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HASPESS.FBRRY, VIRGINIA, rEBfiVASY 11, 1826. VOL. 3 NO. 1 PUBLISHER EVF.K1 SATI IUIAT EVENING, BY JOHN S. GALL A HER, At the Office nf the Firginta Free Peers. TERMS.—One dollar and fifty cents per annum, payable quarterly in advance ; or one dollar and twenty-five cents, to be paid at the time of sub scribing-. Payment in advance, from distant sub scribers, who are not known to the publisher, will invariahh be expected. Should payment be defer red to the end of the year, £2 will be required. The postage on all letters and communications must be paid, or it will be charged with the sub scription. THE B?0VEZ«EST, THE LAST OP TH3 MOHICANS. “ They linger yet, Avengers of their native land.”—[Gray. The warning call of the scout was not uttered without occasion. During the occurence of the deadly encounter just related, the roar of the falls was unbroken hv any human sound whatever. It would seem, that interest in the result had kept the natives, on the opposite shores, in breathless sus pense, while the quick evolutions anil swift changes in the positions of the combatants effectually pre vented a lire, that might prove dangerous alike to friend and enemy, lint the moment the struggle was decided, a yell arose, as tierce and savage as wild and revengeful passions could throw into the air. It was followed by the swift Hashes of the ri flts, which sent their leaden messengers across the rock in voilies, as though the ussadunts would pouf out their impotent fury on the insensible scene of the fatal contest. A steady, tho’ deliberate, return was made from I the ritte of Chingachgook, who had maintain 1 If, j post throughout the tray with unmoved resolution. When the triumphant shout of l.'ncas was borne to 1 his cars, tiie gratified father had raised his voice in a single responsive cry, after w inch liis bus-, piece alone proved that he stdl guarded Ins puss wiln un wearied ddigenee. In ttu, manner man v mi mite, 111 w by with the swiftness of thought ; the idles of the 1 assailants speak tig, attunes, in raiding vollics, and 1 at others, m occasional scatteimg shots. I iioug'h I the rock, the trt i -, and the shrub--, w ere cut and i torn ill a bundl ed places around tile besieged, their j Cover was so close, and so rgullv maintained, that, j as yet, David had been the only sufferer in their lit- ! tie hand. I,ct them burn their powder,” suid the delibe rate Scout, while bullet after btd! -t whizzed by the place where he so securely lav ; ‘‘there will be a h'it- fathering ot lead when it is over, and 1 fancy the imps will tire of the sport, afore these old stom s cry out for mercy ! Lucas, hoy, you waste the ker nels by overcharging; and a kicking rifle never carries a true bullet. I told y ou to take that loping miscreant under the line of white paint; mnv, if your bullet went a hair’s breadth, it went two inches above it. 1 he life lies low in a Mingo, and humani ty teaches us to make a quick end of the serpents.” A quiet smile lighted the haughty features of the young Mohican, betraying his knowledge of the Lnglish language, as well as of the other's meaning, out he suffered it to pass away without vindication or reply. “ I cannot permit you to accuse Lucas of want of judgment or ot skill,” said Duncan ; “he saved my etc in the coolest and readiest manner, and he has made a friend who never will require to be remind ed of the debt be owes.” L'ncas partly raised bis body, and offered bis hand to the grasp of Heyward. During’ this act of friend ship, the two young men exchanged looks of intel ligence, which Caused Duncan to forget the charac ter and condition of his wild associates. In the mean while, Hawk-eye, who looked on this burst of youth ful feeling with a cool but kind regard, made the following reply : “ Life is an obligation which friends often owe to each other in the wilderness. 1 dare say l may have served L'ncas some such turn myself before now ; and I very well remember, that he has stood between me and death five different times ; three times from the Mingoes, once in crossing Ilorican, and—” “ 1 hat bullet was better aimed than common !” j exclaimed Duncan, involuntarily shrinking from a shot which struck on the rock at his side with a smart rebound. Hawk-eye laid his hand on the shapeless metal, and shook his head, and he examined it, saving— “ Falfing lead is never flattened ! had it conic from the clouds this might have happened !” Hut the rifle of l ncas was deliberately raised to wards heaven, directing the t y es of his companions to a point, where the mystery was immediately ex plained. A ragged oak grew on the right bank of the river, nearly opposite to their position, which seeking the freedom of the open space, had inclined so far torwaid, that its upper branches overhung the arm of the stream which flowed nearest to its own shore. Among the topmost leave.-, which scantily concealed the knurled and stinted limbs, a daik looking savage was nestled, partly concealed by the trunk ot the tree, and part 1 \ exposed, as though lookingdm\ o upon them, to ascertain toe effect pio ducedtiy Ills treacherous aim. “ I iicse dev,Is nil! scale heaven to circumvent US to our ruin,” said Hawk-eye; “keep hint in ‘ play, noy, mild I can bring ‘kill deer’ to hear, ' wlku we a ill try ms tiietal on each sale of the tree ! at once.” L ocas delay*. d Ins fire until the scout uttered the ' 'vot'd. I he rifles flashed, toe l aws ami bark of the oak,fie" into the air, and wi ie scattered (>\ t:.e " old, but the answered then assault Ov a taunting *a&gli, - ding down upon them another ' 11ulh't in r<. turii, ■ iat sti no g tile t ap ni t i t a k e\ i tiolli Ills nt ait. OnCe ill*II e the s.tV.ig, t i i.s OUVst out of the void-, and tie kulen'luii vvmsiied atiove the leads ot tile bes.i ged, ^,'if to coutnio i them to a place where tint .mgiit be* oie east victims to tile enterprise ot tne warrior who uad I mounted tile tie.-. “ Plus must lie looked to !” said tie scout, glanc ing ..uoiit him with an anxious et c. ‘ I mas, call up y our father ; we nave need of all ■ or Weapons to Liang the cunning varment from tos m, si.” i he signal Was instantly given ; and, before Ha a k-ey e uad re loaded ms rifle, tin . were joined by 1 nii-M ngouk. When Ins sou p-imted out to tne experienced warrior the situation of their dan gerous enemy, the usual exclamatory ” Imgli ” burst tio.n lus lips ; after winch no further expression of or alarm was suikreu to escape from him. :liid the Mohicans conversed eariiesth to gether in Delaware for a few moments, when each (juicily took ins pout in older to execute the [il..n they had specdiU devised. 1 lie warrior in the oak had maintain* d a quick, though ineflectual, tire, from the moment of his discovery, iiul his aim was interrupted bv the vi gilance of his enemies, whose rifles instantaneously bore on any part of his person that was left exposed. Still his bullets tell in the centre of the crouch ing party. The clothes of Heyward,which rendered him peculiarly conspicuous, were repeatedly cut, and once blood was drawn from a slight wound in his arms. At length, emboldened by the long and patient watchfulness of his enemies, the Huron attempted a more fatal aim. The quick eyes of the Mohicans caught the dark line of his lower limbs incautious]) exposed through the thin foliage, a few inches frpm the trunk of the tree. Their rides made a common report, when, sinking on his wounded limb, part of the body of the savage came into view. Swift as thought, Hawk-eye seized the advantage, and dis charged his fatal weapon into the top of the oak.— The leaves were unusually agitated ; the dangerous ride fell from its commanding elevation, and afu r a few moments of vain struggling, the form of the s i vage was seen swinging in the wind, while lie grasp ed a ragged and naked branch of the tree with his hands clenched in desperation. “ (five him, in pity give him, the contents of aim ther ride !” cried Duucan, turning away his etas in horror from the spectacle of a fellow creature in such awful jeopardy. -Vita karnel exclaimed the obdurate IIawk eye ; “ his death is certain, and we have no powdei to spare, for Indian fights, sometimes, last for days ’tis their scalps, or ours—and God, who made us, * has put into our natures the craving after life !” Against this stern and unyielding morality, sup ported, as it was, by such visible policy, there was no appeal. From that moment the tells in the fo rest once more ceased, the fire was suffered to de cline, and all eyes, those of friends, as well as ene mies, became fixed on the hopeless condition of the wretch, who was dangling between heaven and earth. The body yielded to the currents of air, and though no murmur or groan escaped the vie tim, there were instants when he grimly faced his foes, and the anguish of cold despair might be trac ed, through the intervening distance, in pose ssion of ins swarthy lineaments. Three several times the scout raised his piece in mercy, and often prudence getting the better of his intention, it Has again si h nth lowered. At length, one hand of the Huron lost ns hold, and dropped exhausted to his side.— A desperate struggle to recover the branch sue ceeded, and then the savage was seen fora fleeting instant, grasping widely at the empty air. Tic lightning is not quicker than v,as th • flame firt i the rifle of Haw k-eye ; the limbs of the yiciii.i trembled and contracted, the head fell to the boson . and the body parted the foaming waters, like lc e when the element closed above it, in its ceusoh v>, and every vtsi gc < t the unhappy 1 In: w as lost forever. No shout ot trii;n*■>11 sui'ceeded 111.mipt-rta::‘ advantage, b-'t 11. ■ Mohicans gazed at each oil i ;■ in s lout honor. A -ingle j cl! burst from 11 it- u nods, ami all was again still. Ilawkfvc, who alone ap pealed to reason on the occasion, shui k los lieu.:, a' his own nto.i entary weakness, even uttering I. s self-disapprobation aloud. “’T»as the last chiirgo in m\ horn, and the 1 ' buiict in tin pot a, and ’t was tic act i l a hov i " lie said, “ what i ite: i d it win thcr he strn ' t rock living t>t 1 id - i.-cling would soon be .os L ucas, lac!, go be n to t be c.»uoc, and : : b.g up : log horn : it - a non : r we have I- it. and v. shall need it to tin 1 ■ gra n, or 1 am ignorant 11 the- Mingo uatni ’’ 1 lie voting M .idea: i-.stanth coupled, h-asiig the scout turning over the useless contents of Ins pouch, and slinking tiie empty j,orn \v ith renew t .1 d..-cor,lent. from tins'Mi e'en examination, lion vs -r, he was - cut) c.dlcd in a ! m i .aid piercing c\ lainution from t .en, that - ;..,!cd csell to the Unpractised cars of‘Duncan a- tiw s gstul of some new and unexpected calmin'v. i.w:v' thought tilled With apprehension f:.; ' , p;a mis '.! istire he had concealed in tin-, the sotiug in.ui