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:ut; 1 lb ; it. ... ill ;t ht ut ih f.i j ■ .ii, enli-letl in ;i j • „■. ■; ill <.•'< 1 ;■ ■■•u'Jons. IJ.jtif i its hraitl of'his. liy a foi'tuu . • chance tin- j iUK 1 of t! !■ ;:ion nt was lil- or t: relative | .Hoi IVifio!. < ii:i»!••-> i.i‘! so mucli credit to ! ■tis r. ; ir'.i'iitJ.'.'i'in, lie noon run: to tin: ! £M ■ A ,,f .1 i; ifis I.orjA; I..J ], A 11. A: 11 ■; i \ r. j < • I :* 11 - ■■■• I: ■ IKl-.tror i 'u (' ha otcl .'; i>. n Ilcp- In' j ' itiiol ’ 1 t.i'.nl Alina jo'.uiilnl Uibi .t Mil;; o In' ' !.'■ (_' li ;• v ;i: > I r"> ,p 0- r.isitv . til- I ! ' I • .■;i ;■ iio i - ii i i.::rilo-lii Iks coii-' o'. :in<I I- its \u n :i:t!• i■<I. join'!; io ploni.j; a thou • 'I itii Miij's f. r 11. ir 1 • ti• i .• :• r. ii;I > il 1- i- 1 Imultl which nf lih I!>«)j i,{ >\ \-ih ’ i'U J \ . W .. 1 all i i'Jl tie I s ('''! i:f " .v n t i :iri< . : l! -- tit; . ami, a it- *. •»]■»’; !*. i i I ojji. i Cm 1 »**:*' 1 fi •> i i ‘i, .:i11 r i<!(•*.! , 1, " 'I 1,1 d 1 ski* Prince I!: riry as..! the him., ! ! r k< him s-nm film* w i t! i . > « h.u; an estate in Poland, W h< re. like 1 l■{■‘■la'ji knight, hr lullMii i! a rohm'v inf • • iiii^r.-nls v liu uni' ihnen from their 1 i'rt|j}iv eonntiy. tail in s|»■ f»*. of all tin ami ail lh c • . ■ I alion.s In' ico iv. d ,i Ion i;:n la ml', la it- \ i •• a.‘a^<'(| to -i _ h a.'; r 1‘iia. uh i’«* hr hifi ! tin* early part «.f h; I i 1 * ‘ itl ilia! atmosphre ni pleasure ami of 'h.mily whirl i was m>i to be I" mm I in any other *j»i 1 ai in l air >[(-• I'nitli* r his I'linav. his 1: i mi.*., his 111 v i s (, cherished habit* .all call I him. ’I’h" compliments paid him mi hm pm nn, onlv s. r\«,l to ivinimi him .'film lately ami canti'.a lii);; women who had inspired Ik m; those on 111' novel, ol the d lights of (.'hank of tin aim.thh* due lies -, tie ( Imiseijl. \\ ho siji v ived her ha d. >ml only a few y> tr-,» ami <.!‘ t.:• * t mple of P'lP« l llirs. The storm of (ho resolution liavin-r suhsid* 1. ! many proscribed persons obtained 1 a\e to re turn h> Franco, anionu; these was Ihiniilers. uh » ! ft Poland, traveliin/ homeward thr* u di l»o b'.Hi.i. Havana ami Switzerland. II- wished , t > v lit the beautiful shores of th" lake of tie i wa, where, thirty years a^o, he hid passed a ’ it w hi di lie m-ver recurred (o w it bout anima lion and delight He therefore stopped at sanae, and tearing lest Jus name im/ht expose kiiii fi sour1 disagreeable i .ni- si?,- or sop. r\i si* n.h'' had furnished hmiselt with a pa-s»a if nude! the name of Foiihei-s. a Iheneh p.t’o.t r. lii tin- (Vi.traeier.u iiirn lie nail 11n■ !*• Ilian i.aci' . -sinned liclorc. lie presented 111111-< ii m (lie lii s( !tmi sc of I. insaiiiic. nil'll' la- ". as soon n m i ,<] with all the attcntiiill due tn genuine tulctil. i ni bdlished by " it and great knew huge of tlie world. The rage lor M. Fouhers and i'.ii- las tint! rttiniatoiv portraits was nnivrrs d. A- lie Was anuiiii' tn iditain licantitul siilijci'ts. in- was constantly told that lie might tn paint tin- ( mu less (If l.'int.'i li.trli ; -lie was d"scril>i d In linn as a lady nf French origin. and the \\ id nv id'a I’avarian C'n• ml. wtm at 1,1- dcatli had left her cnnsidiM aide |>iojn-rty, including a magnificent estate situated on till' hank of tie' lake, at a lew mill's distant from Lausanne. She was miiier .sally s|,nken of for her hraulv, her grace. and above all lor the obliging aflahilitv whiih m-a all hearts. How many stimulant' t.i 11 miller's curiosity! Nor «,n it long ntigraiiiied At a II te still'll hy one of tile principal inhal r,nls Oi I.ausanne, the niliiol Countess of I niter bach was present, am! not onlv instiled all his expectations, hut iw.-hauted him !«v that inimit able grace whiidi distinguishes his countrv wo men. !!•» trj.i bjtrodo '•.« ‘o -t. Com wl, , p l i p 1 iifi >U tick vwth tlic sou u; i .■! h agitated 1 >y sonic, emotion uliieh - dissemble.-J iicy entered into c Boufflers expressed tin- most e rm paint 1'roru so line a model. Alter rrllection, the Countess aecepted and it' struck by some sudden (hot i' ty tor i'oubers to u' ’> to her house, time expressing her pleaure at bur a I'; ueii artist. i' voice, and he strove to onv ei '.rl on. •st desire to a inuiiKMit '. the other; iJTul. tixed a at tin* saii*i* ^ pLiintc‘4i by tin; nay appointed, an elegant caleehc t|>.■<| al tin: t!i>or'll his I daisies, .in.I cniivt-v ed linn to tin* ( liatrau de Si. Sulpice, situated nn till- liank of tlm I ike. <11>jjiiit.• tn tin; superb anijilniin aliv traced ny ilm Alps on tin hon/on. - 1 i nilll-Ts aim ml; lie crossed a span ,us outer ' "Hit. passed tlii'oiiu.ii a. handsome hall, ami m t.n ila vast -aluon, in which every thin;;* an ti’ nun’ll opulence anil tin* most evpnsite last*1, (tn one .side ol tin' room hmur a lull |. n;rlh por liatn ol I hr 1) i 11 * 1 j i'r s (],. Clniseul. seated near tin- t'-iiiple nl liiilti iliit s, will, a volume of lloutllci s works in her liaml. The Chevalier enuM not control the emotions which asfitat-d him. anil forced tears from his ■ v. s. "W hat t ec.ollcc 1 ton-! exclaimed he iuvnhintarilv: "tins Countess ile I,:;iiti:rhacli must eertainlv he of the (.Inns.-ol family. I shall like her the'hi ttn ' \\ llllst he file lllli:- ■!)' up to these refill li '; s. a eiiatnberlain e.iine to t il him that In C r nanlij In- ueeupini for a short time, that she kea’iretl .Mr. Fouhcrs f, e.\, In'.', aa ! -ir. i! Inin to ask whether he would he pi. t < . int i In i plantation a la Franeais,' If -iin.-rs * "I tt\f'.l Ins coailu *lor thrini'^li a I • ,; sail i.i a pari 111 nts, all I uni shed with Wood. H i] m ;;;• mt.veiice and \ ariety IF- entered an aw,me "I ‘lilies, ill el at the a. Si In, a in o, J,0 saw, und. r the shade ot sone \ • rx k.ra'e trees, a' htmpie ol’ f. t il/e precisely like the I tile 1 less de CeHiltseill s 1 he temple was tilled with the most hcantilu! I'cilterlhi s ol' twery speed s. and over the doer was ail inscription ta wise which li util-rs had lermeriy written over the entrance lo tl" temple nl ('hauteloop, and even (lie hand ''til ill" was SO exactly his own, that In- -l.r.,1 before it agitated. yet nioti eh with ast' nislinii id. and lh"ii£iit lumseji tea... j; |. d hv mnyie to toe hank ot the I . lire. las sin pi |>e w as in creased, and ins emotion heiu'htene,!, uh -n lie saw ad \ anvil I"' towa-d.s him, a \. • 11 n y yol of tourtemi oi* tii'ti i ii. in tiie dress i f the id! .eis ut 1 m i'.'in. , w hose lee.lares, shape, ,n..! |i, were so precisely those oi the a: i In- remembered w dli so alii ctionalt* an interest, th if 1 til eia'.i it was she Iiersi li. who stood before him. and whose deep tioh voice lied his ear. >■ i our S, r i ant. Monsieur de li .idlleis. ' s....| st,,. with a ixr ieeliil curtesy. ;,nd pr-< -entii him a li'lle eau/e net: "what do \ .1 i think of n.v butler lilt-'.’—you ;tr. such ;i tine ju.i-v." .'.hat :>re you, anyl, \ 11>11—<• n>■ ii;■ i, 11 e--‘ "\'hit!i!.i you not irmi-tnbi-r Alina. tin' «!;i<t,• 1 • t> r <-1 the I .rester ol Amlujoc, u In . tt-i 11 so of ten to fit ir.,r you Imtl.-rilifs.’" “Do I'dream!" s.iitl l> , rub him; In- ryes, anil t ikmc tl*c sweet airl - lein.l. hr y>t■t-s.-i•• 1 it to his 111-,.it. aiol flu'll to hi " A linn, lo\ i I y Mill"! — It coin not ho von " I i ow! Ii cannot In- I —\\ r:o then won the oriz ■ for the fi!>u't,-i —\\ ho ri-ecivt il from the ho mi ol' tin I Inch ess. ;t prize of twrnl\ iivi- |< nii-, mol Iroiu von this uolili't) cross. wlin-li I protois (•il to wear as long as I li-. c, anil which I have never parted with lor an instant;’' --| tin in deed 1-i'un'tiihrr Ih it no--it is the vet v our! Niwi-r '■ is illusion so peiiri-t—never u,.s man so l.ewil ItTi-tl Divine creature; oh! tuki pitv on th-- mliision into which vou haw- thrown in-. ' out' | loanee betrays yon. No, you are [ a ini-rt: country gill. T. H me then, to u h >u. * :'n ind* d ' *i the ii; M dilirioiis (‘motion i i ‘ *''■!' !‘*it in iisy •!•(■.'— \\ hence do you come 1 j ii ) ore you.1’ “She is my d.m^lih p,“ criee 'f(■ ■ t ointi-ss do Ijiiuterltoch. suddenly st'oipjny * rein tie- (•■ nc>;i!nieiit ui' ;i thick, t. ;Ind thro-,'. : : ■ : Ii i - ■!; into the turns n| lloufilers. “Mt i ‘ 1 ■ »r— k;:‘. i :iuii’'.r * ! my 11::j>pir;< -- r‘i i- } ::*•»•»<] iun'-—bi-li-.h] lin- tiu<- A!i:i;. j in'- v'. i: • i. i u in >w oj C 1 <.• i !<•> \ - rut r, u }kjs* I v > !•; !, liltT bi’fiin \.ivi \ onr f-ir.n In ii, Lucut stroiiii*- .1 ruii;,l inim-’’ ; " 1 h*w. i.ii*; re you ti t th it mj>|.* \ j i — \ • s. \ t s. tii. r« ai •• those h;: e deep-1,1 ue. I i'\ I-tils’ i i- that tA|l|w,ivo lll.jutil-there ria-i.Muti;;- Moil I «* f >1.! I almost hehew* 1 can sec the tram s ul tin* k i*.-, -.» innocently i * c»-i\. }. (. >, tl a,ml heauMul ; you were, von had a i 1st to hi come whit v-m: noware, lent t?-!l me, huw happened it that for once, foi l an** was not blind/—ha\e 1 h kindness to :111Iv niv euiiusiiv. he co;.-'i-I. . I uith tie* all* ction my «!f •r Alina alv.i's i.. h»r list*. —**I.;st»'ii then," ia■ j• n;• tJ tie ( ouni ! w ith e miming delight. j “h ha:l< s. in whom yon took such a ; -m | interest, 1 * \ in;;' distinguished him-el I hv reps a: j ed actso! hra\ e. \ ,oht : uo (1 a cnmniissjoii shm • !y ;•('« r our marriage The war, which broke - t }• two mi i\ ace*- : »;•! ( h-niiauv, calh* ! him iu the !-'•*■!, .:i; ! I (.,]! »w eij him. I le afterwards to the rank el v ■!'■ iid nl* Cavalry, wle n Ik tie* hfe of the ( •ami tie Lauh rhach. eoionieicier oi a Ha\an:.n division. on the liehi ( 1 h tile, hut in this act he reechos! a limit.•! woti!,,!, and wi'h his 1st hr« ath i ecemmtndeu fii-- wife am! chiM, then an infant, to the (den* ; eials care, (’mint ) ,autcrhac.h thou-ht that j r'1 il!* u;‘> could lie so i tl'ee.’ua’ly prove hif : gratitude t ». Lis preserver, as hv hecoinini*; lie. husband ol Jim widow and the father of hi? i child. Alter a few \ ears of a happy union, In j 'h.e.i oj the ii-UMTuim w omuls lie had received j l* 1 :ar«re fortune, ami a revs.*red me | 1; ty At that time. ' added the fount* ss. *v j km vv t.h rt \ i/11 had hern compelled to s»uit | h ranee and to take r« fu*re in Ihussi i ; l ! Ii ru ! means untried iu disca ver your place of n s/ • deuce, hut your : li.nn-i* ol name, \ >ur travel ! I'11- :t- ‘ 1' rt nch pao.ter, as you have so oft1 i ntM.e. always pre\ente;i my accompli-bin;: tin ' ,! ,vt niaant desire of my heart, Jud^e w L. ' j 'vas iii\ emotion on meeting you the other dav j hnu anne. | u -h nfly determined to prove, ; t » you ;n s.'!. ■;:< »• at 1< :-t. my i ‘V and g;ra j film!.--; and t; ki. a*!\ud: :*•• < C n.v daughter"* | siiCe, ami oi herj*:rfet p-seinhlanee to Alina, | w }| owed 1 > V'mI tie- !• ml <1 ( barb s \ « Pocr j ami all tu>i -he has suhsetjiieoilv possessed o: enj \a t!, 1 mad'* use oi yotiv own colour*.; 1 • C pe i the most I* :U dul scene i f your s{..| ^ : " hu ll 1 have r. ad so olP-n — in dent 1 t/ i ti to ! bewitch you w ith y< nr n*e n enchantments.' " Ah! e\e 1 anfi**d !’• 'idle.*t ; the mo j timr and daughter to hi- h_. art. ne\- ; -], ij \ j ’ this ! I ^ ni >; i - «;. l,e. • y; i; i.-, true, dial J the meiiany of id. \n mde.structihh* in I w '•in a. ami 1 - e the little i£ood one m v ! he ah’, do t<. tlm simplest \dl ure ail I may 1m - • < m a capital which u'ratifudu will repay with I interest.” T. ; __ omniss. j From h work oniith-ri tin- •• Omens,’’ rcrentlv : is>i|.-il IVoin the press of K.linloirjr. Ilv follow • i11o; e\fr:iet i> It-ken, in support of <]<' theory i f prt*w:iminjrs. It is luviiu til, bu1 no" ) vvithoi't lin-■ in;