descriptions can be seen. /Utti Wdftrbach <SCo., 7,7b Broad»t.,fI'fq|w ark, Tt. J, * ‘ I To canvass for one of the largest, ohfeat established, Best KhoSvii Nurseries in the country. Most liberal terms. 1 Uno nualled facilities. ftKNKVA N1 HH EKY. Established 18*i. \y. it x. SMITH, GENEVA, N. Y. Walters Patent SSlff* , Alasnlutely Metal Shingles m bin and im iw Durable and Ornamental. • ! Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Natioa-.u- Suekt Mutau -KtutfiNu Oo., ' 512 East 20th St., New York City. ..I --*• — ■*"■!'■ —■+;— PARKER’S -■ HAIR BALSAM Cleanse and beantlflee the lrnlr. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Yeoflifuf Color. Cure&ooalp diseased and hair tailing HINDERCO Tho ntent, sure** and best COMM onion*, ia Stop* all min. Ensure* comfort to Never faUa to cure, to cant* at UrngKlati. &Oo„ N. T. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Whoily unlike artificial systems. Any book learned in one reading. Classes of 10S7 at Baltimore, liKlo at De troit, 1500 at Philadelphia, lurge classes of Columbia Law students, at Yale,Wel lesley, Oberliu, University of Penna., Michigan University, Chautauqua, Ac., Ac. Endorsed by Richard Proctor, tlie Scientist, Hons.’W. W. Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson, Dr. Brown, E. H. Cook, Principal N. Y. State Normal Col lego. Ac. The system is perfectly taught i>y correspondence. Prospectus post ritKE from PK<>F. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave., X. Y. EXHAUSTED tflTALITY rpilK SCIENCE OK A LIFE, the great Medical Work- of the ugeon Mantu>oU,Nerr ou* emi I'hyvim. Ims hllity, I’ruimture la ttyaiil TUVCCI P elute. Errors ot Youiu. RWU>I Ini v£Ll land the untolil tniser k ounsoiuent thereon, 3Oil jw^as $ vo., 136 |»« *criuti«e* tor all disease*. Cloth, full gilt, only f i.txi. hy until, seeled. Illuatrativcsample free to nil v.-ung and uuilille-aged men. Send now. The Uolii vnd Jewelled Medal awarded to the author hy the Nallot, al Medical Association. Adrtrea* P.O. Box It*.'.. H r ton, M .s*.,(ir Dr. W. II. PARKER, graduate ot IIm vanl Medical College, 35 yean’ practice in B<*;.n.. who may lie consulted confidentially. OlRo Ao t Bulfinch St. K|)ecialty, Diaea*e» of Man. Cat thla out. You tnujr uever >ce It ar-ii IS ON RLE at the office f»{ THE H. P. HUBBARD CO, Judicious Ad vertising Agents &.Experts,New Haven,Ct. Our Authorize? Agent* who cm quota our very lowert advertising rate*. Advertisement* de- I I tinned, proofs shown «nd •stimtfss of I *cst in ANY newspapers, forwarded to I responsible parties upon application |__I Phil. B. Dorsey ha* embarked into tint HUCKSTER IXG business for himself, and will be in the market and pay the highest cash for Lambs, Calves, Butter, Kggs, Pcultry, &c», &c.; in fact everything that farmers may have which is at all marketable. Fish ! Fish ! Fish ! Will have on hand fresh fish of all kinds; also struck Herring by tho hun dred or thousand at rock bottom prices, and it will be to the advantage of pur chasers to call on me before buying, as I am determined to give each and all tiie benefit pl‘low prices. I will from time to time call on my Farmer friend* to purchase their pro duce. So do nut sell hut wait until I call around and procure the highest cash price for your marketing. Respectfully, PHILIP 11. DORSEY, On the Bloomery Turn Pike, apr20’88 Charlestown, W. Va. Ice! Ice! rpilE undersigned is prepared to servo 1 the public with ICE for tho season of, in any quality debited. Ice har vested above town, and not att’ected by auv impurities arising from water con taining the town drainage. (in has for deli very solicited. a2o-2m Thomas Frazier. FAYETTE SOUDF.RS, —DKALKRIN— WINES and LIQUORS, for. Main and Charles Sts.. Charlestown, - - - West Va. Keeps eonstaritlv on hand the best of Imported and Domestic'Wines and Li quors. . % fTTMv Saloon is first-class in all re sjlebts, itud Mixed Ih'inkx n Speriiiily. FRESH STONE LIME, Solti by T. P. LIPPITT DOORS AND WINDOWS, kept by T.F. LIPPITT. Tne BUYEBS* GUIDE ia issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnisa you wun all the neocssary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or 6tay &t homo, and in various sized, styles and quantities. Jast figure out what is required to do all these thiP,;.. COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair . estimate of the value of the BUYElitt' GUIDE, which will bo cebt upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poatig<j, MONTGOMERY WARD £ QO. ill-114 Michigan Avenuo, Chicago. 111. Wtfhington&AlaxandM 1NSURAN E AGENCY, Office in Gibson Building CHARLESTOWN, W. VA. REPRESENT the following Compa nies: •- « ASTNA OF HARFORD, the largest and most popular Company i in America. Equitable Life Insurance Society of United States. Hartford Life and Annuity of Hartford. Home, of New York. Piicenix, of Hartford. Washington Fire a Marine * of Boston. Continental, of New York. American, of Wheeling. Peabody, of Wheeling. German, of Wheeling, Liverpool and London and Globe. of England, the largest foreign Company doing busi . ness in America. <* We have made arrangements to insure property against Tonmdoes in Aetna, of Hartford: Continental of New York; and 'Peabody, of Wheeling, W. Va. Where parties desire this, on applica tion, a speciaPpolicy will be granted,and an additional rate charged for same. — AGENTS : — J. S. FLEMING, Shepherdstown. C. L. BARNHART, DulHelds. JAS: W. LEAGUE,Middleway. A sworn statement of the conditions of all Foreign Insurance Companies repre sented in this Agency will be found at the Clerk!* Office, in complinnco with State laws. All losses promptly adjusted and paid at our Office. WASHINGTON A ALEXANDER, jan.9,’85—ly.] Agents If you are Hungry and got the money to suend call at Wall & Dorsev’s. W. S. MERCHANT, The People’s (GROCERY,! i ^ Main St., Charlestown, West Va. r -)o( Keeps nil hand Fresh Meats of all kinds— BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, wniehare always kept eool and fresh in my renovated ice box. Also Country Hums, Shoulders, Middlings, Dried Beef, Home-made Belogna Sausage, Mackerel hv the bbl. % bbl. ami by the kit; salted Herring by the harref and in small quantities to suit buyers. GROOERIES1 A full line of Groceries, consisting of white and brown sugars, molasses— SO, 40, 50 ami 70 cents per gallon—coffees, loose rousted and in packages; prunes, poaches, dried apples, all kinds canned fruits, eating and seen potatoes, tobacco, segars, soaps of all Kinds. Babbitt’s soap 5 cts. per eake. Thanking my patrons for their kind treatment In the past, I solicit a con tinuation of the same. inav7,*88—tf. W. S. MERCHANT. Watson House, JAMES WATSON, Prop’u. Charlestown. Jefferson County, W. Va. Meals at all hours to suit Travellers. Transient Boarding on reasonable terms Hacks to and from all trains free ot charge. The Bar is supplied with choice Wines Liquors, Cigars, etc. Telephone call No. 7, Western Union Telegraph Office, noxt door to hotel. ISTFirst-elass Livery Stables Attach ed. * jan.9’M5— ly. m? A TTTT?C Shropshire,Ox 'jJ± U 1 Hi A Cots.SIIKKP Jersey Red and Berkshire HOGS. P. Rocks A B. Leghorn Chickens. Bronze Turkeys. Kggs and CARP in season. ENGINES, Mills, H. P’rs. Ac., best and cheapest; part nay in lumlier. Satisfact ion guaranteed on all. Send stamp for circulars to T. It. CARS K A DON, Kky seii, W. Va. dct21-ly. D. HEFLEBOWER. Auctioneer RIPON, W. VA. I , o . - , f i Alwaysholds himseif in readiness to K'ry Sales any place, and on tbo short : est notice at Satisfaction guaranteed. I jan 19'-85—vr Agents Wanted! rpo SELL WHEELER A WILSON X Sewing Machines. Good salary and wagon furnished. Experienced agents preferred; bond required. Write or call on T. II. MASON A CO., RiDk Building, Main Street, march 16. Charlestown, W. Va. 4 PPIJSTON’S NEW CYCLOPEDIA A.of American Biography contains a biographical sketch of every person eminent in American civic ana military history. Six volumes, containing WJU pages each: illustrated with ten tine steel portraits and hundreds of smaller vignette portraits and views or birth places, residences, etc. * * Agents wanted. Specimen pages and uricelist sent on application, . D APPLETON A CO., Publishers. Agencv, 437 7th st. N. W., Washing ton, D. C. / march lfl,’38-3m. ^ ,1 ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ —-- ■ Sea Woxdkrs exist in thoua ands of forms, hut are surpass ed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profit able work that eau be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett A Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, fall information, how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upward?, w herever they live. You are started free. Capi tal not required. Some have made over $50 in a single dav at this work. All succeed. febl7,’88. C^t®^fclcr #$BtIstnti 'w w. ^ u 0,1 * 1 -O—rr— • j: • ri{ ; / t'ft i *• •• * .• : ;.i.i' hi io* A Sew Machine, Embracing all the Idlest Improvements. Salesroom in Kink Kuilding, Main St., Noxt Door to L. D Getzendaner’s Hardware Store. t i * 'It I i t,. 1 H ' • 1 I . ■t ♦ ' 1 » • , . , ___a— ■ * CALL l«0 INSPECT MACHINE AND EXAMINE SAMPLES Of ITS WORN TRADE e FOR t OLD e MACHINES t AND t MAKE * EAST » PAYMENTS. The No. 9 is acknowledged by all ils competitors t<» l»e the lH»st machine now in the markot. It is iiosseKses a decided superiority over nil others in point of Ha»«, rapiditv and precision of action, uniformity of tension nml perfection of nc»m,sim plicity and durability, elegance of design, excellence or workmanship, form and ! quality of cabinet work, ami general attractiveness of appearance as a whole. Those who wish a sewing machine embodying all tin* result of inventive skill ami ! constructed to do the l*si ot service for a lifetime, should not fail to examine our WHEELER & WILSON AGENCY, for Berkeley ami .Icllcrsoii, W. Va-. and Clarke ami Krederick. Viu The People s Popular JewelryStore I -|0| ! W. L. JONEs, 11 a “ People's Hat’L Bank Building, J34 QUEEN ST, MARTINSBURG, W. Va. -) O ( Makes a Specialty of FINE JEWELRY, of every description, swell a* Watches, Chains, Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets. Also a beautiful Line of French and American Clocks. Silverware in great variety. ^R^ENGRAVING executed in the most Artistic Man ner. gjjF REPAIRING done in the Best of Style. ^®T“MUTILATEl> COIN BOUGHT. Old Silver Exchanged or Made into New. When you visit MARTINSBURG, I cordially invite you to call. W- X-,. JONES, jan.9,’85—ly.] Martinsburg, West Virginia. JOHN W RUSSELL, SUCCESSOR TO JAM. W. BUTT, Keeps nothing but the best of everything in the line of Stoves A Tinware, _rv —)AND MAKES( — -A. SPECIALTY -) OF C \ ROOFING & SPOUTING] I always use smaller size tin in Roof- i | ing. Why do I u4e it? It takes double; I the work, double the solder and more j tin to the square than larger sheets. Call and see at my place of business. ALL I ASK is that the public will come and see my goods, and I know they will buy; for my stock is complete, my | goods trie best that can lie hail ami my , I prices are as low as I can put them not to lose money. Articles in stock are too va-: rious to lie* enuruerated. but call at my SALESROOMS North Charles St CHARLESTOWN, W. VA., and I promise to please you. Very re* spectfiflly. ' JNO. W. RUSSELL, tr julyii-ly. If our friends will show the Democrat to their neighbors our circulation will double. [ I ain now established In (TIiarlestoMuq, where I intend t arrying on a first-glass Jalualry |tnri, and will keep on hand a line line t4 ev erything pertaining to this trade. WATCHES TX GOLD, SILVER, A KU KRI CI/M’KS of the latest patterns in 80 Hour and 8 l>ny. CAKE BASKETS,BUTTER DISH ES. CASTORS AND A COUNT LESS VARIETY OF SMALL ER OBJECTS BEAUTI FULLY MADE UP IN SILVER : AT ASTON ISHING LOW PRICES. GOLD PENS, PENCILS, SILVER THIMBLES, Ac.. Special attention given to Repairing. Each Repair guaranteed. Kverly yours, Chas. W. Brown. Get 7, 1887—V FOR SALE! 4 Billiarif Mies, 4 I have for sale three BILLIARD TA BLES, in good, which wilt b* disposed of at the following low tigurss 130.(40 and (75 respectively. A No. :1 bargain for any one wanting to invest. Address, F. B. SOUDERS. Charlestown, Jetfrrson Co., YV. Va. uiayJ0,’87-tf.