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S))t CKarliinti. IIASPEJElS-rESRY, VIR6XKXA, MASCIS IS, 2326. VOL. 3. 2JO. O. PI* HI.l-H K I* H MIT .‘•ATi 1. i‘ V V W\ ,10)1 \ S. <» A I.!. A i l! .if, '}: //.': (ijfn't !■: ■ I 'Lrl /'/• • l* ft >*. fT K MS.—< >iv. dullar :tihl fitly r- ntv per annum, t.‘*!• - <:u:»rli riy in a-Aamn ; cr <•!:•* t!<>!);r aiul *\» •. ir. ■ -11\ i ! 1 •. i■. ;U ilio time ».}’ sm!> Vl" • f'.' -.1'. ■/ ill :.ih .’.n- r. ;; i M|:i :*s, w--' i'"’ k . :i to 1! it- publisher, will i’m:0 i\ bt c\n< ru-il. S'.i-'':M na\ ;n- :it be (k f-. r •< ! b> tii. (•'!■! \, ;ir, ' J v. '.!i !>.■ required. 1 in.' ■' '»n all i> to. r- an 1 c.niiiniunications ost be p.n l, or it *.\ .11 be cu.tiprd with ilio sub -• notion. TZ2E5 RBFOSXTOnir. TUB LOVERS’ QUAP.1UT, J ilM'l.t Iti I< 'll un- :l Imn Innity ilni|)|iiii','; al'm'iinon — Tin1 -mat -oiltli \\ ;i- ui:mnui ill”' tliiuii^li th.• latlnm :ini.111”■ tii,’ -Inn-' <if tlm • ultr. ami T11.■ -'dlii'-n 1 i-!i \\ • la -1>• >;■ ii11UT till 111• -\ alnm-l iloii-'tlmm-i-hr- mil <i| tlu'ii' cia-tal •: ii mi-jimt I!ii* I■ ■ illi I'm1 i'\rrv lliim/In la’ -a,ml ■.ml 11 :t niimiimi-.—- Imt Nlal v.a- iiimw hat '• ■\i■ ■ I. ami lli*’ ( In I'1.' mi- an- i \. — 1 in mt- mill'll nli!i;n! t i lini- I .r lia .• 11,ihim. I hn Ih.iii I that Ii- ua- laliiii/ in i' !i.,m iinnv UT' ■ ;:!i|n iic('ii|r.itii>ii-; ami hn u a-, limininnr. . -,i iin-.l h-t hnr ulimr vi-itn- -limilil mint ‘•■'Ini' Dim to ainil-n tlinin. lie 11n• s, I\ ui-hml : i U'K il -lii' ha.I any in hi' iaiiulv fnruhnmil was limn that hr Uinul.l think nl f'.lilin mil; ami win n In- ulitninn.l them. :n would no longer trespass uj>.>:i In r cen.les ;i'i1111. Sibyl !' ant Inr .'him!; i:;i.i• i is.• i- ham!, anil iv/arili'il him patiently Till In- Ini linin'. • My cfiii: m:ti h I - .* she aji.tvi'H sai.i, •;; m • nl' a i uuli'li'iitin! nailin', am! I cannot sin nl, lln'in il' run sit sn lav nil.' As s!ii.' teinlernl her litth iiaml, h r features 1-i'nkn tiirunuh tln-ii' meek n ivmuiiy into a half • nil'-. :iti'l tin iv was an enchantin' ! ! ahmit her v. hi'"h cniil: I nut hn nit •S:ii\l,' In' ( \.!ninn<l. ‘ v. In ha', e v.u taken - lrh pains In t OI'i 11" I: t Ini' .'' ■ Ami win Inna viai sn ill i.ttcml ■! to tin’ in inurtinns u liii.'h I u'.n u \ mi .' ■ III ' 11i'.'ivi'ii am! I at tli .' Ilavi I :mt labour • ll In h ■ |”T ■' l': 1! i! • • till III' la el is <I I'll* 11 tl)| Is \ tun v • ( Mi. yi's ; anil him' ni■ ■ Ini. nv as mil. for il i' any thinlull ii ;ht. lint ill.I I t"II vim tn pursue tin- I unl.ihi work with luitiiiitg anil Irommur, nml .Inuhtinu a ml • 11 ■-j .. tmn, 11II • Was ill an a unity !' si mil ~lmul l (in nl' va ail' r \ i rtmn . a ml leave tin tn mar tin- mllnw 1 ! la- cnvalwl' Matc.l his provocation mlh much i'lui|Ui‘ni:i'. • I >< a r Silivllie continue.!. • ! h n e p -, .] a snOi'. irnt uni. ,1 || I ■ 111\ pnss. -s vnut- I nc. let tin' lien I, Me ini:;.- < ninm. a'tnl -eiul tin h if liariaits ahnu! t!. ,r I'U'.n, s.' ' Or rather h s. j J m|i,.uJ ‘nur nv.U. ll '. II have an\ . tnr \ ■ u ninit s u.p.ise Ij t!ie !a eiiinui v, in.'li \ ■ ni h i v ;r: v> u . t \ ■.■ u pa1 n-nI hi, position i-I!1-, I\ him. *.ti-l \ ,-i \ n,.u!i in vmir :'t\ oui 1 ue'i win U 1 a.■■ 11 Un til tin.' presumption j "I their hopes. ami tfII them that you despise them?' * Ih imiim1 they are m\ latino's friends, and hec a me, w hatew r tin ir hopes m.i\ they will prohahlv watl fur <-iiroura;:«‘iii<an1 !-< tin v atlonl i::«- an opportunity <• 1 pmnw n \ <• ^ inii»u tin :< 11[» ■ii.' ‘Hot Las there been any nrcssitv t.i piw* tlnon so much more of w»ur tin:.-.—>■> many nnur ol your * miles,.— than you haw la-slowed upon i!i*■ ?’ * And is it you who ask mo this question ‘— < > 11: — I - it pos>ih!r to Ilif I* 1)01 attentions to w • low with the satin- indilh nnce whn-h v. r O' • towaids tin* rest ol tin* world?—Would notion;;-, do \ oo think, —no toll tah* countenance. — - no 11 > 11 hrions n1,1i» t t a v I h>- sc,-1 < t which it is our :ntriT‘-t to maintain'? I nkind, to make poor Sih\ l‘> pi idr niiili ^ nioch !' i In- ea \ a In r dn l not know w het Jut In- on -ht to h i I ijOitr com met d. Ho counted the imps upon the tinkers, which ui.Tr. -till locked in his own. t hi er 1 Ones o\ IT, * Nh\ i. h*- at last said. • I cannot hear them t ) triumph o\ it me own in their own. bripht l;,.ncn s 11 you are sincere w it 11 on-, let us anti eipate the d ,w i \, nts oi tinie.— !••! ir -*•«■!< hap |"ne"> l*\* tin readie-t means.— and. !rust me. n it 1 s • j!! i i * • 1111 to obtain e o l:' e o t to <-ur wishes. \ou a re too d« ar t > despa ir ■! pal dun ioi- ha \ mp acted v it hoot it.* * \nd you woohi ha\ <■ m-- dy w ith \ on ? S!.\ 1 '■nraifk Iroin tin- on-a : —!n■ !* pride was no lon^-r 1 11 s > o! i1 • • d 10 sp, •, t * \ oo d» Well.' sic- le-oilnd. i ‘to reproach me with tin- duplieiiv which ! I• a\ e practiced. It is hut ■ wt to suppose that 1 she who lias pone *o tar. v.oi,! i not scnipi.. to I make the love winch 1 *.. hecii law-ded 111»t.;i | lici’ tile |!i;il):V!:i-lit lo!’ h* I' (i iso I h •,{ i c | n’e ; \ the pride w Inch lias \ n ld« d >> mucli, w onld !< ■ | content loin jeii-s u* d as a lu-uti \ e. and to r< torn as a ivc,,;t» at.' * Then. Sil»\ I, '.oil do I.-.! lov «• mr * l ■ :'■! I ‘>1 1 l-'M 1 to J !;.!:* * II *•"'! I'i 11 |(,r*' of ! Ui:i>i. any more than l am in i:n d to Mihmit to j the i*!ia ; .j' <>! deceit/ * M- t!ii»:K^. Ladv Sm Id I.e ::]»!:»•• f_ v./h j > • ‘i^Iiat *»r 1 titt«** \ i»»i \.• r\ m-ilv take l < {:• !!>••• tu ii't”-!it. It < iTlaink i- i>> t!* r to ! {'?.••• ! t .a ?! * i one eu.. .i_■ • ment ! - 1 ‘ * i *. • \n* < i. t»a i i * >. ,n | anoth« :d 1 S:.\ \ \ In. art in at lu^li. hat >!"* did pw! .h. j ■ It Jn |>0";l V 1 i I;«f you 1:1 :t V have mi>t do u | \ :ur ihr on joinnur in to -dcnci:; i*»m* it ■ i ■. n«» don'd. ad\ i'i.l'l' that \our moic «■ i i 11«! • • | I • i '; H U > hull! I ! 1 a \ ; ’ i II * < >} IOo! i u m i f v n!' - i»I •:»!.; ? ■ • . ‘ i Shy’s heart In al hi/dir r. and tin* ba>» : -■'i iha lo 11«• r i I'*11 Ii*.t la ad v.;r- tinned \ ; ! *'•'«* haw sjaid too long'd vlie -aid. with a.n J *•!?•*:*! at ciihi|i'is||iv ■ I tIrani; \ on. 1 oh SihvK* lie replied. n-dii;a | I: !U;ditdv to deji.ii I. * tor ailo.s in^; u.« to coiue | to a li'jlit mi ierstai-din^-. And now—d 11* i an^t r ne \ er had been more than a tla-li. ; - de could harnlv heln vc him nun-, and if j ir !ii‘ Wniiiil mioii n |ir:it. j • Audi now.' >he him, rehijiMnir • to I»er i n » In st look o! rnillen . * ( hddc \\ i! : !a! v:* ■;! ! he .dad ot’hj> piclur« jn A • t *i*4 e< I 'nuly will ohlijiv me I \ r#->(s>rin^ it • \\ h\ do vou not abk Sr 1 il in for it" ‘ I.: * *! \ S:li\l. I mu sri iuii> ; ;i 11«i 1 must ■ f > r< mark that it run he hut mu unworth\ s.»si■ lac lion to retain it lorn boast to \our in w I > \ ci ' ! do not sue that then* i> an\ tinny: 1“ he ao "I i!i it Tin* I.ut is imt a paitieularU hand >oinf one. and as fur him for whom ii is meant. In* 11ms never made a figure in anv historv • \ e« ji’ifijr his own lefteis. 11< r«• is <>ue in m\ iJre-sin^; rase.'—I prav \ou stand stiil now w ini i i ■ • d o\er I lie wondrous exploits whieli you p' l fm nied in voui- last hattlr. for 1 think \ou mild have luuUi (I jijst as you do now. I hep* !> no saying whether his resolution Would have hren Inin -'iiondi 1 » persist m h's dire demand, had not the l.adv Sihv I s all u dant at that moment entered with Sir laihiu - compliments, and it was past the hour w hen she had empaled to ride with him. Child** \\ iliul'*■ heart was armed with a thicker coat of mail than ever, and his lips writhed into a hit!* r slillle. * Do not let me detain von. l.adv Sih\l.' he ^aid ; • perhaps your u.enlhwoman will he on enough to li11d me the pielme ain:)ii^'d van east i t] ornaments.' 'This was rather too much, to he exposed in liei weakest point to the impellinen! surprise of ie r o'r\ ant. 4 * Nay —:i;i\s}ie replied m confusion, ‘ have • ioiie for the present . it you ask me for if l > ii; j!tow, I u ill return it/ ■ ! hall not he here ! > iiioitow. and it is hard 1 y « onipa.tihh* with !/»d\ Sih\l's pride to r« v m pr -seiijs which the donor would r« s'lim I i. r answer was a iiltle indignant, his p* ieiud•*r was a little mop’ provoking, the maid oe, an to l iuuh in In r sle«*\ e,-and Nh\ I li lt hi r srh Imimh; t( d. ll is hut a hot step, in mijditN spir.ts, li"io humili. ti<>n to discord; and >ih\l suon e tiled us the wind- forei* of her dignity, and e i! !: 11 ed t! j • a sm;|e of a 111’ hdl a 'peril V a‘s th I Ink M's. • No!' "ii • • I,;mn il. • ii not amnn<!>L nr, c'.i'-i oil oniaia- lit *. I iiii-l.'n!; ii {*»»!* the Mi;iih t'l.h- of 11 .ii- ;»!» niun, of •ri-inToMU ;m«! !*• • i:*!: !r'‘v ami luivi' wein n when those (jiialitirs f|e->r|\ oil to !i**. t; < .. - in i| ||p ' I h• • pii t'irr \';is pi-o(iu.T(i IVoin its j.n ttv hi'limr |•! »«•*•. ;th*! <• ;i• l - I\ tend* rod to him. \ oil V. iil. perhaps, | i •! i;« luhciV sh< folk! ftal « !. * 1!.::t there wh^ ;i l- I-ow to ihis picture, and 11 i:t1 ill'' oii^inil of it It.i - a - little l lie i i 11«L t ioi) .'is i..j ! i- |»• •. •}>»«• to Im- made :i lo.rnt old • I ml >ui• t<*iPv. I. .*!*. Shvl— it \\a«* rn\ inh u <:•*’! to Pi" f o \ |i'}\ r;isy (Hi that (■••ill!. T!.C iiM!<• j ew *•! w *.s removed cujdlv !> <«n» I. - In- -1. a ml m • me d i ■ i r proa eh him as it parted. f • r ii l'a«l ili'- mine looiii iiloI with w hich *■:11\ 1 -*l lori; v lien ic* \miv pj rp..i i.i ; for tlx war- Ii* \ - it *o lnr. him! ivccp. « .! hi- op u in r* t• ir!i M w\» \ .i warm from it- "'Arrl po-.' : \ . .i!:.' l'. • toiph (.fit tin iiioii !.» in oi - hut ll- \-.; - :- rt:111i• 1 ! 1»:* </11«*;• to art \ ith c !■•:-* r.oy. A !.* o| the floor ho «lmti:: iru» },'•■[ *i *.• i!• i '• and a t• • r•!i;;^ of self ?• p: i -'Vi:;. : ta.'t I'niiii'i; iipt him : I it th. a i.<"Ii ! *- to oil • I.i* p »s ihjl'lv * i !•«■:*• v't i'll..!•< d ov a* h\ such ai» ofonu.l i l ■kh*,aii a vir ! /oa o! the t »uld<n \ II l i ovjpi pc. It i- a rc.:i lo\ <*i's1 ij’iarr*'!. the hp> cliioio^ iiii ! r tin*. dictation of pri h . w Ini** tin- I: .: i .v wn'\ . .i.'vai :!iv v. t- a ;•